Pakistan Floods Appeal

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Pakistan Floods Appeal

„„It is a hopeless situation. Our house and It is a hopeless situation. Our house and all our goods are lost. The flood has all our goods are lost. The flood has carried all our belongings away, we‘ve carried all our belongings away, we‘ve lost everything.“lost everything.“

Shazia, young mother from PakistanShazia, young mother from Pakistan

An end to the disaster in Pakistan is not An end to the disaster in Pakistan is not in sight. in sight.

About 20 million people are affected by About 20 million people are affected by the floods. the floods.

The Salvation Army is there in the The Salvation Army is there in the communities to help and support the communities to help and support the victims in their despair. victims in their despair.

The Salvation Army is distributing The Salvation Army is distributing emergency relief to the affected families. emergency relief to the affected families. A kit consists of a mattress, blanket, A kit consists of a mattress, blanket, pillow, kitchen and household utensils. pillow, kitchen and household utensils.

800 kits have been distributed so far with 800 kits have been distributed so far with the financial assistance received. the financial assistance received.

Another 2,200 families have been Another 2,200 families have been identified and are waiting...identified and are waiting...

Please help too!Please help too!

50 US dollars will purchase one kit and 50 US dollars will purchase one kit and allow us to distribute to additional needy allow us to distribute to additional needy families.families.

The Salvation Army Pakistan was The Salvation Army Pakistan was established over 125 years ago. established over 125 years ago.

Today it consists of over 70, 000 Today it consists of over 70, 000 members, 133 Churches, ten social members, 133 Churches, ten social institutions and four larger community institutions and four larger community development programmes. development programmes.

We will support our friends in Pakistan in We will support our friends in Pakistan in this huge task to bring relief to the victims this huge task to bring relief to the victims

Thank you very Thank you very much for your much for your support and support and prayers!prayers!

You will find the latest You will find the latest information under: information under:

The Salvation Army Pakistan, 20. August 2010The Salvation Army Pakistan, 20. August 2010