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Transcript of Page 3 - 10 Page 11 - 16 Page 17 - 20films Film Review: The Legend of Zorro This is the sequel to...

eLive is a monthly magazine for symbol readers with contributions from symbol writers.

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Special thanks to every one at the HFT Karten CTEC Centre

and South Cheshire College

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February 06

News A Late New Year

This new year was one second late.

2006 started one second after midnight.

This was because the Earth is spinning slower.

The tides cause this to happen.

A 'leap' second was added to December 31st.

This keeps clocks in time with the sun.

News Bombings at Iraqi Ministry

Bombers attacked a ministry in Iraq.

Two men exploded bombs inside the ministry.

At least 28 people died.

25 people were injured in the attacks.

The ministry run Iraq's prisons and police.

It is thought a known terrorist group are to blame.

News Escaped Elephant in Russia

An elephant has escaped in a Russian city.

A company was moving the elephant through the city.

But it broke through its container.

The elephant is now wandering through the streets.

It has been seen around the city.

Emergency services are not sure who should catch it.

News First Mission to Pluto

NASA is sending a spacecraft to Pluto.

Pluto is the only planet spacecraft has not landed on.

Pluto is 3 billion miles away from Earth.

The spacecraft will take ten years to get to Pluto.

The spacecraft will photograph Pluto.

A satellite will send photographs to Earth.

Pluto is named after a Roman God.

It is made of ice and rock.

Pluto is far from the sun and is very cold.

News Glow in the dark Pigs

Scientists in Taiwan have created glow in the dark pigs.

They used genes from glow in the dark jellyfish.

The pigs have green organs and hearts.

Their cells are flourescent.

Scientists think it will improve cell research.

It will improve treatment for diseased organs.

News Liberal Democrat Leader Quits

The leader of the Liberal Democrats has resigned.

He has admitted to having an alcohol problem.

A lot of Liberal MPs asked him to quit.

Other party members will choose the leader.

By March a new leader will be chosen.

The Liberal Democrats are the 3rd major political party in England.

News Protest Against American Attack

There has been massive protests in Pakistan.

Thousands of people attended.

The protests happened in Pakistan's biggest city.

They were against America attacking Pakistan.

American fighter planes bombed a Pakistani village.

The attack was targeting a known terrorist.

It is unsure whether the terroristwas in the village.

Eighteen people died in the attack.

Four of them were children.

News Three people kidnapped in Israel

Three British citizens were kidnapped in Israel.

They were kidnapped in Gaza city in North Israel.

Gun men stopped their car.

An unknown terrorist group kidnapped them.

They were held for two and a half days.

The kidnapping is being investigated.

films Film Review: King Kong

The story happens in the 1930's.

A film director travels to an unknown island.

He wants to shoot his new film there.

His cast travels with him.

A giant gorilla lives on the island.

The director traps the gorilla.

films Film Review: King Kong

He takes the gorilla to New York.

The film is a new interpretation of a famous old film.

It has incredible special effects.

There is lots of good action.

There are some quite scary scenes.

King Kong has a 12A film certificate.

Film Film Review: Crash

Crash is about racism in the USA.

There are several characters.

They are all different races.

The film shows their lives come together.

Crash explores racist beliefs of the characters.

The story happens during a 36 hour period.

A lot of the acting and cinematography is extremely good.

Crash has a 15 film certificate.

films Film Review: The Legend of Zorro

This is the sequel to The Mask Of Zorro.

The film is set in California in 1850.

California is not part of America yet.

Zorro is married and has a son.

His character is secret.

Zorro is very busy fighting crime.

Zorro's wife is unhappy and divorces him.

Zorro must choose his family or his secret duty.

Zorro has a PG film certificate.

Films Film Review: The Untouchable

This is a very famous gangster film.

The story is set in Chicago during the 1930's.

Al Capone and his gang run the city.

He pays the police.

Nobody tries to stop him.

Elliot Ness is a policeman.

Films Film Review: The Untouchables

He wants to stop Al Capone.

Three men decide to help him.

The Untouchables story is based on Elliot Ness' autobiography.

The film has a very good cast.

There are some great action scenes.

The Untouchables has a 15 film certificate.

Zodiac Aquarius

Known as the Water Bearer

Birthday - January 21 to February 19

An Aquarian is friendly, honest, inventive and clever

Birth stone is amethyst

The colour choice for Aquarius is turquoise

The Ruling planet is Uranus

Zodiac Aquarius

The animal in the Chinese calendar is a tiger

The Element is Air

Lucky numbers -

4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 34, 44, 45, and 54


Aquarius star constellation

fun Jokes

What do you get if you cross a stereo and a fridge?

Cool music

What do you call a cow wearing a crown?

Dairy queen

Why did the banana go to the doctor?

It wasn't peeling well

fun Jokes

What is the definition of a snail?

A slug in a crash helmet

When does a horse talk?

Whinney wants to

What did the alien say to the petrol pump?

Take your finger out of your ear when I'm talking to you

How to Make a Valentine Card


Cut around the heart on page 24


Decorate the heart.

Use tissue paper, glitter or felt tips for decorating.

How to Make a Valentine Card


Get a sheet of card and fold in half.


Glue the heart to the front.

Inside the card write your valentine message.

How to Make a Valentine Card


Ideas for decorating your card

features The Lake District

The Lake District is in Cumbria.

lake district

It is the largest English National Park.

There are mountains, lakes and villages.

features The Lake District

The biggest lake is Windermere.


It is the largest lake in England.

There are a lot of boats on this lake.

features The Lake District

These are sailboats.


People learn how to sail on Windermere.

Wind powers the sailboats.

features The Lake District

This is a ferry.


It takes people across the lake.

Ferries are large and have big engines.

features The Lake District

This is a dinghy.


Dinghies are small and can carry few people.

Dinghies have small motors.

features The Lake District

This is a rowing boat.


They can be made of wood or metal.

Rowing boats have oars for paddling it forward.

features The Lake District

This is a windboard.


Windsurfing is a popular water sport in the Lake District.

Windboards have one big sail that move it over the water.

features The Lake District

The Lake District is a fun and beautiful place to visit.


You can enjoy the views and spend a long time outdoors.

The Lake District is a very popular place for people to visit.

Community Mechanic

What is your name?

My name is Michael

What is your job?

I am a mechanic for a Vauxhall Dealership in Cambridge

What do you do?

I fix cars

Community Mechanic

Do you wear a uniform to work?

Yes, I wear overalls for work

What equipment do you use?

I have a toolbox full of tools

How many hours do you work?

I work 8 hours a day

Community Mechanic

Do you work inside or outside?

I work inside, in a workshop

How long have you done this job?

I have been a mechanic for 4 years

Do you work with other people?

Yes, I work with other people

Community Mechanic

What is most rewarding about your job?

Customer satisfaction is the most rewarding aspect my job

What is the worst thing about your job?

I dislike wiring faults

Why did you choose this job?

I chose this job because nothing else interests me

Recipe Cheese on toast


175 grams cheese

2 slices bread


grater toaster plate

chopping board grill

Recipe Cheese on toast


Turn on the grill

Turn the dial to a medium heat

Grate the cheese onto the chopping board

Get the bread and put in the toaster

Press down the handle

When cooked remove the toast

Recipe Cheese on toast

Put half the cheese onto each slice of toast

Put the cheese on toast under the grill

Grill until the cheese melts

Remove from the grill, take care as the cheese is hot

Put the cheese on toast onto chopping board

Cut each slice in half

Put onto a plate and serve