Parallel Linear Algebra · Parallel Linear Algebra Our goals: Fast and efficient parallel...

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Parallel Linear Algebra

Our goals: Fast and efficient parallel algorithms forthe matrix-vector product,the matrix-matrix product,solving systems of linear equations,applying finite difference systems,and computing the fast Fourier Transform.

The matrix-vector product is the basis of most of our algorithms.

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Decomposing a matrix

How to distribute an m × n matrix A to p processes?

Rowwise decomposition:each process is responsible for m/p contiguous rows.Columnwise decomposition:each process is responsible for n/p contiguous columns.Checkerboard decomposition:Assume that k divides m and that l divides n.

I Assume moreover that k · l = p.I Imagine that the processes form a k × l mesh.I Process (i , j) obtains the submatrix of A consisting of the i th row

interval of length m/k and the j th column interval of length n/l .

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The Matrix-Vector Product

Our goal: Compute y = A · x for a m × n matrix A and a vector x with ncomponents.

Assumptions:I We do assume that matrix A has been distributed to the various

processes.I Process 1 knows the vector x and has to determine the vector y .

The conventional sequential algorithm determines y by setting

yi =n∑


A[i , j] · xj .

I To compute yi we perform n multiplications and n − 1 additions.I Overall m · n multiplications and m · (n − 1) additions suffice.

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The Rowwise Decomposition

Replicate x : broadcast x to all processes in time O(n · log2 p).Each process determines its m

p vector-vector products in timeO(m·n

p ).

Process 1 performs a Gather operation in time O(m): p − 1messages of length m/p are involved.Performance analysis:

I Communication time is proportional to n · log2 p + m and overalltime Θ(m · n/p + n · log2 p + m) is sufficient.

I Efficiency is Θ(m · n/(m · n + p · (n · log2 p + m))).I Constant efficiency follows, if

m · n = Ω(p · (n · log2 p + m)) = Ω(p · log2 p · n + m · p)I Hence we get constant efficiency for

m = Ω(p · log2 p) and n = Ω(p).

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The Columnwise Decomposition

Apply MPI_Scatter to distribute the blocks of x to “their”processes. Since this involves p − 1 messages of length n/p, timeO(n) is sufficient.Each process i computes the matrix-vector product y i = Ai · x i forits block Ai of columns.Time O(m · n/p) is sufficient.Process 1 applies a Reduce operation to sum up y1, y2, . . . , yp intime O(m · log2 p).Performance analysis:

I Run time is bounded by O(m · n/p + n + m · log2 p).I Here we have constant efficiency, if computing time dominates

communication time. Require

m = Ω(p) and n = Ω(p · log2 p).

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Checkerboard Decomposition

Process 1 applies a Scatter operation addressed to the lprocesses of row 1 of the process mesh. Time O(l · n

l ) = O(n).Then each process of row 1 broadcasts its block of x to the kprocesses in its column: time O(n

l · log2 k) suffices. All processescompute their matrix-vector products in time O(m · n/p).The processes in column 1 of the process mesh apply a Reduceoperation for their row to sum up the l vectors of length m

k : timeO(m/k · log2 l) is sufficient.Process 1 gathers the k − 1 vectors of length m

k in time O(m).Performance analysis:

I The total computation time is bounded byO(m · n/p + n + n

l · log2 k + mk · log2 l + m).

I The total communication time is bounded by O(n + m), providedlog2 k ≤ l and log2 l ≤ k .

I We obtain constant efficiency, if m = Ω(p) and n = Ω(p).

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The checkerboard decomposition has the best performance, if m ≈ n.Why?

All three decompositions have the same computation time.Assuming m = n,

I the communication time of the rowwise decomposition is dominatedby boadcasting the vector x : time O(n log2 p),

I whereas the final Reduce dominates for the columnwisedecomposition: time O(m log2 p).

I The checkerboard decomposition cuts down on the messagelength!

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Matrix-Matrix Product

Our goal is to compute the n × n product matrix C = A · B for n × nmatrices A and B.

To compute C[i , j] =∑n

k=1 A[i , k ] · B[k , j] sequentially,n multiplications and n − 1 additions are required.Since C has n2 entries, we obtain running time Θ(n3).We discuss four approaches:

I the first algorithm uses the rowwise decomposition.I The algorithm of Fox and its improvement, the algorithm of Cannon,

use the checkerboard decomposition.I The DNS algorithm assumes a variant of the checkerboard


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The Rowwise Decomposition

Process i receives the submatrices Ai of A and Bi of B,corresponding to the i th row interval of length n

p .

Further subdivide Ai ,Bi into the np square submatrices Ai,j ,Bi,j .

Define C i,j analogously and observe that C i,j =∑p

k=1 Ai,k · Bk ,j

holds. The computation:I In phase 1 process i computes all products Ai,i · Bi,j for j = 1, . . . ,p

in time O(p · np ·

np ·

np ) = O( n3

p2 ), then sends Bi to process i + 1 andreceives Bi−1 from process i − 1 in time O(n2/p).

I In phase 2 process i computes all products Ai,i−1 · Bi−1,j , sendsBi−1 to process i + 1 and receives Bi−2 from i − 1 . . ..

Performance analysis:I All in all p phases. Hence computing time is bounded by O(n3/p)

and communication time is bounded by O(n2).I The compute/communicate ratio n3

p /n2 = n

p is small!

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The Algorithm of Fox

We again determine the product matrix according toC i,j =

∑pk=1 Ai,k · Bk ,j , but now

I processes are arranged in a√

p ×√p mesh of processes.I Process i knows the n/

√p × n/

√p submatrices Ai,j and Bi,j .

We have√

p phases.In phase k we want process (i , j) to compute Ai,i+k−1 · Bi+k−1,j :

I process (i , i + k − 1) broadcasts Ai,i+k−1 to all processes in row i ,I process (i , j) computes Ai,i+k−1 · Bi+k−1,j ,I receives Bi+k,j from (i + 1, j) and sends Bi+k−1,j to (i − 1, j).

Performance Analysis:I Per phase: computing time O(( n√

p )3) and communication time

O( n2

p · log p).I We have

√p phases: computation time O( n3

p ), communication time

O( n2√

p · log p). The compute/communicate ratio n√p log2 p increases.

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The Algorithm of Cannon

The setup is as for the algorithm of Fox.In particular, process (i , j) has to determine C i,j =

∑pk=1 Ai,k · Bk ,j .

At the very beginning, redistribute matrices, such that process(i , j) holds Ai,i+j and Bi+j,j .We again have

√p phases. In phase k we want process (i , j) to

compute Ai,i+j+k−1 · Bi+j+k−1,j :I process (i , j) computes Ai,i+j+k−1 · Bi+j+k−1,j ,I sends Ai,i+j+k−1 to (i , j − 1) and Bi+j+k−1,j to (i − 1, j) andI receives Ai,i+j+k from (i , j + 1) and Bi+j+k,j from (i + 1, j).

Performance Analysis:I Per phase: computation time O(( n√

p )3), communication timeO(( n√

p )2).I Overall, computation time O( n3

p ), communication time O( n2√

p ) andthe compute/communicate ratio n√

p increases again.

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How did we save Communication?

- Rowwise decomposition: in each of the p phases row blocks areexchanged.All in all O(p · n2/p) communication.

- The algorithm of Fox: a broadcast in each of the√

p withcommunication time O(n2/p · log p).All in all communication time O(n2/

√p · log p): merging

point-to-point messages into broadcasts is profitable!- The algorithm of Cannon: after initially rearranging submatrices,

the broadcasts in the algorithm of Fox are replaced by point topoint messages.All in all communication time O(

√p · n2/p).

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The DNS Algorithm

p = n3 processes are arranged in an n × n × n mesh of processes.Process (i , j ,1) stores A[i , j],B[i , j] and has to determine C[i , j].

We move A[i , k ] to process (i , ∗, k): (i , k ,1) sends A[i , k ] to(i , k , k), which broadcasts A[i , k ] to all processes (i , ∗, k).Next we move B[k , j] to process (∗, j , k): (k , j ,1) sends B[k , j] to(k , j , k), which broadcasts B[k , j] to all processes (∗, j , k).Process (i , j , k) computes the product A[i , k ] · B[k , j].Process (i , j ,1) computes

∑nk=1 A[i , k ] · B[k , j] with MPI_Reduce.

Performance analysis:I The replication step takes time O(log2 n), since the broadcast

dominates. The multiplication step runs in constant time and theReduce operation runs in logarithmic time.

I Time O(log2 n) suffices. Its efficiency Θ(1/ log2 n) is too small.I We scale down.

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Scaling down the number of processors

We work with p processes. Let q = p1/3 and imagine that the pprocesses are arranged in a q × q × q mesh.Input distribution: process (i , j ,1) receives the n

q ×nq submatrices

Ai,j and Bi,j : the matrices Ai,j and Bi,j play the role of the entriesA[i , j] and B[i , j].Mimic the algorithm for n3 processes.Performance analysis:

I The total computing time is O( n3

q3 ) = O( n3

p ), since nq ×

nq matrices

have to be multiplied.I During replication and summing, n

q ×nq matrices are involved and

hence the communication time is bounded by O( n2

q2 · log p).I The compute/communicate ratio is n

q·log2 p .

Best performance so far. p should be sufficiently large.

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The checkerboard decomposition is again better than the rowwisedecomposition.Cannon’s algorithm replaces a broadcast by a point-to-pointmessage and is therefore faster than the algorithm of Fox.The DNS algorithm partitions the matrices A and B among q2 ofthe q3 processes.

I Thus each “input process” gets a relatively large chunk.I However there are only two (instead of

√p) communication steps:

namely when replicating and summing.I Observe that DNS is better than Cannon only if p is sufficiently


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Solving Linear Systems

We are given a matrix A and a right-hand side b and would like tosolve the linear system A · x = b.

We begin with the easy case of lower triangular matrices A anddescribe back substitution.Then we discuss efficient parallelizations of Gaussian eliminationand continue with iterative methods: Jacobi relaxation, theGauss-Seidel algorithm, the conjugate gradient approach and theNewton method.Finally we consider parallelization of the finite difference method.

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We have to solve the system

A[i ,1] · x1 + · · ·+ A[i , i] · xi = bi

for i = 1, . . . ,n.

A sequential solution:I first determine x1 from the first equation A[i ,1] · x1 = b1.I If we already know x1, . . . , xi−1, then determine xi from the i th

equation.I Since an evaluation of the i th equation requires time O(i), the

sequential solution runs in time O(n2).We consider two input distributions:

I The off-diagonal decomposition of matrix A:process 1 knows the main diagonal and process i (i ≥ 2) knows thei − 1st offdiagonal A[i ,1],A[i + 1,2], . . . ,A[n,n − i + 1].

I And the rowwise decomposition.

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The Off-Diagonal Decomposition I

We use the linear array as communication pattern.

Process 1 successively determines x1, . . . , xn.Once computed, xi is forwarded thru the linear array.

How to solve the i th equation A[i ,1] · x1 + · · ·+ A[i , i] · xi = bi?

I Process i computes A[i ,1] · x1 immediately after receiving x1 fromprocess i − 1. Then i sends A[i ,1] · x1 to process i − 1 and x1 toprocess i + 1.

I If process i − 1 receives x2 from process i − 2, it computes theproduct A[i ,2] · x2, sends the sum A[i ,1] · x1 + A[i ,2] · x2 to processi − 2 and forwards x2 to process i .

I We communicate according to the principle of“just in time production”.

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The Off-Diagonal Decomposition II



x 3








x 1







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The Off-Diagonal Decomposition III

Backsubstitution with p processes.

Assign the off-diagonals (A[j ,1], . . . ,A[n,n − j + 1]) forj ∈ (i − 1) · n/p + 1, . . . , i · n/p to process i .The computing time: we have p phases with compute timeO((n/p)2) per phase.All in all compute time is bounded by O(n2

p ).

Communication O(n/p) per phase and hence all in all O(n)communication.

The running time is bounded by O(n2

p + n).We achieve constant efficiency, whenever n = Ω(p).

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The Rowwise Decomposition

This time process i determines xi .Once xi is determined, process i broadcasts xi to processesi + 1, . . . ,n.

For p processes:

Each process is responsible for np variables. Time O(n) per

variable is sufficient.⇒ The compute time is bounded by O(n2

p ).There is one broadcast per unknown and communication time isbounded by O(n · log2 p).We achieve constant efficiency, whenever n = Ω(p · log2 p).

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Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting

Include right hand side b as last column of matrix A.

If we have already eliminated nonzeroes below the diagonals incolumns 1, . . . , i − 1, then

use largest entry A[i , j] for j = i , . . . ,n as pivot,

swap rows i and j and set rowk = rowk − A[k ,i]A[i,i] · rowi for k > i .

Performance analysis for the sequential algorithm:

When dealing with row i :I Determine the largest entry A[j , i] in column i in time O(n).I The elimination step for row i requires O(n − i + 1) arithmetic

operations.I All in all O(n + (n − i + 1)2) = O(n2) operations suffice.

The total number of arithmetic operations is bounded by O(n3).

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A parallelization of Gaussian Elimination I

We work with p processes and the rowwise decomposition:each process receives an “interval” of n/p rows.We maintain the sequential structure of pivoting,but parallelize each pivoting step instead.Assume that we have reached row i .

I To utilize the rowwise decomposition we look for the largest entry inrow i (and not in column i).

I We have to eliminate all non-zeroes in row i :the process holding row i has to

F determine the largest entry A[i, k ] in row i ,F compute the vector mi of multiples for the elimination stepF and send mi to the remaining processes.

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A parallelization of Gaussian Elimination II

Avoid broadcasting (mi , k). When dealing with row i − 1:I After computing mi−1, the process j holding row i interrupts its

elimination work for row i − 1,I immediately recomputes row i and determines (mi , k) instead,I sends (mi , k) to process j + 1 andI then resumes its elimination work for row i − 1.

We cover communication by computation:I the expensive broadcast of (mi , k) is replaced by sending (mi , k)

thru the linear array of processes.I Whenever a process receives (mi , k), it immediately forwards

(mi , k) to its neighbor process.Performance analysis:

I No delay when eliminating row i , if the compute time Θ( np · n) for

pivoting dominates the maximal communication delay p · n.

The overall compute time is bounded by O(n · np · n) = O(n3

p ).There is no delay due to communication, provided n = Ω(p2).

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Iterative Methods

In an iterative method an approximate solution of a linear systemA · x = b is successively improved.One starts with an initial “guess” x(0) andreplaces x(t) by a presumably better solution x(t + 1).

Assume that the computation of x(t + 1) is based on the

matrix-vector product.

We obtain a fast parallel algorithm and can exploit sparse linearsystems.We describe:

I the Jacobi relaxation and its variants,I the Newton method to approximately compute the inverse A−1.

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Jacobi Relaxation

Assume that A · x∗ = b. If A has a nonzero diagonal, then

x∗i =1

A[i , i]·

bi −∑j 6=i

A[i , j] · x∗j


The Jacobi iteration: if xi(t) is an approximate solution, set

xi(t + 1) =1

A[i , i]·

bi −∑j 6=i

A[i , j] · xj(t)


Each Jacobi iteration corresponds to a matrix-vector product.Hence one iteration runs in time O(n2

p ) and we obtain a fastapproximation, whenever few iterations suffice.When does the Jacobi iteration converge against the uniquesolution?

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Jacobi Relaxation: Convergence

Let D be the diagonal matrix with D[i , i] = A[i , i].Set M = D−1 · (D − A).

I Another view of the Jacobi iteration:if A is invertible and if x∗ is the unique solution of A · x = b, then

x(t + 1)− x∗ = M · (x(t)− x∗).

I Consequently x(t)− x∗ = M t · (x(0)− x∗) follows for all t .I If limt→∞M t = 0, then x(t) converges against x∗.

The Jacobi Relaxation converges for row diagonally dominantmatrices A: i.e., if

|A[i , i]| >∑j 6=i

|A[i , j]|

holds for all i .

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Two Extensions

In many practical applications the Jacobi overrelaxation convergesfaster.

I for a suitable coefficient γ:

xi (t + 1) = (1− γ) · xi (t) +γ

A[i , i]·

bi −∑j 6=i

A[i , j] · xj (t)


I The Jacobi relaxation is a special case: set γ = 1.The Gauss-Seidel algorithm incorporates already recomputedvalues of xj (i.e., it replaces xj(t) by xj(t + 1)).

I An example is

xi (t + 1) =1

A[i , i]·

bi −∑j<i

A[i , j] · xj (t + 1)−∑j>i

A[i , j] · xj (t)


I The Gauss-Seidel method does not look parallelizable!?

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Inversion by Newton Iteration

Assume that A is invertible and that Xt is an approximate inverse of A.The Newton iteration is

Xt+1 = 2 · Xt − Xt · A · Xt .

What is the intuition behind this approach?I Consider the residual matrix Rt = I − A · Xt which measures the

“distance” between A−1 and Xt .Rt+1 = I − A · Xt+1

= I − A · (2 · Xt − Xt · A · Xt )= (I − A · Xt )

2 = R2t .

I Rt converges rapidly towards the 0-matrix, whenever X0 is a goodapproximation of A−1.

Since the Newton iteration is based on matrix-matrix products,each iteration is easily parallelized.

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The Finite Difference Method

Finite differences can be used to approximate derivatives of a functionf , since

f ′(x) = limh→0f (x+h)−f (x)

h = limh→0f (x)−f (x−h)

hf ′′(x) = limh→0

f ′(x+h)−f ′(x)h = limh→0

f (x+h)−2f (x)+f (x−h)h2 .

The finite difference method is used to solve differential equations:

I Derivatives are approximated by finite differencesI and differential equations are modeled by linear systems of


The usually sparse systems are mostly solved with iterativemethods.

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An Example: The Poisson Equation

Find a function u : [0,1]2 → R whichsatisfies the Poisson equation uxx + uyy = Hand which has prescribed values on the boundary of the unitsquare [0,1]2.

If u is sufficiently smooth and if h is sufficiently small, then

uxx (x , y) ≈ u(x + h, y)− 2u(x , y) + u(x − h, y)

h2 .

Approximate uy ,y analogously and we get H(x , y) ≈u(x + h, y) + u(x − h, y) + u(x , y + h) + u(x , y − h)− 4u(x , y)

h2 .

For N sufficiently large, set

h =1N, ui,j = u(



) and Hi,j = H(iN,



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The Linear System I

Choose (x , y) as one of the grid points ( iN ,

jN ) | 0 < i , j < N and

we get the linear system

−4ui,j + ui+1,j + ui−1,j + ui,j+1 + ui,j−1 =Hi,j


The system is huge: (N − 1)2 equations in (N − 1)2 unknowns.(The values of u at the boundary are prescribed.)The matrix of the system has (N − 1)4 entries, but is sparse, sinceany equation has at most five nonzero coefficients.To utilize sparsity, we apply iterative methods.

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The Linear System II

We process the system beginning with the lower boundary andworking upwards:

ui+1,j = 4ui,j − (ui−1,j + ui,j+1 + ui,j−1) +Hi,j

N2 .

We apply the Jacobi Relaxation and get

ui+1,j(t + 1) = 4ui,j(t)− (ui−1,j(t) + ui,j+1(t) + ui,j−1(t)) +Hi,j

N2 .

How to obtain an efficient parallelization of one iteration?I We use the checkerboard decomposition of the N − 1× N − 1 grid.

p processes are arranged in a√

p ×√p mesh.I The process responsible for determining ui+1,j (t + 1) has to know

ui−1,j (t),ui,j+1(t),ui,j−1(t) and ui,j (t).I Any missing value belongs to the “near-boundary” of a neighbor.

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The Linear System: Performance Analysis

The processes communicate their O( N√p ) near-boundary values.

Afterwards they perform an iteration without furthercommunication: computation time is bounded by O(N2

p ), since theupdate time for any grid point is constant and each process has toupdate O(N2

p ) grid points.

We have constant efficiency, whenever N = Ω(√

p).One can show that the matrix of the linear system is symmetricand positive definite: the Jacobi Relaxation converges.

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Gauss-Seidel Revisited

So far we have used the Jacobi Relaxation

ui+1,j(t + 1) = 4ui,j(t)− (ui−1,j(t) + ui,j+1(t) + ui,j−1(t)) +Hi,j

N2 .

Can we use the generally better Gauss-Seidel method instead?

I Use the new update

ui,j (t + 1) =ui+1,j (t) + ui−1,j (t) + ui,j+1(t) + ui,j−1(t)



4N2 .

I Label grid point (i , j) white iff i + j is even and black otherwise:white grid points are updated with black grid points only.

I Execute one iteration of the Gauss-Seidel algorithm byF first updating black grid points conventionally with the Jacobi

relaxation.F Then apply the Gauss-Seidel algorithm to update white grid points by

using the already updated black grid points.

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