Our Vision: To grow love God impact€¦ · Junior Campus: 150 Wilsons Rd Senior Campus: 125...

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Transcript of Our Vision: To grow love God impact€¦ · Junior Campus: 150 Wilsons Rd Senior Campus: 125...

Junior Campus: 150 Wilsons Rd Senior Campus: 125 Wilsons Rd Postal Address: 150 Wilsons Rd, St Martins, CHCH 8022

Phone: 332 6923 Fax: 332 6922 Office email: office@hillview.school.nz Principal’s email: principal@hillview.school.nz

Our Vision: To grow young people who love God and impact others through service and leadership.

Our Mission: To provide a quality education in a Christian environment where children can develop their God-given abilities.

Y e a r 3 & 4 V i s i t F e r r y m e a d

“I loved going back to the 1860s and

learn about all the people and learned how they used all their different

“I like going into the 1860’s classroom because we got to try using different pens.” - Amelia Blockley

“I really enjoyed doing the

chores like chopping wood, ironing, and gardening.” - Max McArthur-Pattinson

Excellence – We always strive to give our best

Ephesians 6:7 “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the LORD, not men, because you know that the LORD will reward anyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free.”

23 June

Principal ’ s Ponderings…

Kia ora Parents.

Last week I attended the Association of Integrated Schools (AIS – Protestant Schools) conference in Wellington. The New Zealand Association of Christian Schools (NZACS – Christian Schools) is a subset of AIS which is a subset of the Association of Proprietors of Integrated Schools (APIS – Catholic Schools). I hope I have not confused you. The total number of pupils who are attending NZACS (12000), AIS (18000), and APIS (57500) is approximately 87 500 which represents a significant percentage of all pupils in the New Zealand Education system (approximately 11%). During the AIS conference we were challenged on a number of issues. One topic discussed focused on complaint procedures and it was very helpful to be reminded about the importance of ensuring that there is clear communication between home and school. This partnership is vital in ensuring that every pupil has the opportunity to develop their God-given gifts and abilities. At Hillview we have a clear process for parents to follow if a problem arises. I would like to share with you the following guidelines that will hopefully assist you when following through with a particular issue. They have been gleaned from real life scenarios I have observed during my days as a teacher.

If your child has made a complaint about a teacher, it is wise to listen and question them carefully always asking for them to explain what they actually mean by a statement or claim. Children do not always communicate in a clear manner and asking for an explanation can often resolve problems at an early stage.

If you have established that a teacher issue has occurred at school please remember there is often two sides to the story and it is very important that you give the teacher involved an opportunity to explain the context of what has occurred. Many times I have seen a child misinterpret an action or statement from a teacher and with a follow up call/meeting from a parent, everything has been resolved fairly quickly. I will often share with parents that I am willing NOT to believe everything I hear from pupils about what is going on at home if parents are willing NOT to believe everything that pupils say is happening at school.

I would keep encouraging parents not to fall into the trap of gossiping about a teacher. To the best of my knowledge, most Hillview parents are very good at NOT doing this. The best way to resolve an issue (and get the best out of your child’s teacher) is to follow the Matthew 18 principle. This guides us to approach the person directly (in this case a teacher) and speak the truth in love. Organising a meeting when you can talk face-to-face can eliminate any misunderstanding that can easily occur through misinterpreting an email. Having a meeting also allows for the child to be present and prevents the unfortunate situation of them telling a teacher one thing and their parent another.

If you have visited the teacher and you are unhappy with their response or action/lack of action, please let them know that you will be following it up with the Principal and feel free to make an appointment to visit me. It is extremely important to me that we resolve any unfinished issues that may be simmering away.

If you believe your child has been harmed by another child at school, it is unwise to approach that child’s parents as you will most likely receive a very cool response (they will usually see this as a direct attack on their child and their parenting ability so will be naturally defensive). The best method is to approach your child’s teacher and allow them to investigate and resolve this as a school matter. They have the advantage of being in a position of neutrality and are better placed to find an amicable solution.

Finally, immersing a difficult situation in prayer can often help us to see another person in a completely different light. This can result in a reduction in the magnitude of the problem at hand. After all, we are all on the same team and want the best for one another. I will finish with excellent wisdom from St Augustine (354-430AD) who stated, “In the essentials let there be unity, in the non-essentials let there be liberty, and in all things let there be charity.” Ngā mihi and many blessings,

Steve Frost Principal P.S. I have included two special announcements this week: Mrs Robinson is expecting to give birth to her first child towards the end of this year. We rejoice with both Dylan and Sacha in receiving this news. We pray for safety and health for both mother and baby. Miss Campbell announced that she is officially engaged and is now preparing for this auspicious occasion. We celebrate with Fiona and Boss and hope they enjoy preparing for their wedding day and beyond.

Prayer Requests

Give thanks for:-

the pioneers of Christian education and the Private Schools Conditional integration Act that protects the special character of our school

The proprietors of our school: SCCET Please pray for:-

wisdom and courage for all staff involved in leadership responsibilities

Verses to Learn Term 2

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in

love, in faith and in purity.” I Timothy 4:12

Tips for Learning

Helping a Y7-10 Reading (by Andy Vosslamber)

Once a child matures they need to see good role-models of reading and need to be encouraged to read a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction texts in order to help them build character as well as general knowledge. Here are some suggestions about how you could go about this:

Prayer meeting in the AV room Tuesday 2.40-3.00pm All welcome.

Source a good collection of biographies of people you would want your child to emulate. Read them yourself and talk about them with your child to encourage them to read them too. Our school librarian can help you with suggested titles.

Pupil Achievements

Congratulations Luke Mitchell won Gold in the Canterbury Year 9 Boys’ Cross Country relay team in Rotorua last weekend.

Winnie Palamo, Maia Te Hae, Hanna-Lise Manuel and Madison Telea have made it into the third trial for the Primary Sports Canterbury Year 7/8 Rep. teams.

Assemblies next week

Y0-4 Junior Campus: Wednesday 2.15pm – 3.00pm – Junior Campus Staffroom

Y5-10 Senior Campus: Wednesday 1.30 – 2.15pm – Gym

Dates to Remember

1.1 Tuesday 28 June – Year 5/6 Primary Sports Canterbury Indoor Basketball Tournament

1.2 Tuesday 5 July – Year 1-4 Cross Country Challenge, 1.00-3.00pm at Hillview

1.3 Wednesday 6 July – Year 7-8 Intermediates v. Primary Cross Country 1.00pm at Roto Kohatu Reserve

1.4 Friday 8 July – Whole School Assembly 1.45-2.55pm 1.5 Friday 8 July – Last Day of Term 2 1.6 Monday 25 July – First Day of Term 3 1.7 Thursday 28 August – Storytelling and Talent

Evening, Hillview Gym 1.8 Monday 1 August – Y6 Primary Sports Canterbury

Rippa Rugby, English Park 1.9 Monday 1 August – Y5-8 South Zone Winter

Tournament, 12.00-3.00pm 1.10 Tuesday 2 August – ICAS English


2.1 Text Alert – If you haven't signed up for this service please text Hillview to 570. The text alert service will send you a reply text letting you know you are joined to this service. School leadership use this service to inform parents and caregivers about urgent changes to events or in emergency situations. This will keep you informed.

2.2 Snowfall/Cancellations – A reminder that all parents can assume that school will be open unless there is a cancellation made by 7.40am. If there is a cancellation/delayed start to school, this will be communicated through our text service, website, on Newstalk ZB, and our phone answering service.

2.3 Office Closure – The School Office will be closed on Friday 8 July from 1.45pm – 3.00pm so that office staff can join in with the celebration of the opening of the school Gymnasium.

2.4 Year 7-10 Leadership Conference – All Year 7-10 pupils have been given an application form for the Christian School's Leadership Conference being held at Hillview on the 1st and 2nd of September. We are expecting up to 400 students from Christian schools throughout New Zealand to listen to some excellent speakers and participate in some interesting activities. Whilst final numbers and costs haven't been confirmed we are expecting to have 50-60 places for Hillview

pupils and the price to attend the conference will be approximately $30. Any pupil interested in attending the conference needs to complete the form and return it to Mr Stanton by Friday 24 June at the latest.

2.5 Sibling New Entrants 2017 – Do you have a younger child due to start here at Hillview during 2017? If your child’s name is not listed below but they are due to start school sometime during 2017 please come and get an application form from the office. This really helps us with our planning for next year. Please note: closing date for applications is Friday 26 August 2016 at 3.30pm. If you have any questions please contact Claire at the office c.onslow@hillview.school.nz Applications for siblings we have received so far are for: Joel Barlow, Caleb Blaikie, Zebedee Clements, Keira Franc, Lily Lai Kong, Benjamin Nelson, Holly Smith, Reuben Thorpe, Mikayla Tupara, Emma-Rose Te Momo, Arlo Muir, Josiah Barlow, and Heidi McNiell

2.6 Production DVD – There is an opportunity to purchase a DVD of this wonderful school performance. DVDs costs $10.00 each with payment due by tomorrow, Friday 24 June; paid at the school office. To place your order please see

the office staff. Only 100 copies available.

HSA and BOT News

3.1 School Fair – The fabulous fantastic school fair is happening on Friday 25 November, 5.00-8.00pm. SAVE THE DATE! It will be a WARM and SUNNY evening filled with fun and laughter and celebration. We’ll keep you posted.

3.2 Return Slip – If you are returning a yellow slip to the HSA regarding the school fair, could you please include your email address. Thank you.

3.3 Entertainment Books – Entertainment Books have arrived and can be collected from the office. It is not too late to make an order.

Community Notices

4.1 Employment Needed – A parent of this school community is desperately seeking a job as a health-care assistant that remunerates around $18 an hour. If you have any potential leads please contact

Claire at c.onslow@hillview.school.nz 4.2 Youth Alive Programmes – Registrations are now

open for our Junior and Senior Holiday Programmes in July for Years 1-4 and Years 5-9. Activities include Clip & Climb, Gymnastics, a trip to the Theatre, heaps of games and an awesome group of leaders! Sign up online or at our offices.

4.3 Parenting Toolbox Courses – We are taking the details of parents wanting to complete a Parenting Toolbox course in New Brighton ran by The Parenting Place. Options include Early Years, Middle Years or Tweens & Teens, but we need enough numbers for it to run. Contact: parenting@yat.org.nz

4.4 Holiday Programme – During the July school holidays, from 11-15 July, Ara Institute of Canterbury (formerly CPIT) is staging Sportastic, a holiday programme for sporty 9 to 13 year olds. It runs from 8.30am-4.30pm each day and costs $175 for the week. Places are limited and booking can be made online, please click here to view more information and the registration form or phone 0800242476

4.5 Whetu-Stars – You are invited to the next ‘Whetu’ session, for families with children with special needs/disabilities on Saturday 2 July 2.00-4.00pm at South West Baptist Church. For more information contact Andy on acarpenter@swbc.org.nz or telephone 3384163 ext. 238.

Please mention to these businesses when using their services that you saw them in our newsletter.

Hillview’s Values: •Whanau •Excellence •Humility •Respect •Compassion •Innovation


Friendly family owned and operated company