par axel rosselli 2nde5 Ma famille

Post on 14-Mar-2016

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Transcript of par axel rosselli 2nde5 Ma famille

… Par Axel Rosselli

1.The story of my family :Rosselli-Barret family 3

On my maternal side……………………………………. 5

On my paternal side ……………………………………. 6

My parents…………………………………………………….. 8 L’arbre généalogique de ma famille …………. 9

2. Why the family is today in Saint- Martin de Crau ? 11


3. Mon sentiment d’appartenance à la ville de Saint Martin de Crau 13


1 :The story of my family :Rosselli-Barret



On my maternal side…

On the paternal side of my mother, since the 18th century , we live in France and especially in Auvergne.All the Barret family, on the side of my mother was born in Auvergne,in the department of Allier. The ancestors on this side of my family were mostly farmers.The things changed with my great grandfather who didn’t want to stay at the farm . He worked to maintain roads.


My maternal grandparents are still alive. They live next to the city of Vichy in the the department of Allier. They are both retired.

On the maternal side of my mother, I can’t say much because my grandmother is a child of the public care.

On my paternal side…

On the paternal side of my father and therefore the Rosselli family,it is different.My great grandparents lived in Sicily in the town of Ribeira. In 1920, at the time of reconstruction of the France due to damage of the first World War,they came to France, particularly in Lyon to surch a job . Consequently,my paternal grandfather was born in Lyon. On the maternal side of my father, my great grandmother was born in Auvergne too. She came to Lyon just after the second world war because she needed to work : she


became a seamstress. This is how she met my great grandfather and my maternal grand mother was born in Lyon. My paternal grand father died in 2013. My paternal grandmother is still alive.She still lives in Lyon. She is retired.


My parents…..

My father is from Lyon like his parents and my mother is from the department of Allier like her parents. My parents met in Auvergne while my father was on a site for his job. My mother joined my father in Lyon in 1994 where they got married.

For my part ,I was born in Lyon in 1998.




2 : Why the family is today in the city of Saint

Martin de Crau ?

My family is now in Saint Martin de Crau. We settled in Saint Martin de Crau for professional reasons. My father works in the petrochemical industry. He takes care of maintenance of refineries and chemical factories. For several years, he moved on various petrochemical sites in France. In 2004, he received an offer of permanent employment in the petrochemical site of Fos-Sur-Mer. At that time, we were still living in Lyon, my father went on the road every week and came back the weekend. My father accepted the job so that his family is reunited. Then, my parents found a home in Saint Martin de Crau and moved. Thus we arrived at Saint-Martin de Crau, there are ten years ago.



3 : Mon sentiment d’appartenance à la ville de Saint Martin de Crau 

Mon sentiment personnel d’appartenance à la ville de Saint-Martin de Crau est que je fais parti de cette ville. Je m’y sens très bien. C’est une communauté sympathique et plus conviviale que Lyon où il y a trop de monde. J’ai crée des liens avec de nombreuses personnes et j’y ai trouvé beaucoup d’amis.Je m’implique dans des associations où je partage des centres d’intérêts sportifs avec d’autres personnes de la ville comme le CBC ,club de basket de Saint-Martin de Crau dans lequel je suis inscrit depuis 4 ans. Vivre à Saint Martin de Crau m’a permis de me rapprocher aussi de la mer Méditerranée pour pratiquer la plongée dans un club de l’entreprise de mon père : Lyondell plongée.Je participe aux activités de la ville et partage ses traditions telles que les ferias, ferrades.Tout ceci me fait penser que je me suis intégré à cette ville.Je ne regrette pas d’être parti de Lyon car je préfère habiter dans une petite ville où les liens entre les habitants sont plus


chaleureux que dans une grande ville .De plus, dans le sud, le climat méditerranéen me convient mieux que celui de Lyon où le climat océanique, avec la pluie et le brouillard sont souvent présents.