Part 3.3 - Generation Red

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Part 3.3 - Generation Red

Welcome back to

Imprismed. This is

Generation Two heir,


Obsidian is old and

has a weird sleep

schedule. Therefore,

he does a lot of

different stuff around

the house at night

when everyone else is

sleeping. Like fix the

sprinkler in his


Practice his golf


And tucking Jaffa in

when he is having a

nightmare, just like

his father did for his


Jaffa is a pretty well

adjusted child. He

enjoys school and

greets his parents

when they come home

from work. Well, he

greets Gilbert when he

comes home from

work. Scarlett still

hasn’t found her job.

He has also brought

both Jules and Dixie

home from school

with him. It’s nice to

see the neighborhood

children getting along

so well.

Demi and Obsidian…I

don’t know. They’re

like that Katy Perry

song. One minute

they’re hot, next

minute cold.

Obsidian is crying

here, and I wasn’t sure


Turns out it’s because

Demi is criticizing the

painting he painted of

her. Not sure when he

got so ultra-sensitive.

Maybe he’s going

senile in his old age.

Demi is definitely

going senile. She has

become Gil’s official

creepy stalker. They

have two bolts and she

follows him around


Hmmmm, I think that

counter RIGHT NEXT

TO GILBERT needs to

be cleaned.

What fantastic

artwork we have in

this room where


Yeah, I’ve even had to

cancel out her trying

to relax on the bed

next to him when he’s


For all her stalkery

behavior, their

relationship has still

not made it out of

single digits. This

gives me much love for


He is completely

devoted to Scarlett.

The family went to the

park where these two

spent their free-will

time having a pillow


Jaffa ran into Dixie

and discovered the


My ulterior motive

was to get them to the

fishing hole and get

some fishing under

their belts.

Scarlett was the first to

catch anything.

Unfortunately it was a


Jaffa caught its mate.

Gilbert was the first to

catch an actual fish

and he pocketed it

right away.

Jaffa was the only one

to catch more than

one thing for the day

and luckily his second

reel brought him a

pretty nice fish as well.

Gilbert is still working

on getting enough

skills to become a Hall

of Famer. He’s quite a

bit older than Scarlett,

and I think he might

end up aging before

he’s perma-plat.

Scarlett has been

checking every day for

a job in the music

track for her LTW.

She’s perma-plat from

her influence bar, but

I still want her to

become a Rock God.

The purpose of this

poorly taken picture is

to show you that it

took nearly two sim

weeks for the job to

finally show up.

I’ve never had anyone

this high in the music

track and it was a little

shocking to see the

outfit she went to

work in. Very much

not a Scarlett outfit.

Pretty soon it was time

for a double birthday.

First up was Gil.

A sparkle and a twirl

and here we have

older, more

distinguished Gilbert

Geebiv. Scarlett looks

surprised, but trust

me, it hasn’t affected

their relationship one


Day changed to night

and it was Jaffa’s turn.

He even grew up into

orange. He’s got a bit

of a weird brow and

chin, which I’m

assuming comes from

Gilbert and Denise. I

still don’t see anything

from the Geebiv

genetic code.

Jaffa is a family sim.

His LTW is to graduate

3 kids from college.

He will likely take

advantage of the

college re-roll because

of Rule #5.

The night had a

surprise guest as well.

Apparently it was

Obsidian’s time to go.

I was unprepared for

this and was almost as

shocked as Demi here.

I knew it was coming

soon, but I thought he

would have a few more


Obsidian died at the

age of 79 and left

money to a bunch of

people including

family and friends.

Demi was devastated.

Scarlett was sad, but

had to rush off to


Jaffa was pretty torn

up about it too. He

and Obsidian were

very close.

Expressing grief in his

own way, he made his

way out to the garden

and harvested the

plants he had helped

his grandfather plant.

Obsidian’s grave stone

lies in his precious

orchard. Hopefully

this one will stick


Grief didn’t deter

Demi from stalking

her son-in-law.

Scarlett and Gil still

only have eyes for each


I had to separate them

though or one was

going to die from


Scarlett got to plant

new seeds in the

garden, earning her

bronze badge.

Obsidian’s first haunt

was uneventful. He

woke Jaffa up, but it

wasn’t long before he

was able to get to sleep


It only took Scarlett

two nights to achieve

her LTW by becoming

a Rock God.

It was now time for

Jaffa to build his

relationship with

other family

members. Carmine

came over and they

got to know each

other. This is

important because

Carmine place holds

the Greek House and I

would like to make it

easy on Jaffa to get in.

He also needed to

keep up his

relationship with

Denise for no other

reason than I thought

it was necessary.

Gilbert even showed

up for dinner.

In the interest of


continuity, I played

her house until Grim

made his appearance.

Gilbert and Jaffa were

upset at the

development, but not

overly so.

Okay, I take that back.

Between Obsidian and

Denise’s deaths, Jaffa

was pretty upset.

He kept throwing

temper tantrums.

This is another first

for me. I must be a


To alleviate the

tantrums, an attempt

was made to fill some

of Jaffa’s wants.

One: Be friends with

the neighborhood

simself kid.

Status: Unsuccessful.

She had to go home

because of extreme

hunger – or bladder

failure – I don’t

remember which.

Two: Ask someone on

a date. The gypsy was

contacted and came

right over with her

magic crystal ball.

Status: Semi-

successful. The gypsy

dropped this vacation

teen. Jaffa paid full

price because the

Geebivs are loaded.

They have two bolts.

The date ended

without a flaming bag

of poo, but it was

definitely not a dream


Three: Get all kinds of

puppies and kittens,


Status: Success at last.

Cymmi here fulfilled

two wants at once and

pulled Jaffa out of his


Demi’s life bar was

pretty full, so I finally

had her retire. She’s a

fortune sim, so she

didn’t roll the want. I

thought her last few

days should be spent

at home without

worries about work.

Gil finally topped the

athletic career track.

He is now perma-plat


His new LTW is to

woohoo with 20

different sims. So not

gonna happen Mr. Gil,

so get it out of your

pixelated little head.

Scarlett still finds him

plenty attractive. The

evidence? See how

she checks out his butt

as they pass in quick

greeting when he

comes home and she

leaves for work? True

love, I tell ya.

I think I have a clue in

the case of the

disappearing graves.

That plant that seems

to be incredibly

shocking to Jaffa? It’s

actually located in the

dining room.

He got stuck out here

by the garden where

the gravestones were.

I think there might be

a portal problem on

that corner of the lot.

The Geebivs are living

with a rift in the

time/space continuum

in their backyard. A

rift that eats

gravestones and

wrecks character files.

Demi’s time came mid

inappropriate heart

fart for her son-in-law.

The interruption

confused her. She was

sure that this would be

the time that Gil

would finally return

her admiration. After

all, they had just

become best friends.

Once Grim explained

that she would be

reunited with her

beloved husband, she

accepted her drink

and made her way into

the great beyond.

Gilbert was sad. After

all, they had just

become best friends.

Demi left money to

mostly family


Jaffa sought comfort

from his new best pal


It helped, but he was

still quite upset.

Jaffa is the first to

really maintain close

relationships with all

three of his

grandparents. Of

course, he’s the first to

have known more

than two


Scarlett was at work

when her mother

passed. Gilbert met

her at the mailbox.

He helped her

through her grief.

Look! It’s time for

Cymmi to grow up and

I actually caught the

process. I never get

these shots.

Cymmi grew up into

this disappointingly

grey kitty. I was

hoping for a little bit

of dramatic marking.

In all fairness, there is

some brindle like

marking to her coat,

but it doesn’t show up

in pictures well.

Scarlett still works in

the garden. It’s spring

so she works in the

garden in her nighty.

Yes, she has a nighty


Jaffa is ready to head

off to college.

The day before he was

to leave, who should

wander by, but Miss

Meadow Thayer.

He’s family, she’s

family. He likes

blondes. I had him

greet her. Sure

enough, two bolts. A

little free will

relationship building

won’t be a bad thing.

Geez, that was quick.

Meadow usually

shoots down anyone I

want to hook her up

with. I didn’t really

care one way or

another for Jaffa.

We’ll see what college

brings. If he rolls the

want, I might have her


Another townie

happened along that

evening, so I had them

all build some

relationship points.

Jaffa has no chemistry

with the other girl, so

we won’t run into a

repeat of the



The next morning,

Jaffa made the call and

said goodbye to his


Speaking of the


affair, lets do a quick

check on the Johnson


Katherine, who is

Jordan’s daughter, not

Missy’s, who is

holding her, grew up.

Julie found herself

pregnant with her

second child. Her

LTW is to graduate 3

from college, so she’ll

have one more after

this too.

Her oldest, Dixie was

the first to age to teen.

Dixie is a romance sim

and has to be one of

the prettiest sims I’ve

ever had born in

game. She’s got that

Snow White look

about her, but with

bedroom eyes. I don’t

think she’ll have a

problem as a romance


Jules, who is Melissa’s

daughter, was next.

She’s adorable and

really has a pixie look

about her. Jules is a

family sim.

Finally, Robert had his

teen birthday too.

Robert is Jordan’s

oldest son. He’s quite

handsome, but has an

odd jaw. Robert is a

knowledge sim.

Peter, who is Missy’s

son also had his

toddler birthday.

Julie gave birth to a

little girl named

Mathilda. She looks

to be a clone of her

older sister Dixie.

With the household

growing so large, it

was time to thin the

herd, so to speak.

You have not seen a lot

of the chaos that

Melissa has caused,

but trust me when I

say that this is well


I felt bad for Jules

though. Melissa was a

sucky mother to her,

but she was pretty sad

about her death.

Everyone in the house

had varying degrees of

feeling regarding her

death, including the

butler and new baby.

Aiden seemed like he

could care less and

Missy was too busy

juggling cups to really


But life went on and

homework needed to

be done.

Peter grew up but I

didn’t get a good

picture of him.

Katherine did too, but

we’ll get to her in a bit.

Mathilda grew up to a

toddler and was the

first taught all her


Shortly thereafter she

grew into a full

fledged child. She’s a

personality clone of

her sister Dixie, but I

think her skin tone is

a little darker.

You can see that Julie

is also pregnant with

her third child.

She gave birth to a boy

this time named

Harold. He’s the first

with a genticized skin

somewhere between

his mother and father.

I can’t wait to see how

he grows up.

You may be wondering

why we haven’t seen

Jordan, Robert or

Katherine in the last

few slides.

Well, Jordan fell in

love with someone

else. She never really

seemed as much a part

of the OT4 as the

others, so she moved

her little family out to

a little house across

the street.

This is her wedding.

Komei Tellerman is

her groom.

They’re very much in


Jordan’s LTW is also to

graduate 3 from

college, so she and

Komei will have a

child too.

Robert wasn’t all that

taken with Komei at

first, but they’ve

become good friends.

Katherine loves her

step-dad too.

They’re an adorable

little family.

Picture proof of why

Komei is awesome.

All autonomous, he

gave Jordan a backrub,

talked and played with

the baby, and then

serenaded her.

Jordan gave birth to a

little girl named Kira.

She has Komei’s eyes

and Jordan’s hair


The three oldest

Johnson children will

join Jaffa at the dorm

in an effort to achieve

their mother’s LTW’s.

Want a sneak peak of

Jaffa at college?

Of course you do.

Uhm, the purple and

stripes? No. Just no.

I had such high hopes

too after his teen


That brow and jaw just

keep getting more and

more pronounced. No

wonder Gil had plastic


He did get a make-over

pronto, though I’m

debating adding facial


Tune in next time for

the beginning of his

reign of the Geebiv
