Out of Africa January 2013 Edition

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A newsletter for the friends and supporters of African Enterprise

Transcript of Out of Africa January 2013 Edition

January 2013Issue 121A Newsletter for the Friends & Supporters of African Enterprise


Setting Foot on

African Soil

Things Happen Through Prayer

A Report from AE Malawi’s

Tailoring School




Setting FootOn African Soil

How? By setting foot on African soil yourself, either through a short-term AE mission or an AE internship. Recently one of our supporters did a trip to DR Congo.

Clair Diamond spent a week in August 2012 working in Kinshasa with AE team leader, Leonard Kiswangi and his wife Antoinette and the rest of the DRC team. Clair was able to meet and work with Leonard’s family and can testify to the difficulties they face daily in a troubled country like Congo. In spite of this they have given their lives faithfully to the Lord and work diligently with local churches to spread the gospel and make changes which transform the lives of many people.

Clair was able to participate in an AE Mission held in Sanga Mamba on the outskirts of Kinshasa, where 600 people from 9 churches attended. Clair describes the experience –

“The outreach was held under a tin roof which extended out into a yard where a data projector relayed on a white cotton sheet what was going on inside. A noisy, smelly generator made sure all the electrical equipment worked well. Surrounded by poverty, technology was readily available. A local band of sisters provided modern music, local-style, for much celebration, singing and Word proclamation in French and Lingala (the local language). The event was well organised with a great deal of consideration given to hospitality, with water on hand to relieve the thirst and tissues to wipe away the perspiration. I had several opportunities to pray publically assisted by a French interpreter. When Leonard made the call for commitment to follow Jesus, 98 came forward and another 45 recommitted their lives to the LORD. A.E. continues to assist the churches on discipling these people.”

Each year Australians from all walks of life Each year Australians from all walks of life Each year Australians from all walks of life help transform Africa in a very personal help transform Africa in a very personal help transform Africa in a very personal way. Right now, you have the opportunity way. Right now, you have the opportunity way. Right now, you have the opportunity to make your impact on people in Africa to make your impact on people in Africa to make your impact on people in Africa more personal.more personal.more personal.

On a subsequent evening Clair reported “I was the key speaker at a youth group which participated in the Sanga Mamba outreach. Leonard was a very entertaining interpreter. The audience was a smaller group and seemed more conservative and gentle (even withdrawn). The youth struggle with the things of this world including single parenthood and a great desire to flee the country. This was a time of encouragement to remain with the LORD, understanding that hard times come upon us all.”

Clair asks for prayer for Christians in DRC “to stand firmly convicted to stay in their country and seek to bring about integrity and justice to the glory of God in their nation – the Heart of Africa”.

If you’re interested in taking up this challenge, just like Clair did, please let us know by calling us on (02) 9889 1799 or by emailing us at ae@aeint.org.

A Letter from AE International Board Chairman


THE impact & joy brought about by the African Enterprise (AE) Tailoring School on needy people in Malawi reached a historic mark when Muslim families became the latest beneficiaries.

There was great rejoicing among members of the Islamic Propagation Daawa Movement (IPDAM) in the sprawling Ntandire Township, some seven kilometres west of Malawi’s Capital of Lilongwe, when ten IPDAM women graduated from a six-month AE tailoring course recently.

Mrs. Winiwa Adam, aged 30, was one of the pioneer graduates from the AE tailoring School who went on to conduct this program for this small group of Muslim women. Mrs Adam even went on to let this group use her own sewing machine. The sewing machine she offered to the Muslim women during the tailoring course was donated to her by AE after she completed her nine-month course in Lilongwe in December, 2006.

“Hello, my name is Madeleine, I have just returned from a Short Term Mission trip to South Africa. Is there an AE Prayer meeting in Melbourne?”

“No there isn’t, but would you like to start one?” and so in 2005, the monthly Melbourne Prayer Days began, including special prayer mornings for the current Pan African Mission. One member prayed for a specific amount of money to be raised for a Pan African Mission and that amount came in. The group prayed for a visa for Leonard Kiswangi and after many setbacks a positive answer was received.

Team Leaders from Africa have been delighted and deeply touched to find that there are people who care, love and pray for them. Through prayer we have seen cities transformed for Christ. When God’s people gather together in prayer, things happen!

Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them (Matthew 18:19-20)

Things happen through Prayer

Joan and Jonathan Addison were asked in 1999 to represent AE in Melbourne when the first group of Volunteers stepped down. The committee and prayer group work together to establish and run meetings for Deputations and Ministry Tours.

AE Melbourne wants to expand AE in Victoria. They would like to meet AE’s Supporters via small suburban meetings, home group meetings, church deputations, so that “what is happening in Africa” updates can be presented.

They are very excited that after many years of praying, AE is now being presented in the Northern and Western suburbs of Melbourne and they hope to start a western suburbs prayer group.

For presentations to your Church or Group in Victoria please email Joan at jmaddison@bigpond.com or phone 0398023601

Prayer has the power to stir people’s hearts; prayer transforms lives, prayer can help end poverty, violence and disease. There are so many challenges facing the continent of Africa today, therefore please commit to praying for Africa!

We thank God for the many faithful friends who pray regularly for this ministry. We see ourselves as participants in God’s mission and dependent on His provision. We express our reliance on God through prayer. AE would like to see these monthly Prayer Days all over Australia and New Zealand. If you would like to receive further information on starting this up in your city, town, region or state please email ae@aeint.org or call us on (02) 9889 1799 today.

IPDAM only has a single sewing machine. Mrs. Adam’s offer of her machine helped to speed up lessons for the first tailoring course by the grouping, which was formed seven years ago.

“I am here to testify that Mrs. Adam is a loving, humble and patient person. Her character has impressed us all, in this community. May God richly bless her,” remarked Mrs. Esmie Willard, one of the graduates, as her colleagues applauded in agreement.

In her remarks, Mrs. Adam, who is married to a Muslim husband, with whom she has five children, said: “My prayer, as I conducted the course, was that my Christian character should be pronounced. I am happy that testimonies here indicate that that was clearly the case.”

AE Malawi Tailoring School’s Impact on a local Muslim Community

The AE Tailoring School Coordinator, Mrs. Rachel Lungu, thanked AE supporters for the tailoring project, through which God is transforming lives and is being glorified in many ways.


Power of OneOneOne

Fundraising from the heart...You may remember in the September issue of Out of Africa, we asked our supporters to come up with some fundraising ideas. This was prompted by correspondence from people who have some very imaginative ideas for raising funds for AE. Some of the stories are recounted in this issue.

We want to thank Myrtle Bullen, one of our supporters who has been profiled in a past issue. Myrtle wrote to us with a lovely idea for raising funds in her hometown of Dubbo. The great thing is that the idea has the potential to bring others to the Lord, as well as raise funds for AE and awareness of the ministry. Myrtle plans to approach a local sport team to encourage team members to contribute a small donation for each game and to double it when they win. We are praying now about the outcome.

Myrtle and Richard have been active supporters of AE for 25 years now, but for the past 8 years Myrtle has taken many of our appeals, projects and needs to her church, community and friends and has managed to raise almost $10,000.

BOLD STEP FROM AE SUPPORTER BEARS MUCH FRUIT!On retiring from paid employment one of the first questions Ann Hodges asked in seeking the Lord’s guidance for new ways was – “how can I contribute to the extension of God’s Kingdom?” The response in her heart was “you have a lemon tree.”

For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have (2 Corinthians 8:12)

Indeed their lemon tree bears fruit all year round, so began the making of lemon cordial using an old fashioned but favourite recipe which appealed to many. One person bought huge bottles of the juice.

During that first summer people also started donating fruit. And so began Ann’s making of jam as well as cordial. Friends saved and gave their empty jars. Suddenly things began to happen! A large stainless steel boiler was purchased, more jars donated, jam recipe books obtained, fruit prices watched more carefully, hoping to pick up bargains at the end of the week. One spare room was being filled with boxes of empty jars.

Ann had been introduced to AE some 15 years previously during one of Michael Cassidy’s visits to Melbourne and became a passionate advocate for the ministry. Ann saw a great opportunity to support AE through this jam ministry and began selling the produce in the local Baptist Church.

The circle of contributors providing jars, fruit, labels, rubber bands and material for covering lids expanded beyond her expectation! Donors are reimbursed with a sample of their choice.

Whilst washing jars, removing labels and sterilising, weighing, washing and chopping fruit, the whole process is covered in prayers of protection and thanksgiving for the givers as well as the purchasers and benefactors.

Recently, when AE’s Missions Director, Songe Chibambo, visited Melbourne, Ann sold her jams at an event raising $180 for AE’s ministry.

You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God (2 Corinthians 9:11)

Myrtle BullenAnn Hodges

graduates celebrating in their new dresses

Ann shares “It has been, and still is a great joy to see how this step in faith has grown – many have been blessed as have many who have given in support of this ministry. I hope it will encourage others who have hidden gifts to be given a spirit of boldness and step out.”

Perhaps there is something you are passionate about that you can use to generate fundraising for AE in 2013, just like Ann.


Chairman: Jeffrey CollettExecutive Director: Peter CheelTelephone: (02) 9889 1799 Fax: (02) 9889 1733 Suite 2G/5 Byfield Street Macquarie Park NSW 2113 AustraliaIncorporated in AustraliaEmail: ae@aeint.orgWeb: www.africanenterprise.com.au


Chairman: Dr Tony HanneTelephone: (09) 579 1287PO Box 912023Auckland Mail Centre Auckland 1142New ZealandEmail: ae@aeint.orgWeb: www.africanenterprise.co.nz

African Enterprise OUT OF AFRICA is published six times a year for distribution to friends and supporters of the African Enterprise ministry.

Addressees have the right to have their name and address removed from the mailing list and to request that the source from which the name and address was obtained be identified, and to ask that their name not be given to any other organisation.



Greetings in the name of our Lord. I am excited about the future of Africa and AE. The time for Africa is NOW.

At the end of August 2012 a number of us were privileged to join the AE Family to attend the Pietermaritzburg Mission and the AE Jubilee celebration. The theme for the Jubilee was Looking Backwards and Leaping Forward. We did both of those things.

It was wonderful to look back on 50 years of ministry in Africa and to remember how God has blessed this work, through both good times and bad times. It was good to remember where we have come from and also to remember the journey that Africa has travelled through those 50 years. We were then able to look into the future and hear some prophetic voices leading us. The opportunities are enormous as we have the people who can take us into that future. It is past time for us to move forward. As I said during my own Jubilee presentation, Africa is a changed and changing place, not at all like the continent that many of us knew as we were growing up. As the rate of change increases I am convinced that there is urgency about the task of evangelising the Cities of Africa. The time is now.

A letter from the

AE International Board Chair to you

One of the Jubilee highlights was the Gala Dinner where we saw the induction of Stephen Mbogo as International Team Leader and the passing of the baton from Stephen Lungu, we now have out third generation of leadership and what a privilege to see the induction at the same event as we were able to honour our Founder, (looking backwards and leaping forwards).

I also had the joy of meeting with and talking to all our team leaders and hearing their joys, sorrows and dreams. I am constantly encouraged, amazed and somewhat daunted at the calibre and character of our leadership team in African Enterprise. Please support and pray for this visionary group.

As I concluded my Jubilee talk I led with John Wesley’s covenant prayer, it’s as relevant today as it was 250 years ago and I ask that you continue to pray that prayer for yourselves, and for our ministry in Africa.

I am no longer my own, but thine. Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt. Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee, exalted for thee or brought low for thee. Let me be full, let me be empty. Let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal. And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it. And the covenant which I have made on earth let it be ratified in heaven, AMEN.

I wish you all every blessing as we leap into the future

Jonathan L AddisonAE International Board Chair

Guide Makore – AE Team Leader from Zimbabwe

“My passion and vision is to do exploits in light of the great commission mandate from Matthew 28:18-20”

Guide is married to Forgiveness and they have 3 children. He has been a Pastor for 25 years and missionary in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and UK.

Go to our website at www.africanenterprise.com to hear Guide’s testimony and further event information.

Look who’s coming in March 2013 to Australia and New Zealand