OUTLINE Motivation Introduction Problem Statement Assumptions Proposed Solution Results ...

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Transcript of OUTLINE Motivation Introduction Problem Statement Assumptions Proposed Solution Results ...

Remote Security Solutions

Tommy LongEastern Kentucky University

Dept. of Applied Engineering &Technology

2OUTLINE Motivation


Problem Statement


Proposed Solution



Future Work




RFID based door systems are used world-wide in a variety of industries.

Problem is they aren’t as secure as people think.

Someone can steal a valid RFID card and gain access.

Or someone could clone someone’s valid RFID card.

I wanted to find a way to make RFID based door systems more secure.



I’ve always been interested in RFID technology.

After a little research I found a problem in one area of RFID technology implementation.

RFID card reader based door systems aren’t very secure.

Anyone with a little common sense could find a way in through a door using traditional RFID based systems.

All they RFID reader based door systems on the market are basically the same.


I set out to design a system to fix this security issue.

I wanted to develop a custom RFID card reader door system with an Arduino.


RFID card reader based door entry systems are insecure.

This gives people using these systems a false sense of security.

It provides a possible entry-point for criminals…

7ASSUMPTIONS People assume that RFID based entry systems

are expensive.

That these systems are hard to install, implement or manage.

The system I designed can be installed at a residence, business or warehouse.

My system cost about ten times less than commercially available systems.

This system does require someone to have knowledge about electronics and how they operate.

You also need to have some understanding or experience programming with C++, C, Java and HTML.

8PROPOSED SOLUTION List steps taken to solve the problem such as but not

limited to: Research RFID systems and how they work. Research Arduino microcontrollers. Design an RFID based system with an Arduino

microcontroller. Finding reasonable resources to obtain hardware needed

for this project. Writing custom code for Arduino. Configuring hardware and software. Troubleshooting issues with hardware/software. Testing in a real-world environment. Verifying results

9PROPOSED SOLUTION My system uses an IP cam to let the other

person see who’s on the other side of the door.

Then they can make a decision to either unlock the door, lock the door or to sound an alarm.

This system is available over the internet and can be seen from any where in the world with an internet connection.

This allows for being able to control the door remotely.





RESULTS To build my system it costs a total of $315.89

Most RFID based entry systems can costs thousands of dollars.

My system adds another layer of authentication that involves interaction from a human to identify the person trying to access the door.

This two-factor form of security makes my system superior to other similar systems.




This project proposes a viable and practical solution to the security flaws with most available RFID based door systems.

Before starting this project I couldn’t tell you what an Arduino even was.

My understanding of electronics, microcontrollers and my programming skills in C++, C, Java and HTML have improved tremendously.


This project could be customized in many ways.

Due to the limitations of the Arduino because of it’s small amount of memory and limited processing power, I would look for a better microcontroller.

I would recommend moving away from the Arduino microcontroller and implementing the Raspberry Pi.

This project can be scaled up to incorporate multiple doors and cameras.

Thank you for watching this presentation.

If you have questions, comments or suggestions, you can send them to me at tommy_long22@mymail.eku.edu






Margolis, M. (2011). Arduino cookbook. Beijing: O'Reilly. Provide a thumbnail of image/video along with online/author information

RFID card swipe image. Retrieved May 05,2013 from www.kaba.co.nz

Arduino Uno image. Retrieved May 05, 2013 from www.store.Arduino.cc

Burglar image. Retrieved May 05, 2013 from www.lawyersweekly.com.au.

Security Guard image. Retrieved May 05, 2013 from www.gccaz.edu 

Special thanks to Andrew Six for his help.