PARISH MAGAZINE · Trees are small 18” trees inside the Church or larger 4ft trees outside. The...

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Transcript of PARISH MAGAZINE · Trees are small 18” trees inside the Church or larger 4ft trees outside. The...


Contacts (01380 unless stated)

Rector The Revd Canon Paul Richardson 07801 365280 or 829616

Associate Priest (part-time) The Revd Jacqui Clark 01225 769940

Assistant Curate The Revd Ben Rundell-Evans 730384

Parish Administrator Catherine Brown 724389

Licensed Lay Minister John Stott 739011

Churchwardens Peter Crofts 725740 Mike McClelland 730974 Jane Scorer 720168 Bob Simpson 725728

Hon. Treasurer lan Brown 739253

PCC Secretary Liz Overthrow 722404

Electoral Roll Officer The Revd Roy Overthrow 722404

Organist Chris Totney 01672 562886

Bell Ringers St John's: Liz Merritt 726767 St Mary's: Barry Osborn 725389

Flower Guild Heather Blyth 724347

Parish Magazine Distribution Peter Crofts 725740

Parish Magazine Editor The Revd Roy Overthrow 722404

Mothers' Union Juliet Bazeley 829610

Children’s Church Catherine Brown 739253

Parish Safeguarding Officer Jerry King 723830

Representatives on Churches Together in Devizes Juliet Bazeley 829610 Mary Edward-Jones 739103 David Evans 721527 Liz Overthrow 722404

Parish Rooms: hire and information 724389





If you would like to read this magazine electronically, please go to this page on our website: and follow the link.


3 A letter from our assistant curate

5 Opportunities for Prayer

6 Stephen Brazier RIP

8 Sue Long

9 PCC report

10 Services in November

11 Caring for our church and our world

12 From the Registers

13 Mothers’ Union

14 Deanery Day of Prayer

15 Carer Support Wiltshire

16 Omnes and Christmas

18 The Lighthouse NetCast

19 Bible readings for November

20 Parish Contacts


Bible Readings for November

2nd: All Souls’ Day 30th: Andrew the Apostle




1 Wed Luke 13. 22-30

2 Thu John 5. 19-25

3 Fri Luke 14. 1-6

4 Sat Luke 14. 7-11

5 Sun Matt 5. 1-12

6 Mon Luke 14. 12-14

7 Tue Luke 14. 15-24

8 Wed Luke 14. 25-33

9 Thu Luke 15. 1-10

10 Fri Luke 16. 1-8

11 Sat Luke 16. 9-15

12 Sun Matt 25. 1-13

13 Mon Luke 17. 1-6

14 Tue Luke 17. 7-10

15 Wed Luke 17. 11-19

16 Thu Luke 17. 20-25

17 Fri Luke 17. 26-end

18 Sat Luke 18. 1-8

19 Sun Matt 25. 14-30

20 Mon Luke 18. 35-end

21 Tue Luke 19. 1-10

22 Wed Luke 19. 11-28

23 Thu Luke 19. 41-44

24 Fri Luke 19. 45-48

25 Sat Luke 20. 27-40

26 Sun Matt 25. 31-end

27 Mon Luke 21. 1-4

28 Tue Luke 21. 5-11

29 Wed Luke 21. 12-19

30 Thu Matt 4. 18-22


The Lighthouse NetCast Internet Christian Radio Station

Since 2014, Lighthouse NetCast has been running 24/7 from a small studio in Sheep Street Baptist Church. It is an internet radio station that aims to bridge the gap between Christian radio and more mainstream commercial radio. You’ll hear plenty of songs by Christian artists mixed with some of the more positive songs you might hear on Heart or Radio 2. The Lighthouse NetCast is Positively Christian Radio but not exclusive to Christians. Over the last three years, we’ve grown a global audience with listeners regularly logging on from over forty different countries. Our playlist is not only unique but very well received by Christians and non-Christians alike. It offers a positive Christian experience without scaring non-Christians away! While not as heavy as other Christian broadcasters, the songs chosen to be part of our playlist maintain a respectful integrity. Although we are blessed with an audience from around the world, we need more help right here in Devizes! Lighthouse NetCast is a platform for all of us to share our faith with a local, regional, national and international audience. We’re looking for people to help in a number of ways. Would you like to share your testimony? Could you regularly script and record a Thought of the Day? Could you help develop our Social Media presence? Could we interview you about your positive experiences relating to your work, studies or other activities and how your faith has impacted this? Would you like to promote something or advertise on the station? Or do you fancy presenting your own live show? (We’ll help with training.) Interested? We’re planning an Open Day at Sheep Street for anyone who wants to learn more about the station and perhaps how you could be involved. We’ll announce a date for this shortly but if you wold like more details, please email You can read more about us and listen to the station by visiting and please do look us up on Facebook (not forgetting to like the page!).



Letters that open parish magazines can often refer to the weather in order to mark the season. It is done so often, that it has become a bit of a cliché or even a parody. However… I feel compelled (rather apologetically), to bring forth images of autumn leaves and nights drawing near, as I introduce to you or remind you of this poem by

Frances Bellerby: All Souls’ Day.

All Souls' Day

Let's go our old way by the stream, and kick the leaves as we always did, to make the rhythm of breaking waves.

This day draws no breath – shows no colour anywhere except for the leaves - in their death brilliant as never before.

Yellow of Brimstone Butterfly, brown of Oak Eggar Moth – you'd say. And I'd be wondering why a summer never seems lost

if two have been together witnessing the variousness of light, and the same two in lustreless November enter the year's night…

The slow-worm stream - how still! Above that spider's unguarded door, look – dull pearls…Time's full, brimming, can hold no more.

Next moment (we well know, my darling, you and I) what the small day cannot hold must spill into eternity.

So perhaps we should move cat- soft meanwhile, and leave everything unsaid, until no shadow of risk can be left of disturbing the scatheless dead.

Ah, but you were always leaf- light. And you so seldom talk as we go. But there at my side through the bright leaves you walk.

And yet – touch my hand that I may be quite without fear, for it seems as if a mist descends, and the leaves where you walk do not stir.

Frances Bellerby 1899 – 1975


Personally, (remembering that poetry is always beholden to individual taste) I find this poem captivating, particularly at this time of year as the church strikes a balance between looking back and

looking forward. Bellerby encapsulates so much that I would fail to do on my own in this letter.

It is suggested that Bellerby is writing about her brother whom she

lost in in the First World War. Throughout the poem we can feel the presence of both the writer and the subject in what is a beautifully intimate and visual account of a simple, and what appears to be familiar, walk. However, what draws me to this poem is Bellerby’s use of rhymes. Bellerby crafts her use of rhymes to include a spread

of half rhymes and traditional rhyming couplets with the most intriguing deployment of rhyme being in the last verse. As you read through the penultimate verse and then the last verse, you feel quite short-changed at the end. Your eye almost goes back over the

verse to check; surely that can’t be the end. The last verse makes you keep reading and keep visualising something which isn’t narrated for you in the poem, it keeps you looking forward.

This November the church strikes a delicate balance between looking behind and looking ahead, as we look to All Souls, All Saints and Armistice Day, through the lens of the Christian hope.

…we look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.

2 Cor 18



Proceeds from these two events will go to St John’s Church and the following Children’s Charities:

Canon’s House Devizes and District Opportunity Centre Bradbury Manor Julia’s House Children’s Hospice Rowdeford Charitable Trust Caen Hill Countryside Centre Wiltshire Young Carers The Guiding Association 3rd Devizes Scouts Wiltshire Sight’s Zoom Club

All the beneficiaries will be decorating a Christmas Tree for the Festival along with schools and other organisations within Devizes and beyond. We have well over 50 trees and counting being decorated this year. Trees are sponsored by local people, businesses and organisations, as well as schools, many of whom are also decorating a tree. We are very grateful to everyone who helps to make this event such a success. Draw tickets are now on sale so please make sure you get your tickets. Once again we have some great prizes. The draw is the biggest money raiser so your support is appreciated. We do hope you will come and support this great event which draws in many people to the Church from Devizes and beyond. We hear wonderful comments about our beautiful church looking so pretty with the trees all lit. We also need some help, so if you feel you can give us some time, however small, it would be much appreciated. Please get in touch or let Catherine in the Parish Room know. We need help on the two bazaar days and selling draw tickets. We are also having a North Pole Post Box in the Church from 2-9 December, so if there are any children who would like a letter from Santa Claus, then please encourage them to post a letter in the box. All letters will receive a reply. Watch out for more information on your pew sheets as the date gets closer. Thank you for your support.



Omnes Ad Unum Devizes and St John’s Church present the 3rd Devizes Candlelit Christmas Bazaar and St John’s Tree Festival 2017

Dates: The Tree Festival runs from 2 December through to Twelfth Night. January 6 2018. The Church will be open during this time for viewing the trees. This year Memorial Trees can be sponsored in memory of a friend or relative. Trees are small 18” trees inside the Church or larger 4ft trees outside. The trees inside will be lit with white lights and the trees outside can either be white or coloured lights. All trees will be topped with a single star which are being made for us by Dauntseys School. Small trees are £15 and larger trees £30. They will have plaques with the name and a short dedication to the person they are in memory of. If you would like to have a Memorial Tree, please put your request to: or to the Parish Office. The Bazaar is on Friday 8 December 1.00pm-7.00pm, and Saturday 9 December 10.00am-3.00pm in Devizes Town Hall and St John’s Church. Entry is by programme costing £1. Carols follow the Friday event in St John’s Church at 7.00pm. We have over 60 artisan stalls featuring crafts of all descriptions as well as an assortment of delectable clothing, gifts to inspire, toys, and Christmas decorations to make your house beautiful. Also featured will be artists, books, writers, cakes, liqueurs, beautiful jewellery, home décor, toiletries….in fact enough to solve your Christmas presents all in one massive shop!! Stall holders have paid to be there so please support them. If you would like a stall we have space for Church related stalls such

as cakes, guessing name of doll/teddy, weight of Christmas cake, decorations etc. then please let us know



Advent Beads

Praying through the joyful mysteries of the Rosary

Thursdays, 7, 14 and 21 December, 10.45am in St John’s (Coffee from 10.30am)

Advance Notice


at Lox Lane Farm Centre near Shaftesbury

led by Bishop Karen Gorham

Bishop of Sherborne

15-17 April 2018

Book the date now – more details in the New Year

(Sadly, the Trustees at Abbey House, Glastonbury, have not been able to renew the lease and the Retreat Centre there will close at the end of December.)



Pat writes - Stephen was born in Kigeme, Rwanda, the son of missionaries and the second of five children. He was very fond of his four sisters and they of him. For the children it was an easy-going life, barefoot in the hills, lunch at home with family, then Stephen sneaking off down to the servants quarters to have a second lunch of matoke and beans sitting in a dark, smoky hut and listening to the conversation. In this way and from his ayah Paulina, he learnt to speak Kinyrwanda before he spoke English, and kept this ability all his life. Secondary school at Sherborne was much more difficult. Away from home for perhaps a year at a time - there were no subsidised flights in those days - he spent holidays with his grandparents in Bournemouth or with cousins. Being of a sunny temperament he made the most of it but missed his family, and Africa. Mission leave came every five years; then there were the marvellous five week trips home on the Union Castle line ships - sliding along the decks with deckchairs at night when the crew weren't around! From school, Stephen went on to Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge to read History. A whole new world opened up to him - lectures, tutorials, serious discussion, playing hockey, rowing in the hockey boat, evensong in chapel most days and cultivating a love of music ranging from jazz to Tavener to Rachmaninov; and meeting and making new friends, including my brother, who remained friends for the rest of his life. After Cambridge came a year in London on a course for teaching in tropical countries. One week end my brother had invited him to our family house which is where I first met him. I was teaching in Bushey at the time and we could meet up in London or spend weekends working with friends as volunteers on the Ffestiniog Railway or on the Stratford canal. However, time was short as he had secured a teaching post in Uganda on the ‘Teachers for East Africa’ scheme. After a year apart, I went out with a friend, and a friend of Stephen's joined us from Ethiopia and we spent a wonderful month driving right round Lake Victoria in a Volkswagen Beetle. Unspoilt game parks, pushing the car through dried up river beds and meeting his family on the shores of Lake Kivu gave me a whole new look at life. We got engaged before I returned home for another year. The only means of communication was by airmail letters and I still have those!



The day needs a lot of organising and we still need volunteers to help with the following on the day:

Teas/coffees morning and afternoon Laying up tables for Bring & Share lunch and/or clearing away tables after

Deacon/Chaplain for the Bishop People for distribution of the sacrament

1 Reader 1 or 2 Sacristans for communion

1 Assistant at the closing Benediction

If there is anyone willing to step forward to cover any of these tasks we would be most grateful for your help. If you can please can you contact those on the previous page.


Who are you today? Mother, husband, grandmother, brother? Teacher, office manager, student, electrician? If you are looking after someone who couldn’t always manage without your help: someone with a physical disability, long term health condition, mental health issue or a problem with substance misuse you may also be a carer. Juggling a caring role around work, studying, seeing friends or spending time with other family members can be challenging. And sometimes it can feel lonely. Carer Support Wiltshire are a local charity supporting unpaid carers in Wiltshire. Our Carer Cafes and Support Groups are held throughout the county and offer information, advice and the opportunity to make new friends over a cuppa. Visit our website to find one near you or call us on 0800 181 4118 or 01380 871690 from a mobile for a copy of our What’s On Guide.



with the Bishop of Sherborne The Rt Revd Karen Gorham

10 00am to 4 00pm

on Saturday 25 November 2017

St John’s Church, Devizes

Following on from the wonderful Day of Prayer we all enjoyed as a Diocese with Bishop Michael Perham and Brother Sam, our

Rural Dean, the Revd Canon Paul Richardson, would like to invite you all to join in

a Deanery Day of Prayer.

In the morning Bishop Karen will talk to us and answer questions.

There will then be a lunchtime Eucharist

followed by a BRING & SHARE lunch.

During the afternoon session there will be time set aside for discussions, prayer and meditation. The day will end with

prayer in the presence of the Reserved Sacrament and Benediction.

If you would like to join us, please contact any of the following

by email or phone:-

The Revd Jacqui Clark – 01225 769940 Email:

The Revd Ben Rundell-Evans – 01380 730384


Chris Cox Email:


After our wedding we returned to Uganda where he had moved on to Adult Education. Stephen always felt that he wanted people to achieve as much as they could and to find ways in which they could do this. Our eldest son was born in Kampala and after two tours we decided to return to England. We settled in Bolton where Stephen taught Liberal Studies with his usual enthusiasm. Now with three children, we moved to Wiltshire where Stephen became Head of Adult Education including evening classes; languages, hairdressing, drawing for the terrified, upholstery, women returners - doing what he did best, broadening peoples' lives and encouraging them to stretch their horizons. He always kept his office door open. Later on he became a magistrate, sat on the Board of Visitors (governors) at Erlestoke Prison, became a Blue Badge guide, a guide at Salisbury Cathedral, chairman of Devizes Festival and one of the group who started the Film Club. Even when diabetes and heart problems became difficult, he never lost his positive outlook, nor his interest in other people, the nurses, the plasterers, the podiatrists, the taxi drivers. There were new things to do in Bristol, new areas of church life to be explored. A committed Christian, erudite, witty, kind, interesting and interested in everything and everybody - he was special.

May he rest in peace and rise in glory.


PCC Report

The following items were discussed at the last two meetings of the Parochial Church Council: St Mary’s Future Use—Tony Scorer, Project Manager, has overseen the production of the Conservation Management Plan after liaising with all the necessary consultees. The PCC is grateful for his work on this major step forward. Members were asked to complete an evaluation form in order to produce a short list of possible future uses. Safeguarding courses - Our Safeguarding Officer, Jerry King, has updated the PCC on the current diocesan policy. Since last year diocesan safeguarding training has been presented in modules: currently two e-learning modules (ie on line) and three face-to-face modules (ie in person). PCC members were advised that they will all need to complete the basic on-line module and help would be available at a session in the Parish Rooms in October. Parish Giving Scheme – Following agreement this scheme was launched to the congregation on 24 September at Harvest Thanksgiving with sermons on the following two Sundays. Opportunities were provided for queries to be answered about the scheme. Communication – The Communications team had produced an Autumn leaflet for distribution to the parish and were planning an e-bulletin starting in Advent. A Christmas leaflet would again be produced this year. The website is regularly updated. Opendoors - This new charity is taking over the running of the drop-in and the Opendoor bank account has been transferred to the Opendoors Trustees. The PCC will therefore no longer have legal or financial responsibility in this matter. Churches Together in Devizes meets three times a year as a Forum and is supported by an Enabling Group which has one representative from each church. Our representatives keep the PCC informed about events and feedback comments and ideas. The parish magazine carries a special page with information from Churches Together. Review of Vision and Purpose for Mission and Ministry – PCC Structure and Membership - The Rector proposed a new committee structure for the PCC with four working groups based on the eight themes from the Corporate Rule of Life: 1. Being welcoming and hospitable and inclusive; 2. Showing care and respect for the natural world, being concerned about

social justice and focussing on the needs of the wider community; 3. Worshipping with reverence, joy and praise, being contemplative and rooted

in prayer; 4. Being informed by scripture, tradition and reason Buildings and Grounds – Following the resignation of Melanie Latham, our Inspecting Architect, the priority will be to appoint her successor so that a start can be made on work identified in St John’s Quinquennial Inspection. A report on the suitability for solar panels has been undertaken and the results should be available for the next PCC meeting. (PCC Secretary, Liz Overthrow)


Mothers’ Union Wednesday 1 November at 2.30pm Devizes and District Branch Annual General Meeting


Regular Events

First Sunday of each month: Fairtrade stall in church after the 10.30am service

Third Sunday of each month Ministry of Healing during Parish Communion

Tuesdays 9.30am to 11.30am Mums and Toddlers meet in the parish rooms

7.30pm for 7.45pm (third Tuesday in every month) Reflection in St John’s Details from Judy Bridger (724625)

Wednesdays 2.30pm (first Wednesday of the month) Mothers’ Union meets in the Parish Rooms Details from Juliet Bazeley (829610)


7.30pm Bell Ringing Practice Details from Liz Merritt (726767)

Fridays Choir Practice 7.00pm Junior Choir 7.45pm Full Practice (ends 8.30pm) Details from Chris Totney (01672 562886)


From the registers


Matilda North


Victoria Amor and Marc Borthwick


Sara Richards Stephen Brazier


Parish Office Opening

Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri, 10.00am-12noon CLOSED: Tues,Thurs, Sat, Sun

724389 or email admin@stjohnwithstmary with enquiries

Parish Magazine

Copy deadline for the December 2017 issue of the parish magazine to Roy Overthrow by 17 November on

or on 722404


The views expressed in this magazine are those of individual contributors. They do not necessarily represent the official views of the staff and PCC of the parish or of the diocese of Salisbury. The editor reserves the right to select or edit material submitted for publication.

Parish Pastoral Hour

St John’s is open from 2.00pm to 3.00pm every Thursday when a member of the pastoral team is available to speak with about anything you might wish.


Parish profile—Sue Long

Singing in St John’s has been a childhood dream come true! I grew up in Salisbury and was very fortunate to live in The Close as my father was a lay clerk in the cathedral choir. I attended services regularly and loved singing but, as a girl, was unable to become a chorister as this was before the girls’ choir was formed. So I grew up with a love of church music but was unable to join a church choir until I moved to Devizes.

I was born in London but after a brief time in Scotland my family moved to Salisbury when I was five and I later went to the grammar school. I joined Dauntsey’s School for the Sixth Form where I met my husband, Chris. At school I sang and played the flute and piano. After school I went to secretarial college in London and worked for the Conservative Research Department and a Member of Parliament. Chris did a mechanical engineering degree and joined the Royal Air Force. Once we were married we moved to Anglesey on our first posting. All of our postings have been in the UK but we were fortunate to spend three years in Gibraltar. I continued to sing in choirs as we moved around, including the Brighton Festival Chorus and The Burford Singers.

We have 3 children – Emma and James have now left home and are both working in the Midlands and our youngest, Edward, is in his final year at Dauntsey’s and hopes to go to university next year.

I have worked in admin and as a teaching assistant, but in 2012 completed an Open University science degree and then a PGCE and am currently working as a supply teacher in secondary schools in Wiltshire. When I’m not working or singing I enjoy baking and gardening. Chris loves sailing and we go down to the coast as often as we can.

When we moved to Devizes nine years ago I started attending St John’s occasionally. Just before Easter, about 4 years ago, there was a notice in church that the choir was looking for new members and was going to sing evensong in Salisbury Cathedral. That was the start of my time in the choir and it has been wonderful both spiritually and musically. Chris Totney is a super choir master and I enjoy singing both old and new works.

Sadly, I will be leaving St John’s after Christmas as we have a posting to the United States of America but we will be back in a couple of years and I hope Chris will have me back when we return!


Services in November Services are in St John’s church unless otherwise stated

1 Wednesday: All Saints Day (to be celebrated on Sunday 5 November) 8.00pm Compline (said) 2 Thursday: All Souls’ Day 10.00am Holy Communion

5 Sunday: All Saints Sunday 8.00am BCP Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion 6.30pm Service for All Souls’ 7 Tuesday: 7.00pm Holy Communion in St Mary's 9 Thursday: 10.00am Holy Communion 12 Sunday Third Sunday before Advent Remembrance Sunday 8.00am BCP Holy Communion 10.50am Service of Remembrance (Please be seated by 10.45am) 6.30pm Holy Communion 14 Tuesday: 7.00pm Holy Communion in St Mary’s 16 Thursday: 10.00am Holy Communion 19 Sunday: Second Sunday before Advent 8.00am BCP Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Communion with Ministry of Healing 6.30pm Evensong 21 Tuesday: 7.00pm Holy Communion in St Mary’s 23 Thursday: 10.00am Holy Communion


November services cont

26 Sunday: Christ the King (Sunday next before Advent) 8.00am BCP Holy Communion 10.30am Sunday Thanksgiving with Communion 6.30pm Evensong 28 Tuesday: 7.00pm Holy Communion in St Mary’s

30 Thursday: Andrew the Apostle 10.00am Holy Communion (nb: a Service of said Compline will now take place on the first Wednesday of each month.)



Having covered the five elements of the Eco Church Scheme in previous articles, this is a brief update on recent developments.

The Devizes Eco-Church Initiative is putting together a travel (to Church) survey which we are intending for use in all our places of worship – with a view to trying to co-operate more and reduce overall energy consumption on these journeys.

Last month somebody from DARE (Devon Association for Renewable Energy) came to St John’s to assess the viability of utilising solar panels on the church roof. DARE offers independent advice and information on all renewable energy technologies. It is a social enterprise and has done work for other churches in the region.

The Maurice Glanville Trust has agreed to cover the cost of the report, which we currently await.

We’re still looking for at least one volunteer to assist with the Eco-Church initiative. Please contact me by email ( or on my mobile – 0778 8974839 if you are interested.