Penn and Tylers Green 50th Village Show...Penn and Tylers Green 50th Village Show Saturday 22nd June...

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Transcript of Penn and Tylers Green 50th Village Show...Penn and Tylers Green 50th Village Show Saturday 22nd June...

Penn and Tylers Green 50th Village Show

Saturday 22nd June 2019Tylers Green Village Hall

Open to Visitors - 2.15 p.m.Presentation and Draw - 4.30 p.m.

Home-made produce stalland refreshments

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A traditional show 2019 is our Golden Jubilee. This year is the 50th Penn and Tylers Green Village Show. Our

general classes are open to everyone. In addition we have classes for under 14’s and “men only” cookery. We have trophies for a “young cook”, “young designer” and “young photographer” under the

age of 18. With so many classes there will be something to take your fancy. Please do have a go and enter something. Follow us on Facebook at

Home-made produce stall Home-made cakes and baked goods will be on sale. This stall is always a popular attraction.

Raffle We have a great selection of prizes this year kindly donated by individuals and local organisations. This year there are vouchers for beauty treatments, hairdressing, swimming and dance lessons, children’s activities alongside planters and other generous donations

Refreshments Hot and cold drinks and home-made cakes will be available for sale on the day.

General rules

6. All exhibits MUST be staged by 10.45 am when the hall will be closed for judging.

7. The decision of the committee on rules or protests will be final.

8. Prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the judges. The judges’ preference will be for quality. Size and limitations will be strictly applied.

9. The cups and trophies remain the sole property of the Village Show Committee or its successors. They are held for one year only and are the responsibility of the recipients until returned to a committee member no later than one week before the following year’s show.

10. Points: The award of points will be as follows First : 5 points Second : 3 points Third : 2 points

11. Entry fees Adult classes: 30p Junior classes: 10p

12. Prize money: Prize money will be awarded as follows First: 50p Second: 30p Third: 20p

13. Please assist the committee by submitting entries as early as possible. Entry forms and fees must be submitted by 18th June 2019. Entries on the day may be admitted subject to space.

1. All classes are open to anyone, including both adults and juniors unless otherwise stated.

2. All exhibits must belong to the exhibitor

3. Craft and photographic entries must be less than two years old. Photographs must have been taken by the exhibitor but may have been processed professionally

4. Pot plants must have been owned for a minimum of 6 months

5. The village hall will be open from 9.00 am on the morning of the show to issue entry cards and receive exhibits. Cards should be placed face down on/or in front of the exhibit before judging starts

Hints and tips for exhibitors

Read the schedule, including the rules carefully. If anything is unclear, please contact the Show Secretary.

Ensure that the entry form is complete and observe the deadline for entries. Watch “old hands”, allow

sufficient time for staging and above all, enjoy the day. Please remember that uniformity of items in your entry

for a class is important. Make sure entries’ labels are placed correctly and that the number of exhibits is correct.

Novice classes are open to anyone who has not won a prize in the Penn and Tylers Green Village Show before in

that group of classes. An award will be given for the most points in the novice classes.

Use fresh clean flowers and foliage in suitable sized containers. Cut in the evening or early morning. Handle as

little as possible and protect from draughts and bright sun. Remove lower leaves and immerse stems up to their

necks in water until the last minute. On staging, trim off any damaged leaves or flowers, remove “bugs”. Do not

exceed the maximum space allowed or exceed the number of stems specified.

Lettuce: leave about 5 cm (2”) of root/stem. Cabbages: Show with the outside leaves intact. Potatoes, carrots, beetroot: Show on a plate. Tomatoes: Ripe but firm and with their stalks attached. Carrots, beetroot, radishes: show with root attached




Judges - S Salt & T Hawkins. Reminder A bowl is wider than it is high, a vase is taller than it is wide

Novice class 1. My Favourite flower

Open classes 2. One specimen sweet pea

3. A vase of 3 stems of sweet peas, any variety

4. A vase of 1 specimen HT rose, one flower only

5. A vase of 1 stem of floribunda or cluster roses

6. Vase of 3 hybrid tea roses, mixed or one variety

7. 5 stems of perennials and/or flowering shrubs and climbers (at least 3 varieties)

8. Vase of 3 stems of flowers of one colour only (either red or orange or yellow)

9. Vase of 3 stems of flowers of one colour (blue, purple, white or pink)

10. A small jar of pansies or violas 11. Jam jar of mixed garden flowers 12. 1 stem of lupin 13. 1 spike of delphinium 14. A container of 3 clematis flowers 15. Bowl of mixed garden flowers (max space allowed

60cm) 16. A flowering pot plant (max pot size

20cm) 17. A potted cactus or succulent

18. A rose judged for scent only 19. A foliage pot plant (max pot size 20cm), not cactus or succulent 20. 1 stem of sweet pea for scent only





Judge – A Butcher

Novice class 21. 1 lettuce

Junior (under 18) 22. Any 3 vegetables - one or more types

Open classes 23. 3 Pods of peas

24. 3 pods of beans

25. A container growing cut and come again salad leaves (max size 30cm)

26. 3 salad vegetables, one variety

27. 3 potatoes, one variety 28. 3 green vegetables, one variety 29. Most peas in a pod! 30. A jar of fresh culinary herbs – at least 3 varieties

home grown 31. Any other vegetable not in the above classes (not shop bought!!!)

Pick fruit as late as possible. Berries: - show with stalks. General - Place berries, currants and other small fruit

on their respective leaves on a plate.

Jams, marmalades, preserves etc. Show in clear glass jars full to the top covered with cellophane (not pickles/chutneys) or plain lids. If using a cellophane cover, a wax disc must be used. Label jars and include date made (month/year). Preserves containing vinegar must have a twist top only and be at least two months old for showing. Please resist the temptation to open your jars in advance of the show!

Fruited flapjacks 150g/5oz butter 75g/3oz dark brown soft sugar 75g/3oz golden syrup 225g/8oz porridge oats 75g/3oz dried fruit of your choice Pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 180°C/gas 5. Melt the butter, sugar and syrup in a small saucepan; don’t boil. Stir in the porridge oats, dried fruit, salt and mix thoroughly. Press into a round or square 20cm/8in tin. Bake for 25 mins until golden brown. Remove from oven and mark slices, lift from the tin and leave to cool before cutting.



Judge - A Butcher

Junior (under 18) 32. Any fruit

Open classes 33. 4 sticks of rhubarb, trimmed leaf only

34. 4 berries with stalks (except strawberries)

35. 4 strawberries, with stalks 36. Any other home-grown fruit


c Judge - A Butcher

37. 3 hens eggs, one to be broken by judge 38. “Five-a-day” grow a day’s healthy eating




Judge - A Butcher

39. Arrangement in a jug – no oasis 40. “We are 50!” An arrangement celebrating any event in the past 50 years

41. A miniature arrangement max size 15cm/6” max in any direction

42. “Beautiful weeds” - from your garden




Judges - M Durling & R Reed Class 55 is a backward look to what was popular when we held our 1st show in 1969 43. A jar of marmalade – any variety 44. A jar of stone fruit jam

45. A jar of sweet preserve (e.g. jam, jelly etc. except stone fruit)

46. A jar of savoury preserve (e.g. chilli jam, mint jelly, onion marmalade etc.)

47. A jar of any type of curd 48. A jar of pickle or chutney 49. A plaited loaf 50. 5 filled profiteroles 51. A spinach and ricotta cheese pastry 52. A small bottle of spirit based infusion (e.g. sloe

gin/damson vodka) 53. A 50th birthday/anniversary cake -

judged for decoration and taste 54. 4 fruited flapjacks (see recipe below)

55. 4 coconut pyramid cakes (see recipe below)

56. Your favourite everyday cake

Men’s cooking 57. Savoury bread

58. A gingerbread cake (see recipe below)

Young cook

59. 4 scones - any flavour

Coconut pyramids

2 medium eggs

225/8oz desiccated coconut

140g/5oz caster sugar

Preheat oven to 180°C/gas 5. Line a

baking tray with baking parchment.

Beat eggs well stir in coconut and sugar

and leave to stand for 20 mins. Dip

hands into cold water and shape

mixture into pyramids. Place on the

baking tray and put in the oven for

25-30 mins. Remove from tray and

cool on a wire rack.

Gingerbread cake 175g/ 6oz plain flour 1 level tablespoon of ground ginger 1 level dessert spoon of ground cinnamon ¼ teaspoon of ground nutmeg ½ level teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda 2 tablespoons of milk 75g/3oz black treacle 75g/3oz golden syrup 75g/3oz dark brown soft sugar 75g/3oz butter 1 large egg, lightly beaten Line a 2lb loaf tin. Heat oven to 170°C/gas 3. Sift flour and spices into large bowl. Mix bicarbonate of soda with the milk and set aside. Put black treacle (maybe warm the jar/tin to make it easier to pour), golden syrup, sugar and butter into a pan with 75ml of water. Heat gently and stir until blended. Do not boil. Add syrup mixture to flour/spices and beat with a wooden spoon. Add egg a little at a time followed by bicarbonate of soda and milk. Pour into a prepared loaf tin and bake in centre of oven for around 1 ¼ - 1 ½ hours until well risen and firm to touch. Cool for 5 minutes before

turning out.


Judge – D Tilling Please state on your entry if work is “own design” or from a transfer/kit.

It is our Golden Jubilee Entries are invited on a theme of “50”, “golden wedding” “golden” or let the hippy in you out and create something psychedelic (1969) Young designer (under 18) 60. An Instagram coaster, mat or collage Open classes



61. A decorated T shirt (applique, tie dye, beads etc.

62. A posy / bunch of flowers (not real) made in any craft medium

63. A cushion 64. Handmade jewellery 65. Any item of embroidery 66. An home-made item of clothing 67. Any other item of handicraft e.g.

crochet, felt, knitting etc. 68. An article made from wood, metal, ceramic, plastic,

papier mâché etc.


Judge - A Sutherland Work should be less than 3 years old & have not won a prize in this show

69. A skyscape 70. Gold - Inspired by Salvador Dali 71. An abstract based on woodland, any

medium 72. A botanical drawing



Judge : M Reed 73. “a golden moment” 74. Inspired by Salvador Dali 75. Woodland 76. Photoshop – more than one photo put together

using a digital program to produce a single image Junior 77. Here’s what I found

78. “a golden moment”



Judge : A Butcher/R Reed

79. “Grandma’s basket”

An exhibit displayed in basket


• three small home-made cakes; •

a savoury snack;

• a small posy of flowers

• small jar of home-made preserve

(jam, curd, marmalade, chutney


Entries to be made by at least two

members of one (extended) family.

These entries are in addition to any entries

in any other classes in the show.

State age of any juniors on reverse of entry




Judge – A Pumfrey Age 13 and under on 31st August 2019 80. Something you have grown - What can

you grow in a tin can? 81. Something you have re-made. Something new from

something old 82. Something you have sewn or hewn –

item of needlework, sewing, knitting or woodwork

83. Something you have drawn – a cartoon or caricature

84. Something you have baked – recipe including chocolate, citrus, fruit or cheese

Age 10 and under on 31st August 2019

85. 4 Butterfly cakes

86. A monster made from fruit and/or veg. (Cocktail sticks allowed)

87. The show is fifty years old. Draw a picture of what you think a “car” will look like in 50 years’ time

88. New from Old - a recycled object

89. Mad on mosaic – A picture or object incorporating mosaic (mosaic picture, coaster, key ring, pen pot etc.)

Age 7 and under on 31st August 2019

90. Gingerbread man or woman (judged for taste)

91. Garden on a plate

92. Make & decorate a paper windmill 93. A decorated orange - anything goes

94. A creature that may visit you garden. Made of fruit/vegetables (cocktail sticks allowed)

Age 5 and under on 31st August 2019

95. Animal face on a paper plate 96. A decorated crown

Age 3 and under on 31st August 2019

97. A fingerprint flower picture

The show is run on a non-profit basis and any surplus is donated to local organisations. In 2018 donations were made to the Penn and Tylers Green Village Hall committee, Calibre (Talking Books for the Blind), Tyler’s Green Middle School and Wycombe Photographic Society. Donations in lieu entrance money were given to the Royal British Legion. 2019 Committee

Chairman Helen Whiting, 3 Church Cottages, Pauls Hill Secretary Hilary Standbridge, 20 Court Lawns

Treasurer Kate Bailey , 9 Wheeler Avenue Elspeth Barlow, Susie Cammack, Heather Cooper, Fiona Davies, David and Gwenda Deadman, Caroline Gyte, Pearl Stevens, Sharon Phoenix

We would like to thank all our supporters and advertisers for their contributions and we hope that our

competitors and visitors will shop locally whenever possible. In order to run the show effectively we rely

on the support of local people, local community groups and local businesses

Special thanks to Matthew Cooper of South Bucks Business Products for his help in printing our

schedules, Philip Harper of fmifa for sponsorship of the printing, Giles Robinson of Perton Signs and

Savills for sign boards and the Tylers Green Village Hall Committee for their continued support.

Entries for the show should be submitted up to 19th June 2019. To assist in making out the exhibitors’ cards earlier entries would be very much appreciated. Please deliver your entries to

Lansdales Pharmacy, Elm Road, Penn

Tylers Green Village Hall If you are able to help us in any way

call Hilary on 01494 816548 We hope that you will enjoy our 2019 Show. PLEASE REMEMBER : Hall opens at 9.00am for staging exhibits

Exhibits can be collected after the

presentations and must be removed by

5.15pm, on the day of the show.

Any uncollected items will be held for 7

days. Please contact the secretary if you wish to collect an item after the show closes. Any uncollected

items after this date cannot be returned. All exhibits are shown at the owners’ risk. The committee

accepts no liability for loss or damage.








The CUTHBERT CUP :“Victor Ludorum” : Most points all classes

Jane Tapping

The GOBERT CUP : Best entry in the flower classes Andrew Barrow

The TROT FOSTER CUP : Most points in the flower classes Jane Tapping

The JOHN LEWIS SWEET PEA TROPHY : Best sweet peas Not awarded

The JUBILEE ROSE BOWL : Best entry in the rose classes Jane Tapping

The RAMSAY TROPHY : Most points in fruit and vegetable classes Susana Asuncion

The HORN TROPHY : Best entry in the decorative classes Jane Tapping

The ROBINSON TROPHY : Most points in domestic classes Fiona Holmes-


The WHITE TROPHY : Best entry in the preserve classes Hilary Standbridge

The DORIS JENNERY TROPHY : Best entry in the painting classes Sarah Warby

The KEN STEVENS TROPHY : Best entry in the men’s classes Roger Brodie

The WI CUP : Best cake in show Eddy Pitron

The JOLLYE CUP : Best entry in the handicraft classes Chris Arrowsmith

The CLIVE GREAVES FAMILY TROPHY : Best entry in the family class Annie Deung

The VILLAGE VOICE TROPHY : Best entry in the photographic classes Chris Holmes -


The BOYLES TROPHY : Best entry in the junior section Lily Gurney

The TIMPERLEY-GEORGE CUP : Most points in the junior section Max Warby

The MILLAR CUP : Runner up in the junior section Sophie Monniot

The ANN WOLFE YOUNG COOKS TROPHY : Best young cook Eddy Pitron

The PRICE TROPHY : Best junior photographer Mia Gosnold

The LAING TROPHY : Best young designer Max Warby

Most Points in the novice classes Hilary Standbridge


June 2019

Please enter me for the following class numbers ……………………………….………....................................……


I enclose £ …………............. entry fees. (Please check entry fees in item 11 on General Rules). I declare that

every grown article entered for competition in my name has been grown in my garden/allotment at


Name ……………………………………………………………….… Address: ……………………………………………………….………………………….



Phone number/email (used for queries/trophies only): …………………………………………………………………………………..

Age of junior exhibitor at 31 August 2019 ….…… years.

The name, address, phone number and email address of prize winners will be held for a period of one year to facilitate the distribution of trophies and the collection of those trophies in advance of the next Village Show. Please sign below to confirm that you consent to this information being held by the Village Show Committee. Signed …………………………………………………………………………… You can also email your entries to Please provide, name

and address, entry fees, classes entered and total entry fees. Please pay entry

fees on the day when you collect your entry cards before placing your exhibits.

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