Palmistry and Health

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Palmistry and Health



For centuries medicine has recognized the link between palmistry and health. Modern medical researchers have confirmed this link.


Susceptible to bowell or intestine problems.


Nervous tension and lung problems.


Accidents and heart problems


Allergies, nervous system and psychological problems.


Thick, well padded palms denote a robust constitution.


Thin, fragile hands indicate a fragile constitution


Short dashes may indicate stress, while short vertical lines may indicate hormonal problems.


Pituitary gland


Pineal gland


Blood pressure




ISLANDS ON HEART LINE : beneath saturn may indicate hearing defects.

LADDERED HEART LINE : beneath apollo finger may indicate calcium imbalance

STAR ON THE LINE : star on heart line may indicate heart problems

KERATOSES : may indicate organ disease

DIAMOND : a diamond attached to life line may indicate gynaecological problems

TASSELLING : tasselling of head or life line may indicate energy problems


SPECKLES : imbalance of zinc

VERTICAL RIDGES : intestinal problems


WRAPAROUND : respiratory problems

CONVEX : anamia

FAN SHAPED : need to relax.


Contrary to popular opinion palmistry is not just a way telling what will happen but also a way of finding out why things happen. This is so true when we look at the heart line.

The heart line is not reliable when it comes to timing events therefore using it as a timing gauge is not recommended.

Imagaine two heart lines extending from the edge of the hand below the little finger to between the first and second fingers. The first line is a deep curve while the second heart line is more straight.

The curved line is active in romantic matters while the straight line is passive. The curved heart line is aggressive in love, the straight is receptive.

The curved line is demonstrative while the straight line thinks about it. Interestingly the curved line is much more common on male hands while the straight line is more common on female hands.

A heart line that becomes a steep curve below the index and middle finger indicates someone who has a strong sexual desire. If the heart line ends up under the index finger it indicates someone who is choosy about their partner.

In studying the hands of many married people I have found that in cases where the marraige is a success the partners tend to have similar heart lines.

It is rare for the heart line to end up under the middle finger. People with this line tend to be dominated by the need for love.

I have often found this line on the hand of call girls.

When the heart line is straight and short I have noticed these people have no romance only just a crude sex drive. People with a straight heart line ending on the mount of Jupiter tend to make good welfare workers. I also find these people tend to drop out of society and go live on a commune.

Two or more branches on the heart line indicate a corresponding number of different sides to the emotional nature. A heart line that has a strong branch that reaches down and touches the life line indicates someone who is easily hurt in love.


Although the head line shows how a person thinks it does not show how intelligent you are. An average head line ends somewhere under the ring finger.

A short head line indicates a person whose thinking is simple and straight to the point. A long head line indicates a person who thinks things through very carefully.

A straight head line indicates clear concentrated thinking. A curved head line belongs to a person who likes to play with new ideas.

Sloping head lines belong to creative people. Horizontal head lines belong to people who look at the practicle side of the matter.

Chained head lines belong to highly strung people. A fork in the headline shows the ability to see more than one point of view.

A floating head line is indicative of someone with a carefree attitude. A head line that starts under the index finger indicates a brilliant


The life line does not indicate how old you will live. What the line reveals is the quality of your life.

It is an index of how much vitality, strength and energy you have. A life line running close to the thumb indicates a person of low vitality, sometimes found in the hands of people who suffer chronic fatigue syndrom.

A life line that runs a wide curve shows a person with lots of vitality, get up and go. If the head line is stronger than the life line it shows a person who is more mentally than physically active. Uncover The Truth About Anyone!

A chained life line indicates a delicate health. Little lines rising indicate an active personality.

Outward swinging lines indicate a love of travel. Most of the small lines on the life line refer to particular events at certain times of your life.

A branch leading to the Jupiter mount is a sign of academic achievment. A branch that leads to the Saturn mount indicates a successful property transaction.

A branch towards the Appollo mount indicates monetary gain. A branch towards the Mercury mount indicates business success.


Strong fate lines belong to people who settle into a pattern of life early. Weak fate lines tend to belong to people who are unsettled and tend to change jobs a lot.

Fate lines starting at the very bottom of the palm indicate people who settle into their life path early. When the fate line ends at the head line it indicates a person who seems to lose their way somewhere between 30 to 40 years old.

You will find that most fate lines end at the heart line. However if the fate line runs all the way almost to the middle finger these people tend to be active right up into old age.

A fate line that is tied to the heart line indicates a restricted childhood. Two fate lines are found on people who pursue two careers at the same time.

The absense of a fate line indicates a person who lacks stability. It is also found on the hands of alcoholics and drug addicts.


The fire hand has a long palm and short fingers. People with this shaped hand tend to be active, outgoing and often extroverts.

They are excitable and emotional. They like to be in charge and control other people. There is always a large number of strong lines on the hands and usually whorl fingerprints. Fire handed people tend to have a lot of injuries and accidents.


People with an earth hand have square palms with short fingers. There are usually few lines and often arches on the fingertips.

People with this hand dont like change. They tend to be slow in nature and have a strong affinity to nature and the bush.

They are emotionally stable and make the best workers. Interesting is the fact that you often find successful artists and photographers with earth hands.

Most people with trade jobs such as a carpenter have earth hands.


The air hand has a square palm with long fingers. The lines tend to be thin and the prints are usually loops.

They are good at talking and writing. They are cheerfull and happy people who often end up working in the communication industry.

They need constant intellectual stimulation and have a low boredom threshold. THE WATER HAND

Water hand people have a palm that is rectangular with long fingers. The hand tends to have a large amount of fine lines.

The prints are also usually loops. Many people with this hand make good poets and musicians. They also go well in the fashion and beauty industry.

For people with this hand emotions are more important than reason.Weight Loss Secrets


A long index finger shows self confidence and awareness. The owner is sure of their ability.

People with this finger are keen on advancement. They like to be in charge and have their own way.

They are capable and do well being in charge of a crisis situation.

For people with a short index finger the reverse holds true. They are usually shy, afraid they will fail and inclined to have self doubt.

People with a curved index finger are collectors and often have many hobbies.


If the middle finger is long it indicates a person who treats life very seriously. They believe strongly in getting ahead.

People with short middle fingers are careless and generally prefer not to work

Most people tend to have a middle sized middle finger, meaning they are somewhere in between.


If the ring finger is long the person will have a creative nature. They will go well in the field of art or fashion design.

Sometimes this long ring finger is associated with people who have a gambling problem.

Short ring fingers are extremly rare.


People with long little fingers have a high I.Q. They make good writers and speakers and have a strong sex drive.

A short little finger reveals emotional immaturity.

If the little finger is low set it indicates the person as a child had a problem with one of their parents. In some cases it indicates they were a victim of child abuse.

If the little finger sticks out from the hand it may indicate the person is involved in a relationship they do not want to be in.


The simian line runs across the hand replacing the heart and head line. It is a sign of inner tension.

It may be destructive or creative or even both. Its interesting to note that people who tend to be religeous fanatics tend to have a simian line.

Medicine has also found that simian lines may also be associated with certain types of heart defects. People with a simian line never really find peace. They spend their entire lives searching for an answer they never really find.

To the person with the simian line there is only right or wrong and nothing in between. People with this line work twice as hard, study twice as hard and fight twice as hard.


SQUARE FINGER TIPS : People who have these fingertips tend to be careful and methodical thinkers. These people take a rational view of life. However on the down side they tend to lack creativity.

POINTED FINGER TIPS : These people have a sensitive and fragile personality. These finger tips are associated with artists, writers, poets and daydreamers.

CONIC FINGERTIPS : These people have a flexible disposition and make good negotiators. Emotional security is important for peace of mind.

SPATULATE FINGERTIPS : These are action people who tend to be dynamic thinkers. They are usually inventors, explorers and pioneers in new industrys.


SQUARE : Easy going nature and an even temperment.

BROAD : A srong character with an explosive temper.

FAN SHAPED : Nails adopt this shape when the person has been suffering from long term stress.

ALMOND : Gentle, kind people who are often daydreamers.

NARROW : These people are cold and selfish.

VERTICAL RIDGES : May indicate rheumatic problems.

HORIZEN RIDGES : Dietry deficiences.

DISHED : Chemical imbalance.

WRAPAROUND : May indicate respiratory problems.

OVERLARGE MOONS : May indicate an overactive thyroid problem.

RED NAILS : Indicate people who are impatient.

PALE NAILS : May indicate an iron deficiency.


WHORLS : A person whose fingerprints are mainly whorls will be an individualistic, not just one of the crowd. These people are often very talented and are good at keeping secrets.

ARCH : A person with mostly arch fingerprints will be the suspicious type, never believing anything until it is proven. These people go well in trade work and are good, hard workers.

LOOPS : Everyone gets on well with a person whose fingerprints are mainly loops. They have good communication skills and all round capability.

TENTED ARCH : These people become deeply involved in everything that they do.

COMPOSITE PRINT : This is a rare print. People with this have trouble making up their mind and are difficult to deal with.


The Apollo line is sometimes known as the line of sun. The line is not present in every hand but when it is it is a sign of happiness and achievment.

The apollo line is also associated with a creative talent. The apollo line may commence from different points in the palm.

Success tends to come to those whose apollo line starts high in the palm. If the apollo line is patchy it indicates that success will be patchy.

In hands where there is no apollo line it tends to show that the person feels that happiness is out of reach. When there is multiple apollo lines it may indicate a person has many talents but is master of none.

If the apollo line springs from the fate line it shows the point in life that the persons talents where recognized. Winning a substantial amount of money is indicated by a star on an apollo line.

An island on the apollo line indicates a period where there is a loss of self esteem.


There is a pattern often found on the hands of medical people which is called the medical stigmata. It is a small patch of vertical lines beneath the little finger.

People with this marking are drawn to medical or social work.

It is very common on the hands of nurses yet less common on the hands of doctors. This is interesting because it shows that some doctors choose their carrer path for money and prestige where as it tends to show that nurses are more emotionally involved in this choose of carrer.

A hand with the medical stigmata and many fine lines will turn towards social work. People who work in the natural therapies area also have this mark.

An unusual marking called the St Andrew cross is found on the hands of people who have saved the life of another.


Short nails are often found among people with a history of heart problems.

Arch fingerprints are also assiciated with people who have heart problems and high blood pressure.

The simian line is also associated with people who may have heart problems.

If the heart line also has pronounced chaining it may indicate heart problems.

A complete breaking up and fragmenting at the end of the heart line often occurs in people before a heart attack.

When you see people with clubbed fingertips this is another sign.


This little square which sits just under the index finger is a common sign found among people who work in the teaching proffesion.

It doesnt always mean that the person is a school teacher.

It is in fact found also in people who teach anything, whether it be paid or voluntary.


If the mercury line begins on the mount of luna or branches from the life line it is a sign of a good business head.

People with this marking usually have their own business and are succesfull.

People whose mercury line starts on the venus mount and crosses through the life line usually work in the caring business.

In the past some people believed having a mercury line indicated poor health, but this has since proven to be wrong.

It is more an indicator of personal health.

For example tiredness may make the line stronger while relaxation may make the line disapear altogether.



The mars line runs inside the life line.

The mars line indicates extra vitality and a sort of second protection.


The via lascivia is a horizontal line across the mount of luna.

In the past it was thought to represent promiscous behaviour.

These days it is linked to people who have a sensitivity to allergies.


These are horizontal lines that enter the palm from the percussion edge.

They lie across the luna mount and mars negative mount.

The longer and stronger each line the more important the journey.


The rascettes are the rings between the palm and wrist.

A top rascette that is curved and pushed up towards the palm indicates there may be a weakness in the reproductive area.

Three strong rascettes may indicate a long life.


This rare marking is a semicircular pattern above the heart line that covers the two middle mounts.

It is often fragmented and shows a person who is highly sensitive.

I often find people with this marking are addicted to headache tablets and anti depressents.


This is another rare marking.

It is found on the percussion side of the palm starting on the mount of luna and curves round to beneath the mercury finger.

This who have this line have extraordinary intuition.


This line is a small arc under the middle finger.

It is also another rare line.

People with this line are often reffered to as boring.


The ring od solomon is found on the mount at the base of the jupiter finger.

It is usually found on hands of people who have a good deal of common sense.

Those who posses this mark will make good, polititions, teachers, lawyers and judges.


The thumb will show a persons drive and how they apply that. The more ordinary the thumb the more ordinary the person.

There are two sections, the top which shows willpower and the bottom which shows just how much you will push to get what you want. Large thumbs show a strong personality.

Small thumbs show the person is more gentle. Long, broad thumbs belong to people who push hard and succeed.

Long, narrow thumbs belong to people who want to succeed but dont have the driving force. Small, broad thumbs belong to people who lack determination.

Thumbs that have an exceptionaly wide top belong to aggressive people. If the other applies and the top is very narrow it indicates a sign of weakness. Uncover The Truth About Anyone!

A thick top joint shows a person who is blunt. The tapered tip shows a subtle way of doing things.

A thumb that holds itself close to the side of the hand shows a stingy person. A thumb that sticks out indicates a carefree personality.


The thumb will show a persons drive and how they apply that. The more ordinary the thumb the more ordinary the person.

There are two sections, the top which shows willpower and the bottom which shows just how much you will push to get what you want. Large thumbs show a strong personality.

Small thumbs show the person is more gentle. Long, broad thumbs belong to people who push hard and succeed.

Long, narrow thumbs belong to people who want to succeed but dont have the driving force. Small, broad thumbs belong to people who lack determination.

Thumbs that have an exceptionaly wide top belong to aggressive people. If the other applies and the top is very narrow it indicates a sign of weakness. Uncover The Truth About Anyone!

A thick top joint shows a person who is blunt. The tapered tip shows a subtle way of doing things.

A thumb that holds itself close to the side of the hand shows a stingy person. A thumb that sticks out indicates a carefree personality.


To see if a mount is overlarge, well developed or lean you need to compare it to the other mounts in the hand.

MOUNT OF JUPITER : Located at the base of the index finger it represents your self worth. If you are confident the mount will be well rounded. If it covers a wide area it shows you are generous. If it is high it suggests bossiness.

MOUNT OF SATURN : Is found under the middle finger. A large mount indicates a gloomy attitude.

MARS POSITIVE : Is tucked into the crease of the thumb. Well developed it represents courage and a fighting spirit. If it is flat it indicates a cruel streak.

MOUNT OF VENUS : Found at the base of the thumb. Heavily developed it shows a strong sex drive. Underdeveloped shows poor health.

MOUNT OF NEPTUNE : Sits in the middle at the base of the palm. If it is well developed it shows a charismatic person.

MOUNT OF APOLLO : Found at the base of the ring finger. A stongly developed mount indicates an interest in the arts.

MOUNT OF MERCURY : Found at the base of the little finger. Being well developed indicates a warm, receptive nature. Underdeveloped shows a loner.

PLAIN OF MARS : Lies in the middle of the nine mounts. When overdeveloped it shows the person has a temper. Underdeveloped indicates a shy person.

MARS NEGATIVE : Found on the outside edge between mercury and luna. If this is well developed it indicates staying power and a good ability to cope under pressure.

MOUNT OF LUNA : Found in the bottom corner of the hand under the mars negative. Well developed it indicates psychic ability.


The star is the most important indication of luck to be found in your hands. But only when it is found on the upper mounts of Jupiter, Mercury or Apollo, at any point along the Apollo line or at the top of the Fate line.

If a star is found on the Jupiter mount it indicates good fortune, marry into money and reach a position of importance in life. A star on the Apollo mount indicates the person has talents which will bring the owner fame and fortune. It is often found on the hand of successfull actors.

A star attached to the Apollo line indicates a major win of money.


People with an earth hand tend to return to the same travel destinations each time rather then explore new places. People with air hands love travel and tend to pursue careers in the travel industry.

Fire hand people are adventures and like to explore new places. Water hand people like to travel to mystical and spiritual places.

Islands or stars on the travel lines which can be found on the edge of the Luna mount are indications of problems. Islands tend to indicate the holiday was not as enjoyable as planned.

Stars on the travel line indicate great danger.


People with earth hands find retirement very difficult and usually prefer to work until the end. Air hand people on retirement like to get themselves involved in activities such as study and groups.

On retirement people with fire hands tend to join clubs and community projects. People who have a water hand enjoy retirement and are happy to lay around reading, watching television and other such interests.

The quality of your retirement can be found in the top most sections of the Fate and Apollo lines and the end of the Life line. About the last two fifths of the Life line represent the retirement years.

Islands represent ill health while branches suggest new journeys and a neat, strong ending shows vitality.

On retirement the fate line usually shows a break. Islands warn of financial problems while branches show new interests.

An Apollo line above the Heart line indicates happiness in old age especially if it is strong. Three parallel lines indicate financial success


People with earth hands find retirement very difficult and usually prefer to work until the end. Air hand people on retirement like to get themselves involved in activities such as study and groups.

On retirement people with fire hands tend to join clubs and community projects. People who have a water hand enjoy retirement and are happy to lay around reading, watching television and other such interests.

The quality of your retirement can be found in the top most sections of the Fate and Apollo lines and the end of the Life line. About the last two fifths of the Life line represent the retirement years.

Islands represent ill health while branches suggest new journeys and a neat, strong ending shows vitality.

On retirement the fate line usually shows a break. Islands warn of financial problems while branches show new interests.

An Apollo line above the Heart line indicates happiness in old age especially if it is strong. Three parallel lines indicate financial success.


Smooth knuckles are found on hands of people are very meticulous about their appearance and there home. People with uneven knuckles tend to have a more balanced and calm approach to life.

People with smooth fingers are very receptive to information and their enviroment. Information is processed intuitively.

When just only the bottom joints are pronounced the individual conducts their life in an orderly way.

People with both top and bottom pronounced joints are referred to as philosophical thinkers. They tend to analyze information and think before they act.


Personality traits such as strength of character may be found from the way the fingers are set into the palm.

People with evenly set fingers are rare but when found indicate confidence. These people always go on to be successful in life.

An uneven setting indicates a person with a lack of self confidence, especially if the little finger is very low set.

A person with an arched setting will have a well balanced personality.


First assemble the equipment you need which is black water soluble printing ink, rubber roller, quality paper, a rubber pad and a marble slab.

On the marble slab put an inch of black ink.

Spread the black ink with the rubber roller in an area enough to cover a hand.

First place the hand on the ink and spread on the palm over as much area as possible. Use the rubber roller to cover the balance of the hand.

Place piece paper on rubber pad and gently press keeping hand and fingers perfectly still.

Gently press the hand and fingers to paper.

Lift hand carefully off pad.

Ease paper off hand.

Perfect print.


On most hands you will find little or no hair.

Hair is most common on the back of mens hands.

Usually the more hair, the more the physical strength.

Colour of the hair is important.

A profusely hairy hand is often found on men with a high sex drive.

They also tend to over eat, and often in times of crisis will revert to their animal instincts.

When the hair on the back of the hand is sparce, fine and thin, it indicates people with lack of vigor.

They often tend to suffer from nervous problems.

Although on the good side, people with less hair are more diplomatic.


The skin texture on the hand shows the persons natural refinements.

If the texture is soft and delicate it will indicate a refined and sensitive person.

Transperant skin is found on saintly type people.

Thin skin is found on the hands of overly sensitive people.

Often those with thick skin are stubborn and insensitive.

Course skin is found on the hands of earthy people.

People with a satin, smooth type skin are very artistic and often have a love of nature.


The health of a person is often indicated by the colour of their hands.

Dead white hands often indicate a lack of circulation.

Pink hands are usually a sign of good health.

Red hands may indicate high blood pressure.

Blue-ish hands indicate a sluggish condition of the circulation of the blood supply.

The normal colour of the palm should be rosy and pinkish.


The degree of flexibility in your hand indicates your emotional and mental health.

In short, a flexible hand, a flexible mind, a stiff hand, a stiff mind.

Emotionally, those people with limber hands adjust well to their enviroment.

Stiff hands indicate those who have a rigid outlook on life.

A flexible hand that can bend backwards in a gracefull arch indicates a mind that can respond quickly.

These people can act, think and feel all at once.

A moderate flexible hand is the most common.

People with this type of hand tend to be balanced and in control of themselves.

An extremely flexible hand indicates a person who is easily led by others.

A firm type of hand indicates a strong type of person.

These people are conservative with their money and feelings.


The size of the hand can be important in in helping to judge the character and personality.

People with small hands have a strong desire to achieve.

They usually set long range goals in their life.

They sometimes have a big ego and have trouble relaxing.

People with medium hands are well balanced and have good judgement.

They have common sense and are practical.

People with large hands have many capability`s.

They can have many goals, all at the same time.

They are friendly and very sociable.


A Star om the mount of Apollo is a very good sign that indicates wealth and prestige.

A triangle on the Mount of Apollo indicates good luck.

A cross is not a good sign and may indicate the failure of dreams.

A cirlce is very rare and indicates fame.


A star on the Mount of Mercury indicates a successful proffesional career.

A cross under the Mount will protect your job or business against any bad luck.

A cross on the mount indicates diplomacy.

A square on the Mount of Mercury indicates someone who would be a good teacher.

A triangles shows someone who gets on well with other people.

A grill is not a good sign and indicates nervous problems.


A cross on the Mount of Venus indicates the person will find true love in their life.

A triangle on the Mount of Venus shows a person who will marry for money.

A star at the base of the Mount of Venus indicates trouble in finding true love in life.

A grill on the Mount of Venus is a sign of sensuality.

A island on the Mount of Venus indicates a loss of opportunities.

Small circles on the Mount will indicate adultry.

A square will act as protection in love.


A cross on the Mount of Venus indicates the person will find true love in their life.

A triangle on the Mount of Venus shows a person who will marry for money.

A star at the base of the Mount of Venus indicates trouble in finding true love in life.

A grill on the Mount of Venus is a sign of sensuality.

A island on the Mount of Venus indicates a loss of opportunities.

Small circles on the Mount will indicate adultry.

A square will act as protection in love.


A cross on the upper Mount of Mars shows a person who will never forgive an injustice.

It also indicates a person who tends to argue a lot.

A star on the upper Mount indicates this person may have a violent nature.

A triangle shows a person with a high level of courage.

These people also tend to do well in a military career.

A square on the upper Mount of Mars is a good sign of protection.

However a grill is a bad sign that may indicate a violent death.


A cross on the Lower Mount of Mars protects against a risk of sudden death.

A grille indicates someone with a argumentive nature.

A triangle will indicate fame will come from a brave deed.

A star shows someone who will achieve their goals through their own hard work.


A star on the Mount of the Moon shows someone who has a very vivid imagination.

A circle on the Mount indicates a warning against travel on water.

A cross indicates someone who tends to have exaggerated views in life.

A square will give you protection against danger in travel.

A grille is a bad sign and may indicate illness.


A star on the Mount of the Moon shows someone who has a very vivid imagination.

A circle on the Mount indicates a warning against travel on water.

A cross indicates someone who tends to have exaggerated views in life.

A square will give you protection against danger in travel.

A grille is a bad sign and may indicate illness.


Palmistry is the study of the lines and signs of the hands. Your palm print is the blueprint of your life. It tells everything about you - past, present, future - health - and more. Everything on your palm means something even the nails and color tones of the skin.

Once a line is one your hand it does not go away. Lines add on through your lifetime due to the electromagnetic changes sent by your brain. New lines general develop on the dominant hand - the one you write with. The other hand is your destiny, not your past life.

Once a line is formed it never disappears. Some people have many deep lines - while others people have the primary lines plus a few branches that extend from them.


Palmistry is called Chiromancy.

Palmistry is an ancient practice. Hands have been of recorded interest to humanity as far back as 12,000-15,000 years ago.

Judging by the number of hands painted in prehistoric caves it would seem the human hand held a interest for humans since the stone age. The prehistoric caves in Santander, Spain display hand drawings of palms with the major lines portrayed in amazing detail.

Archaeological discoveries have discovered hands made of stone, wood and ivory by ancient civilizations.

The emperor of China used his thumbprint when sealing documents in 3000 b.c. Information on the laws and practice of hand reading have been found in Vedic scripts, the bible and early Semitic writings.

Centuries ago, the sages of India established a system of knowledge stemming from the Vedas, the earliest sacred Hindu writings. They studied the hands as a means to unveil and understand the self and relationships with others. They saw that the unique patterns of lines and signs in the hand come into being as a direct result of the way we

The earliest writings with the word Palmistry (spelled 'Pawmestry') included was done in 1420 by John Lyndgate in his Assembly of Gods documents.

Aristotle (384-322 b.c) discovered a treatise on Palmistry on an altar to the god Hermes.

The Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen (ad 130-200) were both knowledgeable about the use of palmistry as a clinical aid.

Julius Caesar (102-44bc) judged his men by palmistry.

The first book on Palmistry was Michael Scotts De Philsiognomia done in 1477 on the physiognomy of the human body with a chapter on all the aspects of the human hand. Just as a pebble thrown into the water creates ripples, so our thoughts create similar effects on our palms. In the seventeenth century many books were written that included the early gypsy ideas about the hand that had been handed down through tradition since the early 1400s. In the eighteenth century books were written blending some scientific information about the hand with mysticism. Since then Palmistry was aligned with the idea that a person read the hand with a scientific eye and spoke from intuition. Palmistry then was a form of prediction that was as individual as the hand.

The practice of palmistry was unfortunately forced underground by the catholic church who branded it devil worshiping. Anyone found to have an interest was quickly murdered. As the church started to lose its influence in society common sense prevailed. Notable people such as Paracelsus (1493-1541) and Fludd (1574-1637) brought respectability to palmistry through their writings.

Marie Anne le Norman was a famous French fortune teller in Napoleon's court who created great interest in Palmistry because of her predictive successes with Napoleon and Josephine. Two other Frenchmen D1Arpentigny born in 1798 and Desbarrolles born in 1801 did a great deal of study and writing on the subject. Their findings are still seriously respected today.

Dr Carl Carus, physician to the king of Saxony in the 19th century matched palms to personality.

Advances in genetics, psychology and forensics have propelled Palmistry into the modern age.

In 1901 Scotland Yard adopted the technique of fingerprinting in criminal investigation and identification.

Medical researchers studying skin patterns - Dermatoglyphics - have discovered a correspondence between genetic abnormalities and unusual markings in the hand.

Research has confirmed a link between specific fingerprint patterns and heart disease.

Today Palmistry is accepted throughout the world. Professional palmists can be found reading palms in every country in the world. Major magazine and books have articles on Palmistry.


Everything matters in Palmistry...the size of the hand, it's shape, color, texture, the nails, depth of lines, even the manner in which you hold your hands when I read your palm.

The hand you use to write with is your dominant hand. The lines on this hand change through the years due to the electromagnetic images from your brain which know your lifepath. Lines can add on. Once added they do not go away.

The other hand is your destiny hand. It generally remains the same throughout your lifetime. I do not consider it your last lifetime as both hands are generally similar.

LINESOvals on the heart denote line-divorce, separation. A long heart line: Overly romantic. A straight heart line: The mind rules the heart. The heat lines ends on the Jupiter mount: You want to control relationships

Above the heart line: A "V" denotes empathic qualities. A "U" from the Jupiter to the Apollo finger: Gay person

Horizontal lines under the Mercury finger: Karmic relationships: Long lines that run across the palm of the hand to the Mount of Venus (past lives) (thumb) denote marriages or 'living together'. (They are marked the same way).

Vertical lines: Full ones that cross horizontal lines: Your children should you decided to have any. Short lines: Miscarriages, abortions. (This will come up on the father's hand as well).

Head Line: Education: College--crosses the entire palm. Masters Program--has branches from the primary Head Line. Small branches: Other courses of study.

Life Line: Surround Venus Mount (thumb) Starts from above the thumb and goes to the wrist. If not connected to the Head Line: Caretaker, independent thinker, will give a lot in this lifetime, usually first or last child in the family-- or the only child (if the space is really wide). Double line: Depression, needs therapy at some point. A "V" closer to the wrist: a divorce A split in the line: Moving far, changing destiny

Lines that follow the Life Line of your Venus Mount (thumb area): Spirit Guides, Past Lives

Fate / Career / Destiny Line: Runs from the wrist straight up to the Saturn (middle finger). Career / careers: will often branch in many directions which will determine changes in career and goals in one's lifetime. Doubled line denotes: working at 2 careers at the same time.

Travel lines: Run along the outside palm from the heart line to the wrist. This needs to be viewed with a palm print to see where the person will travel next! Many lines: Traveling for business as well as pleasure. A few long lines: Major trips that change your destiny, often seen in the old years.

Money lines: From outside of the Venus Mount to the heart line. Run upward from the wrist. May have stars, bars or various other markings to indicate money and how you will get it. A wide "V" in that area: cash settlement. Darker / deeper lines: Finances increase Scattered lines: Make lost of money but at various times in your life. Palm prints denote: white space in that area: you will lend money but never get it back: learning lessons with money. How many lessons depends on how many white areas are between the life line and the thumb on your palm print.

Other lines: Pentagrams [goddess energies], Stars, Circles, Triangles, The letter "M", the letter "V".

All markings depend on the area of the hand where they are found.

Many markings do not mean an old soul. Many men have few lines and are old souls. Blue collar workers have fewer lines--usually just the basic lines.

FINGERSDivided into 3 sections each with a different reference on each finger. Length of each section, and images on your palm print tell much.

Jupiter finger: Leadership, Self Esteem, The Teacher, Organization, Punctuality, The Limelight. A strong determined person will always have a long Jupiter finger, as do teachers, and performers.

Saturn Finger: Destiny, The Corporate World, Karma Long finger: Lots of karma to work out. Section closest to palm: Your family Section in the middle: Business world Section near the tip of the finger, your spiritual path

Apollo Finger: Creative, Metaphysical, Health If it points to the Saturn finger: Your have karma in the metaphysical realms.

Mercury Finger: Communications: Writing, Computers, Media Much can be gleamed in this area with a palm print as so many people are in the communication fields now. A short finger: does not go up as high as the third section on your Apollo finger: Not great with writing, but will overcome this by working with others. It the Mercury finger bends in: You hold back what you need to say!

Venus finger: How stubborn / or giving you are. It can be straight (stubborn) ---or bent (subtle)--the giver. Please check both hands as they may be different. i have one of each type!

The lengths of the Jupiter and Apollo fingers must be compared. If the Jupiter finger is shorter the person is often a late bloomer as he / she will follow the dictates of others and will not seek their own goals until their thirties.

Spaces between fingers: Wide between Saturn and Jupiter: Will overspend

Holding out the hands: When hands are placed down on the paper for the palm print: Wide open: Friendly, outgoing. Big space between the Mercury (pinky) and Apollo (ring) fingers: Will move, needs lots of freedom and space.

THE MOUNTSThe mounts refer to the fleshy lumps that appear on your hand, the high spots or "mountains" on the plane of the hand. The most prominent ones are roughly at the base of each finger and thumb. These are named after the finger or other feature which they are nearest. In general, the larger the mount the stronger the characteristic in the person. There is a special meaning if the mount is not exactly under the proper finger, but that's more specific than will be discussed here.

Jupiter (under index finger) - religion, pride, respectSaturn (under 2nd finger) - morbidness, sadness, interpersonal relationships.Sun (under ring finger) - artistic talentMercury (under pinky finger) - inventivenessUpper Mars (directly under the Mount of Mercury) - courageMoon (directly under Upper Mars, large) - imagination Venus (under thumb, across from Moon) - loveLower Mars (above Venus, across from Upper Mars) - indifference


When I 'read' somebody in my home, I do a palm prints for my client.

During the reading, as I am guided, I will take a magnifying glass and see what words, numbers, images, are depicted on a specific aspect of the print.

I label every aspect of the palm print for my client. It gives a very accurate picture of that person's lifepath. The palm print is a blueprint of the person. Lines never leave or change. New lines (branches) develop through one's life. This is generated by the electromagnetic energy of the person's brain. A line forms--->and event happens.

What I enjoy doing - time permitting - is using my magnifying glass to read the images on the print. I use black Speedball water base ink applied with a 1 inch printer's roller, which can be found in most art stores. The image is placed on a manila file folder (the same used in office work) with the clients name on the outside. The client keeps the file folder.

When I look at the images, they often come alive for me. The images are exact and can be seen by the client. This is especially helpful in finding initials and names of people and spirit guides, past life info, etc.

I have found lottery numbers on hands as well. There is a line that shows if you will win a lottery that cuts across the venus mount.

Palmistry Basics

Palmistry is often thought of as the art of reading the lines in the hand. The lines tell only one part of the story that is etched into the hands. A skilled Palmist looks at palmar lines and ridges, the shape and length of each finger, the mounts and bumps on the hand as well as skin color, warts, cuts, blisters, scars and the subject's own unique calling card, the fingerprints.

Recognition of the shape of the palm and the correspondences given to the mounds and fingers provides a grounding in the study of the map of the hand. Once this mapping is understood, it becomes much simpler to learn to read the hand by viewing the lines, bumps, wounds and other unique markings as an 'overlay' on top of the map.

ChirognomyThe study of hand shapes, including the size and shapes of the fingers and mounds. This section contains information about the four basic hand shapes. To learn about the map of the hands, visit the Meaning & Myth section.

ChiromancyThe study of the lines in the hands. This word is also often used to describe the entire study of palmistry. This section gives a basic overview of the three major lines found in the hand as well as commonly found vertical lines.

DermatoglyphicsThe study of the skin ridges of the hand. In the section you will find an summary of the four basic types of fingerprints.

Meaning & Myth

The astrological map of the hand is key to palm reading. Without an understanding of the qualities that correspond to each part of the hand and each finger, the lines, dots, squares, cuts, hollows and bumps are meaningless. A star on the mound of Apollo has a very different meaning than a star on the mound of Mars. A person with a large thumb and a long, straight Jupiter finger will behave very differently than a person with a large thumb and a short, twisted Jupiter.

The astrological map of the hand is the base upon which the highways and byways of the nervous system become etched. A firm grasp of the meanings and myths associated with each area is the basis for the study of palmistry.

The mounds and fingers were named for the seven planets that were recognized by astronomers and astrologers at an earlier time in our history. Some modern palmists have added the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, to the map. As these are not personalized planets, I prefer to work with the classic diagram. The image on this page illustrates the traditional layout of the hand. The links below each open to a page with more details.

Jupiter - The pointer finger and the mound below itSaturn - The middle finger and the mound below itApollo (Sun) - The ring finger and the mound below itMercury - The little finger and the mound below itMars - The upper mound inside the life lineVenus - The lower mound inside the life lineMoon - The mound on the heel of the hand


The pointer finger and the mound just below it are ruled by Jupiter.

Astrologically Jupiter is the ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius (and, before the discovery of Neptune, Pisces). It is at home in the 9th house of the wheel. Jupiter's element is Fire.


In the Roman pantheon Jupiter is the supreme God and is equivalent to Zeus in Greek mythology. Jupiter is the protector of the state and its laws.

As Zeus he was also considered the spiritual leader of both Gods and men. The Olympic games were held in his honor.

It was Jupiter who presented Hercules with his 12 labors. It takes Jupiter 12 years to travel through the zodiac and return to it's beginning point. In this myth Jupiter is playing out the role of the teacher. Jupiter was also called by the name Jove from which we get the word jovial.

Astrological Meaning

Jupiter is the planet of expansion. It is the largest planet in the solar system. In the natal chart Jupiter is associated with leadership, principles, philosophy, law, politics, higher education, travel, abundance, problem solving and ritual.

Negatively Jupiter can manifest as excess in our lives. It may be physical such as overeating or spiritual such as dogmatism.

Jupiter in your Hand

The Jupiter finger can be looked upon as the trigger finger. It represents authority, leadership, motivation, confidence, pride, ambition, goals, power, boundaries, status, and ideals.

A high set Jupiter finger is an indication of a high need to feel respected. An overly large Jupiter finger shows that the subject likes to be in charge. A bent , twisted or short Jupiter finger often indicates problems with authority figures, self-esteem issues or struggles with personal power.


The middle finger and the mound just below it are ruled by Saturn.

Astrologically Saturn is the ruler of the zodiac sign Capricorn. It is at home in the 10th house of the wheel. Saturn's element is Earth.


Saturn was originally an agricultural god and was concerned with sowing of seeds. The Greeks called him "Sun of the night" and he was associated with the passage of time, old age and death. Saturn's temple was used as a depository for the state treasury and archives.

During the feast of Saturnalia, all business was suspended and the roles of master and slave would be reversed for seven days.

Astrological Meaning

Saturn is the planet of contraction, limitation and time. It rules form, structure, focus, discipline, responsibility, steadfastness, security or insecurity, modesty, harvest, bitterness, depression, success or lack of it, and rigidity. Saturn is the patron of hermits, monks, judges, critics, farmers, mentors, the ancestors and the elderly, lawmakers and builders.

Saturn in your Hand

In the hand the areas of Saturn measure completion, accountability and self-worth. It is here where the palmist looks for the subjects attitude towards responsibility and to see if he or she is doing what they are supposed to. Keywords include integrity, security, discipline, should, prudence, prudishness, duty, obligation, money, values, resources, environmentalism, pessimism, conformity and structure.

Because of the emphasis on security, employment and success in our culture the Saturn finger tends to carry its share of baggage and it is not uncommon for the finger to be twisted, overgrown or challenged in some other way.


The ring finger and the mound just below it are ruled by the Sun, commonly referred to as Apollo.

Astrologically the Sun is the ruler of the zodiac sign Leo and is at home in the 5th house of the wheel. The Sun's element is Fire.


Apollo was the offspring of Zeus and Leto and the twin brother of Artemis, Goddess of the Moon. Apollo was nursed on nectar and ambrosia and became a mighty God who claimed the lyre and the curved bow to be his. He wore the crown of laurel and his lyre was made of ivory and studded with gems. Apollo was the epitome of male beauty. He was said to have been the creator of music and poetry and he defeated any who dared to compete with him in these arenas.

Apollo's temple was at Delphi, home of the famous oracle. Inscribed there are the words, "Know Thyself".

Astrological Meaning

The Sun is heat and its light is required for all forms of creation in the world. The Sun in the natal chart represents the self. Its keywords are essence, radiance, source, identity, expressiveness, play, creativity, confidence, motivation, and self-realization.

Its positive manifestation is the healthy development of one's own individuality, warmth, creativity and self-confidence. Negatively it may be expressed as narcissism and arrogance, or a weak will and lack of confidence.

Apollo (The Sun) in your Hand

Apollo in the hand reveals the subject's feelings about expression of the self. Keywords include creativity, aesthetics, art, beauty, the persona, personal expression, niche, social skills, applause.

The size and shape of the lower zone of the Apollo finger shows whether the subject feels acceptance in the world. A star on the mound of Apollo is an indication of exceptional creative talents.


The little finger and the mound just below it are ruled by Mercury.

Astrologically Mercury is the ruler of the zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo and it is at home in the 3rd and 6th houses of the wheel. Mercury's element is Air. When associated with Virgo it is Earth.


Mercury is the messenger God and is depicted as having winged sandals and carrying the cadeucus. He is the God of communication and mediation. He was also a divine manipulator. Mercury is considered the protector of thieves and businessmen. His Greek name is Hermes.

Hermes presided over magic, education and culture. He is said to have invented the alphabet.

Astrological Meaning

In the natal chart Mercury rules intellect, voice, communication, mediation, tactics, mental flexibility, judging, logic, resourcefulness and health. Archetypally, Mercury may be the messenger, the poet, the salesman, the critic, the teacher and the student both, the healer and the analyst.

On the negative side Mercury may often manifest as the Trickster, crafty, calculating and false. Negative Virgo manifests as the critic.

Mercury in your Hand

Such a small area of the hand reveals a lot about its owner. Keywords for Mercury are communications, ingenuity, negotiations, invention, intimacy, strategy, marketing, healer.

A long Mercury finger indicates that the subject is quick, sharp and clever though not necessarily a good communicator. A bent Mercury finger may imply issues regarding trust. A low set Mercury finger reveals fears about abandonment.


Mars rules 2 of the mounds on the hand. The upper mound of Mars is located just under the mound of Mercury. The lower mound of Mars is found inside the life line above the mound of Venus.

Astrologically Mars is the ruler of the zodiac sign of Aries and it is at home in the 1st house of the wheel. The elemental ruler of Mars is Fire.


Mars is the God of war. In early Roman history he was a God of Spring, growth, fertility and the protector of cattle. Eventually he became a God of death and then the God of war. Mars is portrayed as a warrior in full battle armor. He is often accompanied by Fuga and Timor, the personifications of flight and fear.

Astrological Meaning

Mars is associated with desire, energy, aggression, action, stamina, perseverance, frustration, conflict and passion. It represents the masculine principal and rules pioneers, leaders, conquerors, adventurers, soldiers, athletes, fanatics and tyrants. When manifested positively Mars brings strength, willpower, commitment, staying power, willingness to take risks and satisfied desire. When out of balance, Mars can be impatient, brutish, violent, uncontrollable, aggressive, vengeful and hot-headed.

Mars in your Hand

The upper mound of Mars deals with determination and resistance. It can represent both endurance and stubbornness. It is often considered to be passive Mars and tells of moral courage. If this mound is overdeveloped the subject may be daring and rash. If it is underdeveloped or negatively marked it may be an indication of a subject who succumbs to fear and apprehension.

The lower mound of Mars is more active and outgoing. Here can be found indications of ambition, physical courage, initiative and aggression. If this mound is overly large, the subject may be driven, aggressive and argumentative or he/she may like a good challenge. If hollow, it shows a person who lacks the ability to stand up for his or her self.


The mound that forms the ball at the base of the thumb is ruled by Venus.

Astrologically Venus is the ruler of the zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra and it is at home in the 2nd and 7th houses of the wheel. As Libra Venus is Air and as Taurus it is Earth.


Venus was originally a Goddess of Spring, fruitfulness, herbs and flowers. She later became identified with the Greek Aphrodite and took on her associations of love and sexuality. Aphrodite was married to the god of smiths, Hephaistos, but had many affiars with both gods and men. Aphrodite was the patroness of prostitutes.

Astrological Meaning

Venus in the Natal chart represents love, feeling, harmony, devotion, esthetics, luxury, value, play, the ability to give and take, partnership and relationship. It can also denote areas of temptation or the capacity to devote oneself to someone or something. Venus is the feminine principle.

Positively, Venus can be sensuous, playful, warm-hearted, affectionate, empathic and well-mannered. In its negative state venus can be vain, superficial, tastleless, perverse, jealous, cruel, greedy, lazy, snobbish and infantile.

Venus in your Hand

The mound of Venus is an indicator of our ability to love as well as our capacity for playfulness. It indicates the strength and energy of our physical appetites, our zest for life. A normal mound of Venus suggests warmth and a balanced attitude toward the physical manifestations of love.

An excessively large mount of Venus is an indicator of someone who lets their desires run the show. Appetites and emotions may be exaggerated and this person can be crude and brutish. An underdeveloped mound of Venus implies insecurity or lack of zest for life. It is often accompanied by a life line that runs closely around the thumb.

The Moon

The mound on the lower, outer heel of the hand is ruled by the Moon.

Astrologically The Moon is the ruler of the zodiac sign of Cancer and it is at home in the 4th house of the wheel. The Moon's element is Water.


The Moon is often said to be represented by a trio of Goddesses, each linked with one of the faces of the Moon. The are Selene, Diana (know to the Greeks as Artemis) and Hecate.

Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo. She was known as a wild hunter and represents the primitive aspects of life. She was also the protector of childbith.

Selene is said to drive across the night sky in her chariot. Hecate is associated with magic and enchantment and is said to be worshipped at crossroads, tombs and at scenes of crimes.

Astrological Meaning

The sign and placement of the Moon in the natal chart reveals much about the inner emotional live of the subject. It represents the primitive responses, the feeling realm, and the unconscious. Mood is ruled by the Moon as it is cyclical like the waning and waxing light. The Moon also stands for the feminine principal, home and family.

The Moon in your Hand

The mound of the Moon in our hand is the area of receptivity, either positive or negative (stagnation). Keywords include intuition, imagination, moods, sensitivity, illusion, lunacy, escapism, addiction, psychic vision, the subconscious and spirituality.

Case Studies

Previous case studies

Opening to Higher Creativity:A Fingerprint and Natal Chart Comparison

These hands belong to a creative and sensitive man who is having difficulty finding his niche in the world. One of the lessons he is facing in this lifetime is to learn to freely express his emotions without fear of rejection. Illustrated in both his fingerprints and his astrological chart is a karmic challenge to use his uniquely creative talent for expression in service to the empowerment of self and others.

HYPERLINK "javascript:bigHand('BBRight');"

(Click images to see larger view)

The fingerprints are, on the right hand, thumb to Mercury: Loop, Arch, Loop, Whorl, Loop. The left hand is all loops. The whorl on right Apollo indicates a need to strive for creativity, individuality. The arch on right Jupiter shows past lives where power struggles and issues with authority figures were prevalent. Loops on eight of the ten fingers shows that keeping the heart open and finding emotional connection is of utmost importance in this lifetime. This individual must develop confidence in his own authority while remaining emotionally open in order to use his creativity for the highest good and find a place in the world where he feels at home and appreciated.

In the natal chart, Aries sits on the 12th house cusp . This indicates many lifetimes where survival was the dominant issue. As mirrored in the arch on Jupiter, power struggles were likely as was the possibility of the presence of violence.

Saturn, sometimes known as the Lord of Karma, is in Gemini. In a past life a karmic debt was created by the misuse of information, creating, in this life, a fear of self-expression. There may have also been cowardice and a tendency toward isolation.

The Moon's North Node is in Aquarius, The South is in Leo. This shows that past lifetimes had been full of pride, self- centerdness, willfullness, and a need to have things "his own way". The North Node is calling our subject to a life of altruism, to learn cooperation, to stand proud in his own originality and put his creative and inventive talents to work for the common good. This is a lifetime of learning to work with others instead of retreating into the self.

Mercury is low set on both hands (1), as is Apollo on the left hand (2), indicating that he is experiencing both a lack of closeness in this life and a feeling of not being appreciated. This would contribute to a tendency to withdraw not only from individuals but from society in general. On the right hand the Life and Head Lines are adjoined for a full 3/4 of an inch, a bit longer than is typical (3), a sign that it was diffcult for this man to assert his independence in order to make his way out into the world.

Despite its set, Mercury is very long (4). Long Mercury owners are likely to excel at communications unless, of course, there are other indications of challenge to this area in the hand. As we shall see, there are.

On both hands a long fine Girdle of Venus (5) makes its way from the inner edge of the Mercury finger straight across the heart line to the Jupiter mound. I see this as sensitivity that may result in power giveaway. The line is doubled in parts revealing a need for extra protection when the emotions are challenged in relation to self-confidence issues. On the left hand there is an attack line coming from inside the thumb area and ending on the heart line just below Apollo (6). This shows a wound to creative expression which most likely happened in the teen years.

The natal chart confirms the inhibitions toward innovation and self expression. Saturn in Gemini resides in the first house, limits on communication coloring the sense of self. It is also square Mercury in Virgo in the fifth house. Thinking may be narrow and the inner critic would have a lot of opportunity to come out and play.

Despite all that, I see that this man's greatest creative gift lies in the fields of communication, possibly writing or even work in film or video. Journalism or documentary filmmaking would be perfect venues for this man's innovative nature and could fulfill his calling to working toward universal good.

Case Study

Seeking to Communicate

The shape of this hand is most like the Fire Hand but the lines are indicative of Air. This person may be assertive in intellectual matters. The Head Line on the left hand is extremely long and straight, the one on the right hand only slightly less so, suggesting someone who spends a lot of time in the realm of logic.

HYPERLINK "javascript:bigHand('MKRight');"

(Click images to see larger view)

The Head Line on the left hand shows some scattering of energy below the Apollo finger. (1) On the right hand there is an X just above and barely touching the Head Line, also under Apollo. (2) This would suggest blocks or lack of faith regarding personal creativity. The Apollo finger is also slightly short on both hands. Though messy there are multiple Lines of Apollo which show that the subject is working to access their creative abilities.

The Heart Line has dangling Xs in the intimacy zone (3) on the Mercury side of the hand. The large size of these Xs along with Arch prints on 8 out of 10 fingers would imply that the subject has a difficult time letting go of past emotional hurt. Spending a lot of time in the intellectual world might be the strategy used for keeping the emotions at bay.

The Medical Stigmata (Lines of Compassion) below the Mercury fingers on both hands (4) show that this subject has taken on the role of the healer in this lifetime. The Mercury Line is present, though short. This person is a seeker still early on the path. A box on the left Mound of the Moon (5) reveals a need for protection around expression of spiritual values.

The Saturn line starts strongly on the Mound of the Moon but weakens once it reaches the head line. This person's current career does not meet their intellectual expectations.

The thumb is high set indicating that that the subject has had to work hard for achievements. The area of the thumb that represents the Throat Chakra is missing, more so on the left hand, (6) suggesting that this person has a difficult time asking for what they need, particularly in personal relationships. However, loops on the Mercury fingertips reveal a Life Purpose as the Communicator.

At the time of this reading the subject had just returned to school to get a Masters Degree in philosophy and religious studies with the intent of becoming a teacher.

Case Studies

Previous case studies

Burdened by Obligation

This set of hands is a cross between Fire and Water. Both the palm (when measured at the center) and the fingers are long as in a classic Water hand. The lines have a crackly quality to them suggesting Fire. They are deeply etched.

Though not easily discerned in the prints, the fingers on both hands are twisted, turned toward the thumb. The thumbs are on the large side, particularly on the right hand (1). The middle section of the thumb is especially wide.

HYPERLINK "javascript:bigHand('RSRight');"

(Click images to see larger view)

This area of the thumb corresponds to the third eye in the Chakra system. It is the area of discernment. Some palmistry books say this section of the thumb corresponds to logic. In either case this is the part of the thumb that represents our desire for right action. The top part of the thumb is our willpower. The thumbs on this hand are trying to pull the weak, twisted fingers along toward right action using will and logic. This is not the healthiest of situations.

On the other side of the hand, the percussion side, we see that the Mercury finger is extremely low set (2), as if someone did a little excavation on that part of the hand and then put the finger back into the dug out area. This is an indication that one or both parents was not emotionally (or physically) available to this person as a child. This has left the subject with fears regarding abandonment as an adult.

Loops on the Mercury fingertip indicate an emotional Mercury. Communication is not the easiest for this person, especially when speaking about any subject that may have an emotional charge. The bottom phalange of Mercury almost disappears where it should connect to the palm (3). This indicates fear of intimacy.

The subject has a girdle of Venus on both hands indicating an ultra sensitive nature. The left hand heart line is long and straight, ending on the Jupiter mound, revealing a giver who spends a lot of time intellectualizing relationships. The heart line on the right hand ends in a D fork (4), another sign of a highly emotional nature. On both hands the heart line is braided and doubled, betraying the subject's need to hide her emotional nature. The quality of this line reveals lots of wounding as well as protective armoring around the heart.

A wide space between Mercury and Apollo (5) indicates the need for independence, but narrow spacing between Saturn and Apollo (6) shows inability to act on that desire.

The fingerprints on this subject's hands are mostly of the whorl type. Using the system for determining life purpose developed by Richard Unger of IIHA, I have determined that the subject has come here to be in a service lifetime. The danger of negative manifestation of a service lifetime, particularly for someone this sensitive and emotional, is to become entrenched in burdensome obligation, rather than service that is given freely and with reward gladly accepted. This particular subject has been unable to cut the apron strings to an overbearing mother who uses childish tantrums to get her way. She has denied her own needs, responding to her mother's behavior in ways that reinforces it and further obligates the subject to serving only one person in an unhealthy, emotionally draining manner.

We already noted the loops on Mercury, indicating inability to speak up for the subject's own needs. It is also a clue that this person may isolate herself as a protective mechanism rather than risk abandonment as marked by the low set Mercury fingers. Using the life purpose system, a loop on right Saturn (on this particular person's hands) also contributes to this unhealthy pattern, as it is a sign that the subject suffers from guilt.

The Jupiter finger is set high in both hands (7), showing a greater than average need for respect. With the guilt pattern on Saturn it is particularly difficult for this person to have this need met. All of these markers interpreted together point toward a life lived as a victim.

The large middle phalange of the thumb pulling on the fingers, as noted earlier, the rational heart line and the pinched bottoms of all but the Jupiter fingers indicates that the subject is trying very hard to rationalize and justify this type of existence.

There is hope for this subject. When a person in a service lifetime is living in burdensome obligation the pendulum must swing to the other side for a time. This person needs to spend some time being selfish, learning to say no and learning to get love and respect from within. Only then will she be able to ask for it from the outside world and find herself in a situation of healthy service, able to make a difference in the world and gain reward and recognition.

Case Studies

Previous case studies

Emotional Leader

This set of hands would clearly be classified as Water hands. The palm is oblong and the fingers are long. The fingerprints are predominantly loops and the hand is full of pale, spidery lines indicating a nervous system that picks up signals like fine radar.

The heart line shows lots of dangling Xs (1), indicating emotional traumas that are still having an effect on the subject's life. Both hands have the Girdle of Venus (2), essentially "more heart". It is a sign of increased sensitivity and an indicator that the subject may take on other people's emotions and upsets as well as their own.

HYPERLINK "javascript:bigHand('GMRight');"

(Click images to see larger view)

Mercury is low set on both hands (3), indicating a childhood where one or more caretakers was emotionally unavailable to the subject. This may leave the adult with fears that all who supposedly love them will someday leave them. This certainly adds to the emotional nature of these hands.

There are some indications that our subject has been working to overcome some of these emotional injuries. Though it is difficult to see in the scanned prints, there is a Medical Stigmata (mark of the healer) on the left hand under Mercury (4). There is also a strong Mercury line on that hand (5). Both of these indicate that the subject has been on a path seeking answers to the questions that plague her. There is also a star on the Mercury line down in the Mound of Luna (6). This is also the sign of a spiritual seeker. There is a wide bar across Luna which heads right into that star. This may be a challenge to spiritual values. It may also indicate a need for escapism which is at odds with the spiritual yearnings of this individual. Fortunately the star remains strong.

A long Mercury finger on the left hand shows a desire to communicate. On the right hand Mercury sticks out like a receiver, ready to take in messages. The wide space between that finger and Apollo suggests a desire for autonomy.

Also on the right hand is a star on the mount of Jupiter (8). Above it sits a "Teacher's Square". The right Jupiter finger has a whorl fingerprint, a loner among all the other loops. These three markers tell us that this person is being called to be a leader, to inspire and instruct. She is being asked to use her personal power out in the world, to deliver a message to others. It is likely that this message has to do with compassion and healing, especially in the emotional realms. This could be a difficult task for someone as sensitive as this. It would require allowing the emotions to flow and the willingness to be vulnerable.

There are 2 more obstacles to becoming the leader recorded in these hands. The thumbs are almost sucked back into the palm (9), particularly on the right hand (behavior out in the world). The thumbs represent willpower and the ability to get results in the world. These thumbs are not reaching out into the world to make their mark. The fate line (or Saturn line) is also pale, weak, and in some sections on its journey up the palm, nonexistent. This may show a lack of commitment or uncertainty in how to accomplish what may seem like a monumental task. In order for our subject to truly take on the role of the powerful leader, she must be willing to allow her emotions to flow. She must learn to love her wounds and understand that they can be transformed into strengths. The Medical Stigmata and the Mercury line indicate that she has begun this work. It is important that she make a commitment and not let fear of being hurt get in the way.

Case Studies

Previous case studies

Right and Left Simian Line

The most dinstinctive feature of this pair of hands is the Simian Line (1) that takes the place of the Head and Heart Lines in both hands. I had once been told that the old palmists believed that one could not be alive with the Simian Crease in both hands. I don't remember who told me that so I cannot verify it. And as we can see from this set of prints it is not true. In 9 years of reading hands this is the second person I have encountered with the Simian in both hands. (NOTE: Since the original publication of this article I have encountered about a dozen more examples of the Simian crease on both hands. LZ 10-22-02)

HYPERLINK "javascript:bigHand('DCSimianRight');"

(Click images to see larger view)

In Palmistry the Simian Line represents the merging of head and heart functions just as the lines themselves are merged. The person with this mark has trouble distinguishing thoughts from feelings and vice versa. There is an intensity of focus and capacity for genius in a particular area, usually indicated by other information in the hand. Persons with the Simian Crease on even one hand often feel isolated, seeing themselves as radically different from their peers. They do not recognize their own talents and may consequently suffer from problems with self-esteem.

In this particular hand there are several other markers to confirm self-esteem issues. The Jupiter finger is both short and curved on both hands (2), indicating that it takes work for this man to own his own authority. Lower Jupiter on both hands is quite wide indicating a need to maintain wide boundaries. The middle sections of all the fingers (3) seem to disappear in these prints. This middle zone is the area of the fingers that governs the material world. The "waisting in" of this area indicates difficulty with accepting rewards and praise. Specifically, with Jupiter, difficulty accepting success, with Saturn, difficulty accepting monetary rewords, career promotions, etc. With Apollo, there is difficulty in finding one's niche, socially and creatively. Apollo is also curved (4), leaning toward Saturn, indicating defensiveness, probably a reaction to feeling like a misfit. Not surprising with 2 Simians.

The middle zone of Mercury on the Right hand is pinched in (5) much like the other fingers. This area represents negotiation abilities out in the world. The pinching in shows a lack of confidence in this area. This man is a business and legal consultant and works for himself. He confided in me that he has trouble asking for payment from his clients and often gives his work away for much less than its true value.

Mercury is low set, particularly on the left hand (6), indicating that this person is needing more love and closeness, the roots of this likely being not enough love and closeness as a child from parents or caretakers. Left Mercury is curved (7), indicating an innacurate self image. The upper zone of that left Mercury is extremely large. This person has a lot of ideas to communicate, but only feels safe doing so around people with whom he has already developed closeness and trust.

The thumb is on the short side (8), though the angle of opposition is not terribly closed. Still this makes for having to work harder to acheive results for effort. According to the this person's fingerprint patterns, getting results in the world is the life lesson.

The Fate (Saturn) Line on these hands are very straight (9), heading right up the middle of the hand without wavering. This is the sign of a person who has tried to live by someone esle's rules. It is also the sign of the workaholic, a tendency that my client was willing to own. On the right hand the line connects with the Life Line (10), showing an attempt by the parents to influence life choices around work, money and ethics. Like many of the other lines on the hand the Fate Line is not clear and clean, instead showing signs of nervous energy and stress. The line weakens as it heads for the finger, indicating emotional issues connected to this attempt to live up to the expectations of others.

An attempt at creating a Head Line branch on the left hand (11) shows strong intuitive tendencies. On both hands there seems to be a "bite" taken out of the Mound of the Moon (12). More trust in the self and less fear about seeming "weird" is needed to fully utilize this intuitive ability.

Except for the right thumb, all of the fingerprints are whorls. This gentlemen is here to live a life of service. With 9 whorls out of 10, I would include him in the group of persons who needs to perform this service in their own unique way. In order to be able to do this, this person needs to stand strong in his own uniqueness, emphasized by those two intense Simian Lines, and learn to disregard what others think is the "right" way for him to be in the world.

Case Studies

Previous case studies

Changing Hands

With every new client I start by explaining how the hands will continue to change throughout life and that is why I take prints with every reading. The prints are dated so that we have a picture in time of what life issues are being presented in the hands at the time of the reading.

About a month ago I was reorganizing my filing system when I came across the folder of my own handprints taken at various times in the last 10 years. Even I was surprised to see how strongly the events of my life were recorded in the images. I took 4 of the sets and spread them out on my dining room table. Friends who are only vaguely familiar with the concepts of what I do took notice of the prints and were able to point out marked differences from one set of prints to another, not necessarily knowing what they were seeing.

(Click images to see larger view)

I have included here the left hand image of those four sets of prints. Though there were differences in both hands as far as posture and skin texture, there have been more changes in the lines of my left hand than in my right.

You may read in some palmistry texts that the left hand (or non-dominant hand) is what you are born with and the right (or dominant hand) is what you do with it. If that were so the left hand would never change. That is not what I believe and my own changing left hands are the proof. I am right handed.

The March 1993 print was taken early in my Palmistry career. I was pretty shy at the time as is shown by the closed posture of my fingers and the relatively small angle of opening of my thumb. Notice that my Jupiter finger (pointer finger) is just slightly curved and the life line is weak. The heart line has two branches, one curving upward to the Jupiter finger and one ending in the mound between the Jupiter and Saturn (middle) fingers.

I am skipping many years ahead to September 1998 because there was less change in those early years then in the more recent ones. This print is significant in showing how energetic changes can be seen in the texture of a print. This print was taken at the end of a long period of illness which drained my energy. The effect on my nervous system is easy to read. The print looks "nervous", there is little definition to the skin texture, and "bites" are taken out of the Mercury finger and the thumb. Jupiter is even more curved, indicating a time of feeling powerless. That was certainly a side effect of dealing with this illness.

By January of 2001 a change can be seen in the heart line. The branch that had ended on the mound had begun to extend outward reaching almost to the end of the hand under Jupiter. This indicates that I was becoming more analytical about emotional issues.

Less than a year later my health was near perfect. My life line, though still short, shows more depth and smoothness. The change in the heart line is much more noticeable and Jupiter is straightening out. The angle of the thumb is open and strong. It is difficult to see in the web image but a tiny star has developed on the upper zone of the Apollo (ring) finger. Unfortunately, a disappointing birthday is marked by temporary scar tissue on the mound of the moon, courtesy of my cat.

Case Studies

Previous case studies

No Respect

These hands belong to a man trying to find his way in the world of service. He has several obstacles to contend with in his search for purpose.

The heart line curves nicely to Jupiter (1) on both hands, showing a desire for closeness and the capacity to put others first. A flat branch to the Jupiter mound on the left hand (2) indicates the capacity to show consideration for other's feelings. Unfortunately the heart line is in poor condition, revealing attachment to past hurts and old angers (3) still needing to be released.

HYPERLINK "javascript:bigHand('GfCRight');"

(Click images to see larger view)

Mercury is low set (4), particularly on the left hand. This person is feeling a lack of closeness and understanding, most likely rooted in childhood family patterns.

On the right hand Jupiter is also low set, not getting enough respect (5). To make matters more complex, Jupiter is short (6) on both hands, showing a lack of self-confidence, making it difficult for this person to ask for the respect he so desires. Conversation with the subject revealed a family of origin that did a lot of "teasing", but made very few sincere gestures of appreciation.

The fingerprints are, on the right hand, thumb to Mercury: Whorl, Whorl, Whorl, Whorl, Whorl. Left hand: Composite, Whorl, Loop, Whorl, Loop. The life purpose here is Service, consciousness employed in a desire to help, but not control others. The challenge to acheiving the purpose is worthiness and integrity in relationships (left Saturn and left Mercury).

Growing up in a household where any real expression of affection was looked upon as a weakness served to intensify the feelings associated with the life lesson. Additional challenges are revealed in the large and stiff thumbs with wide middle zones (7). In its positive manifestation the wide middle zone can be a sign of wisdom, the caring advice-giver, a marking of giftedness put to good use in true Selfless Service. In a negative expression it may manifest as the know-it-all, the dogmatist. In conjunction with overly large mounds of Mars (8) and bulbous "murderer's thumb" (9) on the left hand, the tendency would be toward bossiness and an angry need to control. "I can't help you if you don't do what I say." Service without the smile.

Wide lower Mercury zones (10) show a need for sensual expression. A large Venus mound on the left hand (11) indicates that the baser instincts may be calling the shots. Without more signs of advancement these can be serious trouble areas for this particular life lesson.

Being in a Service lifetime, this man needs to learn selfishness as a balance point for years of servitude and power struggles. By learning to take care of himself he can overcome negative self-worth, create positive relationship experiences and engage in selfless service without attachment to outcome.

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