Oylum Boran "Here and There: Plush Robots"

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Oylum Boran "Here and There: Plush Robots"

“Here and There: Plush Robots”

by oylum boran

“Here and There: Plush Robots” is a set of two plush toys that communicate over long distances to create emotional feedback.

What kind of a physical interfacecan communicate feelings better to a child?

Can communication become a better experience if the emotions are accompanied with physical


Stress OutSourcedMIT

Hug Shirt TM

Cute CircuitsiFeel_IM!

I feel [therefore] I am


Evolution - Implementation

A pressure sensor, a vibration motor and a LED

Evolution - Implementation

1-way communication - From Bunny to Roboty

Evolution - Implementation

2-way communicationThey both send hugs and gives the user feedback

Evolution - Craft

User testing

Next Steps

Integrating Bluetooth communication with a custom

software that runs on the phone or computer on both sides.