Part Three Affiliate Marketing And Lead Generation

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Part Three Affiliate Marketing And Lead Generation


What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's marketing efforts.

Quick Breakdown:

Affiliate marketing overlaps with other Internet marketing methods to some degree, because affiliates often use regular advertising methods. Those methods include organic search engine optimization, paid search engine marketing, e-mail marketing, and in some sense display advertising. On the other hand, affiliates sometimes use less orthodox techniques, such as publishing reviews of products or services offered by a partner.

Here’s a little background…

The concept of revenue sharing—paying commission for referred business—predates affiliate marketing and the Internet. The translation of the revenue share principles to mainstream e-commerce happened almost four years after the origination of the World Wide Web in November 1994. (Amazon) launched its associate program in July 1996: Amazon associates could place banner or text links on their site for individual books, or link directly to the Amazon home page.When visitors clicked from the associate's website through to Amazon and purchased a book, the associate received a commission. Amazon was not the first merchant to offer an affiliate program, but its program was the first to become widely known and serve as a model for subsequent programs.

Affiliate marketing has grown quickly since its inception. The e-commerce website, viewed as a marketing toy in the early days of the Internet, became an integrated part of the overall business plan and in some cases grew to a bigger business than the existing offline business.

According to one report, the total sales amount generated through affiliate networks in 2006 was £2.16 billion in the United Kingdom alone. The estimates were £1.35 billion in sales in 2005. Marketing Sherpa's research team estimated that, in 2006, affiliates worldwide earned US$6.5 billion in bounty and commissions from a variety of sources in retail, personal finance, gaming and gambling, travel, telecom, education, publishing, and forms of lead generation other than contextual advertising programs.

How to locate Affiliate Programs…

There are three primary ways to locate affiliate programs for a target website:

Affiliate Program Directories.

Large affiliate networks that provide the platform for dozens or even hundreds of advertisers.

The target website itself. (Websites that offer an affiliate program often have a link titled "affiliate program", "affiliates", "referral program", or "webmasters"—usually in the footer or "About" section of the website.)

I’m ready to start Affiliate Marketing…..What do I do next?

First of All….

You need leads!!

Not only for your Affiliate Marketing but for your Primary Business… After all, isn’t that why you’re here anyway?

There are several different ways to go about getting leads….

You can try the traditional way…

Door knocking, cold calling, floor time, farming, running print ads, and vendor kiosks are some of the traditional lead generation techniques that have been taught now for many years.

These ways still work, but are time consuming, not cost effective and have little ROI (Return on Investment)

With the inception of the internet and the benefit of many marketers having tried and tested many systems and techniques before you, there are several new techniques and systems that offer you a greater opportunity for success.

One system in particular has been able to capture every aspect of lead generation and affiliate marketing to develop a system that is now widely used throughout the industry and has helped tons of people gain the edge they’ve been hoping for.


This system is currently being used by most of the industries top leaders such as Nicole S. Cooper, Tracey Walker, Cedrick Harris, Jim Chao and Mia Davies to name a few

MLSP (MLM Lead System Pro) is a built in internet, network marketing system. It's end goal is to help home business owners, primarily network marketers, generate an endless stream of prospects to talk to about their business.

Step By Step:


Your list is the most important aspect of your business. Without a list there are no leads.

Without a list, who do you talk to, who do you market to and how do you recruitpeople into your business?


In online marketing a landing page, sometimes known as a lead capture page, is the page that appears when a potential customer clicks on an advertisement. The page will usually display sales copy that is a logical extension of the advertisement or link.

There are two types of landing pages:

Reference and Transactional

Reference Landing Page

A reference landing page presents information that is relevant to the visitor. These can display text, images, dynamic compilations of relevant links, or other elements. Reference landing pages are effective if they meet the objectives of their publishers, which may be associations, organizations or public service entities. For many reference landing pages, effectiveness can be measured by the revenue value of the advertising that is displayed on them.

Transactional Landing Page

A transactional landing page seeks to persuade a visitor to complete a transaction such as filling out a form or interacting with advertisements or other objects on the landing page, with the goal being the immediate or eventual sale of a product or service. If information is to be captured, the page will usually withhold information until some minimal amount of visitor information is provided, typically an email address and perhaps a name and telephone number as well – enough to "capture the lead" and add the prospect to a mailing list.

Once the Lead has been captured…

You will also need an Autoresponder…

An autoresponder is a computer program that automatically answers e-mail sent to it. They can be very simple or quite complex.

Autoresponders are often used as e-mail marketing tools, to immediately provide information to their prospective customers and then follow-up with them at preset time intervals.

You must also have what is referred to as an Affiliate Marketing Funnel or another term used is Funded Proposal.

This is actually where MLSP comes into play….

Before I address this, let's take a quick look at 'Funded Proposal' that solves the two major challenges faced by most network marketers:

1) Not enough money (to go on with the MLM business and has to terminate their business prematurely)

2) Not enough prospects (to share the MLM business opportunity with as they use up their warm market very quickly)'Funded Proposal' is a CONCEPT based on charging your prospects a low-priced front end product or service. In the case of the health or beauty industry, this could be a product sample.

Essentially Here’s how it works…

After trying out, some will join your MLM business.However, even though they don't, you would already have earned some pocket money to sustain your business.Thus, instead of looking for people to join your MLM opportunity immediately, you look for prospects to try your product (now you have enough prospects) which is a lot easier, (now you have money) instead.

Isn't that brilliant?

Here’s a suggestion…

Step 1 - Look for prospects who want to make money online - not to join your MLM business yet - and offer them some coaching to help them make money online, such as how to set up a blog with affiliate links and banners. Do not charge them a high price but just a small fee.Think about it. . .You would already be in profit whether or not these prospects join your MLM opportunity.

** This will solve your MONEY challenge

Step 2 - Some time later, when your prospects become confident with computers and the Internet, that's the time you can offer them to join your MLM business opportunity so that they have a multi-tier affiliate program to promote.Of course, some of them will join you.

** This will solve your PROSPECTS challenge

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