Past Verb Tenses Overview

Post on 13-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Past Verb Tenses Overview

  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview



  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


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  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


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  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


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  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


    TheTheTheThe PresentPresentPresentPresent PerfectPerfectPerfectPerfect

    when talking about events o situations that startedin the past and are still true.

    AmeliaAmelia KentonKenton hashas livedlived inin thethe samesame househouse allall herher lifelife..

    that happened in the past.

    IIveve lostlost mymy pursepurse soso II needneed somesome moneymoney forfor thethe bus.bus.

  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


    TheTheTheThe PresentPresentPresentPresent PerfectPerfectPerfectPerfect

    when talking about a recent event or situation.

    JackJack hashasjustjust phonedphoned toto wishwish youyou goodgood luckluck..

    when referring to something that will happen at some.

    AsAs soonsoon as Ias I havehave settledsettled in, comein, come andand staystay!!

  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


    TheTheTheThe PresentPresentPresentPresent PerfectPerfectPerfectPerfect ContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuous

    To stress the period of time involved.

    IIveve beenbeen sittingsitting atat thisthis computercomputer allall dayday!!

    To refer to a situation that continues.

    MembershipMembership numbersnumbers atat thisthis clubclub havehave beenbeen fallingfallingyearyear byby yearyear..

  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


    TheTheTheThe PresentPresentPresentPresent PerfectPerfectPerfectPerfect ContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuous

    To focus on the present effects of a recent event.

    YouYou cancan telltell ititss beenbeen rainingraining thethe seatsseats are stillare still dampdamp..

    o re er to somet ng t at as recent y stoppe .

    HaveHave youyou beenbeen cryingcrying??

  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


    TheTheTheThe PastPastPastPast PerfectPerfectPerfectPerfect

    To refer to an event which took place beforesomething else.

    SailingSailing towardstowards thethe harbourharbour, I, I rememberedremembered howhowitit hadhad lookedlooked onon mymy firstfirst visitvisit,, tenten yearsyears earlierearlier..

    II hadhadjustjust steppedstepped intointo thethe bathbath whenwhen thethe phonephone rangrang..

  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


    TheTheTheThe PastPastPastPast PerfectPerfectPerfectPerfect ContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuous

    To stress the continuity of na event at na earlierpoint in time.

    TheirTheir catcat hadhad beenbeen missingmissing for over afor over a weekweek whenwhenaa neighbourneighbour spottedspotted it init in thethe locallocal parkpark..

  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


    The FutureThe FutureThe FutureThe Future PerfectPerfectPerfectPerfect

    To refer to events which have not happened yet butwill definitely do so at a given time in the future.

    ByBy thethe endend ofof SeptemberSeptember, I, I willwill havehave startedstarted thatthatcoursecourse in London.

  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


    The FutureThe FutureThe FutureThe Future PerfectPerfectPerfectPerfect ContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuous

    To indicate duration at a specified time in the future.

    YouYou will have been waitingwill have been waiting for more than two hoursfor more than two hourswhenwhen her plane finally arrives.her plane finally arrives.

  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


    OtherOtherOtherOther cases:cases:cases:cases: shouldshouldshouldshould &&&& oughtoughtoughtought totototo

    To express regret about the past, should or ought tois combined with a perfect tense form.

    WeWe shouldshould nevernever have boughthave bought Alex that drum kit!Alex that drum kit!

    Im sorry, IIm sorry, I ought to have rememberedought to have remembered that youthat youcant eat strawberries.cant eat strawberries.

  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


  • 7/26/2019 Past Verb Tenses Overview


    Explain how tense choice alters the meaning in these sentences.

    In which sentence is there no chance in meaning?

    a. Mirek has gone / has been / went to London onbusiness.

    b. Our society has been suffering / was sufferingfrom high unemployment for decades.

    c. We were given / have been giving more time tocomplete the task.

    d. Matt and James have played / have been playinggolf all day.