Parenting Via Law of Attraction Mentoring

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Parenting Via Law of Attraction Mentoring“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Law of Attraction Mentoring

Teach Your Children the Law of Attraction to Build Stronger Friendships

“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

From Life Coach & Parenting Coach Sharon Ballantine“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

The Law of Attraction is based on the concept that positive intentions and thoughts will attract positive results.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Young people can see this

most clearly in their own lives

when they apply it to their

friendships.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

As a parent, you can coach and mentor your children to help them

build stronger friendships by applying the Law of Attraction.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

By teaching your

children to be positive, they will naturally attract positive

people into their lives.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

No matter their age, children can be taught to be positive people.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Positivity in thought and intention is the most basic foundation of the

Law of Attraction.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

If you teach your children early, they will be able to use

this highly effective law

for the rest of their lives.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Healthy, positive friendships are an aspect of the Law of Attraction that children can relate to at any age.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Friendships that are built on a foundation of positivity have a

tendency to be stronger than other types of friendships.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Friendships made earlier in life can dictate how your child will approach making and

keeping friends later in life.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Your children have the opportunity to build strong and lasting friendships at this phase in their lives, and they can

continue to do so as they grow.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Your children can reap many benefits from developing

strong friendships early in life.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

They will gain greater confidence, they grow stronger in their sense

of personal identity and they learn the ins-and-outs of

interacting with others.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

With a strong and positive foundation,

children will find that they have an easier time with

socialization for the rest of their lives.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

They will learn how to navigate

disagreements and manage difficult

situations on their own, without coming

to you for assistance.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Children who learn the Law of Attraction early in life can become

more well-rounded individuals.“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Stronger, longer-lasting friendships

will contribute positively to their lives in numerous ways, it is crucial

that you take a roll in supporting them in this important

aspect of their lives.

“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”