Perfectly Powdered Rooms, April 2010

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  • 7/30/2019 Perfectly Powdered Rooms, April 2010


    86 April 2010

    p e r f e c t l y

    Powdered RoomsBy Jennifer Shapira


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    www.NortherNVirgiNiAMAg.coM 87

    The small space

    most seen by guests

    can make some

    very powerful

    design statements

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    88 April 2010

    Just the phrase alone evokes

    bygone days of glamour. Gos-

    siping women with Marcel

    waves may no longer be gath-

    ering in plush lavatories un-

    der the guise of touching up

    their makeup. Still, the time-

    less image of twisting a tubeof red lipstick before a well-

    lit mirror persists.

    The origin of the term pow-

    der room has a meandering

    history, says Bridget May,

    professor of interior design

    at Marymount University.

    Centuries ago, ships were

    equipped with rooms wheregunpowder was stored. Lat-

    er, in the 18th century, peo-

    ple used closets to have their

    wigs powdered. But powder-

    ing your nose likely emerged

    as a polite excusal. Someone

    said it, and it probably just

    stuck, May speculates.

    Powderingyour nose.

    Archer petite vanity with Archer 24pedestal lavatory basin from Kohler


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    Today, the traditional rst-oor

    hal-bath with a sink and toilet is

    making a strong statement.

    Guest bathrooms were once

    cookie-cutter white boxes, their

    uses utilitarian and void o person-

    ality. Now, experts say, they are tak-

    ing on new identities.

    Destination: BathroomOnce-overlooked powder rooms

    are becoming destinations. Its a

    room thats created or company,

    says interior designer June Shea.The powder room is truly the room

    thats created or your guests. Its

    the one room in the house where

    you have a captive audience.

    Thereore, they must be inter-

    esting and have lasting impact. Be-

    cause powder rooms are general-

    ly a tiny 35 square eet, theres an

    opportunity to think outside that

    white box and push yoursel out

    o your comort zone, she says.

    For a modern vibe, consider sleek

    xtures. Are your tastes more tradi-

    tional? Select elegant, ornate items.

    You can change the rooms entire

    favor with just a ew key pieces,

    says Shea.

    Case in point, a McLean hom-

    eowner wanted to showcase a dec-

    orative chandelier. Shea used that

    as her inspiration, constructing a

    graceul retreat. She chose a silvery,

    textured wallpaper by Wineld De-

    sign that meets clean white bead

    board. A petite mirrored cabinetholdsand hidesbathroom es-

    sentials, rom toilet paper to clean-

    ing products. Two mirrors enlarge

    the space, one above the pedestal

    sink or primping, and a circular

    one that expresses a bit o whimsy.

    Crown molding tops of the space.

    Tiny touches like resh-cut ow-

    ers and sheens and textures reso-

    nate with guests. The space is pleas-

    ant, a conversation starter.

    Designed by June Shea (above); Garden Bandana in Red fromKohler; furniture style vanity from Reico


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    90 April 2010

    Looking toredo yourpowder room?Consider this list of

    helpful websites:

    Kohler - K.m

    Lowes - ls.m

    Reico - ..


    Northern Virginia

    Kitchen and Bath -


    The Kitchen Guild -


    Washington Design

    Center - .


    You want someone to say Wow!

    when they use it, says Shea. When

    people walk into that powder room,

    its such a surprise. They just go,

    Oh, my gosh, its so lovely!

    Bang for Your BuckPowder rooms deserve special con-

    sideration, says Jay Ratclie, store

    manager at Lowes in Alexandria.

    Ratclife has noticed an interest

    in sprucing up these

    spaces, but adds

    that improvements

    can be made at rel-

    atively low cost.

    You can get more

    bang or your buck,

    he says, because

    theres no need tocompromise.

    Whether the

    room contains in-

    teresting pops o

    color, swirls o de-

    signer wallpaper or

    a sculptural basin,

    because the square

    ootage is so low,

    selecting pricier

    materials is a via-

    ble option.

    Its the room with the most vis-

    ibility. I you think about where any

    guest is going to come into your

    home, its usually when youre en-

    tertaining. Your kitchen and your

    powder room are the two most vis-

    ible areas.

    Its not that expensive to go in

    and replace the oor or put a quick

    coat o paint on the walls, he says.

    The most striking change will be

    the xtures. Adding a new pedes-

    tal sink or vessel basin on a urni-

    ture-grade vanity creates an amaz-

    ing amount o character without a

    whole lot o expense, he says.

    Lovely Lavatories

    These diminutive spaces play an im-portant role, but they are also meant

    to be charming, says Diana Schrage,

    senior interior designer at Wiscon-

    sin-based Kohler Co. In recent years,

    as master baths have tripled in size

    and become true oases to relieve us

    o a tough workday, powder rooms

    have remained true to their dimen-

    sions and unctionality.

    Their need was so clearly iden-

    tied as a secondary bathroom in

    a high-trafc part o the home, she

    says. They are accessible to guests,

    kids, and serve a purpose or the

    aging population.

    Its like creating the perect

    environment. Once youve got it,

    youve got it. And it lasts becauseit makes sense, she says. So, why

    not have some un?

    Start with the mindset that the

    sink and the toilet do not need to

    match. The days o white-on-white

    porcelain are over. Today, its all

    about mixing materials and textures

    to achieve a sophisticated look.

    As urniture-style vanities be-

    come more mainstream in todays

    powder rooms, colorul, tactile un-

    Wallpapers from Farrow & Ball



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    der-mount basins and vessel bowls

    work in concert to set a dramatic

    tone. Whether brass, glass, stone

    or stainless steel, the experience o

    washing your hands can prove to be

    almost otherworldly.

    These vessels sit atop equally

    beautiul vanities. While people to-

    day are seeking out darker woods

    and nishes, these urniture-style

    pieces can be just as eye-catching as

    the wash basins, says Bethanny Fox,

    a designer at Reico in Falls Church.

    And they ulll a need, too. They

    provide ample storage, rom thick

    stacks o hand towels to oversize

    bottles o soap rells.

    Those with curved ronts might

    resemble an antique store nd. An

    artully chipped piece might lookrustic. Sleek lines say modern.

    Schrage says homeowners are

    much more daring today. For exam-

    ple, theyre going or illusion, choos-

    ing aucets that create a more dy-

    namic water ow. Perhaps it pours

    rom a stainless steel aucet thats

    ush with the wall above the basin,

    or a brushed nickel spout where wa-

    ter decants rom the mirror.

    Its all about tangible art, says

    Schrage. Youll see people immedi-

    ately want to touch and interact with

    these products, and I think thats

    lgng nsd powdr rooms as gon

    mu mor nrsng, says nror d-

    sgnr ezab Apr. Drama g fx-

    urs su as andrs or pndans ar

    bomn mu mor romnn oday.

    No ony do y pqu urosy, y an

    aso as spogs on a paruar p

    you mg wan o sowas, says Apr,

    su as a bauu ann, an anqu

    jy bx, vn a vas s.

    inror dsgnr Brook Suar om-

    s a owdr room, nudn r

    n, snau: iv aays u

    a abv ,

    s says. i on av on as a ngg

    and u n a dmm. o yu nd

    ad, s jus .

    Suar onsdrs s addd ou,

    usuay a sma son o som knd, knd

    unky and un and amn.

    Bor, n was an arou,

    says Ka Bay, sor managr a Frgu-

    sons cany sowroom. Now, s says,

    pop ar akng m o oordna

    fxurs w m o wa yr do-

    n, a as ma ns and sy

    aus abn knbs.

    lookn o add mor arar? An-

    or ouar ook s a ar o sons

    n sd a m.

    gon ar days o hoywood

    gob gng, says Bay. howvr, you

    avn ad m, n y. ta

    jus mans you avn gon o a par

    o your om rnovaon y. tyr s

    y unna.

    ty jus won rovd so ow

    or drama a or, mor ars orbs

    w. i nk n s a n way o add

    som zzazz, says Jun Sa. evn

    yu ad a vy bas dsa and a vy

    bas o, you addd som ray n-

    rsn ar ass nx o mrror or

    rom ng, you an ang nr

    k sa.

    Light Fantastic


    Kathryn 42 enameled lavastoneconsole table with bright walls

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    92 April 2010

    whats really exciting, the acceptance

    o these statement pieces.

    Bold Use of ColorBecause a homes powder room is

    used more gently, it can be abu-

    lous, says interior designer Barba-

    ra Hawthorn. These are spaces that

    lend themselves to a special sort o

    hospitality; everything about them

    should be inviting. And because

    they are small, they can be over-

    the-top wonderul, with the use o

    high-end pieces.

    Hawthorn created such an en-

    vironment with an overhaul o a

    Fairax Station space. Atop the

    custom-made cherry vanity sits a

    hand-painted sink. Twin sconces

    on either side o the beveled gold-lea mirror provide accent light.

    The walls are painted look-at-me

    Rectory Red rom Farrow & Ball.

    The ceiling and trim are nished in

    Benjamin Moores Floral White.

    In these tight spaces, experts

    say theres a real opportunity to go

    bold, especially when it comes to

    paint color or wallpaper.

    I rmly believe, even i you have

    a small powder room, paint it dark

    and deep and yummy! says interi-

    or designer Brooke Steuart. What

    is that old theory, the smaller the

    room the lighter the color? I just

    How are homeowners using paint color

    to perk up powder rooms?

    powdr rooms ar a ra a o add

    rsonay o a sa. For os wo

    wan oor bu don wan o omm o

    a, m vd-n ms n m;

    s s r a o sar. ts

    spas ypay do no g a o o naura

    g. embra darknss o spa

    by usn a bod oor o ra a ray

    dama, nma .

    The powder room is a space that guests

    always visit. Why is it important to cre-

    ate a tone in these spaces? And how do

    you do that?

    consdr usn ony on oor n

    makn n n mn-

    mz any sarp ns o onras bwn

    was and n oor, makn you ss

    aa n bns

    and wa nds. ts ps o mak

    m b.

    Aso, don or abou nsd o

    abns svn uns. t s n-

    n m xn an an n

    abn and fndn a abuous oor, or

    bauu and aa.

    How can color infuence the tone o a

    small room?

    Fabrs, urnsns and assors

    an o nan ook, bu oor

    soud b sarn on. consdr

    ndun xu and sn as as

    oor o ra a ook. conrary o popuar

    b, arns an work wondruy n

    sma sas.

    Q&A with Sara Cole


    Director, Farrow & BallManufacturers of Traditional Papers and Paint

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    June SheaPresident Shea Studio Interiors

    Shea Studio Interiors, Inc

    7721 Fun rd., Su A-2, Snd;

    703-891-1570; .sasud.m

    i your ookng o rdo your powdr room,

    says Jun Sa, oow s sps o r-a a mn nvnmn:

    1.Start with a theme, an nsan . And

    us a as a jumn-f n. i s a

    a, a knd vb ds a a v

    yu? lk ms a n a m.

    2.Continue the theme rou your sdmns: vany, snk, au, mrror, a-

    ssors, good gngvn o-papr


    3. Talk to someone. Your os soud b

    usy. ty n ak yus u das. And

    you nd a b o xra onfdn,

    ak o an nror dsgnr, and g som npu

    m m/.

    Brooke SteuartInterior designer

    Brooke Steuart Interiors, LLC

    301-980-3920; bksua.m

    1.Dont be afraid to use color: i frmy bv,

    vn yu av a sma d m, an

    dak and d and yummy!

    2. Make the powder room eel special. Add

    pry mns k a bauu prum bo.

    is r or your uss o us, or vn jus

    k a.

    3. Provide stacks of folded, vvy-s and

    ows n a oordnang oor. consdr mxng

    m u n days aund.

    do not believe in that theory one

    iota! The smaller room, the dark-

    er the color! It makes it more inti-

    mate and it kind o embraces you.

    It eels cozy.

    Too daring? Steuart begins withthe basics, asking: Whats your a-

    vorite color? Its not going to be

    white! she says. It might be yel-

    low. But mostly theyre going to say

    red, green, cobalt blue. I say, Why

    dont we paint this room your a-

    vorite color!

    A Newfound IdentityAs these once-lackluster rooms

    begin to experience a newound

    identity, May says that could be an

    example o the progression o com-

    pleted home renovations.

    Weve kind o gone through this

    phase o designing the kitchen and

    the bathroom, and I think this is anatural outgrowth o ocusing in on

    these more utilitarian spaces, along

    with the rest o the other spaces in

    the home. Once youve done the

    kitchen, the [powder room] is the

    last piece, she says. We hear over

    and over that kitchens and baths

    sell homes.

    As blank canvases, they should

    oster creativity, says Steuart. Ater

    updating the xtures, use the walls

    to exhibit mementos. Consider ar-

    ranging amily photographs like

    those in a gallery. Showcase trav-

    el artiacts. Think o such pieces as

    jewelry, and dress up these spaces.

    The powder room should be a

    showpiece that is special and re-

    fective o your personality. Ater

    all, its very easy to have medio-

    cre, says Shea. It takes guts to

    have great.

    Ballard Vanity and Mirror; Iron/Impressions

    Intergrated Top and Bowl (left); Vapour Pink-DolceVita Lavatory with Antique Lavatory Faucet; Bar-bara Hawthorns Fairfax Station powder room.

