Parish Office adjacent to Church, Sunnybank) Monday to ...

Post on 09-Jan-2022

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Transcript of Parish Office adjacent to Church, Sunnybank) Monday to ...

Dear Parishioners, We all want favours from God but the question “What do you want God to do for you?” put our desire in perspective. Sometimes, our wants and our needs conflict and we need discernment. As Christians, we need the light of the Gospel and the spirit of Christian discipleship to help us sift through our conflicting desires. In the Gospel of Mark, 10:40-45, Jesus admonished the two sons of Zebedee to desire more of the authority to serve others than to rule because “The Son of Man himself did not come to be served but to serve”. Let us pray that the Church and us may find and use our authority to the service of one another in the world. October being the World Mission Month and the Catholic Mission inviting us to a missionary service to some of our least brothers and sisters, we have the opportunity to serve and not to be served. This year Catholic Mission in Australia will be taking up collections/donations to support the work of the Good Shepherd Sisters in Thailand. The Good Shepherd Sisters have a mission to build Partnerships that promote the dignity and human rights of all, especially women and children. We will be putting out Catholic Mission envelopes this weekend and some Catholic Mission Ambassadors will be campaigning in our Parish next weekend. Next weekend some children in our Parish preparing for their First Holy Communion will be enrolled into our Sacramental program for the Eucharist. We welcome these children and their families and hope they will experience Jesus in a personal life changing way. We thank Luke Thomsen and John Thomas for their commitment to this program and pray for all those supporting the sacramental journey of our Parish. We appreciate our Care and Concern, and our Hospitality and Welcoming Committee for organising our Parish Annual Wedding Anniversary Celebrations. Our wedding anniversary celebrants felt honoured to be part of this gracious celebration and we pray that their mutual love may be ever new. Congratulations to all of us who honour and respect the beauty of the Marriage vocation. A thank you event will be organised to affirm the contribution of all our volunteers in the Care and Concern Ministry. In our bid to extend pastoral care to everyone, especially those in our Nursing Homes, we have arranged with the Management of the Carramar Aged Care facility for Mass to be celebrated every second month at the Facility. As November, the month of Remembrance draws near, please pick up a November Mass envelope from the foyer and write the names of your departed loved ones and make a donation for a Memorial Mass. Fr Raju is back from his well-deserved annual holidays and would be a great support to our new Pastoral Associate. Mr Sahr Thomas will connect with all our generous volunteers who will help him settle well into his new role. I trust our collective understanding of the critical time we are in as a Parish and I am hopeful that it shall all be well after all. Let us take another step together and in faith. God bless you all,

Fr Enoch Chinedu Iheme

Parish Office (adjacent to Church, Sunnybank) Ph: 3345 3766 Office Hours Monday to Thursday, 8.30 am - 4.00 pm; Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm

Post: PO Box 32, Sunnybank, QLD 4109 Web: Email:

Priests: Fr Enoch Iheme (Parish Priest) Fr Raju Joseph (Associate Pastor)

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 17th October 2021

Calamvale, Kuraby, Macgregor, Parkinson, Robertson, Runcorn, Stretton, Sunnybank, Sunnybank Hills

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 121 Mains Road, Sunnybank

Monday 18th October St Luke

8.15am Morning Prayer 8.30am Mass 9.00am Adult Literacy

(Media) Tuesday 19th October

8.15am Morning Prayer 8.30am Mass 9.30am Bible Study (Media) 7.00pm Adoration Wednesday 20th October

8.15am Morning Prayer 8.30am Mass 9.00am Rosary Thursday 21st October

7.50am Christian Meditation

8.45am Morning Prayer 9.00am Mass 6.30pm Bible Study (Media) Friday 22nd October

8.15am Morning Prayer 8.30am Mass 9.00am Adoration 10.00am Legion of Mary

(Media) Saturday 23rd October

10.00am Rosary 11.00am Reconciliation 3.00pm Charismatic

Prayer Group 5.00pm Reconciliation 6.00pm Mass Sunday 24th October

6.30am Mass 8.00am Mass 9.15am Mass 10.30am Mass 6.00pm Mass (Youth)

Next Sunday: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Jeremiah 31: 7-9; Hebrews 5: 1-6; Mark 10: 46-52

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Year B

First Reading: Isaiah 53: 10-11 Today’s reading comes from the end of the fourth of the Songs of the Suffering Servant. Despite being crushed, the servant can see the light for his suffering will justify many.

Second Reading: Hebrews 4: 14-16 Today’s Second Reading is a reassurance that Jesus is truly our compassionate high priest. Having shared our human weakness, we may share in his divinity. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace.

Gospel: Mark 10: 35-45 Today’s Gospel contains the request of James and John for places of honour in the Kingdom. All Jesus promises the sons of Zebedee is that they will drink the same cup which he himself will drink. The Gospel finishes with Jesus’ call to serve and not to be served.






88. The bishops of Brazil have pointed out that nature as a whole not only manifests God but is also a locus of his presence. The Spirit of life dwells in every living creature and calls us to enter into relationship with him. Discovering this presence leads us to cultivate the “ecological virtues”. This is not to forget that there is an infinite distance between God and the things of this world, which do not possess his fullness. Otherwise, we would not be doing the creatures themselves any good either, for we would be failing to acknowledge their right and proper place. We would end up unduly demanding of them something which they, in their smallness, cannot give us.

Archdiocese of Brisbane Safeguarding Commitment

The Archdiocese has zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and is committed to safeguarding everyone involved in its activities, ministries and services.

The safety and wellbeing of children and adults-at-risk is paramount.

Women for Women Afternoon Tea

Please join us for a wonderful afternoon of raffles, connection, and laughter.

We have a truly inspirational speaker, Sr Margaret Endicott, who will be sharing her story with us.

Sr Margaret is a Sister of Mercy who has had roles as a primary school teacher and principal as an adult faith educator, and as a facilitator and trainer. She has a strong commitment and passion

for Indigenous people and Care for our Common Home. Within our Parish she is involved with the Social Justice Committee.

Our next event is: Sunday 24th October 2021 at 2.00pm,

Our Lady of Lourdes, Sunnybank, Avocado Room, Paloma Centre, 121 Mains Road, Sunnybank $5.00 per person

To book, please RSVP via email to:

Your Prayers Are Asked For:

recently deceased: Noel Smith, Mary Hughes, Julio Conrado, Mary Keane, Ambel Flores, Estria Dabela, Frank Mills, Amalia Viana, Gabriela Sanchez.

those with anniversaries & others who have died: Donald Benton, Roseta Lucero, Keith Elford, Ruben Salonga.

for those resting in our Columbarium: Fredrick Aisthorpe, Harold Aisthorpe, Minnie Aisthorpe, Dawn Angus, Helen Bailey, Francesco Bonasia, Edward Allen Briggs, Patricia Briggs, Brian Burgess, Avelino Calilung, Geoffrey Chapman, Patricia Edwards, Pedro Gallibu, Fay Garner, Eric Glennon, Iris Glennon, Brian Hammerton, Antonio Henriquez, Stephen King, Lucia Yeen Lim, Dino Lorenson, Noemi Lorenson, Maureen McDonald, Peter McSweeney, Harry Mohr, Eusebia Moraw, Gerard Murphy, Cuong Nguyen, Dr Roberto Rabuya Jr, Graham Shipstone, Iris Small, Walter Small, Claribel Tungol, Anthony Van der Togt, Lily Rose Villas, Romeo Villas, Ron Vine, Elizabeth Wilson, Monica Wong, Nola Wright.

those who are unwell: Rita Pobar, Helen Murray, Domingo Dimatulac, Fr Ray Sanchez, Ana Silvia Araujo, Francisca Alfaro, Wilma Bowman, Chris, Frances McKenzie, Iona Flynn, Irene Smith, Martin Ristic, Miguel Rodriguez, Alex Henriquez. the continuing sick: Giuseppe Abbate, Denise Burgess, Lyn Catchlove, Lawrence Chua, Hilary Collins, Elizabeth Cho, Alan Cooke, Alice Cooke, Margo Couldrey, Mary Dixon, Jamie Edwards, Jan Fooks, Carol Ann Grace, Mary Goode, Jean Hamilton, Elaine Hanley, Marie Harrison, Cynthia Hayden, John Hickey, Mary Hughes, Norma Ives, Gloria Ives, Stephen Ives, Geoff Ives, Mel Jones, Rochelle Keen, Graham Kelly, Betty Kennedy, Istvan Kovacs, Bahia Lazarus, Malcolm Lilley, Denise Mann, Laurence Marshall, Rod McDonald, Traves McKenzie, Carolyn Miller, Sr Stella Noskoff, Mark O’Brien, Tadhg O’Kane, Jean Perram, Josephine Russo, Katie Ryan, Madonna Ryan, Julio Santana, Jim Scriha, Brian Strangman, Maria Turner, Istvan Vadasi, David Whaley, Margaret Yap, Carole Young.

Sunnybank Charismatic Prayer Group

Saturdays from 3.00pm to 5.00pm in the Media Room at Sunnybank Parish

October dates — 16th (English), 23rd (Spanish), 30th (English).

Praise and worship, bible study and personal prayer

Please contact Marta Rodriguez 0433 526 703


Saturday 6th November at 11.00am

The Memorial Mass to remember those who have passed away over the last twelve months will be held in Our Lady of Lourdes Church on Saturday, 6th November 2021 at 11.00am. If you have lost a family member or a friend and would like to attend this Mass, please contact the Parish Office by 28th October 2019 for a personal invitation to be sent to you. A rose in memory of your loved one will be provided for those who confirm their attendance. A family member will have the opportunity to present the rose in front of the altar at Mass. Light refreshments will be served following the Mass for fellowship. Car parking is available at the Church parking grounds next to Altandi Train Station. Please inform your friends and relatives of the Mass and invite them to contact the Parish Office (3345 3766) if they wish to attend. Due to Covid we will require the names, addresses and contact details of all attending.

May our faithful departed rest in peace. Amen

Papua New Guinea Annual Appeal

The PNG APPEAL collection will occur at each Mass on the weekend of 6th and 7th November. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity.


It's the perfect time of the year to enjoy one of Brisbane's hidden treasures in moderate weather. Join the OLOL bushwalking men on their morning stroll through Toohey Forest and enjoy brotherly fellowship in God's presence!

Date: Saturday, 23 October 2021 Time: 7.00am - 9.00am Meeting Place: Toohey Picnic Area, Nathan QLD 4111

Text Adrian for details: 0491 128 093


Hello members. Please remember to book for the meeting on Wednesday 27th October. Ring Teresa Skubis on – 0419 286 470 or email: to book. This is our AGM meeting. It would be great if you would consider nominating for the committee. Without the Friendship Group’s committee you would not have a Friendship Group. Bookings will be taken at this meeting for the Christmas lunch at the Sunnybank Community & Sports Club on Wednesday 8th December. A cost of $25.00 for members or $35.00 for non-members. Keep well, Frances

Friday - Sep 4

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Friday - Sep 11

Friday - Sep 4

Friday - Sep 11

Friday - Sep 4

Friday - Sep 11

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Pastoral Associate Sahr Thomas

Local Safeguarding Representative Pam Nair

Secretary Michelle Morley

Accounts Tam Nguyen

Caring Coordinator Christine Smith

Unite Youth/Young Adults Coordinator Natalie Gibbs 0493 100 177

Housekeeper: Louise Weston

Paloma Reception Centre 3345 3766

OLOL School, Sunnybank Acting Principal - Sally Smith

3345 0700

OLOL OSHC Co-ordinator - Sheleen Lata 3344 3064

St Thomas More College, Sunnybank Acting Principal - Karen Mulcahy

3323 4600

St Vincent de Paul 1800 Vinnies 1800 846 643

Soubirous Place Sr Bridgid

Centacare Service Delivery Manager - Emma Rohde

3323 2100

Youth and Young Adult Ministry

Dear Parishioners, UNITE TEENS & YA Last Friday, we kicked off Term 4 with a trip to SKY ZONE!! I haven’t been to Sky Zone since I was in grade 12… and boy, did I have a lot more cardio in me back then! By the end of the night we were all sweaty, exhausted messes in need of 40 million hours of straight sleep (well, I was anyway…). Needless to say, the over-sized slushies that we all had afterwards helped to pick us up (I am a sucker for a good ol’ frozen drink). It was definitely a winner!!! Let’s do it again!!!

This coming Friday (22/10) we are hav-ing our second teens night!!! This will be a self-care night that will focus on keeping things calm and chill as we help our teens prepare mentally and spiritually for upcoming assessment, etc.

We would love to see you there! Last Sunday, we said goodbye to Fr Dom. It has been such a privilege to have someone so influential and filled with life be a part of this community. We wish you all the best Fr Dom. May the grace of God guide your spirit!

Thank you to our young adults AND teens who have helped me out with BBQ’s in the past. Special shout out to Marie, Adam and Maddie! You guys are legends. Thank you for helping me run last week’s BBQ so smoothly!

Our BBQ’s help raise money for the youth here at OLOL. So if you are interested in supporting us financially, please feel free to come on down for a sausage sizzle, cooked to perfection by one of the lads. Keep an eye out for our future legendary BBQ’s!!!!


A reminder for musicians to please arrive at 4:15pm for rehearsal, and minis-ters/ readers to arrive by 5:30pm

May God bless and keep you safe

Nat Gibbs

Evidence of the fro-zen drinks