Our Town November 5, 1937

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Transcript of Our Town November 5, 1937

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 5, 1937


    ,... ,: . ;


    Founder is Fctcd


    Pbilip Li"ingstoll TuYlls Paper(hot ' / ' to Former Bala,CYllJvydNen's Editor

    DR. OSCAR JOHN SNYDERfirst president (1899-1907) of thePhiladelphia College of Osteopathy,and president, 1916-17, of the Ameri can Osteopathic Association, will beg iven a testimonial dinner and danceat the Bel levue-Stratfo rd th is Saturday. celebrating his nst birthday. Athousand guests ar e expected, includ.ing three local osteopaths: his son, Dr.Joseph C. Snyder, and Drs. WesleyP. Dunning ton and F. Munroe Purse.


    Mlllieres' PresidencyIJl Heal th . Elect ion

    is MOllday

    Lots of illness in town. . . . Andparties and things.

    In add it io n t o the Junior ClubM JU: II 0 dance in Cvnwyd, several very specialrs. .LflUe er ut Ievents took p l ~ c e last week-end. One,Iwhen Mr. and Mrs. C. Frederick Kue1>Dlle lieI', Jr., Na rbrook Park , dined 15g uc st s t o c el eb ra te their fifteent.J;lwedding anniversary, Saturday. Mrs.David Harshaw, visiting Mr. and Mrs.J. A. Eichna, her daughter, in NewYork, r e tu rn ed for t he occasion .. . Mr.and Mrs. Will iam Baily Goodall, ofDudley avenue, spent the week-end inAtl an ti c C it y at the MarlboroughBlenheim .. . On Saturday, Mr. andMrs. Carleton Francis, Jr., hadfriends in for a housewarming a t thei rnew home on Bryn Mawr avenue,Penn Valley. The Francises formerlylived in New York City .. . Mr. andMrs. Lloyd B. Edgerton, Chestnutavenue, dined Sunday guest s fromBell Haven, on the Eastern Shore ofVi rg i ni a: t he Messrs. Edward Sturgis, S r. , E dwar d S tu rg is , Jr., CecilSturgis, Leonard Sturgis and EweiJMelson; also Miss Ann V. Foley, Narber th , and Miss June Rambo, Philadelphia.Miss Betty Mills, daught e r o f Mr.and Mrs. W. N. Mil ls , of Dudley avenue , i s recovering from a r ecen t ap pendectomy.

    Mrs. James B. Smith, of Avon road,has just retu rned from several weeksin New Yor k a nd Woodhaven, L. I.,where she v isi ted he r sister, Mrs. E.F. Bedford , and South Orange, N. J.,

    Continued on Pace Three


    Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller, 208 Essex,wiII soon end her longtime leadershipof the Mulieres of the Narberth FireCompany, which she organized sevenyears ago. III for months, she is r esigning on doc to r' s or de rs , to ga inneeded rest.

    A fu ll s late of officers will be elected2 P. M. Monday in Elm Hall . Nominating Committee i s Mrs . J. E. Burrell, chairman; Mrs . George G il pi n,Mrs . C li ff or d Bates, Mrs. L i J l ( l I e ~ 'Trotter and Mrs. William Evans.Mrs. Mueller has cmieared herselfto the townfolk with her patient, intelligent, warm-hear ted work as chai rlIIan o f t he Narberth Emergency Relief Committcc during the Depression;and w it h t he o th er Mulieres s hc h asprollloted the fire company 's in terests, g iv in g t he annua l b anque t t o i t smembers, and serv ing in many o th eraffai rs to raise money fo r the firemenand the equipment of Elm Hall.

    She wil l cont inue as p res id ent until January, and at Monday's meetingwill appoint a commi tt ee to havecharge of t he Chr is tmas p ar ty f orthe organ izat ion 's members.

    Study EmotionsMary WelltlJ'orth McConaughyWill Address Child SWdy

    Group Wednesday

    New Propr ie tor Since Civic1 ~ ~ ~ : : : " T o The Letter iCJuuup!O u r ~ i a f r i e n d l ~ ' town with a I For the first time in mor e than 16

    '11' , : luncheon at 12.30. The publIc IS m-C a el, . ., an ev. 11 Ip . l " a ~ , 'ted d " t tt d "11Harry B ~ n n e t t , as two clothes poles ; D.D., of West Africa. \ I : ~ 11; a n ~ o l l n e . ,.esbrll,ltgl 3 6 a 9 8 e \ I ~ , \'flc u t e ~ t 1 \ l I ~ s Eleano r Sco tt a s a Sco t- F 'd N 2 2 P '" U' \ 1 I l ( Y ca 1,ar el I - '. or, " " _.'. 1'1 ay, ov. 1: .30 . ",,-mISS reservationstlsh laSSie; funmest, VIC Jenkllls as a Elizabeth Lindsay, of Nigeria. 7.45 P. .dandy of the gay 90's. The hostesses M.-Rev. Karl D. Hummel and Rev. At 2.00, the Annual Meet ing willwere . Mis s Mur ie l Wal es a nd Miss Robert H. Glover, M. D., F. R. G. S., be hel d. The Rev. Cletus Senft willMarjory Hoffman. of China. bring a devotional message and Mrs.

    Monday night at the home of Mrs. Sunday, November 14: 9.45 A. M .- Senft and Mrs. C. S.Wilmot wil l sing.Robert Conly, the Child Study Group Rev. James E. Mallis. 11 A. M.-Rev. Speaker wil l be S i st e r Anna Mellwere entertained by M iss Margaret James E. Mallis. 6.45 P. M.-Rev. F. ville, of t he Haver fo rd Cen te r, 3 9t hSquier, who told of he r popular G. Toms. 7.45 P. M.-Rev. Karl D. and Haver fo rd avenUe, PhiladelphiaRhy thm Ban d f or small children at- iHummel. -a recently established work amongtend ing her music classes. I The pub li c i s cordi al ly invited t o Wes t Philadelphia's Negroes under

    the auspices of the Lutheran Church .Two meetings were attended by club Iattend these services. The speake r sI Everyone is invited.members this week, one b ein g the ar e a ll men of international prom-supper conference Monday night at'inence. They b ri ng a live message Mrs. A. H. Durboraw is chairmanthe Junior Woman's Club of Bala- I f ro m t he wor ld o f t oda y a nd f ro m of arrangements a nd Mr s. W. G.C) 'nwyd. M rs . S penc er Smi th a nd t he l iv in g Wor d of God. Briner is in charge of the luncheon.the Misses Bunny Minick, Myrt leSchl ipf and Lois Caldwell attended.Mrs. Smi th was also a guest of thePhiladelphia R e co r d 's PublicityLuncheon Thursday at the Ritz-Carl- Dr.ton.

    The board of d irectors wil l meet atthe home of the presiden t, Mrs. Spencer V. Smith, Monday night, when tenapplicants' names wil l be vot ed uponfor club membership.



    Silver at Club

    HON. J. WILLIAM DITTERlIfontgomery County's C o n g l e . ~ s -lIl(lI!, who will be chie f ta lker atth" ll,'(Irl,erth American Legion'sannual banquet at the NarberthC'JI/wl/wit!! Buill/ing A rlllistiecDay.

    i s no chari ty ward, bu t a modern service gi ve n f ree to intelligent mothersof the community. Babies need ingmedical attention ar e referred to theirown physicians, or to the Bryn I\lawrHospital clinic if t he f am il y is onrelief . Babies are weighed and measured each week, toxoids arc givenwhen needed, corrective work i s s ug gested and watched afterwards. Dr.D. S. P olk , pediatrician on t he s ta ffat Bryn Mawr and Chi ld ren' s hospitals, is in cha rg e wi th Miss BessieM. Drane, visiting nurse of the Borough of Narberth, assisting.

    The executive committee, whichmee ts o nce a month, is composed ofContinued on PaC. Four

    No Bandi ts in Mexico,Rotarians A re

    : \l exieo is a safer place to live thanthe United S ta t es accordi ng toCharles Bowden, who spoke at theBala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Clubluncheon meeting Tuesday.Bowden, who was introduced by Dr.Richard Mears, chairman of the day,declared that he never saw a banditin !\lexico, whe re he ha s s pe nt con~ i d c r a b l c time traveling.

    The new 760-mile highway t o Mexico C it y w as praised as one of thefinest highways of the world.

    Women's Community HearsBrenner; Health Center

    Bridge is Today

    DR. LEROY A. KI:'\G

    Continued on P a ~ e Five

    The Child Heal th Center of Narbelth. What is it"! What does it do?It is the main project of the Women 's Communi ty Club of Narberth,eRtablished by them in 1930 and sup ported by them and the N ar be rthBoard of Health. It plays a vitalpart in the health program of thecommunity. E i ~ h t to f if teen childrenf rom infancy to school age arc examined from 2 to 4 every Wednesdayin t he Cent e r rooms behind the FireHouse. Expectant mothers ar e shownequipment necessary for a new-bornbaby and a re taugh t i ts ca re .

    This is primarily a program in preventative child health, to educatemothers to kee;. ' well babies well. This

    Acl"allCt' Ad of BazaarLook-Read-Remember! - The date

    Saturday, Dccember 4, the occasionthe Methodist Bazaar. We want youand you will want the gifts we have to~ c 1 1 . We wil l have something of interest to everyone. P lan t o come andstu)' all day. Wl' are serving lunchand a splendid dinner, both at a popu-lar price. (By Mrs. C. H. E.)

    Yania."Mrs. Earl Wag-ncr and !\lrs. FrankSmi th w il l be the assis ting h o s t e s ~ e s .

    ~ i e r i ( ) n Branch of t he League ofWomen Voters meets at 3 P. M. nextWednesday at Mrs. John A. Lafore'sPenn Valley Farms. Cross Route 23at t he Per ci va l Roberts estate andfollow s ig ns mar ke d " Penn ValleyFarms. "Dr. L eRoy A. King-, of the Department of Educat ion o f the Unh'ersityof Pennsylvania, member of the \VorksCommittee, and p resi dent o f t he Nur j ,( 'l th S chool Bo ar d. will le ad a di scussion of "School Needs in Pel ll lsyl -

    The aut he nt ic s to ry of silver inAmerica from :30,000 years B. C. mayhI' told when the expedition now working' in Nevada makes i ts r epo rt , accoraing t o Mis s E . Albe r ta Brenner,

    State Schoo l Necds Will who spoke to 100 membe rs of t hebe l\tlel'ion Voters' Topic ; Women's Community Club of Nar-" berth, at thei r meet ing Tuesday.Miss Brenner t raced the use of

    si lver from civilization 200,000 yearsB. C., t hrough the wor sh ip of silverimages in Babyl on , through QueenElizabeth's time when a personshowed his high rank by bringing hisown silver spoon to a banquet, throughthe pound ing o f crude si l\ 'er receptacles from coi ns by the early NewEngland blacksmiths, t hr oug h t hediscovery of silver in America in 1869,down to modern times when s i lver isessential in su rg e ry and in the developing- process of movies.

    An exquisite silver teapot, said tosurpass the work of Cellini, wass hown i n Miss Brenner's display, asshe told the story of Arnold, i t s c reator. In 1915 a weal thy man orderedthe Gorham Company to make a sen'ice of s ix p iece s, t o embody the consummate beau ty of all ages. Arnold,chosen to make the decoration, worked386 days to complete t he f ir st piece,the teapot. Then he died a nd t heother pieces wer e n ev er made, because t he t eapo t, like a painting,co uld b e duplicated by no one butthe artist himself. That i s why it iscalled "The Unfinished Masterpiece."Miss Brenner t raced t he making ofa si lver p i tcher and showed the toolsused in e ach process. No machinery

    Continued on P a ~ e Five

    Well Babies At Child Health CenterVolunteer Women's Greatest Interest


    Closest Contest \ Va s f or M ag is t ra te : T h ey ' re Smedleyan d Gowland

    All Rl'Jlllblican c a n d i d a t l ' ~ carril',1Narlll'rth T u e ~ d a y , maintain ing lastyear'" t1lousund-yote margin. Squ ir eJoseph :\lagarity. though defeated forre-election, enjoyed the largest Demoera tic total-5i9, President Roosl'n1 t polled i>5:l here la:'t ~ ' e a r ; butafter a ll , ,Joe was n' t r un ni ng f orpre:'ident.

    ,Jud ge Hol la nd won 194:3 yotes,.Judge Knight 194]; both judges beingunoppo:,ed, in accordance with Demoera tic policy, As a r e ~ u l t , their totals w('rc the highest. Prothonot

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 5, 1937


    P ag e T wo OUR TOWN November 5, 1937

    First Floor

    Store Hours 9.30-5.30

    /Sequin sparklefor gala nightsI


    Ample Free Parking Facilities

    as IRVIN S. COBB'S" JU D G E P R IE S T"Anita Louise Tom Brown

    Seq ui n cd Ve i l, $2.95Col or cd s eq ui ns on a veilfalling frol11 a v e lv et b a nd .

    Sequin Ba g $5Fireworks of s eq ui ns . B la ck ,gold or silver or l11ulticolored.

    Sequin Bolero , $5.95Starry g l it te r, b lack, s apph ir e ,red, green, silver, or gold.


    ---THIRTY DAYSI for YOll

    Th e Link Betwee" Forest a" d Home

    Hal'e the weatherstrip before it's too cold

    .. 'l'!1. t"-JIlllt.em:r;ll;t. grandee'e n t e r t a l ~ t of tbeyear , ..

    Shull Lumber Company



    BACK BY POPULAR REQUEST-Thurs. and Fri. , Nov. 11 and 12

    29 Ba la Av e. , Ba l a -Cy nwyd CYNWYD 6 6 2OPEN SATURDAYS UNT IL 3 P. M.

    S to rm En cl o su r es f o r main entrances ar e proving their worth .They embrace th e pract ical as well as th e ar tis tic, an d withup-to-date "designs," have doors t ha t "swing."

    Storm Sash fo r your windows pcrform a greater functionthan th e saving o f fuel. They ad d comfo r t by cut t ing downdraf ts .

    N ot a n unusua l sen tence . In this case i t m c re ly calls you ratten tion to th e vel'y l im it e d t ime in w hi ch t o p repar e yourdoors an d windows against th e unwan ted p row lers , WindSnow a n d Co ld .


    New aud BealltiflllSUBURBANTHEATRE

    Complete Hairdressing CultureSpecializing in Pe rman en t Wav i n gSpiral, Croquignol or combination

    . Hai rcut t ingMonday - Tuesday. Wednesday - 3 Specials for $1231 Haverford Avenue Narberth, Pa.~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ - I ' ) _ _ _ N a r b e r t ~ ~



    " TH IN ICE"

    Next Thurs,-Fri.-S.Jt.

    Monday and TUl'sc.lay

    " ST E L LA DALLA S"

    Martin Johnson's last an dbest p i ct u re :

    Specially selected featurefor Childrw's MatineeSaturday 1 P. M.


    Kenny Baker - Jane Wyman

    wilh BARBARA STANWYCKa nd J oh n Boles

    Sonja Hcn i e-Ty ronc Powcr

    46th and 47th Streets at PinePhiladelphia, Pa.SUBURBAN CHARM IN THEHEART OF WESTPHILADELPHIADine and enter ta in in our spaciousDining Rooms; p lay handbal l andSWI Mall y ea r 'round in the beautifulGARDEN COURTSWIMMING POOL

    Wednesday (Award a t 9)


    Bros.Narb. 2602Cynwyd 928


    Get Into a Huddle


    102 Forest Ave.228 Bala Ave.


    you make a be tt er sho wing thisseason.

    and decide to let Adelini's do yourcleaning and tailoring. It will help

    and a ll appl iancesSales ServiceNarberth Elec. & Radio CO.

    NARBERTH 4182w. G. Case

    Ope tl to the pub li c d ai ly10 A. M. to 10 P. M.Under the direction ofHERMAN A, RINGLER, formerNational and Middle AtlanticDiving ChampionSamuel Graham, !r.Residetlt Mgr.________..:II - = = ~ : . : . . J I ' : . . i = ; i . r : : ; ; - ~ - = i i - r = ; -...- - - " . - - ; ; ; ; - - - ~ : : ; ; ; ; - p ; ; ; - ~ - ; ; ; ; ; - n - ~ _ = i i _ r = ; _ ; ; ; ; ; : ; _ ; : : ; ; ; _ r : : ; ; _ ~ _ : : : : ; ; ; ; _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ .


    Contlnued rrom Pal:'e One

    Read the classified ads.

    Nicholas Finoia, popular Narberth Ibarber, this week jo incd the borough 's IweJl d re ss ed g ro up th rou gh th eChristmas Club of the Narberth Men'sShop . And greater cause for thanl ;11 : \ ': \ rill' 11 Ii,P ~ . . l lJ :(l l ' I ' t lif ' . \ I ' t flf :\lart' l l :L 1S':l.Subscription rate, $2 per yeJr in advance

    OUR " 1 I l O ~ \ ' { T I Thanks ! "Stella Dal l as" Now at IHallowe'en Par ty Success ; IA Co-o]JCmtive C O ) ~ I : m i t y ' : , ~ : ' I Edito

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 5, 1937



    at $2.50" 1.30n 1.15

    at $2.001.25

    " 1.10n' 1.00

    12 kw-hr.43 n70 .125


    OLD RATE8c per kw-hr. for any part of the first5c n n n n " n "next3c n n , " n n n2 c " " " the excess over .Minimum Charge-75 cents

    $1.00 per kw. of demand, which inc lude s thefirst 10 hours' use of the demand

    27'2c per kw-hr . for the excess useThe demand for determining the first blocle of the rat...shall be not less than one lew.

    47'2c per kw-hr. for any part of the next 90hours ' use of thedemand

    Quantity Discount on Charges at the AboveRatesNo discount on the first .5% n any part of the next .

    200/0 " n the excess eva:- .

    100 kws.100

    1800 nExcess n

    50 kws.150Excess n


    Philadelphia Electric Company announces arevision of i ts electric tariff, ordered October 19,1937 by th e Pennsylvania Public Uti li ty Commission, reducing rates for electric service .. effective November 1 . . . for residential use, forretail an d industrial light and power and formunicipal service, an d withdrawing certainschedules which name alternate rates for thesame classes of service. Comparison of thenew an d the o ld rates , stated "n rr monthlybas is . i s as follows:

    Nicholas Finoia, ba rbe r shopJoseph J. Whiteside, food marketSuzanne Jo re t Gill, beau t y sal on

    Shull Lumber Company, "The Link Between For es t and Home"Chester J on es , i ce

    Adelizzi Brothers, tailors, cleaners, furriersHobson & Co., uphols ter ing, paint ing, paperhanging

    R. Roy Kess inger, Sunshine GarageH ar ry H . Hol lar , Narberth Printing Co.

    Patricia Eli7abeth ShopNarberth Theatre

    Narberth Men's W'ear ShopJ. Milton Kent, real es ta te broker

    C. P. Cook, Narberth Bridge GarageFunk ' s Ga rage, au to repairing, gas and oil

    William Francis, Mobilgas service s tation (Montgomery and Meeting House Lane)Hansell Brothers , o ldes t se rv ice s tat ion on th e Pike-Narber th

    -- -


    at $2.25n 1.30n 1.15

    at $1.75II 1.25n 1.10n 1.00

    High Tension-Rale HT



    Industrial Lighl and Power ServicePHILADELPHIA AND SUBURBAN DIVISIONSCapacily Chal"ges Reduced

    Pl'imaay Disll ' ibalion-Rale PDNEW RATE OLD RATE

    - A n d to 0111' Towll's readers, a cordial itl')'itation to renew our pleasant business associations

    Residenlial Servic:eSUBURBAN DIVISIONS - RA TE RSNEW RATE75c min. covers the use of the first 10 Jew-hr.5c per Jew.hr. for any part of the next 45 "3c" " n " " " " " 452c n n n the excess over 100


    $1.00 per lew. of demand which includes the 1st10 hours' use of the demand4%c per Jew-hr. for any part of the next 80hours' use of the demand2c per kw-hr. for any part of the next 100hours' use of the demandl%c per kw-hr. for the excess useThe demand for determining the first block ofth ... rateshall be not less than one lew.Quantity Discount on Charges at the Above Rates

    No discount on the first . . . . . . . . . . . $10.0050/0" "any part of the next . " 40.0020% n "the excess over . . . . . . 50.00

    There is also a reduction in electric service rates for certain municipal uses.Every residential customer of the Philadelphia Electric Corrpany ca n benefit by the reductionin th e cost of electric service.General Light an d Power customers ca n benefit sl1bstantially through this new reduction in electric ra tes . Smaller commercial establishments an d miscellaneous u se rs n ow s er ve d u nd er thisschedule will find a real reduction i n t he cost of beiter lighting, air-conditioning an d ventilation.an d of operating heating and motor-driven appliances.

    50 kws.150 "Excess"100 kws.100 "200 "Excess"

    1Jetteuu, ~ ,,/cUe lUI;", Ct;,18 ~ PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY

    Charles G. Hewitt, t a ilor, c leaner and dyerRalph S. Dunne, coal an d f ue l o ilDavis', "Oldest Store in Narberth"

    Durb in and Howa rd, real estate an d insuranceMa ri os C hios, Arcad i a Rest aur ant

    Max Breslow, qual it y marke tW. H. Haws, hardware and houscfurnishingsUnited Shoe Repairing, Louis Evangc\o, Prop.

    National Bank o f Na rbe rth , complete banking facilitiesHartzell 's Essex Kandy Kounter, candy an d icc creamNarberth Electric and Radio Co., Walter G. Case

    Gowland Brothers, real estate an d insuranceJ . P a ul S he a, p ha rmac is t, at the station

    Joe Magu i re , F orr e st S erv ice S ta ti onDaniel Ely, Th e Pike

    Majest ic Elect ric Shop, George J. AlbertHarry Hamer 's Dclica tessen-lO years wi th you by you


    Officc Hours by Appo intmcn tat Residence Office

    417 Anthwyn Road , Meri onDr. Wm. G. WaltonOptometristPhone: Narberth 2464If no answer, Narberth 2570J

    November 5 , 1937

    Continued f rom PIlJr" On ...when' ~ h waf; the guef;t o f h er niece,M \ ' ~ . Donald Pursing.

    The Rohert J. Naf;hs' daughter,Nancy thrf ' \\ ' a Hallowe'en pal"!y Iaf;tT h u r s d a ~ .

    Mr. Charles E. Harnden, .Jr., study-.ing at the U. of N. C., spent tIl('wl'ek-end with his pan ,n tf ;, Mr. a ndM r ~ . C h a r l t ~ E. TIarnelen, of !\Tol",noroad.

    Fripnds of :\Trs. Vema R . Woo dcock, l\IontgonH'ry a ve nu e, w ho w asoperatpel upon at the ,JplTerson Hospital l a st Thursday will b e ~ I a d to' ilearn that she if; rpcovering nicely. :Her daughter Louise ha s returneel toHoml Colleg:e.

    H a l ' \ ' e ~ ' Cook, Jr. , 500 Beechwoodhas enrnlhd at Michigan State College, i n L ih eral A r ts .Mr. Robprt S ige l , whose malTiage

    to Miss Bdty Kriehel, of lona avcnue,takes place tomorrow, entertained hif;!JPst man an d u sl wr s M on da y pve-ning. . I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = = ; = = = ; = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ~ Irs. Albert l\1i!1er, Englewoo(l, N. '!. ='.I., is in the I-Iabnemann Hospital,rec()\'ering from a rpcen t opera t ion.She i s tIl( ' f ormer Be rt ha Re(1i fl'r,d a u . ~ h t r o r of :\Tl'. and Mrs. A. PelTYRedifer , Sr.Dick Cabl'f'v was rUf;hed last Thur,,

    day from h i's home, Narberth :\11elWil1lbor anmups, to J elTerson Hos-'pi tal for an emergency opera t ion , onroo f s ev er al that have distressed somam' of us lat ely. H is appendix.His ' frif '!lC!s will he glad t o know heis recovering.Dr . a nd M rs. F. M. Purse movedSaturclav from Narherth Hall to Doc's.OrneI', at 127 Elmwood avenue. Hiss is te r, B pl ty C al dw el l a nd he r hoy,Andy, wil l soon move t o a n apartment:in Gl 'org(' Cook 's place on Woodsidl ':a v e n u ~ I1\lrs. \Vnlt( ' r Hunsinger's appendix 1

    was o!wra tpd on a t Lancas te r Gen- Ieral Hosp ita l n ' cen tIy , by her cousin,!Dr. Edward Ross Proctor, who is on ithe hospital stafT. I

    ;\11'. Edward \Y. Parrish is back.from Georr;ia w it h h is b ri de , l iv in g \in Narberth Hall. She is the formerMis s : \Tar v l \1 anni n McNei ll . They I I\\'1'1'1' 1llal' l' ipd Septe1llber 11, at he r Iparents'-the Rever(:'Jld and Mrs'lCharles C. McXeills'-home in Savannah, Ga. Mr. and ;\lrs. Giles Wetherill, Rittenhouse S qu ar e, h ad t hem ashonor guests a t d inner l a st Sunday.

    S ixteen dinner guests wer e p re s- ien t f or t he 21-candle bi r thday par tyof Doro thy Cabrey , g iven Saturday byhpr parpn ts, the J . .J. Cabreys, at theBunga low Inn, near Jeffersonville:Mar,iorie BOWPIl, Dorothy King , Ha l' r ip t Hpuis lpl ', F :, li th Funk, VirginiaHplJaI'

    TIl(' W. G. Brinprs, Merion avenue,are en te rta ining' Mrs. Willard Coveny, of ~ ( ' \ \ ' York. Their daughterElp:1I101' will have two gue st s h erethis we('k-I'nel, onp of them he r 1'00111male a t P (' nn Statp.

    1\11. and l\1rf;. Donald F. Torrey,Brnokhurst avenue , spPnt the weekend at a h ou se party at Pocono LakePreserve celebrating the hunting' season' s opening. T he y h av e now asthei I' gtH'st, 1\1 rs. T. Bowie Claggett, ofPrince George County, Md.

    Mrs . R og er L in ds ay , Wyn ne da lcroad, a nd hpr hoy, Roger, are in Freel an d, P a. , t he guests of her sister,Mrs. l\1alco1Jn Hock. La te r t hey willspend a fortnight in Washington.Miss Vpra Bailpy, daughter of Mr .and MlS. Wpsl(,y P. Bailey, NarbrookPark , l ef t Sunday for several weeksin New York City.The Frank B. Aliens, of Allenore,Penn VaHey, h av e a s their guest forseveral weeks, Mr. Philip Silk, ofLondon.

    Suc ce ed ing th e Ra ffe rtys at 206Ion a are: TOI11 Elwood, Our Town'seditor; his 7- and 5-year-olds, Phyllis and Tommy ; h is s is te r, D or ot hyElwoodYette r ,who ac ted on the coas t ,directed a Litlle Theatre in L os An-,l!P!ps, ha d h er own Toy Theatre inSan Franc isco, and was affiliatedc en tly w i th the Reno Li tt le Theat re ,and he r 6-year-old, Marjory.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 5, 1937


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 5, 1937


    5, 1937 OUR TOWN Page Five


    Fo r

    N arbe rt h 2324

    This week's 0"1( To\\':": I-!oes toPI'pSS with 1II0\'P IIpWS alld advprt isilll-! titan l as t week' s, l \S for o therl'1lHlIl-!l'S, d o y on like O\' dislikeTit I' lIIoSt concise alld intel'l'sting

    post eal 'd o\ ' ldter of ('OllllIll'nt willIH' plih lishpd herp two wl'l'ks f \'om1I0W, It will hI' sple( '!I 'd hy tlte!'l'I'ipiPllt of tlIP AIII('ri('all (,l'g'iollAWaI,d-NarIJerth's leading" citizenof tltl' year.

    ------1 Mrs. M., we hope your prospect ivewell-deserved r esp it e f rom your p re si dency will help in r e st o ri ng yourheal th and strength. . . . What Narberth duet is planning t ogo sol o soon?. . . Too b ad a bo ut t he w re st li ngmatch's outsome; bet ter take it easy,now you're married! .. . \Vhy d oe s acertain house in Narberth keep itsVenetian blinds turned up i ns t ead ofdown?



    p r es c ri p ti o ni s t y ou c a n t rus t completely.

    First se e your doc to r -wha t e ve r he prescribes yo u

    accu racy -a s impor tant as th e medicine itself.th e sake o f y ou r family 's welfare choose only tha t

    c an be su re wiII be fiIIed h e re w it h 100 p er c en t

    Th e permanent wave you r ec ei ve here assures }'OU of finehcalth treat l llent for y ou r h ai r a nd is set by experts

    216 Dudley Avenue


    A place of beauty an d charm. Th e satisfactionof lot-owners during 68 years is accentuatedhy pe rmanen t c a re guarant e ed by t rus t funds of$550,000. Lots va ry in price f rom $125 upward.

    Belmont Ave. ncar City Line, Cynwyd

    Sh ' Ph at th e S t a t i o n ~ea s armacy Narberth 2838Q :1


    J ane ' s engagement 's to be announced soon. . . . It 's good that .J.n. g'ot out of his legal jam o. k. . . .Mabel's glad her children arc in theirgrandmother ' s care. . . . The WGs '>,!'('cial eventing last week-end was because it was their wedding anniversary ami their birth dates, too.

    Mentioning no names , by requestbut:

    Ia zz in 20 Lessons


    f rom o ur beautifulan d complete line of

    for d i nn e r a nd parties.All colors: 3 sizes.

    Studio: 305 Grayling Ave.Narberth 4109-J

    Private or Class LessonsAll a ge s f rom 4 years up


    5c, 10cLong-lasting; a good btl}

    224 Haverford Ave.




    Get a Glow.

    N. Y.Mr. James W. Hagy was b es t m anfOI his brother; ushers includell Mr.C. Edwin Hunter , Mr. Herbert Jones ,Mr. Herbert Ogden , Mr. Carl Jones,:'Ill'. Herbert Hayes a nd Mr. GeorgeGarwood.A I 'ecept ion fol lowed. Mr. Hagyand h is bride will reside in Lansdowneafter their honeymoon.

    Montgomery County Fi remens' Association representatives will be guestso f t h e B ry n M aw r Company t h is S a ttIl'day, with Joseph B. Allen, Jr., ashost president. ;;:::::::::::=============;;;!I

    Continued f rom P a ~ e OneRobert Col lins , on both tickets fora t w o - ~ ' e a r te rm a s school director,totaled 1901 votes. Fo r the s ix-yearterm. the Republican incumbents , Dr.Walter Steckbeck, 15:31, and Mrs. II.R. Rinehart, 1482, l ed DemocratsHarmeline Y. Rich, 368, a nd Ru thHaws Nash, 478.The only real contes t was fOl' magistrate. Fo r all his complimentaryDemocratic vote, Joe Maga r it y suff- : ! ' ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =el'ed fr om th e campaig'n waged f oran d against Roy Gow land , whosenominat ion i n S ep tember p ut a il in gSquire H. C. F ri ts ch o ut o f t he r un ning. Roy, w ho is president of Narberth's Business Council , pol led 1:199votes t o Hor ac e T. Smedley's 1,,:31;both the Republicans were elected, tosucceed Messrs. Mag'arity and Fr i tsch.The Republican votes by districts:(1 ) Gowland 442, Smedley 49:1; (2)Gowland 647, Smedley 687; (3) Gowland 310, Smedley 351.Republicans in the borough's smal l est distriet, No.3, voted 89 p er c en tof their regis t rat ion, Democrats ,,2pe r cent of theirs.

    HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCHSince its inception, November 6, 1932 , the annual Homecoming and

    Fami ly Worship Service held at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church has steadilyg'ained in at tendance, and has consistent ly fostered deeper interes t .Th is yea r, while the Committee is striving- to h av e t he largest attendance, t he y a re also desirous of bringing- a bo ut r en ew ed a ct iv it y i n t henlrious Church organizations. As one of the 3800 congregations of the

    United Lutheran Church in America, Holy Trinity has a lr eady adop ted t he"Wh ol e P ro gr am o f th e Whole Church, " and every member is urged toacquaint h imsel f w it h t h is i nt ensi ve and comprehensive program.On next Sunday-November 7-present and former members, theirfamilies, and friends, are cord ial ly invited to worship at this HomecomingService, and to make it a t im e f or s pi ri tu al r ej oi ci ng a nd rededication.- (By a member.)

    Work- GOP Ca rr ie s Bo r oughb y T h ou sa nd Margin

    Church Notes

    Local Residents Appoin t edto Camp ai gn C omm it te e

    Carron Bax te r, o f Penarth road,Cynwyd, a nd J ames E, O'Connell, ofNarberth, have been appointed b ~ :Judge Harry S. McDevitt as captains! in the campaign to r ai se f un ds f or. t he C hr is ti an B ro th er s a nd L aS al leCollege, marking the seventy-fifth ann i ve r sa r y o f LaSal le College.Captains a nd wor ke rs o f 140 parishes l aunched the $300,000 campaignat a mee ti ng i n t he L aS al le g ymna sium on Thursday evening.The campaign will be conducted.during this mon th among 800,000,Catholics in ten counties.

    Sixth Annual Homecoming ServiceILVER AT CLUB

    lVomall'5 Club Speaker

    MISS E. ALBImTA BRENNERwho told the TVolI/en's Co-mIII/O/ity Clllh Tuesday o f "The RoIII I l/Ie" of .'iill'er,"

    Mrs. Cccelia SkinnerServices were held Monday fo r Mrs. HA GY-TRA CY

    Cecilia Skinner, 69 , w idow of Dr. The ma rr i age of Miss Sar a J an eHenry Skinner, p re si de nt o f the, Tracy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.American Entomological Society. She .Myron E . T racy, Bai rd road, Merion,died last Thul'sday after a week's ilI-: and Mrs. J. Milton Hagy, Jr., son ofness. A resident of Flat Rock road,' IITr. and I\1rs. J. Milton Hagy, EastPenn Vallpy, she is survived by a Marshall road , Lansdowne, took placeson, William II. Skinnel', and daugh-: 7,:10 Saturday evening in All Saint'stel', Mrs. H, W. l \ ladara, Penn ValleY

    1Church, 'Vynnewood., Miss Jean Tracy, sister of the bride,

    Mr. K enne th E . Wilson, of Dudley: was the maid of honor; bridesmaidsavenue, who was s tr uck by an auto-' wel'l' Miss Cary Haines, Miss Mariemobile last Wednesday, is at his home B. Washington, Miss Nancy Hag'y,rl'covering from a broken nose and ::;ister of the bridegroom, an d Missdislocated shoulder. IMildred McCormick, New Rochelle,

    l :ontlnuerl from Pac:-e Ones used , a nd th e m as te r c ra ft sm enmake their ow n to ol s. She,owe(1 modern copies of bow ls deg-ned hy Paul Revere , who was a I

    In'rsmith, and a C O J 1 ~ ' of a cotTp('us,'d today in \VindsOl' Castle anlli ch w as mad" in l-1!l:1, S he a ls ohow the wllrd "Stl'ding"fl'lIm a . ~ ~ T l l U p III (;(,l'l1lall tI' ad"s-'

    111n 11:1111111 Estl'l'ling'. who \'.'1'1'(' u s i l 1 . ~pal'b of plll'l' silwl' to 7" partsl ' llpppr to g - i v ( ~ their artic!l's firl11l'SS, hack in 1:100 in Eng-land, ThatanH' s tandar (1 i s still used, b ut w asmade leg-al until Thpodore Roosl'"It passpd the Nat io na l S tamp Act

    h iI'tY ~ ' ( ' a r s ag-o,:'III'S, E. Hlllfman, (11 thl' ! \ lain LincBranch (If tlH' HI(1 Cross in A1(111101(,anl1llune(,d that tIll' RI'd Crllss dl'in

    ou1,1 start NO\'cmlH'r 11 and outlinedhe work IIf thc six branches of thcol'.l!;anizatiol1,:'Ill'S, Eo W, Ill,ymann, club presi- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -dent, presidcd, and I ' C P 0 l ' t ~ wpre g iven :-- _

    by committee chairmen, I:'III'S, E. J. Pollock, P rograms, an-nounced that November 16 the hus-. , --=

    b ands o f members wil l be i nv it ed tothe meeting' at 8 .30 in the COlJ1mu-! Holy T ..;n;ty Llltheran Churchnity room, when prominent sportsmcn! Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastorwill talk. Namcs of husbands a t- ; Miss Margaret Squier, Organist.tending' s houl d be g iven Mrs, J. E. Sunday, November 7:Burrell in advancc, 11.00 A. M.-Sixth Annual Rome-F!('It/th Ccnter Bridrl e Today 'Coming Service. Many out-of-town

    Mrs. G. W. Orth, P ro jec ts , an - members, former members, presentnounced 25 t ab le s h av e been taken members, and f ri ends o f members willf or t od av 's luncheon a nd b ri dg e at be present. The c ommi tt ee ha s12.:10, at the home of Mrs. Rober t planned the decorations, programs, PUBLICITY CONTRIBUTEDNash, Nar!lPrth and P ri ce a venu es , mus ic , and sermon t o c re at e t he most T OO LA TE TO EDIT:Tickl'ts are s ix ty cen ts and proceeds, wor sh ip fu l a tmos ph er e possible. To he Held November 17 by Daugh -w ill go t nw ar d t he H ea lt h C en te r. , Everything w ill be at its best nextPrizps wil l he given., i Sunday morning in Holy Trinity. Visi- The regular monthly meeting of tcrs of th e British Empire

    Mrs. G. n. Suplee saId the n,:xt tors are cordially invited. Theme: the Narberth Players will be hcl(l The annua l Chri stmas bazaar ofar t J l i l g r i m a ~ e wil l b e Tuesday, With "Sail On I" Tuesday evening', November 9, at E lm t he Daughters of the Brit i sh Empire,a Fashion Show at the House of Wen- Hall. A fine evening of entertain- in aid of t he V ic to r ia Home for Agedgel' , followed b y l un ch at Schraffts, Fhe P r ~ s b y u r l a n Church ment f ol lowed by r ef r eshmen ts has B ri ti sh , w il l b e held on Wednesday,and a visit to the Rosenbach Galler- been arranged f or a nd i t i s hoped that November 17, from 2 until 10 P. M.,Rev. Archer E. Anderson, Th.D., Pas-ies in the afternoon. al l members and their friends will at- at St. James Guild House, 2210 San-:\Irs. .J. A. Hongler, Education,' tor. tend. som street, Philadelphia.9.45 A. M.-Bible School.asked t ho se w is hing to t ak e t he trip 1 A MM' W h' Ser- The var ious chapters belonging toI 1 . .- ornmg ors Ip. Ed ' W k 'II I 11to Girard C o l l e ~ e November 26 to meet. b R L ' S Ch f American ucatlOn ee WI Je the organizat ion will have st a s onh 'd f N b th St a i mon Y ev. eWls perry a er , celebrated at the Narberth School with which wi ll b e found interesting sug-a,t the s02u3tO slSeh 0 I ar ek d th t- iD.D., President , Dallas TheologicaltlOn at . , e a so as caS . a program at 2.30 P. M. Tuesday on gestions fo r C hr is tm as g if ts , a ndclub members interested in a p ublic: elmlmAarYM Th J ' Ch h c Horace Mann , t he great proponent of delicious home-cooked food, al l having, h ' t ..- e ulllor urc , on- d d . Th" th Ispeaking' cou rs e g'lve t e ll ' names 0 I d d b M D' b mo ern e ucatlOn. IS IS e cen- a dist inct ly Bri ti sh influence-p urnthe secretary, Mrs . W il li am Mul le r. : u ct e MY rCsh 'Id lg ~ d t enn ia l o f his election to t he Massa - puddings, sausage rolls, pork pies,Mrs, J. S. Harris, Home Depart- ' II I A. .-:-: I freM ,s n U T r ~ b e b r y , un e r chuse tt s State Board. Par en ts a re etc.

    A u N b t 1(' supervIsIon 0 ISS I en. ., d th t' d th P f 'II b t 25 t1'1ent, schedules 11 . m" ovem er P M Th th Ch" t' E IIlVlte to e mee mg an e a- A ternoon tea WI cost u cen sh R d C t 6.45 . .- e ree liS Ian n- l' h h' h 'II f II I . . f t ' t l11, for sewing for tee ross, a d R J EM i l ' ,rent- eac er tea w IC WI 0 ow.... and a n m te re stmg ea ure IS 1e, eavor groups. ev. ames . a IS, F 'd 'II b V' 't ' D II h f d tI,cr home, the S abme Apar tmen ts . , Ik Next 1'1 ay WI e lSI mg ay; fortune te er, WOOl ' a mo es sum,b . d 'h .Will ta . . 't d t th ' k d ' tl f Th d' 'Members are to rmg san WIC es., M N b h' H B' parents are mVI e 0 see e wor eplcts 1e uture. e mner InG b L' t ' 7.46 P. .- ar er t s a p p y 1- d ' I - h ' . b 75 t'Mrs. Joseph ur arg, Itera ure bI H S b R l ' St one 111 c assrooms. t e e ve nm g, c os tm g u t c en s , IS'I I ' : e our. ermon y ev. . an- , h k f b h dand InternatlOna Re at IOns, an-I I I f K - - - entIrely t e wor 0 mem ers, woo, . 'II ey So tau, 0 orca. . ' f th P t I'd k'nounced her group s next meetmg WI Th I B'bl d M' , The S. E. DIstrIct 0 e aren II I the preparat IOn an coo mg.

    be at the home of Mrs. Harry C. Min-iC fe annua' ll b eh ladn f IsNslOnary Iand Teachers ' Association w il l h ol d a, l' on erence WI e e rom ovem- . h' F 'ddleton, Jr., 5 Shirley road, on ues-, b t 14 'th' conference 111 Lancaster t IS rI ay The interest which has been takenday, Mrs. C. E. Starr will talk on: ~ 7 0 '\h"'l 13stehrvICes every eve- af ternoon and all day Saturday. Miss i n Bank Night at t he Egyp t ian Thea -. , I ' f h' h h : mn g except t e . H f th N t' I P l 'InternatIOnal Re atlOns, 0 w IC s e, Frances ays, 0 e a IOna . . t re h as promPted the management to i

    i s associate chai rman, and Mrs. E. A'I A., is i n cha rge. extend it. Starting next week theatreJamison will review "Paradise," by Narberth Mdhodist Episcopal patrons, in order to be represented onEsther Forbes. Mrs. A . C. Muller wil li Rev. W. Vernon Middleton, Minister Bullock Sanderson Post wil l be lined Thu rs da y, m ay s ig n an attendancebe co-hostess; dessert luncheon wil l be Sunday, November 7 : up at attention at 11 o'clock n ex t c ar d by attending t he Thur sday mat -served. I 9,45 A. M.-Church S,chool. . Thur::;day morning, when Strawbridg'e inee o r t he show on Wednesday night. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:'III'S, c. L. Wells, co-chai rman of I 11.00 A. 1 \ 1 . - M o n l l n ~ Worship. & Clothier 's Main Line Store holds

    Fellowship, explained that proceeds Sermon: "Our Hope for Peace." Armistice Day Serv ices , color bearersf rom t he Fellowship bridge luncheons \ 6,45 P. l\L-Epw?rth L e ~ g u e . on each side o f t he s pe ak er o f t he oc-go to buy flowers a nd c ar ds f or ill 7.45 P. M.-Evenmg Service. The casion. The s imple service which ismembers o f the club a nd f or Christ-I G le e C lu b of the Frankford Post, held at t hi s s to re e ve ry A rm is ti cemas baskets for the poor. The n ex t lAmerican Legion, will present a S a- D ay , is a beaut i ful t r ibute , and is albridge wil l be November 19, at Mrs. ne d C o n . c e ~ ' t . Th? s e a ~ s ~ r e f re e a nd w ay s well attended.W. II. Muller's, 35 Sabine avenue. the publtc IS cordially mVlted,Each of the eig'ht members of the Monday, November 8:eommiltee brings a gues t and all pay 8. 00 P . !H.-Church School50 cen ts each. Iers' Council.Tuesday, November 9:7.45 P. \\i.-Main Line Training-School in t he Wayne M. E. Church.

    Wpdnesday, November 10:2.00 P. l\l.-Ladies ' Aid Soc ie ty;Business Meeting.I H,OO P. 1\1.-1\1idweek Service. Read: John 5.Thursday, November 11:6,30 P. l\1.-Junior Choir Rehearsal.8 .00 P . M.-Choir Rehearsal.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 5, 1937


    Greenwood 4078

    November 5, 1937




    Good Milk andCream Dependson Good COWS--


    section hasMerion Press





    A smal l depos it will hold a BIGin g ifts, u ntil C hris tm as.B uy now , here, convenient ly!

    ~ 4 . I 2 I 3 I : I 2 T I l MI:/llllj!lS SIl ()f )N. Narberth Avenue Narberth 2772(Open every evening)

    5010 City Avenuc (tlcar Bala Avetlue)

    National Bank of Narberth Deposits I n sur e d unde r th e Government P l an Member of Federal Reserve System O p en a t 8 A . M. daily fo r your convenience

    V OT E F OR Nearby Farms, Local Employment, an d Main LineProsperity by REGISTERING your Order with Brookmead, ratherthan for more Tank C ar s a nd Tank Trucks from distant points.Golden Guernsey Pasteurized Milk 15c per quar tGolden Guernsey Inspec ted Raw Milk 17c per qua rtButtermilk, Cottage Cheese, uIced Cream"

    Daily Deliveries to All Parts of t he Mai n LineBrookmead Guernsey DairiesWAYNE, PA . 'Pho"e WAYNE 1121

    Sale t t l O.- iel ltal Rugs Sarouk 9.5 6.6 y(l75Sarouk 9.6 6.4 y(185Sarouk 3 5 $65-$75Chinese 2 4 $17.50-$25

    If we d o n ot have what you wan t i n ou r stock of fine rugs,we can procure an y sizc Oriental r ug f or y ou at 60 per centless t h an ma rked price.

    PztJducer'=' 0'~ c . a ~ TolJe MIABrookmead Golden Guernsey Mi lk an d Cream c omes t o yo u fromPure Bred, Regis tered Cows-many o f th em Prize Winne rs a ndRecord Holders-and is Guaranteed by t h e Amer i can GucrnseyCattle Club.




    Printing as you wish it to be done-delivered when you request it-at th e price you expec t to pay.

    NARBERTH 4100


    printing firmgrown so rapidly asin the past three years . Perhaps ourmotto has had something to do with this:



    EDWI:" H. BELLIS Sheriff.

    E D W I ~ H. BELLIS Sheriff_


    EOWI:-; H. BELLIS. Sheriff.

    Seized anci taken in execution as theproperty of Harrison J. Kromer. Mortgagor.and Ma ry J. Paul. Real Ov.ner. and to besold by

    property of Jennie J ex . M or l( ;B go r. n nd(10th Street n n d \V ns hi n gt o n A ve n ue . B u il d i n l ~ and Lonn As soc ia t ion . Ren1 OWOl ' f , an dto h f sold by

    , TIll' imlHo\' I 'm( 'n ls therC'on nr(' n: II; 2 1 ~ .. storY frilrnl" find s tone h o u s ~ 14 feet 1,! ( f l l n l hy 42 fe d d ee p w i th 2 1 , ~ -sto ry s tone I

    ; I t l \ f ratllf' ; :Hidition 10 ffct by 24 fcc t , with I: ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ : ; : : : i : i i i : : i i i i : : : i i : =rooms an d bath on f i rs t f l oo r , 6 rooms - - -"._- - - -an d bath on second floor, 3 r oo ms o n t hi rd1100r. cC'l1ar. gl1S, electric. Springfield water .: h l 'a t in g s y st ' m . p o rc h f r on t and rear .

    S(i7.Cd nnd taken in execution as the Iprorwrty of I rl a M . Merkle. executr ix o f t ht 'estatf ' of Chilrles '1/. : \ 1 e r k l ~ . rJecf'ilsed.' m o r t s ~ a g o r ; nnd Ida M. Merkle. mortgagorilud p ' u l own er . an d to be sold by

    , \I.S0 AL L THAT C E R T A I ~ lot in Bar: OUdl uf ~ a r b l ' r t h Coun t y l ln d State a(ore! said,: n E . G I N ~ I N G at pt. in middle Hne of,Inna Ave, 226.73' S. 12 II' E. from inter. sf'('t ion of middle lines of lana a nd W oo d-h i nt ' Av e. Cant. in front along lana Ave. S.E .war el ly 24.10 ' nnd ext . in depth S. 7749' W . 125 '. B ei ng k nown and numbereelas 242 lana Ave.

    flEGI:-::-:I:-:C at a pt. in middle line of: lona Ave. 201.73' S. 12 11' E. from interi sf'('t ion o f m id dl e lines of lana A ve . n nd\ \ 'oo rlb ine Aves. Cant. in front n l o n ~ midtil, l in t' o f l on n A ve . S. E.wardly 25' and! 'xlf 'nding in d t 'p th 1 25 '.

    '\1.1. TIIAT CEWL\I:" Lot nr Piece of; f ~ r n u n d w it h t ht ' Bu il di n gs n n d Imp ro v e1lll"'111s tht,rt'on PH-c l r r l . Situa lf ' oD t h f ~ Enst: