Paper - 11 Topic :- Magic Realism and Hybrydity in Midnight's Children.

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Transcript of Paper - 11 Topic :- Magic Realism and Hybrydity in Midnight's Children.

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Name :-Vala Jyotsna Tanshukhbhai.

Semester :- 3

Class :- M.A part 2

Paper Name :- The Post-Colonial Literature.

Paper No :- 11

Topic :- Magic Realism and Hybridity in Midnight's Children.

RollNo :- 33

Email Id :-

Submitted to :- SMT S.B.Gardi Department of english MKBU.

About Salman Rushdie

He was born in Bombay on 19 June 1947.

Salman Rushdie one of the most renowed writer of Indian Diaspora, settled in England, shot into fame through his magnum opus, Midnight's Children.

Salman Rushdie is a magic Realist.

Rushdie's literary career started with his first novel, Grimus (1975).

His second novel, Midnight's Children, Rushdie's fame spread world wide and the subsequent novels.

About The Novel Midnight's Children.

Published in 1981.

Midnight's Children is considered as a Post-colonial novel containing all aspect of post-colonial literature.

It is story about the clash between two religion.

Saleem, Shiva and Parvati-these are main characters in the novel.

Meaning of Hybridity.

Hybridity is the mixture of two culture, religion of races.

Hybridisation take place in many form like :-





It not necessarily a peaceful mixture.

Theorists of Hybridity

Homi. K. Bhabha.

Nester Garcia.

Stuart Hall.

Gayatri Spivak.

Poul Gliroy.

Salman Rushdie.

Hybridity in Midnight's Children

The novel's social and cultural hybridization, illustrated through the multitude of differing Character.

These cultural and religious division clearly highlighted through Sleem's relationship with Shiva and Parvati.

Saleems relationship with Shiva remains complicated because of the nature of their birth and religion.

And from those characters we can say that religious and cultural hybridity present in India.


Saleem and Shiva remain in contrast battle with each other, and each struggles against the other to gain power.

These three names are also connected with hindu mythology.


Magic Realism

Meaning and Definition of Magic Realism.

Magic realism is a kind of modern fiction in which fabulous and fantastical elements are included in a narrative that otherwise maintains the reliable tone of objective, realistic report.

The words 'magic' and 'realism' do not seem to be compatible with each other. Realism is all about events that have happened, largely dealing with historical settings. On the contrary, magic concerns with the use of fantastic or magical elements in the narrative.

Dictionary Mening :-

A literary or genre that combines naturalistic details and narrative with surreal or dream like elements.

Characteristics of Magic Realism.


Fantastical Elements.

Sense of Mystery.

Irony Regarding Author's perspective.

The Supernatural and Natural.


Political Critique.

Magic Realism in Midnight's Children.

In post-colonial literature we generally found that many writer uses this term in their writing.

In this method of literature in describing the imaginary life of indigenous cultures that experience the mythical, magical, and supernatural in decidedly different fashion from western one.

Rushdie uses this magic realism in his book Midnights Children.

He use of magic realism as a narrative technique is intentional.


Magic realism as a postcolonial device in Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children.

Salman Rushdie artistically incorporates the elements of magic realism in Midnight's Children.

Salman Rushdie's writing, and in particular Midnights Children, provides us with perfectly illustrative examples of how magic realism can work with historical postmodernism.


Salman Rushdie use magic in the Midnight's Children.

In Midnights Children, history is seen through the eyes of Saleem Sinai, thus reflected predominantly through individual experiences.

For Saleem, born at the very moment of India's independence, his life becomes inextricably interlinked with the political, national, and religious events of his time.

This gives him a strong desire to restore his past identity to himself.

Realism plays a big role here in terms of describing the significant events that have happened.

Saleem Sinai is a protagonist of Midnights Children.

He was born at midnight on 15th August, 1947, at the exact moment India gained its independence from British rule.

He imagines that his miraculously timed birth ties him to the fate of his country.

He later discovers that all children born in India between 12 AM and 1 AM on 15th August, 1947, are gifted with special powers.

Saleem thus attempts to use these powers to convene the Midnight Children's Conference.

He acts as a telepathic conduit, bringing hundreds of geographically disparate children into contact while also attempting to discover the meaning of their gifts.

In particular, those children who are born closest to the stroke of midnight possess more powerful gifts than the others.

Shiva of the Knees, Saleem's evil nemesis, and Parvati, called 'Parvati-the-witch', are two of these children with notable gifts and roles in Saleem's story.

Thank you

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