Pain Referral, Reflex According to Spinal Cord (Dermatomes)

Post on 10-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Pain Referral, Reflex According to Spinal Cord (Dermatomes)

Vertebral space

Affected root

Pain referral Weakness Reflex changes Additional features

C5Shoulder, trapezius Supra & infraspinatus,

deltoid, slight biceps weakness

Slight decrease of biceps jerk


Trapezius, tip of shoulder, radiation to anterior upper arm, thumbs, index finger (1,2)

Biceps, brachioradialis, extensor carpii radialis

Decrease biceps jerk supinator

Tenderness over spine of scapula in suprascapular region paraesthesia in I,II fingers


Shoulder, axilla, posterior arm, elbow, 2 and 3 fingers

Triceps, wrist extensors, 2 & 3 finger extensors

Decrease / absent triceps jerk

Tenderness over medial scapula & suprascapular region of triceps paraesthesia in most fingers.

T1 (C8)Medial forearm, 4&5 fingers, hypoesthesia

Insintric hand muscle (m.interosseus & plexus of fingers) wrist flexors

May have carporadial reflex decrease

Mimic ulnar palsy

L3 Anterior thigh, over knee Thigh adductor, quadriceps

Absent / decrease knee jerk


L4Anterior thigh, medial foreleg muscles, quadriceps muscle

Anterior tibial and partial foot, deep (sometimes)

Decrease / absent knee jerk

Can’t extend knee, have sensation of medial knee and anterior calf.



Posterogluteal lateral thigh, anterolateral foreleg, dorsal root, lateral maleolus, I, II, II toes

Extensor hallucis longus, extensor digiti brevis, some weakness of anterior tibialis, sometimes with foot drop

Unaffected (except posterior tibial)

Cannot extend feet (cannot walk on heel) pain with straight leg, raised, variant test tenderness over 4th lumbar lateral process and lateral gluteal region

Sacral S1

Midgluteal, posterior thigh, posterior of leg, lateral foot, heel, lateral toes

Plantar – flexes hamstring muscles (m. gastrocnemius)

Absent / decrease knee jerk

Patient cannot flex toes. Pain with straight legs rising and tenderness over lumbosacral (L5 – S1) joint & sciatic notch discomfort, hypoesthesia on lateral part of foot and 5th toe.