Pedestrian Safety Year 9 Large group. Travelling on which mode am I least likely to have an...

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Transcript of Pedestrian Safety Year 9 Large group. Travelling on which mode am I least likely to have an...

Pedestrian SafetyYear 9

Large group

Travelling on which mode am I least likely to have an accident?

THE FACTS: number of people involved in road crashes every day in the UK in 2014:




Many of those killed and injured are your age!

Road crashes are the biggest killer of 15-24 year-olds!

Number of deaths

Number of serious injuries

Number of slight injuries

What is a ‘vulnerable road user’?

Why are these types of road user vulnerable, compared to people in vehicles?

•They do not have a vehicle around them, helping to protect them in a crash•This means if they are hit, they bear the full force of the impact

We’re all vulnerable road users – and we all need to look out for each other on roads

BRAINSTORM : - what types of behaviour put pedestrians at risk?

Behaviours which put pedestrians at risk!

• Not looking or paying attention when crossing the road

• Running across the road

• Crossing between parked vehicles or near a bend

• Wearing dark clothes

• Mucking about with mates /pushing each other into the road

• Playing ‘chicken’

• Show ‘Camera phone (teenagers)’ clip at this point

BRAINSTORM : - what types of situations put pedestrians at risk?

• When they are distracted or impaired e.g. using a mobile phone or i-pod

• Around fast-moving traffic• When it’s dark, raining, foggy or icy• When there’s no pavement• When the driver is distracted, drunk, on

drugs or angry

Situations which put pedestrians at risk!

FACT: teenagers are more likely to be

killed or injured while walking than under-


BRAINSTORM: Why do you think young people your age are the most at risk pedestrians?

Teenage risk factors• Less likely to be accompanied

by an adult

• Might put each other at risk by mucking about near roads

• Distraction by mobile phones, i-pods or mates

• Show ‘Basket Ball’ video clip at this point

Teenage risk factors

• Less likely to be accompanied by an adult

• Might put each other at risk by mucking about near roads

• Distraction by mobile phones, i-pods or mates

• Belief that they are immune to the risks

• Judgement of speeds & risks

THE FACTS: speed and stopping distances

The faster drivers go, the less time they have to react to people and hazards

The distances shown are a general guide. The distance will depend on the driver’s attention (thinking distance), the road surface, the weather conditions and the condition of the vehicle at the time. Crown copyright, Official Highway Code 2007

Car B will be travelling at 11 mph when Car A is at rest

2 identical cars travelling side by side in a 30 mph limit

30 mph A

32 mph B

The big difference thatThe big difference thata few MPH can makea few MPH can make












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Speed (mph)

Pedestrians killedPedestrians killed

Speed in MPH



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SMART CHOICES:When crossing, focus on the road – not your mates or

your mobileCross in places where drivers can see you easilyGo back to basics – stop, look, listen & THINK!Don’t muck about near roads or put your mates at riskWear something bright and choose safe routesDon’t assume drivers always do the right thing

Walk smart

• Show ‘Think! Teenagers’ (My House) clip at this point