Parents News Issue 8

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Parents news Issue 8

Transcript of Parents News Issue 8

14th November 2011 - Issue 08

Chiswick Community School, Burlington Lane, London W4 3UN. Telephone 0208 747 0031

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PARENTSYour Weekly Newsletter


Diar y Dates

Continued inside...

Sports SectionNOVEMBER

Tue 15thPTA non bids meeting

Wed 16thEnrichment day

Thu 17thYear 11 Parents' Evening 4.30 - 6.30pm

Mon 21stYear 11 mocks

Arts World

Mon 28th Year 10 GCSE Evening 18:30

Tue 29thYear 13 Parents Evening 16:30

Crowds Come to Sixth Form Open Evening

Netball Success

Friends of Chiswick“Be a Friend...”

By ABigAil le Fevre

Chiswick’s senior netball team have continued their successes with a triumphant victory of 15-3 in their latest match against Feltham. The team work and determination displayed on the court was one to be admired as well as commended.

The first half of the match started off with a bang, with both Natalie Pavey and Rhena Eames scoring numerous goals, backed up by a good line of defence and attack. The mixed team of year 11’s, 12’s and 13’s displayed very good tac-tics that helped improve their game as the match progressed.

Natalie Pavey, the star player, had this to say about the team’s victory, ‘It feels so good to have won our second game in a row, especially by such a large margin. I just hope that we con-tinue onwards and upwards and reach the all im-portant first place in the borough league!’

We continue to wish the seniors the best of luck, and we have no doubt that they will make it to the top if such successes continue.

On Wednesday last week, Chiswick Sixth Form opened its doors to an excited group of prospective students and parents, all em-barking on the next stage of their academic journey. The evening allowed visitors, both internal and external, to see what Chiswick Sixth Form has to offer by finding out about the various options available to them.

The packed library during the presentation was evidence of the intense interest in Chis-wick Sixth Form. Mr Sadler's humorous talk gave a detailed insight into life in the Sixth Form which was also backed up by current students studying at Chiswick. Mil-lie Simmons-Wright, who spoke at Open Evening, had this to say about the evening's events, ‘it was an interesting and produc-tive evening, and hopefully we all gave a detailed look into how good Chiswick Sixth Form really is.’

Such positive feedback had been echoed in the parents' response to the event; with one saying that ‘the evening was the best’ they had attended so far.

The hall was buzzing with students talking to subject teachers about the various A-lev-el courses that are offered at Chiswick. Not only were students able to get vital informa-tion about their desired course from subject teachers, but current Sixth Form students were also on hand to answer any questions.

Jack Hodges who was helping out with the wonderful History and Politics display said ‘all the students have shown a real keenness for the subject and have expressed a genu-ine interest in studying at Chiswick.’

It is worth thanking all the members of staff and Sixth Formers who made the event run smoothly and so successfully. We hope that

By ABigAil le Fevre

Thursday 3rd November saw the first ever whole school council meeting being hosted in the hall by Miss Izquierdo. The parlia-ment is made up of representatives from each year council but this event included all the members of each year council. It was a buzzing event, where over 80 pupils at-tended.

Every representative from year 7 to 11 found themselves grouped by forms, in or-der to undergo a series of activities regard-ing their importance, as a school council member. They were joined by Abby, Row-an, Sami and Wayne, the Sixth Form head boy and girl, who supported the students in their activities.

Miss Izquiero made it quite clear that the aim of the meeting was to make the students aware of just how important they are. They discussed many ideas on ways to improve our school. ‘It was a productive session,

New School Council Takes Off

Year 12 Build And Bond On PGL Trip

which everyone helped in inputting ideas together’- says Dylan Carty, 10Grove.

During the afternoon, interpersonal skills were developed and, as Grace Lee 10 Har-tington says, ‘It brought the year groups together and allowed us to share and listen to views we normally wouldn’t have the chance to’.

Miss Izquiero took all of what the students had said into account and made a report of the proceedings to Mr. Ryan. Two major projects emerged. One was a review of the school uniform and another was improve-ments to the canteen. There will also be a student voice notice board outside the can-teen updated weekly.

All in all, it was a fantastic hour, where both the teachers and students benefited and helped in making Chiswick better.


Every year, the new Year 12s pack up their bags and head off to Marchants Hill PGL for a fun and adventurous break and this year was no exception. On Friday morning, a large group of sleep-deprived students stumbled onto the coach, ready for a week-end of quad biking, climbing, team work and a whole lot of fresh air.

On arrival, we were greeted by a chirpy Matt, who became our ‘groupie’ and would

be responsible for us for the duration of our stay. We dumped our belongings in dormi-tories that slept six and prepared for the first event of the day: quad biking. Helmets, goggles and gloves on and we were ready and raring to go!

Not yet tired out, the group proceeded to their next activity, Powerfan. This consist-ed of climbing up a 13 metre high wooden pole to a platform at the very top and then mindlessly jumping off. An activity which we all enjoyed very much! Nathan Austin-Smith especially, who described it as “ex-hilarating and so much fun”.

After dinner, with full stomachs and en-ergy restored the team headed off into the dark forest equipped with only torches for a game of ‘Ambush’, a more sophisticated version of hide and seek. Once exhausted, the troop returned to their dormitories for a well deserved rest.

The next morning, Jacobs’s ladder was first on the agenda. All harnessed up, the team got ready to climb the oversized ladder which proved a struggle for some. Only a few groups reached the very top.

Last but not least, was the giant swing which involved being hauled up 10m by the rest of the group and then being sent hur-tling towards the ground at high speed. This was, without a doubt, the favourite amongst the year group!

And that was it, time had come for the group to say their good-byes and clamber aboard the coach for a catch up on some sleep! The year group would like to say a massive thank you to all the teachers who put up with them for the weekend, especial-ly the organiser Miss Shute, and the PTA for their financial support!

those who came to visit left knowing that Chiswick Sixth Form is the best place for them to take their education to the next level.

The universality of war was brought home to Chiswick Community School students when this year, names of ex-students who had died in the second world war were pro-jected onto screens across the school during the Remembrance day two minute silence at 11:00 last Friday.

A plaque, which lists 54 names of ex stu-dents who died in the 1939-45 conflicts, was rediscovered by Mr Parsons Moore in the library. He plans to list different names

next year.

In order to show appreciation and respect for all soldiers dying in conflict, poppies were sold around the school and worn to symbolise the poppies that grow on the Flanders Field. To commemorate these lives, students were left with a quote, “They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remem-ber them.”

By rAchAel SAnderS

Chiswick Community School Remembers Their Fallen