Partner Webcast – Oracle Weblogic 12c for New Projects - 07 Nov 2013

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Fast-growing organizations need to stay agile in the face of changing customer, business or market requirements. Oracle WebLogic Server 12c is the industry's best application server platform that allows you to quickly develop and deploy reliable, secure, scalable and manageable enterprise Java EE applications. WebLogic Server Java EE applications are based on standardized, modular components. WebLogic Server provides a complete set of services for those modules and handles many details of application behavior automatically, without requiring programming. New project applications are created by Java programmers, Web designers, and application assemblers... [Read More]

Transcript of Partner Webcast – Oracle Weblogic 12c for New Projects - 07 Nov 2013

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Oracle Weblogic 12c for New Projects

Gokhan Gungor Oracle ISV Migration Center Consultant


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<Insert Picture Here>


Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Introduction

Application Development on WebLogic Using Java EE

Overview of the Application Deployment Process

Monitoring Application Performance


Oracle WebLogic Server 12c


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Deploy/Run on

Conventional Systems

Deploy/Run on High


Engineered Systems

Deploy/Run on Private

and Public Clouds





Ready for Cloud Optimized for

Engineered Systems Industry’s top choice for

Conventional Systems WebLogic


WebLogic Server 12c The #1 App Server across Conventional and Cloud Environments

Oracle WebLogic Server on the other hand is the foundation for Oracle Fusion Middleware and Fusion

Applications and a key technology in Oracle’s cloud computing infrastructure.

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WebLogic Server 12c – New Features

Java EE 6

• JSP 2.1, JSF 2.0

• EJB 3.1, JPA 2.0

• Context and Dependency


• Restful Web Services


• JDeveloper

• Eclipse

• NetBeans

• Maven

Java SE

• Java SE 6

• Java SE 7


• GridLink – Session


• GridLink – Transaction


• GridLink – Fast

Connection Failover


• SPECjEnterprise World

Records– EjOPS Overall,



Traffic Management

• Software Load Balancer

• Traffic Shaping

• SSL Termination

Enterprise Scale

• Database Transaction


• Database Store


Enterprise Manager 12c

• Cloud Management

• Diagnostics Advisor

• Incident and Problem


• Patch Automation

Distributed Caching

• Coherence Transactions

• Coherence Rest

• Coherence Query Explain



• Optimized WebLogic

Virtual Appliances

• Coherence Exalogic


• WebLogic Elastic

Message Overflow

• Coherence Elastic Data

• Exalogic HTTP, JMS and

Web Service


• TopLink Multi-Tenancy

Security Updates

• New Certification


• New SPNEGO Update

• New RSA Update

• New JSSE Support

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Installation Installer

Standard Installers




• JDev


• Coherence

• The JDK is no longer part of WLS install

• WLS 12.1.2 runs only on JDK7

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Installation Install Specifics

• Middleware Home (formerly “BEA Home”)

• To store one or more installed products (eg. WLS, WLI, WLP, SOA Suite)

• Traditionally c:\Oracle\Middlware or /opt/oracle/middleware

• Recommendation: Use separate MW homes for separate products

• WebLogic Home

• To store installed WebLogic product, containing all the WebLogic library JARs, executables, tools,

licence info, examples and scripts

• Usually a directory underneath MW home, eg.: c:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3 or


• Neither MW nor WebLogic Home should be used to store configuration of Domains

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Ease of Access New ZIP Installer

• Make it easier to get and use WLS!

• New zip file distribution

• Complete version of WebLogic Server

• Missing some very minor tooling support (SmartUpdate)

• Download, unzip, go

• Portable, platform independent

• Automatic domain creation on startup

• Mac OS X support!

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Key Concepts WebLogic Terminology

• Domain - group of instances and clusters under unified control

• Administration Server - central configuration controller for the domain

• Managed Server - Instance that hosts applications and required resources

• Cluster - group of managed servers to provide increased scalability and reliability

• Node Manager - per-machine process used to start, stop and auto-restart instances

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Domain Configuration Domain

• Collection of servers and clusters managed centrally

• 1 Admin Server per Domain for centralised administration

• Domain configuration stored locally to the Admin Server (see


• Config is 'pushed out' on demand by Admin Server to Managed Servers

• Options to Create a Domain

• Domain Configuration Wizard

• WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) in Offline mode

(both can use Domain Templates to provide a 'pre-canned' outline structure)

• Additional Options to Modify an Existing Domain *

• Admin Console

• WLST Online mode * Admin Server must be running

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Domain Configuration WebLogic Domain Structure

Application Deployment Process

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Deployment Flexible Application Deployment Options

• Archive (eg. WAR, EAR) or 'exploded directory' format

• Prepare-Activate two phase deployment

• Safely deploy to all servers in cluster as a single “atomic” action

• Disabled in 'dev' mode to speed up the development process

• Targeting

• Apps are deployed via Administration Server

• Target cluster rather than individual servers

• Staged Deployment

• Staged – External-Stage - No-Stage

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Deployment Multiple Deployment Mechanisms

• Administration Console

• Maven Plugin (New in 10.3.4)

• Auto-Deploy Via domain's 'autodeploy' directory; enabled only for 'dev' mode

• Command Line Deploy

• java weblogic.Deployer utility

• Ant Task Deploy - 'WLDeploy' custom task

• WLST Online / Offline Deploy

• Java application - JavaEE Deployment APIs (JSR-88), weblogic.deploy.api.spi.* API

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Deployment Other Features

• Deployment Plans

– XML on file-system which overrides an application archive's deployment descriptor

and annotation settings (different plans for dev/test/prod)

– Generic File Overriding – allow a property file on the file-system to override a

property file contained in a deployed application archive

• Production Redeployment (AKA Side-By-Side Deployment)

– Multiple application versions can coexist

– Automatic retirement: graceful, timeout, immediate

• FastSwap Deployment

– Reduce development lifecycle time – new in 10.3

– Enabled for 'dev' mode only – enhances the JDK 1.5 on-the-fly class re-definition

feature to allow class “shape” to change

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WebLogic Server Classloaders Advanced JAR Library Management

WebLogic Server has powerful support for explicitly managing classloader

hierarchies and library loading preferences

Application provided libraries can collide with 3rd party libraries used by

WebLogic Server

– Hard to diagnose class and library conflicts

Filtering Classloader enables applications to always use their own set of

supplied libraries

– Correctly configuring it can be a challenge

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Classloader Analysis Tool Enhanced Classpath Troubleshooting

• Introducing CAT – Classloader Analysis Tool

• CAT cracks open the classloader blackbox and provides valuable insight

• Displays classloader hierarchies and entire code-sources of each classloader

• Allows you to search for a class/resource on a classloader

• Views class definitions, interfaces

• Analyzes classpath conflicts, generates corresponding filtering classloader


• Accessible via WLS Console


Application Development on

WebLogic Using Java EE

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Java EE 6 and Developer Productivity New in WebLogic Server 12c

• Completes WebLogic Java EE 6 API support

– Servlet 3.0, CDI, Managed Beans, JSP 2.2, EJB 3.1, JAX-WS 2.2

Certified Java EE 6 Makes Development Faster – Fewer Java Classes, Less Code, Less XML

With Modern Programming Techniques – Dependency Injection, Annotations, POJO, REST

* Based on a Sample POJO/JPA/REST Based Application Built for JavaOne

Lines of Code* Lines of XML* Java Classes*

25% Less

50% Less

80% Less

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Free WebLogic Server For Developers License

Free license for single user developer

desktop WebLogic Server

– Not for production deployment but can build

production applications

Available only via Oracle Technology

Network download

All versions of WebLogic Server hosted

on Oracle Technology Network

– WebLogic Server 10.3.3 through 12c


Available Now!

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IDE Tool Support for WebLogic Server 12c


• Java EE 6 Full Profile Certified

• Standard Java IDE Support

• Latest Spring Framework Support

• Built in Classloading Analysis Tool (CAT)

Development Tooling, Maven, Spring, Classloading, Open Source …

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Enhanced WebLogic Maven Plug-in

• Simple and intuitive

• New Maven goals,

functional support

• Enable/support/automate

the full development

lifecycle from Maven

• Additional WebLogic,

Fusion Middleware

enhancements planned

mvn wls:install: automate install from zip file

mvn wls:create-domain: create a simple domain

mvn wls:start-server: process control

mvn wls:wlst: execute inline and external WLS scripts

mvn wls:appc: compile Maven artifacts using appc

mvn wls:deploy: deploy apps to server






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Lightweight Development with WebLogic Server

• 2X-6X download size improvement for


• No installer, unzip and go on Win/Linux/OSX

• Start an instance with -


to launch without EJB, JMS, and JCA


• FastSwap greatly reduces project

redeployment requirement when doing

iterative deployment




11g Full Distro 11g Zip Distro 12c Zip Distro

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Java SE 7: Cleaner, More Maintainable Code

• Oracle WebLogic Server 12c

supports Java SE 7 (and Java SE 6)

• Java language optimizations

• Client and server support

• Internationalization

• SSL/TLS 1.2 in JSSE

• Converged Java VM





Application Deployment Process

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WebLogic Server Management New in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c

• Tools

– Enterprise Manager

– Administration Console


– Configuration Wizard

– Configuration Template Builder

– JMX Clients

• Performance Monitoring and Diagnostics

– Configuration Management

– Domain and Java EE App Provisioning

• Cloud Management

– Self Service

– Metering and Chargeback

– Consolidation Planner

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• Secure, distributed administration with built-in cluster support

• Nodes can be centrally or independently managed

• EMGC Agent for lifecycle operations and metric collection

• SNMPv1, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 with load balancer MIB and MIB-II

• Web UI for automated, application-driven management & monitoring

• Secure, scriptable CLI with fully equivalent management APIs

• Web-based XML and text format runtime statistics and profiling

• Support for ODL, ECID and CLF logging formats

• Fully configurable logging per virtual server

• Configuration backup/restore for all changes

Management and Monitoring

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Managing & Monitoring with the Admin Console JMS Server & Destination Monitoring

• Monitor Consumers

• Monitor Messages

• Pause consumption and production

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Managing & Monitoring with the Admin Console Managing and Monitoring JDBC

• Monitor the number of active connections

• Monitor number of threads waiting for connections and average wait time

• Monitor Prepared statement cache hit ratio

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Managing & Monitoring with the Admin Console Monitoring EJB pools

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