Perma notes

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Perma notes

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Jan and Len outside the garage. Extreme left is window sill on which greenhouse will stand adjacent.

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Little horse at the CSA near Bowden

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Jocelyn and Willow

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That horse again!

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John coming up from U-Pick area at Corn Maze farm near Bowden, same site as CSA

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Some other young guys coming up from the lower fields, looking west, Rockies over there.

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The halcyon rural life again.

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Water catchment container at community garden in Olds. That morning some of us placed and screwed together the wooden beams for a base for the tank, under Barb’s leadership. Mel joked her satisficing design style as “PCD,” pretty crappy design, however in the end we got it done in the time allotted and you could really ask for anything more functional.

They are harvesting the water from this very large roof. The community garden is a partnership between the town and Old’s College. Barb is the consultant and prime mover.

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Leaving the community garden site, task accomplished. It was important to bring the drill back to the classroom site as it was needed for the greenhouse project.

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Jan or Lindsie? I think this is an Olds College campus building in the background, and community members’ plot in the foreground in various degrees of care, design and cultivation.

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Some tools and materials used on the chicken “tractor,” a moveable protective framework for these truly free-range chickens that Barb and Hendrick keep for eggs.

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Lindsie, Ron and Sol (standing) working on the chicken tractor.

Jan observes.

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Mel watches the chicken tractor construction while Robert approaches.

Barb and Hendrick’s house in the background.

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I added the yellow box because Willow looks like a Renaissance cherub.


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Robert stands rapt while Lindsie paints, Hendrick in the background.

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Sol invents the wheel.

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Learning may have occurred when we regain our balance after not being balanced.

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Ron working on the tractor door while Mel and David observe.

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The aquaculture nursery near Sundre. Biologist hippie owner Heinjo shares his passion for water plants.

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Heinjo relating his and his partner’s homesteading efforts on this land. Regina and Robert front and centre listening.

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Outdoor talk, July afternoon, summer holiday

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A fuzzy plant that looks like Enlightenment period headpieces.

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The hugeness of the tiny…

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A bug’s butt and the intricate stamen structure…

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This but is a pollinator too, but being wingless will not be getting around very much compared to our honeybee benefactors.

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Lindsie’s pregnant belly, and the tilted work of learning and the pool of water lilies covered by hail cloth, and a foot speaking to the mountain of people listening.

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David prepares to see through his camera, Sol holding his hat, they are outside the tent wherein the water plants are covered from hail.

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Lilly, 1

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Lilly, 2

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Lilly, 3

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Lilly, 4

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Geometry all over again…

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David’s gonna buy something that will stack functions. What though?