Pankaj Agarwal, Duke University Ke Yi, HKUST TerraSTREAM ...

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Transcript of Pankaj Agarwal, Duke University Ke Yi, HKUST TerraSTREAM ...


[1] Pankaj Agarwal, Lars Arge and Ke Yi. I/O-Efficient Construction of

Constrained Delaunay Triangulations. In Proc. 15th Europ. Symp. on

Algorithms (ESA), 2005

[2] Pankaj Agarwal, Lars Arge and Andrew Danner. From Point Cloud to

Grid DEM: A Scalable Approach. In Proc. 12th Intl. Symp. on Spatial

Data Handling (SDH), 2007

Grid DEM quality metrics

Problem: Often grid DEM points are interpolated from very distant input

points. User would like to know “trustworthiness” of each grid point

Contour line visualization of a grid. There are obvious flaws in the vicinity

of buildings (where no input points are available)

Our approach: We compute nearest input point for each grid DEM


I/O-efficient algorithm: We compute nearest points by adapting known

nearest-neighbor algorithms and exploiting uniformity of grid

Visualizations of our measure. Areas with very close input points are

green, areas with relatively close input points are blue and areas with

distant input points are red

Integration into TerraSTREAM Digital elevation models (DEM)

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a representation of a


Two main DEM models

Uniform grid (Grid)

Triangulated irregular network (TIN)

A DEM is usually constructed from a finite set of height

measurements (e.g., LIDAR data)

Grid DEM construction

Grid DEM is a uniform grid of height values

Advantage: Simple terrain analysis algorithms


Inefficient representation of highly varying terrain

Need to interpolate input data points when constructing grid DEM

Our construction algorithm:

We adaptively break grid into tiles containing “few” input data points

We interpolate in each tile independently, also considering data

points in neighbor tiles (to ensure smoothness along boundaries)

I/O-efficient algorithm: We compute tiling I/O-efficiently to be able to

process massive amount of input data [1]

MADALGO – Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, a Center of the Danish National Research Foundation

TerraSTREAM: DEM Construction and Grid Quality Metric

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Height grid 3D visualization of a height grid

Tiling of a point data set A tile to interpolate and its neighbors

TIN DEM construction

A TIN DEM is a triangulated surface, with the input data points as

vertices. Heights on triangles are interpolated linearly

Often Delaunay triangulation is used

Sometimes constraint Delaunay triangulation is used. Allows for

inclusion of used defined edges (“breaklines”)

Advantage: Efficient representation of highly varying terrain

Disadvantage: Complicated terrain analysis algorithms

Our I/O-efficient construction algorithm:

We compute constrained Delaunay triangulation I/O-efficiently to be

able to process massive amounts of input data

Algorithm works by constructing an initial triangulation on a small

sample of input and constraining edges. The other input points are

added iteratively [2]

Point Classification

Grid/TIN Construction

Hydrological Conditioning

Contour Map Generation

Grid Quality Metric

Pankaj Agarwal, Duke University

Lars Arge, University of Aarhus

Andrew Danner, Swathmore College

Anders H. Jensen, University of Aarhus


Henrik Blunck

University of Aarhus

Delaunay triangulation Constraint Delaunay triangulation