Parker Middle School Student Handbook

Post on 12-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Parker Middle School Student Handbook

J.W. Parker Middle School

Student Handbook

Sharing the responsibility,Sharing the pride…


Principal: Dr. Anthony J. NottinghamAssistant Principal: Mr. Darien Donaldson

Interim Assistant Principal: Jerry Smith

1500 East Virginia StreetRocky Mount, NC 27801

Phone 252.977.3486 Fax 253.446.5756


Parker Middle School is preparing today’s students

for tomorrow’s opportunities through continuous

improvement in every classroom for every child


Dear Students,

Welcome to Parker Middle School. Parker Middle accepts and respects each student as an individual of worth and dignity. We strive to provide all of our students with the opportunities, resources, and environment to be lifelong learner and productive, responsible citizens of a changing, global society.

In this handbook you will find general information about Parker Middle School. I hope it will answer any questions you might have about our school. Read through it carefully in order to become familiar with our school policies and procedures.

I am excited about the 2012-13 school year. I look forward to working with you, your parents, and our staff to ensure that this school year is a successful experience for all associated with Parker Middle School.

Sincerely,Dr. Nottingham

School MascotPirate

School ColorsBlack, white, gold


Breakfast served from 7:10-7:25am.Tardy bell sounds at 7:30am.

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade


7:30-7:35 7:30-7:35 7:30-7:35

Block 1 7:37-8:37Core Class

7:37-8:37Core Class

7:37-8:37Core Class

Block 2 8:39-9:39Core Class

8:39-9:39Core Class

8:39-9:24Elective 1


9:42-10:22 9:42-10:22

9:26-10:24Exp./ D.E.A.R.

Block 3 10:24-11:54Core Class/ D.E.A.R./Lunch

10:24-11:09Elective 1

10:24-10:54Elective 2

Block 4 11:56-12:56Core Class

11:11-11:56Elective 2

10:56-11:56Core Class

Block 5 12:58-1:28Elective 1

11:58-1:28Core Class/ D.E.A.R./Lunch

11:58=1:28Core Class/ Lunch

Block 6 1:30-2:30Elective 2

1:30-2:30Core Class

1:30=2:30Core Class

Walkers, bus, and car riders dismiss at 2:25pm.Athletes dismiss at 2:29pm.

School office hours are from 6:45am-3:15pm.


Students are expected to line up in the morning on the sidewalk leading to the appropriate entrance to their homerooms. The 7:25am bell

will signal students to enter the building. Exceptions will be made on days of extreme cold or inclement weather. Tardy students must report to the office immediately upon arriving at school to be signed in by a parent or guardian.

Students desiring to eat breakfast must enter at the gym lobby. Breakfast is served from 7:10 until 7:25am. By 7:25, all students must exit the cafeteria and report to homeroom.


Bike riders and walkers will be dismissed from their last period classes and immediately leave the campus. Bike riders must walk their bikes off the school grounds.


Excused Absences

The following shall constitute a valid excuse for the temporary non-attendance of a child at school—assuming satisfactory evidence of the excuse is provided to the school office, in writing and signed by the child’s parent. A student returning from an absence should take the parent/ doctor’s note to his/ her homeroom teacher. If a child fails to bring an excuse, the absence is coded “unexcused”.

Illness/ Injury—Absence resulting from illness or injury preventing the child from attending school.Quarantine— Absence excused when the State Board of Health orders isolation.Death in the Immediate Family – Absence excused when it results from the death of parents, grandparents, guardians, or siblings.Medical or Dental Appointment—Absence excused when it results from a medical or dental appointment for the child.Court or Administrative Proceeding—Absence excused when the child it a party to the action or under subpoena of a court.Religious Observance – Absence excused if the tenets of a religion to which the child or parents adhere require observance of a religious event, not to exceed five days.Educational Opportunity – Absence excused when the purpose of the absence is to take advantage of a valid educational opportunity. Approval must be gained through the office prior to the absence.

Unexcused Absences

All absences for reasons other than those defined as an excused absence will be unexcused and will be filed against the child’s attendance record.

Excessive Absences

If a student is absent for more than three days without a valid excuse, it will be investigated by the school attendance counselor and reported to the appropriate authority.

Attendance for Less than a Full Day

The instructional day is 330 minutes—a student must be in attendance for three hours of instructional time to be counted present for the day. The student is responsible for obtaining and completing all work missed due to early departure from school.


Students may be checked out ONLY by an adult listed on his/ her information card, showing photo ID. The authorized adult must sign the student out from the office.


Tardy to School

Being tardy to school means not being in homeroom when the tardy bell rings at 7:25am. Anyone arriving to school after 7:30am is tardy and he/ she must check-in through the office with a parent or guardian. Tardiness may be excused for the following reasons—medical appointment, sickness, transportation trouble, illness in the family, or emergency circumstances.

Tardy to Class

Any student not in his/ her seat at the designated start time is tardy to class. The tardiness will only be excused by presenting a signed note or pass from another staff member. Students will not be sent back to ask for signed notes as it is his/ her responsibility to secure

and present the note. Consequences for unexcused tardiness include: 1st Offense Warning/ Parent Contact2nd Offense Detention3rd Offense Office Referral


The procedure for withdrawal or transfer from Parker Middle is as follows:

1. The parent or legal guardian should visit the school to authorize withdrawal or transfer. This visit should be scheduled at least one day prior to withdrawal, if possible.

2. A transfer form should be obtained from the guidance counselor at the time of the above visit.

3. Each teacher should complete the transfer form.

4. The student must clean out his/ her locker and return all books and supplies issued by the school.

5. The completed transfer form should be returned the counselor.

6. All fees owed to the school must be paid prior to any records being transferred from Parker Middle.

Parents and students should remember that in order to transfer to another school, the student must reside with a legal custodian in that district.Should we mention something about the transition to D.S. Johnson for withdrawal and transfer?


Students are expected to follow the NRMS Board of Education Middle School Dress Code. They must be neatly dressed and well groomed at all times.

The waist of clothing must be worn at the waist.

Shirttails must be tucked in at all times.

Students should choose appropriate shoes for school. Any items, accessories, embellishments, or personal belongings that are considered unsafe, distracting, or disruptive to the learning process are not acceptable and will not be allowed.

Nash-Rocky Mount Schools

Dress Code for Middle School Students

To promote school safety and enhance the learning environment, Nash-Rocky Mount Middle Schools have adopted a dress code. Principals are responsible for ensuring that dress code is appropriately implemented and enforced at the school level.

Dress Code Specifications:1. Shirts for all students should be collared

polo-style shirts with long or short sleeves in the appropriate school colors (black, white, gold/ yellow).

2. Shirttails must be worn in at all times.3. Students may wear turtleneck or round-

necked shirts of school colors under the polo-style shirt.

4. All types of dress code pants and skirts must have no more than four pockets and be belted or well fitted at the waist. Style and color options are;

a. Black, blue or tan dress pantsb. Black, blue or tan dress caprisc. Black, blue or tan knee-length

shorts, skirts, or skorts5. Sweatshirts or sweaters or appropriate

size and school colors may be worn on top of the collared polo-style shirt during periods of cooler weather.

6. Cargo pants, low-riders, or any type of denim does not meet the expectations of the dress code.

7. Shoes and coats are not part of the dress code. Students are encouraged to wear appropriate coats and shoes of choice.

8. Coats, jackets or other outerwear will not be allowed to be worn in any class during the day.

*Please note: sweatshirts, sweaters or fleece jackets may be worn in class if the student is cold natured, but they must be in school colors—black, white or gold/ yellow.


Parents are always welcomed at Parker Middle School. Visitors must sign in through the main office and secure a Parker Visitor’s Pass that must be visible throughout the entire visit.


Lockers are provided for the convenience of students. Students are responsible for the contents of their lockers. Combination locks, not key locks, are to be purchased by the student. The combination of the lock is to be shared only with the homeroom teacher and lockermate.

The team teachers will designate specific locker times. Lockers will be off limits except during the specific times assigned to each team. Failure to comply with assigned time will result in disciplinary action and the loss of locker privileges.


Electronic devices, recorders, cameras, toys, or yo-yos are not allowed at the school and will be collected and returned only to parents. Cell phones are for emergencies only and cannot be on or visible during the regular school day. Students are responsibly for appropriately securing cell phones. The school is not responsible for damage or theft of these items.


Students are to keep candy, snacks, and other food items in their lunch bags. If such items are found in the hallways or classrooms, they will be collected and not returned. The only acceptable place for students to eat is in the cafeteria.

The chewing of gum is not appropriate during school hours and is not allowed at school, on school grounds or on the school bus. The chewing of gum will result in disciplinary action.

The sale of food or any other items is strictly forbidden unless authorized by the school.


Articles found in and around the school should be turned in at the main office. In the morning before homeroom, the owner may claim these articles. Parents are encouraged to have their child label all of his/ her items and to look for any lost articles in the main office.


Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)

Parker Expectations

Be Prepared—Be on time and bring all appropriate materials.

Be Respectful—Respect yourself and demonstrate respect for school rules and guidelines.

Be Responsible—Be aware of expectations, make good choices, and be willing to accept responsibility for actions.

Be A Learner—Be an active learner, give quality effort, and demonstrate Parker Pirate Pride in accomplishments.

Guidelines for Lunchroom

At lunch time students are expected to eat and move out of the lunchroom within the scheduled time. In order to assure the effective operation of the cafeteria, the following rules will be observed:

Students will be assigned seats by teachers and duty personnel

Lunch numbers must be memorized and used honestly

Respect will be shown to cafeteria staff and duty personnel

Students will remain seated and not return to the serving line

No gum chewing will be allowed No pouches or backpacks will be allowed Eating areas will be cleared and cleaned

by the students after each class Behavior in and around the lunchroom

should be appropriate and orderly No food will be taken out of the

lunchroom Credit cannot be extended for lunches

Guidelines for Assemblies

During the school year many assemblies are held for the benefit of the student body. When in an assembly, for any purpose, students must refrain from talking and exhibiting disorderly conduct. Any student failing to adhere to this policy will be removed from the assembly and will face disciplinary action.

Students participating in assemblies or special programs must dress in a manner that reflects the importance of the assembly itself. Boys must wear dress slacks, shirt with tie and dress shoes. Girls must wear a dress, skirt of appropriate length, or dress pants with a blouse and dress shoes.

Discipline Guidelines

While no discipline policy can anticipate or cover all problem areas, inappropriate behaviors will be grouped into the four categories that follow. The disciplinary consequence for exhibiting any of these inappropriate behaviors will depend on the severity of the offense. Disciplinary consequences include, but are not limited to, after-school detention, parent conference, Positive Reinforcement Center, suspension from school, and referral to law enforcement authorities. The phrase “at school” means classes, building, activities, grounds, buses, and bus stops. Walkers and students walking to and from bus stops should understand that they are still responsible for following all Parker Middle rules.

Disrespectful/ Rude Behavior—Rude or disrespectful behavior to school employees or students, refusing to obey reasonable requests of school staff, or the use of vulgar language or behaviors.Undisciplined Behavior—Disruptive behavior, class disruption, excessive talking, playing, throwing, spitting, fighting, and intimate touching or displays of affection.Criminal Behavior – Any action that is illegal under state or federal laws for students, such as (1) possession, selling, or use of drugs (including tobacco, matches, lighters), (2) possession of a weapon or dangerous instrument, (3) theft, (4) extortion, (5) assault on school personnel, (6) smoking, (7) gambling, and (8) truancy.

Violation of Parker Policies—Breaking written and unwritten rules of the school, such as chewing gum; being tardy; not returning signed papers, progress reports or report cards; or being in the hall without a pass. According to the NC General Statute 115C-288, principals must report certain acts occurring on school property to the appropriate local law enforcement agency that may result in mandatory suspension or expulsion for the remainder of the school year.

*Parker Middle will comply with NRMS Student Behavior Policy (4300). For copy please see NRMS Student/ Parent handbook. You may request a copy from your child’s homeroom teacher or Guidance Department.

Positive Reinforcement Center (PRC)

The Positive Reinforcement Center is an on-campus program used at the discretion of administrators. While PRC denies students of social interaction and privileges, it allows them to continue their academic studies and offers them guidance in developing alternatives to inappropriate behavior.


Students that violate school policy with a minor offense will be given a detention notice by the teacher or administrator. In all cases, students will be given a one-day notice to serve the detention. The detention notice will state the behavior that warrants the detention and the time and date the detention is to be served. Students must have the detention signed by a parent or guardian and return it to the teacher or administrator at the time the detention is to be served. If a parent does not sign the detention, the student cannot serve the detention. If the student fails to serve the detention, it will be doubled. Failure to serve a double detention will result in a disciplinary referral to the office.

Bus Behavior Guidelines

Every effort has been put forth by the Nash-Rocky Mount transportation organization to ensure that time spent by students riding on school buses would be held to a minimum. However, the cooperation of every Parker student and parent is needed to assure efficient transportation.

It is essential that every bus rider be ready to load the bus when it arrives at the bus stop. Buses cannot wait for students who are tardy getting to the appropriate bus stop. At the end of the day, their dismissing teacher will walk students to the bus loading area. Any bus student needing to ride a bus not assigned to him/ her must have a written request signed and dated by a parent and he/ she must bring it to the office before homeroom on the morning of the request.

All students will be expected to exhibit and practice good conduct on the buses at all times. The driver has the responsibility of safely transporting Parker students. For this reason, the driver must have complete authority while operating the bus. Any misbehavior while loading, riding, unloading, or waiting for the bus will be cause for immediate disciplinary action and will result in short-term or long-term suspension of bus-riding privileges. To ensure the safety of all bus riders, bus drivers, and community citizens, students must avoid the following disruptive behaviors:

Delaying the bus schedule

Using profanity, tripping, pushing or “horseplay”

Holding/ saving seats or not allowing others to sit

Failing to sit upright and place feet on floor

Tampering with the school bus Eating or drinking on the bus Failing to secure musical instrument Leaving the bus at an unauthorized bus

stop Playing with toys or any type of

noisemaker Using the emergency door/ window in a

nonemergency Holding body part or other item out of the

window Throwing an item within or outside the

bus Bringing radios or other sound-producing

electronics on the bus Creating a distraction Bringing an animal on the bus Annoying other students or the bus driver Refusing to obey the bus driver Bringing large object that take up another

rider’s space, block the aisle, or obscure the driver’s vision

Bringing on the bus any type of liquid or substance that is illegal or causes a disturbance


Accountability Standards

Sixth, seventh, and eighth grades each have state-mandated assessments and End-Of-Grade (EOG) tests. Each student is expected to meet state-standards on these tests and to meet local standards for acceptable grades in every course and for attendance.

Grades 6 & 7 – Sixth and seventh grades must meet local promotion standards before entering the next grade. They must score a Level III or IV on both the Reading and Math End-Of-Grade tests. They also must pass all local subjects (Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies).

Grade 8 – Eighth graders must meet state gateway standards before entering high school. In accordance with the state’s ABC Accountability Policy, eighth graders must score

a level III or Level IV on the Reading, Math, and Science End-Of-Grade tests.

Grading Policy

Parker Middle School urges students to obtain the most from their education. Moreover, the faculty and staff hope each student will regard his/ her academic accomplishments as fulfilling and personally rewarding.

Grades in all areas result from the student’s classroom performance on individual and group activities, projects, tests/ quizzes, and completion of homework and classwork.

A 93-100%B 85-92%C 77-84%D 70-76%F 0-69%

A numerical grading system is used at Parker Middle School. Report cards are sent home to parents every six weeks, and additional progress reports will be sent every three weeks. These reports are used to notify parents of the student’s progress. We ask that parents promptly sign and return these reports to school with their child.

The administrators are proud to recognize the hard work and accomplishments of Parker students. An honor roll is published each six weeks—acknowledging student’s achievements. Any student who earns all A’s and B’s (85% and higher) is part of the A/B Honor Roll. Students who earn all A’s (93% and higher) are recorded on the Scholar’s List for the six weeks. Students who maintain honor roll status for each six weeks grading period will receive special recognition at the end of the school year.

Progress Reports and Report Cards

Progress Report Dates

Report Card Dates

September 17 October 12October 30 November 29December 17 January 24February 11 March 12March 27 May 1May 20 June 17


Homework provides students the opportunity to reinforce skills and concepts outside the school day. Homework is most valuable when there is a strong partnership between home and school. The role of the school is to assign meaningful homework, while the role of the home is to provide support, encouragement, and a place for the child to work and study. Through a strong home-school partnership, homework has the potential to increase learning time, accomplish academic goals, and advance the student’s skills and overall achievement.

Make-Up Work

Students with excused absences will be given two days following the absence to make up work. It is the student’s responsibility to ask the teacher for any missed assignments. Administrators will be consulted in cases of extended absences.

Retest Policy

Students have the opportunity to retest on major academic tests if the following criteria are met:

1. Student makes a grade lower than 80%2. Student’s parent requests the retest in

writing within two days of the student being notified of his/ her grade

3. Student and parents make arrangements to meet the teacher’s retesting schedule

4. Student understands that 80% is the highest possible score that can be recorded for a retest

5. Student may retest only once per major test

Only parents may request a retest for their child. Parents are urged to review their child’s work and encourage them to put in additional study time. Students can pick up a retesting request form from the subject area teacher.


The Guidance Department at Parker consists of one counselor and a guidance secretary. The counselor is available to students and parents before and after school, during lunch periods, or during class time in emergency situations with teacher’s permission.


Students will be given two days to locate misplaced textbooks. If the textbook is not found by the third day, the student will be told the price of the book. If the book has not been found or paid for in the next two days, the student will be referred to the office.

Lost library books will be assessed and students will be required to pay the current value of the lost book.


Parker Middle strictly follows the Board of Education policy on medication. Students are not allowed to have medications, over the counter or prescriptive, unless the appropriate paperwork is on file. Please call the Guidance Center if you have any questions, 252.977.3486.


The school phones are for business purposes and are available to students only in emergency situations. Students will not be allowed to use the phone for such things as forgotten items from home or getting permission to go home with a friend. All arrangements to stay after school for any activity must be made before arriving at school.


Whenever a student must leave a class, for any reason, the student must be in possession of a hall pass. This pass is a note, written by the teacher, indicating the student’s name, time, date, and destination. Hall passes may be used only once. Students found without hall passes or with a pass not their own, will be subject to disciplinary action.


Students must walk in a silent single-file line, facing forward. The line must stay to the right

side of the hallway. It is important that each student maintains an appropriate distance from the students around them but must keep up with the teacher and the line. Students are to keep their hands, feet, and other objects to themselves.


Delivering flowers, balloons, take-out food, etc. to the students at school may present disruptions for the school and for student learning and is therefore prohibited. Nothing of this sort can be transported on the bus. Naturally, deliveries pertaining to the school are accepted, including forgotten homework, money, athletic gear, etc.


All students participating in a field trip must have a permission slip signed by either a parent or guardian. The permission slip will be distributed to students by the teachers responsible for the trip and will be collected prior to the day of the field trip. No student may attend a field trip without a signed permission slip from the parent or guardian.


Weekly phone messages and newsletters will be sent to the home of each student with information concerning special school events, functions and important dates. In order to receive all messages, students and parents must make sure accurate and updated home phone numbers are on file in the main office. Parents are encouraged to check with their student nightly for any handouts or paperwork that may have been sent home with them that day.



School Phone 252.977.3486School Fax 252.446.5756

Department Staff Member Name Position EmailOffice Dr. Anthony


Mr. Darien Donaldson Assistant PrincipalTamiko Ford Executive Secretary/

TreasurerCynthia Gorham Staff Development

Guidance Wanda Corbin-Robinson


6th Grade7th Grade8th GradeCommunities in SchoolsExceptional ChildrenTalented & Academically GiftedAthleticsCafeteriaMaintenance



Boys Football27-Sep Phillips

Home04-Oct Southern Nash

Home11-Oct South Edgecombe

Away18-Oct Red Oak

Away25-Oct West Edgecombe

Away01-Nov Nash Central

Home08-Nov Edwards


Girls Volleyball & Boys Soccer12-Sep South Edgecombe

Away17-Sep Southern Nash

Home19-Sep Toisnot

Away24-Sep C.B. Martin

Home26-Sep Elm City

Away01-Oct Forest Hills

Home08-Oct Red Oak

Away10-Oct Springfield

Home15-Oct Speight

Away17-Oct West Edgecombe


22-Oct DardenAway

24-Oct EdwardsHome

29-Oct Nash CentralHome

31-Oct PhillipsHome


Boys & Girls Basketball06-Dec Phillips

Home10-Dec Southern Nash

Home13-Dec South Edgecombe

Away17-Dec Red Oak

Away20-Dec West Edgecombe

Away03-Jan Nash Central Home 07-Jan Edwards Away

Winter Cont…

Boys Wrestling10-Dec Southern Nash

Away17-Dec Red Oak

Home20-Dec Martin

Away03-Jan Nash Central Away07-Jan Edwards Home10-Jan Southern Nash


24-Jan Red Oak Away28-Jan Martin Home31-Jan Nash Central Home04-Feb Edwards



Boys Baseball & Girls Softball11-Mar Phillips

Home14-Mar Southern Nash

Home18-Mar South Edgecombe

Away21-Mar Red Oak

Away25-Mar West Edgecombe

Away28-Mar Nash Central

Home10-Apr Edwards


Girls Soccer06-Mar Springfield

Away11-Mar Darden

Home13-Mar Speight

Away18-Mar Nash Central

Home20-Mar Elm City

Home27-Mar South Edgecombe

Away10-Apr Forest Hills


15-Apr Southern NashHome

17-Apr EdwardsAway

22-Apr ToisnotAway

24-Apr MartinAway

29-Apr Red OakHome

Spring Cont…

Boys & Girls Cross CountryDate Host Teams12-Mar Speight Parker,

Springfield,Phillips,Nash Central

19-Mar Nash Central

Parker,Southern Nash,Forest Hills,West Edgecombe

26-Mar Parker Forest Hills,Elm City,Phillips,Martin

9-Apr Forest Hills Parker,Darden,Speight,Phillips

16-Apr Toisnot Parker,Red Oak,Forest Hills,Elm City

23-Apr County Championships

30-Apr Conference Championships

County meets are for all runners. Conference is top 7. Boys run first—follow all high school guidelines.West and Phillips don’t host.

Questions & Considerations:

How many guidance counselors? Change in guidance department paragraph.

Check times on schedule—note red text.

PRC Center – same process?

How do we want parents to schedule conferences? Set procedure in handbook.

What clubs/ organizations do we offer?

Should we include athletic policies or are those covered in a separate handbook?

Should we include a section about the cafeteria (breakfast/ lunch prices, child nutrition, etc.)?

Revise note at the beginning.

Will we have a PTO? If so, should we include a section about the organization and involvement?