Pentaho BootCamp : Using the Pentaho Reporting Tools

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Pentaho BootCamp : Using the Pentaho Reporting Tools

Pentaho BootCamp

Using the Pentaho Reporting Tools



On The Field

● 75 to 80 % , use for Report● 15 to 20%, use for analytical tools for OLAP● 0 to 5% work with data mining tools● 0 to 5% using dashboard but it's changing up


Reporting Architecture

Web-Based ReportingWeb Ad Hoc Query and Reporting Client (WAQR)

Practical Uses of WAQR

● Export Data● Quickstart Report


We can change the report template in the following folders : pentaho-solutions/system/waqr/templates

More Info :

Pentaho Report Designer

● There are two type of report writers :● Banded (divide a report in one or more groups of

data where report elements can be placed) → PRD ● Flow oriented (allow for a more free-format

placement of elements on a page)


A PRD report is stored as a .prpt bundle file. This bundle contains a collectionof XML files that define the report. The layout.xml file contains all thelayout information, whereas the *-ds.xml files contain the query definitions.Beware that when a plain JDBC connection is used, passwords are stored asplain text. It’s better to use JNDI connections and let the server handle thesecurity definitions.

The PRD Screen

Two ways of building a new report :

• The New option (or Blank Report in the Welcome screen) creates a new, empty report for you.• The Report Wizard takes you through the four steps needed to create a complete report.

Report Structure

Page Header

Page Footer

Report Header

Report Footer

Group Header

Group Footer

Details Body

No Data

WatermarkReport Elements

Report Elements

No Element Description

1 label Most basic element for adding static text and column labelsto a report. Contains a labels-for Wizard to easily createcolumn headers.

2 text-field Displays text values from a data set.

3 number-field Displays numeric values from a data set. Contains formatattributes specific to numeric fields.

4 date-field Displays date values from a data set. Contains formatattributes specific to date fields.

5 message-field

Most advanced dynamic data field. Can contain combinedtext, field references and functions in a single cell and allowsfor formatting the data at the same time. For example:Customer: $(firstname) $(lastname) membersince: $(date_registered,date,MM/dd/yyyy)

6 resource-label

Based on a resource file, PRD can translate label texts inother languages.

7 resource-field Based on a resource file, PRD can translate field content inother languages.

Report Elements

No Element Description

8 content-field Displays image fields from a data set.

9 image Displays an image from both a local resource or a URL.

10 ellipseInserts an ellipse.

11 rectangle Inserts a rectangle.

12 horizontal-line

Inserts a horizontal line.

13 vertical-line Inserts a vertical line.

14 survey-scale A mini-chart displaying survey results in a scale from 1 to 5.(This is configurable. The actual range is defined viaattributes.)

Report Elements

No Element Description

15 chart Inserts a chart, which can be edited by the Chart editor.

16 simple-barcodes Translates the field content in a barcode that can be read bydigital readers.

17 bar-sparklineA mini bar chart to be used inline.

18 line-sparkline A mini line chart to be used inline.

20 pie-sparkline A mini pie chart to be used inline. This field type can also beused to create traffic light indicators in a managementsummary.

21 band Can be used to group and format different elements.

22 externalelement-fieldCan be used to load external sub-reports from an URL orpath.

Creating Data Sets● The are three way to create data source :

● Using the Add Data Source option from the Data menu option

● Right-clicking the DataSets icon in the Data tab on the right of the screen

● Click on the database icon in the Data tab directly

Creating SQL Queries Using JDBC

● Data → Add Data Source → JDBC

SQL Query Designer

Click this pencil icon to open SQL Query Designer

JDBC Query Results

Creating Metadata Queries

Example Data Set

Adding and Using Parameters

Layout and Formatting


Alternate Row Colors: Row Banding


Grouping and Summarizing Data



● Pentaho Solutions: Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing with Pentaho and MySQL; Roland Bouman, Jos Van Dongen, Wiley

Q & A