Post on 18-Aug-2020

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___________ey BPU – Pa





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_____________________________________________________________________________ New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit



This audit was conducted in accordance with the standards developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) for a Level II audit. Cost and savings calculations for a given measure were estimated to within ±20%, and are based on data obtained from the owner, data obtained during site observations, professional experience, historical data, and standard engineering practice. Cost data does not include soft costs such as engineering fees, legal fees, project management fees, financing, etc. A thorough walkthrough of the school was performed, which included gathering nameplate information and operating parameters for all accessible equipment and lighting systems. Unless otherwise stated, model, efficiency, and capacity information included in this report were collected directly from equipment nameplates and /or from documentation provided by the owner during the site visit. Typical operation and scheduling information was obtained from interviewing staff and spot measurements taken in the field.

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New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 2 | P a g e

Table 1: Summary of Energy Conservation Measures Summary of Energy Conservation Measures

Energy Conservation Measure

Approx. Costs


Approx. Savings ($/year)

Payback (Years)

w/o Incentive

Potential Incentive


Payback (Years)

w/ Incentive



Window Seal Replacement 

24,000 800 >20 0 >20


Replace Door Seals & Sweeps 

3,400 200 17.0 0 17.0


Install Condensing Hot Water Boilers 

224,000 3,500 >20 4,000 >20


Install Premium Efficiency Motors 

2,900 200 14.5 0 14.5 X


Replace Window AC Units with Energy Star Units 

10,600 100 >20 0 >20


Replace Electric DHW Heater With Condensing DHW Heater 

10,000 2,400 4.2 300 4.0 X


Water Conservation 

91,000 1,500 >20 0 >20


Lighting Replacements 

2,400 400 6.0 300 5.3


Lighting Controls  4,200 1,900 2.2 700 1.8


Lighting Replacements & Controls 

6,700 2,300 2.9 900 2.5 X

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New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 7 | P a g e

The windows in classrooms and offices are operable aluminum frame single glazing windows. Hallway windows are non-operable aluminum frame, single glazing. The windows seem to be in fair condition, however, the seals along the window perimeters are in poor condition allowing outdoor air to infiltrate into the building. The seals around exterior windows fail over time. This leads to unwanted infiltration of unconditioned outside air and exfiltration of conditioned air resulting in increased heating energy usage. This measure calls for the replacement of all exterior window seals. Replacement of these seals will result in a reduction of the building’s heating load, therefore providing natural gas savings. The implementation cost and savings related to this ECM are presented in Appendix C and summarized below:

ECM-1 Replace Window Seals

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Potential Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive* (without (with

Electricity Natural

Gas Total Savings Incentive) Incentive)

$ kW kWh Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

24,000 0 0 800 800 0 800 (0.8) 0 >20 >20

* Incentive shown is per the New Jersey SmartStart Program. See section 5.0 for other incentive opportunities

Expected Life: 5 years Lifetime Savings: 0 kWh 4,000 therms $4,000

This measure is not recommended due to the long payback period and negative ROI.

4.1.2 ECM-2 Replace Door Seals & Sweeps During the site visit it was observed that seals and sweeps on doors have deteriorated and are no longer useful in preventing outdoor air infiltration. Gaps between the doors and frames were noticeable and allowed for outdoor air to infiltrate the building. The calculation uses bin weather data to estimate the occupied and unoccupied bin hours. This is converted to existing energy for the occupied and unoccupied cases using the existing estimated infiltration rate and the heating temperature. The two are summed together to create the annual utility usage for the baseline. The same steps are done to calculate the proposed utility usage. The difference in heating losses through the doors results in annual heating natural gas savings. The implementation cost and savings related to this ECM are presented in Appendix C and summarized below:

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 8 | P a g e

ECM-2 Replace Door Seals & Sweeps

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Potential Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive* (without (with

Electricity Natural

Gas Total Savings Incentive) Incentive)

$ kW kWh Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

3,400 0 0 200 200 0 200 (0.7) 0 17.0 17.0

* Incentive shown is per the New Jersey SmartStart Program. See section 5.0 for other incentive opportunities

Expected Life: 5 years Lifetime Savings: 0 kWh 1,000 therms $ 1,000

This measure is not recommended due to the long payback period and negative ROI.

4.2 HVAC Systems 4.2.a Heating Systems The school has (2) hot water boilers. An older Weil-McLain Series 1094-3 boiler rated at 2,028 MBH output and 77% efficiency operates as the lead boiler. The lag boiler is a Smith Series 28A-12 boiler rated at 2,232 MBH output and 78% efficiency. The Smith boiler was installed in 2005. Two 78.5% efficient 1.5 HP primary pumps circulate the HW through the boilers. Two 80% efficient 3 HP pumps operating in lead/lag circulate the heating HW throughout the building to provide heating to various rooms and hallways. Heating in classrooms are provided by heating only unit ventilators which are controlled by pneumatic thermostats. Hallways are heated by ceiling mounted fan coil units with thermostats located in the hallways throughout the school. Specifics on mechanical equipment can be found within the equipment inventory located in Appendix B. 4.2.b Cooling Systems The majority of the original school does not have any air conditioning systems in place. There is (1) DX split system dedicated to the guidance office with a condensing unit on the roof that provides cooling to that area. The unit has a rated cooling capacity of 9,000 btu/h and an energy efficiency ratio (EER) of 10.5. There were also a number of window air conditioning units utilized in classrooms and the main office which ranged in age. These units are controlled by the teachers in those classrooms. Some of the units were quite old and could be upgraded to energy star units. It was noted during the field survey that the window units may change location in order to accommodate students with allergies. Specifics on mechanical equipment can be found within the equipment inventory located in Appendix B.

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 9 | P a g e

4.2.c Ventilation Systems Every classroom in Troy Hills Elementary School has a unit ventilator. Unit ventilators (UV) provide heating and ventilation to the classroom using hot water coils fed from the boilers. A small fan moves the air through the coil to provide heating. Modulating dampers control the amount of indoor recirculated air and outdoor air flow. The units are typically attached to an exterior wall which allows the unit to get ventilation air directly from the outdoors without using ducting. The UV’s are controlled by pneumatic thermostats that regulate the heating to the user set point. There is one ceiling hung heating & ventilation (HV) unit located in the multipurpose room. This unit was controlled by a thermostat on the wall inside the multipurpose room. Specifics on mechanical equipment can be found within the equipment inventory located in Appendix B. 4.2.d Exhaust Systems As ventilation units bring outdoor air into the building, exhaust systems move indoor air into the atmosphere. During the site visit it was recorded that approximately (9) exhaust fans were located on the roof to remove air from classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, and the multipurpose room. The exhaust fans were found to be in good condition. Specifics on mechanical equipment can be found within the equipment inventory located in Appendix B. The following ECMs were identified as HVAC system improvements: 4.2.1 ECM-3 Install Condensing Hot Water Boilers There is a Weil-McLain Boiler operating at efficiency of 77% and a Smith Boiler operating at an efficiency of 78% serving the school. Both boilers are non-condensing hot water boilers. A heating system with a 92% efficiency was proposed as a replacement. The boiler fuel consumption was calculated from the estimated system efficiency and the natural gas consumed annually per the utility bills. This was then compared to the improved efficiency of a new condensing boiler and hot water distribution system. The difference in fuel usage was the savings. The implementation cost and savings related to this ECM are presented in Appendix C and summarized below:

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 10 | P a g e

ECM-3 Install Condensing Hot Water Boilers

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Potential Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive

* (without (with

Electricity Natural

Gas Total Savings Incentive) Incentive)

$ kW kWh Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

224,000 0 0 3,700 3,500 0 3,500 (0.6) 4,000 >20 >20

* Incentive shown is per the New Jersey SmartStart Program. See section 5.0 for other incentive opportunities

Expected Life: 25 years

Lifetime Savings: 0 kWh 92,500 therms $87,500

This measure is not recommended due to the high capital cost and therefore long payback period. Note: there may be insufficient ventilation levels within the building per current code requirements, but ventilation levels were not evaluated as part of the measure. If ventilation must be increased to meet codes the boiler fuel consumption may increase. 4.2.2 ECM-4 Install Premium Efficiency Pump Motors The existing heating system pumps do not have premium efficiency motors. This ECM evaluated replacing the existing standard efficiency pump motors with premium efficiency units. Savings were determined by comparing the energy usage of the existing fan motors to the energy usage with premium efficiency motors. The implementation cost and savings related to this ECM are presented in Appendix C and summarized below:

ECM-4 Install Premium Efficiency Pump Motors

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Potential Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive* (without (with

Electricity Natural

Gas Total Savings Incentive) Incentive)

$ kW kWh Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

2,900 1 1,400 0 200 0 200 0.5 0 14.5 14.5

* Incentive shown is per the New Jersey SmartStart Program. See section 5.0 for other incentive opportunities

Expected Life: 20 years Lifetime Savings: 28,000 kWh 0 therms $4,000

This measure is recommended. 4.2.3 ECM-5 Replace Window A/C units with Energy Star A/C Units The elementary school is equipped with (10) window mounted AC units of varying capacity for classrooms and office spaces. These units are standard efficiency, and the

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 11 | P a g e

condition of some units ranges from fair to poor. Replacement of the existing window units with newer energy star appliances was assessed. It is assumed that the maintenance staff will install the units. It was noted during the field survey that some window mounted AC units change location between school years in order to accommodate students with allergies. The assumption of this calculation is that the operating hours and capacity stay the same. The energy savings result from operating a higher efficiency unit. The implementation cost and savings related to this ECM are presented in Appendix C and summarized below:

ECM-5 Replace Window A/C units w/Energy Star Units

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Potential Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive* (without (with

Electricity Natural

Gas Total Savings Incentive) Incentive)

$ kW kWh Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

10,600 0 600 0 100 0 100 (0.9) 0 >20 >20

* Does not qualify for Incentive from the New Jersey SmartStart Program. See section 5.0 for other incentive opportunities.

Expected Life: 10 years Lifetime Savings: 6,000 kWh 0 therms $1,000

This measure is not recommended due to the low energy sayings and long payback period. However the additional maintenance costs associated with constantly moving the window a/c units year to year might justify the installation of more portable air conditioning units such as Move N’ Cool. 4.3 Control Systems The hydronic heating system includes classroom unit ventilators, HV units cabinet heaters. The boilers utilize electronic controls tied into a boiler management system (BMS), however the rest of the building is still maintained by pneumatics. The BMS allows the temperature of the hot water to be reset based on the outdoor air temperature. The pneumatic system includes valves; actuators and dampers controlled by (2) split HP air compressor motors. Thermostats are located in classrooms, hallways and the multipurpose room. The typical setpoint for the pneumatic sections is 72oF heating, with a setback temperature of 65oF. The HW pumps and HV unit in the multipurpose room are controlled by Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) switched. There are no ECMs associated with the controls systems.

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 12 | P a g e

4.4 Domestic Hot Water System Domestic hot water (DHW) is heated by (1) 98% efficient Bradford-White 80 gallon electric water heater rated at 4.5 kW. The DHW system is maintained at 120F and serves toilet rooms and sinks located throughout the school. Specifics on mechanical equipment can be found within the equipment inventory located in Appendix B. The following ECMs identify an improvement to the school’s Domestic Hot Water System: 4.4.1 ECM-6 Replace Domestic Hot Water Heater with Instantaneous unit This ECM assesses replacing this domestic water heater with a tankless type natural gas domestic water heater of appropriate size for the building. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 2.5% of stored capacity is lost every hour during DHW heater standby. This value was applied to the total volume to determine annual standby losses. Proposed efficiency was based on a typical high efficiency natural gas condensing type hot water heater. The new water heater will require water and gas piping modifications, venting, and electrical connections. The implementation cost and savings related to this ECM are presented in Appendix C and summarized below:

ECM-6 Replace Domestic Hot Water Heater w/ Instantaneous unit

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Potentia

l Payback Payback

Cost Maintenanc

e Savings ROI Incentiv

e* (without (with

Electricity Natural

Gas Total Savings Incentive) Incentive)

$ kW kWh Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

10,000 0 24,400 (800) 2,400 0 2,400 5.1 300 4.2 4.0

* Incentive shown is per the New Jersey SmartStart Install Program. See section 5.0 for other incentive opportunities.

Expected Life: 25 years Lifetime Savings: 610,000 kWh (20,000) therms $60,000

This measure is recommended.

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 13 | P a g e

4.5 Kitchen Equipment There is no kitchen at the Troy Hills Elementary School. Food is prepared at either Parsippany High School or Brooklawn Middle School and delivered to Troy Hills each day. The food is then served to students and kept warm in electric powered warming stations. There are no ECMs associated with the controls systems. 4.6 Plumbing Systems Troy Hills Elementary School has older style fixtures in the classroom restrooms. Several of the hallway restrooms have newer, low flow fixtures. The older style plumbing fixtures consume more water than modern plumbing fixtures. There are (13) water closets in the school with an average water usage of 5.5 gallons per flush (GPF), and (11) low flow water closets with an average water usage of 1.6 GPF. There are (10) urinals in the school, with an average of 2.5 GPF and 40 faucets with an average flow rate of 3 gallons per minute (GPM). Each classroom has a sink, while only the kindergarten and first grade classrooms have restrooms. Per the number of occupants, it was estimated that each toilet and faucet is utilized approximately 4 times per day. The following ECM identifies an improvement to the school’s Domestic Hot Water System: 4.6.1 ECM-7 Water Conservation (Low Flow Fixtures) The water savings associated from replacing these fixtures with low-flow fixtures was calculated by taking the difference of the annual water usage for the proposed and base case. The basis of this calculation is the number of times each fixture is used, gallons per use, and number of fixtures. The implementation cost and savings related to this ECM are presented in Appendix C and summarized below:

ECM-7 Water Conservation (Low Flow Fixtures)

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Potential Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive* (without (with

Electricity Water Total Savings Incentive) Incentive)

$ kW kWh Kgal $ $ $ $ Years Years

91,000 0 0 100 1,500 0 1,500 (0.5) 0 >20 >20

* Does not qualify for an Incentive per the New Jersey SmartStart Program. See section 5.0 for other incentive opportunities.

Expected Life: 30 years Lifetime Savings: 0 kWh 3,000 kGal $45,000

This measure is not recommended due to the high capital cost and negative ROI.

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 14 | P a g e

4.7 Lighting/Electrical Systems The majority of the lighting in Troy Hills Elementary School is comprised of T-8 fluorescent tube fixtures with electronic ballasts and incandescent lamps. The lighting in the Multi-Purpose room has been recently upgraded to fluorescent T5 fixtures with electronic ballasts. The bathrooms in the kindergarten classrooms have single bulb incandescent fixtures. The building’s exterior lighting includes several high pressure sodium wall pack units. The pole lights in the parking lot and playground are property of Jersey Central Power and Light, and are billed monthly. A comprehensive lighting survey can be found in Appendix B. Troy Hills Elementary School utilizes 153 computers throughout the building in classrooms, offices, media centers and computer labs. All computers have flat screen LCD monitors. The following ECMs identified are improvements to Troy Hills Elementary School’s lighting and electrical system: 4.7.1 ECM-8 Lighting Replacement / Upgrades The school uses mostly T-8 fixtures with electronic ballasts in classrooms, offices, and hallway spaces. Single bulb incandescent fixtures were used in closets, storage rooms, and small bathrooms. Each switch and circuit was identified, and an inventory of fixtures, controls and locations was established during the field survey (Appendix B). There is an opportunity to reduce consumption by upgrading the incandescent fixtures to compact fluorescent lamps. This would involve a replacement of the bulb, The exterior lighting on the building walls is proposed to be changed from high pressure sodium to LED, which has a longer life and consumes much less energy. This will involve a full replacement. Energy savings for this measure were calculated by applying the existing and proposed fixture wattages to estimated times of operation. These calculations are based upon 1 to 1 replacements with the fixtures. They do not take into account lumen output and square footage. A more comprehensive study may be performed to determine correct lighting levels. Supporting calculations, including assumptions for lighting hours and annual energy usage for each fixture, are provided in Appendix C. The implementation cost and savings related to this ECM are presented in Appendix C and summarized below:

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 15 | P a g e

ECM-8 Lighting Replacement / Upgrades

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Potential Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive

* (without (with

Electricity Natural

Gas Total Savings Incentive) Incentive)

$ kW kWh Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

2,400 1.0 2,500 0 400 0 400 1.5 300 6.0 5.3

* Incentive shown is per the New Jersey SmartStart Program. See section 5.0 for other incentive opportunities.

Expected Life: 15 years Lifetime Savings: 37,500 kWh 0 therms $ 6,000

This measure is not recommended in lieu of ECM-10. 4.7.2 ECM-9 Install Lighting Controls (Occupancy Sensors) Currently the light fixtures within classrooms, multipurpose room and the media center are controlled via switches regardless of occupancy. Therefore, installing an occupancy sensor in these spaces to turn off lights when the areas are unoccupied was assessed. This measure recommends installing occupancy sensors for the current lighting system. Using a process similar to that utilized in section 4.7.1, the energy savings for this measure was calculated by applying the known fixture wattages in the space to the estimated existing and proposed times of operation for each fixture. The difference between the two values resulted in an annual savings of 40,500 kWh. The implementation cost and savings related to this ECM are presented in Appendix C and summarized below:

ECM-9 Install Lighting Controls (Occupancy Sensors)

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Potential Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive

* (without (with

Electricity Natural

Gas Total Savings Incentive) Incentive)

$ kW kWh Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

4,200 0 18,000 0 1,900 0 1,900 7.1 700 2.2 1.8

* Incentive shown is per the New Jersey Direct Install Program. See section 5.0 for other incentive opportunities.

Expected Life: 15 years Lifetime Savings: 270,000 kWh 0 therms $ 28,500

This measure is not recommended in lieu of ECM-10.

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 16 | P a g e

4.7.3 ECM-10 Lighting Replacements with Controls (Occupancy Sensors) This measure is a combination of ECM-8 and ECM-9; recommending replace/upgrade the current lighting fixtures to more efficient ones and installing occupancy sensors on the new lights. Interactive effects of the higher efficiency lights and occupancy sensors lead the energy and cost savings for this measure to not be cumulative or equivalent to the sum of replacing the lighting fixtures alone and installing occupancy sensors without the lighting upgrade. The implementation cost and savings related to this ECM are presented in Appendix C and summarized below:

ECM-10 Lighting Replacements with Controls (Occupancy Sensors)

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Potential Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive

* (without (with

Electricity Natural

Gas Total Savings Incentive) Incentive)

$ kW kWh Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

6,700 1.0 20,600 0 2,300 0 2,300 5.1 900 2.9 2.5

* Incentive shown is per the New Jersey Direct Install Program. See section 5.0 for other incentive opportunities.

Expected Life: 15 years Lifetime Savings: 309,000 0 therms $34,500

This measure is recommended.

New JP a g


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Jersey BPU –e



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New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 18 | P a g e

recommended measures identified in a previous energy assessment, such as this energy audit. The incentive is reimbursed to the school upon successful replacement and payment of the equipment. This school is eligible to receive funding from the Direct Install Program because the electrical demand is less than the maximum peak electrical demand of 150 kW in the last 12 month period. Refer to appendix D for more information on this program. 5.1.3 New Jersey Pay For Performance Program (P4P) The facility will be eligible for incentives from the New Jersey Office of Clean Energy. The most significant incentives are available from the New Jersey Pay for Performance (P4P) Program. The P4P program is designed for qualified energy conservation projects applied to facilities whose demand in any of the preceding 12 months exceeds 100 kW. This average minimum has been waived for buildings owned by local governments or municipalities and non-profit organizations, however. Facilities that meet this criterion must also achieve a minimum performance target of 15% energy reduction by using the EPA Portfolio Manager benchmarking tool before and after implementation of the measure(s). If the participant is a municipal electric company customer, and a customer of a regulated gas New Jersey Utility, only gas measures will be eligible under the Program. Available incentives are as follows: Incentive #1: Energy Reduction Plan – This incentive is designed to offset the cost of services associated with the development of the Energy Reduction Plan (ERP).

Incentive Amount: $0.10/SF Minimum incentive: $5,000 Maximum Incentive: $50,000 or 50% of Facility annual energy cost

The standard incentive pays $0.10 per square foot, up to a maximum of $50,000, not to exceed 50% of facility annual energy cost, paid after approval of application. For building audits funded by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, which receive an initial 75% incentive toward performance of the energy audit, facilities are only eligible for an additional $0.05 per square foot, up to a maximum of $25,000, rather than the standard incentive noted above. Incentive #2: Installation of Recommended Measures – This incentive is based on projected energy savings as determined in Incentive #1 (Minimum 15% savings must be achieved), and is paid upon successful installation of recommended measures. Electric

Base incentive based on 15% savings: $0.09/ per projected kWh saved. For each % over 15% add: $0.005 per projected kWh saved. Maximum incentive: $0.11/ kWh per projected kWh saved

Gas Base incentive based on 15% savings: $0.90/ per projected Therm saved.

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 19 | P a g e

For each % over 15% add: $0.05 per projected Therm saved. Maximum incentive: $1.25 per projected Therm saved

Incentive cap: 25% of total project cost Incentive #3: Post-Construction Benchmarking Report – This incentive is paid after acceptance of a report proving energy savings over one year utilizing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Portfolio Manager benchmarking tool. Electric

Base incentive based on 15% savings: $0.09/ per projected kWh saved. For each % over 15% add: $0.005 per projected kWh saved. Maximum incentive: $0.11/ kWh per projected kWh saved


Base incentive based on 15% savings: $0.90/ per projected Therm saved. For each % over 15% add: $0.05 per projected Therm saved. Maximum incentive: $1.25 per projected Therm saved

Combining incentives #2 and #3 will provide a total of $0.18/ kWh and $1.8/therm not to exceed 50% of total project cost. Additional incentives for #2 and #3 are increased by $0.005/kWh and $0.05/therm for each percentage increase above the 15% minimum target to 20%, calculated with the EPA Portfolio Manager benchmarking tool, not to exceed 50% of total project cost. Total P4P incentives are summarized below:

Incentives $ Electric Gas Total

Incentive #1 $0 $0 $5,000 Incentive #2 $0 $0 $0 Incentive #3 $0 $0 $0

Total $0 $0 $5,000

For the purpose of demonstrating the eligibility of the ECM’s to meet the minimum savings requirement of 15% for the Pay for Performance Program, all recommended ECM’s have been included in the incentive calculations resulting in a 2.8% energy savings. Based on this savings, the school would not be eligible for the Pay for Performance Program. Refer to appendix D for more information on this program. 5.1.4 Energy Savings Improvement Plan (ESIP) The Energy Savings Improvement Program (ESIP) allows government agencies to make energy related improvements to their facilities and pay for the costs using the value of energy savings that result from the improvements. Under the recently enacted Chapter 4 of the Laws of 2009 (the law), the ESIP provides all government agencies in New Jersey

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 20 | P a g e

with a flexible tool to improve and reduce energy usage with minimal expenditure of new financial resources. ESIP allows local units to use “energy savings obligations” to pay for the capital costs of energy improvements to their facilities. This can be done over a maximum term of 15 years. Energy savings obligations are not considered “new general obligation debt” of a local unit and do not count against debt limits or require voter approval. They may be issued as refunding bonds or leases. Savings generated from the installation of energy conservation measures pay the principal of and interest on the bonds; for that reason, the debt service created by the ESOs is not paid from the debt service fund, but is paid from the general fund. For local governments interested in pursuing an ESIP, the first step is to perform an energy audit. Pursuing a Local Government Energy Audit through New Jersey's Clean Energy Program is a valuable first step to the ESIP approach. The “Local Finance Notice” outlines how local governments can develop and implement an ESIP for their facilities. The ESIP can be prepared internally if the entity has qualified staff. If not, the ESIP must be implemented by an independent contractor and not by the energy savings company producing the Energy Reduction Plan. The ESIP approach may not be appropriate for all energy conservation and energy efficiency improvements. Local units should carefully consider all alternatives to develop an approach that best meets their needs. Refer to appendix D for more information on this program.

New JP a g


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Jersey BPU –e




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New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 22 | P a g e

Photovoltaic (PV) Rooftop Solar Power Generation – 30.0 kW System

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Total

New Jersey


New Jersey

Renewable Payback Payback

Cost Savings Energy

Incentive* SREC** (without

incentive) (with


Electricity Natural

Gas Total

$ kW kWh Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

120,000 30 52,970 0 6,780 6,780 0 $4,344 27.1 16.5

** Estimated Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Program (SREC) at $82/1000 kWh

This measure is not recommended due to the long payback time. It is suggested, however, that the school continue to monitor the SREC credits and evaluate the PV installation again should the SREC credit values increase. It is also important to note that a feasibility study should be performed by a third party solar contractor, before any installation takes place. 6.1.2 Solar Thermal Hot Water Generation Active solar thermal systems use solar collectors to gather the sun’s energy to heat water, another fluid, or air. An absorber in the collector converts the sun’s energy into heat. The heat is then transferred by circulating water, antifreeze, or sometimes air to another location for immediate use or storage for later utilization. Applications for active solar thermal energy include providing hot water, heating swimming pools, space heating, and preheating air in residential and commercial buildings. A standard solar hot water system is typically composed of solar collectors, heat storage vessel, piping, circulators, and controls. Systems are typically integrated to work alongside a conventional heating system that provides heat when solar resources are not sufficient. The solar collectors are usually placed on the roof of the building, oriented south, and tilted around the site’s latitude, to maximize the amount of radiation collected on a yearly basis. Several options exist for using active solar thermal systems for space heating. The most common method involves using glazed collectors to heat a liquid held in a storage tank (similar to an active solar hot water system). The most practical system would transfer the heat from the panels to thermal storage tanks and transfer solar produced thermal energy to use for domestic hot water production. DHW is presently produced by gas-fired water heaters and, therefore, this measure would offer natural gas utility savings. 6.2 Demand Response Curtailment Presently, Electricity is delivered by JCP&L, which receives the electricity from regional power grid RFC. PMJ is the regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia including the State of New Jersey.

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 23 | P a g e

Utility Curtailment is an agreement with the utility provider’s regional transmission organization and an approved Curtailment Service Provider (CSP) to shed electrical load by either turning major equipment off or energizing all or part of a facility utilizing an emergency generator; therefore, reducing the electrical demand on the utility grid. This program is to benefit the utility company during high demand periods and utility provider offers incentives to the CSP to participate in this program. Enrolling in the program will require program participants to drop electrical load or turn on emergency generators during high electrical demand conditions or during emergencies. Part of the program also will require that program participants reduce their required load or run emergency generators with notice to test the system. A pre-approved CSP will require a minimum of 100 kW of load reduction to participate in any curtailment program. From November 2011 through October 2012 the facility had a peak electricity demand of 68.0 kW and a minimum of 40.8 kW. The monthly average over the observed 12 month period was 51.1 kW. This measure is not recommended because the school will be unable to meet the minimum electrical load reduction of 100 kW.

New JP a g


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New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 26 | P a g e


Utility Usage Analysis

Parsippany Troy Hills Board of EducationTroy Hills Elementary School509 South Beverwyck Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054

Annual Utilities12-month Summary

Annual Usage 175,280 kWh/yrAnnual Cost 22,404 $Blended Rate 0.128 $/kWhConsumption Rate 0.107 $/kWhDemand Rate 5.94 $/kWPeak Demand 68.0 kWMin. Demand 40.8 kWAvg. Demand 51.1 kW

Annual Usage 23,270 Therms/yrAnnual Cost 22,379 $Rate 0.96 $/Therm

Annual Usage 373,600 gallons/yrAnnual Cost 7,287 $Rate 0.020 $/gallon

Annual Usage 6,000 gallons/yrAnnual Cost 1,850 $Rate 0.308 $/gallon


Natural Gas

Water (Acct 501860-2)

Water (Acct 501860-1)

Parsippany Troy Hills Board of EducationTroy Hills Elementary School509 South Beverwyck Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054

Utility Bills: Account Numbers

Account Number School Building Location Type Notes67 286 811 08 Troy Hills Elementary School 509 South Beverwyck Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054 Natural Gas100008651414 Troy Hills Elementary School 509 South Beverwyck Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054 Electricity Missing 501860-1 Troy Hills Elementary School 509 South Beverwyck Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054 Water/Sewer

Utility Data -Troy Hills Elementary SchoolElectric

Parsippany-Troy Hills School District

For Service at: Troy Hills Elementary School Account No.: 100008651414 Delivery - JCP&LMeter No.: G28099133 Supplier - JCP&LElectric Service

Consumption Demand Delivery Supplier Total Consumption Demand Blended Rate Consumption DemandMonth (kWh) (kW) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($/kWh) ($/kWh) ($/kW)November-11 18,080 54.70 1,666$ 774$ 2,440$ 2,151$ 289$ 0.13$ 0.12$ 5.29$ December-11 16,640 40.80 653$ 1,533$ 2,186$ 1,986$ 199$ 0.13$ 0.12$ 4.88$ January-12 16,240 40.80 653$ 1,533$ 2,186$ 1,945$ 241$ 0.13$ 0.12$ 5.90$ Feburary-12 15,840 40.80 653$ 1,533$ 2,186$ 1,904$ 282$ 0.14$ 0.12$ 6.91$ March-12 13,600 49.80 653$ 1,253$ 1,906$ 1,498$ 407$ 0.14$ 0.11$ 8.18$ April-12 12,320 47.50 521$ 1,135$ 1,656$ 1,413$ 243$ 0.13$ 0.11$ 5.11$ May-12 28,800 56.80 869$ 2,653$ 3,522$ 3,219$ 303$ 0.12$ 0.11$ 5.33$ June-12 12,160 51.50 569$ 823$ 1,392$ 960$ 432$ 0.11$ 0.08$ 8.39$ July-12 9,120 52.30 521$ 617$ 1,138$ 723$ 416$ 0.12$ 0.08$ 7.95$ August-12 7,040 56.80 340$ 476$ 816$ 668$ 148$ 0.12$ 0.09$ 2.60$ September-12 13,440 68.00 705$ 910$ 1,615$ 1,212$ 403$ 0.12$ 0.09$ 5.92$ October-12 12,000 53.00 550$ 812$ 1,362$ 1,084$ 278$ 0.11$ 0.09$ 5.25$ November-12 19,200 54.40 683$ 1,299$ 1,982$ 1,695$ 287$ 0.10$ 0.09$ 5.28$ Total (All) 176,400 68.00 $7,368 $14,578 $21,946 $18,308 $3,638 $0.12 $0.10 $5.45Total (last 12-months) 175,280 68.00 $8,351 $14,053 $22,404 $18,764 $3,640 $0.13 $0.11 $5.94

Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101.) Number of kWh of electric energy used per month2.) Number of kW of power measured3.) Electric charges from Delivery provider4.) Electric charges from Supply provider5.) Total charges (Delivery + Supplier)6.) Charges based on the number of kWh of electric energy used7.) Charges based on the number of kW of power measured8.) Total Charges ($) / Consumption (kWh)9.) Consumption Charges ($) / Consumption (kWh)

10.) Demand Charges ($) / Demand (kW)

Provider Charges Unit CostsUsage (kWh) vs. Demand (kW) Charges

Missing information populated from Rockaway Meadows School which has a similar floorplan and square footage.

Utility Data -Troy Hills Elementary SchoolElectric Graph



























Electric Usage - Troy Hills Elementary School

(kWh) (kW)

Parsippany Troy Hills Board of EducationEastlake Elementary School40 Eba Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054

For Service at: Parsippany Troy Hills Board of EducationAccount No.: 67 286 811 08Meter No.: 3274045Natural Gas ServiceDelivery - New Jersey Natural GasSupplier - New Jersey Natural Gas

Month Total ($) Delivery ($) Supply ($)Usage

(Therms) $/Therm

October-11 3,640$ 1,575$ 2,066$ 3,433 1.06$ November-11 3,970$ 1,655$ 2,315$ 3,857 1.03$ December-11 5,127$ 1,882$ 3,245$ 5,546 0.92$ January-12 4,217$ 1,726$ 2,490$ 4,752 0.89$ February-12 2,747$ 1,359$ 1,388$ 2,794 0.98$ March-12 1,086$ 305$ 782$ 1,656 0.66$ April-12 133$ 107$ 25$ 55 2.39$ May-12 100$ 100$ 1$ 1 96.04$ June-12 100$ 100$ 1$ 1 95.44$ July-12 100$ 100$ 0 #DIV/0!August-12 100$ 100$ 0 #DIV/0!September-12 404$ 161$ 243$ 433 0.93$ October-12 4,296$ 1,758$ 2,538$ 4,175 1.03$ Total (Last 12 Months) 22,379$ 9,350$ 13,028$ 23,270 0.96$





















st (



Natural Gas - Troy Hills Elementary School Total ($) Usage (Therms)

Parsippany Troy Hills Board of EducationTroy Hills Elementary School

For Service at: Troy Hills Elementary SchoolAccount No.: 501860-1WaterDelivery - Township of Parsippany-Troy HillsSupplier - Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills

Month Total ($) Gallons $/Gallon

1/9/2012 449$ 1,000 0.449$ 4/9/2012 449$ 2,000 0.225$ 7/9/2012 449$ 2,000 0.225$ 10/9/2012 449$ 1,000 0.449$ Total 1,796.00$ 6,000 0.299$


Month Total ($) Gallons $/Gallon

1/1/2012 9$ fixed4/1/2012 18$ fixed7/9/2012 18$ fixed10/9/2012 9$ fixedTotal 53.73$ 6,000 0.009$

Combined Sewer and Water: 0.308$ per gallon


















12/23/2011 2/11/2012 4/1/2012 5/21/2012 7/10/2012 8/29/2012 10/18/2012 12/7/2012







st (



Water Usage - Troy Hills Elementary School Total ($) Gallons

Parsippany Troy Hills Board of EducationTroy Hills Elementary School

For Service at: Troy Hills Elementary SchoolAccount No.: 501860-2WaterDelivery - Township of Parsippany-Troy HillsSupplier - Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills

Month Total ($) Gallons $/Gallon

1/1/2012 1,159$ 136,000 0.009$ 4/1/2012 1,159$ 120,600 0.010$ 7/9/2012 467$ 2,000 0.233$ 10/9/2012 1,159$ 115,000 0.010$ Total 3,943.92$ 373,600 0.011$


Month Total ($) Gallons $/Gallon

1/1/2012 1,217$ fixed4/1/2012 1,078$ fixed7/9/2012 18$ fixed10/9/2012 1,029$ fixedTotal 3,342.83$ 373,600 0.009$

Combined Sewer and Water: 0.020$ per gallon


















11/3/2011 12/23/2011 2/11/2012 4/1/2012 5/21/2012 7/10/2012 8/29/2012 10/18/2012 12/7/2012







st (



Water Usage - Troy Hills Elementary School Total ($) Gallons

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 27 | P a g e


Equipment Inventory

CHA Project# 24972Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of EducationTroy Hills Elementary School

Description QTY Manufacturer Name Model No. Serial No.Equipment Type /


/EfficiencyLocation Areas/Equipment Served Date Installed Remaining Useful Life (years) Other Info.

Current year Years Old ASHRAE life expectancyAC-1 3 Friedrich SM14G10C 86KS11114 Window AC Unit 1 ton Media Center Media Center 1986 -16 2012 26 10AC-2 2 Climatrol Window AC Unit 1 ton (estimated) Media Center Media Center 1986 Unknown 2012 26 10

AC-3 1 Mitsubishi MS-09DW-U1 0406-279DX Split System Evaporator Unit

Cooling: 9,000 btu/h, 10.5 EER

Guidance OfficeGuidance Office Conference

Room1995 Unknown R-22

2012 17 20

AC-3 2 Frigidaire FAM186R2A IK7049177 Window AC UnitCooling: 18,500 btu/hr / 10.7 eer

Classroom Classroom 2007 5 R-222012 5 10

AC-4 1 Westinghouse WAC05317A2A JK70611034 Window AC Unit5,200 BTU/hr / 6.2

amps / 8.2 eerClassroom Classroom 1997 -5 R-22

2012 15 10

AC-5 1 Haier ESA3156 10556777 Window AC Unit15,000 BTU/HR /

12 amps / 10.7 eerClassroom Classroom 1995 Unknown R-22

2012 17 10

Boiler-1 1 Smith 28A-9 081624HW Boiler/Natural


2,836 MBH input/ 2,232 MBH ouput /

78% effBoiler Room School 2005 23

2012 7 30

Boiler-2 1 Weil-McLain 94 Boiler 1094-3HW Boiler / Natural


2,028 mbh output/ 2,612 mbh input/

77% effBoiler Room School 1962 Unknown

2012 50 30

Burner #1 1 Powerflame C2-G-20B-HBS-9 010724218 Natural Gas Burner2,836 MBH/ 1 hp / 6 amps / 1 ph / 230

Boiler Room Boiler #1 2005 Unknown

Burner #2 1 Powerflame WCR3-G-20 05915418 Natural Gas Burner3,753 MBH/1.5 hp / 5 amps / 1 ph / 208

vBoiler Room Boiler #2 1980 Unknown

2012 21

Classroom Unit Ventilators 29 Nesbitt N/A N/A Unit Ventilators N/A N/A Classrooms 1962 -20 2012 50 30Compression Tank 1 Bell & Gossett BGF21420 138137 Compression Tank 125 PSI / 1/8 HP Boiler Room School 1962 Unknown 2012

Compressor 1 Quincy Compressor QHPR5-10 H510A1151107181Compressor /

Pneumatic Controls250 PSI / 2.52

AmpsBoiler Room Boilers 2005 Unknown

2012 7

CU-1 1 Mitsubishi MU-09DW-U2 N/A Condensing Unit 3/4 ton RoofGuidance Office Conference

Room1990 Unknown

2012 22

DHW-1 1 Bradford-White M280R6DS-1NCWW EA10065894Hot Water Heater /

electric80 Gal / 4.5 kW

/98% effBoiler Room School 2007 Unknown

2012 5

HW Pump 2 Wagner 213-71962-06 N/A Secondary Pump3 HP / 80% eff

estimated / 3 ph / 440 v

Boiler Room School 1962 -302012 50 20

HW Pump 1 Baldor JMM315861 35K350-372 Primary Pump1.5 HP / 4.3 amps/

1 ph/ 230/458 v/ 78.5% eff

Boiler Room School 2005 (EST) 3

2012 8 10

HW Pump 1 Emerson F245 U01T305R0O8F Primary Pump 1.5 HP, 78.5% eff Boiler Room School 2005 (EST) 3 2012 8 10

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 28 | P a g e


ECM Calculations

Approx. Costs

Payback (Years)


IncentiveECM-1 Window Seal Replacement 24,000 800 >20 0 >20

ECM-2 Door Seal Replacement 3,400 200 17.0 0 17.0

ECM-3 Install Condensing Hot Water Boilers 224,000 3,500 >20 4,000 >20

ECM-4 Install Premium Efficiency Motors 2,900 200 14.5 0 14.5 X

ECM-5Replace Window A/C Units with Energy Star Equivalents 10,600 100 >20 0 >20

ECM-6Replace Electric Domestic Hot Water Heaters w/ Condensing NG DHW Heaters 10,000 2,400 4.2 300 4.0 X

ECM-7 Water Conservation 91,000 1,500 >20 0 >20

ECM-8 Lighting Replacements 2,400 400 6.0 300 5.3 X

ECM-9 Lighting Controls 4,200 1,900 2.2 700 1.8 X

ECM-10 Lighting Replacements & Controls 6,700 2,300 2.9 900 2.5 X

Approx. Savings ($/year)

Payback (Years) w/o


Summary of Energy Conservation Measures

Energy Conservation Measure Potential Incentive


Recommended For


Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education - NJBPUCHA Project #24972 Accept

Troy Hills Elementary School

ECM Summary Sheet

ECM-1 Window Seal Replacement

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive * (without (with

Electric Electric Nat Gas Total Savings incentive) incentive)

$ kWh kW Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

24,000 0 0 800 800 0 800 (0.8) 0 >20 >20

Expected Life: 5 years

Lifetime Savings: 0 kWh 4,000 therms 4,000$

ECM-2 Door Seal Replacement

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive * (without (with

Electric Electric Nat Gas Total Savings incentive) incentive)

$ kWh kW Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

3,400 0 0 200 200 0 200 (0.7) 0 17.0 17.0

Expected Life: 5 years

Lifetime Savings: 0 kWh 1,000 therms 1,000$

ECM-3 Install Condensing Hot Water Boilers

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive * (without (with

Electric Electric Nat Gas Total Savings incentive) incentive)

$ kWh kW Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

224,000 0 0 3,700 3,500 0 3,500 (0.6) 4,000 >20 >20

Expected Life: 25 years

Lifetime Savings: 0 kWh 92,500 therms 87,500$

ECM-4 Install Premium Efficiency Motors

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive * (without (with

Electric Electric Nat Gas Total Savings incentive) incentive)

$ kWh kW Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

2,900 1,400 1 0 200 0 200 0.5 0 14.5 14.5

Expected Life: 20 years

Lifetime Savings: 28,000 kWh 0 therms 4,000$

ECM-5 Replace Window A/C Units with Energy Star Equivalents

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive * (without (with

Electric Electric Nat Gas Total Savings incentive) incentive)

$ kWh kW Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

10,600 600 0 0 100 0 100 (0.9) 0 >20 >20

Expected Life: 10 years

Lifetime Savings: 6,000 kWh 0 therms 1,000$

ECM-6 Replace Electric Domestic Hot Water Heaters w/ Condensing NG DHW Heaters

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive * (without (with

Electric Electric Nat Gas Total Savings incentive) incentive)

$ kWh kW Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

10,000 24,400 0 -800 2,400 0 2,400 5.1 300 4.2 4.0

Expected Life: 25 years

Lifetime Savings: 610,000 kWh -20,000 therms 60,000$

ECM-7 Water Conservation

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive * (without (with

Electric Electric Water Total Savings incentive) incentive)

$ kWh kW kGal $ $ $ $ Years Years

91,000 0 0 100 1,500 0 1,500 (0.5) 0 >20 >20

Expected Life: 30 years

Lifetime Savings: 0 kWh 3,000 kGal 45,000$

ECM-8 Lighting Replacements

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive * (without (with

Electric Electric Nat Gas Total Savings incentive) incentive)

$ kWh kW Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

2,400 2,500 1 0 400 0 400 1.5 300 6.0 5.3

Expected Life: 15 years

Lifetime Savings: 37,500 kWh 0 therms 6,000$

ECM-9 Lighting Controls

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive * (without (with

Electric Electric Nat Gas Total Savings incentive) incentive)

$ kWh kW Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

4,200 18,000 0 0 1,900 0 1,900 7.1 700 2.2 1.8

Expected Life: 15 years

Lifetime Savings: 270,000 kWh 0 therms 28,500$

ECM-10 Lighting Replacements & Controls

Budgetary Annual Utility Savings Estimated Total Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings ROI Incentive * (without (with

Electric Electric Nat Gas Total Savings incentive) incentive)

$ kWh kW Therms $ $ $ $ Years Years

6,700 20,600 1 0 2,300 0 2,300 5.1 900 2.9 2.5

Expected Life: 15 years

Lifetime Savings: 309,000 kWh 0 therms 34,500$

ECM Master Rev 8

Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education - NJBPUCHA Project #24972

Yearly Usage Building Area 0.128$ $/kWh blended 36,954 Electric Natural Gas

0.107$ $/kWh supply 175,280 22,404$ 22,379$ 5.94$ $/kW 68.00.96$ $/Therm 23,270

20.00$ $/kgals 374

Item Cost Simple Life NJ Smart Start Direct Install Direct Install Max Payback w/ ROI NPV IRR

kW kWh therms Water kgal $ Payback Expectancy Incentives Eligible (Y/N)* Incentives** Incentives Incentives*** kW kWh therms kgal/yr $

ECM-1 Window Seal Replacement 0.0 0 792 0 $ 800 24,208$ 30.3 5.0 -$ N -$ -$ 30.3 0.0 0 3,960 0 $ 3,802 (0.8) ($20,208) -40.3%

ECM-2 Door Seal Replacement 0.0 0 181 0 $ 200 3,434$ 17.2 5.0 -$ N -$ -$ 17.2 0.0 0 904 0 $ 868 (0.7) ($2,434) -30.8%

ECM-3 Install Condensing Hot Water Boilers 0.0 0 3,668 0 $ 3,500 224,463$ 64.1 25.0 4,000$ Y 75,000$ 4,000$ 63.0 0.0 0 91,689 0 $ 88,021 (0.6) ($132,963) -6.1%

ECM-4 Install Premium Efficiency Motors 0.6 1,382 0 0 $ 200 2,914$ 14.6 20.0 -$ Y 2,000$ -$ 14.6 12.5 27,650 0 0 $ 4,430 0.5 $1,086 3.2%

ECM-5 Replace Window A/C Units with Energy Star Equivalents 0.0 630 0 0 $ 100 10,600$ 106.0 10.0 -$ N -$ -$ 106.0 0.0 6,303 0 0 $ 807 (0.9) ($9,600) -29.3%

ECM-6 Replace Electric Domestic Hot Water Heaters w/ Condensing NG

0.0 24,422 (755) 0 $ 2,400 9,827$ 4.1 25.0 300$ Y 6,900$ 300$ 4.0 0.0 610,545 (18,875) 0 $ 60,030 5.1 $50,473 25.1%

ECM-7 Water Conservation 0.0 0 0 73 $ 1,500 91,000$ 60.7 30.0 -$ N -$ -$ 60.7 0.0 0 0 2,187 $ 43,734 (0.5) ($46,000) -4.1%

ECM-8 Lighting Replacements 1.1 2,541 0 0 $ 400 2,431$ 6.1 15.0 265$ Y 1,700$ 265$ 5.4 16.5 38,120 0 0 $ 6,055 1.5 $3,834 16.6%

ECM-9 Lighting Controls 0.0 17,960 0 0 $ 1,922 4,232$ 2.2 15.0 660$ Y 3,000$ 660$ 1.9 0.0 269,406 0 0 $ 34,484 7.1 $25,254 53.7%

ECM-10 Lighting Replacements & Controls 1.1 20,625 0 0 $ 2,287 6,663$ 2.9 15.0 925$ Y 4,700$ 925$ 2.5 16.5 309,371 0 0 $ 40,776 5.1 $28,563 39.6%

Total (Does Not Include ECM-8 & ECM-9) 1.7 47,059 3,885 73 $ 10,987 $ 373,109 34.0 16.9 5,225$ 88,600$ 5,225$ 33.5 29.0 953,869 77,678 0 $198,733 (0.5) ($192,096) -7.6%

Total Measures with Payback <15 1.7 46,429 (755) 0.0 $ 4,887 $ 19,404 4.0 18.0 925$ 6,700$ 925$ 3.8 29.0 947,566 -18,875 0 $105,235 4.4 $69,482 26.0%

Simple Projected Lifetime Savings

Utility Costs

Troy Hills Elementary School

Annual Utility Cost


Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education - NJBPU

CHA Project #24972

Troy Hills Elementary School Note: pricing is for energy calculations only -do not use for procurement

ECM-1: Window Seal Replacement

Existing: Windows are not properly sealed. This can lead to increased energy consumption due to infiltration/exfiltration and heat gain/loss. Proposed: Install weather strip or caulking to properly seal windows

Linear Feet of window Edge 3,328.0 LF Cooling System Efficiency 0 kW/ton Heating System Efficiency 80%Area of window glass 2,688.0 SF Ex Occupied Clng Temp. 74 *F Heating On Temp. 55 *FExisting Infiltration Factor 0.20 cfm/LF Ex Unoccupied Clng Temp. 74 *F Ex Occupied Htg Temp. 72 *FProposed Infiltration Factor 0.10 cfm/LF Cooling Occ Enthalpy Setpoint 27.5 Btu/lb Ex Unoccupied Htg Temp. 72 *FExisting U Value 0.60 Btuh/SF/°F Cooling Unocc Enthalpy Setpoint 27.5 Btu/lb Electricity 0.128$ $/kWh Proposed U Value 0.60 Btuh/SF/°F Natural Gas 0.96$ $/therm

Occupied Unoccupied Occupied Unoccupied

Avg Outdoor Air Temp. Bins

°FAvg Outdoor Air


Existing Equipment Bin


Occupied Equipment Bin


Unoccupied Equipment Bin


Window Infiltration &

Heat Load BTUH

Window Infiltration &

Heat Load BTUH

Window Infiltration &

Heat Load BTUH

Window Infiltration &

Heat Load BTUH

Existing Cooling Energy


Proposed Cooling Energy


Existing Heating Energy


Proposed Heating Energy Therms


102.5 50.1 0 0 0 -113,656 -113,656 -79,811 -79,811 0 0 0 097.5 42.5 6 2 4 -82,829 -82,829 -60,365 -60,365 0 0 0 092.5 39.5 45 16 29 -65,779 -65,779 -47,808 -47,808 0 0 0 087.5 36.6 146 52 94 -49,029 -49,029 -35,401 -35,401 0 0 0 082.5 34.0 298 106 192 -33,178 -33,178 -23,443 -23,443 0 0 0 077.5 31.6 476 170 306 -17,925 -17,925 -11,785 -11,785 0 0 0 072.5 29.2 662 237 426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 067.5 27.0 740 264 476 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 062.5 24.5 765 273 492 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 057.5 21.4 733 262 471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 052.5 18.7 668 239 430 45,467 45,467 38,458 38,458 0 0 380 32147.5 16.2 659 235 424 57,125 57,125 48,319 48,319 0 0 471 39842.5 14.4 685 245 441 68,784 68,784 58,181 58,181 0 0 589 49837.5 12.6 739 264 475 80,442 80,442 68,042 68,042 0 0 743 62932.5 10.7 717 256 461 92,100 92,100 77,903 77,903 0 0 826 69927.5 8.6 543 194 349 103,758 103,758 87,764 87,764 0 0 705 59622.5 6.8 318 114 205 115,417 115,417 97,625 97,625 0 0 459 38817.5 5.5 245 88 158 127,075 127,075 107,486 107,486 0 0 389 32912.5 4.1 156 56 100 138,733 138,733 117,347 117,347 0 0 271 2297.5 2.6 92 33 59 150,391 150,391 127,208 127,208 0 0 173 1462.5 1.0 36 13 23 162,050 162,050 137,070 137,070 0 0 73 62-2.5 0.0 19 7 12 173,708 173,708 146,931 146,931 0 0 41 35-7.5 -1.5 8 3 5 185,366 185,366 156,792 156,792 0 0 19 16

TOTALS 8,760 3,129 5,631 0 0 5,138 4,346

Existing Window Infiltration 666 cfm Savings 792 Therms 760$ Existing Window Heat Transfer 1,613 Btuh/°F 0 kWh -$ Proposed Window Infiltration 333 cfm 760$ Proposed Window Heat Transfer 1,613 Btuh/°F

Window ID Location QuantityWidth


(ft)Linear Feet (LF) Area (SF)

Infiltration Rate (CFM/LF)

U Value (Btuh/SF/°F)

Infiltration (CFM)

Heat Transfer (Btuh/°F)

1 Building Perimeter 128 3 5 2048.0 1920.0 0.2 0.6 409.6 1152.0Building Perimeter 128 3 2 1280.0 768.0 0.2 0.6 256.0 460.8

Total 256 6 7 3,328.0 2,688.0 0.20 0.60 665.6 1612.8


Cost estimates are for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement

Multipliers Material: 1.10

Labor: 1.35

ECM-1: Window Seal Replacement - Cost Equipment: 1.10


Window Weather Stripping 3' x 2' 128 EA 6$ 32$ -$ 845$ 5,530$ -$ 6,374$ Window Weather Stripping 3' x 5' 128 EA 13$ 49$ 1,830$ 8,467$ -$ 10,298$

-$ -$ -$ -$

16,672$ SubtotalNote: Cost estimates are used for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement 1,667$ 10% Contingency

3,668$ 20% Contractor O&P2,201$ 10% Engineering Fees






Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education - NJBPUCHA Project #24972Troy Hills Elementary School

ECM-2: Install Door Seals

Existing: Lack of door seals result in excessive heat loss and infiltrationProposed: Install door seals and/or weather-stripping to reduce air infiltration

Heating System Efficiency 80% Ex Occupied Clng Temp. 72 *F Ex Occupied Htg Temp. 72 *FCooling System Efficiency 0.00 kW/ton Ex Unoccupied Clng Temp. 76 *F Ex Unoccupied Htg Temp. 55 *FLinear Feet of Door Edge 117 LF Cooling Occ Enthalpy Setpoint 27.5 Btu/lb Electricity 0.13$ $/kWh Existing Infiltration Factor* 1.5 cfm/LF Cooling Unocc Enthalpy Setpoint 27.5 Btu/lb Natural Gas 0.96$ $/thermProposed Infiltration Factor* 0.45 cfm/LF*Infiltration Factor per Carrier Handbook of Air Conditioning System Designbased on average door seal gap calculated below.

Occupied Unoccupied Occupied Unoccupied

Avg Outdoor Air Temp.

Bins °FAvg Outdoor Air Enthalpy

Existing Equipment Bin


Occupied Equipment Bin


Unoccupied Equipment Bin

HoursDoor Infiltration Load BTUH

Door Infiltration

Load BTUHDoor Infiltration Load BTUH

Door Infiltration


Existing Cooling Energy


Proposed Cooling Energy


Existing Heating Energy therms

Proposed Heating Energy therms


102.5 39.4 0 0 0 -9,398 -9,398 -2,819 -2,819 0 0 0 097.5 38.6 3 1 2 -8,776 -8,776 -2,633 -2,633 0 0 0 092.5 38.5 34 12 22 -8,649 -8,649 -2,595 -2,595 0 0 0 087.5 37.5 131 47 84 -7,936 -7,936 -2,381 -2,381 0 0 0 082.5 34.8 500 179 321 -5,744 -5,744 -1,723 -1,723 0 0 0 077.5 32.4 620 221 399 -3,839 -3,839 -1,152 -1,152 0 0 0 072.5 31.3 664 237 427 -3,014 0 -904 0 0 0 0 067.5 27.8 854 305 549 853 0 256 0 0 0 3 162.5 24.7 927 331 596 1,801 0 540 0 0 0 7 257.5 21.8 600 214 386 2,748 0 824 0 0 0 7 252.5 19.0 610 218 392 3,696 474 1,109 142 0 0 12 447.5 17.0 611 218 393 4,644 1,422 1,393 426 0 0 20 642.5 15.0 656 234 422 5,591 2,369 1,677 711 0 0 29 937.5 12.8 1,023 365 658 6,539 3,317 1,962 995 0 0 57 1732.5 10.7 734 262 472 7,487 4,265 2,246 1,279 0 0 50 1527.5 8.7 334 119 215 8,435 5,212 2,530 1,564 0 0 27 822.5 7.1 252 90 162 9,382 6,160 2,815 1,848 0 0 23 717.5 5.4 125 45 80 10,330 7,108 3,099 2,132 0 0 13 412.5 4.1 47 17 30 11,278 8,055 3,383 2,417 0 0 5 27.5 2.5 22 8 14 12,225 9,003 3,668 2,701 0 0 3 12.5 1.3 13 5 8 13,173 9,951 3,952 2,985 0 0 2 1-2.5 -1.3 0 0 0 14,121 10,899 4,236 3,270 0 0 0 0-7.5 -2.5 0 0 0 15,068 11,846 4,521 3,554 0 0 0 0

TOTALS 8,760 3,129 5,631 0 0 258 77

Existing Door Infiltration 176 cfm Savings 181 therms 174$ Existing Unoccupied Door Infiltration 176 cfm 0 kWh -$ Proposed Door Infiltration 53 cfm 174$ Proposed Unoccupied Door Infiltration 53 cfm



(ft)Linear Feet (LF)

gap (in)

gap location LF of gap % door w/ gapAverage gap for

door (in)1a 3 7 20 0.125 bottom/seam 13 65% 0.081251b 3 7 20 0.125 bottom/seam 13 65% 0.081252a 3 7 20 0.125 all sides 13 65% 0.081252b 3 7 20 0.125 all sides 13 65% 0.081253a 3 7 20 0.125 all sides 13 65% 0.081253b 3 7 20 0.125 all sides 13 65% 0.081254 3 7 20 0.0625 all sides 13 65% 0.0406255 3 7 20 0.0625 all sides 13 65% 0.0406256 3 7 20 0.0625 all sides 13 65% 0.040625

Total 27 63 180 0.104 117 65% 0.068Note: Doors labeled 'a', 'b', etc. are a part of the same door assembly.


Cost estimates are for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement

Multipliers Material: 1.10

Labor: 1.35

ECM-2: Install Door Seals - Cost Equipment: 1.10

MAT. LABOR EQUIP. MAT. LABOR EQUIP.Door Seals (3'x7') 9 ea 35$ 50$ -$ 36" Door Threshold Seal 9 ea 50$ 45$ -$ 495$ 547$ -$ 1,042$ Side and Top Door Seal 180 ft 3$ 3$ -$ 594$ 729$ -$ 1,323$

-$ -$ -$ -$

2,365$ SubtotalNote: Cost estimates are used for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement 236$ 10% Contingency

520$ 20% Contractor O&P312$ 10% Engineering Fees






Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education - NJBPUCHA Project #24972Troy Hills Elementary School

ECM-3: Intsall Condensing Hot Water Boilers

Existing FuelProposed Fuel

Item Value UnitsBaseline Fuel Cost 0.96$ / ThermProposed Fuel Cost 0.96$ / Therm

Baseline Fuel Use 23,270 ThermsExisting Boiler Plant Efficiency 78%Baseline Boiler Load 1,803,425 Mbtu/yrBaseline Fuel Cost 22,339$

Proposed Boiler Plant Efficiency 92%Proposed Fuel Use 19,602 ThermsProposed Fuel Cost 18,818$

Estimated Annual Savings 3,668 Therms

EstimatedBaseline Fuel Use x Existing Efficiency x 100 Mbtu/Therms

New Boiler EfficiencyBaseline Boiler Load / Proposed Efficiency / 100 Mbtu/Therms

Based on historical utility data


Cost estimates are for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement

Multipliers Material: 1.10

Labor: 1.35ECM-3: Intsall Condensing Hot Water Boilers - Cost Equipment: 1.10

MAT. LABOR EQUIP. MAT. LABOR EQUIP.2,000 MBH NG Condensing Boiler 2 EA 30,000$ 30,000$ 66,000$ 81,000$ -$ 147,000$ Flue Installation 25 LF 75.0$ 15.00$ 2,063$ 506$ -$ 2,569$ Reprogram DDC system 1 EA 100.0$ 350.00$ 110$ 473$ -$ 583$ Miscellaneous Electrical 1 LS 500$ 250$ 550$ 338$ -$ 888$ Miscellaneous HW Piping 1 LS 2,000$ 1,000$ 2,200$ 1,350$ -$ 3,550$

-$ -$ -$ -$

154,589$ SubtotalNote: Cost estimates are used for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement 15,458.88$ 10% Contingency

34,009.53$ 20% Contractor O&P20,406$ 10% Engineering Fees

224,463$ Total



Demand EnergyCost Cost Material Labor Equipment

ECM-4: Install Premium Efficiency Motors $/kW-month $/kWh5.94$ 0.11$ 1.10 1.35 1.10

Savings Analysis Cost EstimatesNew

Existing Load Existing Existing New Load New New Demand Demand Annual kWh $ kWh Total $ Estimated Payback

# Description Location HP Factor Efficiencya kW HPb Factor Efficiencya kW Savings Savings $ Hours Savings Savings Savings Cost Years Materials Labor Equipment Materials Labor Equipment Total Cost Remarks

1 HW Pump Boiler Room 3 0.8 0.800 2.2 3 0.8 0.882 2.0 0.209 15$ 2,214 463 49$ 64$ 943$ 14.6 550$ 250$ -$ 605$ 338$ -$ 943$

2 HW Pump Boiler Room 3 0.8 0.800 2.2 3 0.8 0.882 2.0 0.209 15$ 2,214 463 49$ 64$ 943$ 14.6 550$ 250$ -$ 605$ 338$ -$ 943$

3 HW Pump Boiler Room 1.5 0.8 0.785 1.1 2 0.8 0.863 1.0 0.103 7$ 2,214 229 24$ 32$ 515$ 16.2 284$ 150$ -$ 312$ 203$ -$ 515$

4 HW Pump Boiler Room 1.5 0.8 0.785 1.1 2 0.8 0.863 1.0 0.103 7$ 2,214 229 24$ 32$ 515$ 16.2 284$ 150$ -$ 312$ 203$ -$ 515$

12Total 9 6.8 9 6.1 0.62 45$ 1,382 148$ 192$ 2,914$

Notes Cost estimates are for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement a Existing and new efficiencies should be entered if known. If not known,

use provided curve fit based on "DOE Survey Installed Average" and NEMA Premiumvalues, respectively.

b Same as existing HP unless resized to better match load

Unit Costs Subtotal Costs


Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education - NJBPU

CHA Project #24972Troy Hills Elementary School

Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education - NJBPU

CHA Project #24972

Troy Hills Elementary School

ECM-5: Replace Window A/C units with Energy Star Units

ECM Description Summary

$0.128 / kWh60 Hours55 F72 deg F

14,300 Btu / Hr10.0

Item Value UnitsTotal Number of Units 9Existing Annual Electric Usage 6,933 kWhProposed EER 11.0Proposed Annual Electric Usage 6,303 kWh

Annual Savings 630 kWhAnnual Cost Savings $81

OAT - DB Cooling Hrs AssumedBin Annual at Temp Above hrs of

Temp F Hours balance point Operation97.5 3 1 100% 192.5 34 12 88% 1187.5 131 47 76% 3682.5 500 179 65% 11677.5 620 221 53% 11772.5 664 237 41% 9867.5 854 305 29% 9062.5 927 331 18% 5857.5 600 214 6% 1352.5 610 0 0% 047.5 611 0 0% 042.5 656 0 0% 037.5 1,023 0 0% 032.5 734 0 0% 027.5 334 0 0% 022.5 252 0 0% 017.5 125 0 0% 012.5 47 0 0% 07.5 22 0 0% 02.5 13 0 0% 0-2.5 0 0 0% 0-7.5 0 0 0% 0

Total 8,760 1,548 35% 539

By replacing older DX window unit air conditioners with newer equipment which have EER ratings, significant electrical energy can be saved. It is recommended these units be replaced by more modern Energy Star rated window units.


Unit is manually turned on (even if after hours)

Electric CostAverage run hours per WeekSpace Balance Point

New Energy Star Unit (per Energy webpage)

Unit will cycle on w/ temp of room. Possible operating time shown below


Assumed % of time of operation


(typical size for cooling spaces in this type of building)


Space Temperature SetpointAvg. BTU / Hr Rating of existing RTUAverage EER

Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education - NJBPU Cost estimates are for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement

CHA Project #24972 MultipliersTroy Hills Elementary School Material: 1.10

Labor: 1.35ECM-5: Replace Window A/C units with Energy Star Units - Cost Equipment: 1.10

MAT. LABOR EQUIP. MAT. LABOR EQUIP.12,000 MBH Energy Star A/C unit 9 EA 645$ 78$ 6,386$ 942$ -$ 7,327$

-$ -$ -$ -$

7,327$ SubtotalNote: Cost estimates are used for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement 732.71$ 10% Contingency

1,611.97$ 20% Contractor O&P967$ 10% Engineering






Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education - NJBPUCHA Project #24972Troy Hills Elementary School

ECM-6: Replace Electric DHW Heater w/ Tankless Condensing Gas-Fired DHW Heater

Summary * Replace Electric DHW Heater w/ Instantaneous, Condensing, Gas-Fired DHW Heater

Item Value UnitsOccupied days per week 5 days/wkOccupied weeks per year 52 week/yrWater supply Temperature 55 ˚FHot Water Temperature 160 ˚FHot Water Usage per day 319 gal/dayAnnual Hot Water Energy Demand 72,487 MBTU/yr

Existing Tank Size 80 GallonsHot Water Temperature 135 ˚FAverage Room Temperature 72 ˚FStandby Losses (% by Volume) 2.5%Standby Losses (Heat Loss) 1.1 MBHAnnual Standby Hot Water Load 9,198 MBTU/yr

Total Annual Hot Water Demand (w/ standby losses) 81,685 Mbtu/yrExisting Water Heater Efficiency 98%Total Annual Energy Required 83,352 Mbtu/yrTotal Annual Electric Required 24,422 kWh/yrAverage Annual Electric Demand 2.79 kWPeak Electric Demand 4.50 kW

New Tank Size 0 GallonsHot Water Temperature 135 ˚FAverage Room Temperature 72 ˚FStandby Losses (% by Volume) 2.5%Standby Losses (Heat Loss) 0.0 MBHAnnual Standby Hot Water Load 0 MBTU/yr

Prop Annual Hot Water Demand (w/ standby losses) 72,487 MBTU/yrProposed Avg. Hot water heater efficiency 96%Proposed Total Annual Energy Required 75,507 MBTU/yrProposed Fuel Use 755 Therms/yr

Elec Utility Demand Unit Cost $5.94 $/kWElec Utility Blended Unit Cost $0.13 $/kWhNG Utility Unit Cost $0.96 $/ThermExisting Operating Cost of DHW $3,447 $/yrProposed Operating Cost of DHW $725 $/yrAnnual Utility Cost Savings $2,722 $/yr

Daily Hot Water Demand







GAL/DAYLAVATORY (Low-Flow Lavs use 0.5 GPM) 2.5 0.25 3 3 160 148 578 50% 289SHOWER 2.5 5 0 0 0 0 0 75% 0KITCHEN SINK 2.5 0.5 0 0 1 1 0 75% 0MOP SINK 2.5 2 2 2 2 2 40 75% 30

TOTAL 618 319*GPM is per standard fixtures, adjust as necessary if actual GPM is known. **These are the occupanct that use the fixtures. If fixture does not exist change to (0).



Per manufacturer nameplate

( 2.5% of stored capacity per hour, per U.S. Department of Energy )

Energy required to heat annual quantity of hot water to setpoint

Termperature of water coming into building


Building demand plus standby lossesPer Manufacturer

Calculated from usage below

Per Manufacturer's Nameplate (Demand Savings)

Per building personnel

Electrical Savings

Based on Navien CR180 instantaneous, condensing DHW Heater

( 2.5% of stored capacity per hour, per U.S. Department of Energy )

Standby Losses and inefficient DHW heater eliminated

Cost estimates are for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement

Multipliers Material: 1.10ECM-6: Replace Electric Domestic Hot Water Heaters w/ Condensing NG DHW Heaters Labor: 1.35

Equipment: 1.10

MAT. LABOR EQUIP. MAT. LABOR EQUIP.Electric DHW Heater Removal 1 LS 50$ -$ 68$ -$ 68$ High Efficiency Gas-Fired DHW Heater 1 LS 4,000$ 280$ 4,400$ 378$ -$ 4,778$ Miscellaneous Electrical 1 LS 300$ 330$ -$ -$ 330$ Venting Kit 1 EA 450$ 650$ 495$ 878$ -$ 1,373$ Miscellaneous Piping and Valves 1 LS 200$ 220$ -$ -$ 220$

6,768$ SubtotalNote: Cost estimates are used for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement 677$ 10% Contingency

1,489$ 20% Contractor O&P893$ 10% Engineering Fees






Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education - NJBPUCHA Project #24972Troy Hills Elementary School

ECM-7A: Replace urinals and flush valves with low flow

$20.00 $ / kGal94

2.5 Gal

90.125 Gal



16.20 kGal / year0.81 kGal / year

15.39 kGal / year$308 / year

64.3275 years

Cost estimates are for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement

Proposed Gallons / FlushProposed Urinals to be Replaced

Average Gallons / Flush



Cost of Water / 1000 GallonsUrinals in Building to be replacedAverage Flushes / Urinal (per Day)


Proposed Material Cost of new urinal & valveProposed Installation Cost of new urinal & valveTotal cost of new urinals & valves

Simple Payback

Current Urinal Water UseProposed Urinal Water UseWater SavingsCost Savings

Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education - NJBPUCHA Project #24972Troy Hills Elementary School

ECM-7B: Replace toilets and flush valves with low flow

$20.00 $ / kGal13

45.5 Gal

131.28 Gal



51.48 kGal / year11.98 kGal / year39.50 kGal / year$790 / year

39.494 years

Cost estimates are for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement


Proposed Installation cost of new toilet & valveTotal cost of new toilets & valves

Proposed Gallons / FlushProposed Toilets to be Replaced

Proposed Material Cost of new toilet & valve



Cost of Water / 1000 GallonsToilets in BuildingAverage Flushes / Toilet (per Day)Average Gallons / Flush

Simple Payback

Current Toilet Water UseProposed Toilet Water UseWater SavingsCost Savings

Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education - NJBPUCHA Project #24972Troy Hills Elementary School

ECM-7C: Replace faucets with low flow

$20.00 $ / kGal40

4 # Uses0.3 min3.0 gpm

400.5 gpm



21.60 kGal / year3.60 kGal / year

18.00 kGal / year$360 / year

111.1 years

Cost estimates are for energy calulations only- do not use for procurement

Proposed FlowrateProposed Faucets to be Replaced



Cost of Water / 1000 GallonsFaucets in BuildingAverage Uses / Faucet (per day)

Average FlowrateAverage Time of Use


Proposed Material Cost of new FaucetsProposed Installation cost of new FaucetsTotal cost of new faucets

Simple Payback

Current Faucet Water UseProposed Faucet Water UseWater SavingsCost Savings

Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education - NJBPUCHA Project #24972Troy Hills Elementary School

New Jersey Pay For Performance Incentive Program

Note: The following calculation is based on the New Jersey Pay For Performance Incentive Program.Building must have a minimum average electric demand of 100 kW. This minimum is waived for buildings owned by localgovernements or non-profit organizations. Values used in this calculation are for measures with a payback of 15 years or less only.

Total Building Area (Square Feet) 36,954 $0.10 $/sqft

Is this audit funded by NJ BPU (Y/N) YesBoard of Public Utilites (BPU)

kWh ThermsExisting Cost (from utility) $22,404 $22,379

Existing Usage (from utility) 175,280 23,270Proposed Savings 46,429 -755

Existing Total MMBtusProposed Savings MMBtus

% Energy ReductionProposed Annual Savings

$/kWh $/therm $/kWh $/therm $/kWh $/therm $/kWh $/thermIncentive #2 $0.09 $0.90 $0.005 $0.05 $0.11 $1.25 $0.00 $0.00Incentive #3 $0.09 $0.90 $0.005 $0.05 $0.11 $1.25 $0.00 $0.00

% Energy Reduction2.8% Elec Gas Total

Incentive #1 $0 $0 $5,000Incentive #2 $0 $0 $0Incentive #3 $0 $0 $0

Total All Incentives $0 $0 $5,000

Total Project Cost $19,404

Allowable Incentive

% Incentives #1 of Utility Cost* 11.2% $5,000% Incentives #2 of Project Cost** 0.0% $0% Incentives #3 of Project Cost** 0.0% $0

Total Eligible Incentives*** w/o Incentives w/ IncentivesProject Cost w/ Incentives 4.0 2.9

* Maximum allowable incentive is 50% of annual utility cost if not funded by NJ BPU, and %25 if it is.

** Maximum allowable amount of Incentive #2 is 25% of total project cost.

Maximum allowable amount of Incentive #3 is 25% of total project cost.

*** Maximum allowable amount of Incentive #1 is $50,000 if not funded by NJ BPU, and $25,000 if it is.

Maximum allowable amount of Incentive #2 & #3 is $1 million per gas account and $1 million per electric account; maximum 2 million per project

Achieved Incentive

Incentives $

Project Payback (years)$5,000$14,404

Max Incentive



Min (Savings = 15%) Increase (Savings > 15%)

Incentive #1Audit is funded by NJ BPU

Annual Utilities


2/19/2013 Page 1, Summary

Energy Audit of Troy Hills Elementary School ACCEPTCHA Project No.24972

Budgetary Estimated Total New Jersey Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings Incentive(without

incentive) (with incentive) Savings

$ kW kWh therms $ $ $ $ Years Years $2,431 1.1 2,541 0 $352 0 $352 $265 6.9 6.2

Budgetary Estimated Total New Jersey Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings Incentive(without

incentive) (with incentive) Savings

$ kW kWh therms $ $ $ $ Years Years $4,232 0.0 17,960 0 $1,922 0 $1,922 $660 2.2 1.9

Budgetary Estimated Total New Jersey Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance Savings Incentive(without

incentive) (with incentive) Savings

$ kW kWh therms $ $ $ $ Years Years $6,663 1.1 20,625 0 $2,287 0 $2,287 $925 2.9 2.5

Annual Utility Savings

*Incentive based on New Jersey Smart Start Prescriptive Lighting Measures

ECM-1 Lighting Replacements Annual Utility Savings

*Incentive based on New Jersey Smart Start Prescriptive Lighting Measures

*Incentive based on New Jersey Smart Start Prescriptive Lighting Measures

ECM-3 Lighting Replacements with Occupancy Sensors

ECM-2 Install Occupancy SensorsAnnual Utility Savings

2/19/2013 Page 1, Existing

Energy Audit of Troy Hills Elementary SchoolCHA Project No.24972 Cost of Electricity: $0.107 $/kWhExisting Lighting $5.94 $/kW

Area Description UsageNo. of

Fixtures Standard Fixture Code Fixture CodeWatts per

Fixture kW/Space Exist Control Annual HoursRetrofit Control Annual kWh

Field Code

Unique description of the location - Room number/Room name: Floor number (if applicable)

Describe Usage Typeusing Operating Hours

No. of fixtures

before the retrofit

Lighting Fixture Code Code from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

Value from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

(Watts/Fixt) * (Fixt No.)

Pre-inst. control device

Estimated annual hours for the usage group

Retrofit control device

(kW/space) * (Annual Hours)


212 Main Office Office 6 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.67 SW 2400 OCC 1,613 212 Nurse's Office Office 4 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.45 SW 2400 OCC 1,075 212 Principal's Office Office 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.22 SW 2400 OCC 538 15 Nurse Bathroom Bathroom 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.12 SW 2000 NONE 240 71 Nurse Bathroom Bathroom 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.06 SW 2000 NONE 120 15 Boiler Room Boiler Room 5 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.30 SW 2000 NONE 600 71 Girl's Bathroom Bathroom 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.06 SW 2000 NONE 120 217 Girl's Bathroom Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.24 SW 2000 NONE 488 71 Boy's Bathroom Bathroom 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.06 SW 2000 NONE 120 217 Boy's Bathroom Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.24 SW 2000 NONE 488 138 Custodian Storage Areas 1 SP 26 P CF 2 CFQ25/2 66 0.07 SW 1000 NONE 66 15 Custodian's Office Offices 4 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.24 SW 2400 OCC 576 212 Hallways Hallways 8 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.90 SW 2280 NONE 2,043 212 Hallways Hallways 7 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.78 SW 2280 NONE 1,788 15 19 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 18 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 21 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 20 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 23 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 22 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 25 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 24 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 Media Center Classrooms 42 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 2.52 SW 2400 OCC 6,048 212 Media Center Office Office 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.22 SW 2400 OCC 538 15 16 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 14 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 13 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 12 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 11 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 10 Classrooms 13 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.78 SW 2400 OCC 1,872 15 Speech Office 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.12 SW 2400 OCC 288 217 Boy's Bathroom Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.24 SW 2000 NONE 488 217 Girl's Bathroom Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.24 SW 2000 NONE 488 77 Closet Storage Areas 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.15 SW 1000 NONE 150 196 Hallways Hallways 9 W 32 C F 4 (ELE) F44ILL 112 1.01 SW 2280 NONE 2,298 15 Resource Room Classrooms 21 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.26 SW 2400 OCC 3,024 15 Teacher's Lounge Staff Lounge 18 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.08 SW 2000 OCC 2,160 77 Teacher's Lounge Staff Lounge 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.15 SW 2000 OCC 300 15 Teacher's Lounge Staff Lounge 6 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.36 SW 2000 OCC 720 65 Bathroom Bathroom 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.10 SW 2000 NONE 200 65 Bathroom Bathroom 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.10 SW 2000 NONE 200 15 8 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 7 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 6 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 5 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 4 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 15 3 Classrooms 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.90 SW 2400 OCC 2,160 44 8-Bathroom Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.05 SW 2000 NONE 100 44 7-Bathroom Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.05 SW 2000 NONE 100 44 6-Bathroom Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.05 SW 2000 NONE 100 44 5-Bathroom Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.05 SW 2000 NONE 100 44 4-Bathroom Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.05 SW 2000 NONE 100 44 3-Bathroom Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.05 SW 2000 NONE 100 15 1 Classrooms 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.14 SW 2400 OCC 2,736 15 2 Classrooms 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.14 SW 2400 OCC 2,736 44 1-Bathroom Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.05 SW 2000 NONE 100 44 2-Bathroom Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.05 SW 2000 NONE 100 65 Storage Storage Areas 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.10 SW 1000 NONE 100 65 Storage Storage Areas 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.10 SW 1000 NONE 100 77 Custodian Storage Areas 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.15 SW 1000 NONE 150 250 Gym/Multi-purpose Room Gymnasium 9 T 54 W F 4 (ELE) (T-5) F44GHL 234 2.11 SW 2000 NONE 4,212 217 Gym Storage Storage Areas 2 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.12 SW 1000 NONE 122 15 AV Storage Storage Areas 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.12 SW 1000 NONE 120 45 Exterior Exterior 4 SP 26 R CF 1 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.11 Breaker 5000 NONE 540 141 Exterior Exterior 1 HPS 250 HPS250/1 295 0.30 Breaker 5000 NONE 1,475

169LED Exterior Exterior 1 SP 250 MH ROOF MH250/1 295 0.30 Breaker 5000 NONE 1,475 Total 528 35.93 84,254


2/19/2013 Page 1, ECM-1

Energy Audit of Troy Hills Elementary SchoolCHA Project No.24972 Cost of Electricity: $0.107 $/kWhECM-1 Lighting Replacements $5.94 $/kW

Area Description No. of Fixtures Standard Fixture Code Fixture CodeWatts per

Fixture kW/Space Exist Control Annual Hours Annual kWh Number of Fixtures Standard Fixture Code Fixture CodeWatts per

Fixture kW/SpaceRetrofit Control Annual Hours Annual kWh

Annual kWh Saved Annual kW Saved Annual $ Saved Retrofit Cost

NJ Smart Start Lighting Incentive

Simple Payback With Out Incentive Simple Payback

Field Code Unique description of the location - Room number/Room name: Floor number (if applicable)

No. of fixtures before the retrofit

"Lighting Fixture Code" Example 2T 40 R F(U) = 2'x2' Troff 40 w Recess. Floor 2 lamps U shape

Code from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

Value from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

(Watts/Fixt) * (Fixt No.)

Pre-inst. control device

Estimated daily hours for the usage group

(kW/space) * (Annual Hours)

No. of fixtures after the retrofit

"Lighting Fixture Code" Example 2T 40 R F(U) = 2'x2' Troff 40 w Recess. Floor 2 lamps U shape

Code from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

Value from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

(Watts/Fixt) * (Number of Fixtures)

Retrofit control device

Estimated annual hours for the usage group

(kW/space) * (Annual Hours)

(Original Annual kWh) - (Retrofit Annual kWh)

(Original Annual kW) - (Retrofit Annual kW)

(kWh Saved) * ($/kWh)

Cost for renovations to lighting system

Prescriptive Lighting Measures

Length of time for renovations cost to be recovered

Length of time for renovations cost to

be recovered

212 Main Office 6 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.7 SW 2400 1,613 6 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.7 SW 2,400 1,613 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!212 Nurse's Office 4 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.4 SW 2400 1,075 4 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.4 SW 2,400 1,075 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!212 Principal's Office 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.2 SW 2400 538 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.2 SW 2,400 538 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 Nurse Bathroom 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 SW 2000 240 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 SW 2,000 240 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!71 Nurse Bathroom 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.1 SW 2000 120 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 SW 2,000 54 66 0.0 9.41$ 6.75$ $0 0.7 0.715 Boiler Room 5 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.3 SW 2000 600 5 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.3 SW 2,000 600 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!71 Girl's Bathroom 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.1 SW 2000 120 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 SW 2,000 54 66 0.0 9.41$ 6.75$ $0 0.7 0.7217 Girl's Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2000 488 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2,000 488 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!71 Boy's Bathroom 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.1 SW 2000 120 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 SW 2,000 54 66 0.0 9.41$ 6.75$ $0 0.7 0.7217 Boy's Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2000 488 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2,000 488 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!138 Custodian 1 SP 26 P CF 2 CFQ25/2 66 0.1 SW 1000 66 1 SP 26 P CF 2 CFQ25/2 66 0.1 SW 1,000 66 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 Custodian's Office 4 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.2 SW 2400 576 4 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.2 SW 2,400 576 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!212 Hallways 8 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.9 SW 2280 2,043 8 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.9 SW 2,280 2,043 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!212 Hallways 7 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.8 SW 2280 1,788 7 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.8 SW 2,280 1,788 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 19 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 18 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 21 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 20 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 23 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 22 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 25 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 24 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 Media Center 42 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 2.5 SW 2400 6,048 42 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 2.5 SW 2,400 6,048 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!212 Media Center Office 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.2 SW 2400 538 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.2 SW 2,400 538 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 16 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 14 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 13 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 12 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 11 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 10 13 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.8 SW 2400 1,872 13 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.8 SW 2,400 1,872 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 Speech 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 SW 2400 288 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 SW 2,400 288 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!217 Boy's Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2000 488 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2,000 488 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!217 Girl's Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2000 488 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2,000 488 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!77 Closet 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.2 SW 1000 150 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 SW 1,000 27 123 0.1 21.93$ 6.75$ $0 0.3 0.3196 Hallways 9 W 32 C F 4 (ELE) F44ILL 112 1.0 SW 2280 2,298 9 W 28 C F 4 F44SSILL 96 0.9 SW 2,280 1,970 328 0.1 45.39$ 1,275.75$ $90 28.1 26.115 Resource Room 21 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.3 SW 2400 3,024 21 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.3 SW 2,400 3,024 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 Teacher's Lounge 18 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 SW 2000 2,160 18 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 SW 2,000 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!77 Teacher's Lounge 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.2 SW 2000 300 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 SW 2,000 54 246 0.1 35.09$ 6.75$ $0 0.2 0.215 Teacher's Lounge 6 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.4 SW 2000 720 6 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.4 SW 2,000 720 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!65 Bathroom 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 SW 2000 200 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 SW 2,000 54 146 0.1 20.83$ 40.50$ $0 1.9 1.965 Bathroom 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 SW 2000 200 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 SW 2,000 54 146 0.1 20.83$ 40.50$ $0 1.9 1.915 8 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 7 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 6 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 5 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 4 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 3 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2,400 2,160 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!44 8-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!44 7-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!44 6-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!44 5-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!44 4-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!44 3-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 1 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 SW 2400 2,736 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 SW 2,400 2,736 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 2 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 SW 2400 2,736 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 SW 2,400 2,736 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!44 1-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!44 2-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!65 Storage 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 SW 1000 100 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 SW 1,000 27 73 0.1 13.01$ 40.50$ $0 3.1 3.165 Storage 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 SW 1000 100 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 SW 1,000 27 73 0.1 13.01$ 40.50$ $0 3.1 3.177 Custodian 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.2 SW 1000 150 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 SW 1,000 27 123 0.1 21.93$ 6.75$ $0 0.3 0.3250 Gym/Multi-purpose Room 9 T 54 W F 4 (ELE) (T-5) F44GHL 234 2.1 SW 2000 4,212 9 T 54 W F 4 (ELE) (T-5) F44GHL 234 2.1 SW 2,000 4,212 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!217 Gym Storage 2 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.1 SW 1000 122 2 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.1 SW 1,000 122 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!15 AV Storage 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 SW 1000 120 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 SW 1,000 120 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!45 Exterior 4 SP 26 R CF 1 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.1 Breaker 5000 540 4 SP 26 R CF 1 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.1 Breaker 5,000 540 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!141 Exterior 1 HPS 250 HPS250/1 295 0.3 Breaker 5000 1,475 1 HPS 250 HPS250/1 295 0.3 Breaker 5,000 1,475 - 0.0 -$ -$ $0 #DIV/0!

169LED Exterior 1 SP 250 MH ROOF MH250/1 295 0.3 Breaker 5000 1,475 1 FXLED78 FXLED78/1 78 0.1 Breaker 5,000 390 1,085 0.2 131.56$ 952.43$ $175 7.2 5.9Total 528 35.9 84,254 528 4,303 34.8 81,713 2,541 1.1 $352 $2,431 $265

1.1 $802,541 $272

$352 6.9 6.2


Total savings

kWh SavingsDemand Savings

2/19/2013 Page 1, ECM-2

Energy Audit of Troy Hills Elementary SchoolCHA Project No.24972 Cost of Electricity: $0.107 $/kWhECM-2 Install Occupancy Sensors $5.94 $/kW

Area Description No. of Fixtures Standard Fixture Code Fixture CodeWatts per

Fixture kW/Space Exist Control Annual Hours Annual kWh Number of Fixtures Standard Fixture Code Fixture CodeWatts per

Fixture kW/SpaceRetrofit Control Annual Hours Annual kWh

Annual kWh Saved Annual kW Saved Annual $ Saved Retrofit Cost

NJ Smart Start Lighting Incentive

Simple Payback With Out Incentive Simple Payback

Field Code Unique description of the location - Room number/Room name: Floor number (if applicable)

No. of fixtures before the retrofit

Lighting Fixture Code Code from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

Value from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

(Watts/Fixt) * (Fixt No.)

Pre-inst. control device

Estimated annual hours for the usage group

(kW/space) * (Annual Hours)

No. of fixtures after the retrofit

"Lighting Fixture Code" Example 2T 40 R F(U) = 2'x2' Troff 40 w Recess. Floor 2 lamps U shape

Code from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

Value from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

(Watts/Fixt) * (Number of Fixtures)

Retrofit control device

Estimated annual hours for the usage group

(kW/space) * (Annual Hours)

(Original Annual kWh) - (Retrofit Annual kWh)

(Original Annual kW) - (Retrofit Annual kW)

(kW Saved) * ($/kWh)

Cost for renovations to lighting system

Length of time for renovations cost to be recovered

Length of time for renovations cost to

be recovered

212 Main Office 6 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.7 SW 2400 1,612.8 6 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.7 OCC 1200 806.4 806.4 0.0 $86.28 $128.25 $20.00 1.5 1.3212 Nurse's Office 4 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.4 SW 2400 1,075.2 4 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.4 OCC 1200 537.6 537.6 0.0 $57.52 $128.25 $20.00 2.2 1.9212 Principal's Office 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.2 SW 2400 537.6 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.2 OCC 1200 268.8 268.8 0.0 $28.76 $128.25 $20.00 4.5 3.815 Nurse Bathroom 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 SW 2000 240.0 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 NONE 2000 240.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!71 Nurse Bathroom 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.1 SW 2000 120.0 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.1 NONE 2000 120.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!15 Boiler Room 5 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.3 SW 2000 600.0 5 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.3 NONE 2000 600.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!71 Girl's Bathroom 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.1 SW 2000 120.0 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.1 NONE 2000 120.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!217 Girl's Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2000 488.0 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 NONE 2000 488.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!71 Boy's Bathroom 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.1 SW 2000 120.0 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.1 NONE 2000 120.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!217 Boy's Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2000 488.0 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 NONE 2000 488.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!138 Custodian 1 SP 26 P CF 2 CFQ25/2 66 0.1 SW 1000 66.0 1 SP 26 P CF 2 CFQ25/2 66 0.1 NONE 1000 66.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!15 Custodian's Office 4 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.2 SW 2400 576.0 4 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.2 OCC 1200 288.0 288.0 0.0 $30.82 $128.25 $20.00 4.2 3.5212 Hallways 8 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.9 SW 2280 2,042.9 8 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.9 NONE 2280 2,042.9 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!212 Hallways 7 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.8 SW 2280 1,787.5 7 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.8 NONE 2280 1,787.5 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!15 19 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 18 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 21 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 20 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 23 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 22 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 25 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 24 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 Media Center 42 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 2.5 SW 2400 6,048.0 42 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 2.5 OCC 1680 4,233.6 1,814.4 0.0 $194.14 $128.25 $20.00 0.7 0.6212 Media Center Office 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.2 SW 2400 537.6 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.2 OCC 1200 268.8 268.8 0.0 $28.76 $128.25 $20.00 4.5 3.815 16 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 14 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 13 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 12 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 11 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 10 13 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.8 SW 2400 1,872.0 13 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.8 OCC 1680 1,310.4 561.6 0.0 $60.09 $128.25 $20.00 2.1 1.815 Speech 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 SW 2400 288.0 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 OCC 1200 144.0 144.0 0.0 $15.41 $128.25 $20.00 8.3 7.0217 Boy's Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2000 488.0 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 NONE 2000 488.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!217 Girl's Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2000 488.0 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 NONE 2000 488.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!77 Closet 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.2 SW 1000 150.0 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.2 NONE 1000 150.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!196 Hallways 9 W 32 C F 4 (ELE) F44ILL 112 1.0 SW 2280 2,298.2 9 W 32 C F 4 (ELE) F44ILL 112 1.0 NONE 2280 2,298.2 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!15 Resource Room 21 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.3 SW 2400 3,024.0 21 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.3 OCC 1680 2,116.8 907.2 0.0 $97.07 $128.25 $20.00 1.3 1.115 Teacher's Lounge 18 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 SW 2000 2,160.0 18 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 OCC 3000 3,240.0 -1,080.0 0.0 -$115.56 $128.25 $20.00 -0.977 Teacher's Lounge 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.2 SW 2000 300.0 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.2 OCC 3000 450.0 -150.0 0.0 -$16.05 $128.25 $20.00 -6.715 Teacher's Lounge 6 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.4 SW 2000 720.0 6 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.4 OCC 3000 1,080.0 -360.0 0.0 -$38.52 $128.25 $20.00 -2.865 Bathroom 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 SW 2000 200.0 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 NONE 2000 200.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!65 Bathroom 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 SW 2000 200.0 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 NONE 2000 200.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!15 8 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 7 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 6 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 5 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 4 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.615 3 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160.0 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1680 1,512.0 648.0 0.0 $69.34 $128.25 $20.00 1.8 1.644 8-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100.0 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2000 100.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!44 7-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100.0 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2000 100.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!44 6-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100.0 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2000 100.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!44 5-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100.0 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2000 100.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!44 4-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100.0 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2000 100.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!44 3-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100.0 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2000 100.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!15 1 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 SW 2400 2,736.0 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 OCC 1680 1,915.2 820.8 0.0 $87.83 $128.25 $20.00 1.5 1.215 2 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 SW 2400 2,736.0 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 OCC 1680 1,915.2 820.8 0.0 $87.83 $128.25 $20.00 1.5 1.244 1-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100.0 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2000 100.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!44 2-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100.0 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2000 100.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!65 Storage 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 SW 1000 100.0 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 NONE 1000 100.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!65 Storage 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 SW 1000 100.0 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 NONE 1000 100.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!77 Custodian 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.2 SW 1000 150.0 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.2 NONE 1000 150.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!250 Gym/Multi-purpose Room 9 T 54 W F 4 (ELE) (T-5) F44GHL 234 2.1 SW 2000 4,212.0 9 T 54 W F 4 (ELE) (T-5) F44GHL 234 2.1 NONE 2000 4,212.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!217 Gym Storage 2 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.1 SW 1000 122.0 2 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.1 NONE 1000 122.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!15 AV Storage 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 SW 1000 120.0 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 NONE 1000 120.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!45 Exterior 4 SP 26 R CF 1 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.1 Breaker 5000 540.0 4 SP 26 R CF 1 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.1 NONE 5000 540.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!141 Exterior 1 HPS 250 HPS250/1 295 0.3 Breaker 5000 1,475.0 1 HPS 250 HPS250/1 295 0.3 NONE 5000 1,475.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!

169LED Exterior 1 SP 250 MH ROOF MH250/1 295 0.3 Breaker 5000 1,475.0 1 SP 250 MH ROOF MH250/1 295 0.3 NONE 5000 1,475.0 0.0 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0!Total 528 35.9 84,254 528 36 66,293 17,960 0 1,922 $4,232 660

0.0 $017,960 $1,922

$1,922 2.2 1.9


Total Savings

Demand SavingskWh Savings

2/19/2013 Page 1, ECM-3

Energy Audit of Troy Hills Elementary School CHA Project No.24972 Cost of Electricity: $0.107 $/kWhECM-3 Lighting Replacements with Occupancy Sensors $5.94 $/kW

Area Description No. of Fixtures Standard Fixture Code Fixture CodeWatts per

Fixture kW/Space Exist Control Annual Hours Annual kWh Number of Fixtures Standard Fixture Code Fixture CodeWatts per

Fixture kW/SpaceRetrofit Control Annual Hours Annual kWh

Annual kWh Saved Annual kW Saved Annual $ Saved Retrofit Cost

NJ Smart Start Lighting Incentive

Simple Payback With Out Incentive Simple Payback

Field Code Unique description of the location - Room number/Room name: Floor number (if applicable)

No. of fixtures before the retrofit

Lighting Fixture Code Code from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

Value from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

(Watts/Fixt) * (Fixt No.)

Pre-inst. control device

Estimated daily hours for the usage group

(kW/space) * (Annual Hours)

No. of fixtures after the retrofit

Lighting Fixture Code Code from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

Value from Table of Standard Fixture Wattages

(Watts/Fixt) * (Number of Fixtures)

Retrofit control device

Estimated annual hours for the usage group

(kW/space) * (Annual Hours)

(Original Annual kWh) - (Retrofit Annual kWh)

(Original Annual kW) - (Retrofit Annual kW)

(kWh Saved) * ($/kWh)

Cost for renovations to lighting system

Prescriptive Lighting Measures

Length of time for renovations cost to be recovered

Length of time for renovations cost to

be recovered

212 Main Office 6 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.7 SW 2400 1,613 6 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.7 OCC 1,200 806 806 0.0 86.28$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.5 1.3212 Nurse's Office 4 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.4 SW 2400 1,075 4 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.4 OCC 1,200 538 538 0.0 57.52$ 128.25$ 20$ 2.2 1.9212 Principal's Office 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.2 SW 2400 538 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.2 OCC 1,200 269 269 0.0 28.76$ 128.25$ 20$ 4.5 3.815 Nurse Bathroom 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 SW 2000 240 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 NONE 2,000 240 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 71 Nurse Bathroom 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.1 SW 2000 120 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 NONE 2,000 54 66 0.0 9.41$ 6.75$ -$ 0.7 0.715 Boiler Room 5 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.3 SW 2000 600 5 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.3 NONE 2,000 600 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 71 Girl's Bathroom 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.1 SW 2000 120 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 NONE 2,000 54 66 0.0 9.41$ 6.75$ -$ 0.7 0.7217 Girl's Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2000 488 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 NONE 2,000 488 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 71 Boy's Bathroom 1 I 60 I60/1 60 0.1 SW 2000 120 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 NONE 2,000 54 66 0.0 9.41$ 6.75$ -$ 0.7 0.7217 Boy's Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2000 488 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 NONE 2,000 488 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 138 Custodian 1 SP 26 P CF 2 CFQ25/2 66 0.1 SW 1000 66 1 SP 26 P CF 2 CFQ25/2 66 0.1 NONE 1,000 66 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 15 Custodian's Office 4 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.2 SW 2400 576 4 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.2 OCC 1,200 288 288 0.0 30.82$ 128.25$ 20$ 4.2 3.5212 Hallways 8 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.9 SW 2280 2,043 8 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.9 NONE 2,280 2,043 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 212 Hallways 7 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.8 SW 2280 1,788 7 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.8 NONE 2,280 1,788 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 15 19 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 18 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 21 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 20 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 23 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 22 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 25 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 24 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 Media Center 42 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 2.5 SW 2400 6,048 42 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 2.5 OCC 1,680 4,234 1,814 0.0 194.14$ 128.25$ 20$ 0.7 0.6212 Media Center Office 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.2 SW 2400 538 2 T 32 R F 4 (ELE) (TWO SWITCH) F44ILL 112 0.2 OCC 1,200 269 269 0.0 28.76$ 128.25$ 20$ 4.5 3.815 16 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 14 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 13 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 12 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 11 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 10 13 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.8 SW 2400 1,872 13 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.8 OCC 1,680 1,310 562 0.0 60.09$ 128.25$ 20$ 2.1 1.815 Speech 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 SW 2400 288 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 OCC 1,200 144 144 0.0 15.41$ 128.25$ 20$ 8.3 7.0217 Boy's Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2000 488 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 NONE 2,000 488 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 217 Girl's Bathroom 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 SW 2000 488 4 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.2 NONE 2,000 488 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 77 Closet 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.2 SW 1000 150 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 NONE 1,000 27 123 0.1 21.93$ 6.75$ -$ 0.3 0.3196 Hallways 9 W 32 C F 4 (ELE) F44ILL 112 1.0 SW 2280 2,298 9 W 28 C F 4 F44SSILL 96 0.9 NONE 2,280 1,970 328 0.1 45.39$ 1,275.75$ 90$ 28.1 26.115 Resource Room 21 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.3 SW 2400 3,024 21 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.3 OCC 1,680 2,117 907 0.0 97.07$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.3 1.115 Teacher's Lounge 18 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 SW 2000 2,160 18 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 OCC 3,000 3,240 (1,080) 0.0 (115.56)$ 128.25$ 20$ 77 Teacher's Lounge 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.2 SW 2000 300 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 OCC 3,000 81 219 0.1 32.20$ 135.00$ 20$ 4.2 3.615 Teacher's Lounge 6 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.4 SW 2000 720 6 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.4 OCC 3,000 1,080 (360) 0.0 (38.52)$ 128.25$ 20$ 65 Bathroom 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 SW 2000 200 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 NONE 2,000 54 146 0.1 20.83$ 40.50$ -$ 1.9 1.965 Bathroom 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 SW 2000 200 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 NONE 2,000 54 146 0.1 20.83$ 40.50$ -$ 1.9 1.915 8 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 7 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 6 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 5 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 4 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.615 3 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 SW 2400 2,160 15 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.9 OCC 1,680 1,512 648 0.0 69.34$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.8 1.644 8-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 44 7-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 44 6-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 44 5-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 44 4-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 44 3-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 15 1 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 SW 2400 2,736 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 OCC 1,680 1,915 821 0.0 87.83$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.5 1.215 2 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 SW 2400 2,736 19 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 1.1 OCC 1,680 1,915 821 0.0 87.83$ 128.25$ 20$ 1.5 1.244 1-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 44 2-Bathroom 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 SW 2000 100 1 DC 26 W CF 2 CFQ26/2-L 50 0.1 NONE 2,000 100 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 65 Storage 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 SW 1000 100 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 NONE 1,000 27 73 0.1 13.01$ 40.50$ -$ 3.1 3.165 Storage 1 I 100 I100/1 100 0.1 SW 1000 100 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 NONE 1,000 27 73 0.1 13.01$ 40.50$ -$ 3.1 3.177 Custodian 1 I 150 I150/1 150 0.2 SW 1000 150 1 CF 26 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.0 NONE 1,000 27 123 0.1 21.93$ 6.75$ -$ 0.3 0.3250 Gym/Multi-purpose Room 9 T 54 W F 4 (ELE) (T-5) F44GHL 234 2.1 SW 2000 4,212 9 T 54 W F 4 (ELE) (T-5) F44GHL 234 2.1 NONE 2,000 4,212 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 217 Gym Storage 2 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.1 SW 1000 122 2 2B 17 R F 4 (ELE) F24ILL 61 0.1 NONE 1,000 122 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 15 AV Storage 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 SW 1000 120 2 S 32 C F 2 (ELE) F42LL 60 0.1 NONE 1,000 120 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 45 Exterior 4 SP 26 R CF 1 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.1 Breaker 5000 540 4 SP 26 R CF 1 CFQ26/1-L 27 0.1 NONE 5,000 540 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$ 141 Exterior 1 HPS 250 HPS250/1 295 0.3 Breaker 5000 1,475 1 HPS 250 HPS250/1 295 0.3 NONE 5,000 1,475 - 0.0 -$ -$ -$

169LED Exterior 1 SP 250 MH ROOF MH250/1 295 0.3 Breaker 5000 1,475 1 FXLED78 FXLED78/1 78 0.1 NONE 5,000 390 1,085 0.2 131.56$ 952.43$ 175$ 7.2 5.9

S Total 528 35.9 84,254 528 34.8 63,629 1.1 2,287 6,663 $925

S 1.1 $80S 20,625 $2,207

S $2,287 2.9 2.5


Total Savings


Demand SavingskWh Savings

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 29 | P a g e


New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Incentives

i. Smart Start

ii. Direct Install

iii. Pay for Performance (P4P)

iv. Energy Savings Improvement Plan (ESIP)

New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 30 | P a g e


Photovoltaic Analysis

Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Power Generation - Screening Assessment

Parsippany-Troy Hills School DistrictTroy Hills Elementary School

Cost of Electricity $0.128 /kWhElectricity Usage 175,280 kWh/yr 7,954 sq ft

System Unit Cost $4,000 /kW 63,790$

Budgetary Estimated TotalNew Jersey Renewable Payback Payback

Cost Maintenance SavingsFederal Tax

Credit ** SREC(without

incentive) (with

incentive) Savings

$ kW kWh therms $ $ $ $ $ Years Years $183,790 30.0 52,970 0 $6,780 0 $6,780 $0 $4,344 27.1 16.5

** Estimated Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Program (SREC) SREC for 15 Years= $82 /1000kwh

Area Output*739 m2

7,954 ft2

Perimeter Output*91 m

298 ft

Available Roof Space for PV:(Area Output - 10 ft x Perimeter) x 85%

4,226 ft2

Approximate System Size: Is the roof flat? (Yes/No) Yes

8 watt/ft233,811 DC watts

30 kW Enter into PV Watts

PV Watts Inputs***Array Tilt Angle 20Array Azimuth 180

Zip Code 07054DC/AC Derate Factor 0.83

PV Watts Output52,970 annual kWh calculated in PV Watts program

% Offset CalcUsage 175,280 (from utilities)PV Generation 39,728 (generated using PV Watts )% offset 23%




Roof Area

Total Cost

Enter info PV Watts

Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Power Generation - Screening Assessment

Annual Utility Savings

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Cost per square foot of Roof Membrane

$ 8.02

5/7/2013 Page 1, Troy Hills

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* * * * *AC Energy

&Cost Savings

* * * * *

(Type comments here to appear on printout; maximum 1 row of 90 characters.)

Station IdentificationCell ID: 0268370

State: New Jersey

Latitude: 40.9 ° N

Longitude: 74.2 ° W

PV System SpecificationsDC Rating: 30.0 kW

DC to AC Derate Factor: 0.830AC Rating: 24.9 kW

Array Type: Fixed Tilt

Array Tilt: 40.9 °

Array Azimuth: 180.0 °

Energy SpecificationsCost of Electricity: 12.8 ¢/kWh







1 3.18 2550 326.40

2 3.90 2805 359.04

3 5.05 3844 492.03

4 5.16 3665 469.12

5 5.47 3937 503.94

6 5.70 3861 494.21

7 5.36 3673 470.14

8 5.32 3674 470.27

9 5.16 3542 453.38

10 4.60 3389 433.79

11 3.32 2429 310.91

12 3.00 2360 302.08

Year 4.60 39728 5085.18

(Gridded data is monthly, hourly output not available.)

Output Hourly Performance Data

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Output Results as Text

Run PVWATTS v.2 for another location Run PVWATTS v.1

Page 1 of 1PVWatts v.2: AC Energy and Cost Savings


New Jersey BPU – Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education- Energy Audit 31 | P a g e


EPA Portfolio Manager

OMB No. 2060-0347


Building ID: 3388009 For 12-month Period Ending: October 31, 20121

Date SEP becomes ineligible: N/A Date SEP Generated: January 09, 2013

FacilityTroy Hills Elementary School509 South Beverwyck RoadParsippany , NJ 07054

Facility OwnerParsippany-Troy Hills School District292 Parsippany Road Parsippany, NJ 07054

Primary Contact for this FacilityN/A

Year Built: 1967Gross Floor Area (ft2): 36,954

Energy Performance Rating2 (1-100) 55

Site Energy Use Summary3

Electricity - Grid Purchase(kBtu) 582,660 Natural Gas (kBtu)4 2,327,000 Total Energy (kBtu) 2,909,660

Energy Intensity4 Site (kBtu/ft2/yr) 79 Source (kBtu/ft2/yr) 119 Emissions (based on site energy use) Greenhouse Gas Emissions (MtCO2e/year) 206 Electric Distribution Utility Jersey Central Power & Light Co [FirstEnergy Corp] National Median Comparison National Median Site EUI 83 National Median Source EUI 125 % Difference from National Median Source EUI -5% Building Type K-12


Stamp of Certifying Professional

Based on the conditions observed at thetime of my visit to this building, I certify that

the information contained within thisstatement is accurate.

Meets Industry Standards5 for Indoor EnvironmentalConditions:Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality N/A Acceptable Thermal Environmental Conditions N/A Adequate Illumination N/A

Certifying ProfessionalN/A

Notes: 1. Application for the ENERGY STAR must be submitted to EPA within 4 months of the Period Ending date. Award of the ENERGY STAR is not final until approval is received from EPA.2. The EPA Energy Performance Rating is based on total source energy. A rating of 75 is the minimum to be eligible for the ENERGY STAR.3. Values represent energy consumption, annualized to a 12-month period.4. Values represent energy intensity, annualized to a 12-month period.5. Based on Meeting ASHRAE Standard 62 for ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality, ASHRAE Standard 55 for thermal comfort, and IESNA Lighting Handbook for lighting quality.

The government estimates the average time needed to fill out this form is 6 hours (includes the time for entering energy data, Licensed Professional facility inspection, and notarizing the SEP) andwelcomes suggestions for reducing this level of effort. Send comments (referencing OMB control number) to the Director, Collection Strategies Division, U.S., EPA (2822T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.,NW, Washington, D.C. 20460.

EPA Form 5900-16


Data Checklistfor Commercial Buildings

In order for a building to qualify for the ENERGY STAR, a Professional Engineer (PE) or a Registered Architect (RA) must validate the accuracy of the data underlyingthe building's energy performance rating. This checklist is designed to provide an at-a-glance summary of a property's physical and operating characteristics, as well asits total energy consumption, to assist the PE or RA in double-checking the information that the building owner or operator has entered into Portfolio Manager.

Please complete and sign this checklist and include it with the stamped, signed Statement of Energy Performance.NOTE: You must check each box to indicate that each value is correct, OR include a note.


Building Name Troy Hills Elementary

School Is this the official building name to be displayed inthe ENERGY STAR Registry of LabeledBuildings?

Type K-12 School Is this an accurate description of the space inquestion?

Location 509 South BeverwyckRoad, Parsippany , NJ


Is this address accurate and complete? Correctweather normalization requires an accurate zipcode.

Single Structure Single Facility

Does this SEP represent a single structure? SEPscannot be submitted for multiple-buildingcampuses (with the exception of a hospital, k-12school, hotel and senior care facility) nor can theybe submitted as representing only a portion of abuilding.

School (K-12 School)


Gross Floor Area 36,954 Sq. Ft.

Does this square footage include all supportingfunctions such as kitchens and break rooms usedby staff, storage areas, administrative areas,elevators, stairwells, atria, vent shafts, etc. Alsonote that existing atriums should only include thebase floor area that it occupies. Interstitial(plenum) space between floors should not beincluded in the total. Finally gross floor area is notthe same as leasable space. Leasable space is asubset of gross floor area.

Open Weekends? No

Is this building normally open at all on theweekends? This includes activities beyond thework conducted by maintenance, cleaning, andsecurity personnel. Weekend activity could includeany time when the space is used for classes,performances or other school or communityactivities. If the building is open on the weekend aspart of the standard schedule during one or moreseasons, the building should select ?yes? for openweekends. The ?yes? response should applywhether the building is open for one or both of theweekend days.

Number of PCs 153 Is this the number of personal computers in theK12 School?

Number of walk-inrefrigeration/freezer

units 0

Is this the total number of commercial walk-in typefreezers and coolers? These units are typicallyfound in storage and receiving areas.

Presence ofcooking facilities No

Does this school have a dedicated space in whichfood is prepared and served to students? If theschool has space in which food for students is onlykept warm and/or served to students, or has only agalley that is used by teachers and staff then theanswer is "no".

Percent Cooled 30 % Is this the percentage of the total floor space withinthe facility that is served by mechanical coolingequipment?

Percent Heated 100 % Is this the percentage of the total floor space withinthe facility that is served by mechanical heatingequipment?

Months 10(Optional) Is this school in operation for at least 8 months ofthe year?

Page 1 of 4

High School? No

Is this building a high school (teaching grades 10,11, and/or 12)? If the building teaches to highschool students at all, the user should check 'yes'to 'high school'. For example, if the school teachesto grades K-12 (elementary/middle and highschool), the user should check 'yes' to 'highschool'.

Page 2 of 4


Data Checklistfor Commercial Buildings

Energy ConsumptionPower Generation Plant or Distribution Utility: Jersey Central Power & Light Co [FirstEnergy Corp]

Fuel Type: Electricity

Meter: Electricity (kWh (thousand Watt-hours))Space(s): Entire Facility

Generation Method: Grid Purchase

Start Date End Date Energy Use (kWh (thousand Watt-hours))

10/01/2012 10/31/2012 12,000.00

09/01/2012 09/30/2012 13,440.00

08/01/2012 08/31/2012 7,040.00

07/01/2012 07/31/2012 9,120.00

06/01/2012 06/30/2012 12,160.00

05/01/2012 05/31/2012 28,800.00

04/01/2012 04/30/2012 12,320.00

03/01/2012 03/31/2012 13,600.00

02/01/2012 02/29/2012 15,840.00

01/01/2012 01/31/2012 16,240.00

12/01/2011 12/31/2011 16,640.00

Electricity Consumption (kWh (thousand Watt-hours)) 157,200.00

Electricity Consumption (kBtu (thousand Btu)) 536,366.40

Total Electricity (Grid Purchase) Consumption (kBtu (thousand Btu)) 536,366.40

Is this the total Electricity (Grid Purchase) consumption at this building including allElectricity meters?

Fuel Type: Natural Gas

Meter: Natural Gas (therms)Space(s): Entire Facility

Start Date End Date Energy Use (therms)

10/01/2012 10/31/2012 4,175.00

09/01/2012 09/30/2012 433.00

08/01/2012 08/31/2012 0.00

07/01/2012 07/31/2012 0.00

06/01/2012 06/30/2012 1.00

05/01/2012 05/31/2012 1.00

04/01/2012 04/30/2012 55.00

03/01/2012 03/31/2012 1,656.00

02/01/2012 02/29/2012 2,794.00

01/01/2012 01/31/2012 4,752.00

12/01/2011 12/31/2011 5,546.00

Page 3 of 4

11/01/2011 11/30/2011 3,857.00

Natural Gas Consumption (therms) 23,270.00

Natural Gas Consumption (kBtu (thousand Btu)) 2,327,000.00

Total Natural Gas Consumption (kBtu (thousand Btu)) 2,327,000.00

Is this the total Natural Gas consumption at this building including all Natural Gas meters?

Additional FuelsDo the fuel consumption totals shown above represent the total energy use of this building?Please confirm there are no additional fuels (district energy, generator fuel oil) used in this facility.

On-Site Solar and Wind EnergyDo the fuel consumption totals shown above include all on-site solar and/or wind power located atyour facility? Please confirm that no on-site solar or wind installations have been omitted from thislist. All on-site systems must be reported.

Certifying Professional (When applying for the ENERGY STAR, the Certifying Professional must be the same PE or RA that signed and stamped the SEP.)

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________

Signature: ______________________________________ Signature is required when applying for the ENERGY STAR.

Page 4 of 4


Please keep this Facility Summary for your own records; do not submit it to EPA. Only the Statement of Energy Performance(SEP), Data Checklist and Letter of Agreement need to be submitted to EPA when applying for the ENERGY STAR.

FacilityTroy Hills Elementary School509 South Beverwyck RoadParsippany , NJ 07054

Facility OwnerParsippany-Troy Hills School District292 Parsippany Road Parsippany, NJ 07054

Primary Contact for this FacilityN/A

General InformationTroy Hills Elementary School

Gross Floor Area Excluding Parking: (ft2) 36,954 Year Built 1967 For 12-month Evaluation Period Ending Date: October 31, 2012

Facility Space Use SummarySchool

Space Type K-12 School

Gross Floor Area (ft2) 36,954

Open Weekends? No

Number of PCs 153

Number of walk-inrefrigeration/freezer units 0

Presence of cooking facilities No

Percent Cooled 30

Percent Heated 100

Months o 10

High School? No

School District o Parsippany-Troy


Energy Performance ComparisonEvaluation Periods Comparisons

Performance Metrics Current(Ending Date 10/31/2012)

Baseline(Ending Date 10/31/2012) Rating of 75 Target National Median

Energy Performance Rating 55 55 75 N/A 50

Energy Intensity

Site (kBtu/ft2) 79 79 65 N/A 83

Source (kBtu/ft2) 119 119 98 N/A 125

Energy Cost

$/year $ 42,345.00 $ 42,345.00 $ 34,902.09 N/A $ 44,635.95

$/ft2/year $ 1.15 $ 1.15 $ 0.95 N/A $ 1.21

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

MtCO2e/year 206 206 170 N/A 217

kgCO2e/ft2/year 6 6 5 N/A 6

More than 50% of your building is defined as K-12 School. Please note that your rating accounts for all of the spaces listed. The National Median column presentsenergy performance data your building would have if your building had a median rating of 50. Notes:o - This attribute is optional.d - A default value has been supplied by Portfolio Manager.

2012Troy Hills Elementary School509 South Beverwyck RoadParsippany , NJ 07054

Portfolio Manager Building ID: 3388009

The energy use of this building has been measured and compared to other similar buildings using theEnvironmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Energy Performance Scale of 1–100, with 1 being the least energyefficient and 100 the most energy efficient. For more information, visit

This building’sscore



Most Efficient

This building uses 119 kBtu per square foot per year.*

*Based on source energy intensity for the 12 month period ending October 2012

Date of certification

Date Generated: 01/09/2013

Statement ofEnergy Performance


Least Efficient



Buildings with a score of75 or higher may qualifyfor EPA’s ENERGY STAR.

I certify that the information contained within this statement is accurate and in accordance with U.S.Environmental Protection Agency’s measurement standards, found at