Pedro Wirz

Post on 27-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Pedro Wirz

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    NEW FRIENDSSolo exhibition at Gabinete do

    Desenho de So Paulo

    Brazil, November 2013



  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    Audience during the hypnosis/meditation session in Dortmund, D Audience drawing sketches for the imagined sculptures, after hypnosis/me-ditation session in Basel, CH

    Example of a scketch of animagined sculpture

    I presented a lecture/performance inseveral venues around Europe and inBrazil, where I introduced myself andmy way of producing and thinkingabout art.

    After each lecture, I led the audiencethrough a hypnosis/meditation sessi-on, during which I asked them, basedon what they had heard, to imagineme working on a new sculpture.

    After waking the audience from theirdream-state, I asked them to sketchthis imagined sculpture.

    For the exhibition NEW FRIENDS (Partof the Centro Cultural So Pauloexhi-bitions program), I produced a seriesof small ceramic sculptures of all thesketches done by those audiences, aswell as a series of sculptures inspiredby these sketches.

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    TRILOBITES, 2013stones, plastic fried eggs, 10 x 50 x 60 cm

    BAGRE, 2013PVC pipes, steel wire, 110 x 40 x 90 cm

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    MAURO, 2013cow dung, wood glue, cow teeth, 60 x 40 x 40 cm

    ORELHAS, 2013glazed ceramic, nylon line, iron wire, boulders, ca. 3 x 10 x 20 cm

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    IMAGINED SCULPTURE (Paul Evk), 2013from the series HOW TO LOSE CONTROLglazed ceramic, ca. 40 x 17 x 5 cm

    Clockwise from right:IMAGINED SCULPTURE (Paul Evk), glazed ceramic, 40 x 17 x 5 cmTONI, leather gloves, dry grass, 20 x 50 x 65 cm; MMOO, monstera Delicio-sa fruits, epoxy resin; JONATAS, branch of guava, black rubber, intravenousrubber tubing, plastic, ca. 25 x 10 x 1 cm. All 2013.

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    TROPICAL Solo exhibition atDortmunder KunstvereinGermany, June 2013



  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    STILL POST (Portraits): (from left to right all the 9 curators portraits: Stephanie Regenbrecht, Vaneszsa Seeberg, Julia Blehm, Simone Rudolph,Stefanie Humbert, Sabrina Meiner, Friederike Poe, Michaela Stoffels and Brigitte Dietze.), 2013, watercolor ink on paper, 14,8 x 21 cm

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    STILL POST (Sculptures), 2013acrylic paint on clay, ca. 25 x 25 x 25 cm

    STILL POST (Sculptures), 2013acrylic paint on clay, variable dimensions

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    STILL POST (Paintings), 2013, acrylic paint on canvas, variable dimensions

    STUDY FOR CURATED SCULPTURE, 2013hemp rope, plants, variable dimensions

    After having my art practice descri-bed by the nine female curators ofthe show (all students of Kunstkritikund Kuratorisches Wissen an derRuhr-Universitt Bochum) when theyinvited me to present my work at theDortmunder Kunstverein, I decided toconstruct the whole exhibition basedon this aspect of communication.

    In response to the invitation, I askedall 9 curators of the show to describethemselves, as well as their favoritesculptures and favorite paintings.

    With those descriptions in hand, Ivetranslated them from German to Por-tuguese and found Brazilian artisansto produce the works for the show ba-sed only on the descriptions providedby the curators.

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    STILL POST (Paintings), 2013acrylic paint on canvas, variable dimensions

    STILL POST (Paintings), 2013, acrylic paint on canvas, 40 x 30 cm

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    GRINGO Solo exhibition atMendes Wood DM GalleryBrazil, August 2013




  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    KISSEN MONSTER, 2013, Felt, 53 x 53 x 27 cm

    Example of the TFSMG, used to draw sculptures,in collaboration with children, visitors ofJob Fair Zurich (Berufsmesse Zrich), 2011

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    All sculptures were originally drawnusing The Fantastic Sculpture MakerGrid (TFSMG) sheet, by visitors ofthe Job Fair Zurich.

    Clockwise from this left:DER BAUM, Wire and electricalwires 41 x 25 x 7 cm; THE PLAY,Radica wood veneer on wood, 62x 56 x 3 cm; FANTASIESKULPTUR,Ubatuba marbel, 39 x 39 x 2 cm;

    DER MAN MIT DEM KOMISCHERKOPF, Copper wire, 23 x 10,5cm; SMILEY, Blue silicone, 24 x22 cm; PROTO, Tostines crackers,epoxy resin, 70 x 12,5 x 12,5 cm;DIE SKULPTUR DIE KEINE NAMETRGT, Iron, 191 x 179 x 67 cm.All 2013.

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    BLUMENVASE, 2013, travertine marble, 151 x 105 x 2 cm

    Installation viewon the wall: REITER, 2013, white and black marble, 50 x 38 x 2 cm

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    KITS Two-man exhibition with Raphael Linsiat Kunstraum KreuzlingenSwitzerland, May 2012



  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    KITS by David Goodmann

    KITS by Thomas Jeppe

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    KITS by Alexandre Canonico

    KITS by Wojciech Kosma (bottom) and KITS by Brad Alexander (top)

    I developed a sculpture KIT consistingof an assortment of components.

    These components were based onmaterials which, after research th-rough galleries in Berlin, I recognisedrepeated again and again.

    Several artists were then asked to de-velop pieces related to their practicesbut using only the materials offered inthe kits.

    The sculptures produced with the KITwere presented in a show and namedafter each artist who developed them.

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz



    Solo show atKnstlerhaus Stuttgart

    Germany, September 2012




  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    Curated Sculpture #7 by Carson Chan

    Curated Sculpture #7 byGiovanni Carmine

    (...)The exhibition Not the New, Notthe Old, But the Necessary. operatesat different levels of conceptual appro-aches such as abstraction, participa-tion and curation. Wirz continues hisseries of Curated Sculptures for thisexhibition by inviting John Beeson,Giovanni Carmine, Carson Chan andRebecca Lamarche-Vadel to curatea selection of artworks out of a list of

    243 artworks from the artists that Pe-dro Wirz collaborated in the lastfour years.

    As the main conceptual ground forthe show, the traditional art form fromJapanese culture, Origami which isbased on folding paper is used notonly as an artistic technique but alsoas an expression of abstraction inWirzs show. Reconsidering the impactof Japanese culture in Brazil, and brin-ging along his childhood experience

    with Origami, Wirz aims to create asocial network of ideas, images, andpractices in the form of an exhibitionand an artist book.

    Quoting from one of his life-time ins-pirations, Sol LeWitt, Pedro Wirz crys-tallizes the fundamental aspect of hismethodological strategy. Irrationalthoughts should be followed abso-lutely and logically., and The con-cept of a work of art may involve thematter of the piece or the process inwhich it is made.. Wirz investigates thepossibilities of exchanging roles and

    positions in the art world, demandingcuriosity to experiment on the basisof the main question: What happenswhen we shift South to West, artist tocurator, and paper to sculpture or viceversa?

    Adnan Yildiz

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    PSEUDO BALANCE, 2012, wood, varnish, origamis madeout of art magazines and books pages, variable dimensions

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    ESTANTE, 2012, wood, origamis made out of magazine and books pages, variable dimensions - in collaboration with Origami Deutschland

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    BABSI Kunstkredit BaselSwitzerland, October 2012



  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    A rough zig-zag pattern, painted onthe wall carelessly. Hanging on thatwall, ve black and white patternedplastic ngernails, embedded in aoversized white frame. The surfacesof the ngernails are different partsof the smae pattern (...). This arrange-ment was a conceptual approach thatPedro Wirz - in collaboration with fas-hion designer Sara Vidas - developed:

    Three representative artworks in thehistory of modern art were selectedby the two artists and then presentedto a nail designer, who chose one ofthem as the pattern for the nails. Thechosen artwork was a painting fromthe series Black Paintings by Frank

    BABSI, 2012, 5 framed plastic hand painted nails. 90 x 70 cm

    Stella. At rst glance, the work seemsto inhabit the realm of fashion. Onlyupon a closer inspection the tensionbetween art and fashion becomes ap-parent (...).

    Jury ReportKunstkredit Basel

    Done in collaboration with fashiondesigner Sara Vidas, this work was awon the Kunstkredit Basel prize.

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    UNI-DUNI-T-SALAME-MIN-GU Group exhibition atKunstraum RiehenSwitzerland, January 2012


  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    SALAME, 2012, Pine wood, 2013, 130 x 60 x 30 cm

    UNI (on the left), 2012, pine wood, 2013, 150 x 80 x 40 cmDUNI (on the right), 2012, pine wood, 2013, 60 x 50 x 50 cm

    For this work, done in collaborationwith my former teacher and artistJrg Stuble, I developed a group ofsix plinths made of pine wood. Theplinths were then cut into, creatinggrooves throughout the surfaces.

    They were then delivered to JrgStuble who, on my request, made anew series of works that were some-how limited or/and oriented aroundthese openings or grooves. Throughthis given limitation, the two sculptu-ral elements created a new whole.

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    HANDMADE Final degree exhibitionFHNW BaselSwitzerland, September 2011


  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    In a joint effort with my parents, I de-termined rules to create a set of claysculptures.

    Each person was assigned a colour:Pedro = Blue, Victoria = Red, and Ri-cardo = Yellow, and given 15 minutesto create a single work.

    Each work was subsequenlty furtherdeveloped by the next person.

    Victoria and Ricardo Wirz, working on the sculptures.

    All sculptures from the series HANDMADE, 2011,polymer clay sculptures, ca. 25 x 25 x 20 cm

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    SCULPTURE EXQUISE Group exhitibion atKunsthalle BaselSwitzerland, June 2011



  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    From the series SCULPTURE EXQUISE, 2011 (installation view)

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    (...)Sculpture Exquise, Pedro Wirz new con-

    tribution to How to Work (More for) Less,

    is not located in the exhibition space, but

    attached to the exterior wall of the ground

    floor gallery of the Kunsthalle: the Kunst-

    halles back wall, in the public passage way

    between Elisabethenkirche and the Basel

    city theatre. The eight wooden sculptures

    mounted on the black painted wall are the

    result of collaboration between the artist

    and his artist friends and executed by the

    sculptor Simon Ledergerber of the Kunstbe-

    trieb AG in Mnchenstein. In the first step,

    sketches of possible sculptures were made,

    using the method Cadavre Exquis (exquisite

    corpse) devised by the Surrealists. The prin-

    ciple consists in creating a text or drawing

    with a group of people in such a way that the

    sheet of paper is folded after each sketch or

    piece of text is made so that the next player

    can see only the last bit, but does not know

    what the entire drawing or text looks like.

    The results are collectively created forms

    and phrases connected in random order. Wirz

    then had these drawings transferred into

    three-dimensional sculptures in pine wood.

    On the wall, the sculptures seem like totems

    belonging to an unknown rite which in a

    certain sense they are, if one thinks about

    their origin in a group activity involving un-conscious actions.

    Sketches for the sculptures done in collab-

    oration with: Adrian Bnzli, Jan Hostettler,

    Karim Noureldin, Karolina Pyrcik, Philipp Re-

    inau, Jelena Savic, Silvia Studerus and Tobias


    (from left to right) PHILIPP, KAROLINA and TOBIAS, 2011pine wood, varnish. 200 x 25 x 20 cm (each)

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    TO GET TOGETHER Group exhibition atKunstverein DuisburgGermany, May 2011



  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    from the series TO GET TOGETHER (feat. Male Torso by Brancusi), 2011chipboard, coloured lacquer, iron, plaster, colourless varnish,100 x 60 x 30 cm

    from the series TO GET TOGETHER(feat. Cadeau by Man Ray), 2011chipboard, coloured, lacquer, iron, plaster,colourless varnish, 70 x 50 x 50 cm

    Following my request, my youngerbrother Paulo Wirz selected vesculptures which to him represent themost challenging sculptures inmodern art.

    We then remodeled each of these inwhite plaster and showed them onplinths I designed myself.

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    CURATED SCULPTURES Different Venues



  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    Ongoing series in collaboration withdifferent artist and curatorsMixed mediaDimensions variable

    This series of works explores myinterest in three-dimensional objects,sculptures and installations indialogue with my views as a curator.

    The curated sculptures are objectsthat simultaneously serve as aplatform for curated exhibitions.

    I invite various curators to organisean exhibition on my objects. In otherwords, I invite a curator to inviteartists of their choice to exhibit theirwork on my sculpture. In this way mysculpture becomes the host for a newexhibition.

    My main interest lies in investigatingthe various roles between artists andcurators. Where do the boundariesappear and subsequently disappearbetween the different practitioners inthe ne arts, where do they dissolveand where do they becomeapparent?

    The assumption that a work of art isthe result of cooperation betweenmany participants and thus can neverbe autonomous is the point of depar-ture in the practice of Basel-basedartist Pedro Wirz. Wirz, a consumma-te, highly energetic puller of strings,works as an artist and curator of thecollective the forever ending story,showing a great talent for integrating

    other people into his projects andlinking them to one another. For hisproject Curated Sculptures (2010-)he designs a variety of displays likecubes, pedestals, shelf boards or han-ging structures made of ropes, andthen invites a curator or artist to usethem to display things in this man-ner sculptures containing collectionsof plants, texts and works of otherartists have been realised(...)

    Annette Amberg

    Curated Sculpture #1Michael Birchall: A Possibility for a Human Laboratory

    2010 - Curated Sculpture #1Korridor bei Parrotta Contemporary, Stuttgartprinted wallpaper on wood, contributions byadditional artists170 x 130 x 80 cm

    Curated by Michael Birchall.

    With contributions by: Ben Jeans Houghton,Raphael Linsi, Ant Macari and Florian Neufeldt.

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    2011 - Mitologias I MythologiesCit International des Arts, Paris

    chipboard, wood laths, monitors, Getty Images JPGs,contributions of invited artists250 x 200 x 170 cm

    Curated Sculpture #6Fabian Schneich: NOVO

    Curated by Fabian Schneich.

    With contributions by: Theo Craveiro, Jonathas de And-rade, Barbara Wagner, Marina Rheingantz, Tonico LemosAuad and Cristiano Lenhard.



  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    Curated Sculpture #5Pedro Wirz: jung kommen wir nicht mehr zusammen.2011 - Wall Floor PieceGalerie Von Bartha Garage, Baselchipboard, wood laths, contributions by invited artists250 x 200 x 90 cm

    Curated by Pedro Wirz.

    With contributions by: Jan Hostettler, Jan Kiefer,Rahel Lenz, Viktor Korol and Othmar Farr.

    Curated Sculpture #2John Beeson: ... CONTINUE TO HAVE ITS INFLUENCE...

    2010 - Kunsthalle Baselrubber varnish on wood, paper, books, magazines110 x 210 x 110 cm

    Selection of texts, books and magazines curated by John Beeson.

    Sculpture designed in collaborationwith the designer Luiz Albisser.

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    Curated Sculpture #3OUTSIDERS

    2011 - SALTS, Birsfeldenmixed media on chipboard,contributions by invited artists200 x 30 x 30 cm (each)

    Curated by Annette Amberg(with Leon Hsl), Raphael Linsiand Emil Michael Klein.

    With contributions by:Emil Michael Klein, Kriz Olbricht,Aaron Ritschard and Raphael Linsi.

    CONNIAnnette Armberg in collaboration

    with Leon Hsl presentingKriz Olbricht

    untitledEmil Michael Klein

    presents himself.

    ALERSHEIMRaphael Linsi presents

    himself and Aaron Ritschard.

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    Study for a Curated Sculpture(Plants from art students of BirgitBrenner class)

    Art circuit 2010Staatliche Akademieder Bildenden Kunst Stuttgart


    2010Mixed mediaVariable dimensions

    This series of works was intended tofunction as sculptural sketches for

    the series of Curated Sculptures.I invited people to present plants thatthey like - instead of works of art - ontop sculptures I created.

    Study for a Curated Sculpture - Curators Choice(Plants of Adam Szymczyk, Nikola Dietrich and Tobias Madison)

    Ausstellungsraum Klingentalthe forever ending story #12 Basel Research Lab

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS Solo exhibition atDeuxpieceSwitzerland, January 2011



  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    STUDY FOR CURATED SCULPTUREPlants from Noem Denzler2011, synthetic Hemp ropes, plastic pots, plants200 x 20 x 80 cm

    STUDIES FOR SPONTANEOUS SCULPTURES (SSS)201, wood table, glass, digital print on paper197 x 52 x 80 cm

    Spontaneous Sculptures #5:dont stop the music, 2011, 2 IKEA mattresses,4 tension belt, different fabrics, pillows, 235 x 350 cm

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    STUDIES FOR SPONTANEOUS SCULPTURES (SSS), 2011digital print on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    2010, laser print on paper,210 x 90 cm

    I installed a poster with the phraseI see you all on my balcony so thatall of my neighbors could read it.

    WHAT I SEE My ex-apartmentin BaselSwitzerland, June 2010

    After a while, it was clear to see thatthe neighbors were disturbed bythe action, closing their curtains andwindows every time I came out onthe balcony.


  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    Pedro Wirz* 1981 in So Paulo - BRLives in Basel - CH and So Paulo - BR


    2007 - 2011 Bachelors degree at FHNW Basel - CH Institut e of Art s - Class of Jrg Stuble, Dr. Roman Kurzmeyer and Muda Mathis2009 - 2010 Erasmus at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Knste Stuttgart - D

    Institute of Arts - Class of Birgit Brenner and Class of Christian Jankowski2004 - 2006 Internship as assistant of photograp hy - BR and CH1999 - 2003 Bachelors degree at Universit y of Taubat - BR Institut of Communication - Public Relations

    Solo exhibitions

    2013 New Friends, CCSP, So Paulo - BR Gringo, Mendes & Wood DM, SP - BR Tropical, Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund - D2012 Not the New, Not the Old, But the Necessary., Knstlerhaus Stuttgart , Stuttgart - D

    (Curated by Adnan Yildiz) Hotel Palenque at Gasconade, Milan - IT (Swiss Institut es Bureau for Art Nerds) Problems - Kunstraum Kreuzligen, Kreuzligen - CH (together with Raphael Linsi)2011 Backwall Projeckt - Kunsthalle Basel, Basel - CH Outsider s - SALTS, Basel - CH supercalifr agilisticexpi alidocious - Deuxpiece, Basel - CH2010 Curated Sculpture #1 - Korridor bei Parrott a Contemporary Galerie, Stuttgart - D

    Group exhibitions

    2015 Art Mtiers 2015 - Art en plein air, Mtiers - CH2014 Tell Me What I See, When I Look Into Your Eyes, BolteLang, Zrich - CH

    (Curated by Nicola Ruffo and Caroline Lommaert) Mediating Landscape - Sala Murat, Bari - IT (Curated by FLIP project s)2013 Leilo Piv - Piv, So Paulo - BR Come, all ye faithful! - Florian Christop her, Zrich - CH (Curated by Carson Chan)

    Give me Shelter - GGG Atelierhaus, Basel - CH (Curated by Annette Amberg) Mitologias por procurao - MAM-SP, So Paulo - BR

    (Curated by Kiki Mazzucchelli and M. do Carmo Pontes) Wet-on-Wet, Gallery Florian Weingrll, Karlsruhe - D (Curated by Pedro Wirz) Swiss Art Awards, Basel - CH

    Club des Sous lEau - Palais de Tokyo, Paris - FR (Curated by Gallien Djean) The Sunday Curators - SWG1 Gallery - Glasgow - UK (Curated by Its Our Playground) THE BODY IS THE MEDIUM - Curatorial Lab - SP-ARTE, So Paulo - BR -

    (Curated by Mariana Lorenzi de Azevedo)2012 Les Urbaines Art Festival - Lausanne - CH (Curated by Elise Lammer) LOT - Cul de Sac, London - GB (Curated by N/V_PROJECTS) St. Moritz Art Festival - Galerie Cahn, St. Moritz - CH Principos Flexor - Galeria Gramatura, So Paulo - BR (Curated by Kiki Mazzucchell)

    Colasel, Van Horburg, Basel - CH (Curated by Roger Meier and Sandra Oehy)COOPERATIONS - A Series of Collaborations, Admiral Project, Zrich - CHColasel - Drei Galerie, Kln, D (Curated by Roger Meier and Sandra Oehy)Post Studio Tales - Artist in Residence, Berlin - D(Curated by J. Beeson, U. Gerhardt and F. Heckel)

    Platform 12 - Kunstwoll en, Zurich - CH If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, Id spend six sharpening my axe -

    Kunstraum Riehen, Riehen - CH (Curated by Pedro Wirz, Reto Thring and Isabel Halene)2011 Mitologias I Mythologies - Cit des Art s, Paris - F

    (Curated by Kiki Mazzucchelli and M. do Carmo Pontes) Cantonale Berne Jura - Kunsthalle Bern, Bern - CH (Curated by Fabrice Stroun) Cantonale Berne Jura - Stadtgalerie Bern, Bern - CH (Curated by Anna Brkli) Regionale 12 - Kunstraum L6, Freiburg - D (Curated by Leon Hsl and Nicolas Bischoff ) Hotel Hammer - Hammerstrasse, Basel - CH (Curated by Jan Kiefer and Mathias Hber)

    How to Work (more for) Less - Kunsthalle Basel, Basel - CH (Curated by Adam Szymczyk)Floor Wall Piece - Von Bartha Garage, Basel - CH(Curated by Stefan von Bartha and Reto Thring)

    Kiefer Hablitzel - Swiss Art Awards, Basel - CHPrsentation der Ergebnisse - The Ofce - Frankfurt am Main, D7, Kunstverein Duisburg, Duisburg - D

    2010 Regionale 11: Village Cry - Kunsthalle Basel, Basel - CHRundgang 2010 - Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Knste, Stuttgart - DSkulptur, mon amour - Akademie der Bildenden Knste, Stuttgart - D(Curated by Manuel Scheiwiller)

    Blokkade - Universal Cube, Leipzig - D1. Salo dos Artistas Sem Galeria, So Paulo - BRDe Lagune van Amsterdam - Gross und Stark, Amsterdam - NL(Curated by Manuel Scheiwiller)

    2009 Regionale 10 - Kunstverein Freiburg, Freiburg - Dthe forever ending story prsentiert # 3 - Forgotten Bar, Berlin - Dthe forever ending story prsentiert # 2 - Bell Street Project, Wien - AUNarcotica - Galerie im Regierungsviertel, Basel - CHAnonyme Zeichner - Liste 14 - Kaskadenkondensator, Basel - CH

    2008 Im a Groupie - Wirtshaus im Schalter, Basel - CHThe line is a lonely hunter - New Jerseyy, Basel - CHJa zur Liebe, nein zur Kunst - Wirzhaus, Basel - CH

    Awards / Scholarships

    2013 Artis t in Residence - IAAB Exchange Program - Residency Unlimited, New York - US2012 Werkbeitrag - Kunstkredi t der Stadt Basel, Basel - CH Peter-Hans-Hofs chneider-Prize - Kunststi ftung Baden-Wrt temberg, Stuttgar t - D2011 Artis t in Residence - IAAB Exchange Program - Cit des Arts, Paris - F GGG Atelierhaus - 2 years subsidized atelier by the GGG Basel Foundation2010 1st prize for publication on contemporary art - Biennial Foundation, So Paulo - BR 1st prize for brazilian artist exhibiting abroad - Biennial Foundation, So Paulo - BR Patronage for young swiss artist s - Kunsthalle Basel, Basel - CH


    2012 Not the New, Not the Old, But the Necessary., Artis t book - Argobooks Berlin2010 Lets Art - Pedro Wirz work report by Lucia Prusa, Edition Taube

    Blokkade - exhibition catalogue, Edition Taube

    Curatorial Projects

    2014/2015 Postcodes - Casa do Povo, So Paulo, BR2013 Wet-on-Wet - Gallery Weingrll, Karlsruhe, D2012 the work found me - Gallery Samy Abraham, Paris - F2011 If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, Id spend six sharpening my axe -

    Kunstraum Riehen, Riehen - CH (together with Reto Thring and Isabel Halene)since 2009 the forever ending story (ongoing project) (in collaboratio n with Raphael Linsi,

    Claudio Vogt with Tilmann Schlevogt) www.theforeverendingstory.com0ct.2009 - feb. 2010 Deuxpiece

    (in collaboration with Nomi Denzler) www.deuxpiece.com2008 Wirtsh aus im Schalter (in collaboratio n with Raphael Linsi) www.schalter.tk2007 Wirzhaus (in collaboratio n with Raphael Linsi und Luiz Albisser)

  • 7/25/2019 Pedro Wirz


    +1 917 402 07 95pedro.wirz@gmail.compedrowirz.comeswareinmaleinwirzwedropirz
