Paizo Occult Mysteries

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Paizo occult mysteries

Transcript of Paizo Occult Mysteries

Authors· Jason Bulmahn, Crystal Frasier, Jim Groves, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Erik Mona, F. Wesley Schneider, and Jerome Virnich

Cover Artist· Johan Grenier Interior Artists • Helge c. Balzer, Eric Belisle, Dmitry Burmak ,

Milivoj Ceran, Ralph Horsley, Dieter Miller, Roberto Pitturru, Kim Sokol, and Tatiana Vetrova

Creative Director ·James Jacobs Editor-in-Chief • F. Wesley Schneider Managing Editor ·James L . Sutter Lead Developer • Mark Moreland

Senior Developer • Rob McCreary Developers • Logan Bonner, john Compton,

Adam Daigle, Mark Moreland, and Patrick Renie Associate Editors ·Judy Bauer and Christopher Carey Editors· Justin Juan, Lyz Liddell, Ryan Macklin, and

Matthew Simmons Lead Designer· Jason Bulmahn Designers • Stephen Radney·MacFarland and

Sean K Reynolds

Managing Art Director· Sarah E. Robinson Senior Art Director· Andrew Vallas Art Director · Sonja Morris Graphic Designers • Emily Crowell and Ben Mouch

Publisher • Erik Mona Paizo CEO • Lisa Stevens Chief Operations Officer ·Jeffrey Alvarez Director of Sales • Pierce Watters Sales Associate • Cosmo Eisele Marketing Director ·jenny Bendel Finance Manager • Christopher Self Staff Accountant • Ashley Gillaspie Chief Technical Officer • Vic Wertz Senior Software Developer • Gary Teter Campaign Coordinator • Mike Brock Project Manager ·Jessica Price Licensing Coordinator • Michael Kenway

Customer Service Team • Erik Keith, Sharaya Kemp, Katina Mathieson, and Sara Marie Teter

Warehouse Team ·Will Chase, Mika Hawkins, Heather Payne, Jeff Strand, and Kevin Underwood

Website Team • Christopher Anthony, Liz Courts, Crystal Frasier, Lissa Guillet, and Chris Lambertz

Table of Contents

Collectiou Memoraudum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A letter from Djavin Vhrest, Curator of Apocrypha at the Forae Logos in Absalom, further

enumerating and warning against the dissemination of dangerous texts.

Mysteries of Golariou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Gain new insight into the truth behind some of Golarion's oldest mysteries, from the very

creation of life to devious agendas as old as the stars.

Secret Societies ... 16 Mysterious organizations manipulate nations and destinies in world-spanning power

games. Learn their clandestine ways, and perhaps even join their shadowy ranks.

Esoteric Traditious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 There's more to magic than preparing spells. Unlock the secrets of spirits, stars, scars, and

more with arcane traditions from across Golarion.

"ccult Writiugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Test your sanity and strength of will by poring through some of Golarion's most infamous

repositories of secret knowledge.

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Collectiou Memoraudum

Being the eighth anniversary of my original request-and

as is becoming a regrettable tradition-I am resubmitting

my catalog of the most dangerous texts currently held

within the Forae Logos collections. In addition to a

copy of my original index, I have also included every

memorandum and update I've communicated to the

Department of Impossible Texts in the intervening years.

While I feel confident that this will be the season that


caution and reason prevails upon our assembly to remove

these documents from even their limited circulation,

I admit that my optimism has limits. I doubt I need to

remind my peers of the dangers posed by texts such as

these, and of the ability some authors have to wound more

efficiently than any swordmaster. The secrets of this world

are, occasionally, best left secret.

Regardless, in addition to the 1,822 pages you'll find

attached, what follows is a list of this year's addition to my

ongoing series of staid warnings and known calamities.

These include only the records currently being made

available to outside scholars and records that I have

newly come to be aware 0£ Any documents in the library's

surely non-existent secret collections, or already in my

department's keeping, are not included.

Accounts of the Lost Anne� by Lady Saphon Laghanni:

One reader's supposed memoirs of her dreambound

reading of the Lost Gospels of Tabris. While I'm convinced

that this text should be relegated to the fiction stacks,

the phrase "he comes to call" appears no fewer than nine

hundred times, each time misspelled in a different way. I

am certain there's a code or message here.

The Bur9undy Bowl, by Yisme the Candler: An

anatomist's sketchbook and exploration into the virtues

of bloodletting and leeching, this text makes frequent

veiled references to the macabre tome Unitin,g the Flesh,

as though that collection held actual text. In truth, it

switches between referencing Sutreiv Abdonnovi's

questionable Bonds and Red Rivers and, at times, the

Kuthite tome, Rites. This is nothing less than subtle

Kuthite propaganda.

Dwarven Smear, by Gaspard Vocci: A hate-filled screed

from the expatriate slums of Eleder. Amid the author's

half-literate, racist claptrap are hidden formulae for no

fewer than fourteen substances innocuous to most races

but poisonous to dwarves.

Fourteen Pa9es of Rain, by Quan Quan: Far longer than

fourteen pages, this folio is more than another collection

of naturalistic Xa Hoi meditative artistry. Page 280

clearly depicts the planet Castrovel in the Gigas Major

constellation, but as seen from an angle impossible for

any terrestrial astronomer. Regardless of whether

this depicts an alien sky, or a prior arrangement

of the heavens, the text deserves reconsideration.

Gird, by Gird: This text is not only intelligent, it is

self-aware. Only its cumbersome size and iron binding

have prevented its escape from the library on at least

three occasions of which I am aware. She seems very

interested in traveling to Oppara.

Hunter's Moon, by Ailson Kindler: In one of our

fourteen copies of this banal fiction, Chapter 21

features completely different wording. The

subject matter is the same, but the text has been rewritten

to include a five-word skip code that hides specific

directions to and from points unknown. Quill press in

Ardis calls this a "printing error."

Path.finder Chronicles, Volume 5, by (supposedly) Durvin

Gest: Is an utter forgery, likely created by some jealous

member of our local explorers' society. More than one

fanciful record in the collection urges the reader toward

thoroughly explored Jiskan sites or other known dooms.

The Red ShininB Star, by Father Scepter: This is more

than a text of children's rhymes and parables about

manners. The contents-particularly the red-inked

illustrations-can be traced precisely to popular Isgeri

copies of the Asmodean Monographs. It is not fit for our

young scholars collection.

The Romance ef the Cooper and the Hen Handler, by Lord

Lonteirre Jeanvar II: Is simply terrible.

Untitled #42,003, by Unknown: Are badly burned and

poorly redacted fragments of the corruptive text Secrets of

the Dreamin[j Dark. Even thoroughly damaged, this text still

presents a potential danger, especially to impressionable

readers and known stargazers.

Untitled #42,466, by Unknown: This book is the most

elaborate riffle scroll I have ever encountered. Its contents

elude me, though its size suggests incredible power.

Untitled #421880, by Unknown: I am quite certain this

fur-bound text began life as a bear. It has been permanently

polymorphed into this shape for unfathomable ends.

Viceroy, by Dardral the Lesser: A Brevic text concerning

the lifting and toppling of kings. Elaborate metaphors to

this effect are reinforced with illuminations throughout

the text. These illustrations contain hidden alchemical

formulae for the crafting of various philters of love and

other mind-manipulating elixirs.

The Words of Voxkel the Reader, by Voxva, Daughter

of Voxkel: Within this text are three words capable of

stealing one's literacy, as well as three words that can

grant literacy to the illiterate. Not a danger, you argue?

Then consider if the everyday Kellid were to understand

all that's been written about the everyday Kellid.

Although it is certainly within Curator Vives's authority

to deny me, I plan to-again-warn the Head Librarian

of the danger posed by these texts and petition that they

be immediately transferred to my department. I hope that

Curator Vives's decisions on this matter are made with

wisdom unclouded by any negativity lingering from our

past collaborations. I again offer her my sincerest apologies

for embalming dear Regalia, her tuatara, without her

permission, as well as any part I might have had in that

noble reptile's untimely end. I would reassert, though, that

the changes her familiar was undergoing warrant further

study and again offer my services in any future-post­

mourning-dissection she wishes to pursue.



Mysterious Occultists I t 's no secret that mystery, horror, secret h i story, and

wei rd fantasy exert strong inf luences upon the Pathfinder

campa ign sett ing . Occult Mysteries br ings together some

of Pathfinder 's most ins id ious ly creative minds to revea l

many of Go la r ion's i ntoxicat ing secrets.

Lead Des igner and known heretic Jason Bu lmahn exto l s

the m i rac les of the fa i th of Razm i r.

Author, a rt ist , and ha rrower Crysta l F ras ie r d ivu lges

the myste r ies of the ha rrow and advanced methods of

fate man ipu la t ion .

Adventure author J im G roves sheds l i gh t on myst ica l

v istas of rea l i ty and the m ind with new reve lat ions on

the Aucturn En igma, the Harb ingers of Fate, and the Way

of the K i r in . His t i re less pen a lso transcr ibes the secrets of

the A/eh Almaktoum, the Book of 1,000 Whispers, and

T h e In ward-Facing Circle.

Adventure author and ant iquar ian Brandon Hodge

br ings to l ight the myster ies of sp i r i tua l i sm, the agendas

of the Esoteric Order of the Pa lat ine Eye, and the t ruths

h idden with in the Lost Gospels of Tobris.

Creative D i rector and Lovecraftian fanat ic James Jacobs

h i nts at the end less i nsan ity of the N ight Hera lds and the

Ve i led Masters, as we l l as document ing the reve lat ions of

the Secrets of the Dreaming Dork.

Pub l i sher and secret h i stor ian Er ik Mona unve i l s

the myster ies of the Kn ig hts of the loun Sta r and one

of Go la r ion's most e lus ive texts, vo l ume f ive of the

Pathfinder Chronicles.

Ed itor- in -ch ief and fea r j unk ie F. Wesley Schne ider

r i sks ter ror and torture to d ivu lge the existence of the

Anaphexia and the Aspis Consort i um's Conference Z,

b loody truths found wi th in Rituals of the Flesh, and a map

of the Cosmic Ca ravan .

F i na l ly, des igner and paranorma l s cho l a r Jerome Vi rn ich

de lves i nto the anc ient secrets of ea rth, sky, f lesh, and

fundamenta l order with Astro logy, Creat ion Myths, the

Exodus of the Gnomes, Mort if icat ion, and Numero logy.


I once more call for the reopening of the investigation

into whatever phantom or lost intelligence operates in

Buricsheer Tower. Despite the Master of the Guard's

dismissive assurance of its safety, I feel obligated to restate

my warnings regarding its supposedly empty reading

lounge. No contractor, staff member, visiting scholar,

or other non-plagiarist should enter that room until its

safety can be verified by either a shaman of the Bekyar

people or, barring that, a member of Pharasma's clergy

with no less than forty-three years experience (though I

strongly recommend the former). Should we have a repeat

of last Calistril's gory display of asemic writing, it will not

be on my conscience.

Like any world, real or fictional, the Pathfinder �\} campaign setting is full of questions so large they

may never be adequately answered. It's a fact of the

setting that the gods are real and that magic can change

the fundamental principles of reality. Yet even in such a

fantasy universe, the answers to some mysteries lie outside

the reach of mortal minds.

This chapter examines five such mysteries, from the

creation myths of various cultures to the mysterious

disappearance of the fifth volume of the Pathfinder

Chronicles. Each section presents context for the underlying

question, the cultural implications of the enigma, and the

history of its study, as well as facts that are assumed to be

true by all but the most contrarian scholars. In addition,

each mystery includes a number of theories formulated

by the inhabitants of the Pathfinder campaign setting to

answer these questions. Such unverified theories are the

products of conj ecture and supposition, and in some

cases are outright fabrications promoted by far-reaching

conspiracies on a cosmic scale. Then again, some of them

might also be correct, at least in parts. That's the thing

about "big picture" questions-there may never be a way

to know anything for sure.

Mysteries as Plot HooJis Each of the mysteries presented in this chapter provides

a seed from which a GM can cultivate a rich and long­

running campaign. You can interweave these pressing

questions into an existing Adventure Path or module

as a means of enriching the texture of the setting and

sparking curiosity and interest in your players, inspiring

players and their characters to look beyond just the plot

of the adventure itself. Alternatively, you may use these

overarching mysteries to provide a common through

line linking a number of otherwise unrelated adventures

together, using them as the narrative hook to drive the

characters' search for greater truths.

This chapter purposefully obscures the true answers to

the questions it asks as a means of allowing GMs to build

upon these questions, creating or choosing the answers

that best suit their individual campaigns. At the same time,

anything presented as a fact in the following pages should be

considered true, and is something a player character could

conceivably learn in the course of adventuring or through

study in the many institutions of learning in the Inner Sea

region. You may plan out which of the suggested theories

is true (and even invent your own truth), or you may let

player actions and collaborative storytelling dictate what

lies at the end of their journey. In either case, keep players

guessing about the truth, leavingjust enough plausibility in

every conspiracy theory and enough implausibility in every

otherwise reasonable supposition to keep them searching for

the next fact. If these large mysteries are handled correctly,

a GM can use them as a way to let the players' curiosity

effectively write the adventure for her.



The Ultimate Mystery Perhaps the greatest mystery in Golarion's long history,

and certainly the most pressing in the last century, is the •

truth behind Aroden's disappearance. While a veritable

mountain of evidence supports the assumption that

the Last Azlanti is dead-among it the formation of the

Worldwound, the advent of the Eye of Abendego, and the

end of reliable prophecy-no mortal possesses a true

account of the late god's fate. Theories regarding his death

are as numerous as the stars, and range from a battle with

Rovagug or Asmodeus, to a j ourney beyond the Outer

Sphere, to reincarnation as a mortal man destined to save

humanity through his sacrifice.

Whatever the truth, Pharasma holds the secrets of his

death close, and even the evil gods have not dared to leak

the information, if indeed they even know it themselves.

The fact that even Iomedae, who has now almost entirely

assimilated the last of the dead god's clergy into her

faith, has remained silent on the subject indicates that

the gods clearly do not intend to share their knowledge

of this monumental event with the people of Golarion.

And perhaps it's for the best that the inhabitants of

Golarion never know the true nature of events that

brought low a god and altered the fate of the world. After

all, if whatever managed to slay Aroden is still out there,

perhaps threatening the mortal world, then knowledge of

the danger it presents could tear society apart-ironically

ushering the very apocalypse that Aroden may have given

his life to prevent. If this is so, then the gods' frustrating

silence is one of the greatest gifts they can bestow.

As a GM, you may use whatever story of Aro den's death

works best for your campaign. The implications of his

death have rippled through the Pathfinder campaign

setting to such a degree that whatever truth you settle

upon can influence campaigns of any level and in any

part of the world. Feel free to build upon the theories

your players put forth, providing them the satisfaction

of uncovering as-yet-undiscovered revelations. Be sure to

keep the mystery alive, however, as the great questions of

the universe are a powerful motivator for characters and

players alike. After all, Aroden would have liked knowing

that his fate would keep humanity looking with hope

beyond the edges of the horizon.

Wl)y Mysteries? When dealing with the great mysteries of any setting,

it's tempting to spill all the secrets at once. Yet as every

magician knows, knowing how the trick is done isn't

ever as exciting as the illusion of magic. Don't be afraid

to never conclusively answer certain questions, as it will

inevitably be those unanswered questions that haunt

your players' imaginations and inspire new characters

and quests. As with so many things, the excitement and

adventure of secret information isn't in attaining it, but

in the attempt to do so.

TIJe Aucturo Eoi�ma No one knows what exactly caused this sudden

Osirian civilization has enjoyed three distinct peaks of

power and prosperity. The shortest of these periods, the

Second Age, lasted only 67 years. At the time, Osirion was

fiercely divided into four factions controlled by competing

dynasties. Yet for reasons that stymie even the greatest

scholars, in -1498 AR the rulers that would come to be

known as the Four Pharaohs of Ascension set aside their

distrust, united Osirion, and entered into a powerful

magical pact that bound their destinies together. They

proceeded to conquer and subsume neighboring nations,

including their vassal city-states of the former Tekritanin

League. Under the reign of the Four Pharaohs, Osirion

produced some of its most awe-inspiring and infamous

architectural and magical works, representing an abrupt

and radical advancement in magic and technology unheard

of since the time of the early god-kings of the First Age.


paradigm shift and technological leap, yet many modern

Osirionologists have noted the sudden and unprecedented

prevalence of the planet Aucturn in writings from that era.

To these scholars, the changes of the Second Age were the

direct result of contact-and perhaps an alliance-with

strange and powerful forces from the distant planet. The

nature and implications of this relationship stand at the

heart of the mystery known as the Aucturn Enigma.

The first widely read modern scholar of the Aucturn

Enigma was a Chelish Osirionologist, Paracount Imivus.

Written in 4657 AR, the original text of his seminal work,

the Aucturn Lexicon, still remains under lock and key in

the restricted section of the Grand Athenaeum in Egorian.

Imivus was not the earliest researcher into the Aucturn

Enigma, but he's nevertheless considered the most

authoritative contemporary scholar on the subject. Imivus is

widely credited with the discovery of the peculiar recurrence

of the numbers 11 and 56, their special connection to the

planet Aucturn, and the method of summoning the Four

Pharaohs' burial pyramid from the demi plane ofRamlock's

Hallow, the site of the paracount's own untimely demise.

While Imivus was penning the Aucturn Lexicon, an

adolescent Osirian Keleshite now known as the "Sand

Sage" accidentally discovered the first of the devices now

known as "countdown clocks." Devoting his life to the

study of the Aucturn Enigma, the Sand Sage has linked the

clocks to Aucturn but has yet to ascertain exactly what the

countdown represents-though he is fairly certain what

lies at the end of the countdown is nothing good.

Facts The adventurers flocking to Osirion since the Ruby

Prince opened its deserts to exploration regularly unearth

information about the nation's past, some of which sheds

light on the truth behind the Aucturn Enigma.

Countdown clocks come in various sizes and shapes, and

all of them maintain a synchronized, downward count from

an astronomically large number to zero. Each is believed to

have started in -1498 AR. It is difficult to determine precisely

when the clocks will reach zero, as tlie starting number is

unknown and the symbols do not descend at a uniform pace,

but rather at an irregular and often unpredictable rhythm.

The rate of descent notwithstanding, ifthe clocks were truly

set 6,212 years ago, even casual examination suggests tliey

must reach zero sometime before the end of the current

decade, possibly sooner. There are four known countdown

clocks as of 4714 AR, though rumors of otliers persist.

The numbers 11 and 56 figure prominently in everything

related to the Four Pharaohs and the Aucturn Enigma. This

includes, but is not limited to, architecture, time-keeping,

and sacred and arcane rituals. Aucturn is the nth planet

from the Sun in Golarion's solar system (though this has

only been true since the destruction of the Twins and

the creation of the Diaspora during the reign of ancient

Azlant). Every 56 years, Aucturn comes into alignment with

Golarion and a mysterious dark spot in the night sky that

the Osirians claimed was of particular significance. The

reign of the Four Pharaohs lasted 11 plus 56 years. These

examples only begin to scratch the surface of this pattern.

The much-debated Calosian Manuscript, written by a

native Osirionologist centuries after the end of the Second

Age, is the most forthright in its description ofinteractions

with creatures from Aucturn. According to it, floating

creatures referred to only as "the Emissaries" gave the

Four Pharaohs 11 gifts. Three of the 11 gifts were cited

outright as the Pact Stone, the Aqualinth ofTumen, and the

reality-altering mathematical concept known as the Final

Theorem. Additional suspected gifts are the Androsphinx of

Zukebri and an unknown device at Shotep-Kara. A primary

commercial and naval port 30 miles east ofTumen, Shotep­

Kara was said to have access to secret sea-lanes that folded

space and reduced travel time. Since Shotep-Kara was

abandoned, many have searched its ruins for a device that

might cause this effect, but none have yet located it.

Scholars describe the Four Pharaohs as the beneficiaries

of a psychic phenomenon known as "mind quakes," which

could either expand their consciousness and perception-or

obliterate it. Visitors to the Androsphinx ofZukebri report

experiences that sound eerily similar. The sphinx radiates

a psychic scream that overwhelms all but a few individuals.

Those who are immune share no obvious connections or

commonalities. Those who can tolerate its psychic assault

long enough to get close to the sphinx report a strange black

sap seeping from the monument's eyes. It bears noting that

the Androsphinx is within relatively close proximity to three

other monuments constructed by the Four Pharaohs.

The Four Pharaohs were interred in a pyramid

constructed entirely out of veinstone. Veinstone does not

possess any known unusual properties, but the pyramid is

exceptional because veinstone is not native to Osirion. In

fact, veinstone is unknown in the Inner Sea region, with the

exception ofin Numeria-another nation with connections

to beings and technology from other worlds.

Theories While the wealth ofknowledge about the enigma continues

to grow, scholars find themselves no closer to an ultimate

answer, and each new discovery raises a dozen new

questions. The following are the most commonly held or

widely supported theories that exist today.

Gateway Between Worlds: The term syzy1JY refers to any

time three celestial bodies in a solar system form a straight

line. Ancient Osirians believed that a syzygy between the

sun, Golarion, and Aucturn allowed people to channel

great magic from that world, and also tracked a rarer event

occurring every 56 years, in which Golarion and Aucturn

come into alignment with a featureless but apparently

important part of the sky. Unlike other planets within the

solar system, Aucturn has no planetary gate connecting it



to other worlds, yet Osirians believed that the alignment

allowed travel between the planets every 56 years. The clocks

may count down to a time when a massive spatial rift opens •

between Golarion and Aucturn, permitting the sinister

inhabitants of that world to visit Golarion en masse.

Numerological Portents: The countdown clocks are

believed to have been counting down since -1498 AR. Were

one to count the solar years since that time and look for

significant correlations, the span of 6,215 and 6,216 years

holds a special significance. Dividing 6,215 years by 11 yields

the number 565, whereas 6,216 years divided by 56 yields the

number 11i. These are two instances where the numbers

11 and 56 divide into a period of elapsed years evenly and

also allude to the other number in the pattern, strongly

suggesting that the countdown clocks are counting down

to early 4718 AR. Assuming a special conjunction between

Golarion and Aucturn happens in 4718 AR, it is also possible

the same circumstances existed in 4606 AR-the year of

Aroden's death and the beginning of the Age of Lost Omens.

Psychic Awakening: The Androsphinx of Zukebri

radiates a continuous field of psychic energy that repels

all but those with psychic potential. Some posit that the

Four Pharaohs constructed the androsphinx to house and

protect a device, used to awaken their psychic potential,

under the (false) assumption that no one save them could

approach the monument. Now Lamashtan cultists often

worship at the site, mistaking the sphinx for an idol to their

goddess. If cult members were to gain access to the Sphinx

and acquire psychic powers, the threat they would pose to

every decent civilization would be enormous. Alternatively,

adventurers may seek the Sphinx to become psychically

activated themselves to combat a future invasion from

beyond the stars. Or this alien technology could be

mishandled and release a psychic shock wave that forcibly

rearranges the neural pathways of every sentient creature

for hundreds of miles. The resulting death toll could be

enormous, but might also leave Osirion with the largest

population of psychically active individuals Golarion has

ever known-a magical renaissance, and perhaps a rebirth

of the Osirian Empire .

Secret Sea- Lanes: The sea-lanes ofShotep-Kara became

mystically misaligned without routine calibration, shifting

them slightly out of sync with Golarion. This caused

the Osirian coastline to rise , sinking the now-lost city

of Xanchara. If the magical space-folding properties of

Shotep-Kara were to be restored and stabilized, every nation

and pirate kingdom with a sizable navy would battle to

control its secrets to gain mastery of the seas. The lost port

may also unlock the mystery of how so much veinstone

was transported so far from Numeria through a secret

sea-lane to the Lake ofMists and Veils. Clues to the nature

of veinstone itself may be unearthed, and many scholars

hope to uncover strange energies that can pass through

it like blood through a body-or thoughts through some

massive brain.

Creaticio Mytl?s aod Ori�io Sfories creation myth or origin story, but one with many. While

For most of Golarion's inhabitants, history begins at

Earthfall, with the Starstone shattering the face ofthe planet

and plunging it into a millennium of darkness. The cosmic

bombardment wiped away knowledge ofThassilon, Koloran,

Azlant, Ninshabur, and other advanced civilizations, leaving

their successors with only fragments of their legacies. Most

sentient creatures are content with the cultures that rose

from the ashes of Earthfall's holocaust, but scholars and

religious leaders sometimes take profound interest in the

history of pre-Earthfall Golarion, believing that its study

might uncover not only the origins of ancient relics and

ruins, but the key to life itsel£

Facts Historians are able to paint the history oflife on Golarion in

broad strokes based on archeological evidence, divination,

and oral tradition, but little in the way of detailed

documentation about its origin remains. While it's possible

to commune directly with deities-some of whom are

believed to have had a direct hand in the creation of the

multiverse and the intelligent life that inhabits it-the

gods are uniformly cryptic about the subject, and offer

seemingly contradictory responses that even the wisest

of sages cannot reconcile. The general consensus is that

Earthfall was preceded by three basic epochs: the Age of

Creation, the Age of Serpents, and the Age of Legend.

Existence in the Age of Creation was dominated by

several gods, the reclusive aboleths, and the mysterious

Vault Builders. During this time, the first mortal beings

began to populate Golarion, though the nature of those

beings is lost to time. That has not stopped cultures from

humans to dragons from defining their own mythologies

surrounding the creation of the world and their own races

(usually with their own race playing a suspiciously central

role in the proceedings).

The Age of Serpents was defined by the rise of the

serpentfolk-the first mortal race to hold true dominion

over large swaths of Golarion. Historians suggest that

serpentfolk rule during that age was widespread, spanning

not only several continents on Golarion, but perhaps

extending to several neighboring planetoids as well.

The Age of Legend saw the end of serpentfolk dominance,

their rule replaced by the humans of Azlant, the cyclopes of

Casmaron, and the dragons ofTian Xia. The Age of Legend

is the best documented of the pre-Earthfall ages, but even

so, little evidence of that time remains.

Theories Golarion is filled with a wide variety ofraces and cultures,

each with its own history, religions, and fables. This melange

of legends makes Golarion's origin and earliest history a

patchwork rather than a unified tapestry. Each race elaborates

on the common history as it becomes clear, or as it suits

their interests. Thus, Golarion is not a planet with a single


each of the dozens of sentient races has its own story to tell,

what follows is a few of the most common and compelling.

Devils: The infamous Book of the Damned claims that in

the beginning, before the start of creation, there were several

sparks ofintelligence floating in the infinite nothing. Two

of the most powerful were brothers, who named themselves

Asmodeus and Ihys. Both agreed on the act of creation, but

where Ihys desired equality and free will in his creations,

Asmodeus believed all such creations should be tools, and

nothing more; anything else would introduce chaos into

the perfect order of existence. Asmodeus eventually killed

his brother, yet lost the argument, and created Hell as a

refuge of perfect law until the rest of the newborn gods see

the error of their ways. As might be expected, this version

of creation is espoused primarily by the mortal church of

Asmodeus, with devils having no need of faith, and other

races rejecting or resenting the story.

Dragons: Dragons are among the oldest of all the mortal

races. Draconic lore holds that the origin of that race

stretches back to the very beginnings of the Age of Creation.

Apsu the Waybringer, now the god of metallic dragons, is

said to be one of the first two beings in the multi verse.

With his mate, Tiamat, Apsu was the progenitor of the gods,

including the world-rending Dahak. Known as the Endless

Destruction, Dahak is credited with destroying countless

worlds, maliciously imbuing Hell with its fiery aspect, and

creating the first metallic dragons to be hunted for sport.

Eventually, the violence perpetrated by Dahak became too

much for Apsu's conscience, and the Waybringer set forth

to end his creation's rampage. However, Tiamat interrupted

Apsu's mission, saving both Dahak and a number of the

wounded metallic dragons that were being slaughtered

in their effort to aid Apsu. This betrayal allowed Dahak

to remain incarnate, and still bestows great power to evil

dragons willing to make offerings to their former hunter. In

a cruel twist of fate, however, it also transformed the healed

metallic dragons into the races now known as chromatic

dragons, creatures that reject the mercy that created them

to pursue bloodlust, treasure, and power.

Dwarves: The origin of the dwarves lies in Golarion's

lightless depths, guarded by a race now known as the

duergar. Dwarven lore holds that Torag created Golarion

itself at his celestial forge, shaping it with his great hammer.

The stones and sparks that flew from Torag's anvil became

the dwarves, creatures embodying the essence of rock, whose

spirits are crafted of fire. Scholars debate the origin of

Golarion, but most agree that the dwarves were originally

a worker race, created by Torag and built for toil. When

Earthfall triggered the dwarves' prophetic Quest for Sky, they

also unknowingly began a voyage toward self-determination,

which culminated in their arrival on Golarion's surface.

Elves: Countless people have heard of Sovyrian, the

legendary refuge to which the elves retreated ahead of

Earthfall, and from which they returned more than 2,000

years ago. Yet even among the elves, very few know that this

refuge is in fact a nation on Golarion's neighboring planet,

Castrovel. The only well-known access point to Sovyrian

from Golarion is a portal deep in the heart of Iadara,

capital of Kyonin. While not even the elves themselves

know whether they first arose on Golarion or Castrovel,

it's undeniable that their settlement of Castrovel predates

any known evidence of them on Golarion. Proponents of

this theory believe it likely that the first elves arrived on

Golarion at the end of the Age of Serpents, as there is no

archeological evidence to suggest that the elves ever made

contact with the Ydersius Empire. Significant interaction

between elves and both the first humans and their aboleth

creators is evidenced by the behavior of the contemporary

elves of the Mordant Spire. This mysterious enclave of elves

speaks fluent Azlanti, and has a long-standing feud with

the deep-dwelling aboleths.

Scholars have a variety of competing theories regarding

why such a planetary migration may have occurred. Some

hold that Golarion is an outpost in a multi-planar elven

empire, the vastness of which can be accessed from Sovyrian.

Others believe that the elven homeworld is dying, or that

the faster-breeding Lashunta are overrunning the elves

there. Still others postulate that the elven race is seeking

something-an artifact, creature, or arcane secret-and

that Golarion's elves are watching for the appearance of

some esoteric sign.

Goblins: According to the First Songs of the goblins,

their origins lie in Lamashtu's theft of a quartet of

barghests from Asmodeus's kennel. The Mother of

Monsters unleashed the barghests to prey upon Golarion's

natives. During their rampages, the barghests discovered

that when they spilled human blood, it sprouted into small,

ferocious humanoids: the first goblins.

Goblin lore eventually turned these four barghests into

gods in their own right, and credited each with teaching

his or her offspring one of the basic tenets of goblin

society. From Hadregash the goblins learned to fight

in packs, using numbers to their advantage. Venkelvore

taught them the art of raiding, Zarongel instructed them

to ride their canine mounts, and Zogmugot relayed the

skill of scavenging. Though most of Golarion's legitimate

scholars won't deign to confirm this tale, the goblins hold

true to its teachings. To this day, they employ the skills

granted to them by their barghest forebears, who originally

unleashed the goblin annoyance on an unsuspecting world.

Humans: Humans are the dominant race on Golarion­

and yet for those who know the dark secret, the origins of

that dominance can be traced back to the lightless depths

ofthe oceans, among the enormous aquatic monstrosities

known as the aboleths. Toward the end of the Age ofLegend,

the inscrutable aboleths chose to take an interest in the

primitive, nomadic tribes of humans that had arisen

across Golarion's surface. By organizing these scattered

peoples into a concrete society and gifting them with


technological marvels, the aboleths created the first true

human civilization-Azlant.

The Azlanti served their mysterious aboleth masters, •

while building a vast and culturally rich, continent­

spanning empire west of Avistan, which boasted advanced

knowledge of arcane spellcraft, astrology, and architecture.

Eventually, after generations of advancement, the humans

grew to resent their masters and sought to escape their

servitude. In response to this affront, the aboleths united in

a ritual that sent the Starstone and numerous lesser meteors

hurtling toward Golarion. The resulting catastrophe, later

deemed "Earthfall," proved the end of Azlanti civilization, and

the last meaningful contact between humans and aboleths.

Excidus cif t)Je 6»cimes Though it is believed that individual gnomes have visited

the Material Plane for as long as it has existed, the gnomes

as a race first appeared en masse only several hundred

years after the ores and dwarves burst forth from Golarion's

dark interior, before the greatest human civilizations

sprouted from the ashes ofEarthfall. Some founded small

pockets of all-gnome civilization, leading lives of riotous

excitement. Yet far more set out to wander this strange

new world and integrate into other humanoid societies,

and today all-gnome settlements are relatively rare. The

fey like creatures' quirky senses of humor are infamous,

as is their penchant for illusory spellcraft. With their

curiosity, eccentric behavior, exaggerated appearances ,

and colorful personalities, gnomes are one of the most

recognizable races on Golarion.

Despite their integration into Golarion, gnomes are

actually an immigrant race. Originally appearing on the

Material Plane in -4202 AR, the gnomes were transplanted

from a coterminous plane of existence called the First

World. Touted by many scholars as the rough draft for

the Material Plane, the First World's landscape changes

seemingly on a whim, distances alter haphazardly, and the

fauna is a wild riot ofimprobable animals. Many creatures

found in the First World are crude prototypes or bizarre

evolutionary branches of those found elsewhere, and a

thriving primordial gnome population still exists in the

First World, their capriciousness an ideal match for the

shifting reality and endless novelty of their home plane.

Yet, for some mysterious reason, a huge number of

gnomes left their idyllic (for them) fey homeland for a

world filled with death, disease, and the Bleaching. This

seeming downgrade has puzzled scholars of every race-not

least of which being the gnomes themselves-for millennia.

Why would the gnomes leave a world that was seemingly

perfect for them, in order to settle such hostile territory?

Facts Scholars' inability to gain reliable information about the

First World hampers investigation into this seemingly

simple question. Many of the rules that eventually made

it into the final draft of the multiverse-like death, time,

and distance-do not apply in the First World, or are

instated in random and haphazard fashions, and most

of the gnomes' history (if such a thing can even exist on

their home plane) has been subsumed by its mutability.

However, a few facts can be gleaned from that plane's

interaction with the Material Plane.

Gnomes who don't continually pursue new and exciting

experiences suffer from an often-fatal affliction known as

the Bleaching. Symptoms include depression, apathy, and

madness, as well as a gradual fading of the gnomes' brightly

colored hair, skin, and eyes. A complete loss of color usually

coincides with death, yet a few afflicted gnomes manage to

survive the worst ravages of the condition and reach a sort of


depressed stasis, transforming into albino "bleachlings" no

longer at risk of death. Though it's easily avoidable and even

reversible through aggressive curiosity, the Bleaching is a

constant reminder that gnomes are far from their natural

habitats, and that their bodies are constantly under threat

from an inherently hostile environment.

Many scholars suspect that interplanar breaches were the

mechanisms by which the gnomes originally immigrated to

the Material Plane. Often thought to be naturally occurring

phenomena, breaches form when the barrier between

planes weakens, allowing energies and objects to transfer

between them. In the case of the First World, breaches result

in the leakage of stability into the fey homeland, and the

seepage of mutating fecundity into the Material Plane. Few

creatures intentionally travel this way, as they are usually

maladapted to survival on another plane, but gnomes'

curiosity may have driven them to explore the breaches.

In some cases, these breaches have even led to interplanar

commerce, such as via the legendary Witchmarket.

The prototypical gnomes still flourish in their original

First World habitat, which is now known to Golarion's

gnomes as the Place ofNo Consequence. Many of the traits

that seem terribly out of place in Golarion's gnomes­

including a penchant for trickery, illusory magic, and

risk-taking-make perfect sense in a place devoid of

cause or effect. In their natural environment, deathless

feral gnomes can exercise their ample imaginations and

indulge in behavior that might be lethal or disastrous

on the Material Plane without worrying about its results.

This attitude reaffirms the inherent link that Golarion's

gnomes have with their primordial ancestors, and adds

to the mystery of why a select group chose to leave their

native soil.

Theories Scholars are continually puzzled by the presence on

Golarion of creatures so well adapted to life in the

First World that one can scarcely imagine them leaving

voluntarily for another plane. While Golarion, of course,

plays home to a wide variety of fey creatures, these are

usually relatively rare, and keep to themselves, often in

places where nature magic is strong or the barriers with

the First World are thin. Gnomes, however, thrive on the

Material Plane. Whether the cause of their exodus is truly

lost, or simply being withheld by one of the Eldest-the

godlike beings who rule the First World-is a matter for

debate. The following are several of the most popular

explanations for the gnomes' exodus.

Exile: Beings with sufficient willpower may shape

the wild and unruly fabric of the First World to their

will. The most adept at this practice are the powerful fey

entities called the Eldest, who pursue unknowable plots

and designs, vying for power and influence on a scale so

massive that it dwarfs the conscious mind. Some scholars

believe that, at some point, a large contingent of gnomes

took the wrong side in a civil conflict, refused to abide by

one of these beings' will, or simply meddled too vigorously

in a fey-lord's domain, resulting in their exile from the

First World. Those that promote this theory describe the

gnomes variously as political rebels, criminal outcasts, or

victims of religious persecution.

Explorers: Most scholars on Golarion point to gnomes'

maladaptation to the Material Plane as evidence that

the feylike humanoids are here either by accident or

necessity. However, a minority of academics believes that

the gnomes who came to Golarion knew full well that

they were entering a hostile plane, and were the most

curious of an inquisitive race. These gnome explorers

were searching not just for new lands, but for novel

experiences-experiences such as time, stability, hardship,

and mortality. Dedicated to drinking in all the new world

had to offer, they persisted in colonizing the Material

Plane , eventually losing the ability-or, perhaps, the

desire-to return to the First World.

Plague Bearers: Some gnomes believe that the Bleaching

first started in the First World, the result of magical

experimentation gone awry, or perhaps simply the plane's

randomness spawning a super-disease. Whatever the

initial cause, the virulence spread, and in a desperate

bid to save some of gnomekind, the Eldest cast all those

afflicted into the Material Plane, vowing to instantly slay

any of those who returned. Over time, the plague lost

its contagious nature and subsequent generations were

welcomed back, but by then the gnomes were already

enraptured with the Material Plane.

Prank Victims: Mischievousness is a trait common to

most fey creatures, but those who have had the dubious

pleasure of traveling with gnomes know that they approach

pranks and jokes with incredible zeal. It is no accident

that wherever gnomes are plentiful, a common saying

states, "Every time a gnome laughs-duck!" Some scholars

speculate that a large number of gnomes were tricked into

passing through a breach, unaware of the consequences of

their actions. It's also likely that the prankster was equally

ignorant of the full implications of his or her actions: a

being from the Place of No Consequence could hardly

foresee the death, disease, and Bleaching that awaited

his or her brethren on the Material Plane. In any event,

once the trap was sprung, and the breach sealed shut

behind them, the gnomes were trapped. Having no

choice but to forge ahead, they made do in a hostile new

plane. Some suspect that the culprit was the gnome god,

Nivi Rhombodazzle, while others think that perhaps the

inscrutable humor of the Eldest known as the Lantern

King was responsible.

Soul Seekers: One of the most popular theories holds

that gnomes traveled to the Material Plane in order to

explore and take part in the cycle of souls, from which the

First World is cut off. When they arrived, however, they

discovered that only beings born on the Material Plane

1 1


can bond with a soul from the Positive Energy Plane and

truly engage in the cycle, facing judgment after death

and passing into the Great Beyond. The boldest of them •

settled down and procreated so that their children might

understand the mystery. The discovery came with a cost,

however: the melding with souls not only made the new

gnomes mortal, but also gave them an allergic reaction

to the boredom of the Material Plane, as some part of

their bodies cried out for the flux and variety of the First

World. Thus was the origin of the Bleaching.

One lesser-known variant of this story says that the

gnomes' original experiment with souls didn't involve the

First World at all. In this tale, one of the Eldest-his or

her name now forgotten by history-aided the gnomes by

stealing souls from the cycle and bringing them to the First

World, setting himself or herself up as a new judge of souls.

Pharasma did not approve, and in addition to removing the

Eldest from power, also cast the impudent gnomes who'd

thought to experiment with souls into the Material Plane,

where they could follow the same cycle as everyone else-a

classic "be careful what you wish for" parable.

TIJe Veiled Masters playthings scurry while they entertained themselves

Azlant was the first, and some still argue the greatest,

of humanity's empires on Golarion. For thousands of

years, the First Empire flourished, and its citizens worked

great feats of magic, construction, science, and art. Their

influence stretched across oceans, spreading religions,

philosophies, and higher learning to many distant shores.

The discoveries and innovations of Azlant continue to

benefit humanity to this day.

Yet if dark rumors are to be believed, then for all

its accomplishments, Azlant was little more than an

experiment, and its citizens nothing more than puppets.

No Azlanti were truly in control of their fates, and the

expert manipulators known only as the "veiled masters"

were never far from the ancient Azlanti's thoughts. Their

agents could have been anywhere or anyone. They could

have been anywhere or anyone. They watched their


with a game of power and fate. When the veiled masters

wanted a change, it was a simple matter to do so through

assassination, economic manipulation, engineered

disasters, or even blatant magical control over the weather

or the zeitgeist of society.

That Azlant fell is a matter oflegend and history. When

its people began to count themselves as greater than the

veiled masters who provided for and watched over them,

these mysterious forces decided the grand experiment

was at an end. They withdrew to their hidden cities deep

under the sea and called down devastation from the skies

above, shattering Azlant and forever reshaping the face

and fate of Golarion.

But while Azlant has long since drowned, the veiled

masters remain. They are a patient force, and while they

have been amused by humanity's efforts to rebuild on their

own, they have not entirely abandoned the experiment.

They walk among Golarion's people still, watching how

society comports itself when no master pulls the strings

of every major event and significant discovery. They count

strange and sinister forces among their lesser agents­

the shapechanging faceless stalkers, the hybrid horrors

known as the ulat-kini, and others stranger still. Those few

who know of Azlant's ties to the deeps often assume that

aboleths were themselves the veiled masters, yet the truth

is that even the mighty aboleths are only the masters' lesser

kin. True veiled masters control the thoughts of those

they wish to influence, can wrap themselves and their

environs in illusions, and can transform land-walking

creatures into aquatic slaves. They continue to this day

on their ageless mission of manipulation.

And they could be anyone.

Facts Although the exact details how Earthfall

was engineered are not wholly

understood, the creatures known

as aboleths are well known

today, if only as the subj ects

of numerous frightening

tales . The word "aboleth"

roughly translates from the

unpleasant language of

the veiled masters into

Taldane as "owner,"

11master," or even "god,"

depending on the translation

consulted. The aboleths dwell in

deep underwater cities, both in the lightless,

flooded expanses of the Darklands, and in the

open ocean depths. They are the most numerous

of their kind, but are ruled and manipulated in turn

by more dangerous species. As a whole, these ichthyic

aberrations refer to themselves as the "alghollthu," yet

the surface world ignorantly uses the name aboleth to

apply to all of their kind.

The lesser kin of these creatures can be found across

Golarion, acting as the masterminds behind cults, savage

tribes, secret societies, and cabals of all sorts. But it is

the veiled masters who inspire the greatest paranoia

among those unlucky few aware of their existence. Their

prodigious spellcasting abilities and mastery of runic

and mind-controlling magic make them dangerous foes

indeed. Veiled masters are most at home in the sea, but

their shapechanging powers allow them to walk on land

at will. As a result, they roam the world with impunity,

using creatures as they will, their experiments ever in

service to some sinister end.

The lifespan of a veiled master is unknown, but if the

masters are not immortal, they are surely longer-lived

than the most venerable of elves. This disturbing fact

was made abundantly clear nearly 3 centuries ago when

Aylana Cantesslu, the well-known and well-loved Mistress

of Crowns of the city of Macini, was revealed by a band

of adventurers to be a veiled master. Disguised as Aylana,

this veiled master had seized control of much of the city's

economy, and the revelation drove Macini into a recession

from which it took years to recover. Yet perhaps more

disturbing were the discoveries the adventurers made

while investigating Aylana's mansion, for there they found

irrefutable evidence that the veiled master had been active

since Macini's foundation, switching identities dozens

of times over the city's history as whim seized it. Worse

yet was the evidence recovered that suggested the veiled

master who died as Aylana was in contact with others of

its kind throughout the Inner Sea region. However, when

the adventurers attempted to follow up on this trail of

clues, these vanished without a trace.

Theories Few who know of them dispute the continued existence

of the veiled masters, yet the extent of their infiltration of

the surface world, as well as their total numbers, remain

a mystery. Some of the more pervasive theories regarding

the influence of the veiled masters and their overall plots

include the following.

Invisible Hands: Scholars who dare speak of their

suspicions regarding the veiled masters often find

themselves drawn down the rabbit hole of trying to figure

out which historical events can be laid at the masters'

feet. Certainly, no creature capable of fostering human

civilization and then summarily executing it would be

content to lie asleep for millennia-so where are their

fingerprints? Some believe that Galt's endless revolution is

the work of the veiled masters. Others feel that Rahadoum's

commitment to godlessness must doubtless be the work of

veiled masters who resent the idea of higher powers than

themselves, and who seek to place themselves highest­

though opponents of this idea counter that Rahadoumi



would be the last people to bow before any master, deific

or otherwise. Many agree that the fracturing of the Taldan

Empire was the veiled masters's doing, as surely as if they •

called down a second Starstone.

The Masters' Masters: Just as the veiled masters rule

over their lesser aboleth kin, some suggest that even the

veiled masters themselves are not the most powerful of

their kind. Adventurers in the deepest recesses of Orv or

delvers of the most remote depths of the oceans tell tales

of shapeless, half-glimpsed things stirring in the murk;

of shoals of strange, wriggling swarms displaying unusual

intelligence; of eel-like monstrosities with mouths within

mouths within mouths; of armored leviathans that stride

like giants along the sea floor; and of even stranger visions.

These may simply be rare and unknown specimens of

deep-sea-dwelling life, yet their close proximity to aboleth

cities or the way in which aboleths and veiled masters seem

to defer to their presence suggests an altogether more

terrifying truth.

New Azlant: Some believe that the veiled masters have

been working to restart the failed experiment that was

Azlant-only this time, they are prepared for the onset

ofhumanity's hubris and arrogance. Conspiracy theorists

hold that Aroden himself was no Azlant, but was in fact

the greatest of the veiled masters. They point to Aroden's

raising of the Starstone as evidence, for what creature other

than one who called down the stone from the sky could

achieve such a feat? Largely viewed as a crackpot theory,

the conj ecture that Absalom was built to be a second,

smaller-scale Azlant is strangely compelling. If true, it

implies that the Starstone itself is nothing other than a

bauble designed by the veiled masters, a possibility with

disturbing implications for worshipers of the ascended

gods. Are Iomedae, Norgorber, and Cayden Cailean

nothing more than the greatest illusion the veiled masters

have ever perpetrated upon the world? And if they are in

fact deities, was their ascendance simply part of a plan by

the veiled masters to seat sleeper agents among the gods

themselves, waiting for the signal to put some unthinkably

vast endgame into play?

They Walk Among Us: The revelation of Aylana as

a veiled master s ent shock waves through the upper

e chelons of Cheliax's government, and for a time,

anyone in a position of power in Cheliax had to deal

with accusations of being a veiled master in disguise.

Fortunately, this time of mass paranoia was relatively

short lived; yet isolated pockets of these fears still rise. In

the last decade alone, personages no less than the Ruby

Prince of Osirion, Razmiran, the gold dragon Mengkare

of Hermea, at least three members of the Decemvirate,

numerous high-ranking members of the government

of Druma, and even Lord Gyr of Absalom have been

accused of being veiled masters in disguise. None of

these accusations have stuck, but in some cases those

who made these accusations have mysteriously vanished.

Volume 5 of tl?e Patl?fioder CIJrooicles For centuries, the greatest explorers of the Pathfinder

Society have recounted their exploits in the sporadically

published Pathfinder Chronicles. Issued as a series of

chapbooks from the Society's Absalom headquarters at

Skyreach, the Chronicles serve the dual purpose of allowing

Pathfinder agents to boast about their most thrilling and

lucrative adventures while also providing a map to be used

by lesser agents to pick up leftover scraps or follow up on

leads left unexplored by the chronicler. Whenever a new

volume is published (there have been nearly so since the

order established the Chronicles in 4317 AR), the Society

issues numerous copies to venture-captains, who further

disseminate them to field agents. Each publication tends

to lead to an exploration boom at the sites discussed

within it, and even centuries-old accounts retain value to

treasure-seekers hoping to discover the one chamber a

famous Pathfinder missed. Of all the mysteries unveiled

by the Pathfinder Society, those outlined in the infamous

Volume s of the Pathfinder Chronicles are said to be the

greatest and most valuable. Naturally, it's been hundreds

of years since anyone got a glimpse of a genuine copy.

For reasons speculated upon by even the most casual

new member of the Society, the powerful leaders of the

Pathfinder Society-the Decemvirate-recalled and

destroyed every copy ofVolume s within months of their

original issue. The official story involved errors of fact and

manufacture that could have led Pathfinders attempting to

retrace the paths outlined within it to certain doom, while

rumors swirled that at least one of the accounts-written

by a famous Pathfinder agent with strong connections to

the group's leadership-had been completely fabricated.

But corrected editions never subsequently appeared.

Over the years, secondary explorations of famous exploits

have turned up numerous high-profile fabrications-for

example, Volume S's account of the jewel-encrusted Isle

of Ixchit-Atlan, 100 miles south of Azlant, was proven

false after no fewer than seven ships of Pathfinder agents

sank in the treacherous storm waters of the open seas at

its supposed location. Yet while subsequent volumes may

refute the claims of others, never before or since Volume s

has the Society attempted to recall or correct all copies of

a volume of the Pathfinder Chronicles.

What could possibly be so offensive, so dangerous,

so anathema to the Society's leaders that the volume it

appeared in had to be recalled and all returned copies

destroyed? Within decades of the Volume s's disappearance,

the formerly approachable adventuring leaders of the

Society had fallen to infighting, and to wearing masks to

conceal their identities. To this day, whispers among the

Society suggest that the two may be connected, or that the

destroyed Volume s held secrets that condemn not just the

Society's early leadership, but the Society as a whole. In

an organization built on secrets, the contents ofVolume

s are perhaps the most important. And while no copy has


turned up in hundreds of years, it's a certainty that the

curious modern members of the Pathfinder Society will

never stop looking for it.

Facts Thirty-six years ago, a trio of young diviners from distant

lands met by chance at the Society's annual Grand

Convocation. Conversation on the enduring mysteries

of the organization's origins led to the augury-aided

discovery ofVolume s's original print order, misfiled in

the depths of the Society's bureaucratic machine. With this

list, the diviners discovered that of the S9 original copies,

48 went to agents based in Absalom, and only 11 were sent

by messenger to field agents throughout the Inner Sea

region. Of the copies in Absalom, all but three are recorded

as having been returned and destroyed. The foreign-bound

editions seem to have escaped the Decemvirate's recall

order, and hold the best promise of rediscovery. At best,

14 original copies ofVolume s still exist, though several

of those have no doubt been destroyed in the centuries

since their publication. A few alleged transcriptions of

fragments from Volume s have worked their way into

esoteric writings and near-forgotten travelogues, however,

and if these fragments can be trusted, then the bulk of

Volume s's contents concern the adventures of the great

questing hero Durvin Gest, one of the founding members

of the Pathfinder Society.

According to the writings of the scholar Yargos Gill,

the focus is Gest's exploration of the Darklands below

the city of Absalom, on a quest to discover a legendary

secret sub-temple called the Sanctum of Aroden, where

an order of knights with origins in Old Azlant guarded

the Living God's greatest treasures from his mortal life.

Anotlier account (transcriptions from tlie correspondence

ofGrivellus Rhodenso, Ustalav's famous "Baron Librarian'')

suggests instead that Volume 5 focused on Durvin Gest's

further adventures in the siege castles outside Absalom.

IfVolume z had added to Gest's legend by including his

catalog of 31 different ruins, dungeons, and war-works,

Volume 5 went beyond lists and furtive explorations to

illuminate secrets and dangers found within those edifices.

Although no portion ofRhodenso's quoted text includes

descriptions of the specific castles covered, the strong

implication is that they largely concerned the Spire of

Nex, the doorless, windowless mile-high tower thought

to include fragments of"stacked" demiplanes-complete

with living inhabitants and cultures-stored here to aid

the archmage in his failed attempt to sack the City at the

Center of the World. Tragically, the Baron Librarian's

collection of priceless tomes burned with him and his

fellow inhabitants of the Gulcharin Sanatorium in the

Great Ardis Fire of 4534.

It's possible that both accounts are true. Gest's 31 Siege

Castles and the secret Sanctum of Aroden are both located

on the Isle of Kortos near the city of Absalom, so it's not

too far a reach to conclude that the famous adventurer may

have written about both in the same volume. That these

mysterious locales lie so close to the Society's headquarters

and the politics ofits inner circle only increases the missing

volume's mystique among adventuring Pathfinders.

Theories While none alive know the truth ofVolume s's mysterious

contents, save perhaps the anonymous members of the

masked Decemvirate, numerous theories abound in

Pathfinder Society lodges across the Inner Sea and beyond.

The following are some of the more prevalent rumors

concerning its contents.

Dangerous Revelations: In the imaginations of most

Pathfinders, the contents ofVolume 5 must have presented

some sort of threat to the Society or the Decemvirate itself

to have prompted a full recall-though a threat that was

realized only after the volume was already published and

distributed. How this could be accomplished is the subject

of much debate: A secret code? Well-hidden subtext?

Glyphs worked into an illustration or a map? Yet to most

scholars, how the information was concealed is much less

important than what was concealed. A current popular

theory holds that Durvin Gest uncovered evidence that

the Society was in fact founded for malign purposes

by some sinister entity-possibilities include a veiled

master; Geryon, archdevil of forbidden knowledge; or

Tabris, the angelic author of the Book of the Damned.

The Nexus Lodge Connection: Durvin Gest officially

vanished from Golarion in 4360, but a close study of

contemporary accounts suggests that his last public

appearance on record was decades before, around 4345 AR,

when he presented a monograph on his adventures in

the southern kingdom of Nex, specifically its capital at

Quantium, to the Society's Grand Convocation. The diaries

and correspondence of Pathfinders present at the event

recount his presentation in vague detail, recalling that

Gest used a copy ofVolume 5 to illustrate details regarding

the archmage and the Spire ofNex outside Absalom, but

no record of this discussion exists in the Society's archives.

This lacuna-reports from lesser field agents presented

at the same conference exist in multitude-has led many

agents to believe that the Decemvirate redacted these

records in a similar fashion to Volume 5, and likely for

different reasons. It seems likely that Nex-whether the

wizard, the nation, the Spire, or

all three-has something to do

with the recall and cover-up.

Venture-Captain Shevala Iorae,

whose modern exploration of

the Spire of Nex fills most of

Volume 36, recalls in a footnote that

N ex's capital of Quan ti um was the site

of the very first Pathfinder Lodge, and that early

Nexian field agents like Gregaro Voth and Adolphus

1 5


were among the members of the Decemvirate at the time

Volume 5 disappeared.

Secrets of the Sanctum: If Volume 5 contained an •

account ofDurvin Gest's exploration ofthe secret Sanctum

of Aroden below Absalom, it's possible that the powerful

Church of Aroden had a hand in forcing the Decemvirate

to remove the Chronicle from the field. Hundreds of years

before Aroden's death at the start of the Age ofLost Omens,

Aro den's cult was by far the most powerful in Absalom in

both magical and political terms. The Sanctum was said

to contain an important "Test of Aroden" that inculcated

his most dedicated followers into an inner circle led by

the legendary Knights of the Ioun Star, with in-person

visits by the god himself long after he had otherwise

withdrawn from mortal life. It's possible that Durvin Gest

discovered secrets within that could pose significant threat

to the religion, an excellent motive and opportunity for

the church to step in and remove the volume from public

view. Some of the more credulous young members of the

Society even suggest that the god himself may have simply

willed the volumes out of existence, which would account

for the complete loss of the record to history.

� he Inner Sea and the lands beyond it are home

� to numerous secret societies devoted to occult

studies and esoteric traditions. Not all secret

societies are cults, but even those that are not can take

on cultish qualities, most notably in their efforts to keep

their existence and practices hidden from public view. A

character might join a secret society as a means of gaining

access to its secrets, but must commit to forwarding the

society's goals or lose the benefits of membership.

joioiog a Secret Society A character must pay a fee and pass an initiation test to

join a secret society. An initiation test consists of a skill

check of a type determined by the society, and a character

can attempt the test once every two service periods (a

length of time that varies according to each secret society).

Once a character is initiated, he must pay a periodic

donation to remain in the society until his Fame score

rises high enough to grant him permanent membership.

These costs, skills, and Fame score requirements vary by

society (see the following pages).

Beoefits of Membersl)ip The benefits of belonging to a secret society are

similar to those granted by a faction, save that instead

of increasing her standing by succeeding at missions

related to the organization's goals, a character must

succeed at periodic skill checks or complete other tasks

to advance her standing in the society. Secret societies

periodically reward activities taken on at a member's own

initiative, such as research, traveling, and adventuring;

these are noted on the following pages as appropriate,

but are typically left to the GM to develop as adventures.

A member's Fame score represents her status within

her secret society and tracks her success in conducting

the society's business. A low Fame score indicates she's

a new or a struggling member, while a high one could

enable her to become a permanent member or even a

group leader. To increase her Fame score, a character

must either succeed at Obeisance checks-skill checks

with a DC of 15 + her current ranks in that skill (see the

Service Periods sidebar on page 23) or perform specific

tasks. The methods by which she earns opportunities to

attempt Obeisance checks vary by school. A character's

Fame score increases by 1 every time she succeeds at an

Obeisance check or performs a task for her society. For

every 10 points of Fame a member possesses, she gains a

cumulative +i bonus on Diplomacy checks against other

members of that secret society. Fame is not expended­

when an award granted by a society lists only a required

Fame score, a member receives the award automatically

when she achieves that Fame score.

Every time a character's Fame score increases, she also

earns an equal number of Prestige Points. A member's

Prestige Points (PP) reflect the goodwill, research

1 7


grants, and personal favors she has built up during her

service to the society. These points, when spent, are

spent permanently. Members cannot spend Prestige •

Points during combat, and cannot pool Prestige Points

to obtain more expensive rewards. Members must be at

their secret society's headquarters or otherwise able to

contact fellow members to spend them, with a single

exception-a member can spend Prestige Points if she

is dead, petrified, or otherwise out of commission. This

expenditure represents prior arrangements made with

her society to perform certain actions on her behalf, such

as having her raised from the dead. In this event, the

member's actual location does not impact the Prestige

Point cost.

Each society detailed in this chapter lists specific

awards that are available only to members, along with

any minimum Fame score and Prestige Point cost the

awards require. The sidebar on page 25 also lists several

generic awards that a member of any secret society can

purchase with her Prestige Points.

S�ill Specializatioo Many of the prestige awards and forms of recognition

that secret society members purchase allow a character

to become specialized in a skill. When a PC becomes

specialized in a skill, that skill immediately becomes a

class skill for him. If the member gains that skill as a class

skill from any other source (before or after purchasing

the prestige resource), he gains a +i competence bonus

on those skill checks.

Leaviog a Secret Society A character can leave a secret society at any time by

simply alerting her superiors, though abandoning

some organizations might come at a price. If a member

fails to pay the requisite offerings when they are due,

performs some act that j eopardizes the secret society's

anonymity, or otherwise violates the society's rules or

tenets (based on the GM's interpretation of the act),

she is excommunicated from the society and her Fame

score and Prestige Points are both reduced by 2d6 (to

a minimum of o). A member who fails a number of

consecutive Obeisance checks as set by her secret society

is also excommunicated.

Once a member leaves a secret society, she can no

longer spend Prestige Points on that society's benefits.

If she is excommunicated, she might even lose access

to some of the advantages and boons she had already

acquired from the society, at the GM's discretion. A

member can return to a secret society she left voluntarily

by paying the initiation fee again. A member who was

excommunicated must pay the initiation fee again and

succeed at a Diplomacy check (DC = 20 + the member's

current Fame score) to get back into the society. This

Diplomacy check can be attempted once per year.

Al)ap)Jexia originators and spiriting their discoveries back to the

Those who travel the narrow paths of the New Surdina

Road through the Hungry Mountains might catch a

glimpse of lights high upon Mount Laophis. The very

perceptive might even notice a vague outline of spires and

sharp roofs, seemingly as weathered and ancient as the

mountains that enclose them. Most hurry past the lonely

compound, but those who ask about it at the nearby Slit

o' the Sun inn or who question travelers along the trail

about it receive the same answer, a name and a warning:

"The Monastery of the Veil, where they live for death."

According to the records of Cryptgate Cathedral in

Kavapesta, the Monastery of the Veil was founded as

a Pharasmin hermitage in 3882 AR, built by a splinter

group of the faith whose members sought to better

prepare themselves for death and protect the greatest

works of their faith by isolating themselves from the

concerns of everyday life. All other records relating to

the monastery, its clergy, the donations it collected,

and other holdings are inexplicably missing, and any

public information about the monastery comes directly

from the only member of the brotherhood permitted

to leave the sanctuary's walls: Bishop Yasmardin Senir,

who also holds the title Count ofUlcazar. Senir portrays

his brotherhood as religious anchorites, utterly devoted

to Pharasma and fiercely protective of their isolation.

However, only the latter is actually true.

In 4144, the monks of the Monastery of the Veil were

exterminated. When the sons of Countess Robeskea

were stricken by the plague known as the Whithers­

which haunted the shores of Lake Kavapesta, its curse

of lethal somnambulism reaching even the slopes of

Ulcazar-the desperate mother called upon the priests of

the Monastery of the Veil for aid. She received no reply.

When she sent her guards with an official decree, the

monastery refused her messengers entry. When finally

she traveled with her unconscious sons to the monastery

itself, the bishop denied her, repeating his order's mantra,

"We live only for death." The countess's sons died on the

monastery threshold soon after.

What followed is a mystery of blood and shadow:

Countess Robeskea courted the cult of Norgorber and

set them upon the monastery in vengeance for her dead

children. The Pharasmins fell and the worshipers of the

god of secrets claimed their library of mysteries. But the

assassins did not depart. In the catacomb-libraries of the

Monastery of the Veil, their leader found something the

Pharasmins had kept secret for centuries. He emerged

with a new charge and a single word: "Anaphexis."

To the outside world, the Monastery of the Veil

appears to continue as it always has, hosting a secretive

order of mysterious monks. But for half a millennium,

Norgorber's followers-now known as the Anaphexia­

have held this redoubt amid the Hungry Mountains.

They claim new knowledge before it spreads, killing the


vast catacomb-libraries hidden beneath the Monastery of

the Veil. When they take a life, agents of the Anaphexia

remove the corpse's head, preventing others from using

magic to compel it to reveal its killer, and allowing the cult

members to conduct their own magical interrogations.

Beneath the Monastery of the Veil, layers of catacombs

bore into the mountain depths, lined with the skulls of

countless unrecognized geniuses and nameless prodigies

who tell their secrets only to the Anaphexia.

Secrecy is of paramount importance to the Anaphexia.

Any members of the cult who leave the Monastery of the

Veil for any reason leave behind their tongues, ensuring

that if captured while doing their god's shadowy work,

they will not easily give up their secrets. Members' tongues

are severed at the roots-an act that deals id2 points of

damage and leaves the individual unable to speak (even

to cast spells). Upon their return to the monastery, their

tongues are restored by the regenerative magic of high­

ranking cult members. Only the leader of the cult, Bishop

Yasmardin Senir, is permitted to leave the monastery with

his tongue intact.

In this manner, the Anaphexia has operated for

centuries, collecting secrets not just to indulge use its

god's divine obsession, but also to continue the work

of the monastery's Pharasmin founders, preserving this

wisdom in trust for some mysterious age or event yet to

come, and for which the modern world is not prepared.


The Norgorberite assassins of the Anophexio pose as ascetic

monks of Phorosmo, and travel the world killing and stealing

to amass a wealth of secrets known only to themselves.

Location Monastery of the Ve i l i n U l caza r (Usta lav)


I n it iat ion Fee knowledge of the Anaphex ia a nd an offe r i ng

of a va l u ab l e non -persona l secret the assass i n s do no t

a l ready possess .

I n it iat ion Test Knowl edge (a ny) o r Stea l th DC 20

Offerings 300 g p/serv ice pe r i od


Obeisance Check Acrobat i cs, B l u ff, I n t im idate, Knowledge

(a ny), Percept ion, Stea l th

Service Period 6 months

Excommunication 2 consecut ive fa i l ed O be i sance checks

(assass inat ion at the Anaphex ia 's hands)


Espionage (+1 Fame) Su ccessfu l l y l e a r n i ng a sec ret of

na t iona l , sc ient i fi c, o r esoter ic i m por tance that has not

yet been recorded wi th i n t he Monastery of t he Ve i l 's

records a nd a dd i n g it to the Anaphex ia 's repos i to r ies

i n creases your Fa me score by 1 . You can i n crease your

Fa me score th rough t h i s task th ree t imes pe r se rv i ce

pe r i od . (What counts as a va l u a b l e o r new secret i s

dete rm i ned by the GM .)

Sequester (+2 Fame) You erase a l l knowledge of a part i c u l a r

secret t h rough assass inat ion and the destruct ion o f

documents, ensu r i ng tha t on ly the Anaphexia reta ins that

informat ion . You must return the sku l l s of those you k i l l

to the Monastery of the Vei l . Comp let ing a sequester ing

i n creases you r Fame score by 2 . You can i ncrease you r

Fame score v i a t h i s method once p e r service per iod . I f

supposed ly suppressed informat ion emerges later, evi nc ing

a botched effort, your Fame score decreases by 4 .


Blessing of the Tongue (1 0 Fame) You can cast spe l l s

f r om the c le r i c a nd i n q u i s i tor spe l l l i sts that have a verba l

component even when your tongue has been removed.

Deepest Secret (75 Fame) You a re comm itted to keep i ng

t he Anaphex i a a sec ret f r om the wo r l d . You immed ia te ly

know the name of any creature w i th i n 1 m i le who

speaks t he words "Anaphex ia" o r "Anaphex i s ." A

creature spea k i ng u nde r t he effects of nonde tectian o r

any o the r s p e l l t h a t s tymies c l a i r a ud ience p revents t h i s

a b i l i ty f rom func t i o n i n g .

Fata l istic Faith (1 0 Fame, 5 PP) E a c h t i m e y o u ga i n a l eve l

i n the assass in c lass that g ra nts you a bonus on sav ing

th rows aga i nst po ison , you can exchange that c lass

featu re for a n i n crease i n your spe l l s pe r day and

effect ive caster leve l as i f you had ga i ned a c le r i c

leve l . You can choose th i s opt ion on l y i f you had

c l e r i c l eve l s before becom i ng an assass i n . You do

no t g a i n any o t he r c l e r i c c l a s s benef its .

Sacred Confidant (50 Fame) You are a vete ran

member of the Anaphex i a . You no longer have to

pay offe r i ngs to the cu lt, a nd every t ime you wou l d

no rma l l y pay offe r i ngs, you i n stead ea r n t h a t amount o f

go l d i n c red i t . Whenever you l eave the c lo ister, you c an

exchange cred i t f o r go l d, but a ny u nspent wea l th o r r i ches

ga ined m ust be donated to the cu l t upon you r retu rn (you

do not earn c red i t for this amou nt). Add i t iona l l y, you take

no damage from cut t ing ou t your own tongue .

Scho lar of Secrets (20 Fame, 1 PP) You a re g ra nted access

to the uppe r leve l s of the Monastery of the Ve i l 's l i b ra ry­

catacombs . You can spend 1 PP and conduct 1 day of

research the re to ga i n a +1 0 c i r cumsta nce bonus on a

Knowl edge check .

Scholar of Skul ls (30 Fame, 2 PP) You a re g ra nted

permiss ion to i nterv iew any of the sku l l s held with i n

the Monastery of the Vei l 's l i b ra ry-catacombs and a re

supp l i ed wi th an attendant capab le of cast ing speak

with dead i f such ass is tance i s req u i red . You can spend

3 PP and conduct 1 hou r of research there to ga i n a +20

c i rcumstance bonus on a Knowledge check .

Si lent Speech (5 Fame) You lea rn the secret speech of the

Anaphexia , a l anguage of postu res, gestu res, and g l a res

known on l y to mem bers of the cu l t . You can com m u n icate

i n abso l ute s i l ence with other mem bers of the Anaphex ia

as long as you can see each other c lea r ly and the other

Anaphex ia members a l so know th i s l anguage .



Using the Anaphexia The Anaphexia holds no allegiance to any nation or

group, and so might arise to confront agents of any •

knowledge seeker.

Secrets to Tempt: The Anaphexia is always watching

scholarly communities, government bodies, ambitious

mercantile ventures, and similar far-reaching groups for

whispers of unusual new ideas, research, and explorations.

Its agents monitor such groups' actions closely, extorting

informants for news on provocative developments. Some

of the most noteworthy sites they're currently monitoring

include archaeological sites connected to the Whispering

Tyrant, Technic League laboratories in Numeria, Oppara's

Kitharodian Academy, the Sincomakti School of Sciences

in Versex, the House of Liars in Nidal, and various

Pathfinder lodges. They also keep regular tabs on several

secretive groups operating around Lake Encarthan,

such as the Aspis Consortium, the Esoteric Order of the

Palatine Eye, the Old Cults, the Royal Accusers of

Ustalav, the Sleepless Agency, and the

Whispering Way.

Cciofereoce Z efforts and discoveries. Each venture keeps its own staff

Issued in 4652 AR, Aspis Consortium Inter-Branch

Directive 1111 reads as follows: "Research department

heads, electrum agents: Aspis Building, Ostenso. Dawn,

8-24. Conference Z."

Inter-Branch Directive 1111 remains the only publicly

leaked reference to Conference Z. This directive was

compromised only when a group of Pathfinder Society

members ambushed an Aspis Consortium messenger

en route to an undisclosed location in Molthune. Since

then, few verifiable details have been uncovered regarding

Conference Z and its agents, operations, or purpose.

However, Pathfinder Society field reports have linked the

group to the brutal interrogation of an Isgeri necromancer,

an inexplicable encounter with Aspis agents amid the

Crown of the World's Lustral Spires, and the discovery of

a caravel wrecked in the Thuvian desert, miles from water.

Only Professor Tantis Mais, the current executor of

Conference Z, has full knowledge oflnter-Branch Directive

1111. In this centuries-old directive, Jhandorage Alexayn,

one of the Aspis Consortium's three founders, ordered the

organization's most brilliant minds to discuss radical new

avenues for business and expansion. Supposedly, Alexayn

judged the conference such a success that he secretly

dedicated a percentage of the consortium's yearly funds to

backing the think tank, a practice that has continued.

From its inception, Conference Z has been clandestine,

intended to free participants from the shackles of

convention and taboo. Over the decades, its mystery has

only deepened as a march of obsessive executors have

burrowed the suborganization into the depths of the

Consortium. Currently, only one of the Consortium's

executives, A. X. Adris, knows of Conference Z's existence,

and in return, she keeps the work of Professor Tantis Mais

and his far-flung electrum agents a closely guarded secret.

From laboratories hidden in a secret series of

subbasements beneath the Aspis Building in Ostenso,

Professor Mais conducts his own top-level research while

monitoring Conference Z operations across Golarion.

Although he has been executor for over 40 years, even he

is unaware ofthe objectives of some operations that began

before his tenure. While the full scope of Conference Z

remains a mystery, over the past decade, a small number

of Pathfinder agents and unwitting adventurers have

stumbled across stronghold laboratories researching

bizarre topics such as alien languages, biological hypnosis,

elder sciences, enhanced cryptozoology, geothermic

industry, immortality, interplanar economics, mass

teleportation, psychic enrichment, revivified prophecy,

and temporal redundancy. Yet other investigations have

been officially suspended over the years; curiously, these

suspended programs receive only slightly less funding

than active projects.

Scholars funded by Conference Z make regular reports

to Ostenso, keeping Professor Mais apprised of their


and security; most assistants and guards are unaware

that the Aspis Consortium funds their work and never

hear the name Conference Z. Every electrum agent does,

however, possess documents necessary to appropriate

Consortium agents and supplies in an emergency.

Perhaps the most sinister aspect of the shadow

organization is the cabal of nearly identical, black-clad

agents who report directly to Mais, silently carrying out

his orders, monitoring underperforming ventures, and

hunting those who learn too much about Conference Z.

As only a handful of individuals know of the existence

of Conference Z, and even fewer are actual members, the

following details a group ofinvestigators who unwittingly

serve Conference Z.

Bureau of Criers: The Criers investigate reports of

bizarre phenomena, unexplained events, and supposed

impossibilities, documenting their occurrence and

confiscating evidence for scholarly consideration and the

public good. Originally named the "Bureau oflnquirers,"

decades of malapropism eventually altered the name of

these privately funded investigators. Public records and

internal files report that the organization is funded by a

philanthropic brotherhood of international scholars­

perhaps even the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye. Only

Chief Crier Byron Lanter knows that the group works for

the Aspis Consortium and that all of their discoveries

are sent to Mais's agents. Criers-whether individually,

in small teams, or with groups of reliable freelancers­

collect accounts of strange events, investigate their causes,

and provide detailed reports to the Bureau of Criers in

Ostenso or to their field office in Thrushmoor (little more

than a basement desk in the Sleepless Building).


These mercenary investigators seek out strange and paranormal

activity to report ta their mysterious, anonymous superiors.

Location Ostenso (Che l i ax) a nd Th rushmoor (Usta l av)


I n it iat ion Fee must have had an encou nter wi th a crea tu re

or phenomenon that def ies rat i ona l exp lanat ion

I n it iat ion Exam Knowl edge (a ny) o r Percept ion DC 20

Offerings 200 g p/serv i ce pe r i od


Obeisance Check B l u ff, I n t im idate, Percept ion, Stea l th

Service Period 3 months

Excommunication 3 consecut ive fa i l ed O be isa nce checks


Fund Research (+1 Fame) Once per serv ice per iod , you can

sponsor a fe l l ow C r ie r's ongo ing i nvest iga t ions by payi ng

he r offe r i ng for that se rv i ce per iod (200 g p) . You can

sponsor a peer o n ly once pe r year, a nd even then on l y i f

you r Fame score exceeds 20 .

I nvest igate an Event (+2 Fame) Once per serv ice per iod ,

you can unde rtake a miss ion for you r supe r i o rs . You ga i n

fame on l y if you successf u l l y revea l the reason beh i nd

some unexp l a i ned event .

Take Evidence (+1 Fame) Once pe r serv ice per iod, you can

conf iscate a u n i q ue i tem re levant to your i nvest igat ions

a nd submi t i t to you r supe r i o rs for fu r the r research and

documentat i on . The i tem m ust be un ique and worth

1 ,000 g p per po in t of Fame you possess . The va l u e of such

a n i tem of ten comes from i ts ra r i ty o r unusua l natu re, not

f rom i ts mag i ca l p roper t ies o r component mate r i a l s .


Academica l ly Prepared (5 PP) You've spent a day reviewi ng

reports of events s im i l a r to one you're about to i nvest igate.

Choose a Knowledge ski l l . You gain a +2 c i rcumstance

bonus on that ski l l and a +2 c i rcumstance bonus on W i l l

savi ng th rows to resist fea r effects f o r the d u rat ion of one

miss ion (maximum du rat ion of 1 week) . Memory Purge (50 Fame, 1 0 PP) You can request a team of

Cr ie r mag i c-users to wipe the memory of a 24-hou r per iod

from an i nd iv i dua l . You must know where the target is ,

and she must e i ther be w i l l i ng to undergo the wipe o r be

unprepa red for i t . The person you wish to af fect must be of

a cha racter level equa l to o r less than you rs . The 24-hou r

pe r i od does no t need to be the l a s t 24 hou rs, and Cr ie r

mag i c- users typica l l y fu l fi l l the i r work wi th in 3 days of the

request be ing made . Wh i le some targets m ight escape

Cr ie r agents, the bu reau's success rate is q u ite good . You

can choose yourse l f as the target of a memory pu rge .

Restricted Access (20 Fame, 2 PP) You can request add i t iona l

i n fo rmat ion re lat ing to your i nvest igat ion f rom you r

super io rs . Wh i l e y o u can't request spec i f ic mater i a l s, what

you rece ive p roves usefu l to you r work. Support typica l l y

takes the fo rm of some r a re book o r esoter ic

manuscr ipt that, when referenced, g ra nts a +2

c i rcumstance bonus on a l l Knowledge checks

related to your i nvestigat ion . Occas iona l ly, though,

th i s m ight be an unusua l mag i c item with a va l u e less

than 1 ,000 g p x you r cu rrent Fame o r a strange ly spec i f ic

mundane item . Any mater ia l s g ra nted to you a re de l ivered

anonymous ly with i n 1 week of the request, and you a re

expected to retu rn them at the end of your miss ion o r

with i n 1 month (whi chever i s shorter) . Fa i l u re to

return items decreases your Fame score by 5.

Using Conference Z Conference Z is a perfect international

conspiracy to either oppose PCs or fund

their exploits (via the Criers), potentially even

hiring them in order to point them away from larger

Conference Z endeavors. Cells funded by Conference

Z engage in all manner of bizarre studies, resulting in

everything from amoral experiments and monster-gone­

wild plots to near-apocalypses. A few of Conference Z's

known initiatives include the following.

Extraplanar Travel: The non-humanoid Professor Ro

charts planar connections across Golarion. During certain


planar conjunctions, his cavernous compound on the coast

ofMolthune connects with tunnels beneath Axis.

Extraplanetary Studies: From his observatory in Manaket, •

Professor Calacazari seeks methods to study, contact, and

travel between the worlds in Golarion's solar system. He

believes he's recently made contact with a scholar on Verces.

Necrotic Enrichment: Professor Galuzo's agents are

among the only living creatures allowed near Finder's Gulch

in Isger, and study the union of disease and necromancy.

Supernatural Meteorology: The floating laboratory

of Professor Omor monitors the magical storms off the

coast of the Spellscar Desert.

Temporal Anomalies: From an abandoned cliff

dwelling in the Calphiak Mountains, Professor Ilosiel

studies irregularities in the flow of time.

Translocation, Radical: Professor Nuis studies methods

of linking or overlaying disparate locations. Her lab­

fortress, Castle Penatha, is currently missing. 1

CIJurcIJ of Razmir others. Those who seek to rise in the church must do so

Many offer prayers to distant and uncaring gods, yet why

bother with a god who might not even know you exist?

For a few bold iconoclasts, the true path to power involves

offering up prayers to the Living God, Razmir-a being

who takes a direct and personal interest in the world's

affairs. From his seat in Thronestep, in the country that

bears his name, Razmir rules over his nation and his

faith, guiding them to power and prosperity.

The faith is organized around various ecclesiastical

ranks called "steps," with the idea that ascending

through these levels of faith leads the aspirant closer to

Razmir and his divinity. New converts find

themselves sent to First Step, a fortress in

Razmiran's Exalted Wood. While some

never return from this great black edifice,

those who do find themselves forever

changed as they emerge and are issued

a simple iron mask and plain white

robe. These acolytes are absolutely

faithful to the church, willing to

do almost anything to further

its goals. As a member ascends

in the church hierarchy, she

is awarded new masks and

robes according to her

station, as well as other

privileges, such as access

to bountiful riches, loyal

servants, and willing concubines

and gigolos. Razmir promises

unquestioned power and worldly

pleasures. The only cost is absolute

loyalty and obedience.

In truth, while Razmir does

indeed reward quality service,

he does not share his

divine power, nor does

he respect those

who rely on


using their own cunning and ability, filling the upper

echelons of the faith with some of the most ruthless and

power-hungry individuals in all of Golarion.

The Church of Razmir is a relative newcomer to

Golarion. Founded only 47 years ago, the church is

constantly looking for ways to expand. Although

currently limited in influence to the lands around

Lake Encarthan, where its faith barges constantly sail

to spread the gospel, the church sends missionaries far

and wide to spread the word. If a community seems

at all receptive, the church sets up a shrine, allowing

missionaries to manipulate local politics and expand

their influence. Although they often start by gifting

food, drink, and even gold to the locals in a display of

Razmir's prosperity and beneficence, these gifts quickly

turn into loans and coercion. Of course, ifthe residents

accept Razmir and donate regularly to the church,

such pressure is unnecessary. Their strong-arm tactics

make disciples of Razmiran generally unpopular with

members of other religions, who see them as little

more than a well-organized gang seeking to expand

their protection racket-yet as some Razmiri priests

point out, the same could be said of most religions,

and at least the Church of Razmir follows through on

its promises and takes a direct interest in the worldly

success of its faithful.


Those who seek true power devote their lives t o the Living

God, Rozmir. His faith is one of prosperity and power and those

who worship him can share in his bounty.

Location Th ronestep (Razmi ran)


I n it iat ion Fee Va r ies (poor aco lytes get in for free, wh i l e

those w i t h wea l th m ight be expected t o pay u p t o 500 g p)

I n it iat ion Test Those who jo i n the c h u rch must travel

to the fortress of F i rst Step to be tra i ned . Once the re,

the a co lytes a re s ubject to va r ious powerfu l s pe l l s a nd

a l c hem i c a l concoct ions fash ioned t o e r ode the i r w i l l a nd

make them easy t o educate. Those who fi gh t aga i nst

these methods a re locked away deep beneath the keep

and a re never hea rd from aga i n .

Offerings 1 O g p/serv ice per iod


Obeisance Check B l u ff, D i p l omacy, I n t im idate, Use

Mag i c Dev ice

Service Period 1 month

Excommunication 3 consecut ive fa i l ed Obe i sance

checks (execut ion)


Conversion (+1 Fame) Once pe r month, you can convert

the owner of a loca l bus i ness, a government offi c i a l , or

a noble wi th a successfu l D i p lomacy o r I n t im idate check

(DC equa l to 1 O + you r Fa me) to i n c rease you r Fa me by 1 .

The DC i n creases because you m ust cont i nuous l y convert

i n creas i ng l y res i s tant l o ca l s to imp ress the p r i ests .


Ascendant (10 PP) You advance to become an aco lyte of

the second step. You r can add a g ray sash to you r robes,

i nd i cat ing your i n creased stand i ng . Once per month, you

can ca l l upon the aid of two aco lytes of the f i rst step, who

fo l l ow you r o rde rs w i thout q uest ion (u n l ess the orders

a re su i c i da l o r obvious ly aga ins t the tenets of the fa i th) .

Treat these aco lytes as 1 st- l eve l war r io rs . The aco lytes

serve you for 1 day o r on one task, wh i chever i s of sho rter

d u ra t i on . You can a lso bo rrow up to 100 g p of nonmag i ca l

gea r f r om the c h u rch to out fi t t hese aco lytes, but you

m ust rep l a ce a nyth i ng that i s lost o r destroyed .

Domain (5 Fame, 20 PP) You a re g iven contro l of a n a rea

i n a c i ty that the c h u rch contro l s . Wh i l e you do not d i ctate

bus i ness pract ices o r day-to-day ope rat io ns, you a re

treated deferent i a l l y at a l l bus i nesses in that a rea (usua l l y

abou t five, offe r i ng va r ious d i fferent good s a nd serv ices).

I f the bus i nesses open ly su ppo rt the faith, treat NPCs at

these bus i nesses as i f the i r a t t i tude toward you were one

step better than i t wou l d be toward others . Bus i nesses

that secret ly oppose the c h u rch m i g ht seek to unde rm ine

you , s ubject to the GM's d i sc ret i on . I n add i t ion, on ce

per month you can request a cont r i bu t ion from these

bus i nesses . Wh i l e you must donate much of th i s money to

the c h u rch a s par t of your month ly offe r i ng , you receive

1 d 6 x 10 g p as a st i pend for ga the r i ng th is wea l th . I f

these bus i nesses o f fe r serv ices o r nonmag i ca l g oods, you

receive a 200/o d iscount on these goods and serv ices .

Int im idating Student (5 PP) You have earned a reputat ion

for be i ng fi e rce and demand i ng , caus ing those you

encou nter to g i ve i n to your wishes more read i l y than

they would to others . You ga in a +2 bonus on B l uf f a nd

I n t im i date checks . I n add i t ion , when you successf u l l y u s e

I n t im idate t o demora l ize a foe, t h a t f oe is shaken f o r 1 d 4

add i t i ona l rounds .

Using the Church of Razmir Whenever the Church of Razmir appears in a town,

there is bound to be conflict with the local government,

businesses, and other religions. The following adventure

hooks are suitable for those dealing with the church, as

well as those seeking to become members.

Business Opportunities: The church has decided to

expand its influence over local businesses. Their plan

involves having a number of acolytes commit petty crimes

against targeted businesses, such as burglary, vandalism,

and assault (while not wearing their robes, of course).

As the pressure on local businesses mounts, the church

offers to help stop the crime spree in exchange for a small

donation. Over time, this evolves into a relationship in

which the businesses pay to protect their properties from

the rampant crime. Non-Razmiri characters are called

in by a local trade guild that does not want to deal with



About Service Periods

Every secret society functions on what a re known as "service

periods." You can attempt one Obeisance check (us ing a ski l l

chosen from your society's Obeisance check options) per

service per iod. A service per iod's actua l in-game du rat ion

va ries from society to society, and you shou ldn't hesitate to

further adjust a society's service per iod length to match the

speed at which t ime passes i n your campaign . As a genera l

ru le, a member should be able to increase her Fame score

by 4 to 6 poi nts per character level, so depending on how

long characters i n your game take to gain levels, you shou ld

adjust the length of a service per iod accord ing ly, tak ing i nto

account any extra tasks that earn the student Fame over the

course of the term. One re lat ive ly s imp le way to hand-wave

service per iods is to treat each game session, no matter

how much t ime passes dur ing that session, as one service

period, and a l low characters i n schools to attempt a Tra in ing

check at the end of each game sess ion . You can a l so t ie

these checks to character level, and a l low characters to

attempt five Obeisance checks a l l at once every t ime they

level up.

the church, while prospective acolytes are tasked with

convincing the businesses to pay up.

Faith Barge: Traveling around the shores of Lake

Encarthan and up and down the nearby rivers, these

barges bear missionaries bringing the word of Razmir

to the ignorant masses. When they dock in a town, the

missionaries' first job is to impress the locals with the

wealth and power of Razmir, which is often done by

throwing a raucous party at which they hand out free

food, drink, and even money. During the festivities, the

missionaries talk to the local business owners, hoping to

find one who might be susceptible to their message. If

successful, they leave a member or two behind to found a

new shrine to the Living God. Not surprisingly, such visits

end up causing chaos in town as the local leaders attempt

to maintain control over the town after the visit. Local

defenders are often called upon to look into these visitors,

while neophyte priests are often sent on such journeys to

spread the word ofRazmir and earn money for the church.

Local Respect: The other faiths in town treat the

church ofRazmir like a petulant upstart, and for the most

part, the local townsfolk agree. The church has decided

to start a campaign to improve its standing among the

locals while simultaneously discrediting the clergy of

other faiths. They throw lavish parties for locals, inviting

them to enjoy free food and drink, while quietly running

a smear campaign against priests of other churches,

revealing scandalous secrets (some of which are likely

lies). Non-Razmiri characters are asked to investigate the

source of the recent rumors, while Razmiri characters are

tasked with spreading them even further.

Esoteric Order of tl)e Palatioe Eye The Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye is perhaps

Golarion's most public secret society. Based in fog­

shrouded Ustalav, this shadowy organization follows

strange dictates from the so-called Lost Gospels of Tabris,

an ancient text recovered from the Osirian desert by

the Order's founder. It purports to reveal the mythical

ascendancy of powerful primordial entities, and serves as

the allegorical foundation for the society's strange beliefs.

The Order is organized by "cathedrals": localized, semi­

autonomous chapters that gather in mausoleums, noble

estates, or actual retrofitted cathedrals. Membership

is expensive and exclusive, and while not limited to

the nobility, it is beyond most commoners' reach.

The Order is organized into nine "stations"

divided evenly among three "thrones." The

Third Throne consists of the general rank­

and-file membership of adherents, while the

Second and First Thrones are reserved for elder

members, powerful nobles, or those who have

fully ascended through the Order's ranks

of enlightenment.

New members must be invited

and vouched for by members in

good standing. The order's strange

ceremonies of initiation are

structured as call-and-response

chants, and intoned in a bizarre

pidgin of Ancient Osiriani. The

rites also involve outlandish

symbolism and actions, such

as breaking the jaw off of the

mummified corpse of a deceased

member. Membership brings the

exclusivity of a powerful social

club, the assured support of fellow

members, and connections with

influential noble houses.

The Order's theology, as outlined

by the Lost Gospels of Tabris, is an

ordered path of enlightenment

designed to cultivate the divine

spark that members believe all

sentient beings harbor. As a member

ascends through the Order's stations,

she is expected to achieve greater states of

self-awareness and personal insight. The

gospels teach through symbolic fables of

primordial creation and the cultivation of

order from chaos, as well as allegorical tales

of the ascendancy of deific beings from

primordial forms to godhood.

These strange teachings and

secret rites, along with the powerful

influence of the order's members,

spark innumerable conspiracy theories and accusations

that the fraternal society is at best a deceptive pyramid

scheme, or at worst, a diabolical cult. The Order's

hierarchy includes markers of divine stations both

celestial and diabolical, suggesting that the accusations

are not without merit, and the Order's refusal to

answer or even silence conspiracy theorists only drives

speculation further.


This mysterious-and some say dangerous-secret society

promotes personal enlightenment and the cultivation of an

inner divine spark, all within the framework of an influential

and powerful fraternal organization.

Location Usta lav


I n it iat ion Fee 500 g p

I n it iat ion Test L i ngu ist i cs DC 20

Offerings 300 g p/serv ice pe r i od


Obeisance Check B l u ff, Knowledge

(a rcana), Knowledge (re l i g i o n),

L i n gu is t i cs

Service Per iod 4 months

Excommunication 3 consecut ive

fa i l e d Obe i sance checks


Recover Lost Knowledge (+1 Fame)

Lost know ledge re levant to the

Order's teach i ngs i s h i dden i n certa i n

a nc ient texts sp read ac ross Go l a r ion ,

a nd the i r recovery by any means i s o f

g reat im portance to the Order. Successfu l

comp let ion of a m iss ion t o recover such

documents i n c reases you r fame sco re by 1 .


F i rst Throne (50 Fame) You ascend to

the h i g hest leve l of the O rd er's ran ks,

a n d no l o nge r need to pay offe r i ngs .

Eve ry t ime you wou l d no rma l l y pay

offe r i ng s, you i nstead earn tha t

amoun t of go l d i n t r i bu te .

Recitat ions (20 Fame, 5 PP) The

menta l d i s c i p l i nes of the Esoter ic

Order a re i n st i l l e d i n mem bers th rough

med itat ive rec itat i ons-short p h rases i n the

Orde r's Anc ient Os i r i an i pa r l a nce that take on

tang ib le powers as the a d herent r i ses th rough

the ranks of the order. You can take th i s rewa rd

five t imes . Each t ime you take i t, se lec t one of

the fo l l ow ing rec i ta t ions to l ea rn . To use th i s

a b i l i ty, you m ust be a member i n good sta nd i n g

and i n possess ion of you r s c a r ab brooch wh i l e

utte r i ng the rec i tat ion as a standa rd a c t i o n . You

can d raw on the power of these rec itat ions in th i s

manne r a n umber of t imes pe r day equa l to the n umber

of rec ita t ions you know, bu t you can have on l y one

rec i tat i on act ive at any one t ime .

A b Sek, A b e t Sahu: Th i s ax iom of the order means

"Once m i ne, a lways you rs." By i nvok i ng th i s ph rase, you

can c a l l on you r i n f l uence to ga i n a +4 i n s i gh t bonus on

you r next D i p l omacy check wh i le the rec i tat i on i s a ct ive .

Het Aaru Muut: The saying "Favored i s b revity" teaches

that a d herents of the order l i ve m i n utes ahead of non­

soc i ety mem bers . When you a ct ivate th i s rec i tat ion, you

ga in a +4 i n s i gh t bonus on you r next i n i t ia t ive check .

Khu Ba Heteph: Th is motto means "Seek and you sha l l

fi nd"; wh i l e the recitat ion i s act ive, you can rero l l one W i l l

saving th row as though you had t he Improved I ron W i l l feat.

Nib lmnet Hem Mao: Th i s rec itat i on means "Remember

what i s l ea rned"; wh i l e the rec i tat ion i s ac t ive, you ga i n a

+S c i rcumstance bonus on a s i n g l e Knowledge check .

Sek Ahmet Thul Khu: The ax iom "Secrets kept rema i n

m i ne" rem inds mem bers of t he i r vows of secrecy. You can

speak th i s rec i tat i on to ga i n a +4 c i rcumstance bonus on

you r nex t B l uf f check wh i l e the effect i s a ct ive.

Second Throne (20 Fame) You ascend f rom the T h i rd

Th rone of gene ra l e n l i s tees to t he second t i e r of

e n l i g h tenment, and you a re g i fted a sym bo l i c go l d en

s c a r ab . W h i l e you a re wea r i ng t he s ca ra b g i fted t o

you , t h i s sca rab a n i mates a n d c l am bers a c ross you r

torso t o i n te rcede a ga i nst u n expected at tacks, g ran t i n g

a +4 bonus to A rmo r C l a ss a g a i nst a l l s neak at tacks

and at tacks of oppo r t un ity. T he a m u l et t akes u p an

a m u l et s l ot . I f you lose th i s s ca rab, you can p u rchase a

re p l a cement fo r 5 PP.

Using the Esoteric Order The Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye is an excellent

organization for PCs who want to explore strange rites,

fraternal camaraderie, and esoteric teachings under

the umbrella of a powerful and influential association.

However, these same qualities can just as easily make

the Order a devious foil to the PCs' pursuits. The facade

of an innocuous fraternity begins to crumble as one

ascends through the order's stations, and the society's

darker pursuits slowly come to the fore. A rising member's

assignment to recover some relic from the cathedral of a

religion to whom other party members are sympathetic

might provide dramatic conflict, as could orders to steal

a valuable scroll from a renowned archive of decidedly

benevolent service.

Caliphas Murders: In the ancient city of Caliphas, a

string of strange murders has recently ignited the public's

imagination. The scions of influential old noble families

have been found hanging beneath bridges, dressed in

ceremonial robes and bearing intricate symbols and

glyphs associated with the Order carved into their torsos.

Has the Palatine Eye turned murderous toward its own

members, or is someone more diabolical attempting to



Generic Awards Beyond the specif ic p rest ige awards that each secret

soc iety g rants, members can spend the i r Prest ige Points

on the fol lowing gener ic awards as we l l .

Offering Aid: You c a n spend 1 PP t o pay your offer ing

for a service per iod .

Research Aid: For 1 PP, you can ga in the a id of another

member. Th is g rants you a +4 c i rcumstance bonus on any

ski l l check , save for Obe isance checks.

Spell Transcription: For 1 PP per spe l l l evel, you can

have a spel l of your cho ice e i ther t ranscr ibed into your

spe l l book (for mag i and wiza rds) or taught to your fam i l i a r

(for witches) .

Spellcast ing : By spend ing the l i sted P rest i ge Po int

tota l , you can have the fo l l ow ing spe l l s cast for you (the

caster leve l i n each case i s the m i n imum poss i b l e for

the spe l l ) .

1 PP : Cure moderate wounds, dispel magic, lesser

restoration, make whole, remove blindness/deafness,

remove curse, remove disease, remove paralysis

2 PP: A tonement (8 PP to restore c ler i c/dru id powers),

break enchantment, cure serious wounds, greater

dispel magic, neutralize poison, restoration (4 PP to

remove permanent negat ive l evels)

3 PP: Heal, regenerate

1 6 PP: Greater restoration, raise dead

32 PP: Resurrection

77 PP: True resurrection

expose the secrets of the Order or use fear to gain power

over its members?

Courtaud Catacombs: Recently, a militia consisting

of Esoteric Order initiates has taken over the local

government of the small Ustalavic town of Courtaud

following the Order's discovery of a strange glowing

ember in the catacombs beneath a crumbling Pharasmin

temple there. The group has since locked itself away in

the cathedral and refuses to exit. How this relates to the

recent reappearance of the Devil in Gray is a mystery the

local authorities of the county seat ofLozeri aim to solve,

and they might call on PCs to do so.

Double- Cross: Characters need not be members of the

Esoteric Order to come into conflict with its ambitions.

The nobles of the First and Second Thrones will broker

no competition in their pursuit of ancient knowledge,

and might hire rival adventuring parties to rob weary

PCs of some strange relic or tome uncovered among

Ustalav's ruins. The Order often sponsors expeditions

into the Osirion desert to search for Tabris' sepulcher

or other lost tombs, and PCs might discover too late the

internal conflict within the Order when hired by one

cathedral to perform an exploration, only to be forced to

fight off members of another cathedral attempting the

same mission.

Harhin�ers of fate I n it iat ion Test B lu f f DC 20

Lord Garron, a faithful follower of Aroden and Chelish

nobleman who fell from favor after House Thrune

consolidated power in his homeland, founded the

Harbingers of Fate in 4648 AR. As a second-career

adventurer and mercenary, Garron discovered the Book

of i,ooo Whispers, a volume that he believed chronicled

prophecies regarding the years from 4604 AR to 4714 AR,

which included Aroden's dominion over the Inner Sea. The

prophecies from the first 2 years are absolutely accurate,

while the predictions following 4606 become increasingly

nonsensical. Garron believed the book's assertion that

Aroden's death was a cosmic accident, and convinced his

followers that if they could arrange for any ofthe prophecies

in the Book ef i,ooo Whispers to come true, Aroden would be

restored to life, destiny put back on track, and the Age of

Glory ushered in. Garron never saw this dream realized,

but his daughter, Lady Arodeth, continues his work.

A citizen of Absalom, Lady Arodeth plays the role of the

vapid inheritor of a band of mercenaries for hire called

the Band of Blades. In reality, however, she is a cunning

politician and strategist determined to see one of the

prophecies fulfilled. She has manipulated circumstances

in the lives of countless individuals for well over a decade

in a failed effort to make this happen, and as of 4714, only

i desperate, final year remains for the Harbingers to

correct the march of history.

The Band of Blades acts as a front for the Harbingers.

Though the group also accepts legitimate contracts, which

enhance their cover and finance their operations, Arodeth

uses dispatches agents disguised as mercenaries all across

the Inner Sea without drawing undue attention. The

Harbingers continually collect and collate information

on individuals and situations that conform to one of

the prophecies. This information is used to stage events

allowing a prophecy to come true. In this final year, the

group has intensified their efforts, and begun actively

forcing events to conform to their prophecies. Arodeth

used to stop short of doing intentional harm to the

Harbinger's pawns, but increasingly, she has started to

rationalize that no sin would be unforgivable ifit restored

her god to life.


Headquartered in the city of Absolom, the Harbingers of Fote

use the mercenary company known as the Bond of Blades as

a front for their true agenda: arranging events so that one of

the prophecies in the Book of 1 ,000 Whispers might come true.

The Harbingers of Fote believe if just one of the prophecies

is fulfilled, destiny itself will be restarted and the Age of Lost

Omens will be replaced by the Age of Glory.

Location Absa l om


I n it iat ion Fee 200 g p, m ust have read the Book of 1,000



Offerings 200 g p/serv ice pe r i od


Obeisance Check B l u ff, D i p l omacy, D i sgu ise, Knowl edge

(h i sto ry), Know ledge (re l i g i on), Stea l th

Service Period 4 months

Excommunication 3 consecut ive fa i l ed O be isa nce checks


Brandish Blade (+1 Fame) Comp le t i ng an ass ig nment unde r

the g u i se of the Band of B l ades keeps the Ha rb i nge rs we l l

fi na nced and we l l connected th roughout t h e I n ne r Sea .

The comp le t ion of a n ass i g nment of a CR that equa l s o r

exceeds Oyou r l eve l i n c reases you r Fame score by 1 .

I nvest igate Omens (+1 Fame) The Ha rb i ngers don't re ly

so le ly on the Book of 1,000 Whispers; they rou t i ne ly

i nvest igate other sou rces of oracu l a r i n s i g ht, such as

peop le c l a im i ng to be ab le to pred ic t the futu re, p r i ests

and arcan ists capab l e of cast ing h i g h - l evel d iv ina t ion

spe l l s, a nd a l ternate books of p rophecy. Successf u l l y

ret r iev i ng a new sou rce of p red i c t ion i n c reases you r Fame

score by 1 .


Blessing of the Author (20 Fame, 3 PP) You can subm i t

you rse l f to a l oca l chapter house of the Ha rb i ngers

to receive a temporary mag i ca l boon-a cont i nuous

nondetection spe l l . Th i s effect l a sts for the d u rat ion

of one m i ss ion , o r a max imum d u rat ion of 1 week

(wh i chever i s sho rter.

Fatebreaker (1 PP) If you have a c lass a b i l i ty that requ i res

the target to succeed at a saving th row o r rero l l any

die and take a worse resu l t (fo r examp l e, the witch's

m i sfo r tune hex), the sav ing th row DC permanent ly

i n creases by 1 . You can pu rchase th i s award on l y once per

c lass a b i l i ty.

Forerunner (20 Fame) You a re g i ven the t i t l e of fore r unne r

a nd a persona l ized wh ite go l d r i n g . The eng rav ing ma rks

you as a member of the Band of B l ades, but i n s i de the

band a re eng raved the words "No dest iny but the Last ."

So long as you reta i n th is r i ng, you gain a n add i t i ona l +1

mora l e bonus on a l l sav ing th rows aga i nst effects that

wou ld force you to rero l l any die and take the worse

resu l t . You can also c a l l upon the network of the Band of

B l ades and ga i n an add i t i ona l +2 c i rcumstance bonus on

a l l Knowl edge checks and D i p l omacy checks to gather

i n fo rmat ion , p rovi ded you have contac t wi th other

members of the o rgan izat i on .

Herald (50 Fame) You a re g i ven the t i t l e of he ra l d a nd

no l onge r need t o p ay offe r i ngs . Anyt ime you wou l d

n o rma l l y p ay a n offe r i ng , y o u receive t h a t amoun t as a

persona l s t i pend .

Using the Harbingers of Fate The Harbingers of Fate needn't be villains, though they

increasingly resort to desperate means to achieve their

bizarre ends. In truth, the Harbingers are pawns of the

Author of the Book of i,ooo Whispers, and their actions

are those of zealots hoping to bring an end to what they

see as a century of wrong history that has subjugated

their world. As a result, the PCs might find themselves

opposed to the Harbingers should the secret society

set its misguided sights on the PCs or their allies, or

they might see the Harbingers' cause as a sympathetic

one. This latter is particularly true for worshipers of

Iomedae, whose church took responsibility for most

of Aroden's scattered flock after his death, and who are

more likely than most to see the return of the God of

Humanity as a noble cause.

Author's Identity: Seeing the Harbingers as tools of

a greater power, the PCs might set out to uncover the

identity and intentions of the Author of the Book of

i,ooo Whispers. Doing so might lead them on a number

of adventures based upon their own spurious and

far-reaching interpretations of the book's text, and

invariably includes a number of dead ends. The PCs'

search for the Author's identity could even be one of

the Author's own plans, making the PCs cogs in the

Author's complex agenda, even as they attempt to free

the Harbingers of Fate from their mysterious master's

subtle manipulations.

Mantis Masters: The Harbingers aren't above hiring

the Red Mantis when the prophecies seem to indicate

the death of a particular public figure, as the text makes

several references to helpful but deadly insects. PCs

investigating a Red Mantis assassination might find

a Harbinger at the other end.

Mothman Interrogation: The inhabitants of a small

town in the backwoods of Andoran are beset by strange

weather, nightmares, and inexplicable periods of lost

time. The Harbingers have secretly captured a mothman

and hold it prisoner. The group has demanded that the

mothman reveal the purpose for its race's heightened

activity just prior to 4606 AR, which abruptly ceased

after Aroden died. The entity has remained silent and

intractable, and its goals in Andoran, good or bad,

remain unmet. The Harbingers plan to crucify the

creature if it will not speak, and meanwhile the radius

and intensity of the strange phenomena that surround

the town grow larger and more cataclysmic by the hour.

If the PCs do not thwart this stalemate, something

terrible will happen.

New Blades: The PCs are inducted into the Band

of Blades as probationary members. This provides a

means of introducing low-level PCs to the Harbingers

gradually, and potentially letting them undertake

adventures and missions for profit and experience.

Offerings are not required until the PCs are formally

initiated into the Harbingers. Once they learn enough

about the organization to question its agenda, they must

decide whether to continue to support the Harbingers

fully, or to put a stop to the group from within.



Sodden Secrets: While the Harbingers range all

across the Inner Sea in pursuit of their prophecies,

they're often drawn to areas specifically linked to •

Aroden's death. While agents in the Worldwound tend

to have a difficult time because of inquisitions among

the crusaders (and the occasional disembowelment by a

demon), the scattered settlements of the Sodden Lands

provide a perfect location for some of the organization's

more public and potentially objectionable experiments.

PCs traveling in the region might stumble across whole

towns twisted by magic or slain in bizarre ways, or­

more benignly-harbingers attempting to use powerful

magic or artifacts to reclaim portions of the land from

the fury of the storm.

KoigJ,ts of tJ,e fouo Star At the height of Imperial Azlant, a shining order of

armored magi known as the Knights of the Ioun Star

served as the personal guardians of the emperor and the

empire's Throne of Glass. For centuries these able warriors

provided the ultimate bulwark against assassination

and intrigue, bringing a much-needed stability to

the tumultuous early human kingdom. Because the

knights served the office of the emperor rather than the

empire itself, their political motivations and alliances

shifted over the centuries, causing the scant remaining

documentation on the order to paint the knights in very

different shades, from glorious heroes and arcane adepts

to the bullying minions of despotic tyrants.

Chapters of the Knights of the Ioun Star were known

as almorains, an Azlanti term akin to "family" or "alliance."

All almorains pledged their loyalty to one of two sects

within the larger order: the Knights of the Western Star,

who served the emperor directly in business and intrigue

within the empire, and the Knights of the Eastern Star,

who searched the lands beyond the empire's borders

for secret lore. As the Empire of Azlant began its long

slide into decline, the knights began to despise the

corrupt leaders they were sworn to protect. The Eastern

Star Knights began scouring the globe for a prophesied

ruler called the Last Azlanti, who they believed would

wrest the Throne of Glass from pretenders and lead the

Azlanti people into a new future.

A few fortunate Knights of the Western Star survived

the devastation of Earthfall and eventually came to serve

the living god Aroden, whom they believed to be an

embodiment of the Last Azlanti prophecy. Records of the

knights accompanying Aroden in the early years of the city

of Absalom abound, and armored Knights ofthe Ioun Star

stood alongside the human cultural hero in his struggles

against the Whispering Tyrant, his defense of Absalom,

and other adventures from the Age of Destiny through

the Age of Enthronement. When Aroden died just over a

century ago, the Knights of the Western Star faded from

history. Meanwhile, the Knights of the Eastern Star have

remained scattered throughout Avistan and beyond since

Earthfall, ever searching for secret lore and the messianic

ruler who would restore the glory of Azlant-they never

believed Aroden was truly the Last Azlanti, and took his

death as confirmation of their suspicions.

The remaining knowledge of the Knights of the

Ioun Star is gleaned from scant surviving Azlanti texts

and millennia of apocryphal additions contributed by

latter-day converts to the order, many of whom invented

esoteric mythology to fill in history's gaps. Modern

Knights of the Ioun Star dabble in occult activities, trying

to cobble together a secret history of their order from

scattered Azlanti fragments. They sponsor expeditions

into the ruined continent of Azlant, gather secretly to

conduct rituals of dubious provenance, and await one


who can rebuild the empire of Azlant and claim the

Throne of Glass once again. Naturally, after dedicating

their lives to this search, some of the order's most ardent

members come to believe that they themselves are the

only ones worthy of this tremendous honor.

Most Knights of the Ioun Star come to the order on

their own after running across a mention of it in a long­

forgotten tome. Eventually, research on ancient Azlanti

prophecies and conspiracies leads them to a web of

similarly minded enthusiasts, who introduce initiates to

a complex series of secret rituals and occult practices,

some completely made up and some with genuine ties

to potent Azlanti arcane traditions.


Formed to protect the Emperor of Azlont in ancient days, the

Knights of the Joun Star exists today as on order that posses

down ancient Azlonti wisdom and magical traditions jumbled

together with later fabrications through a series of secret rituals

in hopes of reestablishing the lost empire in modern times.

Location any c i ty


I n it iat ion Fee none

I n it iat ion Test Knowledge (h i story) DC 20

Offerings 1 00 g p/serv ice per iod


Obeisance Check Knowledge (a rca na) o r Knowledge

(h isto ry), Spe l l craft

Service Period 3 months

Excommunication 4 consecut ive fa i l e d Obe i sance checks


loun Harvest (+1 Fame per 1,000 gp) When you recove r

a nd retu rn any ioun stone to the Kn i ghts of the l o un Sta r's

leaders, you r Fame score inc reases by 1 po int per 1 ,000 gp

of the ioun stone's va l u e .

Lost Lore (+1 Fame) Once pe r semester, if you donate a

wr i t ten work of Az l a nt i a n t i q u i ty to t he Kn i gh t s of t he

l o u n S ta r, you r Fa me s co re i n c reases by 1 . The wr i t ten

work o r works that you donate m ust be worth at l eas t

1 ,000 g p pe r po i n t of Fa me you a l ready possess .


Certa inty of G reatness and Inevitabi l ity (15 Fame, 10 PP)

You have become conv inced that you a re the he ro the

Kn ig hts of the l o un Star have been seek ing , and that you

a lone can lead h uman i ty to a new dest i ny. Th i s steadfast

certa i nty i n you r fu tu re a l l ows you to rero l l a fa i l e d W i l l

sav ing th row once per d ay and g ra nts you a + 2 bonu s on

saves aga i nst dea th effects .

G ift of the loun Star (1 0 Fame, 5 PP) Others i n the o rde r

have hea rd of you r exp lo its , a n d de l i ve r to you an

eastern star ioun stone o r a western star ioun stone a t

you r req uest .

Hunch of Great Dest iny (5 PP) You r esote r i c research

and success fu l adventu res have started to l ead you to

the conc l u s i on that you a re dest ined for g reat t h i ngs .

You g a i n a +2 bonus on B l u f f checks when the s ubject

of d i s cuss ion i s yourse l f a nd on D i p l omacy checks to

unde rscore you r st rong persona l cha racter.

SLOT none CL 1 2th

AURA strong d iv inat ion

PRICE 4,000 GP


Th i s red c rysta l is cut in the shape of a f ive -po i nted sta r. I ts

user unde rsta nds spoken and wr i t ten l ang uages as i f unde r

the effects of comprehend languages.


Craft Wondrous I tem, tongues

SLOT none CL 1 2th

AURA strong i l l us ion

PRICE 4,000 GP


Th i s b l u e c rysta l is cu t i n t he s hape of a f ive - po i nted s ta r.

As a sta n d a rd ac t i on , i t s u se r can a l te r h i s appea rance a s

w i th a disguise self s pe l l . When so d i s g u i sed , t he u se r

can re nde r t he western star a nd other ioun stones i n h i s

possess i on i nv i s i b l e .


Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self

Using the Knights of the loun Star Players need not join the Knights of the Ioun Star for

the order to play a part in a campaign. Consider the

following adventure hooks.

Ancient Enemies: Research on the order or a chance

discovery leads the PCs to a document detailing a

mission undertaken by an Azlanti emperor's personal

guard in the years leading up to the fall of the empire.

The knights did battle with an exiled Azlanti prince

called Nhur Athemon at a massive edifice of green

glass known as the Emerald Spire, which lies in the

modern day River Kingdoms. The PCs can pursue their

investigation into the Knights of the Ioun Star further

in Pathfinder Module: The Emerald Spire Superdun_geon,

which contains more details about the order.

New Emperor: Tales of the PCs' exploits convince an

NPC knight that one among them is the predestined next

emperor of Azlant, who will lead humanity once more

into greatness. The NPC follows the chosen player

character relentlessly, lending a hand whenever he

can. Eventually, more members of the order arrive

to aid the PCs, driven by their zealous belief in the

supposed next emperor. Eventually, however, the

devotees demand that the character take a more active

role in her "duty," and might grow adversarial should the

PC prove reticent to fulfill this new messianic ambition.

The Sun Rises in the East: The strongest faction

of the Knights of the Eastern Star is centered in the

Taldan city of Oppara, though most of its attention is



cast even further to the east, in the Windswept Wastes

of Casmaron. Adherents of the so-called Apotheosis

Almorain believe that a resurgent cult ofthe Ninshaburian •

hero-god, Namzaruum, will produce the leader destined

to become the next emperor of Azlant. As the campaign

begins, the PCs might hear about an order of ancient

Azlanti knights supporting a desert cult in the distant

east. The Knights eventually lead an army of religious

fanatics out of Kelesh and begin slipping these forces

into Taldor, even as they begin to gather political power

in that nation.

NigiJt Heralds and live on forever. Colonization of the world by the

Mistaken by many for one of the Old Cults, the Night

Heralds do not worship anything as simple as a god,

alien or otherwise. Instead, they view themselves

more as diplomats and scientists-in the black places

between the stars, the Night Heralds find not only their

inspiration, but also the empire they beckon to Golarion:

the mysterious Dominion of the Black. It is the ultimate

goal of many Night Heralds to someday be chosen by

one of the brain-collecting neh-thalggu-the most

numerous contingent within the Dominion-and have

their brains plucked from their skulls, adding to those

used by the alien spellcasters. The Night Heralds believe

this affords them a sort of immortality, allowing their

consciousness and minds to merge with the Dominion


Dominion of the Black is an eventual certainty to the

Night Heralds, and they hope that by preparing Golarion

for a swift and easy invasion, they will be rewarded by

attaining this grisly form. How they go about this varies

from cell to cell, but often involves pursuing lost items

and carrying out blasphemous rituals related to the

Dominion and the spaces between the stars.

When not involved in cult activities or study in

hidden monasteries or underground grottoes, the

typical Night Herald goes about the routines of everyday

life. She avoids taking on significant roles in society,

preferring to work at inconspicuous jobs to afford her

greater freedom to pursue her true goals, though if the

cultists determine that getting a member into a key

leadership position will help them realize their dream,

they stop at nothing to attain this goal. For the most

part, Night Heralds reveal themselves publicly only in

remote villages where nearly the entire populace has

been inducted into their beliefs.

While not large, the cult is widely dispersed across

Golarion. Individual cells have only intermittent

contact with each other, each preferring to act alone

in its preparation for the inevitable colonization.

During rituals, Night Heralds wear robes colored at

the bottom with the vibrant hues of sunset, yet as the

eye travels upward, these colors darken to deep purple,

finally culminating in a midnight black hood. The vast

majority of Night Heralds are arcane spellcasters or

rogues; divine spellcasters are almost all oracles and are

a minority. Faith in the divine is simply not of interest

to the Night Heralds, although they are fond of allowing

their enemies to think otherwise in order to keep foes

misinformed and ill-prepared.

Membership in the Night Heralds requires a fanatic

level of devotion to the cause, making this secret society

a poor choice for most PCs, but members of the group

can serve very well as NPC villains for a campaign, and

it's possible that a night herald might try to attach

herself to a party if she learns the PCs are pursuing an

artifact tied to the Dominion of the Black.


This loosely affiliated regional cult of lunatics and maniocs is

dedicated to preparing this world for harvest by the Dominion

of the Block.

Location Reg i ona l (Numer ia , Os i r i on, Sodden Lands, Usta l av)


I n it iat ion Fee Sac red Rite of Open i ng (see be l ow)

I n it iat ion Test Sac red R i te of Open i ng (see be l ow)

Offerings none


Obeisance Check Hea l, Knowl edge (a rca na, geog ra phy,

l oca l, natu re, o r re l i g i on), L i ngu ist i cs, Spe l l craft

Service Period 1 yea r

Excommunication 4 consecut ive fa i l ed Obe i sance checks

(execut ion v ia extrac t ion of b ra i n wh i le a l ive)


Contact (+1 Fame) Once per yea r, you can seek ou t a

representat ive of the Dom in i on of the B l a ck . Th i s cou l d

be an ac tua l membe r of the a l i e n emp i re, a member

of a d i s tant b ranch of the N i g ht He ra l d s, o r some other

expert on the subject . Success at th i s task req u i res that

you record what you l ea rn f rom the contact i n a n encoded

document by succeed i ng at a DC 15 L i n gu is t i cs check .

Sacred Rite of Opening (+2 Fame) A l l new membe rs

of t he N i g ht He ra l d s m ust u nde rgo the Sacred R i te of

Open i n g . U nde rgo i ng th is r i t ua l immed ia te ly i n c reases

new i n i t i a tes ' Fa me sco res; cu r rent mem bers can

u nde rg o t he r i te aga in to i n c rease the i r Fa me scores

f u r t he r, bu t no mo re than on ce every 5 yea rs . Th i s g r i s l y

r i t ua l t akes 2 h o u rs (t he ones preced i n g a n d fo l l ow ing

m i d n i g ht), d u r i n g wh i c h o the r N i g h t He ra l d s pe r fo rm

a t repana t i on o n t he back of you r sku l l to expose you r

b ra i n t o t h e n i g h t sky. T h e c h a rac te r pe r fo rm i ng t h e R i te

of Open i n g o n you m ust at tempt a DC 2 5 Hea l check .

I f s he su cceeds, you t ake 1 d 6 po i nts of Cons t i t u t i on

damage a n d 1 po i nt of W i sdom d ra i n . I f s he fa i ls , you

take 3d6 po in t s of Const i tut ion and I n te l l i gence d r a i n .

Sacrifice (+1 to +5 Fame) Once per yea r, y o u can offer a

sac r i fi ce to the Da rk Ta pestry by r i tu a l l y t repann i n g a

l i v i ng , i n te l l i gent v ic t i m . Do i ng so g ra nts you a bonus to

Fa me equa l to the CR of the sac r i f ice d iv ided by 5 .


I nsane (20 Fame, 4 PP) You have fi n a l l y s u cc umbed a n d

become i n s ane, y e t you r madness d oe s not c r i p p l e

y o u as i t wou l d a m i n d l ess accept i ng of t he cond i t i on .

Red u ce you r W i sdom score by 6-th i s i s a pe rmanen t

reduc t i on that can on l y be restored by greater

restoration or mo re powe r fu l mag i c (tho u g h i f t h i s

occu rs, you l o se a l l benef i ts of t h i s awa rd ) . You can now

use you r Cha r i sma mod i fi e r o n W i l l saves i n stead of you r

W i sdom mod i fi e r, a n d y o u a re i m m u n e t o effects that

cause i n s an i ty o r con fu s i on .

Madness Resistance (1 0 Fame, 2 PP) Long hou rs spent

pour ing over b l a sphemous texts, us i ng m i nd -a l te r i ng

d rugs and po i sons to enhance your percept ion, a nd gaz ing

i nto the a byss a bove have i n u red your m i nd to mad ness .

You ga in a +2 i n s i gh t bonus on a l l sav ing th rows aga i n st

effects that cause i n s an i ty o r con fu s i on .

Research Special ist (1 PP) Leve ls i n the l o remaster prest ige

c lass count as favored c lass leve l s for you .

Using the Night Heralds The Night Heralds can be encountered anywhere across

the face of Golarion, for wherever the darkness between

the stars exerts its fell influence, the Night Heralds are

active. In distant Vudra, the cult is unusually public in

its atrocities and is regarded as a significant menace.

Among the lizardfolk of Droon in southern Garund,

3 1


the Night Heralds are a shameful burden from the past

that stubbornly resists all efforts to be expunged. In

the Crown of the World, entire villages of Erutaki serve •

in thrall to the Heralds' madness, and speak of nights

of "dark auroras" when the stars lose their luster and

visitations from the Dark Tapestry seem all too common.

In the Inner Sea region, a cell of the Night Heralds

could be found nearly anywhere, but they are most active

in the following four regions.

Numeria: The Night Heralds of Numeria focus their

interests in the wilds of this region, scouring ruins in

the Felldales or along the nation's borders far from

Starfall to avoid conflicts with the Technic League. They

are less interested in technological artifacts than lore

and information scavenged from the old wrecks. These

cultists often count malfunctioning androids among

their number.

Osirion: The Night Heralds of Osirion are often

obsessed with the mysteries of the Aucturn Enigma. They

use ancient tombs as their headquarters, so adventurers

exploring a crypt might find themselves suddenly

facing living spellcasters when they were expecting

the undead. At least one cult focuses on an entirely

different subject-an exceptionally powerful alien lord

of the Dominion of the Black. This creature, known

as Tychilarius, is believed to be trapped somewhere in

Osirion, and the cult believes the alien's freedom might

be the beacon the Dominion of the Black awaits before

launching its invasion.

Sodden Lands: The Night Heralds were an active force

in Lirgen before the Eye of Abendego transformed the

nation and its neighbor, Yamasa, into the Sodden Lands.

Before the storm, the Night Heralds had an uneasy

alliance with the Lirgeni astrologers known as the Saoc

Brethren. Each group acknowledged the other's skill

and lore concerning the night skies, even if the reasons

for their astronomical obsessions differed wildly.

Yet when the Age of Lost Omens occurred and drove

the Saoc Brethren mad, the Night Heralds weathered

the transition with ease. Today, many of the ruined

observatories of lost Lirgen serve as strongholds from

which the Night Heralds manipulate nearby tribes of

boggards and sodden scavengers alike into serving as

unwitting pawns and protectors.

Ustalav: In Ustalav, the Night Heralds are most active

in the county ofVersex, where they often find themselves

in conflict with agents of the Old Cults who also pursue

ancient texts or alien artifacts. The largest cult in Versex

is based in Thrushmoor, and possesses numerous ties to

that city's scholastic pursuits and centers oflearning. An

adventuring group facing the Old Cults in this region

might well find themselves temporarily allied with the

Night Heralds, although one must always take care when

dealing with those who think the world is nothing more

than a vast farm for alien overlords.

Way of tlJe Kiri I) hands of a few powerful landowners or trade barons

The Way of the Kirin originated during the height of

Imperial Lung Wa's rule (approximately 6800 I C or

4300 AR). Known throughout Tian Xia and as far abroad

as the Padishah Empire of Kelesh, the Way of the Kirin

presents itself as a mercantile consortium but is actually

a private military organization. The group believes that

fair business practices and just social policies create a

lucrative environment for trade. Seeing to it that the

common people are not destitute or taxed into poverty

ensures that their wages go back into the economy and

drives it forward, while consolidating wealth in the

results in money sitting in treasure vaults rather

than keeping the societal machine running smoothly.

Determined to create a fair and robust economic

environment, the Way of the Kirin opposes government

corruption wherever it is found, if necessary with

sharpened steel-especially if its enemies dismiss the

organization's compassion as weak. Unfortunately, the

chaos that erupted during the dissolution of Lung

Wa rapidly overwhelmed the group. The group had

amassed considerable legitimate wealth and resources,

but also gained enemies-many of which struck back

with a vengeance once the opportunity arose. Within a

few decades, the Way of the Kirin was driven into hiding

and transformed into a covert organization.

Today, the Way of the Kirin picks its battles carefully. It

still possesses many resources, but it lacks the influence

and membership it once relied upon. The group never

possessed a single central leader, which left it with many

capable regional commanders but deprived it of a strong

and charismatic figure around whom its members could

unite. The group's most recent step forward came when

it entered into an alliance with the Pathfinder Society in

7213 IC (4713 AR). After a century of secrecy, the organization

is no longer just a legend from a bygone era.

In practice, the Way of the Kirin looks to its sacred

spirit animal as an example. Without disclosing their

collective identity, members use diplomacy, mediation,

and, if necessary, intimidation to seek just resolutions

to conflicts and encourage trade by making it fair for

all sides. If this fails, they evaluate whether the situation

could be improved through anonymous but direct

military action. At its height, the group attracted many

paladins, samurai, and clerics to its rank; these days it

accepts those with almost any skill set (including rogues)

who can demonstrate adherence to the noble group's

code of ethics.


This lawful good organization is rare in its belief that good

business acumen is not antithetical to advocacy for the poor.

When statecraft fails, this paramilitary group takes decisive

military action for the cause of social justice.

Location T ian X ia (fo rmer Lung Wa Emp i re)


I n it iation Fee 300 g p, m ust have 1 ra n k in P rofess ion

(merchant) o r P rofess ion (so l d i e r)

I n it iat ion Test D i p lomacy DC 20

Offerings 200 g p/serv i ce per iod (20 g p of wh i ch m ust be

donated to a l oca l char i ty each t ime)


Obeisance Check B l u ff, D i p l omacy, D i sgu ise, Knowl edge

(h i sto ry), Know ledge ( l oca l ), Sense Mot ive

Service Period 4 months

Excommunication 3 consecut ive fa i l ed O be i sance checks


Fight I njustice (+1 Fame) The Way of the K i r i n opposes

those who p rey upon the weak and im pover i shed . As

a rewa rd for b r i ng i ng a c r im i na l o r agent of the Go l den

League ( see Go l den League Pats i es, be l ow) to j u st i ce,

you r Fame score i n creases by 1, p rov ided the c r im i n a l i s of

a CR no l ower than you r leve l .

Subt le Hand (+1 Fame) The k i r i n a re a force for good,

but act wi th d i scret i on whenever poss i b l e, and those

who fo l l ow the Way of the K i r in do l i kewise . S hou l d

you reso lve a se r i o u s p rob l em for a common person o r

com m un i ty wi thout th reats o r v i o l ence, you r Fame score

i n creases by 1 , prov ided the encounter i s of a CR no lower

than you r leve l .


Blade of the Emperor (SO Fame) You a re g iven the t i t l e

"B l ade of the Emperor" (refe r r i ng to the em peror k i r i n)

a nd a re excused from payi ng offe r i ngs . You i n stead

receive 1 80 g p per serv ice per iod as a retu rn on many

i nvestments made by the o rgan i za t ion i n you r name .

Add i t io na l l y the base va l u e and spend i ng l im i t of a ny

sett l ement i n c reases by 1 5 % for you and you r a l l i es . Th i s

benef it stacks wi th s im i l a r benef its .

Defender of the People (20 Fame) You a re g iven the t i t l e

"Defende r of the Peop le" a nd receive a 10% d i scount on

pot ions, scro l l s, and wands i n commun it ies where the Way

of the K i r i n i s respected . Add i t i ona l l y, the base va l u e a nd

s pend i n g l im i t of any sett l ement i n creases by 1 5% f o r you

and your a l l i es . Th i s benefit stacks with s im i l a r benef i ts .

Marshal Troops (20 Fame, 3 PP) You can ca l l upon you r

good sta nd i n g and c red i b i l i ty with t h e Way t o make a

case for d i rect m i l i ta ry ac t ion . You can muster an a rmy

with a n Army Cha l l enge Rat ing equa l to you r own CR

(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign 234) . Th i s a rmy lasts

for on ly one m i l i ta ry engagement and can be ca l led upon

on ly once per serv i ce per iod . Afterwa rd, the a rmy q u i ck ly

d i sbands a nd q u iet ly fades i nto the backg round . The

so ld iers i n the a rmy re fuse to fi gh t for any tyra n n i ca l o r

u nj u st cause .

Sky Steed (1 0 Fame, 2 PP) An impetuous young k i r i n

(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 1 68) a g rees to act as you r

steed f o r a l im i ted t ime . T h e creatu re tempora r i l y rep l a ces

you r mount and stays wi th you for one sho rt adventu re

or 1 week (wh i chever is sho rter) . You can ca l l upon the

serv ice of such a mount on l y once per serv ice per iod .

Using the Way of the Kirin The Way of the Kirin is the only staunchly lawful good

occult organization presented in this book. Yet despite

the Way's alignment and strict codes of honor and

conduct, adventuring parties could still find themselves

at odds with the organization. Some potential plot hooks

revolving around the Way of the Kirin are detailed below.

Agents of Corruption: A local lord or official hires the

PCs to stop a group of well-organized bandits. The party's



employer is a legal authority who convincingly presents

herself as the injured party, but actually abuses her

citizens. The "bandits" are actually members ofthe Way of •

the Kirin who rob from the rich to aid the poor. Whether

the PCs learn the truth before a confrontation depends

on their investigative skills, and an alliance is possible if

they succeed.

Conflict of Interests: A piece of treasure, like a choice

magical item the PCs would love to obtain, is found in the

possession of oni or other monsters. The item also plays

an important role in the physical and spiritual well-being

of a local village from which it was originally stolen. The

village has nothing close to its value to exchange, so the

Way of the Kirin tries to persuade the PCs to make a gift of

the item's return. If the party refuses, the Way of the Kirin

tries to confiscate the item on behalf of the community.

Golden League Patsies: The Way of the Kirin has many

powerful enemies, including the Golden League-a

powerful organized crime syndicate composed of

"families" in every major city in the Dragon Empires.

Agents and assassins of the Golden League might frame

the PCs to hide their involvement in an underworld

scheme, which draws the ire of the Way upon them.

Another layer of intrigue might be added if this scheme

is deliberately orchestrated to draw the Way of the Kirin

out of hiding in order for the Golden League to strike

while the former group is distracted.

Membership Test: The Way of the Kirin normally

carefully observes potential initiates before revealing the

group's existence. With the news of the organization's

existence slowly leaking out, however, some now seek out

the group to join it, either in earnest or as infiltrators. If

the PCs seek to join, the Way of the Kirin tests their ethics

prior to making contact, assessing how the PCs act when

they don't know they're under observation. A typical test

is staged as treasure stolen by bandits or monsters from

a local community, with scouts from the Way observing

whether the PCs return it or knowingly keep it. Based

on the PCs' choices, an anonymous message is delivered

either giving details on where to meet, or instructing the

PCs to abandon their search.

Opposing Goals: Not all PC groups are good-aligned.

The Way of Kirin can be used as a rival organization

that stands in opposition to the PCs' plans of conquest

and subjugation. If the PCs are simply thieves, the Way

intervenes iflocal authorities are outmatched.

Ulfen Treaty: The Way has brokered a treaty

between the Linnorm Kings and several Tian trading

houses, pledging that the Ulfen would not raid the

trading houses' ships and caravans in exchange for a

trade embargo against Irrisen, but the White Witches

attempted to assassinate the messenger before the

treaty was ratified. The dying Way agent asks the PCs to

get the treaty signed and delivered to the appropriate

parties before the agreement collapses .

ccult practices have always been popular on

Golarion. For those without magical power

themselves, they offer a glimpse into the world

of the esoteric, and sometimes grant abilities that reveal

the more mundane spellcasters of ordinary religions

or arcane schools. For those already versed in the ways

of magic, the occult presents a chance to uncover new

ground and rise above one's peers. For some people, it's

not even the forbidden information available in a secret

society that's appealing, but rather the membership itself:

a chance for an outsider to feel like a part of something

larger, for a lower-caste person to rise above the station

normally proscribed by society, or for a political schemer

to gain both powerful connections and an advantage over

those who would otherwise outrank her.

Secret societies and hidden cults pass down their

carefully guarded practices to new members, and these

esoteric traditions can form myriad combinations of

unpredictable and potent effects. Whether divining by

the movement of heavenly bodies, mutilating one's own

body to draw power, or teasing out the hidden meanings

behind numbers, those who understand these practices

can access incredible (and often dangerous) power.

The following chapter explores several of Golarion's

esoteric traditions, featuring overviews, histories, beliefs

and tenets, centers of practice, variations, new mechanics,

and rules subsystems for each. It is recommended that

Game Masters not introduce too many of these new

rules into a single campaign, or otherwise make them

so prevalent that they lose their mystery and occult

nature. Rather, allow the PCs to seek out the secrets

like those of astrology, numerology, and the harrow

through adventure and research, or make mortification

a key tenet of a powerful cult the heroes must defeat.

Using these systems can help increase the impact of the

stories with which they are interwoven, and exploring

their secrets can provide great seeds for entire multi­

level campaigns.

The occult traditions presented in this chapter, and an

overview of the new rules in each section, are as follows.

Astrology This section explores the practice of divining meaning

and channeling power from the movements of heavenly

bodies and the interactions between cosmic forces.

Characters who divine using the Cosmic Caravan, the

most common form of astrology around the Inner Sea,

might take a trait tied to one of 13 sun signs, and those

who know how to interpret the movement of heavenly

bodies can gain temporary benefits by recognizing the

potential in a number of astrological occurrences.

Tl)e Harrow Inspired by the Tarot of our own world, the harrow deck

of Golarion is a divinatory tool with the potential to



unlock magical power beyond that of normal spellcasters.

The subsystem presented here is a variant on Paizo's Plot

Twist Cards, allowing players to alter reality and control •

their own destinies based on the cards they draw. This

section also presents GMs with suggested plot seeds to

build encounters around the random cards selected as

part of a character's harrow reading.

Several other sources can be useful in unlocking the

full power of the harrow. Full rules for conducting a

harrow reading can be found in the Pathfinder Cards:

Deluxe Harrow Deck, while the Inner Sea World Guide

presents the harrower prestige class. Path.finder Module:

The Harrowin[j explores the deck's origins and meanings

by taking players into the bizarre Harrowed Realm, and

Path.finder Player Companion: Harrower's Handbook explores

even more of the deck's mystical abilities.

Numerology The practice of assigning meaning to numbers or

looking for the innate equations in all things is called

numerology, and has been practiced in many forms

throughout history and across Golarion. This section

presents new feats allowing spellcasters to augment

their spells using arithmancy and sacred geometry.

Additionally, the Tian system of numerology called

the Path of Numbers provides several new spells with

a number of variable effects determined by how a pool

of dice falls.

Mortificatiou Mortification is the practice of ritualistically harming

one's own body in the hope of attaining self-perfection,

magical power, or other personal gain. Though

sometimes gruesome, this practice is not necessarily

evil, and characters of all types might be interested in it.

This section features a system of agonies, daily rituals

which, when carried out, grant the character a number

of powers that scale with her level. Additionally, the pain

taster prestige class presents options for characters who

hope to use their own pain as a means of empowering

their abilities, and who are inspired and motivated by the

pain of their enemies.

Spiritualism Used by cultures throughout the world to allow the living

to communicate with the dead, the practice of spiritualism

is among the most benign of the esoteric traditions in

this chapter, but nevertheless plays an important role in

many occult organizations. New equipment and spells are

presented in this section to allow characters to conduct

seances, as well as a number of haunt effects that allow

the dead to communicate with the living of their own

accord. Finally, this section reprints the occult oracle

mystery which first appeared in Path.finder Adventure Path

#)1: Rasputin Must Die.

Astrolo�y an art, a magical practice, and a science. The interpretive

The practice of astrology on Golarion hinges on the core

beliefthat the movements of the cosmos directly affect the

lives of Golarion's inhabitants. Though the movements

of celestial bodies seem far removed from the quotidian

lives of the average creature, and a causal relationship has

never been proven, many of the most influential events

in Golarion's history coincided with alignments and

conjunctions of far-off forces.

Astrology provides a system by which one can extrapolate

meaning from the patterns that govern the movement of

celestial bodies through the study of constellations and

drawing conclusions about terrestrial events based on

those observations. This process requires both observation

and subjective interpretation, making it simultaneously


component sets i t apart from constructive practices that

produce replicable results, like alchemy, spellcraft, or

engineering, leading many arcanists to find it disreputable.

At the same time, however, funding for astrology is often

more easy to come by among the wealthy and powerful than

money for pure astronomy, and many savvy astronomers

have found it prudent to train in both.

The Cosmic Caravan Astrology on Golarion has many traditions, but the

most common around the Inner Sea is that of the

Cosmic Caravan. This system partitions Golarion's

night sky into 13 equal longitudinal sections, each

containing a distinct constellation. While the movement

of these constellations is consistent, year after year,

astrologers find meaning in the positions of the

planets of Golarion's system, its sun, and other celestial

bodies like comets in relation to these 13 signs. Skilled

astrologers are able both to foretell events and to

determine the prevailing influences on an individual's

personality based on the time and location of her birth

and relationships between the myriad orbiting bodies

in the heavens above.

Little is known about the origins of the Cosmic Caravan,

though many scholars believe its study predates the Age

of Enthronement. A common theory holds that it was

originally an Azlanti methodology, and that both the

Varisians who commonly practice it today and the Lirgeni

who followed a similar system were working from the same

ancient source material.

While beliefin the Cosmic Caravan is extremely popular,

it's far from universal. The Dragon Empires zodiac, for

instance, features 12 signs, and the sign which is important

and influential in a given year, month, day, or even hour

is determined not by the position of the stars, but by a

complex cycle closely tied to the phases of the moon.

Each sign in the Dragon Empires zodiac is drawn from

ancient Tian legend, and the constellations are said to be

guarded by the imperial dragons who give the Dragon

Empires their name.

Using the Cosmic Caravan In Avistan and Garund, the Cosmic Caravan is the

astrological tool of choice for most diviners. Though

some cultures grant the Caravan religious connotations,

it is an inherently secular system, available for use by

characters of all cultures, alignments, and faiths. A list

of the Caravan's signs appears on page 37, along with

matching traits for characters born under that

sign. Players who know their characters' birth

dates could incorporate the appropriate traits.

Each sign also features a percentage range, which

allows a player who doesn't know his character's

birth date to determine it with a d% roll.


Ccismic Carava»

d% Sign Corresponding Dates Tra it

1 -7 The Thrush (18 Kuthona-20 Abad i us) L ike the cur ious songb i rds that welcome weary trave le rs, you r voice

.i r ings with sweet c la r i ty. You ga in a + 1 bonus on Perform (s ing)

checks, and Perform (s ing) becomes a c lass ski l l for you .

8-1 4 The Lantern Bearer (21 Abad ius-1 6 Ca l i s t r i l ) You are bathed in the l ight of the Lantern Bearer, who gu ides the

� Caravan through the darkest n ights. You can cast light th ree t imes

per day as a spe l l - l i ke ab i l ity, treat ing your character l evel as your

caster leve l .

1 5-2 1 The Newlyweds (1 7 Ca l istr i l-1 1 Pharast) You r sign i s of two l overs, i ntertwined as one. You ga in a + 2 bonus

Q on D ip lomacy checks to in f luence those who might be romant ica l l y

attracted to you, and D ip l omacy becomes a c l a s s ski l l f o r you.

22-28 The Br idge (1 2 Pharast-1 8 Gozran) The Br idge spans the rush ing waters that separate the da rkness of -...,... winter from the warmth of spr ing . You ga in a + 1 trait bonus on saving

n th rows against spel ls and effects with the cold or darkness descriptors.

29-35 The Daughter ( 1 9 Gozran-1 3 Desnus) You are fi l l ed with the l i ght-hea rted joy of the Daughte r, who dances

m her way into spr ingt ime. Every creature with i n 1 O feet of you adds

+2 mora l bonuses to the DCs of checks to demora l ize them.

36-42 The R ider ( 14 Desnus-20 Saren ith) You are born under the ausp ice of the mounted caravan gua rd,

whose very presence deters danger. Once per day, when you

tcpf succeed at a R ide check, you can attempt an immed iate In t im idate

check aga i nst the nearest foe. I f you fa i l th i s check, the DC of you r

next In t im idate check aga i nst t ha t opponent does no t i ncrease ( a s i t

norma l l y wou ld ) .

43-49 The Patr ia rch (2 1 Saren ith-20 Erastus) L ike the father of the Cosmic Ca ravan, you have an i nnate sense

� of d i rection . Three t imes per day, you can use know direction as a

spe l l - l i ke ab i l i ty, treat ing you r character l evel as you r caster leve l .

50-56 The Wagon (21 E rastus-1 0 Arodus) L ike the veh ic le that conveys trave le rs across the heavens, you a re

��� b lessed with extraord ina ry movement capabi l it ies. Once per day as a

swift action, you can increase you move speed by 1 O feet for 1 round .

57-63 The Pack (1 1 Arodus-1 6 Rava) You are b l essed by the beasts that tra i l the ca ravan, wh ich represent

� protect ion in numbers. You ga in a + 2 tra i t bonus on Hand le An ima l

checks to teach an ima l s tr icks, and Hand le An ima l becomes a c l ass

ski l l for you .

64-70 The Mother ( 1 7 Rova-30 Lamashan) G rant ing warmth and comfort aga inst the forb idd ing co ld of the

� wi lde rness, the Mother is the heart of the Ca ravan . A l l ies with in 1 O feet of you ga in a + 1 mora le bonus on sav ing th rows to resist fea r

effects. Th i s tra it funct ions on ly wh i l e you a re consc ious .

7 1 -77 The Sta r Gazer (3 1 Lamashan-20 Neth) With h i s head in the c louds, the Stargazer sees far-off events, but

F misses the pitfa l l s d i rectly before h im . When ro l l i n g i n it iat ive as part

of a su rpr ise round, you ta ke a -2 pena l ty on i n i t iat ive checks, but

you ga in a +2 luck bonus to AC dur ing a l l su rpr ise rounds .

78-84 The Stra nger (21 Neth-29 Neth) L ike the lone trave le r that wa l ks a longs ide the caravan for but a

& br ief wh i l e, you have a way with strangers. You ga in a + 1 tra i t

bonus on D ip lomacy and Knowledge ( loca l ) checks to gather

in format ion . Add i t iona l ly, e i ther D ip l omacy or Knowledge ( loca l )

becomes a c lass ski l l for you .

85-9 1 The Fol lower (30 Neth-1 7 Kuthona) You are born under the s ign of the dark figu re that t ra i l s the

ll Caravan-the specter of death itse lf. You receive a + 2 bonus on

sav ing th rows aga inst death effects. A l l a l l i es with in 10 feet of you

take a -1 pena lty on sav ing th rows aga inst death effects.

92-1 00 Cusp - You were born r ight on the d iv id ing l i ne between two consecut ive

s igns, provid ing you with a cho ice of wh ich s ign to adopt . Rero l l

dO/o ; t hen choose between the resu l t ing s i gn , or e i ther of the s igns

adjacent to i t .


Glossary cif Astrcilogical Terms The fo l lowing terms a re used to descr ibe astro log ica l events.

Apparent Retrograde: The apparent brief reversa l of a

ce lest ia l body's d i rect ion of mot ion as seen from Go la r ion .

Appulse : A very c lose app roach of two ce lest ia l

bod ies so that they a re i n conj un ct ion but no ec l i pse o r

occu l tat ion occurs .

Ascendant: A ce lest ia l body that appea rs to be

ascend ing on the eastern horizon .

Conjunction: Two or more celest ia l bod ies a l igned i n a

stra ight l i ne with Go la r ion .

[Planet] in [Constel lation]: When a given p la net

appears to an observer on Go la rion to be i n a port ion of

the sky ruled by a g iven sign, that p l anet is said to be in

the associated conste l la t ion .

Sun Sign: Th is conste l lat ion in wh ich the sun appea red

at a g iven point i n time. S i nce the sun is between

this conste l lat ion and Go la r ion, its l i ght obscures the

conste l l at ion from view, prevent ing observers from see ing

the dominant s ign du ring the month du ring wh ich it most

strong ly in f luences Go lar ion .

For more i nformat ion on Go la r ion's so la r system, see

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds.

Astrology on Golarion In some cultures, celestial divination is an esoteric

discipline, while for others it's a major cultural institution.

The following are several cultures that hold astrology as

a foundational practice.

D esnans: Having been credited with the creation of

the heavens, and residing among the stars of the Material

Plane, the goddess Desna is a fitting patron of astrologers.

Her faithful are often conscious of their Caravan signs,

and the few permanent temples to Desna often double as

observatories. The Varisian people are notably committed

to Desna, and they practice several types of divination,

including astrology and harrow readings.

Blink Dogs: Astrology is a cultural foundation of these

good-natured magical beasts, and blink dog packs often

take celestial omens into account when making decisions.

Each pack has a sage, who councils the alpha of the group

on the meaning of such omens, and also preserves the

astrological tradition of that race.

Lunar Nagas: These creatures are masters of astrology,

and their entire culture revolves around it. Lunar nagas have

several zodiacs, which they use to create tome upon tome of

celestial calculations. Though they do not commonly share

their findings with humanoids, they are commonly regarded

as some of the most skillful astrologers on Golarion.

O sirion: Ancient Osirion's obsession with other

worlds, particularly the planet Aucturn, led to a great

deal of astrology following the reign of the Four Pharaohs.

Rather than a single unified practice, this resulted in a


renaissance of countless original and sometimes bizarre

systems, almost all of which have since died out, but which

continue to puzzle scholars.

Qadira: The rulers of Qadira make extensive use of

astrologers in their noble courts. That nation's ruler, Satrap

Xerbystes II, currently employs several court astrologers

to advise him on matters of state. Chief among these is

the Keleshite diviner Greogorik Taraspi, who in addition

to his advisory role is an astronomer of great renown,

and has publicly admitted to having achieved contact and

communication with races from other planets.

Rahadoum: One might expect Rahadoum to sneer at all

divination, seeing in astrology and astrologers a dangerous

similarity to priests and religion, and in some cases this is

true. Yet the ability to potentially divine the future using

scientific practices-and without indenturing oneself to

any divine being-has significant appeal, and Rahadoum

houses a healthy astrological community.

Saoc Brethren: The Saoc Brethren was a cadre of

astrologers who ruled the fallen nation ofLirgen. Having

mastered the art of celestial divination, the Brethren used

prophecy extensively in making state decisions. However,

their foresight proved imperfect, as they failed to predict

the formation of the Eye of Abendego and its subsequent

destruction of their homeland.

Other Astrological Events For those able to divine the influence of celestial events, the

terrestrial world is a constantly shifting field of energies

that appear arbitrary to the uninitiated. Depending on the

ever-changing positions of the heavens, certain actions

become auspicious, while others become needlessly difficult.

The table below lists a series of astrological events

that knowledgeable characters can exploit to alter the

way in which they interact with the world. Characters

can detect an astrological event by succeeding at a single

Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature), or Knowledge

(planes) skill check made up to once per day, representing

their consultation of star charts or observation of the night

sky. The DCs for these checks vary from event to event as

noted in the Astrological Events table. Using a star chart

or astrological reference (treat as a masterwork tool that

grants a bonus to one of the applicable Knowledge checks)

grants a +2 bonus on this check. Celestial events that last

longer than i day provide their benefits for the event's entire

duration, and can be stacked atop additional effects if the

character makes the requisite check the following day. If

a character fails her skill check, she must wait 24 hours

before reattempting the check to determine the next day's

astrological events.

GMs can choose astrological events based on their

thematic ties to events in their campaigns, or by making a

d% roll. The following table provides some sample events;

GMs are encouraged to invent their own based on the

associations of the planets and the Cosmic Caravan.


Astrological Eveots

1 1111';11 11• 1 :f'iTi'ITTJr.:!'iITT'l111l

1 -5 Akiton Ascendant Spe l l s you cast that dea l damage and requ i re an attack ro l l to h i t 2 hours 1 4

dea l 2 add i t iona l po ints o f damage .

6-1 0 Liava ra Ascendant You ga in a + 2 bonus on caster l evel checks when cast ing mind- 2 hours 1 4

affecti ng spe l l s .

1 1 -1 5 Castrovel You ga i n a + 2 bonus on caster l evel checks when casting m ind - 2 hours 1 4

Ascendant affecti ng spe l l s .

1 6-20 Aba l lon Ascendant You ga in a +2 bonus on in it iat ive checks . 2 hours 1 4

2 1 -25 Bretheda You cast cure spel ls at + 1 caster l evel but cure spel ls target ing 2 hours 1 4

Ascendant you a re cast at -1 caster leve l .

26-30 Aucturn Ascendant You cast i l l us ion spe l l s at + 1 caster l evel, but i l l us ions spe l l s 2 hours 1 4

target ing you are a lso cast a t + 1 caster leve l .

3 1 -35 Verces Ascendant You a re subject to the effects of nondetection for th i s per iod . 2 hours 1 4

36-40 Apostae Ascendant You ga in a + 2 bonus on Stea lth checks. 2 hours 1 4

4 1 -45 Tr iaxus Ascendant You ga in a + 2 bonus on Su rviva l checks . 2 hours 1 4

46-50 Eox Ascendant You ga in a +2 bonus on the next Knowledge check you attempt . 2 hours 1 4

5 1 -54 Tr iaxus i n the You r speed increases by 5 feet but you cannot move twice i n a 24 hours 1 6

Wagon round or take a charge act ion .

55-58 Verces in the You cast spel ls with the shadow descriptor at + 1 caster level, but you 24 hours 1 6

Lantern Bearer must succeed at a caster level check equa l to 15 + the spel l level

i n order to cast any spel l with the l ight or da rkness descriptors.

59-62 Eox i n the Fo l l ower You cast spel ls with the death descr iptor at + 1 caster l evel but 24 hours 1 6

take a -2 pena l ty o n sav ing th rows aga inst death effects.

63-66 Meteor Shower You attempt concentration checks at a -2 penalty. The DC for enemies 48 hours 1 6

you threaten for the purpose of cast ing defensively increases by 2 .

67-70 Conj unct ion of You gain a +2 bonus on Heal checks but ta ke a -2 pena l ty on 1 week 1 4

Bretheda and Const i tut ion checks to stab i l ize.

Au ct urn

7 1 -74 Conj unct ion of You gain a + 2 bonus on Percept ion checks but take a -2 pena l ty 1 week 1 4

Liava ra and Tr iaxus on Acrobat ics checks.

75-78 Conj unct ion of You ga i n a + 2 bonus on Su rviva l checks but take a -2 pena l ty on 1 week 1 4

Castrovel and Eox Knowledge (nature) checks .

79-82 Appu lse of Akiton You take a -2 pena l ty on D ip l omacy checks but the DC of a l l 1 week 1 4

and Apostae In t im idate ski l l checks attempted aga inst you inc reases by 2.

83-86 Appu lse of L iava ra You ga in a +2 bonus on Stea lth checks but take a -2 pena l ty on 1 week 1 4

and B retheda Percept ion checks .

87-90 Appu lse of Verces You ga in a + 2 bonus on Sense Motive checks but ta ke a -2 1 week 1 4

and L iava ra pena l ty on B lu ff checks .

9 1 -93 Akiton i n Apparent You gain a +1 bonus on attack ro l l s but take a -2 pena l ty to 48 hours 1 8

Retrograde your AC.

94-95 Aucturn in Apparent You take a -2 pena l ty on Wisdom checks and Wisdom-based 48 hours 1 8

Retrograde ski l l checks but gain a + 2 bonus on Wi l l sav ing th rows.

96-97 Eox in Apparent You take a -1 pena l ty on attack ro l l s aga i nst undead targets but 48 hours 1 8

Retrograde ga in a + 2 bonus to AC aga inst attacks by undead .

98-99 Comet Passes Near The DC of a l l spe l l s and spe l l - l i ke ab i l i t ies you cast i ncreases by 24 hours 20

Go la r ion 1 but you ta ke a -1 pena l ty on a l l sav ing th rows.

1 00 Ent i re So la r System You ga in spe l l resistance equa l to 1 O + you r ranks i n the 1 hour 20

in A l ignment Knowledge ski l l used to identify and exp lo i t th i s cosmic event .

You cannot lower th i s spe l l resista nce.


TIJe Harrow cards to the region, which their Varisian subjects altered

The modern harrow deck is the culmination of millennia

of storytelling, travel, arcane research, and shared tragedy.

Though many wanderers and gamblers claim to read the

cards, a rare minority of true harrowers can tap into the

weave of destiny through the deck to channel and enhance

their own magic.

At a mundane level, the harrow is used to play games,

divine the future, and separate fools from their coin.

Each card is a beautiful work of art, handcrafted and

passed down through generations of mystics. To a trained

harrower, each card is steeped in symbolism and meaning.

In the distant past, every harrower crafted her own unique

deck, but over time the standard deck of 54 cards evolved

and is now accepted by all but the most exotic mystic or

foolhardy dabbler.

The 54 cards ofthe harrow are divided into six suits and

nine alignments, with each suit featuring a single card

per alignment. The alignments hint at a card's meaning:

positive or negative and past, present, or future. The suits­

hammers, keys, shields, books, stars, and crowns-roughly

correspond to the concepts central to a caravan's life: The

suit of hammers concerns matters of warfare, hunting,

and reputation. The suit of keys evokes both larceny and

things closely guarded, like children or dreams. The suit of

shields reflects home, community, health, and things kept

at hand. Books encompass learning, history, and managing

resources or wealth. The suit of stars concerns esoteric and

intangible matters such as tradition, the gods, and folklore.

Lastly, the suit of crowns delves into those things that rule

every mortal: romance, family, and one's place in the world,

along with mundane rulership.

A harrow reading is a somber affair. Because a harrowing is

subjective and personal, most practitioners learn to read their

subjects as much as the cards to inform their prophecy. The

subject (or subjects) states a single question clearly, and the

harrower withdraws the nine cards ofthe suit associated with

that concern and shuffles them. Each participant draws one of

these cards to learn his role in events to come (the "role card").

The entire harrow deck is then reshuffled. Nine cards are

drawn and typically laid out in a three-by-three array. Cards

in the left column represent the past, while cards in the

right reveal the future. Each card's alignment interacts with

its placement in the array, and its meaning might be more

or less important, or even inverted, based on its position.

Finally, any role cards that reappear in the array mean

that the indicated participant has a vital role to play, and

provides some clue to his purpose. For more information

on conducting harrow readings and the interpretations of

individual cards, see the Deluxe Harrow Deck.

The Harrow on Golarion The harrow deck is most famously associated with the

Varisian wandering clans of northwestern Avistan. The

Azlanti colonists who founded Thassilon brought playing


by adorning them with iconography from their own

folklore. In the Age of Legends, hundreds of unique cards

existed, but with Earthfall, most of the Varisians' lore

was lost. The Imlios family dedicated itself to gathering

whatever hereditary knowledge they could, but over

the centuries, the family dwindled to a single woman:

Sonnorae. Sonnorae used Thassilonian magic and her

family's harrow deck to create a pocket dimension forged

from dreams, where her library ofVarisian lore would be

safe. Most Varisians now use Sonnorae's Deck of Harrowed

Tales as the archetype for their own harrow decks, hoping

to sympathetically tap into the Harrowed Realm's power

and vast store of knowledge.

Far to the south, wealthy traders brought the harrow

to Absalom. Initially, the cards were little more than

an amusement, but after the death of Aroden, many in

Absalom began to take them seriously. Most notably,

Arodenites lay out a circular array known as the All­

Seeing Eye instead of the standard three-by-three grid,

and assign the alignment of each card a numerical value

to incorporate some elements of Osirian numerology.

Harrowing Plot Twists The harrow deck can be used as an alternative deck of

Pathfinder Cards: Plot Twist Cards. Plot Twist Cards provide

minor story-altering effects that players can use to affect

the plot of an adventure, as well as story seeds that the

GM can integrate into the campaign to give the players

an opportunity to use their cards' effects.

At the start of the campaign as well as every time she

gains a level, a PC takes part in an individual in-character

harrow reading and gains a harrow card to use as a Plot

Twist Card. When a player character gains this card, he can

select either his role card or the card whose array position

corresponds to his alignment. A PC may have multiple Plot

Twist Cards in hand at a time, to a maximum ofhis level. A

Plot Twist Card can be played at any time, even on another

character's turn, but a PC can only make use of one harrow

card as a Plot Twist Card per round.

To make a reading stand out as truly prophetic, Game

Masters might wish to build specific encounters or

adventures based on the cards in the PCs' harrow readings,

especially for cards that reflect a character's alignment

or her respective role cards. Each harrow card detailed

below has two characteristics listed. The "Plot Twist" entry

indicates the mechanical effect of playing the harrow card

as a Plot Twist card. The target referred to in this entry

is chosen by the PC who is using the card. The "Seed"

entry is a suggestion the GM can work into the campaign

to give the player an opportunity to use the Plot Twist

effect; incorporating the seed into the campaign in this

manner allows the GM to foreshadow future events and

create the illusion for the player that the harrow card is

truly prophetic.

S u i t of Swords Cards in the suit of swords are tied to Strength.


Plot Twist Sh i ft an N PC's at t i tude one step toward he l pf u l .

Seed The loca l l aw enforcement cha l l enges the PCs .


Plot Twist Ta rget converts a l l damage from one attack i nto

non l etha l damage .

Seed The PCs m ust penetrate a secu re l o cat i on .


Plot Twist Ta rget ga i n s a + 1 O bonus on its next Strength o r

Escape Art ist c he c k t o free i tse l f .

Seed S l aves fi gh t for freedom .


Plot Twist Ta rget ga i n s a +20 bonus on one Craft check .

Seed The PCs a re c ha l l enged to a test of sk i l l s .


Plot Twist Ta rget fa l l s p rone, o r sta nds from prone as a free

ac t ion that does not p rovoke attacks of oppor tun ity.

Seed Tamed an ima l s fi gh t for a h i dden master.


Plot Twist Ta rget becomes confused (as the confusion spe l l ) for 3 rounds .

Seed An a ng ry mob th reatens the l oca l l eader.


Plot Twist Ta rget takes a -20 pena l ty on i ts next attack or

combat maneuver.

Seed Ev i l ou ts ide rs m ust feed on the PCs or those they've

sworn to p rotect .


Plot Twist Ta rget immed iate ly p rovokes attacks of

oppor tun ity f rom foes that th reaten it .

Seed Ho rdes of wa l k i ng dead r i se by n igh t .


Plot Twist: Hu rr i cane-force winds (Core Rulebook 439) sur round the target in a 5-foot rad i u s for 3 rounds .

Seed I nsane a i r e l ementa l s a re bent on dest ruct i on .

S u i t of Keys Cards in the suit of keys are tied to Dexterity.


Plot Twist Ta rget ga i n s the benefits of freedom of

movement for 1 rou nd .

Seed A c h a l l e n ge o r g ua rd i a n must be overcome th rough

g race, not force.




Plot Twist Ta rget's speed i n c reases by 30 feet for 1 ro und

Seed A g r i g m ust dance, but cannot dance a l one .


Plot Twist Ta rget ga i n s the Def l ect Arrows feat for the rest of

the combat .

Seed G i ants attempt to c rush the PCs f rom afa r.


Plot Twist Ta rget ga i n s a +1 0 bonus on a s i ng l e D i s ab l e

Device check .

Seed Th ieves come for the PCs' treasu res i n the n i g ht .


Plot Twist Ta rget i s pa ra lyzed for 1 rou nd .

Seed PC s m ust rescue a petr i f ied v ic t i m .


Plot Twist Ta rget takes a -5 pena l ty to its AC, but ga i n s a +5

bonus on me lee attack ro l l s for the rema i nde r of combat .

Seed A dar ing bravado cha l l enges the PCs i n a n ef for t to

bu i ld he r reputat i on .


Plot Twist Ta rget enters a rage, as the spe l l , for 3 rou nds .

Seed A rocks l i de th reatens the PCs, a v i l l a ge, o r a n a l l y.


Plot Twist Ta rget ga i n s sneak attack +3d6 for 1 round .

Seed Th i eves p lo t to l o o t the PCs .


Plot Twist Ta rget takes a -1 0 pena l ty on Su rv iva l a nd

Percept ion checks t o not i ce hazards for the nex t 24 hou rs .

Seed A fa l se l u re g u ides the PCs i nto dange r.

S u i t of S h i e l d s Cards in the suit of shields are tied to Constitution.


Plot Twist Ta rget i s i m m u ne to fea r effects for the

rema i nde r of the combat .

Seed Archons demand the PCs answer for some c r ime,

wh i ch they m igh t or m i g ht not have comm itted .


Plot Twist Dying ta rget is immed iately hea led up to 1 h i t po int .

Seed Ghosts seek a id , not revenge .


Plot Twist Ta rget ga i n s a +1 0 bonus on Su rv iva l checks to

endu re host i l e c l i mates for 24 hou rs .

Seed A sph i nx offers a contest to tes t the PCs, but fa i l u re

comes with a terr i b l e p r i ce .


Plot Twist Ta rget ga i n s ene rgy res ista nce 10 to one energy

type unt i l the end of combat .

Seed A sma l l fa i l u re sets ho r r i b l e consequences i n moti on .


Plot Twist Ta rget can immed i ate ly attempt a new savi ng

th row aga i nst one effect cu rrent ly affect i ng i t , a nd ga i n s a

+S bonus on th i s ro l l .

Seed A maste rm ind d i rects monstrous attacks .


Plot Twist Ta rget ga i n s a +4 bonus on Strength - and

Const i tu t ion -based check s for 3 rounds .

Seed Maraud i ng g i a nts a re even l a rge r and more dangerous

than they shou l d be .


Plot Twist P la nts entangle (a s the spe l l ) the target for

1 m i n ute.

Seed Stra ng l i n g vines and p l an t creatu res over run a

safe haven .


Plot Twist Ta rget i s immed iate ly i n fected with a d i sease .

Seed P lague overwhe lms the l oca l popu l a ce .


Plot Twist Ta rget i s s tunned for 1 rou nd .

Seed An enemy isn ' t wha t t h ey seem.

Su i t of Books Cards in the suit ofbooks are tied to Intelligence.


Plot Twist Ta rget ga ins benefits of see in visibility for 3 rounds

Seed A confound i ng sage w i l l on l y a nswer i n ha l f-t ruths .


Plot Twist Ta rget can un cover a n i tem worth u p to SOO gp

among junk o r refuse .

Seed A c r u c i a l c h a rac te r o r t rea s u re ha s l e f t town fo r

po i n t s u n known .


Plot Twist Ta rget i s i m m u n e to fea r a n d emot ion effects

tha t wou l d i m pose a pena l ty for 3 ro und s .

Seed An opponen t i s phys i ca l l y overwhe lm i n g bu t

menta l l y f ra g i l e .


Plot Twist One of target 's weapons ga i n s the bane property

for the rest of the combat .

Seed I nvest igators beg i n tea r i ng th rough the PCs '

decept ions o r i l l u s i ons .



Plot Twist Ta rget can immed iate ly swa p p l a ces wi th a

w i l l i n g adjacent c reat u re or attempt a free repos i t ion

combat maneuver wi th a +4 bonus and wi thout p rovok ing

attacks of oppor tun ity.

Seed A myste r ious merchant has what the PCs need, but

asks i m poss i b l e pr i ces .


Plot Twist Ta rget must se lect a new target for i ts ac t i on .

Seed A madman must make the PCs l i sten .


Plot Twist Ta rget takes a -1 0 pena l ty on the i r next Sense

Mot ive check .

Seed A shapesh ifter is u s i ng the PCs to accomp l i sh i t s goa l s .


Plot Twist : Ta rget takes a -6 penalty on I n te l l i g ence-based

checks for 3 rou nds .

Seed Sma l l, s imp le -m inded creatu res a re mak ing b ig t roub le .


Plot Twist Ta rget weapon is i n sta nt ly coated with a dose of

b l a ck adde r venom (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 558) .

Seed An assass in l a shes ou t aga i nst the PCs ' suppo rters .

S u i t of Sta rs Cards in the suit of stars are tied to Wisdom.


Plot Twist Ta rget can immed iate ly take an extra standa rd o r

move ac t i on .

Seed Good i ntent ions b l ock the PCs' p rog ress .


Plot Twist Ta rget ga i n s a +1 0 bonus on one Heal or

Knowledge ski l l check .

Seed A m i dd l i n g power seeks to b r i ng someth i ng mo re

power fu l i n to the wor ld .


Plot Twist Ta rget can t ransform one l i q u i d i nto a cure serious

wounds pot i on .

Seed I ns i g hts come f r om a one-eyed st range r.


Plot Twist : 1d3 a rb i te r i nevita b les (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary

2 1 62) appea r a nd se rve the target th rough one c r i s i s .

Seed The PCs m ust work for the l oca l nob i l i ty o r be c rushed .


P lot Twist Ta rget can spea k to a nd unde rsta nd an ima l s for

24 hou rs .

Seed An imba l a nce i n natu re th reatens everyone nearby.


Plot Twist Ta rget a utomat ica l l y fa i l s i ts next sav ing t h row

aga i nst a n i l l u s i on effect

Seed Chaos e ru pts a round the PCs and bystande rs a l i ke,

th rough no fa u l t of t he i r own


Plot Twist Ta rget's channe led energy, cure spe l l s, and inflict

spe l l s hea l o n ly ha l f as many h i t po i nts, or dea l ha l f as

much damage, for 24 hou rs

Seed: An unschedu led ec l i pse ra ises rest less undead


Plot Twist Ta rget cannot speak for 1 round

Seed A v i l e woman p r i e s secrets f r om the PCs, o r a n o l d

woman ha rbors a terr i b l e secret


Plot Twist Ta rget ga i n s negat ive energy aff i n i ty for

1 m i n ute

Seed A s l a i n he ro retu rns to undo his good deeds

Su it of Crowns Cards in the suit of crowns are tied to Charisma.


Plot Twist Ta rget can aid a nother on a n a l ly 's check,

rega rd l ess of range, as a n immed iate ac t ion

Seed The he i r i s m iss ing


Plot Twist Ta rget can use B l u ff, D i p l omacy, o r I n t im idate to

affect one m i nd less construct or u ndead

Seed The puppets a re not what they seem


Plot Twist Ta rget can vo lun ta r i l y take any amount of

damage to hea l a nother creatu re the same amount

Seed A no rma l l y good creature is ra mpag i n g t h r ough

the count rys ide


Plot Twist Ta rget noncom batant becomes f r i end ly, as the

D i p l omacy sk i l l

Seed U n l i ke ly a l l i es work together t o c reate someth i ng new


Plot Twist Attacks aga i n st the ta rget have a 50% m i ss

chance for 1 ro und

Seed A mirror of opposition a ppears i n the u n l i ke l i est p l a ce


Plot Twist Ta rget ga i n s the benef its of Imp roved Fe in t for

the rema i nde r of the combat

Seed A soc ia l gather ing tu rns dead ly




Plot Twist Ta rget can not attack for 1 ro und

Seed A dead ly f oe moves to se i ze power


Plot Twist Ta rget can not hea l damage for the rest of combat

Seed A f r iend o r l over bet rays the PCs


Plot Twist Ta rget can not speak the t ruth for 5 rounds a nd

has 50% spe l l fa i l u re chance when cast ing any spe l l w i th

a verba l component

Seed A secret soc iety twis ts the t ruth

Mcirtificatkm Bekyar: Natives of the southeastern coast of Garund,

Pain is a fact of life. It's unavoidable, inevitable, and

unpleasant. However, for most creatures, pain is also an

important warning system, helping creatures correctly

judge their abilities and physical needs, as well as a

necessary side effect of growth and evidence of progress.

Though most view pain as an obstacle to overcome or

avoid if possible, for those individuals who practice

mortification, pain is a vehicle for self-perfection.

Mortification is an umbrella term for a number of

practices that involve intentional self-harm, including

blinding, deprivation trials, amputation, and a host

of other practices. Mortification can be a vehicle for

magical power, sexual pleasure, or simple aesthetics,

depending on the practice. While most associate

mortification rituals with evil cults, ascetic traditions

involving practices like self-flagellation, fasting, and

deprivation are not uncommon among zealous sects of

nonevil faiths (including some mystery cults devoted

to empyreal lords). To these believers, mortification is

a demonstration of transcendence or dedication, or a

means of purging the body of impurity. These faiths

classify mortification as evil only when it is used to cause

suffering or harm to an unwilling subject.

Members of many cults that revere deformity

and monstrosity, such as those loyal to Lamashtu,

demonstrate their devotion by mutilating their bodies

to resemble the forms of their divine patrons. Others­

most notably the followers of Zon-Kuthon-pursue

pain for its own sake, engaging in contests of self­

mutilation to display mastery over pain and settle status

disputes within the group. Followers of Irori, Nethys,

and some empyreal lords instead pursue painful trials

to prove their steadfastness, whether through fasting,

sleep deprivation, or more intense practices like the

mortification rituals of mystery cultists. Such trials are

often intended to empty the body of all worldly influence

so it can be filled with divine power.

There is also a category of ritual behavior that achieves

gains not through self-harm, but by inflicting pain on

others without their consent. Followers of Zon-Kuthon,

who revel in both receiving and giving pain, practice

torture rituals. Sacrifices of humanoids and other

intelligent creatures are common among nihilistic cults,

like those of Rovagug, who venerate destruction for its

own sake. Several cults whose worship involves the

eroticization of pain, such as those of the archdevil Belial

and demon lords Nocticula and Socothbenoth, perform

ritual sadism that involves inflicting pain or degradation

on others for the purpose of achieving pleasure.

Mortification on Golarion Though not performed openly in most regions,

mortification is nevertheless practiced by a variety of

cultures and races across Golarion.


the Bekyar are demon-worshipers who specialize in slave

trading. Their extensive piercing and scarring adds to

their ferocious reputations; they also brand their slaves,

using different symbols to connote the value, origins, and

skill sets of their humanoid merchandise.

Drow: These twisted elves, who dwell in the Darklands

layer of Sekamina, are masters of a cruel art called

"fleshwarping." Fleshwarpers use living creatures as

canvases to achieve a variety of effects. One common goal is

to continuously erase the signs of aging, giving the subject

the appearance of eternal youth. Other fleshwarpers

specialize in mutilating captured enemies or outcasts,

deforming them into monstrosities. The hybrid spider

creatures known as driders are examples of such practices.

Kuthites: These clandestine worshipers of Zon­

Kuthon are definitely the most highly publicized

practitioners of sadomasochism on Golarion. Zon­

Kuthon's temples are often converted dungeons, and

his services always include torture, whether that of a

willing member or an unwilling victim. Kuthites are

experts at extreme body modification, and are used to

hiding such alteration from the public eye, often going

so far as to wear the skins of their victims over their

own gruesome wounds.

Ores: In ore culture, where strength is revered, battle

scars are commonly displayed as signs of prowess. Ores

use a variety of rudimentary tattooing techniques to

accentuate combat wounds, as well as to demonstrate the

completion of various rites of passage. Tattooing, scars,

and piercing are common among both ore genders for

aesthetic as well as hierarchical purposes.

Agonies For many practitioners of mortification, pain is an almost

religious experience. Even those who do not practice self­

mutilation at the behest of gods can nevertheless gain

benefits for performing ritualizing physical sacrifices.

Characters who take the Agonizing Obedience feat (see

page 45) can choose a path of pain called an agony; by

performing that agony's obedience, they gain boons.

Spellcasting practitioners can integrate their obedience

completely with their normal hour-long rituals and

methods of preparing or regaining spells; others are free

to perform obediences at any point during the day.

A m p utat ion You have amputated a digit on one of your hands and

treated the wound such that it will never fully heal.

Obedience: Manipulate the scabs, scar tissue, and open

wound of your amputated digit, preventing it from closing

and forcing bits of metal and glass into the wound. Take

a -2 penalty on Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist,

and Sleight of Hand skill checks, as well as to your CMD

against disarm maneuvers. When attempting to cast a

spell with somatic components, succeed at a caster level

check whose DC is equal to 5 + twice the spell level or lose

the spell slot with no effect. Gain a +2 bonus on saving

throws against transmutation spells; this bonus increases

to +4 against spells in the polymorph subschool.

Boon 1: In addition to the normal effects of your agony

strike, the target has a chance of dropping one object held

in its hand immediately after you hit it with the agony

strike. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD +

your Dexterity modifier) avoids this effect.

Boon 2: You gain the use of a phantom arm, which

functions as the vestigial arm alchemist discovery

(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Ma_gic i8) save that it is an

invisible force effect, it does not grant an additional ring

magic item slot, and it cannot make attacks.

Boon 3: You are immune to effects that would cause

you to become sickened, and you gain a +4 bonus on

saving throws against any conditions that would make

you nauseated.

B l i n d i n g You temporarily blind yourself with blood t o heighten

your other senses.

Obedience: Scratch at your eyes with your fingernails,

jagged metal shavings, and thorny branches, allowing

the blood from your wounds to form thick scabs over

your eyelids and tear ducts. Take a -4 penalty on vision­

based Perception checks, and anytime you make an attack

against a target benefiting from concealment, increase the

miss chance by 10% (maximum 50%). Gain a +4 bonus on

saving throws against illusions in the pattern subschool

and against gaze attacks.

Boon 1: Creatures affected by your agony strike have the

distance they can see in areas of dim light and darkness

reduced by 50%.

Boon 2: You gain a gaze attack with a range of 30 feet

that you can activate as a standard action. You can use this

ability a number of minutes per day equal to half your hit

dice; these minutes need not be consecutive but you must

use the ability in 1-minute increments. Enemies affected

by your gaze are frightened for i minute. A successful

Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Charisma

modifier) negates this effect. A creature that successfully

saves against your gaze is immune to its effects for 24 hours.

Boon 3: Your affinity to pain allows you to sense

suffering in others. You gain lifesense out to a distance

of6o feet.

F lens ing Practitioners of the agony of flensing are adept at finely

removing the skin from living flesh, revealing the

vulnerable tissue beneath.

Obedience: Remove a patch of your own skin measuring

at least 3 square inches with a flensing knife, while carefully

avoiding damage to the muscles, veins, and other tissues



New feat: Agonizing Obedience You physically defile yourself out of zealous

devotion to pain in order to gain special boons.

Prerequisites: 3 ranks in Heal.

Benefit When you take this feat, select an agony.

You can gain this feat multiple times, each time

selecting a different agony, but you can perform an

obedience for only a single agony in a 24-hour period.

Each agony requires a different obedience, but all

obediences take only an hour to perform. Once the

obedience has been performed, you take a number of

minor penalties and gain the benefit of a resistance

to some element or attack associated with your agony,

as indicated below. Additionally, you gain the ability

to make an agony strike. A number of times per day

equal to 1 + 1 per every 5 Hit Dice you possess, when

you deal damage to a creature, you can declare that

attack as an agony strike. In addition to the normal

damage dealt by the attack, you cause the target to

take the penalties associated with your agony for i

minute. Incorporeal creatures and creatures that are

immune to critical hits are immune to agony strikes.

If you have at least 12 Hit Dice, you also gain the

first boon granted by your agony upon undertaking

your obedience. If you have at least i6 Hit Dice, you

gain the agony's second boon as well. If you have 20

Hit Dice or more, you also gain the agony's third

boon. Unless a specific duration or number of uses

per day is listed, a boon's effects are constant.

If you ever fail to perform a daily obedience, or if

you are healed of damage, conditions, or penalties

caused in the course of performing your obedience,

you lose all access to resistances and boons granted

by this feat until you next perform the obedience.

underneath. Leave this patch of exposed nerves uncovered

by clothing or armor, allowing it to be exposed to the

elements and displaying your sacrifice to all you meet.

Take a-2 penalty on saving throws against disease, and take

1 extra point of damage per die from sneak attacks. Gain a

+4 bonus on saving throws against pain effects.

Boon 1: All attacks you make against a creature

suffering the effects of your agony strike deal 1d6 points

ofbleed damage.

Boon 2: Your knowledge of anatomy imparts to you an

awareness of others' vulnerabilities. You gain a +4 bonus

on attack rolls to confirm critical hits.

Boon 3: The frequent removal of skin and subsequent

healing has covered your body in thick scars. Your natural

armor bonus to AC increases by 2. Additionally, there is

a 25% chance that critical hits and sneak attacks fail to

affect you, as though you were wearing armor with the

li_ght fortification property.

Pain Taster (Prestige Class) Intelligence for 24 hours. The initial torture session for

For pain tasters, agony is more than a pleasure-it's a

path to power. Until recently, pain tasting was a practice

employed exclusively by the drow. However, in recent

decades Kuthite scholars have begun spreading details

about the practice through cult circles. Though on the

surface most pain tasters are followers of Zon-Kuthon,

that path is now beginning to crop up among other evil

and neutral cults as well.

C lass Deta i l s Hit Die: d10.

Req u i rements To become a pain taster, a character must fulfill all the

following criteria.

Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude.

Skills: Heal 5 ranks, Intimidate 5 ranks.

Alignment: Any nongood.

Special: The candidate must survive a special ritual

designed to inure her to pain.

C lass S ki l l s The pain taster's class skills are Disguise (Cha), Escape

Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge

(religion) (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Survival (Wis).

Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

C lass Featu res The following abilities are class features of the pain taster

prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A pain taster is

proficient with all simple weapons, martial weapons, and

whips. A pain taster gains no armor or shield proficiencies.

Disciple of Pain (Su): At ist level, a pain taster can

focus her agony through the use of six torture routines.

Each routine grants her a different day-long benefit.

The first time a pain taster performs a particular torture

routine, she must spend i hour inflicting self-harm using

materials that cost 2,000 gp. The method of self-torture

is detailed in the routines below. After performing a

routine for the first time, she can subsequently perform

a less strenuous version of that routine to gain its

benefits for 24 hours without needing to expend any

further money on torture implements, ritual incense,

and pain heightening drugs.

If the pain taster wishes to change her routine, she

must spend 2,000 gp when first performing the new

ritual. She must pay this cost each time she changes her

routine, even if returning to a routine she had previously

paid for. A pain taster can benefit from only one routine

at a time.

Disciple of Acuity: By spending an hour reciting a lengthy

series of mantras while clutching a length of razor-edged

metal, the pain taster gains a +2 enhancement bonus to


this routine involves making dozens of arterial incisions

and writing the mantras in blood.

Disciple of Flexibility: By spending an hour painfully

hyper-extending each joint, the pain taster gains a +2

enhancement bonus to Dexterity for 24 hours. The initial

torture session for this routine involves tearing major

tendons in each limb.

Disciple of Insight: By spending an hour whipping or

bludgeoning herself while meditating on her failures and

regrets, a pain taster gains a +2 enhancement bonus to

Wisdom for 24 hours. The initial torture session for this

routine involves inserting a long needle directly into the

heart, causing massive internal hemorrhaging.

Disciple of Spirit: By spending an hour splitting her

tongue by cutting it centrally from the tip to the base, the

pain taster gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma

for 24 hours. The initial torture session for this routine

involves applying acid to a normally visible part of the

body, inflicting extensive chemical burns.

Disciple of Torment: By spending an hour eating dirt,

rocks, and other indigestible matter, the pain taster gains

a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution for 24 hours.

The initial torture session for this routine involves slicing

open the abdominal cavity with a blade, and then sewing

up the wound.

Disciple of Vigor. By spending an hour hanging by

the wrists from a tree, crossbeam, or any other support

structure, the pain taster gains a +2 enhancement bonus

to Strength for 24 hours. The initial torture session for

this routine involves breaking each rib by lying on the

ground, and then repeatedly dropping a large rock

directly on the ribcage.

Masochism (Ex): At ist level, a pain taster becomes

empowered by pain, and is inured to its effects. She

receives a +4 class bonus on saving throws made against

pain effects.

Additionally, a pain taster can deal lethal damage to

herself at any time to gain a bonus on attack and damage

rolls. Doing so is a swift action that deals 2 points of

damage to the pain taster, does not require an attack

roll, and bypasses any damage reduction the pain taster

possesses. For i round, the pain taster gains a +i morale

bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus on damage rolls.

Every 3 levels thereafter (4th, 7th, and 10th), the amount

of damage the pain taster deals to herself increases by

2 and the resulting bonus she receives on damage rolls

increase by i (to a maximum of 8 points of self-inflicted

damage and 5 points ofbonus damage to other targets at

ioth level). At 7th level, the bonus on attack rolls gained

when using this ability increases to +2.

Scourge (Ex): Pain tasters are masters of torture, and at

ist level they receive Weapon Focus (whip) as a bonus feat.

If the pain taster already has Weapon Focus (whip), she

instead receives Whip Masteryuc as a bonus feat.

Pail) Taster

Level BAB Fort Save Ref Save Wil l Save

1 st +1 +1 +O +O

2nd +2 +1 +1 +1

3 rd +3 +2 + 1 +1

4th +4 +2 +1 +1

5th +S +3 +2 +2

6th +6 +3 +2 +2

7th +7 +4 +2 +2

8th +8 +4 +3 +3

9th +9 +S +3 +3

1 0th +1 0 +S +3 +3

Cruelty (Ex) At md level, a pain taster gains

the sneak attack ability, but only when using

a whip. This additional damage stacks with

any sneak attack damage she possesses from

other classes. The amount of damage dealt by

cruelty increases by id6 every 2 pain taster

levels thereafter.

Damage Reduction (Ex) At md level,

the pain taster's incredible resilience

grants her a modest amount of

damage reduction (DR). Subtract

i point from the damage she is

dealt by any weapon or natural

attack. The pain taster's damage

reduction increases by i point every

2 pain taster levels thereafter. This

ability stacks with any other damage

reduction the pain taster might already

have from other classes. The value of this

damage resistance doubles when the pain

taster is subject to nonlethal damage.

Blood Control (Ex) At 3rd level, the

pain taster gains the ability to control

the blood pressure throughout her body.

Anytime the pain taster is dealt bleed

damage, she reduces the amount

of damage taken by i per pain

taster level (minimum o). When

taking Constitution damage as

a result of blood loss (such as a

stirge or a vampire's bite), a pain

taster reduces the amount of ability

damage dealt by an amount equal to half

the pain taster's class level (minimum o).

As an immediate action, a pain taster

can delay the onset of injury or contact

poisons by succeeding at a Will save. The

DC of this check is equal to the poison's

save DC. If the save is successful, the

poison's initial and secondary damage are

both delayed by i minute per pain

taster level.




Disc i p l e of pa i n, masoch i sm 1 , scourge

C rue l ty +1 d 6, damage red uct ion 1/-

B lood contro l , tortu rer's mett le 1/day

C rue l ty +2d6, damage red uct ion 2/-, masoch i sm 2

Pa i n mastery

Crue l ty +3d6, damage red uct ion 3/-, tortu rer's mett le 2/day

Exq u is i te lash , masoch ism 3

C rue l ty +4d6, damage redu ct ion 4/-

Sad ism, tortu rer's mett le 3/day

C rue l ty +Sd6, damage redu ct ion 5/-, masoch i sm 4

Torturer's Mettle (Ex) At 3rd level, a pain taster

can gain a number of temporary hit points equal

to her pain taster level as a swift action. These

temporary hit points last for i minute. This

ability is a swift action that can be used once per

day at 3rd level and an additional time per day

every 3 levels thereafter (6th and 9th).

Pain Mastery (Ex) At 5th level, when using

her masochism ability, the pain taster

can combine two of her daily routines

into one. The pain taster must still self­

inflict the combined amount of hit point

damage for both routines, though she can

perform both routines simultaneously

in 1 hour. When she does so, she gains

the benefits from both routines (a pair of

+2 enhancement bonuses). To gain access

to a second routine for the first time or

to change out one of the paired routines,

the pain taster must still perform the new

routine's initial torture session in full, and

must pay the cost for it.

Exquisite Lash (Ex) At 7th level, a pain

taster's aptitude with the whip increases. She

receives Whip Masteryuc as a bonus feat. If

the pain taster already has Whip Masteryuc,

she instead receives Improved Whip

Masteryuc as a bonus feat.

Sadism (Ex) At 9th level, a pain taster

becomes worked into a frenzy when

dealing damage to other targets. When

she deals bonus damage to a target

using her cruelty ability, she halves

the number of points of damage

she must self-inflict as part of her

masochism ability until the end

of her next turn.

Numerology cultures around the world. Every civilization that uses

Whereas most of divinatory traditions-such as augury,

extispicy, and astrology-rely on observation of the natural

world, numerology manipulates of numbers, ratios, and

equations. Through the use of mathematics, numerologists

are able to both presage events and augment magical effects.

Along with harrowing, numerology is one of only a few forms

of divination that rely exclusively on abstract systems, making

it more widely applicable than many other divinatory practices.

While numerology is not technically a magical practice, it

is a natural pursuit for curious arcanists, as the two practices

both rely on the user's knowledge of an esoteric "language"

to reveal powerful relationships, use combinations of

abstract symbols to focus the caster's abilities, and require

extensive amounts of dedicated practice and concentration.

However, numerology's focus on mathematics links it more

closely to alchemy, architecture, and engineering, making

it more accessible to craftspeople and scholars than the

study of spellcasting, which is often exclusive to magical

universities and religious organizations. There are two basic

forms of numerology: arithmancy and sacred geometry.

Arithmancy assumes that each linguistic unit has

inherent power-a view that arcane spellcasters have

held for millennia-and ascribes numerical values to

letters or words. For arithmancers, the unseen equations

embedded within language evoke hidden meanings that

other arcanists often miss. By essentially turning every word

and sentence into a mathematical equation, practitioners

can boil down names to single numbers that indicate the

hidden natures of the spells, creatures, or locations named.

Arithmancers often use this skill in a manner similar to

astrologers' use of horoscopes, to determine someone's

natural profession, her lucky numbers, or auspicious times

of year. Arithmancy is most widely associated with the Tian

and Draconic languages, though numerological studies of

Common are popular in many magical academies.

Sacred geometry holds that some shapes are more

auspicious than others, and ascribes cosmic meaning, hidden

information, and inherent power to certain geometric shapes

and ratios. Many of the shapes revered by sacred geometers

are the result of observation of the natural world: hexagons

grant abundance because of their inherent efficiency and

use in honeycombs, spheres and arches are associated with

strength because they can withstand more pressure than any

other shape, and logarithmic spirals (such as those found in

nautilus shells) are symbols of eternity because it maintains

the same shape at every point. Sacred geometry is used

extensively in architecture, construction, and spellcraft;

sacred geometers seek out and manipulate potent shapes

and ratios in order to design magically conductive temples,

pinpoint locations of power, and augment spellcasting.

Numerology on Golarion Unlike many occult practices, which are intrinsically

linked to a specific culture, numerology is common in


some form of engineering or architecture practices a

rudimentary form of numerology, but not all cultures

invest an equal amount of study into the subject. The

following are the three cultures that are most renowned

for their numerological prowess.

Cult of the Last Theorem: Located on the outskirts of

the ruined city ofTumen, the Cult of the Last Theorem

seeks the numerological mysteries of Ancient Osirion. The

cultists believe that the Pharaoh ofNumbers, one of the Four

Pharaohs of Ascension, understood sacred geometrical secrets

of unimaginable power. They believe that the numbers 56 and

11 hold deep spiritual significance, and are currently searching

for an artifact called the Aqualinth beneath the ruins ofTumen.

Dragons: While all dragons are commonly known to

have genius-level intellects, bronze and green dragons

are specifically gifted with numbers. Bronze dragons are

renowned for their banking prowess, while the hoards

of green dragons often contain tomes on the subjects of

numerology and mathematics.

Po Li: The former capital of the now-defunct empire

of Lung Wa, Po Li is now one of i6 successor states.

This Tian state is governed by the Oracular Council of

Po Li, which uses all manner of divinations, including

numerology, to make state decisions. The council's favored

divinatory method is the Path of Numbers, a form of energy

manipulation that relies on the translation of actions and

natural phenomena into numbers. For more information

on this method, see the Path of Numbers section on page 50.

Mathematical Spellcasting For many, mathematics and magic are worlds apart.

For numerologists, however, the two go hand in hand.

Mathematical spellcasters use their knowledge of

engineering and spellcraft to calculate how certain spells

and effects interact. Sacred Geometry gives casters the

ability to modify their spells with a variety of metamagic

effects that would normally be beyond their capabilities.

Arithmancy, meanwhile, allows casters to translate the

names of their spells into equations, enabling them to

increase the spells' efficacy.

Ari thmancy You are able to unravel the hidden meanings behind

words by translating them into numerical equations. You

can apply this insight to empower your magical effects.

Prerequisites: Int i3, Spell Focus (divination), Spellcraft

3 ranks.

Benefit: Immediately before casting a spell, as a swift

action, you can attempt to augment a spell's casting using

Arithmancy. To do so, determine the digital root of the

name of the spell you are casting.

To find the digital root of a spell name, first assign a

numerical value to each letter of the name, per the Letter

Values table. Once you have a string of digits, sum them.

Letter Values

Numerical Value Associated Letters

1 a, j, s

2 b, k, t

3 c, I, u

4 d, m, v

5 e, n, w

6 f, 0, x

7 g, p, y

8 h, q, z

9 i, r

If the result has more than one digit, sum those digits.

Repeat this process until you arrive at a single number,

called the digital root.

Once you've translated the name of the spell into a

single digital root, attempt a Spellcraft check with a DC

equal to 10 + the spell level + the digital root. If your check

succeeds, the spell is cast at +I caster level. If your check

fails, the spell is cast at -1 caster level. If you do not cast

the spell you intended to augment with arithmancy, the

spell is expended with no effect, though you retain the

action you would have spent to cast it. Metamagic effects

are not included in a spell's name when determining the

spell's digital root, but they increase the spell's level as

normal when determining the DC of the Spellcraft check.

You can use this ability a number of times per day

equal to the number of caster levels you possess.

For example, Ezren wants to use Arithmancy to cast an

augmented .fireball. First, he translates the spell name into

numbers. Fireball translates to 6, 9, 9, 5, 2, 1, 3, 3. Then he

calculates the digital root. In this case, 6 + 9 + 9 + 5 + 2 + 1 +

3 + 3 = 38, 3 + 8 = 11, and 1 + 1 = 2. Therefore, the digital root

of.fireball is 2. He then attempts a Spellcraft check against a

DC of 15 (10 + 3 [fireball's spell level] + 2 [fireball's digital root]).

If his check succeeds, he can cast the .fireball this round at

+1 caster level. If he fails, he can cast the spell at -1 caster

level this round. He may also choose not to cast.fireball and

perform another action, though he expends the spell.

Ca l cu l a t i ng M i n d You see potential in the world around you that nobody

else notices. Your numerological abilities are heightened

by this uncommon aptitude.

Prerequisites: Sacred Geometry, Knowledge (engineering)

5 ranks.

Benefit: Anytime you use the Sacred Geometry feat, you

can use d8s instead of d6s when rolling your dice pool.

You can use any combination of d6s and d8s that you

wish, as long as the number of dice does not exceed the

number of ranks you possess in Knowledge (engineering).

Sacred Geometry You can use your mathematical prowess to add metamagic

effects to your spells without using a higher-level spell slot.



Prime Ccmstaots

Effective Spel l Level Prime Constants

1 st 3, 5, 7

2nd 1 1 , 1 3, 17

3 rd 1 9, 23, 29

4th 3 1 , 37, 41

5th 43, 47, 53

6th 59, 61 , 67

7th 71, 73, 79

8th 83, 89, 97

9th 1 0 1 , 1 03, 1 07

Prerequisites: Int 13, Knowledge (engineering) 2 ranks

Benefit: When you take this feat, select two metamagic

feats you do not yet have. When casting a spell, you can

perform the steps below to spontaneously apply the effects

of either or both of these metamagic feats, as well as

any other metamagic feats you have, to the spell without

expending a higher-level spell slot. Using a feat in this

way increases the spell's casting time to the casting time

it would take if the character were a sorcerer or bard

(sorcerers and bards using this ability increase the spell's

casting time by two categories; see page 113 of the Core

Rulebook); applying the Quicken Spell metamagic effect

negates the increased casting time but still contributes

to the modified spell's effective spell level. You can take

this feat more than once; each time, select two additional

metamagic feats, adding their effects to the list of possible

effects you can apply to spells with this ability.

When casting a spell using Sacred Geometry, first

determine the effective spell level of the modified spell

you are attempting to cast (calculated as normal for a spell

modified by metamagic feats). You can apply any number

of metamagic effects to a single spell, provided you are able

to cast spells of the modified spell's effective spell level.

Refer to the Prime Constants table to determine the

prime constants that can be used to cast a spell of the

desired effective spell level. Then roll a number of d6s

equal to the number of ranks you possess in Knowledge

(engineering). Perform some combination of addition,

subtraction, multiplication, and division upon the

numbers rolled that gives rise to one of the relevant

prime constants. If you can produce one of the relevant

prime constants, the spell takes effect with the declared

metamagic effects, and you expend a spell slot of the

unaltered spell's level. If you are unsuccessful, you fail

to cast the spell, the action used to cast the spell is lost,

and the spell slot is used up. The DC of any concentration

check to cast a spell affected by this feat uses the effective

spell level used to determine the prime constants, even

though a successful casting of the spell does not expend

a higher-level spell slot.

For example, suppose Ezren wants to add the enlarged

and empowered effects to the ma9ic missile he just cast. He

adds the total level increases of the metamagic effects to the

spell level: 2 [empower] + 1 [enlarge] + 1 [manic missile's base

level] = 4, so the spell's effective level is 4. Ezren refers to

the Prime Constants table, and determines that the prime

constants for that effective spell level are 31, 37, and 41.

Since Ezren has 5 ranks in Knowledge (engineering), he

rolls 5d6. The results of his dice pool are 6, 6, 4, 3 and L

He then performs the following operations to give rise to

one of the prime constants he needs: ( 6 x 6) + (4 - 3) x 1 = 37.

Note that he could also combine the numbers as follows:

([6 + 6] x 3) + 4 + 1 = 41. He has produced one of the

prime constants for the desired effective spell level, so

his empowered enlarned manic missile takes effect after the

full-round casting time, and uses only a lSt-level spell slot.

If the result of Ezren's dice pool were 1, 1, 2, and 5, he

would have been unable to produce any of

the relevant prime constants. His attempt

would have been unsuccessful, and he

would have expended a full-round action

and his prepared lSt-level manic missile

spell with no effect.

Path of Numbers Few nations are so committed to

the practice of oracular

divination as Po

Li, in Tian Xia.

Po Li is among

the most powerful

of the 16 successor states

that arose after the fall of the

Lung Wa Empire. The nation

is governed by an oracular

theocracy, and many of Po Li's

administrative decisions are

made with the aid of divinatory

practices. The ruling Oracular

Council is made up of

numerous oracles, who are

trained from childhood in

the practice of divination.

The members of the

Oracular Council are

expert in several divinatory

systems, including the

Dragon Empires zodiac,

augury, oneiromancy,

and extispicy. The most

famous of these systems,

however, is the Path of

Numbers. The Path of

Numbers is a system of

numerology that describes

eight basic energies. Any

of these types of energy

can interact at any time,


producing 64 possible combinations. The Oracular Council

holds that those 64 combinations are sufficient to describe

the basis of every interaction in the cosmos. No matter

the plane, creature, or time in question, every event in the

multiverse is based on one of those 64 templates. In short,

the Path ofNumbers is a periodic table of energetic elements.

The following spells utilize the Path ofNumbers to create

magical effects. The chart on page 51 lists the eight basic

energies, along with effects employed by multiple spells.


School d iv i nat ion; Level c ler ic 3, witch 4

Casting T ime 1 standa rd ac t ion

Components V, 5

Range persona l

Target you

Duration 1 round/leve l (D)

Saving Throw none; Spel l Resistance no

You a re able to use the Path of Numbers to substantia l l y boost

you r combat preparedness, but you r fores ight comes at a p rice.

Rol l 3d8 and refer to the Eight Basic Energies table on page 5 1 .

After ro l l i ng ,ass ign each d ie t o one o f t he fo l lowing .

Energy Type: You ga i n vu lne rab i l i ty to the energy type that

matches the d ie's resu l t for the d u rat ion of the spe l l . You

take ha l f aga i n as much damage (+50%) from that energy

type, regard l ess of whether you successfu l l y saved aga i nst

the damag ing spel l o r effect.

Magic School: For the spel l 's du rat ion, you cast al l spel ls from

the school that matches the d ie's resu l t at + 1 caster leve l .

dlO Roll Type: You receive a +2 l u ck bonus on the d20 ro l l

that matches t h e d ie's resu l t f o r t h e d u ra t ion o f t h e spe l l .


School d iv i nat ion; Level c le r i c 2, d r u i d 3, i n q u i s i to r 3,

so rcerer/wiza rd 3

Casting T ime f u l l - round ac t ion

Components V, 5, F/DF (a set of 64 ch i cken bones)

Range persona l

Target you

Duration 1 round/caster l eve l

Saving Throw none; Spel l Resistance no

C/eromoncy i nvo lves cast i ng bones and i nterpreti ng t he

resu l t s . Those ab l e t o a rr ive at the proper i nterpretat ion a re

g ra nted knowledge of com ing events. Ro l l 1 d 4 per caster

leve l . Group the d i ce by l i ke resu l ts, and choose one of the

g roups . For the du rat ion of c!eromoncy, you can apply a l u ck

bonus equa l to the resu l t of the se lected d ice to any d20 ro l l .

You c a n a p p l y t h i s b o n u s t o a n umbe r o f ro l l s e q u a l t o the

number of d i ce i n the group . I f c/eromoncy exp i res before you

a re ab l e to a l l ocate the total n umber of a l l otted bonuses, the

rema in i ng bonuses a re lost .


School transmutation; Level bard 1 , c ler ic 1 , dru id 1 , i nqu is itor 1 ,

pa lad in 1 , sorcerer/wizard 1 , summoner 1 , witch 1

Cast ing Time 1 sta nda rd ac t ion

Components V, S

Range touch

Target one w i l l i n g crea tu re

Duration 24 hou rs or un t i l d i s cha rged

Saving Throw none; Spel l Resistance no

You a re ab l e to tweak t i ny va r iab les affect ing a creatu re's

immed iate future in order to g rant the target a bit of l u ck at

the r ight t ime . Ro l l a d20; once du r i ng the d u rat ion of lucky

number, when the target creature ro l l s that resu l t (regard l ess

of what type of dice the target rol ls), the creature has the

opt ion to e i ther rero l l the resu l t o r add a +2 l uck bonus to the

resu l t . The creature must dec ide to use th i s ab i l i ty before the

success o r fa i l u re of the or ig ina l ro l l is known. A creature can

have on ly one l u cky number at a t ime . I f lucky number i s cast

on a creature a l ready affected by that spe l l , the new number

rep la ces the p revious one .


School necromancy [cu rse]; Level ant ipa l a d i n 2, ba rd 2,

c l e r i c 3, so rcerer/wizard 2, witch 2

Cast ing T ime 1 standa rd ac t ion

Components V, S, M/DF (a fu l l set of 10 fi nge rna i l s)

Range touch

Target one l iv ing creat u re

Duration see text

Saving Throw Wi l l negates; Spell Resistance yes

U s i ng the Path of N u m bers, you a re a b l e to i n f l uence the

seem i ng l y ra ndom e l ements i n t he env i ro nment a round

a creatu re, red u c i n g tha t c reatu re's effi cacy. Ro l l 3 d8 a n d

c h oo s e one of t he d i ce-th i s d i e's resu l t i s t he pena l ty

mathematical curse i m p a rts . Next, choose e i ther of the

two rema i n i n g d i ce; t he d20 ro l l cor respond i n g to that

resu l t o n t he E ight Bas i c Ene rg ies tab le i s t he ro l l t he s pe l l 's

pena l ty a p p l i e s to . The resu l t of t he fi n a l d i e represents t he

n umbe r of ro unds tha t mathematical curse l a s t s . A c reature

can be under t he i n f l u ence of on ly one mathematical

curse at a t ime . If mathematical curse is cast on a c reature

a l ready affected by tha t spe l l , t he new c u rse re p l a ces the

prev i ous one .


School evocat ion; Level magus 3, sorcerer/wiza rd 3, witch 4

Cast ing T ime 1 standa rd ac t ion

Components v, S

Range see text

Ta rget see text

Duration i n s tantaneous

Saving Throw Ref lex ha l f; Spel l Resistance yes

You can use the Path of Numbers to ca l cu l ate the latent

mag i ca l energ ies al l a round you and fi re custom ized rays of

e lementa l energy that damage nearby targets. Rol l 1 d 6 per

2 caster levels you possess. This i s you r d i ce poo l . You w i l l use

each die i n the pool exactly once to custom ize numerological

evocation. Choose a number of d i ce in the pool , and match

5 1


EigJ,t Basic E»ergies Energy

ds Type Magic School d20 Rol l Type

A i r Enchantment Wi l l save

2 E l ect r i c i ty I l l us i on Re f l ex save

3 F i re Necromancy Attack ro l l

4 Son i c Evocat ion I n i t iat ive ro l l

5 Ac id Abj u rat ion For t i tude save

6 Wate r Tra nsmutat ion Cas te r leve l check

7 Co ld D iv ina t ion Concentrat ion check

8 Ear th Conj u rat ion Combat Maneuver Check

the i r resu l ts to the va l ues i n the f i r s t co l umn of the E i ght Bas ic

Energ ies tab le to determine the types of energy damage

the spe l l dea ls . You can a l l ocate any number of d i ce i n th i s

manner, p rovided you sti l l have enough d ice rema in i ng for

the subsequent steps .

Next, a l l ocate one of the d i ce to represent the tota l

n u m ber of t a rge t creatures you can affect, i n c l ud i ng the

i n i t i a l target . No matter how many c reatures you a re

e l i g i b l e to affect, no two affected creatures can be mo re

than 1 5 feet apa rt . Next, a l l ocate any n umber of the d i ce to

represent the range of numerological resistance. The range

of the spe l l i s 10 x the s um of the a l l ocated d i ce. F i n a l l y,

add u p the resu l t s of the d i ce rema i n i n g i n the poo l . Th i s i s

the amount of damage that numerological evocation dea ls

to the f i r s t crea tu re h i t . A successfu l Ref lex save ha l ves th i s

damage . Seconda ry ta rgets take 50% of the damage dea l t

to the f i r s t creat u re h i t (rounded u p), and success fu l Ref lex

saves negate th is damage .


School a bj u rat ion; Level c ler ic 3, so rcerer/wizard 3

Cast ing T ime 1 standa rd ac t ion

Components V, S

Range c lose (25 ft . + 5 ft ./2 leve ls)

Target see text

Duration see text

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

Numerological resistance a l lows nume ro l og ists to use the

Path of N u m bers to g ran t t he i r a l l i es res i l i ence i n the face

of e l ementa l dange rs . Ro l l 5d8; th is i s you r d i ce pool . You

w i l l use each d i e i n the poo l exact ly once to customize

numerological resistance.

Choose one of the d i ce, and match its resu l t to the

appropriate va l ue in the f i rst co l umn of the E ight Bas ic Energ ies

tab le to determine the type of energy to wh ich numerological

resistance g rants resista nce. Next, a l l ocate one of the d i ce

to represent the number of creatu res you can affect with

numerological resistance ( inc l ud i ng yourse l f) . A l l of these

creatu res must be wi th in the spe l l 's ra nge . Then a l l ocate one

of the d i ce to represent the number of rounds numerological

resistance l a sts . F i na l ly, sum the rema in i ng two d ice. Th i s

i s the number of po ints of resista nce that numerological

resistance g rants .

Spiritualism troubled by the restless spirits of recently deceased, who-

Not all who seek to pierce the veil of death are foul

necromancers. Instead, there are those who proceed with

respect and caution. The practice of attempting to establish

such benign communication is known as spiritualism.

Spiritualists rely on unquiet souls and minor haunts to

establish communication with spirits, and those mortals

who act as conduits between worlds are called mediums.

Most keep a cautious distance from the higher orders of

dangerous and unpredictable spectral undead such as

ghosts and wraiths. Instead, they seek out lower stations of

localized spiritual entities, such as poltergeists and haunts,

in order to act as liaisons for the unquiet spirits . .

Most talented mediums are oracles, though some

experts without magical ability specialize in seeking out

and communicating with rapping spirits and possessive

dead (see page 54). They find their talents well compensated

by bereaved mourners seeking solace from a loved one's

lingering spirit. These profitable practices also attract all

manner of fakes, who resort to the cover of dark seances

and deceptive ventriloquism to fool grieving families.

The process of spirit communication is a difficult

affair, and only the most powerful mediums are capable of

summoning the spirits of specific individuals directly to their

location. Others must seek out haunts in the places where

they reside in order

to establish a direct

rapport. Mediums

often aid those

lacking the truly tragic circumstances necessary for them to

manifest as ghosts, but still experiencing some unresolved

conflict-linger in the mortal world as haunts. Once

mediums have overcome the effects of such haunts, they

can proceed with communication.

A wide variety of entities are capable of communication.

Neutralized haunts (those reduced to o hp) of all types

might revert to rapping spirits or possessive dead (see

page 54) during their reset periods. Likewise, destroyed

spectral dead such as ghosts and poltergeists can assume

this same state during rejuvenating periods, and can attempt

to convey their needs to the living. While still potentially

malevolent, these entities can often communicate via simple

codes (such as one rap for "yes" and two for "no") or by the

medium calling out words, numbers, and letters for rapped

selection by the spirits. Such messages can be formed at

the rate of ld10 words for each minute in which a character

succeeds at a Linguistics check, with a DC equal to 15 + the

original haunt's CR. Mediums channeling possessive dead,

on the other hand, typically whisper messages, or write

at the haunt's suggestion-both at the same rate when

unaided by tools of their trade. In either case, spirits are

often unreliable, always cryptic, and never able to convey

knowledge beyond what they knew in life.

To facilitate communication, mediums use spells

such as calm spirit (see page 55), indulge in diplomacy,

and create comforting environments such as dark seance

cabinets. Some mediums carry flat, lettered boards known

as "talking boards," cone-shaped spirit trumpets,

or writing planchettes-small boards that can

be written on with chalk or charcoal pencils.

While these are mundane versions of magical

trumpets of spirit speakin.!J (see page 55) and

spirit planchettes (Pathfinder Adventure Path

#43: The Hauntin.!J of Harrowstone 19)

with no inherent power of their own,

in the hands of those with properly

e stablished rapports, these tools

increase the efficiency of messages

received to 3d6 words per minute of

communication, and grant the user a +4

bonus on Linguistics checks to decipher the cryptic

messages ofhaunts.

Spiritualism on Golarion Many cultures on Golarion engage in

spiritualism, with varying degrees of

reverence. Seances are popular parlor

entertainment in the more cosmopolitan

parts of Ustalav, particularly among adherents

of the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye, where

members are encouraged to meticulously record spirit

communications in the event that seance sitters tap

into some miraculous reservoir ofhidden knowledge.

Ancestor worship is another form of spiritualism

on Golarion, with some cultures communing with the

lingering haunts of their forebears, who they believe

persist on the mortal plane to protect their descendants.

The Shoanti, for example, engaged in totemistic rituals

meant to anchor these spiritual protections to them. Far

to the east, Tians who prize family and genealogy practice

a similar form of ancestor worship wherein descendants

venerate departed souls and attune themselves to the quiet

guidance of protective spirits while taking measures to

guard themselves from the vengeance of wrathful entities.

The Mwangi Expanse holds all manner of mysteries, but

few draw the awe and interest of outsiders so much as the

mysteries of juju. This unique form of communication with

the spirit realms (known to them as the hana juju) developed

after centuries of supplication to spiritual entities called

wendo, who through generations of homage have been

elevated beyond mere haunts to assume greater importance

to the juju shamans. The wendo represent archetypal spirits

of various aspects of Mwangi life, such as Adamde Baaka

who embodies nature and the jungle, and Old Ba, who

embodies folklore and ancient wisdom.

New Oracle Mystery Many natural mediums and others gifted in the spiritual

arts are oracles, most of whom possess the occult mystery.

Occ u l t You have an innate connection to the spirits of the dead.

Deities: Magdh, Nethys, Pharasma, Tsukiyo.

Class Skills: An oracle with the occult mystery adds Bluff,

Disguise, Knowledge (arcana), and Use Magic Device to her

list of class skills.

Bonus Spells: Unseen servant (2nd), spectral hand (4th),

clairaudience/clairvoyance (6th), scryin.!J (8th), contact other plane

(10th), project ima9e (12th), vision (14th), moment of prescience

(16th), astral projection (18th).

Revelations: An oracle with the occult mystery can choose

from any of the following revelations.

Automatic Writin.!J (Su): Once per day, you can spend a full

hour in uninterrupted meditation. During this period,

your hands produce mysterious writing that pertains to the

future. At 1st level, the prophetic writing manifests as an

au9wy spell with 90% effectiveness. At 5th level, the writing

takes the form of a divination spell with 90% effectiveness.

At 8th level, the writing manifests as a casting of commune

with no material component required.

Brain Drain (Su): You can take a standard action to violently

probe the mind of a single intelligent enemy within 100

feet. The target receives a Will save to negate the effect and

immediately knows the source of this harmful mental prying.

Those who fail this save are wracked with pain, and take

1d4 points of damage per oracle level you possess. After

successfully attacking with this ability, you can use a full­

round action to sort through the jumble of stolen thoughts



and memories and then attempt a single Knowledge check

using the victim's skill bonus. The randomly stolen thoughts

remain in your mind for a number of rounds equal to your •

Charisma modifier. Treat the knowledge gained as if you had

used detect thou9hts. This is a mind-affecting effect. You can

use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus 1 use per day at

5th level, and 1 use for every 5 levels beyond 5th.

Ectoplasmic Armor (Su): You can conjure armor made of

ectoplasm that grants you a +4 armor bonus to AC. In

addition, this armor functions as if it had the 9host touch

special ability. At 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the

armor bonus increases by 2. You can use this armor for

1 hour per day per oracle level. This duration does not need

to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-hour increments.

Phantom Touch (Su): As a standard action, you can perform

a melee touch attack that causes a living creature to become

shaken. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to

1/2 your oracle level (minimum 1 round). You can use this

ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma

modifier. At 5th level, the target instead becomes frightened,

and at 7th level, the target becomes panicked.

Project Psyche (Su): You can proj ect your psyche into

another vessel. Once per day, you can possess another

creature as if using the ma9ic jar spell, though this does

not require a receptacle. You must be adjacent to the target

creature, which receives a Will save against the effect. You

must be at least nth level to choose this revelation.

Shroud ef Retribution (Su): As an immediate action, you

can summon a shroud of spirits that reflects your attackers'

damage back onto them. Any creature that strikes you deals

normal damage to you, but at the same time the attacker

takes 1d8 points of force damage + 1 point per 2 caster levels

you possess (maximum +10). This effect lasts until the end

of your next turn. You can use this ability once per day, plus

one additional time per day at nth level and every 4 levels

thereafter. You must be at least 7fu level to select this revelation.

Spectral Spells (Su): You gain Ectoplasmic SpellAPG as a

bonus feat. In addition, once per day, you can cast a spell

with the Ectoplasmic Spell metamagic feat as a standard

action that does not increase the level of the spell. You can

use this ability one additional time per day at 7th level and

every 4 levels thereafter.

Spirit Walk (Su): You can become incorporeal and

invisible. While in this form, you can move in any direction

and pass through solid objects. You can take no actions

other than to move while in this form. You can remain

in this form for a number of rounds equal to your oracle

level, but you can end this effect prematurely as a standard

action. You can use this ability once per day at nth level

and twice per day at 15th level. You must be at least nth

level to select this revelation.

Sure Soul (Su): Because of your experience with possessing

spirits, you gain a +2 insight bonus on saving throws against

possession effects such as ma9icjar, a ghost's malevolence

ability, or domination effects. At 7th level, this bonus also

applies against death effects and mind-affecting effects. At

nth level, the bonus increases to +4.

Voice of the Grave (Su): You can use speak with dead, as the

spell, for a number of rounds per day equal to your oracle

level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. At 5th

level and every 5 levels thereafter, the dead creature takes a

cumulative -2 penalty on its Will save to resist this effect.

Final Revelation: Upon reaching 20th level, you become

one with the spirits. You become immune to death effects,

exhaustion, fatigue, nausea, negative levels, and the sickened

condition. You can cast astral projection and true seein.fJ once

per day as spell-like abilities without requiring material

components. Should you die, you rise again 2d4 days later

as a ghost.

Tools of Spiritualism Spiritualists with both natural talents in the art and who

pick it up by choice often employ the following spells and

magic items when practicing their craft. Additionally,

they use common, nonthreatening haunts as methods of

reaching across to the other side.

H a u nts While most haunts are malevolent in nature, some are more

benign and serve as a means to communicate with spirits.

The most common of these haunts are rapping spirits:

unquiet dead with just enough substance to produce

cacophonous knocking and loud bumps in the night.

Adventurers can attempt communication with these

intelligent spirits by working out codes to form cryptic

messages at the rate of id10 words per minute with a

successful Linguistics check (see page 52).


XP 400

A l i g nment var ies pers i stent h aunt (5-ft . rad i u s)

Caster Level 1 st

Notice Percept ion DC 1 0 (to hea r fa i n t knock ings on wa l l s,

f loor, a nd fu rn i t u re)

hp 4; Weakness t r i cked by hide from undeod; Trigger

p rox im i ty; Reset 1 day


When th i s h aunt is t r i ggered, a cho rus of ag itated raps and

b l ows r i ngs out f r om nea rby ha rd su rfaces (those capab le

of p hysica l man i p u la t ions, as moge hand) as u nq u iet

sp i r i ts co nvey the i r u n rest to the l i v i ng . Al l who hear the

supernatu ra l knocks a re affected by cause fear (save DC 1 1 ) .


Rapp i ng sp i r i ts typ ica l l y ask for the i r mor ta l rema i n s to be

l a i d to rest or for the PCs to seek revenge for t he i r deaths .

F u l fi l l i ng these req uests d i sm isses the h a unts .

Instances of so-called direct-voice channeling, automatic

writing, and talking board communications are often the

result of haunts known as the possessive dead: haunts


capable of influencing the thoughts and actions of those

in the mortal realms to communicate their anger, desires,

or goals as they seek eternal rest.


XP 800

A l i gn ment var ies pers i stent h aunt ( 1 5 -ft . rad i u s)

Caster Level 1 st

Notice Percept ion DC 1 5 (to hea r fa i n t m utte r i ngs a nd fee l

coo l breezes)

hp 1 3; Weakness t r i cked by hide from undead; Trigger

p rox im i ty; Reset 1 day


When t r i ggered, th i s h aunt seeks to i nf l uence the ac t ions

of t he l i v i ng , ta rget i ng a v i c t im w i th suggestion (save

DC 1 4) . Depend ing on the hau nt 's a l i g nment, the suggested

act ions m igh t be ma l i c i ous, s ubt ly put t i ng the i r v i c t ims in

ha rm's way o r sowing antagon i s t i c i nteract io ns, o r ben i gn,

wi th the h a unt p rompt i ng myste r i ous a utomat ic wr i t i ngs

o r u nconsc ious uttera nces from the possessed i n hopes of

commun i cat ing i ts des i res wi th the wor ld of the l i v i ng .


Possess ive dead typ i ca l l y seek rest for t h e i r mo r ta l rema i n s

o r reso l u t i on to un f u l fi l l e d de s i res i n l i fe . F u l fi l l i n g these

requests d i sm isses t he h a u nts .

New S p e l l s The following spells are uncommon among the general

population on Golarion, but in spiritualist cults and

ancestor-worshiping cultures, they are relatively common.


School conj u rat ion (ca l l i ng); Level c le r i c 5

Casting T ime 1 0 m i n utes

Components V, 5

Range 1 0 ft .

Effect ca l l t he sp i r i t of a s i ng l e deceased humano i d crea tu re

Duration concentrat i on

Saving Throw Wi l l negates, see text; Spe l l Resistance no

You attempt to cause the sp i r i t of a spec i f i c i nd i v i dua l to

man i fest from i ts fi n a l rest i ng p l ace . You m ust request the

sp i r i t 's p resence by spea k ing i t s name .

Unwi l l i n g sp i r i ts can res ist the summons by succeed i ng

at a W i l l save. I f the chosen sp i r i t res ists you r c a l l , a nother

sp i r i t w i th ma levo len t i ntent a l most a lways takes i ts p l a ce,

i n tent on dece iv i ng you. The d i ffi cu l ty of the save depends

on how we l l you know the s ubject a nd what sort of phys ica l

connect ion ( i f a ny) you have to the creat u re you wish to ca l l .

Knowledge Will Save Modifier

Name on l y"' +1 5

Secondhand (you have hea rd of the s ubj ect) +1 0

F i rs thand (you met the s ubject in l i fe) +5

Fam i l i a r (you knew the s ubject we l l ) +O

·· You must have at least a name t he creature was ca l led in l ife.

Connection Will Save Modifier

L i keness o r p i c tu re -2

Possess ion or g a rment -4

Body pa rt, l ock of h a i r, n a i l c l i p p i ng, etc . -1 0

D i fferent a l i g nment +4

A successfu l l y c a l l ed sp i r i t man i fests as a w ispy, vaporous

form that vague ly resem b les the form the deceased creat u re

wore d u r i n g l i fe . The sp i r i t has the phys i ca l a t t r ibutes

of a n unseen servant and i s capab le of m i no r phys i ca l

man i pu la t ions, with the ab i l i ty to speak i n q u i et, g host ly

wh ispers i n whatever l anguages the creature knew whi le st i l l

a l ive. The sp i r i t i s n o t a n undead creatu re, and is no t beho lden

to i ts c a l l er . Whether you summoned the chosen sp i r i t o r a

dece i t fu l rep l a cement, the sp i r i t can refuse to a nswer your

q uest ions o r attempt to dece ive you us i ng B l u ff, though in

e i the r case these sp i r i ts can speak abou t on l y what they

knew i n l i fe and have no knowledge of events that occu rred

after t he i r deaths. Ma levo len t sp i r i ts m igh t t ake advantage

of t he i r l im i ted phys i ca l a b i l i t ies to cause po l terge ist- l i ke

outbu rsts des igned to terror ize the caster .

You must concent rate on ma i n ta i n i n g the spe l l (a

sta nda rd ac t i on) i n o rde r to ask q u es t i ons at the rate of

one pe r ro u n d . You can a sk one q uest ion pe r caster leve l ,

wh ich t he sp i r i t a n swers d u r i n g t he same ro u n d . When

the s pe l l ends, t he sp i r i t 's ectop l a sm i c fo rm f ade s a n d the

sou l retu rns to i t s r e s t . T h i s s pe l l c anno t c a l l t he sp i r i t s o f

c reatures who a re cu r rent ly undead .


School nec romancy; Level c ler ic 2

Cast ing T ime 1 standa rd ac t ion

Components v, S

Range c lose (25 ft . + 5 ft ./2 leve ls)

Target one i n co rpo rea l undead creat u re or h aunt

Duration 1 m i n ute or 1 round/ l evel , see text

Saving Throw Wi l l negates o r none, see text;

Spell Resistance yes

This spe l l tempora r i l y ca lms ag itated h a unts and i n co rpo rea l

u ndead such as g h osts a nd po l terge ists . You have no contro l

over the affected creatu res, but calm spirit postpones

host i l e act ion by the affected sp i r i ts for the d u ra t ion of

the spe l l . Ent i t ies so affected cannot take v io len t ac t ions

o r do a nyth ing dest ruct ive, i n c l u d i ng t r i gger ing pers istent

haunt a b i l i t i es, t hough they can defend themse lves . Any

agg ress ive act ion aga i nst o r damage dealt to a ca lmed sp i r i t

o r h a unt immed iate ly ends the effect .

H aunts do not receive a saving th row aga i nst the spe l l ,

bu t the cas te r must succeed at a cas te r l eve l check equa l to

at least 10 + the hau nt 's CR i n order to tempora r i l y ca lm the

ang ry ent i ty. The spe l l 's d u rat ion dec reases to concentrat ion

(u p to 1 rou nd/ leve l ), when affect i ng a h aunt .

Magic I tems Practitioners of spiritualism often use these magic items

to facilitate their communication with spirits.



PRICE 5,500 GP

WEIGHT 1 l b.

AURA moderate necromancy

G ra ve c a n d l es a re m a g i c a l c a n d l e s

t ha t d raw fo r th s p i r i t s f rom t h e mo r t a l

r e m a i n s o f l o n g - d e a d c r e a t u re s ,

a l l ow i n g t h e l i v i n g to s peak to t he se

s p i r i t s f o r a s h o r t pe r i o d w h i l e t he

cand l e's w i c k bu rns . I n o r de r t o f u nc t ion,

a gra ve candle mus t be p l a ced a m i d t h e phys i c a l re m a i n s

of t he b o d y w h o s e s p i r i t t he u se r w i s h e s to contac t . These

rem a i n s c an be pa r t i a l , o r even j u s t a h a n d f u l of a s h o r

g rave d u st, b u t a tota l l y de st royed body (a s res u l t s f rom

destruction o r disin tegrate) doesn ' t l eave enough mate r i a l

fo r a grave candle to f u n c t i o n . When t h e c and l e i s l i t, t h e

smoke r i s i n g f r om t he c a n d l e g rows t h i c k, a n d a g hos t l y

shape s im i l a r to the creatu re's a ppea rance i n l i fe man i fests

in the smoke .

At t h i s po i nt , t he m a n i fested sp i r i t (wh i c h i s a s much

a n echo of t he crea t u re as i t i s t he a c t ua l depa rted sou l )

c an speak . A grave candle does not i m pa rt any add i t i o na l

u n de rsta n d i n g of l a n g uages to i t s u se r. I n o the r respects,

the conversat i on with the dead sp i r i t a d he res to the r u l e s

fo r speak with dead, s ave that t he dead sp i r i t t akes a -4

pena l ty on i t s sav i ng t h row to res ist the s pe l l . F u r the rmore,

a dead body c a n be s u bj ected to t he effects of a grave

candle on ly once-the bu r n i ng of a grave candle effect ive ly

bu r n s ou t the l a tent nec roman t i c and sp i r i t u a l ene rgy le f t

b eh i n d by the sou l 's depa r t u re f rom the wor l d (th i s does

not harm the actua l sou l of t he dead sp i r i t, h owever) a n d

des t roys t he c and l e .


Craft Wond rous I tem, speak with dead

SLOT none CL 6th

PRICE 6, 500

WEIGHT 1 l b.

AURA moderate necromancy

Th i s l o ng , segmented cone i s

made of a l i g htwe i gh t meta l and

co l l a pses i n to t h ree sec t i ons .

A l though nonmag i c a l s p i r i t

t r um pets a re most often used

by f ra u d u l ent med iums and

man i p u la ted w i th s l e i gh t of hand a n d vent r i l o q u i sm, a

trumpet of spirit speaking a l l ows ac tua l com m u n i ca t i on

w i th t he sp i r i t s of t he deceased . Once pe r day, when i t s

mou t hp i ece i s p l a ced to t he l i ps of a most ly i ntac t corpse,

the user can ask u p to t h ree q u es t i ons of the dead creatu re,

as i f the corpse were s u bject to a speak with dead spe l l .

T h e corpse's rep l i es t o t h e q uest ions i s sue fo r th f rom the

ho rn i n q u iet , g h ost ly wh i spe rs .


Craft Wond rous I tem, speak with dead

f� rom the earliest days of civilization, hidden

societies and secret cults have shared their

teachings through mysterious writings on

den topics. Countless volumes explore such taboo

subjects, though many are lost and known only through

rumor and legend. In some cases, a newly discovered

tome of ancient knowledge has resurrected a long-dead

movement in the practice of dark magical arts.

This chapter details six such volumes, giving a history

of each book, presenting a breakdown of its contents, and

identifying those who can use it. In many cases, reading

or studying these books provides the researcher with

insights and abilities, which make these tomes prized

possessions and add to their mystery.

In addition to or in place of her own spellbook, a

spellcaster can use a copy of any of these occult writings

when preparing spells. Some spells gain additional

benefits when prepared using these mysterious texts;

these benefits are detailed in their respective entries­

though the benefits are not transferred along with the

base spells should a spellcaster copy them to her own

spellbook. A spell prepared from a given occult text

can benefit from a maximum of one metamagic effect,

including any free effects granted by the book itself.

The monetary values of these volumes are intrinsically

tied to their power, and those with magical abilities or

transcribed spells are treated as wondrous items or as

spellbooks to determine their value. Their prices tend to

be high in comparison to those of nonmagical writings

on similar subjects, which both reflects and drives their

rarity and the occult status of the information contained

within their covers. In some cases, sections of books are

priced individually to account for incomplete volumes.

While some of the books are more common than others,

all are rare enough that finding a copy is often its own

quest or the seed of a new adventure.

Those occult volumes that are minor artifacts can be

destroyed by redacting all of their contents with the pen

that originally wrote the words, using the blood of the

book's original author as ink.

Otl)er Occult Writings In addition to the six volumes detailed in this chapter,

the Pathfinder campaign setting features a number of

other occult texts, which are described elsewhere or left

up to individual GMs to flesh out as their needs and

inspirations dictate. Among these additional works are

the following.

Azlanti Neris: This ancient tome describes three pre­

Azlanti cities that imprisoned Great Old Ones.

Book of the Damned: This multivolume text catalogs

the evil Outer Planes and the outsiders who inhabit them.

The contents are thoroughly explored in the Pathfinder

Campaign Setting books Princes of Darkness, Lords of Chaos,

and Horsemen of the Apocalypse.



Book of Serpents, Ash, and Acorns-Shadows of What

Was and Will Be: This volume provides information

concerning travel to the mysterious Dimension ofTime.

Chronicle of the Cantorian Spring: A tome with

wooden covers and blank parchment that, when watered

and cared for, grows into a plant with leaves covered in

ancient elven inscriptions. The writing on the leaves seems

to tell a tale about forests and bodies of water on stars.

Chronicle of the Righteous: Similar in scope to the

Book ef the Damned, this volume catalogs the ranks of the

celestials who inhabit Elysium, Heaven, and Nirvana, and

the Empyreal Lords who reign supreme there. This book

is featured in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting volume of

the same name.

Emerald Codex of the Therassic Order: This collection

of spells and rituals devoted to the Thassilonian deity

known as the Peacock Spirit was penned by the Therassic

Order, a group of devotees to the Peacock Spirit.

The King in Yellow: This arcane text is associated with

the Old Cults, and particularly the Great Old One, Hastur.

Lacuna Codex: A tome of immensely powerful spells

that the lost kings of Ustalav used in their war against

the Whispering Tyrant, this book features prominently in

the Pathfinder Tales novel Prince of Wolves by Dave Gross.

Necronomicon: This is perhaps the most notorious text

associated with the Old Cults.

On Verified Madness: An ancient, jet-black tome

discussing the Dark Tapestry this is a work of starry

observations and occult lore.

Pnakotic Manuscripts: A foul book containing

information and prophecies related to the Outer Gods

and the Great Old Ones, this tome is sacred to the Old

Cults and also valuable to those who oppose them.

Preklikin's Book of Cults: This arcane tome describes the

Old Cults and the Great Old Ones. Statistics for this book

can be found in Pathfinder Campa(gn Settin.1r Inner Sea Gods.

Religious Texts: While holy and unholy texts dedicated

to the faiths of deities prominent on Golarion are not

necessarily difficult to find, some are banned in regions

where worship of the associated deity is forbidden. In

such cases, cults of these gods hide away the texts detailing

their faiths, and such books might be significantly more

expensive and harder to acquire than normal.

Sarkorian Prophecy: This series of prophecies inscribed

by a Sarkorian oracle was thought to be lost after the

Worldwound opened, but it has recently been recovered

by the Pathfinder Society. For more information on these

writings, see PatYifinder Society Scenario #z-08: The Sarkorian


Sarkoris Shards: These rune-carved crystal shards

from Sarkoris tell of witch-cults and cannibalism, and are

generally associated with the Old Cults.

Xanthuun Tablets: This tome is associated with the Old

Cults, and purports to reveal secrets about primordial

forces and the creation of the world.

Ale]) Almalifoum Otherwise known as the Book of the Dead, Aleh Almaktoum

is the definitive ancient Osirian necromantic treatise

and spellbook. Although a grasp of theology aids in

understanding the mysteries detailed in this series of

papyrus scrolls, they speak primarily of arcane matters.

Many would-be scholars attribute the book's authorship

to the infamous necromancer Geb, but credible

Osirionologists maintain that he merely collected a much

older set of documents. The collection spans 20 to 24

different scrolls, and is typically stored in a small wooden

chest. The book is usually divided into four sections.

Chapters 1-5: These chapters relate to the preparation

of the dead for burial. They also detail a divine rite that can

protect the soul from attacks by daemons, night hags, and

other soul-feasting fiends as it journeys along the River of

Souls and awaits judgment in the Boneyard. This ritual

requires the ability to cast at least one 3rd-level necromancy

spell (or success at a DC 20 Use Magic Device check), takes

8 hours, and uses up 1,000 gp in spell components. The

ritual imbues one corpse with the benefits of a permanent

sancti.fY corpseuM spell and protects the corpse's soul from

harm until it is judged by Pharasma.

This section of Aleh Almaktoum also contains the

following spells: 3rd-3entle repose (affected by Extend Spell

when prepared from this source); ist-decompose corpseuM,

sculpt corpsf!PG.

These chapters of Aleh Almaktoum are worth 350 gp.

Chapters 6-10: These chapters provide spells to combat

the undead and techniques to prevent their creation.

They include a list of conditions under which undead

can naturally occur, plus symptoms of ghoul fever and

other afflictions. Readers who consult these chapters gain

a +5 competence bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks

regarding undead and on Heal checks to identify and treat

diseases imparted by undead creatures.

If a spellcaster prepares at least five spells from the Aleh

Almaktoum, he can apply the benefits of the Thanatopic

SpelluM metamagic feat to any one spell he has prepared

without increasing its spell level.

Additionally, this section contains the

following spells: 6th-spectral saluqi (see

the sidebar), undeath to death, undeath

ward (Path.finder Campai3n Settin3:

Dun3eons ef Golarion

63); 4th-boneshatter

(Path.finder Adventure

Path #84); 3rd-halt

undead, sands ef timeuM;

o-disrupt undead.

This section of

Aleh Almaktoum is

worth 4.425 gp.

Chapters 11-18:

These pages detail


New Spell Among the many rare s pe l l s to be fo und in t he A/eh

Almaktoum is spectral sa/uqi, a s pe l l p opu l a r among

the p h a raohs of An c i e n t O s i r i o n that i s c apab l e o f

s ummon i ng a mag i ca l f l y i n g hound .


School nec romancy; Level sorcerer/wiza rd 6 , w i t ch 6

Cast ing T ime 1 rou nd

Components V, S, F (a prec ious meta l c an i ne s ta tue

worth 100 g p)

Range c lose (25 ft . + 5 ft ./2 leve ls)

Effect one spect ra l dog

Duration 1 0 m i n utes/ leve l (D)

Saving Throw none; Spel l Resistance no

Th i s s pe l l creates a spec t ra l s a l u q i , an u ndead

can ine resemb l i n g a n overs ized hound w i th b l a ck

f u r, a g ray ru f f a n d ta i l , a n d m i l ky g ray eyes . The

hound s ha res you r a l i g n ment a n d can converse w i th

you te lepath i ca l l y. I t c an see a n d at tack etherea l

c reatu res, a n d otherwise has t he s ame stat i s t i c s a s a

yeth h o und (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 286) . It u s u a l l y

l eaves no t racks be c au se i t p refers to f l y a n i n c h

a bove t he g r ound . You a re i m m u n e to t he hound 's

bay a b i l i ty. T he hound 's b i te is cons i de red a l i g ned to

any s i n g l e a l i g n ment you possess fo r the pu rposes of

overcom i n g damage redu c t i on .

means by which a necromancer can control or influence

undead, as well as the moral and religious implications

of doing so. If a spellcaster prepares at least three spells

from the Aleh Almaktoum and reads from this section while

doing so, he can apply the benefits of the Threnodic SpelluM

metamagic feat to one spell he has prepared without

increasing its spell level.

These chapters contain the following spells: 7th­

control undead; 2nd-command undead; ist-detect undead,

hide from undead (this is an arcane version of the spell

added to the sorcerer/wizard spell list).

This section of Aleh Almaktoum is worth 2,750 gp.

Chapters 19-21: These chapters provide information

on undead creation, and are often omitted from copies

held by nonevil necromancers. This section is believed

to have been penned by Geb himself and added later.

A necromancer who consults these chapters when

preparing spells gains two additional daily uses of his

power over undead arcane school power.

These chapters include the following spells: 9th­

canopic conversion (Path.finder Campai3n Settin3: Faction

Guide 60); 8th-3reater create undead, tomb 1e3ion (Faction

Guide 6i); 6th-create undead; 4th-animate dead; 3rd­

lesser animate deadvM.

This section of Aleh Almaktoum is worth 4,700 gp.

Boo� of 1,000 Wl]ispers The Book of i,ooo Whispers is the inspiration and primary

guide for the secret society known as the Harbingers

of Fate. Dating from the turn of the 47th century, the

tome was discovered in 4648 AR. It chronicles a series of

prophecies regarding events occurring from 4604 to an

undisclosed year believed to be 4714 AR. Beginning with

Aroden's death in 4606, the prophecies veer away from

actual events and describe a timeline that never occurred.

The tome has been copied a handful of times and

entrusted to high-ranking members of the Harbingers

(see page 26), though not all of the copies include the

esoteric and magical rites described in the original. The

very first copy discovered by Lord Garron is bound in

black leather with an intricate design, common to certain

puzzle boxes, embossed in brass leaf on the cover.

In truth, the book a trick designed to manipulate

the disappointed and desperate. No

author is attributed, though the

Harbingers hold "the Author"

in cultish reverence, and their

conviction drives them more

passionately than threats of

punishment or promises

of power ever could. The

Harbingers' deliberate lack of

outward markers of mysticism

has left them all but unnoticed,

except when their actions give them

away. A testament to the cunning of

the Author, the Book of i,ooo Whispers

has driven the Harbingers to the brink

of insanity without the casting of a

single spell-just dashed hopes.

A copy of the Book of i,ooo Whispers is

worth 100 gp; if it includes instructions

for performing the Ritual of the Whispering

Counsel, it is worth 450 gp.

Pages 1-4: The tome begins with a short prayer to

Aroden, invoking a blessing upon the book and the

reader. Anyone reading or reciting this blessing aloud is

considered familiar with the Author for the purposes of

scryin!J and other divinations.

Pages 5-37: The prophecies on these pages contain

cryptic predictions regarding events to occur between

the year 4604 and the beginning of 4606, which history

has since verified as accurate. The final prophecy on

page 37 is interpreted by most as a reference to Aroden's

supposed return to Golarion and the ushering in of the

Age of Glory.

Pages 38-194: The prophecies on these pages increase

in their abstractness with each passing page, and are

difficult for even the most studious of readers to parse

and place within the timeline. Choice passages from this

section include the following.



• "The Kingdom of Shadow Unending shall be rendered

insensate, the chain to its Master cut."

• "In the ruins of the Lonely Eye shall rise a throne of •

gold, and the people ofZistrallad shall end their strife."

• "The fiends of the Mother Realm will be slain, their

servants driven into Heaven before the Army ofTwenty­

Two Thorns."

• "The liberating blade shall bend before the might of

Lord Anvalxor and his Dragon Warriors."

"Upon the banks of the Dark Lake, the simian shaman

shall fall to the Striking Asp.''

• "After the ascension of the Child ofNone, the people of

Givbrafeth shall put to the sword all but the Niwqan."

• "When the Daughter of the Seventh Branch reclaims

her homeland, the color of Thought shall fade from

the Darkness."

• "Galiti shall be liberated from the rule of

the Crown and become a bastion of peace,

prosperity, and learning."

• "The Nation of the Isle will spread its

borders, and will engulf the Lions, Veils,

and Beetles."

• "All the carillons in the Cloistered

City will shatter in a single peal at the

time ofBeliskiar's death."

• "Where the Shining Champion

once battled the Dust Legion,

the Scarecrow Wars will rage."

• "Visitors who hail from

distant Ormairahep will arrive

atop a moving Island, bearing

gifts from the People of the

Elder Realm."

• "The cornice of a living Yumbiltha

through his heart, the Lord ofNight's Feast will

be cured in the Lands of Fallen Locusts."

• "The Stone of Heaven, Moon, and Stars-its duty

met-shall be returned to whence it came. Alsharashrai

be praised!"

• "Banished to the Realm of Devouring Dreams, the

salient Spire will no longer plague the horizon, and the

Last Siege will end the suffering of the Faithful."

Pages 123-125: The margins of several pages in this

section contain details on the Ritual of Whispering

Counsel, which purports to allow the ritual caster to

commune with the book's mysterious Author. When

performed, the ritual functions as divination, without the

i-week time restriction and without a chance of failure.

The advice given always takes the form of whispers and

always urges the ritual caster toward actions that support

the Author's agenda. The ritual requires the ability to cast

at least one 4th-level divination spell, takes 10 minutes to

perform, and uses 25 gp worth of material components.

The ritual can be performed only once per day; all

attempts beyond the first receive no answer.

TIJe Ioward-facio� Circle Pages 109-144: These pages contain a series of collected

The Inward Facin3 Circle is a rare and lavishly illustrated

treatise on diabolism penned by Coganaris the Wracker.

Coganaris was an early luminary within House Thrune

at the end of the Age of Enthronement, and helped to

shape and define the House's aggressive outlook on the

exploitation of infernal powers.

The volume is bound in rich burgundy leather, and

it is ornamented in silver along the spine, over the

corners, and on the clever lock that seals in its secrets.

A miniature magical circle diagram is also embossed

in silver on the cover. Inside, the crisp pages of high­

quality parchment complement Coganaris's immaculate

and precise calligraphy. Each word is penned in bright

red, evoking the blood of an infernal creature, which

never darkens to rust.

The book's last known whereabouts place it in the

possession of agents of the Pathfinder Society, though

other copies of the book might exist, especially in the

libraries of the diabolists of House Thrune.

A complete copy of The Inward-

Facin3 Circle is worth 2,255 gp.

Pages 1-36: Coganaris

offers his perspective

on how souls are judged

and become petitioners.

This knowledge, he

writes, is necessary to

understand the nature

of fiends. According to those

Pharasmins who have viewed

the work, the descriptions contained

within are fundamentally accurate, if

biased in favor of Hell.

Pages 37-72: The Wracker details how the

damned are herded like cattle to specific layers

of Hell, where every memory is winnowed and burned

away like chaff as the souls become lemures. Coganaris

instructs the reader that a devil is nothing but another

soul, albeit one with delusions of grandeur, and the reader

should suffer neither threats nor intimidation from one

who is, at best, only the reader's peer-and quite possibly

less, considering that the reader is still alive and the

devil-changed soul was too stupid to avoid either death

or damnation. Consultation with this chapter grants the

reader a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (planes)

checks concerning devils.

Pages 73-108: Coganaris provides a 4-page overview

of each layer of Hell, with at least one illustration each.

The illustrations can be used as a substitute for a forked

metal rod attuned to Hell for the purposes of a plane shift

spell-even to travel to a specific layer of Hell, though the

specific arrival point within that layer remains random

as per the spell. The drawings are both gruesome and

accurate in their depictions of Hell's torments.


notes and observations of the most common devils

inhabiting Hell. Six unusual magical symbols are worked

into some of the illustrations. With a successful DC 20

Knowledge (planes) check, a character identifies them as

infernal sigils. In this section, Coganaris's usually precise

choice of words gives way to several awkward paragraphs.

A character can confirm he is writing in code with a

successful DC 20 Linguistics check, and with a successful

DC 30 Linguistics check, she cracks the code. The true

names of six devils that correspond to the sigils can be

deciphered. Of the six, four are lesser devils, and two are

greater devils, and all are among those currently bound to

the Chelish royal court.

Pages 145-180: This chapter is a collection of spells

Coganaris declares essential to basic diabolism, and

includes the following spells: 8th-3reater planar

bindin3; 6th-planar bindin3; 5th-lesser planar bindin3;

4th-a3onize (Path.finder Campai3n Settin3: Princes of

Darkness, Book of the Damned, Vol. 1 46), dimensional

anchor, sacrifice (Princes of Darkness 47); 3rd­

ma3ic circle a3ainst evil; 2nd-communal

protection from evauc.

Pages 181-216: Within this

chapter, Coganaris reveals

some of his greatest

discoveries. The Wracker

instructs the reader

on how to construct a

diagram and a special

circle made of silver

that can be repeatedly

charged with magic by

casting the alternative inward-facing

version of the ma3ic circle a3ainst evil spell on it­

this variant of the spell allows the caster to capture and

contain a summoned outsider.

Unlike the ring of powdered silver normally used

when casting ma3ic circle a3ainst evil, a permanent circle

is embedded in the floor and so cannot be broken by

such things as a careless footstep or a gust of wind. A

permanent circle requires 500 gp worth of silver, and the

creator must be able to cast ma3ic circle a3ainst evil and

possess the Craft Wondrous Item feat. The creator must

also succeed at a DC 20 Spellcraft check (as described in

the spell) or the effort is ruined and the materials wasted.

The circle possesses no inherent magic; rather, it's

imbued with magic when a spell is cast upon it.

Finally, Coganaris instructs the reader on the best

practices when haggling with an infernal entity. His

insights into the infernal mind give the reader a +S

circumstance bonus on opposed Charisma checks to

negotiate with a devil after casting planar bindin3 or a

similar spell. This includes coercing a devil to be bound

to a devil talisman.

Lost Gospels of Thbris Hidden for centuries by the Esoteric Order of the

Palatine Eye, the Lost Gospels of Tabris are the central

codices from which the order draws its strange occult

teachings of mortal enlightenment. Recovered under

mysterious circumstances by the gentleman adventurer

Aldus Canter, the Lost Gospels are the source of endless

speculation among Golarion's scholars. Canter found

the disintegrating scrolls within a sepulcher deep in

the Osirian Desert, and their guardian-the desiccated

husk of a formerly angelic being-claimed to be Tabris,

the author of the Book of the Damned. However, it has

never been proven whether the guardian was indeed the

fallen author or rather some other silver-tongued entity

intent on mankind's corruption. The mystery of the Lost

Gospels' true author persists, with the order perpetuating

the legend and the presumption that

the texts will usher in a golden age of

divine enlightenment.

The order secretly preserved the aging

parchments through means both magical

and mundane, and housed them in the

Necropolis of the Faithful in Sothis.

Here the fragments were mounted

on a long roll of enchanted linen

and wound between intricately

carved rods. One of the text's

enduring mysteries is that

scrolling back and forth

between chapters reveals

slight variations between

readings, with a word missing

here or a misplaced phrase

there-variations that consumed

Aldus with madness in his later years.

The order is convinced the gospels are

the true account of creation and key to

the rebirth of the primordial god Ihys,

the murdered brother of Asmodeus. The leadership's

intense interest in recovering the Ihystear-the fragment

of the spear used to murder the proto-god-lead many to

question the gospel's true contents.

The scroll-bound fragments account for over 1,000

pages of text written in a spidery, sprawling Celestial,

and contain what the order purports to be the secret-or

blasphemous-history of the universe, interwoven with

nearly indecipherable rituals and powerful spells.

The original copy of the Lost Gospels ofTabris is a minor

artifact, as are each of the few meticulously replicated

and translated copies that exist in the secret libraries of

the order. Numerous lay translations exist that lack any

of the full text's magical abilities, spell transcriptions,

words of power, or instructions for creating golems;

each is worth 100,000 gp for the translations' rarity and

curious nature alone.

6 1


Gospel of Azhia: This account purports to be notated

whispers collected by Tabris from the near-dead god

Azhia, whose dying corpse is endlessly feasted upon in •

the court of the archdevil Baalzebul. The gospel claims

the deity witnessed the sundering of the two spheres

of the Great Beyond as they split, mitosis-like, in the

womb of the Astral Plane. As such, the themes of rebirth

and creation that obsess the order are rife within these

fragments, and primordial scripts within contain the

recoverable essence of spells such as acid fo,g, ash storm0M,

caustic eruption°M, clashin,g rocks'PG, cloudkill, create demiplane,

hun,gry pit"PG, incendiary cloud, and major creation.

Gospel of Ihys: Fragmented and incomplete, this

gospel is purported to be the translated echoes of Ihys's

death-scream collected by Tabris through communion

with the Ihystear. The spear fragment is said to hold in its

reverberations all knowledge possessed by the

proto-god on the secret creation of

the universe until the moment

of his murder. The words of this

text are a mass of formless symbols

until they coalesce into primitive Celestial

upon reading. These pages contain a number

of words of power (Path.finder RPG Ultimate

Ma,gic 162), including all change, illumination,

language, life, power, and time words.

Gospel of Maelissikek: The author ostensibly

collected these mutterings from a protean lord named

Maelissikek, who witnessed the parsing of the Outer

Sphere. This chapter is littered with the

complicated hierarchies and

dominions of thousands of

powerful outsiders-including

the true names of many. The

order is quick to warn that the

passage of time or the deception of

the chronicler might taint the names' power

or relevance. This gospel includes the following spells:

astral projection, bindin,g, ,gate, ,greater planar bindin,g, and plane

shift. The ,gate spell described is unique in tliat each casting

opens a gate to an Outer Plane location containing a ruined

sepulcher that matches Aldus's description of Tabris's

tomb in Osirion. What secrets lie witliin these identical

sepulchers is a source of endless debate and daring

exploration among the order's most powerful members.

Psyric Psalms: These haiku-like verses shift syllables

in an intricately numbered sequence, and contain

blasphemous accounts of the deities' experiments with

the titans and the creation and ascendancy of mortal life.

Within the pages are many accounts of so-called "false

starts" to life that act as magical ,golem manuals for clay,

flesh, and stone golems. This chapter contains a single

page fragment totally covered in dripping black ink; this

page acts as a ba,g of devourin_g for anyone foolish enough

to explore its dark depths.

Secrets of tl)e Dreami»� Dar� Secrets of the Dreaming Dark is an anonymous work

originating from late in the Age of Darkness, when the

void between the stars had never been deeper. Its pages,

written in dense Aklo, have been transcribed numerous

times, but never completely. Many of these incomplete

copies of the book still exist, but only seven complete

copies of the original (itself long lost) are thought to

still survive. All seven copies are bound in identical

midnight-black shantak leather. Complex star charts,

tangled equations, and baffling maps of strange worlds

disrupt the text, along with painstakingly detailed images

of the hideous creatures that dwell in and beyond the

Dark Tapestry. Full comprehension of the text requires

mastery of the Aklo tongue and years of toil, but the gist

of its contents can be absorbed by spending

96 hours studying the tome and

then succeeding at a DC 35

Linguistics check.

A complete copy of

this book is considered

a minor artifact, while

incomplete versions are

worth the total value of

the components present.

Pages 1-195: Roughly

the first half of the immense

book is a tangled and often self­

contradictory investigation into

hundreds of worlds said to exist in

or be touched by the Dark Tapestry.

A fragment concerning the neh­

thalggu of the Dominion of the Black

is the most detailed, yet even this section

on their mysterious interstellar empire

remains vague. Those who use this section

of the book as a reference when attempting Knowledge

checks related to the Dark Tapestry or its inhabitants (save

the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods) gain a +io bonus on

such checks and can attempt such checks untrained.

This portion of Secrets of the DreaminJJ Dark is worth

10,000 gp.

Pages 196-239: This section of the book focuses on the

manipulation and alteration of certain spells normally

limited to the summoning of outsiders from other

planes. When using this section of the book as a focus

while casting planar ally, planar binding, their lesser and

greater variants, or gate, the spellcaster can use the spell

to instead conjure creatures from the Dark Tapestry.

However, these pages offer little advice on how to protect

oneself from such entities.

This section of the book is worth 5,000 gp.

Pages 240-281: This section of the book feels almost

rushed, as if the unknown author were afraid of going

into full detail on the subject, or perhaps feared offering


too much information. These pages focus on the various

Great Old Ones and Outer Gods associated with the Dark

Tapestry, and can aid Knowledge checks concerning this

subject as detailed above for the Dark Tapestry, save that

the bonus granted is only +4.

This section of the book is worth 1,600 gp.

Pages 282-317: This section, composed mainly in

haunting verse, compiles no less than 6i different dreams,

apparently recorded from as many different subjects. Each

dream features themes from the Dark Tapestry, and each

entry is appended with a date and cause of death. While

theories abound, no one has yet determined how these

dates and deaths relate to the dreams themselves. If one

studies these pages and then augments her next sleep with

certain rare drugs, there is a small chance her

mind will be touched by one of the entities or

intelligences alluded to in the manuscript.

Most such visitations result in the dreamer

taking 4d6 points of Intelligence drain,

but in some rare cases (5% of instances)

the dreamer wakens to find that her

Intelligence score has permanently

increased by 1d3 and she has

permanently lost the ability to

dream (preventing further use of

this section of the book).

This portion of Secrets of the

Dreaming Dark functions only

in complete versions of the

book. In an incomplete volume,

this section of the book is worth

2,000 gp.

Pages 318-371: This section of

the book is the one that causes

many spellcasters to seek out

the tome. It contains dozens of

strange, rare, and often dangerous arcane spells tied to

tlie Dark Tapestry. Frustratingly, the spells in each of the

seven existing copies are different, and often incomplete,

forcing those who wish to learn them to acquire multiple

copies of the book in order to reconstruct them.

The value of this section depends on the total scribing

cost ofthe spells within (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 219).

Pages 372-404: The final pages are tlie tome's most

maddening and mysterious, for here, in all surviving

copies, an unknown hand has blotted out tlie majority

of tlie words witli a tenacious black ink tliat resists all

attempts at removal by means both magic and mundane,

and defies attempts to see through it. The only legible

worse on tliese pages include "house," "home," and in one

single case, "firmament" (this one word being the only

word in the entire book written in red, whereas tlie rest of

the book is written in black-this is also tlie only time tlie

word firmament appears in the tome). Any strange secrets

that lie hidden beneatli the ink have yet to be revealed.

Vnitin� tl)e flesl) Although thousands of pages of captions and descriptive

footnotes annotate Uniting the Flesh, the only actual sentences

in the text of this oversized collection of 1,986 plates are the

postscript, a formal farewell from the author-a mysterious

artist-scholar known only by a signatory "V." Anatomical

dissections, ecorches, skeletal studies, circulatory atlases,

unflinching depictions of exposed organs, and a graphic

encyclopedia of abnormalities straddle the line between

artistry and grotesquery in this portfolio. Few scholars can

accept that this collection of masterpieces, crafted with

such precision and surgical detail, exists merely for art's

sake. While the mysterious "V" gives no explanation of his

or her purpose, numerous scholars have offered their own

interpretations and companion studies. Of these theses,

three stand out as the most recognized

and provocative.

By itself, a copy of Uniting

the Flesh is worth 2,000 gp.

Bonds and Red Rivers:

In Bonds and Red Rivers: The

Paths Within, the Rahadoumi

mystic Sutreiv Abdonnovi

reveals numerous patterns

found within Uniting the Flesh.

The treatise posits that some

divine consciousness inscribed

countless messages within each

mortal body and that individuals

can, through meditation and minor

bloodletting, gain revelations into

hidden potentials. While Bonds and

Red Rivers offers few answers, many

Garundi athletes and philosophers

laud the text for its insight into the

links between body and soul. If a reader

spends a day studying Bonds and Red Rivers and then

attempts to retrain a class feature, the amount of time

required to retrain that class feature is reduced by 2 days

(to a minimum of 1 day).

A copy of Bonds and Red Rivers is worth 10,000 gp.

A Healer's Anatomy: Since 4300 AR, Uniting the Flesh

has been paired in Qadiran universities with Khimeh

Asopha's A Healer's Anatomy. Asopha's text makes frequent

references to the older work, employing its illustrations to

instruct doctors in diagnosing conditions and performing

complex operations. A Healer's Anatomy is widely held as

a seminal work for all healers who eschew magic. Any

reader who spends 10 minutes referencing both Uniting

the Flesh and A Healer's Anatomy can immediately attempt

a Heal check to provide long-term care or to treat deadly

wound with a +2 bonus on that check.

A copy of A Healer's Anatomy is worth 4,000 gp.

Rites: The least known of the companions to Uniting the

Flesh is Gostain's Rites. Gostain, a fanatical devotee ofZon-



Kuthon, is best known for establishing a 300-member

congregation of Kuthites only to slaughter them in a

mass sacrifice near the Vale of Shadows. Gostain vanished •

soon after, but his three surviving acolytes found a copy

of Uniting the Flesh in the caves he inhabited, along with

a journal written in Common and Infernal. The journal

details an interpretation of Uniting the Flesh that it claims

transforms the body into a "living sacrifice" and opens

one's metaphysical gate to the Promised Perfection. The

method is baffling and beyond painful, and even the most

devout Kuthites balk at its attempt. Yet this hasn't stopped

the church from widely circulating Gostain's teachings

and copies of Uniting the Flesh among its senior members.

Any nongood character can use Rites as part of a 7-day

ritual. This ritual can be performed only

on oneself, not on other creatures. Every

day, the character must succeed at a DC

20 Fortitude saving throw to withstand

the torture he's inflicting on himself,

or the ritual ends immediately. If

the character succeeds at all seven

saving throws, he gains a permanent

negative level and a portal opens

to the realm of Xovaikain on the

Plane of Shadow. An ostiarius

kyton immediately (Pathfinder

RPG Bestiary 4 176) steps through,

holding a black gem. The kyton

congratulates the character

on proving his worth and

claims the gem is the cage

bearing the character's "true

will." It then offers either to

take the character to a realm

of indescribable revelations­

Xovaikain, the domain of Zon-Kuthon and the kytons­

or to open the gem, granting the character a wish. Simple

wishes have a greater chance of being fulfilled to the

character's expectations; more elaborate wishes are often

fulfilled with a physically or psychologically torturous

twist. The kyton and the portal vanish after 7 minutes or at

the conclusion of negotiations. A character who performs

the ritual a second time is offered only passage through

the portal.

Any character who accepts the kyton's wish is marked.

Within 2d12 hours of the character's death, an ostiarius

returns to claim the body-the character is always treated

as being lawful evil for the purposes of an ostiarius's plane

shift ability. If the ostiarius is forced to flee or the character

is resurrected, an ostiarius appears every subsequent

time the character dies, often with more powerful kyton

allies, until the kytons claim the character's body. If the

character travels with the kyton to Xovaikain, his end is

immediate and unspeakable.

A copy of Rites is worth 150,000 gp.

Open Game License Version 1 .oa

The fo l l owi n g text is the property ofWizards of the Coast, I n c. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast,

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THE I N N E R SEA WORLD G U I D E Discover the world o f Go larion, the offic ia l campaign setting of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, with The Inner Sea World Guide.

I N N E R SEA MAG IC U n l eash p r i m a l m a g i c and master new a rchetypes for spe l l casters with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic.

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Open Game License v i.oa © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, I n c.

System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, I n c.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,

and Skip W i l l i a ms, based o n material by E. G a ry Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Poltergeist from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromance r Games, I nc., pu bl ished and d i stri buted

by Frog God Ga mes; Author: Scott G reene, based on origi n a l material by Lewis Puls i pher.

Pathfinder Compoign Setting: Occult Mysteries © 2014, Paizo I n c.; Authors: Jason B u l m a h n , Crystal Frasier,

J i m G roves, Brandon Hodge, J a m es Jacobs, Erik Mona, F. Wesley Schneider, and Jerome Virn ich .

I N N E R SEA COMBAT INNER SEA BESTIARY I ncrease your mart ia l prowess with new archetypes, equipment, and techniques from Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Combat.

Test your swords and spe l l s aga inst Go lar ion's most notor ious monsters with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Bestiary!

Paizo, Paizo Inc. , the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc , and the Pathfinder Aoleplaying Game is a trademark of Paizo Inc. © 201 4 Paizo Inc.