PDP By-Election Manifesto 2013

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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2013: By-election Manifesto of the Progressive Democratic Party of Gibraltar (PDP).

Transcript of PDP By-Election Manifesto 2013

It is a sad time for Gibraltar, especially in politics, when we have to contest a by-election after the loss of a good man who undoubtedly had Gibraltar in his heart. But contest it we must so that the electorate have alternatives and the democracy we enjoy can continue to flourish in Gibraltar.

We, in Gibraltar, are in a uniquely privileged position. You and I, here and now, have been handed the baton for our generation to take forward in order to keep our families and future generations in that privileged position. In taking on the so called ‘Big Two’, I am demonstrating to you my passion for Gibraltar, my belief in you as citizens and my commitment to change politics at the core for the better and my firm view that a more constructive and positive politics will serve us better in the future. You may feel it might be naïve to think I can do that, particularly given the adversarial style of our politics and the numbers I face in opposition. But I feel passionately that fighting for those values and those changes is really achievable and worth it. There is no need to be so tribal or so negative. We achieve so much more when we work together. The Constitutional Committee of the early 2000’s (to which I gave evidence) or the Council of Representative Bodies (that I formed a part of) established to successfully confront the Anglo-Spanish co-sovereignty proposals are perfect examples of what we can do when we focus on what unites and not what separates us.

On July 4th, the polls will open and for the first time in more than ten years you will have the chance to vote freely, without a nod to past allegiances. “Why is it free?” you may ask. Well, your vote will affect neither the government nor the current opposition as recently confirmed by CM Fabian Picardo. The GSLP/Liberal Alliance will remain in power and the opposition will remain in opposition. This means you have all to gain and nothing to lose. The freedom I speak of also lies in you voting for me, Nick Cruz. Over the past 7 years the PDP has been the voice of constructive opposition, critical but also suggestive of solutions. Not just the blame and gain publicity game. The PDP and I have consistently said what you see quite clearly, putting Gibraltar first and party politics second. During the Bossano/Caruana period it proved difficult to break into politics but that time is over. Right now there is a real chance for a party like ours that is committed to make those changes to show what we can do before we get into power, to make things happen in parliament for you. A vote for me will make that happen. A vote for the two main parties is a vote for the same voices, more volume, arguably a wasted vote? Equally we are not just a one off protest vote. This is our 3rd election which shows we have both the desire and the stamina to see this through to Government and implementation, with your help.

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“The Opposition has demonstrated that they can have a backbencher already with the number of members they have in the Parliament and we have

demonstrated that we can run the Government with 9 ministers not 10” – Chief Minister Fabian Picardo on GBC 5/6/13

I firmly believe that things need to change. If Gibraltar is to continue to grow and face global challenges, we have to stop this ‘Punch & Judy’ style of politics where we just blame the other side for failures. This is the politics of acrimony and envy. If we can plan for our future beyond a 4 year cycle beyond a 4 year cycle beyond a 4 year cycle beyond a 4 year cycle we will not just prosper but hugely accelerate our economic and, importantly, our social aspirations. This does not mean ignoring the benefits that adversarial parliamentary politics bring, in terms of checks and balances or accountability. In fact, quite the opposite, good and constructive parliamentary politics can deliver passion, purpose and purity but it has to be driven by integrity and vision. I believe the PDP have demonstrated that we have that integrity and vision, through our principles, our policies and our past and current leadership on crucial issues even when those issues have not been vote winners.

OnOnOnOn Style of Government and Parliamentary reform we have set the agenda; OnOnOnOn equality and the importance of fair treatment for long standing members of our community we have set the agenda;

OnOnOnOn the need to challenge our current policies on education we have set the agenda; OnOnOnOn the importance of continued constitutional progress so that we are Gibraltarian and British by choice we have set the agenda;

OnOnOnOn the need to resolve the ill-advised fishing and now territorial dispute we have offered solutions, whilst being robust and have set the agenda; OnOnOnOn the risks to Gibraltar of a UK exit from the EU we have led the debate and set the agenda; OnOnOnOn the importance of a fair system of welfare with means testing where appropriate we have set the agenda.

OnOnOnOn the risks of over nationalistic employment policies to our economy and the importance of training and education we have set the agenda;

OnOnOnOn the reputational and economic risks of a Gibraltar Savings Bank that is not independently regulated and managed whilst welcoming the concept and suggesting solutions we have led the debate and set the agenda ;

On On On On planning, land reclamation and heritage we have set the ambitious targets and led the agenda; Read the above again and remember in all these areas and many others even without parliamentary representation we have led and others have often followed. We are a party with sensible policies and good ideas. So if the PDP, its policies and its style of politics is something you feel is a positive force, a progressive influence and healthy contributor to Gibraltar, then I need your support. You may feel that you always have to vote one way or another but I urge you, this once, when you have a totally free vote without affecting your personal party standing in parliament to think about the future. Please take this great opportunity on July the 4th to vote for me and give the PDP a voice, your voice in our democracy. I believe you have all to gain and nothing to loseall to gain and nothing to loseall to gain and nothing to loseall to gain and nothing to lose. Finally, whichever candidate persuades you, please recognise the importance of that cornerstone of any civilised democracy and come out to vote. Thank You.




He went on to study law and returned to Gibraltar, taking a job at a local law firm. Leaving the firm some years later he founded Cruz & Co in 1996 which is still going strong today and, in fact, has expanded to include the Acquarius Trust Group. In 2008 he established the first British law firm in Tangiers, Morocco, which has now established a presence in Casablanca. Nick has served for over 10 years on the Finance Centre Council advising various Government Finance Ministers in his capacity as Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Association of Trust & Company Managers. His strong work ethic and early tragedy has some people believing Nick has a reputation for being quiet and too serious; an impression of his character he recognises is not a positive. This is far from the truth as those that know him will vouch. Nick’s big passion beyond Gibraltar and family is sport and he plays whatever sport he takes up with determination and steel, the kind of determination and steel you want in someone who is going to represent you. For instance, tennis, running, karate, sailing and his big love of rugby has seen him until recently scoring the odd try and sporting the odd black eye too. Unhindered by ‘ties’ Nick Cruz is his own man, a private individual with a sense of what is right and proper.


Nick Cruz, at 45, is a family man. Married to Leigh Anne with 3 children (and a dog), Nick lives and breathes Gibraltar. After the loss of his father when still a child, Nick knows only too well how important family and good friends can be. He probably would have entered the family business were it not for fate but after finishing school, he was pondering what to do when his mother piped up with the line that changed his life: “You argue a lot, why not become a lawyer?” - The lady must have been a psychic!


Nick Cruz began to take an interest during the ‘bad days’ of the fast launches and almost lawlessness of Gibraltar, a time when our reputation suffered on an international scale. Taking a political stance along with other founding members of the GSD they ascribed to a different type of politics which at the time was clearly needed. His personal highlights occurred (in a mirroring of today’s situation) whereby Spanish politician after politician tried to muddy our name. In 1999, he gave evidence to the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, weighing in when others might tread warily and publicly shaming the Foreign Office for its policy on Gibraltar, against the wishes of the Gibraltarians. Following that he spoke to the Parliamentary Select Committee on Constitutional reform in 2001, making recommendations on an immediate future status for Gibraltar, many of which can be found in the 2006 Constitution. He was a member of the Council of Representative Bodies established by Peter Caruana which helped to successfully fight off the Anglo-Spanish Blair/Straw/Hain/Aznar initiative on Co-Sovereignty.


Nick served on the executive in the GSD but in 2005 following movements within the party into a direction Nick was not comfortable with he chose to leave the party on principle. Some 14 months later he became a founder member of the PDP a party which has led and often greatly influenced the political agenda. In the past 2 elections the PDP has fought under the ‘big two’ with an incredible amount of verbal support but sadly lacking in the votes to gain a seat in Parliament. Not because they were rejected but because the voter in a Caruana-Bossano tribal landscape was afraid of costing one or the other party the right to govern. Since being elected leader of the PDP back in December and the decision of Caruana to retire, their popularity is again on the rise because they as a political party not only speak their mind and the mind of the electorate but proffer solutions to those issues. Nick is standing in this by-election because he believes in democracy and Gibraltar’s willingness to change the face of current politics with a clear ambition of bringing our collective efforts together far more often. It is a small step for you to vote Nick Cruz because it would not affect the outcome, the Alliance will still be in power and the GSD will still be in opposition. Your vote will give many of you a fresh voice in parliament to speak without fear or favour. It will introduce a positive, progressive and aspirational message in an all too negative and destructive environment. You have all to gain and nothing to lose – Vote Cruz!Vote Cruz!Vote Cruz!Vote Cruz!




I believe changing the way we govern to a less tribal, more constructive and genuinely open process with more checks and balances. We believe this can be achieved by attitude but guaranteed by parliamentary and democratic reform. This would include term limits for CM; introduction of back benchers by increasing the size of parliament to 25 (at no extra cost); use of cross party select committees; open and transparent tender process; opposition and independent members’ involvement in Public Authorities; more frequent use of referenda; a more representative electoral process and a parliamentary ombudsman. With this kind of mature thinking we can stop cronyism, nepotism and negative politics that limit our progress as a people. If you elect me to Parliament on the 4th July, I will seek to form part of the cross-party Select Committee that the CM recently announced will be set up to consider democratic and parliamentary reform that would be implemented by 2015.

•My position is robust and simply put: there is nothing to discussthere is nothing to discussthere is nothing to discussthere is nothing to discuss. We believe in safe and sensible dialogue for good neighbourly relations, but reject provocation and appeasement in any form. Whilst I am of the view the handling of the fishing dispute by GSLP/Liberal Government was naïve we must show solidarity now. Incursions into our waters are as unacceptable as incursions on land and I would insist the UK comply with their constitutional obligations on defence so that the RGP can affect arrests for all those who commit offences, without fear or favour.

I believe it is entirely natural for any colonial people not to want to remain a colony; it would be unnatural not to. Any defensive instinct to cling on to the status quo is normal but we have an obligation to future generations not to simply pass on the same struggle. Moreover as the UK contemplates staying or leaving the EU we need to ensure our position is protected. The PDP are the only party that has a clear policy on our future. Whilst I do not disregard outright the so called 4th option as your MP I would encourage the Government to seek our decolonization through a tried and tested internationally acceptable option such as Free Association with the UK. Such a concept has had political support from across the political spectrum over our last 30 years. It would mean the recognition of our unqualified right to self-determination and once UK agreement is obtained, a decision in referendum to freely associate with the UK as an independent country not a colony. The objective is to be Gibraltarian and British by choice. A third referendum on this would end our UN battle and Spain advancing their territorial claim.


I believe in the free market and making it as simple as possible for private enterprise to flourish. In order to make this happen, we need low tax and little bureaucracy with targeted education training and assistance. We need to develop the traditional pillars of our economy. There has been and continues to be underinvestment in one of our greatest possible economic pillars, heritage and geographical tourism. Everyone understands maximizing our heritage and environmental potential in an economically sustainable way would increase tourist visits and more importantly the quality of tourists and the length of their stay. Any right thinking person’s objective must be to ensure a more prosperous economy, better opportunities and job security for Gibraltarians and residents and an increase of Government revenue.

I believe Gibraltarians have the potential to reach any position or objective with the right education, training and opportunity. Nationalistic positive discrimination distorts the market and threatens the dignity of home grown talent. Our training and education policies must ensure the Gibraltarian is the candidate of choice every time for reason of quality. Creating artificial jobs or parking our youth into companies set up by GSLP/Liberal Government is not the way to create sustainable jobs.

My party has been the only party to question whether our students are really doing as well as we believe. In our 2011 Manifesto we published educational statistics that showed that in almost every subject at both GCSE and A-Level our students are performing below the UK. We must challenge our perceptions and reverse this trend. We welcome the investment by the GSLP/Liberal Government in teachers and we encourage more investment generally in education. As a party we would commit to building a new Bayside School. As your MP, I would strongly encourage the GSLP/Liberal Government to do the same. Pupils that are not as academic should also be nurtured and we should and must invest in vocational courses for them. Moreover I believe we should establish training facilities of the highest standards in partnership with private enterprise in Finance , Port, Gaming, Tourism and Catering so that our children are prepared to compete for jobs that already exist in our economy.



We have led on this since 2006. As your MP I will push for equal treatment for all Gibraltarians and long term residents specifically the further integration of non-EU citizens, especially the treatment of the Moroccan community with the compassion and dignity that their 40 years of commitment to Gibraltar deserves.

I believe that a place as manageable and small as Gibraltar sadly lacks an environmentally friendly, quality and comprehensive solution that minimizes the desire to use and need to use cars as often as we do. As your MP I will not shy away from tackling this. We must improve in a committed way the facilities for pedestrians’ and cyclists. We should be prepared to consider providing solutions that are imaginative and tailor made for Gibraltar.

Our health system has improved over the last 20 years but given the level of investment it needs further improvement to ensure you the tax payer are getting an excellent service and value for money. I believe in providing housing to all Gibraltarians who genuinely need help. The provision of housing is welfare and in any civilized society should, together with other basic rights be provided to those who need it. Moreover I accept the principle that those who earn more should pay more. However the PDP do not believe that such simple yet important principles should be open to abuse. Therefore as your MP I would encourage a means testing system that ensures only those who need help receive it. Clearly such a measure cannot be retrospective but we would encourage its implementation in the future.

This is little more than a snap shot of the detailed policies that my party and I have developed over many years. Many of these policies can be found in our 2007 and 2011 manifesto and our policy documents, all available on our website www.pdp.gi - They are all aimed at making a great place greater.

I make no excuses for highlighting our party’s robust stance on crime and sentencing. One of Gibraltar’s greatest attributes is that we have historically had very low crime rates. As your MP I would urge the GSLP/Liberal Government to adopt a zero tolerance approach to anti-social behavior and to review sentencing so that we avoid following the modern international trend where serious and antisocial crimes have become all to frequent.



Progressive Democratic Party of GibraltarElection Agent Tarik El-Yabani Tel: 00350 60622744

tarik@pdp.gi | www.pdp.gi

Progressive Democratic Party of Gibraltar

Election Agent Tarik El-Yabani Tel: 00350 60622744

tarik@pdp.gi | www.pdp.gi