Paul Was a Roman

Post on 07-Oct-2015

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It has been often said that if you will not be led by your creator , then you will be ruled by a tyrrant. In otherwords, you must choose between self rule and Divine guidance... or be ruled over by earthly tyrrants.

Transcript of Paul Was a Roman

More Hypocrisy about the Constitution in the SenateThe hypocrisy is getting so blatant that it is impossible not to call it out.Today I was sincerely pondering the command not to speak evil of a ruler of yourpeople. When the Apostle Paul recites that in Acts 23, he has merely spoken truthto power: He called out the High Priest for violating the law.Im being honest here I clearly have some studying to do on that point, and undoubtedly a lot more repenting.That said, leadership in America today denigrates its offices by their own actionsover and over and over and over. When they lie so easilywhen they appeal to thelaw and the Constitution only when it supports their desires, and despise them at all other timesthey spread cynicism and mistrust in the positions they hold. They give ammunition to those who say: all politicians liean incredibly dangerous thing for our national future; leaders must have the trust of the people, or the nation will be on the edge of collapse when a time of crisis arrives.We need to stop electing politicians, and look for statesmen.[See also, Harry Reid Hypocrisy Downplayed By Compliant Press.]The kind of thing recorded in this Daily Signal story needs to stop: It Was Unconstitutional Before It Wasnt: Democrats in Their Own Words.To be clear, the Constitution says that revenue bills have to originate in the House. It is silent on spending or other bills. So, as Heritages senior fellow in Economic Policy David Burton says, Durbins assertion that spending bills must originate in the House under the Constitution was just wrong.And that is perhaps the ultimate hypocrisy. What is constitutional or unconstitutional according to Senate Democrats seems to depend on the outcome they are aimingfor. In this case they are calling something constitutional that they previously said was unconstitutional in order to allow something truly unconstitutionalto happen. If you can follow that logic, you should apply for a job in Washington.I call on the President, the Senate, the House, and the courts to repentyour evilis destroying us. Stop exalting earthly power over eternal righteousness and truth. Do what is right, not what is expedient, or personally profitable. Turn back to the One who made this nations birth possible, and seek His mercy by which all of us may be saved. No sin is beyond the greatness of His grace. Repent.Undoubtedly I have my own repenting to do. God help us all.

by Bob Allen


Was the Apostle Paul really a believer in Yeshua s careful resistance to the rule of Rome? Remember that Paul was a Roman and thus spoke as a Roman when he wrot

e his book of Romans. Notice how he expresses his feelings about not questioningone s being ruled over by an earthly authority. So many people in the United States today do not seem to comprehend(failing education system?)the meaning of self-government and the intentions of the Founder s that wrote the constitutionand Bill of Rights. Paul has always been a problem for Christianity! The peopleof the United States are not intended to have a ruler over their people !!