Our You Are Welcome L of HOPE...THIS WEEK 1/2 – 1/3 Sat. 1/2 OLOH 6 pm † Delores Kiss by Jim...

Post on 23-Jan-2021

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Transcript of Our You Are Welcome L of HOPE...THIS WEEK 1/2 – 1/3 Sat. 1/2 OLOH 6 pm † Delores Kiss by Jim...

No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; No matter what your current family or marital situation; No matter what your past or present religious affiliation; No matter what your personal history, age, background,

race, or color; No matter what your self image or esteem; You are invited,

welcomed, accepted and respected at Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church.

If you are seeking a church home we would be happy to welcome you into our parish community. Parish Registration & Welcome Packets are available in the entrance hall of the Church. Please take one, fill out and drop it into the collection basket. For further details, call the office at 803-485-2925 or visit with us at www.myoloh.org.

You Are Welcome

The Epiphany of the Lord

PASTORRev. Antony Benjamine

DEACONRev. Mr. Charles Walsh

PHONEOffice 803-485-2925

Rectory 803-485-2677

CHURCH2529 Raccoon Road Manning, SC 29102


Summerton, SC 29148

PARISH OFFICE 14 N. Cantey St.

Summerton, SC 29148

Parish News




Our Lady of Hope Church Manning, South Carolina

St. Mary Mission ChurchSummerton, South Carolina

Office of Family Life is sponsoring the Marriage Anniversary Mass, celebrated by Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone on Sunday, February 14, 2021, at 2:00 pm at the Cathedral of John the Baptist in Charleston, SC. Please register with Husband's name, Wife's name, Last name, years married in the year 2021 and Parish you attend at familylife@charlestondiocese.org

The Second Collection next weekend, January 10, will be for the Church In Latin America.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Christ gave us a great gift of Himself on Christmas. He calls us to give of ourselves to everyone, especially our spouse. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and learn how to be the best gift you can be for your spouse. Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on Jan 29-31, 2021 in North Myrtle Beach, SC and Apr 15-May 6, 2021 in VIRTUAL 3RE, SC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: https://SCMarriageMatters.org or contact us at applications@scmarriagematters.org or 803-810-9602.

Our sister parish, St. Ann in Santee has been closed due to a few cases of Covid 19. We pray for those infected, that the virus will not spread to any other parish and family members and we pray that the church will be able to reopen soon. This situation is a strong reminder that we need to continue to wear our masks and follow the social distancing guidelines at OLOH and St. Mary's so that we can remain open.

Jan u a r y 3, 2021


Elms, Caleb – 2nd Lt.Elms, Carter – Capt.Elms, Cassidy Ley-Han – 2nd Lt.Elms, Savannah – Capt.Manning, Justyn – PFCMcCormick, Hannah – 1st Lt.Merton, Trevor – OprRockwell, Steven – Sgt.

Aldridge, Corbin – Capt.Beckett, Keith - Pvt.Camut, Samuel K. – Capt.Carter, Cameron - CadetDelRio, Peter – L/CplDunn, Jr., Alfred – CMDRDunn, James – SES

Number indicates weeks remaining on prayer list. Call or e-mail Bulletin publishers for extended time or additions.






Fr.Antony BenjamineSummertonParish OfficeCharles Walsh walsh1673@aol.comMary Lou Carter marylouc60@yahoo.comMarie Land R. Rossoni, Ron WilsonBob Quelette bpqelette@ftc-i.netPat Tobiassen patt1300@yahoo.comSonya DelRio sydelrio@hotmail.com Ellen RossoniEllen RossoniRalph RossoniGus Schoeck gschoeck@sc.rr.comEllen RossoniNora Biering

Mary Aguzzi maguzzi001@ftc-i.net

Richard DanbackPhoebe Smith, amnicola2@verizon.netPatricia Wilson rdwilson@ftc-i.netMary Lou Carter marylouc60@yahoo.comBuddy Cate jcate001@sc.rr.comBob Quelette bpqelette@ftc-i.netDennis MassenEllen Rossoni

Child Protection Services: Ext 209 Diocese Victim Assist. Minister:

Parish Contacts

Prayer List

Please Pray for Our Service People


BOTH Bob Quelette bpqelette@ftc-i.net AND Pat Tobiassen patt1300@yahoo.com.

Need a Bulletin announcement?

Scheduling SacramentsBAPTISM: Call Rectory at least one month prior to date. Parents must be registered & active members for at least 3 months prior to baptism.

MATRIMONY: If you are a Catholic and wish to be married schedule with the Rectory 6 months prior to proposed date

RECONCILIATION: Every Sunday 8:30-8:55 a.m. in Manning: every Saturday 3:00-3:30 p.m. at Santee or by appointment.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: If you or someone you know is unable to attend Mass and wishes to receive the Eucharist or is in hospital and wishes visit, call Mary Lou Carter at 803-478-4333 or cell #803-460-6540.

Mass Schedule

5 Weeks Remaining: Douglas Carlstrom, Gayle McKenney, Elizabeth Strickland, Kimberly Hampton, Helen Troller, Brenda Bissonnette, Tommy Butcher, Jonathan Sink, Eileen Sink, Robert McNeill, Rev. Msgr. William J. J. O’Donnell, Gerald F. Johnson, Suzanne M. Reichl.

4 Weeks Remaining: Mary Lou Carter, Pat Raybits, Jen Palladino, Jack & Pat Schmit, Dottie Deal, Jim Walsh.

3 Weeks Remaining: Carl Fredriksson, Martin Brozik, Kate McCormick, John & Becky Hunsinger, Mike Egan, Nick Hess, Rosemary Walton.

2 Weeks Remaining: Phyllis Quelette, Deacon Chuck & Jean Walsh, Judith Pepergias, Joe Medeiros.

1 Week Remaining: Clifford Snyder, Tom & Jo Orr, Mary Katherine Buyck, Gi Gi Baumann.

0 Weeks Remaining: Paula & John Hauprich, Bill Buyck, Welborn Brewer, Wayne Brewer.

Saturdays St Ann Santee 4pm OLOH Manning 6pm


Weekday Masses Tuesday through Thursday at St. Mary Mission Church, Summerton at 9 am and on Friday at St. Ann, Santee at 9 am.

Rectory:Parish Center:


Secretary: Pastoral Council:

Sacristan:Finance Council:


Rel Ed. (DRE):Collections:

Euch. Ministers:Grounds / Maint:

Lectors:Altar Servers:

Organist:Youth Group

Music Ministry: Parish P&D:

Ushers:Women's Club:

Greeters:Ministry to the Sick:

Webmaster:Parish Archives:

K of C:Mass Intentions:

Diocesan Offices:

CCD Classes Resume in the fall

For details call Sonya DelRio at 803-255-0268

St Mary Summerton 7amOLOH Manning 9amSt Ann Santee 11am

YTDOffertory Christmas: $2,411.00 12/27/20 2,000.00

4,411.00 $65,189.00Budget: 2,600.00 67,600.00Difference: +1,811.00 - 2,411.00

THIS WEEK 1/2 – 1/3

Sat. 1/2 OLOH6 pm † Delores Kiss by Jim Lupo

Sun. 1/3 St Mary7 am † Emmalee Lyman by Russ & Nilda Wynkoop

OLOH9 am † Adan Yzaguirre by the Del Rio Family

Tues. 1/5 St. Mary9 am † LeRoy Carter & Mark Carter

by Mary Lou Carter

Wed. 1/6 St. Mary9am † Emmalee Lyman by Norma Canal

Thurs. 1/7 St. Mary6 pm

NEXT WEEK 1/9– 1/10

Sat.1/9 OLOH6 pm † Marcia Lynn Walsh by Jim Walsh

Sun. 1/10 St Mary7 am † Mike Palladino by Jen Palladino

OLOH9 am † Jim McBride by Jeanine McBride & Family

Tues. 1/12 St. Mary9 am

Wed. 1/13 St. Mary9am † Ed & Lu Kayse by Mary Lou Carter

Thurs. 1/14 St. Mary9am

Mass Intentions

Requests for Mass Intentions and Sanctuary Lamps may be made by placing Mass Intention Envelopes, found in back of church, into the collection basket or by calling Ellen Rossoni at 803-433-0066.

For Altar Flower information call Marie Land, 803-435-2314

THIS WEEK 1/2 – 1/3

LECTORS Sat. 6PM Chuck SmithSun. 9AM Ralph Rossoni

CANTORSat 6 PMSun. 9AM Mary Aguzzi

NEXT WEEK 1/9– 1/10

LECTORS Sat. 6PM Mary Ann LindnerSun. 9AM Valera GoffCANTORSat 6 PMSun. 9AM Mary Aguzzi

Ministry Schedule


St. Mary Mass 7 amOLOH Mass 9 am

6 7 8 9

This week at a Glance – January 3 The Epiphany of the Lord


Mass at 9am St. Mary

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

OLOH Mass 6 pm


Mass at 9am St. Mary

Mass at St. Ann 9am Mass at OLOH 6pm


The Epiphany Of the Lord

PoinsettiasBy Parish Members

Not much information is given in Scripture about “the magi from the east.” Traditionally it has been held that there were three wise men, having the names Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar. It is most likely that they came from Persia, an empire to the east. Furthermore, the term “magi” could refer to priests, sages, or even astrologers. This last option seems plausible due to their interest in a special star. This “star” could be explained by a natural phenomenon such as a comet, the alignment of planets, or a nova (all of which were recorded near the time of Jesus’ birth). However, it also could be supernatural such as, for example, an angel appearing as a bright star to guide the magi. Regardless, it is clear that God used the “star” to make evident the greatness of the event of Jesus’ birth. It was common in the ancient world to view a special star as a signal of the birth of a king, so it makes sense that the magi were looking for the “king of the Jews.” The news of Jesus’ birth troubled Herod the Great because he was the king of the Jews, appointed as such by Rome. Herod was a power hungry ruler who had no problem axing anyone who threatened his rule. The news from the magi came as a threat to his power and thus he deceptively sent them to find Jesus’ location in order to kill him. Yet, the magi went to worship him. The fact that Gentiles (i.e. non-Jews) came to worship the Messiah is evidence that Jesus came for all of humanity. The expensive gifts of gold, frankincense (a perfumed incense used in worship), and myrrh (an anointing oil used as a burial ointment) were only fit for a king. They indicate that Jesus is not just the king of the Jews but the king of all humanity. He is Emmanuel (“God with us”). The magi’s return “by another way” symbolically represents that whenever we encounter Jesus, we will never return the same.

We wish everyone a Happy

and Healthy

New Year

Mass at 9am St. Mary