PATIENT INFORMATION - United Rehab Solutions Ltd · These solutions can facilitate independence in...

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Transcript of PATIENT INFORMATION - United Rehab Solutions Ltd · These solutions can facilitate independence in...





Bodeugan Farm, Waen, St. Asaph, Denbighshire, Wales, LL17 0DT


01745 583 156

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United Rehab Solutions


OCCUPATIONAL THERAPYThe role of the Occupational Therapist is to assess a person’s ability to carry out their daily routines from getting washed and dressed, having a coffee with friend and going to work.

This is achieved through a detailed assessment of a person’s previous level of function and their current abilities, comparing the changes and identifying the deficit areas. The occupational therapist assesses cognition, physical function and the psychological impact of the disease / injury.

Following this assessment, a detailed treatment plan is devised with achievable goals and reviews in place to make sure that progress and achievements are kept on track.

PHYSIOTHERAPYThe role of a physiotherapist is treatment of the nervous system and the adverse effects on movement following illness, disease or injury. The physiotherapist works to improve muscular strength, core stability, balance, posture, strengthening and stretching routines to improve function and mobility.

SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPYThe role of a Speech and Language therapist is concerned with the assessment, treatment and management of communication and swallowing difficulties following injury, illness or disease.

THERAPY ASSISTANTThe role of the therapy assistant is to support the delivery of therapy services to clients with a range of disabilities. The therapy assistant will work autonomously under the supervision of registered therapists and will be responsible for an agreed specific caseload to promote goal attainment and to enable clients to achieve their potential.

The therapy assistants within the United Rehab Solutions Ltd service are generic therapists working across all therapies to promote an interdisciplinary and holistic approach.

Often people will see each of the therapists involved in their care during individual sessions and the therapist only get together for meetings to discuss goals and progress.

At United Rehab Solutions we believe that for the best outcomes the team needs to work together seamlessly with the individual and support teams through joint treatment approaches, sessions and appropriate training for everyone to engage in interventions.

Our approach is caring, innovative and focused on the needs of the individual, whilst also supporting those around them.

We will go the extra mile to help people achieve their potential.

Enclosed are a number services, treatments and assessments for the therapeutic interventions we offer, all of which can be tailored for your individual needs.



At United Rehab Solutions Ltd we offer bespoke transdisciplinary rehabilitation to people who have suffered catastrophic injuries. That means we offer more than just a therapy assessment and treatment plans. We work together in a unique and innovative way to enable the client to maximise their potential.

Our aim is to help people rebuild their lives and live a happy life.

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United Rehab Solutions



A splint is designed to apply, distribute or remove forces to enable the therapists to control body motion, prevent or alter the shape of the body tissue.

Casting and thermoplastic splints refer to the material used and the one used will depend on the area being splinted and the needs of the client.

A thermoplastic splint is made of a light material that can be moulded to fit a body part. The plastic is usually shaped by heating it (hot water), when cool it retains the shape. The splint can be removed to clean it, or taken off for certain activities e.g. a bath.

Casting uses a fiberglass material, that once applied becomes rigid.


For clients to be able to engage successfully in any meaningful activity to their optimal potential, posture and seating is pivotal. Therefore, assessment of wheelchairs, seating and posture are essential. The team works closely with innovative products to achieve the best outcomes.


This includes assessment for specialized equipment / technology that will enable the client to maximize their functional independence within a variety of settings.

This may also involve advice and guidance with regards to minor and major adaptations.


Assistive Technology allows people with a disability to access their environment and to communicate through use of electronic devices, switches and computers.

These solutions can facilitate independence in the home, workplace and community, enhancing opportunities for interaction, safety and quality of life.


Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure.Pressure turns into stress when you feel unable to cope. People have different ways of reacting to stress.

Anxiety is a word we use to describe feelings of unease, worry and fear. It incorporates both the emotions and the physical sensations we might experience when we are worried or nervous about something.


Facial Oral Tract Therapy (F.O.T.T.) provides a comprehensive approach to the assessment and treatment of disturbances in facial expression, oral movement, swallowing, breathing, voice and speech production caused by developmental and acquired neurological conditions. Four main areas are concerned: nutrition, oral hygiene, non-verbal communication and speech movements. F.O.T.T. is a practical, hands-on approach. It is founded on an understanding of human function and the way we learn from experience. Treatment is based on direct work with the patient and education of others involved- Kay Coombes.


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United Rehab Solutions

ADL ASSESSMENTS ADLs are defined as “the things we normally do... such as feeding ourselves, bathing, dressing, grooming, work, home-making, and leisure, essentially it includes everything we have to do on a daily basis, including how we sleep.

VOCATIONAL REHABILITATIONVocational rehabilitation helps a person with a health problem to access employment opportunities, stay in their current job, or support them to return to work. The health problem could include physical, cognitive, psychological or emotional, or a combination of these

COGNITIVE REHABILITATION Cognitive rehabilitation is a program to help brain-injured or otherwise cognitively impaired individuals to restore normal functioning, or to compensate for cognitive deficits.

An individualised program of specific skills training, cognitive exercises, practice plus metacognitive strategies are used, through a process of assessment of cognitive functions and goal setting. At United Rehab Solutions Ltd this is an approach that is also integrated within function and practical daily solutions for our clients.

INDIBA ACTIVIndibaActiv® active cell therapy is a revolutionary treatment device. Indiba is a medical grade radio frequency device that helps to activate cell metabolism restoring its natural balance, increasing vascularisations and the internal temperature of treated tissue.

ACUPUNCTUREAcupuncture is a system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points along what are considered to be lines of energy (meridians), used in the treatment of various physical and mental conditions.

We use acupuncture as part of a toolkit to help many of our clients.

MANUAL THERAPYManual therapy, is a physical treatment primarily used by physiotherapists and occupational therapists within our service, to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability; it most commonly includes kneading and manipulation of muscles, joint mobilization and joint manipulation.


Neuro rehabilitation of motor and sensory difficulties use a combination of approaches according to the client’s needs. The current leading approach is the Bobath Concept. This focuses on improving the quality of movement of an individual to maximise their ability to function in day to day activities through -

� understanding of how the brain repairs itself in relation to movement that is purposeful and functional.

� In depth knowledge of efficient functional movement, rather than promoting compensatory strategies that may cause problems further down the line.

� How movement adapts as a result of neurological damage

� Knowledge and practice in skilled handling can direct the nervous system to recover lost movement and maintain gains made.


The speech and language therapists within the team offer a comprehensive assessment of communication. This may be due to difficulties with the ‘receptive language’ of an individual (their ability to understand language) or their ‘expressive language’ (their ability to form coherent sentences) e.g. a person may be unable to control the muscles needed for speech or have a problem with semantics.


Swallowing difficulties are significant for safety, nutrition, quality of life and wellbeing. Specialist assessment and treatment can identify the nature of the problem and the most appropriate therapy, strategies and management plan for the person. An onward referral for instrumental assessment using either X Ray (videofluoroscopy) or endoscope (Fibre Endoscopic Examination of Swallowing –FEES) may be required for additional information. Our SLT will be able to jointly carry out procedures with SLT in local setting and analyse findings.

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United Rehab Solutions


Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) includes all forms of communication (other than oral speech) that are used to express thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas. We all use AAC when we make facial expressions or gestures, use symbols or pictures, or write.AAC includes simple systems such as pictures, gestures and pointing, as well as more complex techniques involving powerful computer technology.

� No-tech communication does not involve any additional equipment – e.g. body language, gestures, pointing, eye pointing, facial expressions, vocalisations, signing.

� Low-tech communication systems do not need a battery to function and include: pen and paper to write messages or draw; alphabet and word boards; communication charts or books with pictures, photos and symbols; particular objects used to stand for what the person needs to understand or say.

� High-tech communication systems need power from a battery or mains. Most of them speak and/or produce text. They range from simple buttons or pages that speak when touched to eye -gaze technology.


A tracheostomy is an opening created at the front of the neck so a tube can be inserted into the windpipe (trachea) to help you breathe. They can be in place for a short period of time or for life.

If you are claiming on a personal injury, please see our process as shown right.



Receive a referral from the case manager to complete an initial

assessment and report.


We make the appointment to see you within 5 days of that referral.


The initial assessment may be one or more members of the team to carry out a full assessment of how you:


The report is then written and sent out within 7 days of that assessment.


Wait for funding to be agreed and terms of business, signed and returned


Once funding is agreed treatment will commence, with regular reviews as outlined in the initial assessment report.

• Managed before the accident / illness

• How you are managing since being discharged from hospital

• Physical assessment, cognitive assessment

• Discuss what the goals are and agree recommendations for the report.


If you are self-funding the process is similar, but the referral comes directly from you / family member and funding is agreed with you directly.

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United Rehab Solutions

COMPLAINTS POLICY AND PROCEDUREUnited Rehab Solutions are committed to providing high-quality professional healthcare service to all our clients and referring bodies. We view complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve our service for the future, as well as a chance to put things right for the person that has made the complaint.

Our policy is: � To provide a complaints procedure that is fair, clear and

straight-forward for the complainant;

� We make sure all staff members at United Rehab Solutions are aware of the complaint procedure and what to do if they receive a complaint;

� All complaints are investigated fairly and in a timely way;

� To resolve all complaints wherever possible and that relationships are restored;

� To gather information to improve our standards.

If you have a complaint, please contact us with the details. You can do this by:

� Telephone: 01745 583 156

� E-mail:

� Letter: F.A.O. Andrea Parry, Bodeugan Farm, Waen, St. Asaph, Denbighshire, LL17 0DT

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?1. Upon receiving the complaint, we will contact you within three working days to

acknowledge receipt of your complaint and a copy of the complaint will be recorded. We will also tell you who is dealing with the complaint and when to expect a reply.

2. We will then investigate your complaint and approach the staff member responsible for the issue being complained about.

3. The staff member responsible for the issue being complained about will contact you and will invite you to a meeting to discuss and hopefully resolve your complaint. They will aim to resolve the matter swiftly, within fourteen days, and to the satisfaction of all parties involved.

4. If you do not want a meeting or it is not possible, the staff member will send you a detailed written reply to your complaint, including his/her suggestions for resolving the matter within fourteen days of sending you the acknowledgement letter.

5. At this stage if you feel the issue has not been dealt with satisfactorily you should contact us again and the complaint will be reviewed by the company director, Andrea Parry, who will contact you within fourteen days of receiving your request for a review.

6. Andrea will then investigate the facts of the case and speak to the person that is responsible for the issue being complained about. Throughout this process you will be kept informed of what is happening during this time.

7. We will then write to you within fourteen days of the review confirming our final position on your complaint and explaining our reasons. Whether the complaint is upheld or not, we will describe the action taken to investigate the complaint, the conclusions from the investigation and any action taken as a result of the complaint.

8. The decision taken at this stage is final; however, if you are still not satisfied, you can contact the regulatory professional body all our clinicians are registered with to practice:

Fitness to Practice DepartmentThe Health and Care Professions Council184 Kennington Park RoadLondonSE11 4BU


United Rehab Solutions




Bodeugan Farm, Waen, St. Asaph, Denbighshire, Wales, LL17 0DT


01745 583 156