Overview of SCPS Instructional Initiatives

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Overview of SCPS Instructional Initiatives . A division-wide focus on continuous learning for all. R ight now it may seem a bit like this…. This Morning’s Agenda…. Key c omponents of HESD SCPS Instructional Initiatives Rationale Big Idea Activity. Sticky Note Questions. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Overview of SCPS Instructional Initiatives

Overview of SCPS Instructional Initiatives

Overview of SCPSInstructional Initiatives A division-wide focus on continuous learningfor all1Right now it may seem a bit like this

2This Mornings AgendaKey components of HESD

SCPS Instructional Initiatives


Big Idea Activity

Sticky Note Questions3Not This Mornings AgendaCreating calendar-based individual lesson plans

Mandatory instructional strategies

Maintaining current overall SOL pass rates

4Key Components We Have!Great AdministratorsGreat Teachers

5Why? What research says high performing school divisions haveClear and shared focusHigh standards and expectations for all studentsEffective leadershipHigh levels of communication and collaborationAlignment of curriculum, instruction and assessment with standardsFrequent monitoring of teaching and learningFocused results-based PDSupportive learning environmentHigh levels of parent involvementMulti-tiered system of supports for students6

Instructional InitiativesRtIDivision Assessment SystemBIG IdeasEssential Understandings / StandardsCommon Pre/Post AssessmentsCommon Benchmark AssessmentsResearch Based InterventionsMulti-Tiered System of Supports

7Instructional Initiatives TimelineMade with Office Timeline 2010www.officetimeline.comSummit meetings will be held to review BMA data date/time TBDDivision-wide assessment system fully implemented beginning 2013-2014' 12Apr2012JunAugOctDecFeb2013AprJun' 13Build / Edit CPre/Post6/26/13Review Process6/11/13Build / Edit CPG8/27/12Imp New TE7/1/12Build CBMA6/27/12ID BI4/30/128Benefits of Collaborative Instructional Teams (ILT, PLC, etc.)TeachersReduced isolationIncreased commitment to missionShared responsibility for student successGreater job satisfaction and higher moraleLower rates of absenteeismStudentsHigher levels of learningCollaboration An interactive process that enables individuals with diverse expertise to work together as equals and share in the decisions toward mutually defined goals.None of us are as smart as ALL of us.9Evidence

10Assessment DefinitionsMultiple Measures- Impact on student learning must be assessed in multiple ways over time to reliably and accurately measure teacher influence on student learning.Common A common assessment is one that teachers in similar classrooms all administer in a similar way.Benchmark Benchmark assessments are common assessments given periodically throughout the school year, at specified times during a curriculum sequence. The assessments evaluate students knowledge and skills relative to an explicit set of longer-term learning goals. The design and choice of benchmark assessments is driven by the purpose, intended users, and uses of the instruments. Benchmark assessment can inform policy, instructional planning, and decision-making at the classroom, school, and district levels.11Assessment DefinitionsCumulative A cumulative assessment includes information from content and skills provided throughout the year. It is usually utilized as an assessment of achievement, measuring how much of the content taught during the year the student has mastered.Diagnostic A diagnostic assessment uses standardized protocols to measure in-depth essential skills.Formative A common misunderstanding is that a test is either summative or formative; in actuality, these terms describe what you do with the results, and a test may be used for both summative and formative purposes. Formative "tests" give teachers and students feedback at regular intervals throughout the course of instruction so they can then act upon this feedback to improve learning. This feedback may come from a formal assessment, or it may simply be on-the-spot feedback from a response board, clickers, etc. Formative assessments are not necessarily used for grading purposes.12Assessment DefinitionsInterim Interim assessments are those administered at regular intervals. Remember that terms may cross over: e.g., an interim assessment may also be a common assessment; it can be used for formative or summative purposes, etc.Pre/Post Pre/Post assessments measure the progress made by a student in mastering content and skills within a given time interval.Summative A test can be both summative and formative. Summative testing involves using test results to evaluate the degree to which students have mastered contents/standards at a particular point in time. Summative assessment is a form of evaluation used to measure the effectiveness of an instructional program or intervention curriculum, practices, progress toward district goals, etc.13Making ConnectionsPre/Post evidence of mastery over timeBMA evidence for learningCommon Pacing Guides Guaranteed and viable curriculumNew Teacher Evaluation evidence of learningGoal-Setting Documentation evidence

Performance-driven, data-informed AIMSweb, Running Records, MCAT, Etc.

14Making Connections cont.BI support development of BMABMA are designed to assess learning not schedules for example:

PMMS BMA1BMA2BMA3159261037114812SKMS / NFMS BMA1BMA217283941051161215What are Big IdeasOverarching concepts from which information can be framedTransferable concepts from which universal ideas and content areas can be linkedPromote in-depth understanding versus memorization of isolated factsFew in number

16More on Big IdeasEmphasize common characteristics of unifying concept or theme versus specifics of one topicExample: features of revolutions in general versus specific facts about one in particularOther examples: Biome, Government, Fiction, Integer, Conflict, Systems, Interdependence17Identifying Big IdeasCan you apply the Big Idea to more than one instance or area? Can you look at other grade levels and find similar or recurring themes around which to organize learning? Will this concept stand the test of time?Will students remember this concept long after they leave your classroom?187-minute BrainstormingSelect a note taker3 minute personal quiet write15 second round-robin brainstormPass if necessaryNo discussion of statementNote taker writes down as statedStatement 10 words or lessContinue around until everyone passesCan statements be grouped into broader categories? If yes, do so.Now rank order by importanceWhen you get here let me know

197-minute Brainstorming cont.Gallery walk by subject areaDiscuss repetitive themes or concepts or the lack their ofAre there vertical linkages that could make curriculum stronger?Is vertical alignment coherent and able to be built upon?