Parish SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER THE MAY 1, 2016 · 5/1/2016  · SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 1, 2016...

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Transcript of Parish SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER THE MAY 1, 2016 · 5/1/2016  · SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 1, 2016...

1 Trinity Episcopal Church • 1500 State Street • Santa Barbara Ca 93101 • 805.965.7419 •


W ELCOME TO ALL VISITORS! Trinity is a place where you will find open minds, open hearts and open doors. We believe that as people of God, we can all share in God's love; a love that is inclusive, ever abundant and meant to be expressed through our action in

the world. We are delighted to have you with us and hope you will come back often. If you would like to learn more about life here at Trinity please:

The Worship Bulletin you received along with this handout will be your basic guide through this morning’s liturgy.

Parish Notes: In the column to the right you will find the scripture readings, hymns and other music for this service. The following pages contain further information about today’s worship and our upcoming meetings and events. Gluten-Free wafers are available for those who need them, just ask for them when the bread is presented to you.

Prayer Ministers are available during communion at the 10:00 a.m. service. Proceed to the back of the church to receive prayer and laying on of hands. Open Communion: From whatever tradition you come and wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are welcome at our table. You will find simple directions on how to participate in the worship bulletin.

Children & Youth: Trinity offers religious formation for ages 3½ -12 through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. Children gather on Sundays starting at 9:00 a.m. in the church school behind the sanctuary. Trinity Youth Group includes all 7th-12th graders, and meets approximately twice each month, usually on Sunday afternoons. See Parish Notes for upcoming activities.

Children at Communion: Children are brought into the church during the Offertory Hymn to join us for Holy Communion. At this point, you are welcome to gather your children from the nursery to be with you.

Nursery & Toddler care is available 9:15-11 a.m. (Ask an usher for directions).

Fill out a Welcome CardJoin us for coffee on the Labyrinth Plaza

Visit our Resource & Welcome TablesVisit our website at

the week ahead

Sunday, May 19:15 a.m. Centering Prayer9:30 a.m. Art from the Heart 10:00 a.m. COMBINED SERVICE11:30 a.m. Special Coffee Hour5:30 p.m. Education for MinistryMonday, May 2 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 7:00 p.m. Science & ReligionTuesday, May 38:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 5:30 p.m. Holy EucharistWednesday, May 48:30 a.m. Morning PrayerNoon Base CommunityThursday, May 58:30 a.m. Morning Prayer10:30 a.m. Women’s Circle12:15 p.m. Contemplative Practice2:30 p.m. Eucharist at Samarkand7:30 p.m. Choir RehearsalFriday, May 68:30 a.m. Morning PrayerSunday, May 88:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist9:00 a.m. Parish Nurse9:00 a.m. Church School 9:15 a.m. Centering Prayer10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist11:30 a.m. Coffee Hour11:30 a.m. Parish Nurse & Healing Touch5:30 p.m. Education for Ministry

today’s lessons

events at trinity


See Page 2




WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 AT 7:30 p.m.See Page 3

LESSONS: Bibles are available at the rear of the church.

First Lesson: Acts 16:9-15

Psalm 67

Second Lesson: Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5

The Holy Gospel: John 14:23-29

HYMNS - See the Service Bulletin




Celebration Offering TODAY!Please note that there will be special “Celebrate” envelopes in the pews TODAY for you to make special offerings for birthdays, anniversaries and remembrances to benefit Trinity’s Justice Fund.

COMBINED SERVICE & PARISH CELEBRATION - TODAY, 10:00 a.m.Today is Mark’s last Sunday at Trinity. It is a joyful time to gather as his parish family and give thanks for his ministry among us. After the worship service we will continue the celebration with a reception in the Parish Hall.


our mission

As God’s people, we will share the love of God in a way that nurtures body, mind and spirit. Demonstrating God’s love for the world, we will serve a diverse population and accept one another without reservations. By including all people as one family in worship and service to God, we are all empowered and inspired by

the Spirit to continue the work of Jesus Christ.

Today’s flowers are dedicated to Mark Asman. Thank you Mark Asman for the years of unfailing leadership And friendship! ~Nollie Lei Dawson

mark’s retirement events

THE MARK ASMAN PROGRESSIVE THEOLOGY FUND: IN HONOR OF MARK’S LEGACYAs we say goodbye to our rector of 22 years we are mindful of Mark’s leadership into a fresh understanding of what it means to be a Christian in the 21st century. He has embodied and lifted up principles of love, justice, inclusion, abundance and interfaith awareness, with each of these supported by progressive theology and passion to manifest the presence of God in the world. In acknowledgment of that legacy we are launching the Mark Asman Progressive Theology Fund. The purpose of this endowment fund is to sponsor special speakers and conferences, such as our weekend with Matthew Fox, that promote our commitment to progressive theology and interfaith adult education. If you would like to express your appreciation to and for Mark with a monetary gift, please contribute to this endowment fund. Simply write a check to Trinity and put Asman PT Fund in the memo line. Thank you!

All are welcome in Morning Prayer at 8:30 a.m., weekdays in the chapel. Enter through the Micheltorena gate.

ECONOMIC JUSTICE MEETS PLAYTIME, FOR ALL AGES!Cinco de Mayo Carnival Friday, May 6, 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.Harding School

This fundraiser, sponsored by the Harding School Foundation, is very important for Harding as well as a time of celebration with food, families

and fun. With Trinity’s emphasis on Economic Justice, especially in our local community, we encourage Trinity families and parishioners to attend the carnival, enjoy the food and games, watch the children singing and dancing and participate in the Silent Auction. (items are needed). The CYC and Harding School Helpers are organizing volunteers to help with setting-up, working in the food and game booths and clean up. You can also contribute by simply attending with your family and friends. How often do you get to support economic justice work in our community AND go to a party?Please help with the carnival or attend with your family. Silent auction donations are also appreciated. Sign ups at the Welcome Table. Questions: Susan Krutzsch,, 569-5012.

take note

SCIENCE & RELIGION MONDAY, MAY 2, 7:00 p.m.Dr. Tom Carlson of the UCSB Department of Religious Studies will present a talk, “Time and Weather Between the Natural and the Social: Approaching Religion and Science Beyond the Question of Belief.” The meeting will be held Monday, May 2, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the Guild Hall.This talk will question widely held assumptions about the objectivity and value-neutrality of modern science, and also challenge common understandings of religion and its relation to belief. Dr. Carlson holds a PhD from the University of Chicago. He teaches in the areas of modern philosophy and the history of Christian thought. Questions? Contact Bob Richard at or 805-680-5590 An offering will be received.

Registration now open forTRINITY MEN’S RETREAT 2016LIVING IN TRANSITIONMay 20-22, Westmont College CampusWith Keynote Speaker Rev. Gary Hall, recently retired Dean of Washington National Cathedral and noted retreat leader. Cost is $230 per manBook to read in preparation: Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life by Richard Rohr.To register, contact Mark Benson ( 805-899-3110 or, sign up at the Welcome Table.

MEMORY BOOK FOR MARK - Deadline TODAY!This is your opportunity to write a note, a card, add a photo, a poem, etc. for his Memory Book. There is a basket on the Welcome Table with paper and an envelope for your submissions. Questions can be directed to Melinda Carey at 805-729-4429 or

SUMMER SACRED ARTS NEEDS YOUR HELP!Are you a visual artist? Do you have a special skill or interest you’d like to share with our Trinity kids? Our summer program for children at Trinity, Summer Sacred Arts, starts on June 12th and runs through the first week in September. We would love to have our incredibly talented congregation share their brilliance with our children! If you’d like to offer to lead a project of your own devising, which needs to be workable for kids aged 4-10, in a 30-minute or less time frame, we’d love to hear your idea and put you on the schedule. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Hess,


take note

CONTACTS:Nursery/Toddler care Marisa Brenninkmeyer, nursery@trinitysb.orgChurch School ages 3–12Elizabeth Hess, ehess@trinitysb.orgYouth ages 13–18Libby Yardi, lyardi@trinitysb.orgEmily Brothers, emilyfbrothers@gmailcom

TRINITY YOUTH GROUP (7TH – 12TH GRADES) Yom HaShoah Service: Wednesday, May 4, 6:15-8:15 p.m.

Last month we started our “Experiencing” interfaith dialogue with our Jewish and Muslim sisters and brothers. We continue the experience by inviting our youth and their families to attend the Yom HaShoah service (Holocaust memorial day) at Congregation B’nai B’rith. Please RSVP to Emily or Libby for more details and carpool requests.Questions or comments? Ask Emily ( or Libby (

children and youth

TODAY IN THE CHURCH SCHOOL The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd atria are closed for Mark’s last Sunday. Childcare is provided in the nursery for children up to age 3, and in the Parish Hall for children aged 4 to 9. Older children will remain in the service.

SEARCH COMMITTEE UPDATEThe search committee has completed its second phase of review of all the candidates applying for the position of rector. The field has been narrowed to a number of strong candidates that we are very excited about. We are in the process of setting up interviews over video with these candidates that will happen over the next month.


Please stop by the Youth Group table during coffee hour any time starting May 8 to jot down your best wishes and your favorite verses in our graduates’ Bibles. Your words will encourage them on the adventures to come, and will remind them of the love and community in which they’ve grown, and where they will always find a home.

WHO’S GRADUATING HIGH SCHOOL THIS YEAR? It’s time to celebrate our seniors graduating High School this year! Please let us know now if you (or a High School senior you know) wants to participate in Graduation Sunday, June 5 at 10 a.m., and the celebration Potluck BBQ from noon-2 p.m. Participation in Trinity Youth Group is not required! For more information, please contact Emily ( or Libby (

CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER - Wednesday, May 11, 7:00-8:00 p.m.For 1500 years, Celtic spirituality has remained particularly close to the earth, joining indigenous traditions with the Christian faith of Patrick, Columba, and Cuthbert. Join us May 11, in the Fireside Room, 7-8 p.m. as we practice contemplative prayer in the Celtic style as rendered by John Patrick Newell, former warden of Iona Abbey. All are welcome! Judy Stevens will facilitate the group.

SCHOOL OF THE HEART PRESENTS: Living from our Fullness, Sunday, May 29Join Br. John Martin Sahajananda for his teaching during the 10:00 a.m. service and then his talk following the service from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. In 1984, Br. Martin joined the Benedictine/Hindu Camalodolese monastery in India where Fr. Bede Griffith was the abbot.A free will offering will be taken. Please sign up at the Welcome Table for the talk or call the office at 965-7419.

EDUCATION FOR MINISTRY NEWSThe local EfM group will have two graduates this year, Vern Bengtson and Yvonne Emerson, Trinity parishioners. Every year the Diocese of Los Angeles holds an EfM Graduation Liturgy at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul. This year the liturgy will be on Saturday, June 11, 2016.Vern and Yvonne have volunteered to write and deliver the sermon at this service.Everyone at Trinity, as well as the entire diocese, is invited to attend!

Be Part of the Growing Faith Movement to Stop Global Warming and Protect CreationPlease stop by the Welcome Table today and get information and pick up materials from our friends at Interfaith Power & Light regarding climate and our Earth. Send a postcard (provided) to your senators, sign a petition to pledge to be a climate voter, learn facts about global warming, and more.The theme of 2016 Faith Climate Action Week is “Paris and Beyond”. Achieving the climate protection goals in the Paris Agreement requires the action of all of us, and Trinity is being asked to join other faith communities across the nation in cutting our carbon footprint in half by 2030, with the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050.


take note

PFLAG MEETING Monday, May 9, 7:00 p.m. Special Panel: The Transgender Experience Understood Meeting Location: First United Methodist ChurchContact: Georgia Noble, (805) 560-8621 Email: Website:

COALITION AGAINST GUN VIOLENCE ANNUAL CELEBRATION - SUNDAY, MAY 15This event from 2:30-5:00 p.m at the Santa Barbara Club features keynote speaker Billie Weiss, Association Director UCLA School of Public Health. For more information: 564-6803 or


Please remember these prayer requests during the Prayers of the

People and the week ahead.*Please Remember In Your Prayers: Jessie Breytspraak, Frank Sanitate, Nadine Wilcox, Daniel Gamas, Lee VanHam, Terry Walker, Stacie & David Patrick & family, Scott & Claire Whitney & family, Brian & Courtney Whitney & Family, Ignacio Duran, Joan Nolan & Jerry Nolan, Bruce Kellog, James, Uncle Tony, Dorcas Turner, Carrie Terzian, Dennis Wylie, Susan Decker, Grace, Jarrell Jackman,David Baxter, Carl Terzian, Hannie Lanclos, Douglas Mitten, Mary Pat Franco, Tom & Casey Franco and daughters, Michael Bayouth, Tom Carriero, Dolly Pikero, Laura Squires, Dr. Feraz al-Judi, MD, Dotty L, Joe Wear, Mid Squier, Hans, Christine M, Danielle S., Lois Merlo, John Williams, Jim Jeffries, Bernice, Jerry Thorn, Joseph Salmey, Debbie Solmon, Denise Lentie, Gary Wigle, Josh Walker, Julio Juan Veyna, Bob Basila.Those With Long Term Illness: Margaret Marvin, Kathryn Dean, Rachel, Lucretia, Dorito, Betty H, Roger Turner, Jill Harper, Quinn Sellars, Joy Andrews, Jane Arnold, Marcos G., Terry Roof, Beverly King Dors-ey, Bob Frierson, Elena Decker, Rosemary Jennings, John Carpenter, Christine Langen-feld, Miguel Mendez, Dorothy P, Christoper Dawson, Russell Cunningham, Marjory Smith, Shirley Burris, Roger West, Lisa Wong-Price, Alex Cruz, Eden, Art Stevens, Mark Frodesen, Andre.For the departed: Marjorie Carey, Lloyd Albright, Bernadine “Bernie” Genis, Jeannette Shackell, Jerry Whitney, Placido Duran, Betty Cross, Nancy Hoegh-Guldberg, Leslie Wilson, Howard (Jay) Harris, Cynthia Barnes, Dorothy Bergman (Anna Kokotovic’s mother), Doris Achterkirchen, Carl Terzian, Dr. Henry Han and family, Frieda Martilla. Serving our country in the armed forces: Craig & Catherine Christ, Grant Fish, Michael C. Fish, Lisa Skioldhanlin, Alec Menoni, David Dees, Theresa Berry, Thomas Richert, Frederick Johnston, Nicole A. Dennis, Kyle Ray, John Whitney, Sean Dunbar, James Badgett.Postulants and Candidates for Holy Orders: Sarah Thomas.*Note: Names will be removed after 60 days. If you wish to have someone added, call the office at 965–7419 or email Please indicate which list: short-term, long-term or departed.

MATTHEW FOX AT LA CASA DE MARIA, JUNE 10-12For more information or to register for this retreat:, 969-5031.

CAN YOU IDENTIFY THIS STEALTH MINISTRY?Within Trinity Episcopal Church there is a ministry dedicated to educating the Parish in good stewardship of the Earth and implementing good stewardship. Due to their careful planning and activities, 90% of the Parish’s waste is diverted from the landfill and instead is recycled or composted. They help plan the church service on Earth Day, promoted drought reduction measures at the church and held educational forums on this timely topic. You guessed it! Sustainable Trinity is the ministry devoted to stewardship of God’s creation. To learn more or get involved, contact Jean Davis 805-705-0103

JUSTICE FUND UPDATEYour Justice and Outreach Council Steering Committee (JOCSC) is pleased to bring you the 2016 Justice and Outreach update. Trinity is in the second year of its 3 year focus on economic justice. Because of your generosity, and with the Vestry’s approval, Trinity made substantial Justice Fund contributions to chosen local organizations working toward economic justice as well as contributing Trinity volunteer time and talent. Copies of the report are available at the Welcome Table or in Trinity Notes online.

HELP STORYTELLER CHILDREN’S CENTERThe Trinity Justice and Outreach Council’s Early Care & Education ministry supports the Storyteller Children’s Center. You can help provide quality, tuition-free early education for homeless and at-risk children by donating things critical to the work at Storyteller. Please stop by the Welcome Table and pick up a Storyteller Children’s Center Wish List -- which includes everything from diapers to computer paper! A basket will be available every Sunday to collect your donated items. Thank you for making a difference in the life of a child! Contact Anna Kokotovic (805) 451-6663, or Jennifer Bergquist, (805) 687-6200,, for more information.

An Evening with Bill Moyers esteemed PBS commentator, at the Granada, May 18 at 8 p.m. hosted by the Capps Center for the Study of Ethics, Religion, and Public Life. Tickets are available at the Granada Box Office: $12 for adults, $6 for students.


FILM SHOWING: AN ACT OF LOVEFriday, May 20 at 6:30 p.m.St. Michael’s University Church6586 Picasso Road, Isla VistaSanta Barbara premiere presented by Spectrum Ministries and PFLAG Santa Barbara. A father. A church. A movement. And a post-film conversation with Rev. Frank Schaefer. Free admission.

Spectrum Ministries and PFLAG Santa Barbara present

the Santa Barbara premiere of

And a post-film conversation with Rev. Frank Schaefer

Friday, May 20 at 6:30 p.m.

St. Michael’s University Church 6586 Picasso Road, Isla Vista



mid week worship

Weekday Morning Prayer: 8:30 a.m. in the chapel. Enter through the Micheltorena Gate.Tuesday Evening Eucharist: 5:30 p.m. Holy Communion and 20 minutes of silent meditation bring us together for rest and renewal in the company of others who also feel called to “watch and wait” in the presence of the Holy Spirit.Two Contemplative Prayer Times: A Trinity group practices various forms of Christian contemplative prayer monthly on the second Wednesday evening, 7-8 p.m., in the Fireside Room. For more information, talk with Art (883-8105) or Judy Stevens (698-9309). A second opportunity is every Thursday, 12:15-12:45 p.m. in the chancel. Base Community Bible Study and Eucharist: Wednesdays, noon, in the library. This group meets each week for Bible Study and reflects on the upcoming Sunday’s gospel lesson. It closes with an informal Eucharist.

about pledging

Our vision of Stewardship recognizes that God is the giver and has blessed each one of us with many gifts. Common to us all is the privilege and blessing of how we use the precious gifts of our time, talent and treasure. Stewardship is the spiritual practice of discerning the use of these gifts in building God’s dream of love and justice in our hearts, relationships and world. At Trinity we call your gift of time and talent Shared Ministry and we call your gift of treasure a pledge. Pledge forms are available at the Welcome Table.

trinity contact list

staff The Rev. Mark E. Asman, Rector masman@trinitysb.orgThe Rev. Carren Sheldon, Associate Rectorcsheldon@trinitysb.orgKatrina Perez, Administrative Assistantoffice@trinitysb.orgHannah Ruth Brothers, Administrative Assistantoffice@trinitysb.orgJudith Torres, Coordinator of Shared Ministriesjtorres@trinitysb.orgCami Segna, Business Elizabeth Hess, Coordinator of Children's Ministriesehess@trinitysb.orgLibby Yardi, Coordinator of Youth Ministrieslyardi@trinitysb.orgGrey Brothers, Minister of Choral & Congregational Music brothers@westmont.eduThomas Joyce, Minister of Keyboard Musictjoyce@trinitysb.orgMiguel Toscano, Jan Fadden, Parish Nurse, 636-2559 parish councilAdministration & Inclusion: Anne Shaw, 448-4606, anne.shaw09@gmail.comChildren & Youth Council: Vanessa Woods, 637-0201, and Susan Krutzsch 569-5012, krutzsch.s@gmail.comAdult Formation: Dennis Wylie, 967-9515, dwylie@cox.netHospitality: Julia Laraway, 682-6926, and Jamie Sprague, 276-2485, jamielynnsprague@gmail.comJustice & Outreach: Craig Moore, 680-1228, and Laurinda Marshall, 685-5586, laurindax@yahoo.comWorship: Lynn Carlisle, and Dodie Little, 963-8656,

vestryAnne Porter, Senior Warden,anneporter@cox.netMichael Neal Arnold, Junior Warden, mnarnold@hascosb.comClaude Garciacelay, Clerk, garciacel@aol.comJean Davis, jeanlangedavis@gmail.comMichael Dean, mxdean47@yahoo.comAnn Jaqua, annjaqua@cox.netGeorgia Noble, gnoble@cox.netAaron Panchal, apanchal@westmont.eduPatsy Price, Stephen Singleton, teaslton@cox.netTerry Walker, terrywal805@gmail.comKristi Wallace,

trinity contact listmarch financials

Mar 2016 Actual BudgetIncome $46,408 $56,763Expense $60,506 $62,626Year-to-DateIncome $210,009 $233,478Expense $189,012 $194,385Trinity is grateful for each financial pledge and gift supporting our programs and ministries. Because our expenses are largely predictable and our income varies from month-to-month, staying as current as possible is a great help to us. If at any time your circumstances change, please notify Cami Segna, our parish Business Manager.For a full statement of our income and expense, and vestry notes, see the bulletin board in the Parish Hall building for monthly update.

capital campaign updateAs of March 2016Pledge goal: $2,300,000 Actual pledges: $2,160,523 Income to date: $2,162,178 Expenses to date: $2,111,068Balance of current funds: $51,110

pastoral care

Hospital Visitation: If you, or a member of the parish that you know, is going into the hospital please notify Mark and Carren so they can arrange to visit.Homebound Visitation: If you, or a member of the parish that you know, are homebound (long-term or short-term) and would like a visit or the Eucharist brought to them, please contact the Pastoral Care Committee: Fawzia Talbert 684–8536 or or Don Zimmerman 964-5753.

Healing Touch Prayer Ministry: If you, or someone you know, would like to receive a time of Healing Touch Prayer, please contact Nina Zimmer at 968-4084. Helping Hands: The purpose of Helping Hands is to provide short-term care and support for parishioners who need a little extra help due to illness or life circumstances. These volunteers do things like cook a meal, run an errand, or provide transportation. Helpers are put into a resource pool and called upon on an “as need” basis. Mac McNeel, 280-2504Prayer Shawl Ministry: Shawls are handmade by parishioners and blessed each month. If you or someone you know is in need of this prayer-filled comfort, please contact: Norma Stuck, 964-5807, Emergency Contact Number: In case of a pastoral or medical EMERGENCY outside of regular office hours please call 726–1255. Clergy will respond to your page as soon as possible.


School of the Heart: Exploring Interfaith Contemplative Practices

Sunday, May 29

Teaching during the 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist

Talk 11:30-12:30 p.m.

A free-will offering will be received.Trinity Church, 1500 State St., Santa Barbara, CA 965-7419

Location: Trinity Church 1500 State Street Santa Barbara, CA 805-965-7419

In 1984, Br. John Martin Sahajananda joined the Benedictine/Hindu Camaldolese monastery in India where Fr. Bede Griffith was the Abbot. This experience and further theological studies transformed his vision of Christ and Christianity. Br. Martin is now the spiritual director and Abbot of this spiritual community.

Reg i s t ra t ion : Please sign up at the Welcome Table or call the Trinity Church office at 965-7419 or email


School of the Heart YOGASaturday, May 14, 9:30-10:30 a.m.Guild Hall. All levels welcome.Please bring a mat and a blanket or towel and blocks and/or a strap if you have them.This Hatha Yoga class will focus on the connection of the mind to the breath, the breath to the Spirit, and the Spirit to the body. No matter where you are on the yogic path, you are welcome here! A $3 free will donation to Trinity will be taken. Questions? Mac McNeel,

episcopal campus ministry at st. michaels in IV

SURFING AND SPIRITUALITY? Love surfing? Curious about the spiritual aspects and implications of surfing? Join us on Wednesday mornings at 7:00 a.m. at the corner of Del Playa and Camino Majorca. All levels of experience are welcome! RSVP to at least one day prior to the event. Need gear? Let us know.

NEW SPRING YOGA SCHEDULE: Tues. 7-8:00 p.m. and Thurs. 7-8:00 p.m. Candlelight Yoga. Sat. 10-11:00 a.m. Morning Yin &Yang, Sun. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Vinyasa Flow.Contact Randy and Frances Hahn (; for more information.