Page Newsletter Volume ·...

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From Sue Dunna-


PTA News

Lino prints by Ka-

tie Charlton

From Denis Pu-


Mougins School


Volume 6 April 2018

Dear Parents and Students,

Easter Monday

A quick note to ensure you have realised that there is no School on Monday as it is a public holiday – so enjoy the long weekend.

French National Championships for Orient-eering

Last week, a number of students from Form 8-13 participated in the Regional Championships for Orienteering in Tourtour (Var). We were compet-ing in two categories – Collège (Forms 8 & 10) and Lycée (Forms 11-13) against schools from the Alpes Maritimes and Var. There were excellent perfor-mances from all of our students and each category had teams on the podium. In Lycée, we were silver medallists. The team: Michelle Blunier, Gaelic Ja-ra, Shannon Mariani & Yves Scholten.

In the Collège category Jake Ramus, Pim Ripping-er, Anastasia Sakach & Charlotte Sidney were bronze medal winners and taking the gold medal position were Mathis Aparicio, Ana Jez-ersek, Alexander Pivovarov & Holly Webster.

Congratulations to all participants and good luck to the gold medallists who will be competing in the National Finals in June on the French West Coast.


615, Ave Dr Maurice Donat, CS 12180, 06252 Mougins Cédex—France

Tel.: +33 (0) 4 93 90 15 47 - Fax: +33 (0) 4 93 75 31 40

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Our spring performing arts produc-tion called “Three-Atre” was an astounding success last week. The evening’s entertainment, organised by the BTec Music Students, over-seen by Nicki Elcome, Glenn Hors-fall and Margot Renssen, grouped together three musicals – Matilda, Oliver and Grease. A large cast of students, parents and staff worked together to put on a fabulous even-ing. Bravo to all involved.

External Examinations

In a short while, we will be breaking for the spring vacation and very shortly afterwards, the examination period will begin. It runs from the last day of April until 25th June, dur-ing which time, our students will sit a variety of (I)GCSEs, AS and A Lev-els. We hope they will use the spring vacation to revise thoroughly and wish then every success in their examinations.

ASSR Road Safety Diploma

This small examination, in French, is in two parts : ASSR1 for students in Form 8 and above and ASSR 2, for students in Forms 10 and above. Students must have the ASSR 1&2 before they can ride a scooter or drive in France. Students from Mougins School who wish to take these tests will be driven by the School buses to the examination centre on Monday 7th May. I will go around the classes to collect the

names, but if a student is absent and wants to pass the ASSR, they will need to ensure they see me by the end of April.

The Spring Break

We will break up for the Spring va-cation next Friday 6th April at 12h00. We have a two-week break and return to School on Monday 23rd April at 08h45. Please note that shortly after, there are a num-ber of public holidays in May – 1st, 8th, 10th,11th & 21st. The week begin-ning the 7th May, therefore, has three days when we are closed. It is essential that students are here for the other two days. A letter will be sent to families who take extra time off and kept in their child’s records.

I wish you all a pleasant Spring break.

Kindest regards,

Brian G. Hickmore


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From Sue Dunnachie

On Friday 23rd February the French Department and Primary School students celebrated a 'French Day' highlighting all things French. Forms 4, 5 and 6 held French Assemblies in collaboration with the Music Department and, of course, cooking and games of 'pétanque' figured on the programme of the day. In the Café des Amis staff and students enjoyed a mouth-watering provençal menu. The Art Department created a su-perb panel of Provençal fig-ures permitting the students to create photos and provide a memorable souvenir of a 'journée à la française'.

Students in Form 7 supporting ‘Un Enfant par la Main’ organised a bake sale on Monday 19th March in order to raise money for the pur-

chase of afternoon snacks for school children in Madagascar. There will also be an exchange of correspondence between students (in French). Congratulations to

As previously indicated, the impres-sive, (for all the wrong reasons), pile of Lost Property has now been re-moved and will be distributed to those in need and who will not, I am sure, mislay clothing which will en-hance their living conditions. Would you please ensure that your child re-

turns home with the same outfit worn on arrival at School and, if items are missing please try to recov-er them at the earliest opportunity.

We will continue to remove all Lost Property at the end of each term, hopefully a dimin-ishing amount. Thank you for your collaboration.

ROur thanks to the PTA and all the parents who have supported fund-raising events. Your generosity has enhanced the life of students at the School with the follow-ing purchases:

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Culture Club outing – Tuesday May 15th

Have you discovered the beautiful grounds of Villa & Jardins Ephrussi

de Rothschild in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat yet?

With Spring in action why not take a day to enjoy, with your family,

friends or visitors to the region, this opportunity to have your very own

private guided tour (in English), along with a three-course lunch in-

clusive of wine and coffee.

If you would like to experience something new for only 45 euro’s please RSVP with Maggie: rossi-

(Payment deadline is the 6th of April in the PTA box in the office)

Summer Fair – June 8th

Volunteers needed to help out with organization of games, music, food, drinks and decorations. Please email if you have time to help.



15h30 until ? There will be a Summer Fair mee-ting Tuesday 24th April. Come find

out how you can help!

A printing press for the Art Depart-ment

A professional camera permitting quality filming of students for Mu-sic and Drama examinations, the-atrical and musical performances and preparing a promotional film of the School etc.

Laptop and speakers for the Prima-ry Hall

Continuing work on the Garden Classroom Project

As well as the inspiring talks by Ja-son Lewis.

PTA News

Upcoming events:

Sun with Rosé in Sanary-sur-mer – Sunday May 6th

PTA member Sophie Kobouloff has organized a glorious Rosé wine tas-ting day. See PTA Newsletter for more information or contact So-phie Kobouloff on

Remember the deadline for reser-vation is 1st April.

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Project Proposals

This school year, we implemented a Project Proposal procedure which allowed both parents and teachers a structured and orga-nised way to put forward an idea/request and apply for funding from the PTA.

Here’s a list of the projects suc-cessfully completed so far:

Motivational speaker Jason Lewis visit to Mougins school. Organiser - Vilde Aakeroy.

Printing Press for Art Room. Or-ganiser- Sarah Kench.

Professional video camera for school performances. Organiser – Jon Hallet.

Approved/ Pending/ New propo-sals:

Theatre supplies Library. Organi-ser – Claire Daniels - Approved

Primary Hall AV equipment. Re-quested by – Mrs Bearman - New

Picnic Tables for green areas. Re-quested by – Sue Dunnachie – New

Exhibition/Presentation boards. Requested by – Sue Kench

For details on how to put forward a project and apply for PTA fun-ding, please contact Kas Ramus –

Last, but definitely not least…

A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who supported the charity evening on Friday at Mougins School. It was a great success and a really fun eve-ning. We raised 2,500Euros !!!!!!

A special thank you for the generosi-ty of Corkers Fine Wines, Roots bar Valbonne, Blonde of Saint-Tropez, Chef Ruth Williams, Quiz master Si-mon Butler of tba events, Mas Can-dille, Urbaine, Mougins School and Gill Crossley-Bendall, and her fabu-lous team of volunteers who made it happen.

A HUGE Thank You to the Hot Cho-colate Crew who were there every Friday and helped raise over 1,200 for the PTA.

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‘Katie in Year 12 made these gor-geous lino prints, inspired by fossils and shells. Created with our new printing press, the quality of the prints are so special and we are looking forward to more printing ex-periments! Thank you to the parents and PTA for resourcing the Art de-partment with this specialist piece of equipment.

Miss Kench.

Please note - students listening to music in their Art lessons is at the discretion of the teacher. Unless given permission, phones, music de-vices and headphones need to be kept in student bags. Thank you, Miss Kench.

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From Denis Pugnat

On 1st February, Mr Pugnat’s Year 11 class (18 pupils present) took part in the Intermediate Mathema-tics Challenge (a UK Mathematics Competition). The top 40% natio-nally are awarded certificates. I am pleased to announce that Mougins School achieved 10 Certificates, 4 Gold, 1 Silver and 5 Bronze as fol-lows:

Gaëtan Gueret (Gold)

Gaelic Jara (Gold)

Erin Cook (Gold)

Isabelle Wood (Gold)

Milo Challiner (Silver)

Petrea Wolff-Petersen (Bronze)

Dimitri Bogdanov (Bronze)

Oskar Gjerde (Bronze)

Vera Chubykina (Bronze)

Michelle Blunier (Bronze)

Certificates will follow later, but for now a big well done to all of them.

Additionally, Gaëtan Gueret, Gaelic Jara and Erin Cook were qualified for the Pink Kangaroo (follow-on round, much tougher…) which took place on 15th March and we are wai-ting for results on this one.

A lovely drawing by Koya Sonoda, who is in Reception, of him-

self and his older sister! Well done!

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School Info

Address: 615, Ave Dr Maurice Donat

CS 12180

06252 MOUGINS Cédex

Main Number: 04 93 90 15 47


Headmaster: Brian Hickmore

Deputy Head: Joanna Povall

Primary Head: Christine Bearman

Office Administrator: Elisabeth Ward

Accountant: Corinne Hajek

Marketing Consultant: Sue Dunnachie

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Mougins School Classifieds

We plan and create stunning parties that are always memorable. Food, music, furniture, flowers, decoration and everything in-between.

With over 20 years of experience we are experts in making your life easier and we do it with a smile !

Call Tiffany on 06 31 49 83 51 or email

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