Pedophile Reporter Safari extension

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Pedophile Reporter Safari extension

Safari Pedophile Reporter extension


All material in this presentation is Copyright 2010 by Joseph Seanor and IPT LLC.

Any reproduction in physical or electronic format is not allowed without the written permission of Joseph Seanor.

If you wish to use this information in a presentation of your own, or in other materials, please contact me at:


Since 2005, Internet Predator Tracker is dedicated to providing tools, training, and consulting to the public and law enforcement to assist in the protection of our children on the Internet.

And all of this is done for FREE.

What does IPT do?

Internet Predator Tracker, or IPT, has dedicated their work to providing software that allows investigators and law enforcement the ability to collect evidence in a secure manner about online predators and pedophiles.

We also provide software to the public in order to allow them to report suspected predators and pedophiles.

What does IPT do?

IPT provides training in the form of classes, both online and in-person, on how to use these tools, collecting evidence, tracking on the internet and more.

The goal is to provide the tools and training for FREE to the public and law enforcement.

Who is IPT?

Internet Predator Tracker was founded by Joe Seanor, who leads the organization , consulting and development.

Max Fortuna acts as Project Manager software development, testing, and case management.

We also have investigators around the country who donate their time to helping out.

What can I do?

YOU are the most important part of this work.

Without YOU involved, there is very little that can be done.

The latest set of tools we have released allows anyone to be able to report suspected predators and pedophiles.

So YOU really are our best source of information!

IPT Website

The main website for IPT is at:

We also have numerous sites on web2.0 websites and social networks.

IPT Public Software

I am PROUD to announce that IPT has published the ONLY tools for the public to use in order to report suspected online predators and pedophiles.

And all of the software is FREE!!

You can download the software from the IPT website, and multiple locations on the web.

IPT Public Software

IPT is the ONLY source of predator and pedophile reporting tools for: Internet Explorer


Google Chrome







Safari is the browser from Apple, and runs on both the Macintosh and PC.

In order to install the extension using the Safari browser, just go to:

Click on the tab called Software

Choose Safari extension

Then click either the English or Spanish version of the software.


Once you click on the download link, you will see the following window.

Just click on Open


You will then be prompted with the following window, choose Install.


The extension will be installed, and you will see Safari, now look like this:


Once it is completed, the options window will open up so you can choose the email program you use and the email address where you want a copy of the email sent.

Then just click save/close on the options window.

IPT Browser Software

Once you click the Report button: An HTML copy of the site is made.

No images are saved or uploaded.

A MD5 checksum is created (this protects the evidence.)

The file is uploaded to the IPT secure server

An email is opened that contains the information about the file that was uploaded and your email address.

You just click send!

You are now ready!

Anytime that you come across a suspected predator or suspected pedophile website, just click the report pedophile button, and send in your email.

If you want, an investigator will follow-up with you about your report.

Contact information

Copyright 2010 PI Mall LLC and Joseph Seanor all rights reserved 18


Thank You!