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Transcript of PDFT form TL EN

  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN



    1. Consider % importance of each objectives based on priority, importance, time-consumed

    2. Result of objective: >105% = 3 Exceeds Expectation; 95%-105% =2 Meet Expectation;

  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN



    Personal Development Objective

    Done On-Going

    ance e




    Employee's Comments:

    Supervisor's Comments:

    Profesional Training (What

    skills you need?)



    Description of professional skills training

    (How do you have these skills? List the

    activities for each objective)

    Training evaluation (How to

    Know you have these skill?)

    Employee's Comments:


    Supervisor's Comments:

  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN



    1. CUSTOMER FOCUSImprovement


    1.1. Know Your Customer and their Needs

    1.2. Customer Problem Solving

    1.3. Building customer rapport

    1.4. Work with others (for customer service)

    The Supervisor/Employee's Comment

    Rating Customer Focus Behaviour

    2. RESULT ORIENTEDImprovement


    2.1. Planning

    2.2. Commiment Execution

    2.3. Stress management

    2.4. Works handling

    The Supervisor/Employee's Comment

    Rating Reasult Oriented Behaviour



    3.1. Building rapport in the same/different business department

    Work effectively with team members to meet customer needs

    Be optimistic and positive, maintain personal relationship when dealing with stress.

    Immediately deal with urgent and important issues.

    Maintain focusing on the job or use time and energy effectively when dealing with stress.

    Define the plan and the action plan with the committed time line

    Predict scenarios

    Understand the importance of other divisions/departments and to promote effective relationships

    Adjust their working style to ensure that the team/department will achieve expected results .

    Identify priority list

    Concentrate resources on prioritized issues of team/business departments

    Fairly evaluate ttheir performance and feedbacks from service recipients (monthly)

    Study products or services of business departments or banks to improve customer service

    Understand the impact of his/her performance on other people/business departments

    Fully understand what customers concern or their priorities.

    Actively and promptly find the best solution for the issues that customers concern

    Prioritize tasks to satisfy customer needs

    Regularly review customer feedbacks to improve performance

    Regularly follow up to ensure that the issues are properly handled (by actions or assessments)

    Spend time for effective listening and communication with customers, understand the difference between what they want and

    Build cooperation, rapport, trust and support with customers

    Customer requests beneficial for the bank are prioritized

    Regularly execute commitments to customers, supervisors and colleagues

    Execute as comitted, "talk" goes with "do"

    Jobs completed on or before the deadline and the results are notified to the relevant persons in time.

    Self managed (with little supervision) to complete assigned tasks (or tasks specified in their job description) before being

    Take drastic measures when the results are not as good as expected

    Expressed desire to succeed

    Effective time management, forecast to prevent anything distracting from focus

    Identify opportunities to work with other staff/business department to achieve objectives

    Manage to work with others and enable them to work

    Setting effective relationships with others in the same/different department

    Proactively seek for support, opinions and advices of others in the same/different department in making decisions or planning

    Strengthen the team, department by discussion about current difficulties in operations and business

    Recognize, acknowledge and complement the contributions of others

  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN


    3.2. Information & Knowledge Sharing

    3.3. Help other staff/departments

    3.4. Conflict resolution

    The Supervisor/Employee's Comment

    Rating Teamwork and collarboration Behaviour

    4. ADAPTABILITYImprovement


    4.1. Demonstration of adaptability

    4.2. Positive attitude

    The Supervisor/Employee's Comment

    Rating Adaptability Behaviour

    5. INSPIRATIONImprovement


    5.1. Positive, enthusiastic

    5.2. Building trust and rapport

    5.3. Encourage team members & colleagues

    Motivate and support team members to achieve challenging targets in the ever-changing working environment.

    Officially support the team's decisions

    Create opportunities for team members to learn, develop and improve their performance

    Actively participate in the projects, departments, divisions and the bank

    Make a positive progress in achieving the targets

    Offer support to help others to complete the tasks

    Work as a partner to help others solve the problem

    Promote cooperation and trust in the team and other departments

    Share knowledge and expertise with colleagues

    Voluntarily share information with colleagues & others

    Actively participate and discuss in the meetings

    Execute what was promised and committed to others

    Open to changes and ready to change

    Behave appropriately to individuals having different personalities and cultures

    Share resources when requested

    Maintain objectivity in resolving conflicts

    Work out solutions for mutual benefits in case of disputes

    Persuade others by making them understand the issues and involving them in discussing important problems

    Self-control personal emotions

    Act honestly and straightforwardly

    Adapt to the new working method associating with the change of the job requirements.

    Learn from errors or failures

    Exchange their knowledge and best practices with the organization

    Ability to adapt to unexpected problems and the relevant prioritized changes

    Encourage staffs and colleagues to participate in MDB programs/activities

    Encourage staff to propose solutions and help them to make decisions

    Willing to try the new working methods associating with the change. Not try to keep the ineffective working style

    Friendly, open hearted and easy going with everyone

    Take changes and new situations as a chance to learn and develop;

    Focus on the positive aspects of the change; talk with others about the positive sides of the change

    Express aggressiveness pervasive to staff to have their sympathy and support

    Self-started in all activities and always be dynamic role model in the team.

    Show trust in the ability of others

    Solve conflict for improvement

    Act honestly and straightforwardly, manage with integrity and honesty

    Give assignments and delegate authority with trust and assertiveness

  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN


    The Supervisor/Employee's Comment

    Rating Inspiration Behaviour



    6.1. Innovative

    6.2. Application and evaluation of new ideas

    6.3. Thc y nhm/phng ban i mi

    The Supervisor/Employee's Comment

    Rating Challenges, Innovation and Creativeness Behaviour

    7. LEADERSHIPImprovement


    7.1. Vision and priority planning

    7.2.Objectives set up and staff management

    7.3. Talent Development

    7.4. Team Leadership

    The Supervisor/Employee's Comment

    Rating Leadership Behaviour

    Improvement Required

    Improvement Required from 2 behavioral

    competency or more

    Behavioral competencies are below


    Improve the paperwork and procedures within their responsibilities step by step

    Continuous improvement of products, services, procedures, paperwork and working habits

    Provide the diversified creative and innovative ideas

    Look for and try new method to remove the barrier to changes

    Challenge your job by giving new ideas or innovation

    Make sure that the group has enough necessary resources to achieve the personal goals and department priorities

    Identify work standards

    Consider the impact when executing changes, improvements and new solutions

    Motivate department staff to find solutions to change/improve procedures, paperwork

    Oppose to those who slow down the change process/improvements, motivate staff (who seldom have ideas) to cope with

    Notify the change priorities of the department, division for immediate actions

    Clarify responsibilities and empower staff , encourage departments to change and become creative

    Support others to deal with changes

    Actively look for required data, evaluate options, and plan the potential changes

    Understand objectives, action plans and priorities of departments/divisions.

    Communicate the plans of supervisors, encourage team/department to focus & commit to implement

    Communicate their expectation to staff

    Collect v analyze data to determine and assess opportunities in short-term and long-term view

    Regular check with colleagues and team members to ensure that all of them understand the bank's priorities.

    Communicate openly with staff about salary base and staff programs.

    Discuss with staffs about business challenges and involve them in solving problems.


    Identify priority objectives, discuss with staffs, use individual and department effort to focus on those priorities

    Identify the objectives of teams and departments to be achieved step by step

    Perform PDFT step by step to identify personal and department objectives

    Organize discussions with staff in the beginning, middle and evaluate their performance at year end following PDFT's

    Take immediate and determined actions to staff whose ability and performance are below expectation

    Straightforwardly communicate with staff about their ability and potentiality

    Actively evaluate the abilities of team members to identify their development plans

    Use coaching tool to improve competencies or develop abilities of team members

    Create development opportunities for staff in line with the development needs of the bank

    Effective Exceptional

    Effective" on the majority of behavioral competencies

    (some items may exceed expectations) "Exceptional" 3/6 competencies

    Have strong behavioral competencies, success and consistent

    with the Companys objectives and goals

    There is no way to evaluate what "needs improv

  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN


    Damage to the organization, department or unit Be recognized by colleagues, supervisor, staff as a role


    Is a role model of behavioral competencies in M

    appreciated by colleagues, supervisor and staff

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  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN





  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN


    DB, be

  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN


    Improvement Required Effective Exceptional

    Know Your Customer and their Needs

    Not share information or share information but not on

    the "Need to Know" basis

    Fairly evaluate ttheir performance and feedbacks from

    service recipients (monthly)

    Actively communicate the necessary information t


    Not study or have limited knowledge about banking

    products and services of each Division.

    Study products or services of business departments or

    banks to improve customer service

    Actively share information and knowledge of prod

    and services of business departments or the bank wi

    Not understand customer concerns or expectations .Understand the impact of his/her performance on other

    people/business departments

    Understand business, problems and challenges of

    customers Show discomfort attitude while serving customers. Fully understand what customers concern or their


    Regularly communicate with customers about the

    issues they concern or support they expect

    Customer Problem Solving

    Slow or unsatisfactory feedbacks to customer requests Actively and promptly find the best solution for the

    issues that customers concern

    Actively looking for solutions out of the normal sc

    of duties

    Seldom follow up pending issues Regularly follow up to ensure that the issues are

    properly handled (by actions or assessments)

    Have a good and long-term relationship with

    customers and have them introducing new customer

    Building customer rapport

    Not ready or not willing to listen to customers Spend time for effective listening and communication

    with customers, understand the difference between what

    they want and what they need

    Proactively approach customers to listen, and

    exchange feedbacks

    No effort to build trust and rapport with customers Build cooperation, rapport, trust and support withcustomers Use team efforts to provide service excellence tailofor each customer's needs.

    Inadequately care about customer feedbacks. Regularly review customer feedbacks to improve


    Regularly review customer feedbacks, communic

    with colleagues or supervisors to have a workable a

    effective solution

    Work with others (for customer service)

    Only focus on issues that are unfavorable for/harmful

    to customers

    Customer requests beneficial for the bank are


    Encourage others to put customers' requirements a

    the first priority

    Not aware of what customers need, no effort to satisfy

    customer demands

    Prioritize tasks to satisfy customer needs Identify the priority list, work with others and use

    resources to meed customer needs

    Inadequate cooperation with the team to meet

    customer demands or interests

    Work effectively with team members to meet customer


    Encourage others to contribute to the customer ser


    Improvement Required Effective Exceptional


    Work casually without any plan Define the plan and the action plan with the

    committed time line

    Actively set up the action plan

    Set up plans without thinking about all

    possibilities/scenarios which might happen to impede

    the plan realization

    Predict scenarios Actively set up the contingency plan

    Not follow the set up priorities Identify priority list The priority lists should be consistent with those o

    business department(s) or the bank

    No action plan Concentrate resources on prioritized issues ofteam/business departments

    Concentrate resources on prioritized items which bbest benefits to the bank

    Commiment Execution

    No enthusiasm in executing requests of customers,

    supervisors and colleagues

    Regularly execute commitments to customers,

    supervisors and colleagues

    Often complete the job, requests, commitments to

    supervisors and others exceeding their expectation

    Jobs performed not properly or below the comitted


    "Talk" and "Do" are not consistent.

    Execute as comitted, "talk" goes with "do" Do more than what committed

    Many done but few completed

    Tasks uncompleted or completed late having negative

    impact on the assignment results

    Jobs completed on or before the deadline and the

    results are notified to the relevant persons in time.

    Often complete jobs before the deadline

    Not work unless being pushed Self managed (with little supervision) to complete

    assigned tasks (or tasks specified in their job

    description) before being pushed by the others

    Self motivated and actively perform their assigned

    tasks or agreed objectives

    Stress management

    1. CUSTOMER FOCUS (EXTERNAL/INTERNAL*):Requests of internal & external customers should be prioritized and customer relationships should be mainta

    and developed.

    2. RESULT ORIENTED: Commitments to the organization, supervisors and others are required to be executed. Employees should satisfy business requirements by

    quickly setting a specific action plan in which identifying "who, what, when" to ensure the sucessful implementation. The results are always as expected or committed

    * Internal customers are colleagues, business departments .. in the bank who use the service results received from the previous step to perform the next step in a

    processing procedure to serve the final customer.

  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN


    Always avoid responsibility for what they have done Maintain focusing on the job or use time and energy

    effectively when dealing with stress.

    Focus on working to achieve the best results, igno

    the personal conflicts

    Work less efficiently if under pressure from many


    Be optimistic and positive, maintain personal

    relationship when dealing with stress.

    Work effectively under pressure

    Work handling

    Only analysis without action Immediately deal with urgent and important issues. Make decisions timely

    React slowly to troubles Take drastic measures when the results are not as good

    as expected

    Perform jobs with responsibility and sense of urge

    Not express motives while working Expressed desire to succeed Encourage others to have the desire to succeed

    Disoriented about procedures when something wrong


    Effective time management, forecast to prevent

    anything distracting from focus

    Consult others about effective time management

    Improvement Required Effective Exceptional

    Building rapport in the same/different business department

    Not accept opportunities to work with other

    staff/business departments to complete a job

    Identify opportunities to work with other staff/business

    department to achieve objectives

    Look for opportunities to cooperate and share the b

    practice in MDB

    Always heighten the importance of their department

    when working with others

    Understand the importance of other

    divisions/departments and to promote effective

    Attract and involve others for participation &


    Heighten inflexible and individual working style Adjust their working style to ensure that the

    team/department will achieve expected results .

    Refer various ideas and adjust the working style of

    department to achieve targets exceeding expectation

    Like to work alone and try to do everything by


    Manage to work with others and enable them to work Regularly work with other departments to improve

    and enhance work performance Create barriers to obstruct the working relationship

    among colleagues in the same/different business


    Setting effective relationships with others in the

    same/different department

    Promote effective staff relationships in the

    same/different departments

    . Maintain closed cooperation with team members e

    in the most difficult situation.

    Not attract attention of others

    One - way information, not encourage others to raise

    different points of view

    Proactively seek for support, opinions and advices of

    others in the same/different department in making

    decisions or planning

    Proactively pursue diversed opinions from staff of

    same/different department

    Refuse opportunities to collaberate, cooperate or share

    working habits (???)

    Strengthen the team, department by discussion about

    current difficulties in operations and business

    Re-establish working relationships with departmen

    divisions having conflicts in the past.

    No efforts to recognize and encourage contribution of


    Recognize, acknowledge and complement the

    contributions of others

    Notify success, contribution of other departments

    promote relationship with staff of the same/differen


    Criticize others in public. Criticism is considered as

    personal attack

    Promote cooperation and trust in the team and other


    Proactively work with relevant staff to achieve

    objectives exceeding expectation

    Information & Knowledge Sharing

    Restrict sharing experiences and knowledge Share knowledge and expertise with colleagues Organize meetings to exchange experiences out of

    busniess scope of their department

    Hide important information, only provide the relevant

    information and share the best practices when being

    requested by supervisors.

    Voluntarily share information with colleagues &


    Recognize information required by staff to actively

    propose, exchange experience and information in th


    Avoid meetings and discussions, not actively discuss

    or contribute opinions.

    Actively participate and discuss in the meetings Offer solutions and participate in the implementat

    Help other staff/departments

    Not execute what they said, promised or committed Execute what was promised and committed to others Encourage staff of the same/different department

    do what was promised and committed

    Care about their own personal interest Offer support to help others to complete the tasks Be the first to volunteer to provide information tohelp colleagues

    Not work with others for problem solving Work as a partner to help others solve the problem Proactively work with others to prevent unexpecte


    Not willing to share resources with others Share resources when requested Identify needs and share resources with others

    Conflict resolution

    Not face and resolve the conflict but let it become

    more serious

    Maintain objectivity in resolving conflicts Receive feedback positively from colleagues,

    supervisors, or other departments

    Seek for solutions harmful to business department(s) Work out solutions for mutual benefits in case of


    Be regconized and trusted as an effective arbitrato

    Not willing to cooperate with individuals,

    organizations who have conflitcs with them in the past

    Too aggressive for winning/losing

    Persuade others by making them understand the issues

    and involving them in discussing important problems

    Starting cooperate with the departments having

    conflict in the past

    Easily lose control when having conflicts Self-control personal emotions Adjust / change the situation that makes others moor embarassed

    3. TEAMWORK AND COLLABORATION: Building up the relationship to work more effectively with colleagues, supervisors and others to achieve the targets of

    themselves, team, and business departments. To collaborate with others in the same or different business department, respect the requirements and contribution of

    members in the same/different business departments

  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN


    Act dishonestly and not straightforwardly Act honestly and straightforwardly Express trusts on others' abilities

    Improvement Required Effective Exceptional

    Demonstration of Adaptability

    Not adjust themselves to adapt to the new


    Adapt to the new working method associating with the

    change of the job requirements.

    Actively study and forecast the changes to have a

    suitable working method

    Not willing to accept/learn from errors or failures Learn from errors or failures Change the working method or improve from lesso

    learned from failures

    Only use their knowledge for themselves & restrictsharing to others Exchange their knowledge and best practices with theorganization Organize & share knowledge, best practices with torganization

    Restrict discussions about difficulties when the

    environment / job changes

    Ability to adapt to unexpected problems and the

    relevant prioritized changes

    Forecast the unexpected problems and the relevant

    prioritized changes

    Have taciturn attitude, limit contact with others. Solve

    all the issues alone.

    Open to changes and ready to change Provide guidances and encourage responses to


    Behave inappropriately to individuals having

    different personalities and cultures

    Behave appropriately to individuals having different

    personalities and cultures

    Prove to have knowledges and skills to propose to

    individuals, departments and the organization

    appropriate solutions for different subjects, situation

    Have a negative attitude to new changes Willing to try the new working methods associating

    with the change. Not try to keep the ineffective working


    Have a positive thinking about the change. Ready

    welcome new changes in work/environment

    Positive attitude

    Only know their own work, not care about others' Friendly, open hearted and easy going with everyone Actively communicate, exchange information with

    new colleagues, discuss about the advantages anddisadvantages that they are experiencing

    Try to keep the old working style & behavior though

    it's no longer suitable to the new situation

    Take changes and new situations as a chance to learn

    and develop;

    Always have a positive and optimistic thinking ab

    the difficulties arising from the changes of the

    environment/work and believe that it is a good

    opportunity to develop themselves

    Focus on the positive aspects of the change; talk with

    others about the positive sides of the change

    Initiative to contact the relevant departments to

    support each other in work

    Improvement Required Effective Exceptional

    Positive, enthusiastic

    Reluctant to support or just support when requested Express aggressiveness pervasive to staff to have their

    sympathy and support

    Push team/department to achieve expected results,

    balance personal objectives, department's objectives Not a role model, the performance is below the

    expectation of others.

    Self-started in all activities and always be dynamic

    role model in the team.

    Transmit enthusiasm to build up a working

    environment attractive to staff to achieve the expect

    Discuss and make decision but not support the


    Officially support the team's decisions Support department's decisions by taking actions a

    leading the team to execute the decision

    Seldom create trust and recognition Create opportunities for team members to learn,

    develop and improve their performance

    Recognize good results, actively identify developm

    opportunities for team members

    Avoid, not participate and not take responsibility for

    their activities

    Actively participate in the projects, departments,

    divisions and the bank

    Transmit aggressiveness to others

    Not take actions, not execute commitments Make a positive progress in achieving the targets Inspire team member to build up a collaborative

    working environment to achieve the challenging tar

    Building trust and rapport

    Seldom have trust in the ability of others Show trust in the ability of others Build trust and help others to achieve personal goa

    as well as team goals

    Confront, care too much about winning or losing Always absent when the team needs

    Solve conflict for improvement Be a role model about honesty and integrity

    Not act honestly and straightforwardly Act honestly and straightforwardly, manage with

    integrity and honesty

    Considered by peers and colleagues as an un-offic


    Encourage team members & colleagues

    Give assignments but not delegate the authority Give assignments and delegate authority with trust

    and assertiveness

    Always encourage and support staff to achieve

    challenging targets under ever-changing conditions

    Not willing to participate in action plan, passive Encourage staffs and colleagues to participate in MDB


    Support resources for staff to participate in MDB's


    Not willing to give authorization to the team Encourage staff to propose solutions and help them to

    make decisions

    Involve staff in discussion and coach them to mak

    important decisions.

    Contstantly change the objectives at random Motivate and support team members to achieve

    challenging targets in the ever-changing working

    Help others in solving conflicts without preventing

    them act on their own initiatives

    5. INSPIRATION: Evoke fire and enthusiasm pervasive to colleagues and supervisors to achieve the common results

    4. ADAPTABILITY: Maintain effectiveness when experiencing changes in work or environment, adjust themselves or their jobs effectively according to the new job

    structures, procedures, requirements or cultures.

  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN


    Improvement Required Effective Exceptional


    Not willing to challenge the job, always think that

    everything is already good

    Challenge your job by giving new ideas or innovation Challenge the current working methods by guidan

    proposals or pioneers to carry out creative working


    Not regularly improve products, services, processes,

    procedures, paperwork and working habits

    Continuous improvement of products, services,

    procedures, paperwork and working habits

    Pioneers to propose improvement, innovation to

    improve products, services, procedures, based on th

    requirements of customers/users

    Not have any significant creative ideas, or renovation.

    Work stereotypedly

    Provide the diversified creative and innovative ideas Enhance new idea in the same/different departmen

    encourage new working method suitable with the

    requirements of customers/users

    Always satisfied with current methods & against new


    Look for and try new method to remove the barrier to


    Always sucessfully perfom new methods to remov

    the barrier to changes

    Application and evaluation of new ideas

    Depend on others to improve paperwork and

    procedures which are under their business scope

    Improve the paperwork and procedures within their

    responsibilities step by step

    Actively improve papperwork and procedures not

    under their responsibility

    Start changes without considering the dependencies of

    procedures and policies ...

    Consider the impact when executing changes,

    improvements and new solutions

    Assess the impact and have solutions to execute

    changes, improvements and new solutions

    Not anticipate the problems Actively look for required data, evaluate options, and

    plan the potential changes

    Anticipate the worst and have contigency plan

    Enforce teams/departments to change

    Not stimulate staff to improve, change and innovate. Motivate department staff to find solutions to

    change/improve procedures, paperwork

    Encourage staff of other department to develop

    solutions, products, and creative services to meet th

    requirements of customers/users

    Encourage staff to perform work in a normal way, less

    open to any changes

    Oppose to those who slow down the change

    process/improvements, motivate staff (who seldom have

    ideas) to cope with changes/improvements.

    Build up the culture of innovation and creativenes

    the deparment, open with solutions for changes

    Not identify the department/division priorities to focus

    on the changes & improvements

    Notify the change priorities of the department,

    division for immediate actions

    Push changes prioritized according to customer'


    Not assign tasks, not motivate teams Clarify responsibilities and empower staff , encourage

    departments to change and become creative

    Regularly coach and give feedback to staff, stimul

    creative thinking

    Not care about how staff are working, not support

    during the change

    Support others to deal with changes Support, convince satff, supervisors to agree with

    proposed changes and working methods

    Improvement Required Effective Exceptional

    Vision and Priority planning

    Not identify objectives, action plans and priorities of


    Understand objectives, action plans and priorities of


    Initiative to understand visions (or orientation),

    objectives, action plans and bank priorities.

    Notify the priority plan but not support the


    Communicate the plans of supervisors, encourage

    team/department to focus & commit to implement

    Communicate their expectation to staff

    Communicate visions, plans, strategies and priorit

    of the bank to staff. Make sure that the group,

    department focus and commit to implement

    Conclude and comment subjectively without

    supporting facts, seldom care about what are happening

    around them.

    Collect v analyze data to determine and assess

    opportunities in short-term and long-term view

    Recognize the opportunities and implement shot-t

    long-term plans according to the objectives and

    priorities of the organization

    Not effectively resolve difficulties and lack effort to

    execute the plan, easy to give up

    Regular check with colleagues and team members to

    ensure that all of them understand the bank's priorities.

    Regularly check to ensure that the group's prioritie

    are consistent with the bank's, adjust if necessary

    Not sufficciently provide required resources to help

    staff achieve their personal goals and department goals

    Make sure that the group has enough necessary

    resources to achieve the personal goals and department


    Regularly discuss with team to ensure that require

    resources are timely provided

    Objectives set up and staff management

    Not clearly determine standards of their performance Identify work standards Set up high standards when performing jobs

    Not clearly identify department priorities for staff to


    Identify priority objectives, discuss with staffs, use

    individual and department effort to focus on those


    Actively communicate with supervisors about the

    expections and priorities in the year

    7. LEADERSHIP: Make the best use of resources to achieve results by all staff efftort: communicate visions, targets, priorities and plans of the organization, direct st

    effort to the overall plan, motivate staff by information exchanges and feedbacks, reruit, strongly maintain and develop appropriate staff, invest time and effort to help

    them perform jobs better.

    6. CHALLENGES, INNOVATION & CREATIVENESS: Staff are required to think about the solutions to improve their performance and set up the action plan to

    meet the expectation of supervisors. departments and the bank. Committed and self-motivated, encourage others to look for and execute unprecedented and different

    solution to overcome difficulties, accept changes and execute the action plan in the ever-changing working environment.

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    Not identify objectives of groups and departments or

    set up objectives not consistent with the common


    Identify the objectives of teams and departments to be

    achieved step by step

    Identify objectives suitable with the abilities of the

    team/department and the objective condirions but

    ensure that the common objectives are observed

    No effort to understand and implement PDFT Perform PDFT step by step to identify personal and

    department objectives

    Guide staff to implement PDFT step by step

    Not organize discussions, self-evaluation and not

    exchange opinions with staff

    Organize discussions with staff in the beginning,

    middle and evaluate their performance at year end

    following PDFT's guidelines

    Provide required resources to support staff to

    overcome difficulties in their work

    Not take immediate actions to employees whose

    performance is below the expectation.

    Take immediate and determined actions to staff whose

    ability and performance are below expectation

    Actively communicate, build up, and successfully

    execute development plan for staff whose performan

    is below expection

    Talent Development

    Not communicate about staff development Straightforwardly communicate with staff about their

    ability and potentiality

    Save time to guide and develop each team membe

    No effort to evaluate staff performance and identify

    their development requirents, let them work alone

    Actively evaluate the abilities of team members to

    identify their development plans

    Guide and assist staff to develop and pursue their

    interests and career goals

    Seldom save time for coaching, usually make

    decisions for staff

    Use coaching tool to improve competencies or develop

    abilities of team members

    Save time to coach each team member, express

    honesty and integrity in staff support and developm

    Not care about staff development Create development opportunities for staff in line with

    the development needs of the bank

    To create an open-hearted and trustful environmen

    team members in which staff development issues ar

    regularly discussed.

    Team Leadership

    Not discuss with staff about business challenges, onlycommunicate when problems have been resolved.

    Discuss with staffs about business challenges andinvolve them in solving problems.

    Create opportunities and environments in which stcan actively overcome business challenges, includin

    bearing responsibilities for risks and failures.

    Seldom open with staff about salary base and staff


    Communicate openly with staff about salary base and

    staff programs.

    Actively communicate with supervisors and the

    relevant departments to answer staff's questions

  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN


    Performance Review Summary Year: 20

    Full Name: Date Joined:

    Division/Department: Position:

    Purposes Annual Performance Appraisal Appraisal Period From: To:

    Part I. Assessment of the Result Personal ObjectivePerformance

    Rating (a)


    Weighted % (b)


    1Personal Objective 1 30%


    2Personal Objective 2 20%


    3Personal Objective 3 20% 0

    4Personal Objective 4 20%


    5Personal Objective 5 2

    10% 0.


    100% 0.

    Exceed Expectations = >2.5

    Meet Expectations = From 1.8 t

    Below Expectations =

  • 8/12/2019 PDFT form TL EN
