Selecting & Planning Math Tasks for Increased Rigor

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Transcript of Selecting & Planning Math Tasks for Increased Rigor

Selecting & Planning Math Tasks for Increased Rigor, Relevance, and Student Engagement Secondary Math – Summer 2016

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Who am I?


Years in Education

Something About You (Family/Hobbies/etc.?)

Summer Fun

Share with your shoulder partner.

Introduce your shoulder partner to the group (share name and at least 1 fact)

Agenda and Learning Target

Learning Target:

Teachers will have a basic understanding of the Rigor, Relevance, & Engagement framework and will begin understanding how to evaluate and transform tasks to increase levels of rigor, relevance, and engagement for students. Teachers will demonstrate understanding by transforming a task for their specific course, sharing their thinking and reasoning with others and giving/receiving feedback on transformed tasks.


What we understand about Rigor, Relevance, & Engagement

Creating a Headache

A little brain research

Definitions and Misconceptions about Rigor and Relevance

Reviewing a Transformed a Task

How workshop model connects to Rigor, Relevance & Engagement

Transforming a Task or two

What is Rigor? Relevance? Engagement?

Use a Bubble Map to describe the qualities of each……RIGOR……RELEVANCE…..ENGAGEMENT

Compare, contrast, defend w/table group and create a map that demonstrates agreement from the table

How often should we teach at high levels of rigor, relevance, and engagement?

Building RELATIONSHIPS is the START for Increasing Rigor and Relevance

When teachers greeted students at the door, on-task behavior during the first ten minutes of class increased from 45% to 75%. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (2007)











Create a Struggle……Create a Math Headache

Why is what I’m learning important?

What does it make easier?

How does it make my work more efficient?

“If ____________ is the headache, then ______________ is the aspirin.”

Dan Meyer

What do we know about the Brain?

What can we do to get the most function out of it?

19 Senses – What kinds of input will produce maximum dendrite growth?

Sense Sight Hearing Touch Taste Smell Balance Vestibular Temperature Pain Eidetic imagery Magnetic Infrared Ultraviolet Ionic Vomeronasal Proximal Electrical Barometric Geogravimetric

Input Visible light Vibrations in the air Tactile contact Chemical molecular Olfactory molecular Kinesthetic geotropic Repetitious movement Molecular motion Nociception Neuroelectrical image retention Ferromagnetic orientation Long electromagnetic waves Short electromagnetic waves Airborne ionic charge Pheromonic sensing Physical closeness Surface charge Atmospheric pressure Sensing mass differences

RAS = Gatekeeper

Building RELATIONSHIPS is the START for Increasing Rigor and Relevance

When teachers greeted students at the door, on-task behavior during the first ten minutes of class increased from 45% to 75%. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (2007)

Let’s Review

Who are we and What we understand about rigor, relevance, and engagement.

Creating a Headache and how that headache works with the brain.

How the brain works as an Information Processor

Rigor – What is “rigor” about?

Harder problems ? Faster pacing ? More problems ?

Rigor is about Depth. It’s about: Applying Doing Thinking

Common Misconceptions of Rigor

MORE – does not mean more rigorous.

DIFFICULT – increased difficulty does not mean increased challenge.

RIGID – “all assignments are due by… no exception.”

AGE MATTERS – rigor can happen at any age as long as it is developmentally appropriate.

MUST MASTER BASICS FIRST – Any level of learning can be rigorous. It’s all about the design of the learning experience.

FOR THE ELITE – To reserve rigorous learning opportunities for the “elite” students while relegating others to lives of memorization and participation in meaningless activities does not meet the demands of 21st century learners. ALL can and should have equal access to rigorous instruction and learning.

Which students should not experience Rigor?

Many times teachers will think of rigor as an experience for a specific group of students or just for GT or PAP classes.


How can we move rigor forward? If something is academically rigorous, where does it fall on:

Blooms ?



The #1 method for increased rigor is with student generated questions:

To know more about the task

To extend their own or others understanding about the task

To challenge the reasonableness of the task or the results of the task

What other types of questions could students generate?


What kinds of tasks or activities to you associate with relevance?

Misconceptions of Relevance

Cool – relevance doesn’t exclusively mean what the students do for “fun”

Exclusive– relevance without rigor does not ensure success.

About the Teacher—it ‘s not about the teacher making connections, it is about the student connecting the learning to other learning and the real world.

Relevance Continuum

1)Knowledge in one discipline 2)Apply in discipline 3)Apply across disciplines 4)Apply to real-world predictable situations 5)Apply to real-world unpredictable situations

How does Rigor, Relevance, and Engagement apply to learning standards?

TEKS 7.4(D) solve problems involving ratios, rates, and percents, including multi-step problems involving percent increase and percent decrease, and financial literacy problems

Transforming Traditional Math Tasks

On a map of downtown, 12th Street is perpendicular to Avenue J. The equation

y = -4x + 3 represents 12th street.

What is the equation representing Avenue J if it passes through the point (8, 6)?

A veterinarian has determine that, based on weight, Simba should consume 4/5 the number of calories as Cuddles each day.

Current Calories Consumed Simba = 4800 calories per day Cuddles = 10230 calories per day

Fact: Average food consumption for a lion in captivity is 3.5 kilograms of red meat per day.

Info: 100 g of red meat is approx. 225 calories

Caution: Diet changes must be gradual. No more than 100 calories per day when reducing and no more than 190 calories per day when increasing.

feeding video

The book version

A veterinarian is changing the diets of two animals, Simba and Cuddles. Simba currently consumes 1200 Calories per day. That number will increase by 100 Calories each day. Cuddles currently consumes 3230 Calories a day. That number will decrease by 190 Calories each day. The patterns will continue until both animals are consuming the same number of Calories each day. In how many days will that be? How many Calories will each animal be consuming each day then?

Transforming Traditional Math Tasks

On a map of downtown, 12th Street is perpendicular to Avenue J. The equation

y = -4x + 3 represents 12th street.

What is the equation representing Avenue J if it passes through the point (8, 6)?

Let’s look at some current tasks….

How does Workshop Model support Rigor, Relevance, and Engagement?






Group Work vs Collaboration

What’s the difference?

Which one increases rigor?

When does collaboration happen?

Wrapping Up!

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