Partial project Ancient Greece

Post on 30-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Partial project Ancient Greece

  • 2. Ancient Greece 3000 B.C 431 B.C
  • 3. Geographical Places In Greek mythology Olympus was regarded as the "home" of the Twelve Olympian gods of the ancient Greek world. It formed itself after the gods defeated the Titans in the Titan War, and soon the palace was inhabited by the gods. It is the setting of many Greek mythical stories. Athens was the Crete had always played an important part in the history of The Mediterranean Sea largest city in Greece, and Sparta had two kings. One king might stay at home, Greece and it is worth to was controlled a region called Attica. Athens mention that the island had madewas an important part while the other was away fighting battles. Fighting a beautiful and its appearance vivid in many aspects of the Mediterraneanof the Greeks because busy city. People came to battles was what the Spartans did best. Greeks said the city from all and the Greek culture, even in the Greek mythology. over Greece, and from other the were known as that in a battle one Spartan was worth several other They developed a great countries, to study and to trade. The city'surban planning system with traders and the men. The Spartans spent so much time training for cisterns, paths, walls and sewage system. Their kings would Mediterranean sea was most famous building was the temple called battle that they would have starved live a luxurious life hill called the Parthenon. It stood on a rockyin nice palaces and would frequently the most important way without slaves called helots. The helots worked on organize festivals. All citizens the Acropolis. Inside the Parthenon stood a participated in these festivals, of trading for them. the Spartans' farms. They grew the food for the which also included shows with bulls. That is why the bull is statue of the city's protectorSpartan soldiers and their families. the goddess Athena. symbol of the Minoan civilization.
  • 4. Compass Rose Greece is located on the southeast end of Europe. It was on land near the Mediterranean Sea. Greece is located among mountains and hills, surrounded by Mediterranean Sea and limited rich soil. In our map Greece is the center of everything. Mainland Greece is a mountainous land almost completely surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. Greece has more than 1400 islands. The country has mild winters and long, hot and dry summers. Greek cities were founded around the Black Sea, North Africa, Italy, Sicily, France and Spain.
  • 5. Scale The equivalence of the scale is to 100 km, but this logically depends on the size of the map.
  • 6. Icons and Technology Pegasus is part of the mythological story of the Greeks. Pegasus was son of Poseidon and Medusa. A lot of legends revolve around this mythological creature. Zeus, in the Greek mythology, was the greatest god of them all. He was consider the gods of gods and he lived in the Olympus.
  • 7. People Socrates was a classical Greek Athenian philosopher. Credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy, he is an enigmatic figure known chiefly through the accounts of later classical writers, especially the writings of his students Plato and Xenophon and the plays of his contemporary Aristophanes.
  • 8. Flora One of the main characteristics of the countries that are around the water area of Mediterranean Sea is the presence of olive-trees. In ancient Greece, olive-tree was well known for its benefits and useful nesses as it arises from pot and wall paintings in Crete and mainland Greece. In the Greek mythology olive-tree is met as an extremely useful tree not only for its fruit but also for its wood.
  • 9. Fauna In Greek society, horses were highly valued for several reasons. The main reason rested with the fact that horses represented wealth. With good pasture so expensive, horses remained a symbol of wealth throughout all of Greek history. They were used mainly for the essentially upper-class pastimes of hunting and racing in peacetime and for cavalry service during wartime.
  • 10. Bibliography "Ancient Greece - The British Museum." Ancient Greece - The British Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2013. BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2013. "Ancient Greece for Kids - Main Index." Ancient Greece for Kids - Main Index. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2013. "Greece & the Greek Islands." Greeka. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2013. "Mount Olympus." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Aug. 2013. Web. 30 Aug. 2013. "History of Olive." History of Olive. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2013.