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Transcript of PARENT NEWS AND INFORMATION - New 2020




HAVING FUN AT HOME Wondering how to keep the kiddos busy at home? Looking for activities that do not involve an electronic device? Scavenger Hunts are a great idea. Everyone enjoys being a detective and finding the hidden objects inside and outside their house. Have your child collect objects suggested at left and create a collection. They can display their rainbow in a window to bring a rainbow of color into the home. See the second page of this newsletter for more learning idea

SELF-CONTROL IS THE GOAL Self-regulation is the ability to manage your emotions and behavior in accordance with the demands of the situation. It includes being able to resist highly emotional reactions, to calm yourself down when you get upset, to adjust to a change in expectations, and to handle frustration without an outburst. It is a set of skills that enables children, as they mature, to direct their own behavior towards a goal, despite the unpredictability of the world and our own feelings.

Acting out is essentially an ineffective response to stress. The parent or teacher needs to help the child slow down and more carefully choose an effective response instead of being impulsive. Learning self-control requires practice like any other skill. Click the picture at right for tips on creating a calm-down space at home where children can practice self-control.

TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF Taking care of others can not happen unless we take care of ourselves as well. Having a parent time-out teaches children that everyone has emotions, it is how we handle them that is important.

This handout walks you through the calm down steps when you are upset. One of the practices we use in our classrooms is called self-talk. Letting children hear us talk ourselves through the steps of a problem teaches them to be capable problem solvers. Teaching appropriate calm-down strategies helps the kiddo and the parent!


Give your preschooler a little

boost in school with easy and fun

ways to practice name writing!

They’ll be ready to go for the first

day of school!

This is Mine!

Labeling your stuff is important to children no matter their age. Writing your name on your snack or drink lets others know it belongs to you.

• Have your child write their name on a piece of tape or sticky notes.

• Label away. Putting their name on their belongings, their room, their spot on the couch will teach children the value of writing.

Rainbow Letters

Write the letters of your child’s name on paper or the sidewalk if you have chalk!

Using different color pencils, crayons, or markers, have your child trace the letters repeatedly until the have a rainbow letter.

Remember to talk about the letters of their name and the sounds they make!

ABC Scavenger Hunt

Write a letter down for your child on paper. Have them look around the house for everywhere they can find that

letter. Is your home full of alphabet knowledge?


Alliteration is the use of connected words with the same beginning sound like Sally Sells Sea Shells or Tucker Turtle Takes Time to Tuck and Think. Recognizing beginning sounds are important pre-reading skill. Here is a story that your child may recognize. It has alliteration AND an important coping skill.

April 7, 2020

CENTER WEEKLY NEWS…Hello families,

I am hoping all is going well with you and your families. I know this is a trying and difficult time as we do not know what to expect. One of the best ways to cope with being stuck at home is to do some outside activities. Take the kids out in the yard and play some ball, pull weeds, or take a walk around the block. You can also pay hopscotch on the sidewalk or in the parking lot. Large muscle movement is a great way of reducing stress and burning energy. Remember that children strive for routine so develop and keep a schedule of you daily activities.

As some of you may be off work remember that you can apply for unemployment at or call 866-832-2363. For food stamp benefits apply at or call 726-8315. The NRCA Emergency Assistance if available at 921-2146 and The Christian Mission at 921-3006.

Emily and I are still available by cell at 599-1291 and 599-1287.Call us if you need anything.

Remember to wash your hands at least 20 seconds with hot water and soap and keep hands away from your face. Robin

We are working on a video of our staff saying “Hello” to the children. Which made us think of how awesome it would be to create a video of the student’s saying “Hello” to their teachers. As we know, it is important for children to continue feeling connected to their teachers, it is also equally important for our teachers to continue feeling connected to your child. If you would like for your child to participate, send a picture of him/her waving “hello” or even a picture of them holding a piece of artwork they created and wanted to share with their teacher or a little note they wrote for their teacher saying “Hello”. Please e-mail these photos to with your child’s center name in the e-mail or you can text the photo to your center phone, 540-599-1291/ 540-599-1287. All photos should be submitted by Friday April 10th to be included. A video will be sent to our center staff on Monday. We can’t wait to see your child’s smiling face.

Hi, it’s Ms. Troyleena and I wanted to let you know how much I miss you all! I miss your smiles, and the joy you all brought to the classroom! I hope you all are doing okay and that you are enjoying your time with your families! I hope you all are playing games, singing, exercising, drawing and reading daily. Remember to wash your hands throughout the day and to sneeze into your arm and not your hands! I love each and every one of you and I hope to see you again! You all are in my thoughts and prayers and know, YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN.

-Ms. Troy

It has been said that, time can be your best friend and your worst enemy depending on whether you use it or waste it. Let’s make this time at home during this uncertain time our best friend! Let’s make the best memories that will last a lifetime with our children and families! Keep it simple and connect with your child in ways that make sense for your lifestyle. Each connection has a lasting impact and provides the support and reassurance that your child needs. Listen to them, follow their lead, play games, take a walk, give a hug. I miss seeing each of you and look forward to being able to receive a hug from your child and hear their laughter. Until then, let’s do what is asked of us- stay home and stay well.

Love, Mrs. Emily