Pay per click advertising

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Pay per click advertising

The Downside of pay per click advertising

Though it is true that there are a lot of benefits enjoyed from pay per click advertising, it has also its own downside. These disadvantages could be a result of mismanagement or failure of some PPC providers. pay per click advertising needs to be monitored closely even if it gives immediate result. This type of advertising does not need to be taken for granted even if it ensures easy use and cost-efficient.

Many advertisers choose pay per click advertising because they have total control over it, cheaper than other types of internet advertising and quick results. All these advantages can be experienced in a swift as long as right strategy and well management are put into action. Since not many advertisers are lucky enough to gain from pay per click advertising, it is better to read this article and see what are some drawbacks of such campaign.

Wrong Keywords UsedJust like search engine optimization, pay per click relied heavily on the correct keywords so that customers could find your ad. Some advertisers and marketers have poor keyword search and if they do use keywords, they are too generalized in which delivers people to the site but is not generating any conversion or sales.

Click FraudThis is the greatest enemy of pay per click advertising. Click fraud are done by some publishers or owners of the sites and competitors where software keeps clicking the ad so that they could generate profit. It could also be done by an actual person. This could cause your budget to be consumed right away. Click fraud are often time undetected and this is why constant monitoring of your conversion rate should be done.

Ineffective CampaignIt is important that when a customer types is his search for a certain product, he should be directly lead to the right page. For example, if he is searching for a cheap dress and then cheap shoes and bags are displayed on the page then it is possible that he would leave your website right away. Even if your ad is placed on a popular search engine, you would never generate income or sales if your campaign approach is all wrong.

These are just a few disadvantages of pay per click advertising. These disadvantages are caused by not managing well the advertisement or not closely keeping an eye on the result. It is important that you see right away what is wrong if your pay per click advertising is not working. Or you could try some other forms of internet advertising.