Partner Webcast – Oracle ADF Mobile: What’s new in ADFM - 29 August 2013

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Oracle offers sophisticated Java frameworks to help develop faster, scalable, secure applications that support today’s needs and adapt to future trends. Oracle ADF Mobile enables developers to build and extend enterprise applications for iOS and Android from a single code base. Based on a hybrid mobile architecture, ADF Mobile supports access to native device services, enables offline applications and protects enterprise investments from future technology shifts. In this one hour webcast we’ll show you some new features available in the latest ADF Mobile release showcase how to secure ADF Mobile application and show some tricks you can use to develop custom mobile applications. Find out more at

Transcript of Partner Webcast – Oracle ADF Mobile: What’s new in ADFM - 29 August 2013

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ADF Mobile New features & tips

Jernej Kase @jernejkase

Technology Specialist at Partner Business Development

A&C Technology Adoption Office Oracle ECEMEA

Copyright © 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5


ADF Mobile new features

– Messaging

– Badging

Securing ADF Mobile application with Oracle

Public Cloud

Taking ADF Mobile outside the box

Copyright © 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 6

Uses 3rd party infrastructure

– Google Cloud Messaging

– Apple Push Notification


The “pushing” app sends the

message to the 3rd party service

The service pushes the

message to the device


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Uses the same infrastructure as



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ADF Mobile Push notifications on iOS

using Apple Push Notification Service


Copyright © 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 9

Create push certificate and deployment profile on Apple developer portal

Register application to APNS

Send token to the “Client App”

Send messages

Note: requires an iOS device. Notifications do not work on iOS Simulator!

Using APNS

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Securing an ADF Mobile Application

Remote Authentication

Getting user roles from a remote service

Authentication against user roles

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Securing an ADF Mobile Application

ADF Mobile can authenticate against any HTTP basic authentication


If the login succeeds, ADF Mobile receives an OAM token used in the

cookie. ADF Mobile sets the cookie into each login connection.

If the login fails, the login page remains, thereby preventing users from


ADF Mobile invokes a REST service which provides a list of user roles

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ADF Mobile ACS Request / Response

Protocol: POST

Authoization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxx

Content-Type: application/json


"userId": "johnsmith",

"filterMask": ["role", "privilege"],

"roleFilter": [ "role1", "role2" ],

"privilegeFilter": ["priv1", "priv2", "priv3"]


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ADF Mobile ACS Request / Response

Content-Type: application/json


"userId": "johnsmith",

"roles": [ "role1" ],

"privileges": ["priv1", "priv3"]


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Securing an ADF mobile application

against the oracle public cloud


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Building an authentication app and deploying it to the Oracle Public Cloud

The ingredients:

– JDeveloper

– ADF security

– Jetty

– Oracle Public Cloud


Identity Console

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Securing ADF Mobile Application

Set Login Server

– Authentication URL

– Authorization URL

Configure Feature security constraints

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Taking ADF Mobile outside the box

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Building WebSocket “Airplane Simulator”

Jdeveloper 12c

– WebLogic 12c

– @WebSocket

ADF Mobile

– Java

– DataControl

– A bit of javascript

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Adopt & Implement the latest by Oracle




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