Post on 15-May-2022

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I have covered some of the “events” that they play on the news to sway public

opinion and push for gun grab or whatever political agenda they are working at

the time. The political agendas of our world governments are all strategic plans

to bring in NWO. Make no mistake, they do want to disarm America. The news is

planned, staged and scripted. It is mainly propaganda and I just don’t have time

to cover all of their fake stories and events whether it is completely a hoax or a

mixture. If you are not awake to what I’m talking about I recommend you go to

our website: and watch “Las Vegas False Flag” the

links are in my sermon notes and in the info. box on youtube.


*Please play from 3:45 to 3:56 and from 5:45 to 6:18 Oprah invited Shirley to

rerecord her classic song for a drama series on her network. When asked if there

was anything else she was looking forward to doing she said she’d like to do some

more big screen acting.*(about 1 min.)

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This lady is of course part of the luciferian network. You don’t rub elbows with

Oprah and not be one of them. She is totally worldly. She was so excited about

that star on Hollywood’s walk of fame. She said she wanted to do more big

screen acting. She was used to continue promoting the shooting “event” in

Charleston, SC.

In 2015 she gave an interview to “Black Gospel”:

Again, you don’t rub elbows with luciferians unless you are one as well.

James 4:4 – Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of

the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is

the enemy of God.

1 John 2:15-16 - Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If

any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the

world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of

the Father, but is of the world.

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I’m thinking that sacrifices are probably taking place at those big balls that Oprah

holds. Just like the things they used to do and probably still do out at Bohemian

Grove along with sexual perversion and rituals.

I am not going to go deep into The Charleston Church Shooting event but I will

point out some things that are easy to see. The video clips and research links will

be in my sermon notes and in the info. box on youtube. Important points about

the Charleston Church event: hard to find records of the shooter, the event was

published in the news a few days before it supposedly happened. The same MO

that they use all the time.

The Charleston church shooting was a mass shooting in which Dylann Roof, a 21-

year old white supremacist, murdered nine African Americans (including senior

pastor, state senator Clementa C. Pinckney) during a prayer service at the

Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South

Carolina, on the evening of June 17, 2015. Three other victims survived. The

morning after the attack, police arrested Roof in Shelby, North Carolina. The

shooting targeted one of the United States’ oldest black churches, which has long

been a site for community organization around civil rights.

**They have laid out their agenda here. It is a racial event to stir everyone up. It

is about gun grab as well. Dylann was reportedly 21 years old. To the luciferians

21 and then 21 backward which is 12 = 33. That is a clue to freemasonry right

there. They stage the names, the ages, the number of victims, the street names,

names of buildings, colors, right down to fire engine numbers etc.**

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Roof was found competent to stand trial in federal court, and in December 2016

was convicted of 33 federal hate crime and murder charges stemming from the

shooting. On January 10, 2017, he was sentenced to death. Roof was separately

charged with nine counts of murder in the South Carolina state courts. In April

2017, Roof plead guilty to all nine state charges in order to avoid a second death

sentence and was sentenced to life imprisonment for each, clearing the way for

his eventual federal execution.

**Here they make their 33 stand out – 33 crimes and charges. January 10 is 11 to

them , 1 for the month plus ten. It is one of their prime and highly revered

numbers in the illuminati. They have some nine’s in this paragraph and I believe

those usually mean 6’s.**


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The 203-year-old church has played an important role in the history of South

Carolina, including the slavery era, the civil rights movement, and Black Lives

Matter. The church was founded in 1816 and it is the oldest African Methodist

Episcopal Church in the South, often referred to as “mother Emanuel.” It is the

oldest historically black congregation south of Baltimore. When one of the

church’s co-founders, Denmark Vesey, was suspected of planning a slave rebellion

in Charleston in 1822, 35 people, including Vesey, were hanged and the church

was burned down. Charleston citizens accepted the claim that a slave rebellion

was to begin at the stroke of midnight on June 16, 1822, and to erupt the

following day; the shooting in 2015 occurred on the 193rd anniversary of the

thwarted uprising. The rebuilt church was formally shuttered with other all-black

congregations by the city in 1834, meeting in secret until 1865 when it was

formally reorganized, acquired the name Emanuel (“God with us”), and rebuilt

upon a design by Denmark Vesey’s son. That structure was badly damaged in the

1886 Charleston earthquake. The current building dates from 1891.

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** So this event occurred on the 193rd anniversary of a slave revolt. Add those

numbers together as they would in numerology and you get 13. Interesting that

the number 13 in tarot cards is the number for death. On the right is a book that

shows us they give numbers power and use them in their magic / witchcraft. You

see the pillars of freemasonry on the cover. They plan when these events happen.

They give numbers, dates, letters, logos, symbols etc. power in their witchcraft.

They are not about life but rather death. The name Emanuel was added to the

church in 1865. 18 is 666 to them and 65 is 11. They do things like this all the

time on certain dates that have meaning and that they give p ower to in their

luciferic system. They are doing things by the number, so to speak.**

Dylann Storm Roof. He is the alleged shooter. Let’s take a look at the coding in

his name.

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Dylan – guardian deity of the mouth of the River Conway. British/Welsh

Dylan Eil Ton – a sea-god. He is sometimes said to be a god of darkness. Wales

His middle name, Storm is also one of satan’s nicknames.

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The number 11 is considered the most psychic of all numbers. It is the number

representing the spiritual messenger/the illuminator. Eleven represents

illumination; a channel to the subconscious; insight without rational thought; as

well as sensitivity. So now we have learned that in their religion, 11 stands for

satan. You will see so many 11’s in all of their events and fake news.

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Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. That is a mouthful. Methodist and

Episcopal are just different versions of the Roman Catholic Church which is just a

cult. The Roman Catholic Church is the cult that really boosted the mystery

religions, disguising them and introducing them as Christian. There was a time

when people knew what they were, like back in Paul’s day. But now today we

have lost the history and have not studied and looked into these things to

understand the real meaning of them. The Babylonian Mystery religion has

spread into most all churches, not many are standing pure and true to God’s holy

Word without the pagan idolatry mixed in.

*Please play from 0 to 1:30 Shirley Caesar - Mother Emanuel (Lyric Video)* (about 1.5 min’s)

She is singing to a church building. Calling the church “mother Emanuel.” The

church is NOT OUR mother and is NOT “A” mother. Someone tried to say well

the church is referred to as a woman in Scripture. That is debatable.

2 John 1:1 - The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the

truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth;

Theologians are divided as to whether this is a house church or an actual woman

and her children. Furthermore, we don’t sing to a building or about a building

where we gather. What Shirley is doing with that song is luciferian double speak.

To Christians it seems she is singing about the church which is still ridiculous.

Emanuel is supposed to be a title for Christ and means God with us. Don’t you

think it is abominable to try and make His title feminine? To luciferians, they

know it is in honor and praise to their goddess – Ashtareth. They are so bold.

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In that song, Shirley kept sining to mama and ever so often she would switch over

and say mother and kept going back-n-forth. There is a reason for that. Let’s look

at the satanic meaing for ma, mam/mom, mami etc.

Ma – The goddess of creation, and mother of Mballi-yamswira. South Africa

Ma – mountain mother and fertility and vegetation goddess. Anatolia

Ma – the personification of fruitfulness. Asia Minor

Ma – a fertility and vegetation goddess. Cappadocia, Anatolia, Turkey

Ma – A warlike deity identified by the Greeks with Enyo and by the Romans with

Bellona. Comana

Nymph name Ma – The name of a nymph in the suite of Rhea, to whom Zeus

entrusted the bringing up of the infant Dionysys. Greek

Ma – signified probably mother, as in Aeschylus, who applies it to the earth to

designate her as the mother of all. Greek

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Ma – Rhea herself was by the Lydians called ma, and that bulls were sacrificed to

her, whence the name of the town Mastaura was derived. Greek

Ma – fertility and vegetatiion goddess. The tutelary goddess of Pontic Comana,

she was served by votary priestesses acting as sacred prostitutes, and biennial

festivals were celebrated in her honor. Gradually she took on an added role as a

warrior goddess with solar connotations and ultimately became syncretized with

the Roman goddess Bellona. On coins of the Comana region she is depicted with

the radiate head of a solar deity carrying weapons and a shield… Cappadocian,

Anatolia, Turkey.

Ma Emma – goddess of midsummer. Baltic

Mam (mam or mom) – god of evil. Mayan

Mam (mam or mom)– rain god. Mopan

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Mam (mam or mom) – God of evil. A much-feared deity who lives beneath the

earth and only emerges in times of crisis. Depicted in the form of a flat, life-sized

piece of wood dressed as a scarecrow and set upon a stool. He is offered food

and drink during Uayeb, the period of five unlucky days at the end of the year,

after which the figure is undressed and unceremoniously thrown away. During

Uayeb devotees fast and refer to the god as “grandfather”. Mayan, Yucatec,

Mesoamerican, Mexico.

Mama – goddess of healing. Korea

Mami (or mommy) – goddess of drunkenness and midwives. Sumeria

Mami (or mommy) – mother goddess. Identified in the Atrahasis texts and other

creation legends and probably synonymous with ninhursag a. She was involved in

the creation of mankind from clay and blood. The name almost certainly came

into use because it is the first word that a child formulates. Also mama;

mammitum.. Mesopotamian, Sumerian, Babylonian – Akkadian.

Mami wata (mommy wata) – a pantheon of ancient water spirits or deities of the

African diaspora.

Mami / mama – a goddess of drunkenness and midwives. Sumeria

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Mamitu – goddess of treaties and oaths, as well as a judge in the underworld.

Babylon, Mesopotamia, Akkadia.

Mamitu – goddess of oaths and treaties. One of the consorts of nergal and

subseuently identified as a chthonic underworld deity. Mesopotamian,

Babylonian, Akkadian.

BONUS: William Shakespeare. Remember the luciferians lift up poets,

philosophers, writers and people like this. When I was in high school we had to

memorize parts of the play “Romeo and Juliet” written by Shakespeare. We had

to stand in front of the class and recite the lines from memory. We had to choose

beween so many small lines or we could do one big chunk called “The Queen

Mab” speech. I chose to do the queen mab speech. Look at what I ran across in


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Mab – a miniature creature who drives her chariot across the faces of sleeping

people and compels them to dream dreams of wish-fulfillment. Celtic fairy tale.

*A fairy is a demon.*

Mab – The fairies’ midwife. Sometimes incorrectly called queen of the fairies.


Mab – The “fairies’ midwife” i.e. employed by the fairies as a midwife of dreams

to deliver man’s brain of dreams. Welsh

King name “Mabb” – utter intoxication. Originally queen of Tara, later queen of

the faeries and mythological queen of Connaught. She dumped her husband, king

Conchobar and created nine Irish kings in succession and took each one her lover.

She was also a fierce battle queen. Irish

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Mabb was originally “Queen of Tara”. This plantation on “Gone with the Wind”

was not named “tara” by accident. They choose everything on purpose to honor

their gods.

Shakespeare, has been lifted up by the world. Remember satan promotes his

own. Shakespeare certainly knew that he was writing about a demon when he

wrote about queen mab.


Exodus 20:3-7 - Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Thou shalt not make

unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above,

or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt

not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a

jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third

and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands

of them that love Me, and keep My commandments. Thou shalt not take the

name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that

taketh His name in vain.

The luciferians have chosen to serve other gods, fallen angels, nephilim, demons

etc. They have kept the mystery religions, that began in Babylon with worship to

Nimrod and Ashtareth, they have kept them going to this day. They mock God’s

name. They study God’s Word so they can do the opposite of it to bring more

damnation onto themselves. They interbreed their bloodlines, like the royals, and

keep from having Christians mix into their families so that God’s curses will

generationally compound on them. In their witchcraft they give power to

numbers and colors. Their events, companies, products etc. will show allegiance

to their god.

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Shirley Caesar - Mother Emanuel (Lyric Video)

Charleston SC Church Shooting false flag posted 2-3 days early

Why Does "Dylann Storm Roof" Appear NOT to EXIST?


Gospel Legend Shirley Caesar: 'God's Given Me a New Turn Around'


Shirley Caesar - Mother Emanuel (Lyric Video)


Occult # 13