Patient Waiting Room Education - Slideshow 4

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Patient Waiting Room Education is a collection of free screensaver slides that can be used in the waiting room for any health professional to educate patients while they wait! There are 10 separate slideshows in this series each with unique content. Feel free to download the slides in Powerpoint format (for PC) and revise them to be customized for your own practice. They can be downloaded in Keynote format (for Mac) from Dropbox for free at the following links: Instructions on uploading, modifying and creating slides are available through this account in Slideshare in the file entitled "Patient Waiting Room Education - Instructions". I can be reached on Twitter @supermarioelia or by email at Enjoy!

Transcript of Patient Waiting Room Education - Slideshow 4

Colon cancer screening

For anyone between 50-75 years old, you have two options for colon cancer screening:

Colonoscopy every 10 years OR

Stool cards to test for blood every 1-2 years

If you have a family history of colon cancer or polyps, you need a colonoscopy

Ask the doc about which option would be best for you!

Cervical cancer screening

We screen for cervical cancer for women between 21-70 years old

Screening involves doing a pap smear at least every 3 years (or more often if you have previous abnormal paps)

Be sure to ask the doctor whether you’re overdue for your next pap

We rarely see women die of cervical cancer because we detect early disease with pap smears!

Yearly check-ups!No one likes to come for their yearly check-up...but they’re important!

You may notice some changes with your annual exam

The focus now will be on preventative medicine, so you’ll find that we spend most of your check-up chatting about your health

They’re recommended for all ages!


Exercise is by far the most important thing to do for your health!

Reduces arthritis pain by 47%

Reduces progression to dementia by 50%

Reduces risk of diabetes/heart disease by 50%

Reduces anxiety and depression by 50%

And the higher dose, the better!!


The important thing is to find an activity that you love to do

If you feel forced to do it, it won’t last long

Recommendations are at least 30 minutes a day, at least 4 days a week

The activity should make you at least slightly short of breath

Exercise!If the idea of going to a gym makes you nauseous, consider using a pedometer to build your endurance!

Count your steps over a week to find your daily average

In week 2, make your goal to get 500 more steps per day then you did in week 1

In week 3, add another 500 steps per day

The ultimate goal is 10,000 steps per day!

Rectal or urinary bleeding?

No rectal or urinary bleeding can ever be ignored (even a single drop)

Please speak to Dr. Elia or Dr. Komar promptly so that we can start the proper investigations

Do you see another health care

professional?If you have a favourite physiotherapist, masseuse, podiatrist, optometrist, dentist, etc...

Let us know! We love to get your feedback to help with recommendations to other patients

Are you a senior?

We have copies of “A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario” in our waiting room

These are available to order free through the government, ask us how!

What to do post-exercise?

Cool down with light exercise for 10-20 minutes


Small amount of carbohydrate

Fluids to rehydrate

Good sleep that night

Cool bath

Cranberries to prevent urinary tract

infection?There is NOT a significant benefit to taking cranberries to prevent urinary tract infection

The benefit is very very small, and certainly not worth all of those daily calories

Are you a male between 65 and 75

years old?We recommend that you have an ultrasound done on your aorta to rule out an aneurysm

Ask one of the doctors to see whether you have had this done in the past!

Trouble losing weight?Avoiding simple sugars whenever possible is an absolute must

Simple sugars stimulate an insulin surge which works to store the sugars as fat

Note that this does not apply as simply to insulin-dependent diabetics

Disability Tax Credit“Disability agencies” have popped up which offer to organize your application form, in return for a percentage of your tax credit

An accountant will give you advice at a cheaper rate, as this is not a complex process


Any products that claim to “detox” you are making bogus claims

Making good food choices and exercising is something you can do for free, and will make you feel just as good!

Cell phone in the bedroom?

If you are having difficulty with sleep, think about turning your cell phone off during the night and leaving it outside of your bedroom

Premade soups and noodles

The amount of salt in some pre-made soups and noodles is equivalent to your entire daily dose

Avoid them entirely!

Dr. Elia’s Blog

Check it out at

You’ll find articles about health policies and health care, many directed towards patients!

Problems with body image?

“The Body Image Workbook” by Thomas Cash is a step-by-step workbook that will help you be confident about the way you look, and not focus on your flaws

Don’t use Otrivin

While Otrivin will give you immediate relief in nasal symptoms, it often gives significant problems with long-term use

Ask Dr. Elia or Dr. Komar about safer alternatives