Overall Syllabus 2009

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Transcript of Overall Syllabus 2009

  • 8/12/2019 Overall Syllabus 2009


    CSCI 3380 Computer Architecture

    Spring 2009

    Catalog Description:

    Topics include arithmetic and logic unit, control unit, memory system, I/O system, instruction format,

    instruction implementation, and program flow control.

    Course Goal:

    In this course, students will study the organizations, architectures, structures and functions of modern

    digital computer systems. Covered topics include Digital Logic Circuits, Digital Components,

    Data epresentation, egister Transfer and !icrooperations, "asic Computer Organization and

    Design, !icroprogrammed Control, C#$, #ipeline and %ector #rocessing, !emory Organization

    and !ultiprocessors.

    $pon completion, students should master &asic 'nowledge re(uired to understand the architectures and

    organizations of modern digital computer systems. )tudents should ac(uire the a&ilities and s'ills to

    design, implement, and evaluate a computer*&ased system. )tudents should also o&tain an a&ility to use

    current techni(ues, s'ills, and tools for designing and testing the digital systems that are used to &uild

    computer systems.

    Computer Science Program Outcomes

    This course contri&utes to the students+ a&ility to demonstrate

    Outcome i an a&ility to use current techni(ues, s'ills, and tools necessary for computing


    Outcome will &e assessed &y homewor' and pro-ect assignments and eam (uestions


    Computer System Architecture 3rdEdition, M. Morris Mano, Prentice Hall

    Course Content: The following topics will &e studied

    #art I presents the various digital components used in the organization and design of digital


    Chapter Digital #ogic CircuitsChapter 0 Digital Components

    Chapter 1 Data $epresentation

    Chapter 2 $egister Trans%er an& 'icrooperations

    #art II shows the detail steps that a designer must go through in order to design an elementary &asic


    Chapter 3 (asic Computer Organi)ation an& DesignChapter 4 'icroprogramme& Control

    #art III deals with the organization and architecture of the central processing unit and memory

    Chapter 5 CP*Chapter 6 Pipeline an& +ector Processing

    Chapter 0 'emor, Organi)ation

  • 8/12/2019 Overall Syllabus 2009


    Chapter 1 'ultiprocessors


    #ro-ect assignments are essential to achieve course o&-ectives. There will &e several pro-ect assignments

    in this semester. 7t least the following su&-ects will &e covered

    Digital Logic Circuits#ipeline and %ector #rocessing

    !emory OrganizationLatest esearch 8or' in Computer 7rchitecture

    Course Gra&e:

    There will &e two 9ams :0;< each= and a final 9am :03uiz and

    ?omewor's during the semester, which are worth a total of 1;< of your grade.

    8ritten home and pro-ect reports are to &e su&mitted on the assigned due date. Late assignments are not


    @ou are to wor' alone on all assignments and eams. @ou are encouraged to consult with other students

    a&out assignmentsA however, any su&mitted wor' must &e yours alone.

    Items -eight

    >uiz 3