Penguins on a mission V2

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Penguins on a mission V2

Penguins on a mission

19:52… Somewhere in the North Pole

Oleg: I just received an instruction from the Pentagon

Davo: What is it Oleg? I hope it is something interesting.

Oleg: I believe so. We are to travel to a distant far.

Harry: Yes!!!. It’s about time. I am already bored here, you know. Everywhere is just snow… I need action.

Oleg: Get ready boys. The mission will begin in 3..2..1..

And so their journey begins…

Having been stationed in sub zero temperatures, Oleg, Davo and Harry were happy to be sent to a tropical island in Asia.

First stop: A cup of coffee. “Just what I need!” said Harry

Hmmm…. the place looks really nice, Ambiance is light and cozy… comfortable chairs and sofa…. And there’s wifi! “ I can email my mom” Davo happily exclaimed. Wait, Davo let’s get our orders first… long queue, whew!. “Well. because there is only one cashier and the customer at the front hasn’t yet made up her mind what to order”.

I’ll get us a table, Oleg said… we can do alfresco and get me that oatmeal cookie, please – it looks really good.

Fifteen minutes later, the friends are happily chatting as they let the morning pass by.

“Oleg , Davo, I think we need to get ourselves a map” said Harry. “We are new to this place and we do not want to get lost as our mission is time sensitive. I saw a bookshop at the corner. Stay here and I’ll be quick”

“Where have you been Harry? Oleg and I were a bit worried that you got lost”

“Well, I went to the bookshop and I tell you, it was like a maze. I couldn’t find a map quickly because there was no signage. Besides, the security guard was rather thorough in checking bags of incoming customers. Anyways, good thing the customer service was open and I asked for a map. After that it was smooth since there were not too many people at the cashiers”

“But Harry, you don’t have a map, it’s a globe” duet by Oleg and Davo.

“I know” replied Harry. “I thought we can ride the globe to roll us to next destination”

With filled stomach and rested sufficiently, the trio decided that no time to be wasted and start their exploration…..

Turn left, turn right, walk straight….

“Wait guys” Davo shouted from behind. “I’d like to get inside that store”. “Why?” asked Oleg. “Well, the window display is colorful! For a change, we can enjoy colors. Besides, the prices are shown in those cards by the window and they are affordable. I think I’d like to check it out. My mom would love to get some of those nice gloves and a new scarf”.

You’re right! replied Harry. “the store has stocks for male and female. I need new socks anyways and new bonnet”. Common, Oleg buy your Dad some cashmere sweater”!

“Alright!” replied Oleg.

What a day! We have seen and a learn a lot of new things about the places we visited!

Agree! But I do miss home already!

Good to know guys! Our mission is to be observant and learn from things around us! Mission accomplished and we are going back to base!

The End.