Period of spiritual instruction realms of the prophetic

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© 2014 James Willis Ministries


Period of Spiritual Instruction

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

This PSI will Cover…

What is prophecy?How does it work?Who can prophesy?Why should we prophesy?When can we prophesy?Where should prophesy be used?Discerning God’s timingDelivering God’s messagePractical Application

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

What Is Prophecy?

The simplest definition of prophecy is God communicating his heart, mind, will, thought,

or intentions toward mankind.

To prophesy is to communicate God’s will to others either through personal prophecy, prophetic acts, or through a rhema word.

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Who Can Prophesy?

Believers in Christ who are led by the Holy Spirit may be used to prophesy.

Scriptural Reference:1 Corinthians 14:23-261 Corinthians 14:29-33

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Why Should We Prophecy?

Believers should prophesy because prophecy builds the church body. No other single

spiritual gift has the ability to edify the body of Christ like prophecy.

Scriptural Reference:1 Corinthians 14:2-5

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

What Is the Purpose of Prophecy?

According to 1 Corinthians 14 the gift of prophecy is to edify, comfort, and exhort.

Prophecy is one of the key ways that God desires to communicate to his people.

(Numbers 11:29)

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Forth telling Foretelling

Proclaim God’s Word

Communicating What Has Already Been Revealed Previously

Predicting future events.

Revelatory GiftsWord of Wisdom

Discerning the Difference

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Preaching Prophesying

Prepared & PlannedMeans to Proclaim,

Cry, Announce, or Tell

SpontaneousMeans to Bubble

Forth. To Flow Forth, to Cause to Fall Like Rain

What’s the Difference?

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

How Does Prophecy Work?

The Holy Spirit will give an unction to prophesy. As believer’s yield their will and vessels unto the Lord an anointing or empowerment will be present to prophesy.

Although the Holy Spirit gives the ability it is still up to the believer to speak forth the words that are coming up within their spirit. Prophesy is more caught than it is taught. Being in the right environment will often awaken this and other gifts and graces from the Lord.

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Seven Ways to Judge Prophecy

1. By their fruits you shall know them.(Matthew 7:16-18,20) 2. Does it glorify Christ? (John 16:14; I Corinthians 12:3; I John

4:1-2) 3. Does it agree with the Scriptures? (Isaiah 8:20) 4. Are their prophecies fulfilled? (Deuteronomy 18:22) Some

prophecies are not of God even though they may come to pass. The benchmark remains that all prophecies should exalt the Lord Jesus.

5. Is the prophecy disjointed or confused? True prophecy is line upon line and precept upon precept. (Isaiah 28:13)

6. Do the prophecies produce liberty or bondage? (Romans 8:15) 7. All believers have an unction (anointing) within them that tells

them when something is wrong. Prophecies should witness with our spirit. (I John 2:20,27)

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Five Benefits of Prophecy

1. It brings life. Prophecy brought life to the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37:1-4).

2. It gives spiritual vision. The Bible says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish.' The Lord gives vision through the prophetic word (Proverbs 29:13,18).

3. It edifies, exhorts, and comforts (I Corinthians 14:3).

4. It brings revival and restoration. True prophecy brings restoration and revival (Acts 2:16-18).

5. It guides you to your right position in Christ. Prophecy is used by God to direct you where you need to go (Acts 13:1-3)

© 2014 James Willis Ministries


The Word in Written Form

Cannot be ChangedIs forever settled in

HeavenThe Canon of

Scripture the Holy Bible

The Word in Spoken Form

Can be ChangedWill be Challenged

on the earthCan be a Word from

the Word

The Word

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Prophetic Acts

There are times that the Holy Spirit will lead those who prophesy to perform a prophetic act to illustrate the prophetic word of the Lord. These acts serve as a witness to the Word.

Scriptural References Include:Moses & Joshua removing shoes (Ex 3 & Josh

5)Ezekiel’s acting out the siege of Israel (Eze 5)Agabus and Paul’s girdle (Acts 21)

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

The Ten M’s of Prophetic Ministry

Manhood - Are they the man or woman that God intends for them to be in Him?

Ministry - Do they exhibit the mature fruit of a loving, grace-filled ministry?

Message - Do they speak the truth in love, in a balanced, scriptural manner?

Maturity - Do they display a right attitude and heavenly wisdom in every relationship?

Marriage - Is their life biblically in order, with the right priorities (God first, spouse and family second, and then ministry)?

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

The Ten M’s of Prophetic Ministry

Methods - Are they righteous, ethical, honest, and full of integrity, or are they manipulative or deceptive?

Manners - Are they unselfish, polite, kind, and discreet? Are they a gentleman or a lady?

Money - Do they have a love of money, or the proper perspective of stewardship in their finances?

Morality - Are they virtuous and sexually pure? Do they display the right attitudes, thoughts, and actions in all situations?

Motive - Is their motive to be seen or to serve?

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Conditional Unconditional

In order for prophecy to come to pass certain conditions must be met, namely obedience to the Word.

Personal prophecy is almost entirely conditional.

Unconditional prophesy will come to pass simply because God himself will perform it.

The unilateral covenant to Abraham’s in Genesis 15 is an example

Discerning the Difference

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Ears To Hear

Man is a spiritual being, possessing a soul, and living in a body. ( 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Hebrews 4:12)

Man has spiritual senses. (Hebrews 5:12)

Those spiritual senses include spiritual ears, eyes, tongue and a discerning heart.

Having our spiritual ears open to hear God’s voice is absolutely paramount to being used prophetically.

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Tongue of the Learned

Whenever God anoints his Word in our mouths it is just like God speaking it out of his mouth. (Mark 11:22-24)

Sons of God are to be the voice of the Lord in the earth. (Hebrews 1:1-3)

The tongue of the learned is the prophetic gifting of the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom to minister effectively. (Isaiah 50:4)

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Spiritual Eyes

The invisible realm cannot be contacted with physical senses. (1 Corinthians 2:14)

The Holy Spirit through discerning of Spirits can anoint believers to see or hear in the spiritual realm. (1 Corinthians 12:10)

Spiritual eyes can be opened through the prayer of faith (2 Kings 6:17, Numbers 24:3)

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Discerning God’s Timing

Just because you may prophesy on Monday doesn’t necessarily mean you will see the manifestation on Tuesday. It took over 4,000 years before the first Messianic prophesy was manifested in the earth.

Scriptural Reference: Genesis 3:15

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Delivering God’s Message

All spiritual gifts work by faith. (Romans 12:6)

Faith works by love. (Galatians 5:6)

Our motive for wanting to be used is because we love God and want to serve others. (Mark 10:44)

Always prophecy in love. (1 Corinthians 13:8)

© 2014 James Willis Ministries

Despise Not Prophesy

Sometimes people miss it or there is an element of “flesh or carnality” when a prophesy is being given.

We are to hold that which is good and to judge the words that are being given and necessarily the person who is given them.

Remember it is possible for a “false prophet” to give a true prophesy, the case of Balaam is an example

© 2014 James Willis Ministries
