owan PTA Crier crier/December '08.pdfa newsletter for the cowan avenue elementary school community...

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Transcript of owan PTA Crier crier/December '08.pdfa newsletter for the cowan avenue elementary school community...

a newsletter for the cowan avenue elementary school community

owan PTA Crier

Ñ Former Cowan student to attend Presidential Inauguration, see page 4

The Cowan Gifted High Ability Magnet Center will open in September for the 2009–2010 school year. Con- sisting of one class each of third, fourth and fifth grade students, the magnet center will serve approxi-mately 83 students with core curricu- lum adapted for the specific needs of gifted learners and an emphasis on international studies and humani- ties. The Cowan Magnet will be the newest of the district’s 16 gifted/ high ability elementary school pro- grams designed to serve students who demonstrate the ability to work two years above grade level in academic subjects. These centers offer enriched interdisciplinary aca- demic environments that are exciting,challenging, and encourage students to use creative/critical-thinking skills.

Planning and develoPmentCreation of the Cowan Magnet continues under the direction of our administration and a dedicated group of teachers and parents. As of this date, members of the magnet committee have visited six high performing magnet, gifted magnet, International Baccalaureate and charter schools around the city to research best practices in gifted education and program design. The committee has also had in-depth conversations with leading experts in the field. These efforts, which remain ongoing, will inform all aspects of the creation of the Cowan Magnet.

The next step in the planning process is the hiring of three teachers (one each for third, fourth and fifth grade) and one part-time magnet coordinator. Job descriptions have been drafted and posted, and appli-cations will be accepted through December 19.

Interviews will begin in mid-January. Job descriptions can be viewed on the Gifted Magnet page at www.cowantigers.com.

aPPliCationTo apply to the Cowan Magnet Center complete the application in the CHOICES brochure that was mailed to your home. Additional brochures are available in the school office. Staff from LAUSD’s Office of Integration Services will be at Cowan from 5 - 7 pm on Tuesday, December 9th to answer any questions and help parents complete applications. Bring your CHOICES brochure with you. You may also go to echoices@lausd.net for detailed information on the application process, and eligibility criteria.

Questions & answersCowan’s administration and Gifted Magnet Committee are committed to providing interested parents with as much information as possible. Therefore, please submit any ques- tions to cowanmagnet@gmail.com. We will do our best to provide accurate answers and include them in regular updates on the Gifted Magnet page at www.cowantigers.com.

Cowan gifted magnet Center to open next Yearapplications via CHoiCes, due January 9

deCember 2008volume 63, issue 4

Fond Farewell to a Cowan institutionKaren Jacobs has been part of Cowan Avenue Elementary for forty years. She’s been here since before the moon landing. She’s been here since you had to get up off your couch to change the channel, and way before cable. Since before disco. Since Barack Obama was in the second grade.

Karen has worked in the school office for the past thirty years, and as a volunteer at Cowan for ten years before that! As with all good things, Karen Jacobs’ remarkable run of service to Cowan will come to an end on December 4. After all these years...she’s retiring.

“Mrs. Jacobs is a veritable institution at Cowan Avenue,” says Richard Da Sylveira, one of seven principals under whom she has served during her tenure. “It’s hard to imagine what Cowan would be without her. She will truly be missed.”

“She has an amazing way with staff and parents, and her job is not an easy one,” says Mrs. Remus. “She always managed to be one step ahead of the teachers and very accommodating when it came to our requests, which can be frenzied and demanding.”

Many things have changed in the four decades she’s been here, especially the impact of technology. Mrs. Jacobs recalls, “I used to type the menus, the class lists, everything. On a typewriter. Now it’s computers and email.” Some things haven’t changed, however, including the close relationships among staff and teachers. “We’re like family. It’s always been that way.” Most importantly, she says, the students haven’t changed. “Kids are kids.

They’re wonderful. They still need a pat on the back, a smile…to be loved.”

One of her most lasting memories of Cowan goes back to 1991 and the first Gulf War. “Mrs. Freia had her class write letters to a serviceman. Later, we tracked him down and flew him in for a special salute to the troops in the school auditorium. He read a letter he had written for the students, and there was not a dry eye in the house. I’ll never, ever forget it.”

Mrs. Jacobs has left a lasting impression on many people here, as well. With gratitude and admiration, the entire Cowan community

wishes Karen Jacobs all the best. We’ll miss you!

When asked what she’ll miss most, forty years of memories bring a smile to Karen Jacobs’ face.“The kids,” she answers. “I’ll miss the kids.”

2 | Cowan Crier December 2008


Family dinner nightThank you to all the families who turned out for our very successful dinner nights at California Pizza Kitchen. We sold out of scrip cards on the first night! Our next

dinner will be held at Shakey’s on the Tuesday, December 9th from 5 - 8pm. Remember to bring your flyer so that Cowan Booster Club receives 25% of all sales. Shakey’s is located at 5604 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City 90230.

the reviews are in!Our First PTA Family Movie Night was a huge success! We had about 170 guests in atten-dance. A comment from parent Terri Haywood sums up the experience.

“On behalf of The Haywood Family, Friday night was a HUGE success by any measure. My kids had such a great time watching the movie while chompin’ on their pizza and popcorn. Kennedy was thrilled that we were viewing the movie at “his school,” and mom and dad were thankful that the evening provided a wholesome community event without leaving a huge dent in the wallet. The best part was seeing all the different families enjoy something together and hearing all the kids squeal with laughter throughout the film. The raffle and prizes were also a great idea. It reminded our kids of their experience at The Bridge this summer. These types of events set a new tone for our culture and it is extremely welcomed and refreshing.”

Can inc. sponsors debate teamThe Debate Team try-outs for 4th & 5th Graders will be held on Friday, December 5 at 2:40 pm in the auditorium. Requirements for the try-outs were sent home before the Thanksgiving Break. If you have questions, contact Gerald Riberio at fashongoddess@sbcglobal.net.

2008-2009 Cowan YearbooksThis year will be a first for our 2008-2009 Cowan Yearbook. The entire yearbook will be in FULL COLOR! Also, each class will be featured in a 2-page spread of their own. More details will come through your child’s room parent(s). The yearbook committee includes Laurie Ferro, Kelly Lin, Lynda Modaff, Millicent Mito and Gena Vincent.

5th grade Culmination is off to a great start!Thanks to our Cowan Family for donating so many wonderful goodies to the Election Day Bake Sale, and attending the Ice Skating Fundraiser. The proceeds from these fundraisers will sup- port the class of 2009’s Culmination Ceremony and other well-earned culmination activities.

mark Your Calendar!The 5th Grade Culmination Committee is planning another skating day for February 16, 2009, Presidents’ Day. This promises to be another fun day. As Cowan parent Maggie Mendez (Kathryn Dodge, Room 14) said “The best part for the baby was the snow on the ice. He couldn’t get enough of throwing snowballs at everyone. For the girls, the best part was being able to see their schoolmates outside of Cowan. They were definitely comfortable with the number of children they recognized, as opposed to all the strangers they normally encounter when we take them ice skating on our own. I want to thank you for arranging this fun event. I enjoyed the sense of community at the rink.”

The Kick-Off Assem- bly for this year’s

Academic Challenge will be on Monday, Dec. 8th. Last year, a whopping 70% of Cowan’s 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students participated in this great program. We’re hoping to have even more “Challengers” this year!

Again, the events will consist of Geography, Math, Reading, Spelling, Speech and the Super Quiz , with the first event starting after our return from winter break, Monday, January 12, 2009. The Awards Night will be on Thursday, May 7, 2009. It promises to be a night full of excitement and the sound of clanging of medals!

Detailed packets will be given to students after the assembly on Dec. 8th. Consent forms need to be returned by Fri. Dec 19. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Moore, Mr. Randy Starr or Mrs. Lisa Starr. If you wish to help out, please email Lisa Starr at lisa@fivestarrs.com.

Are you up to the Challenge?...We know you are!

2nd annual academic Challenge Kicks off!

http://www.cowantigers.org | 3

whistler: a mascot —if only for a moment—by Lyle Weldon

Over the years, Cowan Avenue Elementary has hosted a variety of visiting dignitaries, but Tiger historians are hard-pressed to locate an occasion when a visitor liked our campus so much that they moved onto the grounds and wouldn’t leave – but that’s exactly what occurred just this past month.

A regal-looking Canadian goose, named Whistler by Cowan students, broke out of her “flying V” formation during her annual southerly migration and settled down for a mild winter on our lovely campus. Whistler immediately became a welcome back-up mascot...and a much safer alternative than allowing a tiger to roam the grounds with our children present. While having a live goose on campus provided a few teaching opportunities – not to mention one or two mini-corn dog tossing incidents as well – Whistler was eventually escorted off the grounds by agents of the Marine Animal Control Unit, a highly-trained “White Ops” division formed in 2002 as a result of President Bush’s controversial No Animal Left Behind Act.

Whistler’s current location is under wraps – hopefully not aluminum foil – and various unnamed sources within the current, lame-goose administration have reported that she’s now working with LAUSD’s Feather/Magnet training program, meaning there’s a good chance she’ll visit us again this time next year when our International Humanities Magnet Program is in full swing. Until then, our campus seems a bit quieter, and less poopy, than usual.

Leslie Dennis, co-chair of the Turkey Trot fundraiser, was particularly devastated by Whistler’s abrupt absence. “She had promised to help with the Turkey Trot,” says the mother of two Cowan students.“We laughed that it should be renamed the Goose Gallivant. She was so looking forward to teaching the children how to waddle around the yard like a turkey, er, a goose.”

Reports that Whistler was expecting – that she had carefully laid several eggs around campus – have proven untrue. “Hiding eggs? That’s the Easter Bunny’s job, isn’t it?” says Cowan Principal Richard Da Sylveira. As we ready ourselves for the coming holidays, sans goose, optimism threatens to peck through our collective grief. Says Mr. Da Sylveira, a twinkle in his eyes as he looks to the northern skies, “I’ve heard rumors that iDesign is looking for a mascot. Perhaps we could form a stakeholder sub-committee and look into the feasibility of an iDesign Goose.” The staff of this paper fully supports this possibility. After all, what’s good for the goose is good for the Crier.

model un service Project 2008Two years ago Cowan as a community lead by the students of the Model UN program were able to fulfill a need and provide school supplies to 100 students in Mexico. Last year Cowan was able to send over $700 to help provide children in Afghanistan with an education.This year, we turn towards home and urge Cowan to come together as a com- munity to help us achieve our goal of providing for 300 families in need…

Cowan’s Model United Nations builds its learning on the saying that “Indifference to the world never made a difference in the world”. Our program provides an opportunity for students to learn about community and leadership.

The students of Model UN are beginning a new service project partnering with the Salvation Army of Compton. This project will end on December 9th, 2008.

The Salvation Army works towards a goal of providing holiday meals for 300 families in need through generous donations by people like you. Please consider making a donation of $15 to help purchase food for the holidays for these families.

You can donate cash or a check, in an envelope marked Model UN Service Project, which your child can submit to his teacher or to the main office by December 9th. You may also leave contributions in Ms. Hina Yousufzai’s mailbox in the main office. If you have any further questions or need information, please contact Ms. Yousufzai at hinayousufzai@yahoo.com.

Thank you again for joining our students in making a better world!

scrip cards available! no waiting!The following scrip cards are available for purchase now —you don’t have to wait until the 15th of the month to get them!

• $10 Starbucks (50) • $15 Napster (5)• $25 Starbucks (47) • $10 Boston Market (2)• $25 Islands (22) • $25 Pier 1 Imports (1)

Contact Jen Wicksman, gourmetjen@aol.com to place you order, or put your order in the booster club box in the office (make sure to put your check and child’s name/room number on the order) and you’ll receive your cards the next day! Also, start thinking about ordering gift cards for the holidays, they are coming sooner than you think!

Cowan Crier

a Pta PubliCation

Cowan Avenue PTAWestchester Council - 10th District, CPTS

Pta President

Hope Crawford

booster Club President

Jim Dreyfuss


Richard Da Sylveira

graPHiC designer

Lori Indgin

CoPY editor/ProoFreader

Katherine Clendenen

Contributors - Katherine Clendenen, Kita Golden, Joi Micheaux, Millicent Mito, Dan Puglisi, Geraldo Riberio, Lisa Starr, Lyle Weldon, Jen Wicksman, Hina Yousufzai


imPortant numbers

Cowan Main Office . .310.645.1973Cowan Fax . . . . . . . .310.645.6273STAR Child Care . . . .310.216.9341iDesign. . . . . . . . . . .213.241.0780Amy Orringer, iDesign Liaison

LAUSD . . . . . . . . . . .213.625.6000

Marlene Canter . . . . .213.625.6387School Board Representative


Cowan avenue elementarY sCHool

7615 Cowan AvenueLos Angeles, CA 90045Located at the corner of 77th Street and Cowan Avenue in Westchester

visiting PoliCY All visitors to the Cowan Avenue campus must report to the office to sign the visi-tors book on the counter, and receive a guest badge. The badge must be worn at all times while on the campus. When your visit is complete, please sign out in the front office, and return your badge.

neXt Crier (January 2008)Crier submissions are due on the 20th of the preceding month. Please submit your articles by email to Katherine Clendenen at kclendenen@sbcglobal.net. Your photo submissions with articles are welcome as long as they are high-resolution .tiff or .jpeg files.

4 | Cowan Crier December 2008

december calendarDecember 1 thru 5 Parent Teacher ConferencesDecember 1 Minimum Day, 12:45 pm dismissalDecember 2 Early Release, 1:30 pm dismissalDecember 2 Chuck E. Cheese limo ride for qualifying Fall Fundraiser sellersDecember 3 & 4 Minimum Days, 12:45 pm dismissalDecember 5 Try-outs for the Debate Team, auditorium, 2:40 pm Deadline for Holiday Scrip OrdersDecember 8 Kick Off Assembly for Academic Challenge, grades 3, 4 & 5December 9 SSC Meeting, 3:30 pm CHOICES Magnet application meeting, 5–7 pm Family Dinner Night at Shakey’s, 5–8 pmDecember 11 PTA General Meeting, auditorium, 6:00 pm Town Hall meeting, 6:30 pmDecember 15 Deadline for entries in PTA Reflections contestDecember 16 Booster Club Meeting, 6:30 pm, location TBADecember 19 Holiday Program, first show 8:30 am, second show time TBA Applications Due for Academic Challenge

December 22–January 9 Winter Break

January 9 Deadline for CHOICES applications

Former Cowan Student Claudius Shropshire is traveling a lot this year. He is not only visiting college campuses as he considers his future, but will also be spending six days in Washington D.C. in January. Claudius is currently a senior at University High School in West Los Angeles. He is a member of the Presidential Youth Leadership Conference, and as a result of his excellent grades, extracurricular activities and leadership potential, has been selected to represent California at the upcoming inauguration! During his six days in Washington D.C., Claudius will attend Barack Obama’s Presidential Inauguration, the Inaugural Ball, and will have opportunities to meet members of the transition team, members of Congress, military leaders and diplomats. Claudius’ mother, Renée Shropshire is a teacher and a frequent substitute at Cowan. She credits Claudius’ former teachers, Ms. Josephson, Ms. Wosnik and Mrs. Freia, with encouraging his love of learning during his time at Cowan. Enjoy, Claudius! Make us proud!

Former Cowan student invited to Presidential inauguration!

the results are in!Two parent members have been elected to the Local School Leadership Council (LSLC), The council will begin meeting soon to discuss a school discipline policy and other issues. The members are:

ms. Christine buckly, Chapter Chair, Co-Chair mr. richard da sylveira, Administrator, Co-Chairmrs. stacee long, Teacher ms. donia moore, Teachermr. Jim tatosian, Teacher

mrs. laurie Ferro, Parentmrs. marie murphy, Parent 1 Classifiedmrs. Janice remus, Alternate, Teacherms. gayle butler, Alternate, Parent